Friday, April 13, 2007


New thread.


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movin said...

Also, I wanted to note that I think those fluff feathers that the eaglets have at first must really itch when the pin feathers are growing in...when I watched the VA cam this morning, all three eaglets were just working the fluffy areas on their backs over with their little beaks with a vengeance! Kinda looked like they were pulling fluff out when they could.


Bob Quinn said...

Sad about the BW osprey cam egg. They told me the same thing at the visitor center about the crows getting it. I did get some shots of some action around the platform that was either competition for the nest or for a freshly caught fish (I just missed getting a shot of the catch). I'll let you know when I post them.

On a brighter note there is another osprey platform at BW very close to the wildlife drive. The female was hunkered down and must have been on some eggs. The male was a short distance away on a snag eating a fish and she was peeping like crazy at him waiting for her share. He eventually brought back the leftovers. She promptly flew over to the ground nearby to munch down and dad took over nesting duty. I got some shots of that as well plus an eagle or two.

movin said...

A female Osprey has just returned to the BW nest after an extended absence (fishing?)

Not 100% sure it's the same one, but she looks very similar.


movin said...

Looking at the lady Osprey again, it looks like her face and breast are marked differently than the female we have been looking at.

Wonder if this one will be able to keep the platform.....


carolinabeachmom said...

Dinnertime at norfolk!

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Quinn said...

Lisa told me she will be posting some video clips later tonight or tomorrow.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two osprey in BW nest. Wonder what is up?

carolinabeachmom said...

That was a short stay, but no feathers were ruffled.

movin said...

And, it looked like two females!!??

What do you think?


movin said...

The deleted comment might have an error message and lost the comment into cyberspace...


carolinabeachmom said...

Kind of did to me Jim. Maybe they are just playing it cool for now. :) That is still the first one in the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well have to wait for our bird experts to sign back in to find out.

carolinabeachmom said...

Our eagle nest is looking kind of lonely. I do hope they come back sometime tonight to finish their fixing up the nest. It looks like a stick has been added on top of the long grass, or has that been there right along?

movin said...

As I said I e-mailed Lisa, and she has responded already. Here's her response:

We've been seeing a female with a darker necklace, which might mean there are two females and one male battling it out. Sometimes a female that has mated and is ready to lay eggs -- but doesn't have a nest in which to lay them -- will challenge another female at a nest.

It happened in Loch Garten, Scotland:

But I'm not sure yet if I understand just what is going on with the fighting. It's been hard to tell the birds apart at times. I'll post video clips tomorrow that will give you a better view of the fighting.


carolinabeachmom said...

Very interesting. Thanks for the info, Jim.

movin said...

Our nest is looking better again, but you can see spirit eagles in the day, which makes me believe it got so dark there that the infrared sensors started to kick in. And that kinda blotted it out like it does at night.


carolinabeachmom said...

This osprey seems to have claimed the nest for now. Doesn't seem to be in any hurry to vacate the premises.

movin said...

The Shepherdstown forecast is for a lot of rain for the next couple of days, so I wish that Belle had gotten started setting by now.

I'm going to have to add the hatching time and the nesting time of bald eagles to see when our eaglets would fledge if Belle did get started soon....

Does anyone recall the number of days for nesting?? 40 some, isn't it?


carolinabeachmom said...

Not a very clear view of our eagle nest right now.You are probably right.

carolinabeachmom said...

I just looked on here for eagle facts and it said they generally hatch after 35 days from being layed. Then after they have been in the nest for 10 or 11 weeks, the parents try to get them to practice their flying skills.

carolinabeachmom said...

Upon reading again it said 11 or 12 before they start to encourage them to fly. After their first flight they stay around the nest for another 6 weeks while the parents teach them to fly, feed themselves, etc.

movin said...

Thanks, Carolina...
So that's 35 + 84 = 119 days or 17 weeks ... about 4 months.

That would put it well into August when they would fledge... It seems to me there is still time for this pair, assuming the winter doesn't come early.

The area has a lot of food available, and the parents are proven able ones.....

What do you think?


carolinabeachmom said...

I am still hoping for the best. It seems such a shame if they don't have any.

movin said...

VA is feeding the chicks again, and that No. 1 chick seems to be 'a bottomless pit,' as my Mom used to say, Bless her.


carolinabeachmom said...

It doesn't look like the youngest one is getting any this time. Have you seen it eat anything? I worry over it getting enough to eat with it's bigger siblings pushing it out of the way from time to time.

carolinabeachmom said...

The youngest is getting fed now. Thank goodness.

carolinabeachmom said...

I can't believe that that same BW osprey is still in the nest. It hasn't moved a muscle; just the head. I guess it must be daring anyone to try and take over the nest.

movin said...

Actually, the youngest chick was being fed exclusively when I first tuned in, and then #1, then #2 moved in and started grabbing first. #3 got quite a bit though.

I don't think we've seen any birdcam nests in the last couple of years where there was a food shortage...lucky, because things start getting rough as far as the pecking order goes when food is scarce. And eagles always favor the chicks in the order of hatching.


carolinabeachmom said...

That is what I kind of figured. I don't want to see any of our little eagle friends die for lack of food, but it comes down to the survival of the fittest; as sad as that is.

movin said...

As you can see the lady Osprey has a very full crop...must have chowed down when she left the nest...and she's looking more ready for anything.

I wonder how long these conflicts go on. Did you read the article on the British pair, Carolina?


carolinabeachmom said...

Spirit eagles all over our eagle nest now. BW is still clear with that same osprey sitting in the same spot on the nest. Only had that one visitor that didn't stay long.

carolinabeachmom said...

No, not yet. I figured that once I got off here, I would look it up. I have been watching the osprey and waiting for Liberty and Belle.

Mema Jo said...

NE NEST - you can see both chicks and both adults Camsgrammy had alerted us that the cams were back up--However; it is getting dark.
I just returned and OUR CAM #$%@$#@ !
I mean like it is Dark outside.

paula eagleholic said...


How is everyone this evening?

carolinabeachmom said...

Quite an interesting article. That might have been what we saw earlier in the day; fighting for the nest. It was good to hear it had a nice outcome, at least. This osprey is still sitting in the same spot on the nest. I have to give her the patience award. Wonder if she'll be there tomorrow when we look in again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome back Jo and Paula. I have been sitting here most of the night watching our eagle nest disappear into the spirit eagle ghost. We also have an osprey at BW that has been there for a very loooonnnngggg time. She has been sitting in the same spot right along; just turning her head.

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting goings on at the Osprey nest. Wonder what happened to the other females male?

Jill said...

Raining and getting colder in Martinsburg. Talk to son and he said was cold and raining out in the Morgantown area, probably heading this way.

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at TH

I watched VA today too. The littlest eaglet has been getting food...

paula eagleholic said...

Still one chick at Maine....saw it getting fed this afternoon!

movin said...

Saw NE chicks, now Two Harbors is feeding..


paula eagleholic said...

Dinner at SC too

movin said...

Look at the size of the crops on those little chicks at TH.


movin said...

The picture is unclear, but chicks are visible at the W.E. nest too.


Mema Jo said...

Jim, I took a moment to read about the osprey White EJ and her partner, Henry. Turned out very well - Hope the BW osprey turns out the same!

Paula You said it "Whiteout"
Probably won't see anything until Monday!

Other then that - the evening is going well Did you mow your entire yard? Raining but not really cold out tonight.

Anne-Marie said...

Hello all. I have been watching today off and on and wishing for the best. Paula I got my package and thank you very much. The sweatshirt is big enough for two people. I hope it shirnks a little and I have my photo of our nest. It was really important to me. Thanks for the extra goodies too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hey gang. The osprey is still there; looking like she is on the edge getting ready to take a flying leap.

carolinabeachmom said...

Are you ok Sharon?

paula eagleholic said...

Your Welcome Heidi! Glad you liked everything - and yes the sweatshirts are true to size! It should keep you warm!

Just had to mow the front and trim, did the back last night - got it all done before the rain started - now just have to deal with wet dog! But they don't mind being toweled off, thank goodness.

movin said...

We'll have to get Sharon to pick out Liberty-Belle in that 'white out.' Like she did at midnight the other night...

We also are supposed to get storms coming in overnight in So Cal, but they shouldn't be anything too wet.

All the moisture this year has been going around or over us and hitting the Midwest and East, but we are actually having a drought out here...not even up to a good desert's rainfall total this year.

Guess I'll go do some necessary work (nasty word), talk to you all later.


movin said...

By the way, if any of you communicate with the Maine site, you might tell them that I looked in tonight just as it was getting dark, and the female was making all the moves she would be making if she still had another egg to be hatched...digging deep into the egg cup and then turning an egg.

I wouldn't be surprised if they hatch at least one more chick very soon.


paula eagleholic said...

Jim - someone thought they saw turning earlier, too.

Mema Jo said...

I was reading the MAINE blog and Wing had made a comment to the question as to how to tell the male from the female--- The female is the one that looks like she had the BAD HAIR DAY.
I always thought that that one was the male........... lol

Mema Jo said...

I really think Maine has another chick down in there - but like the first one - it may be awhile before anyone sees it! Mainly the adult actions will tell the story first!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well as our nest is fast fading into oblivion and the osprey is still keep up his lonely sentinel duty on the top right corner of the nest, I think I will quit for awhile. BIAW

Mema Jo said...

Paula! You got a big congratulations on IWS forum:

Paula, 2500, congratulations!!!!!

Go Girl!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, hadn't even noticed Jo - haven't been to the chat thread all day.

paula eagleholic said...

Am usually on the nest observation thread.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, it was on the nest observation thread that I saw it.

Mema Jo said...

Need to sign off for awhile - Try to get back on later ...........

Bob Quinn said...

New pix are up:

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Bob Going to view them now

Mema Jo said...

Amazing photos, Bob. I wonder just who the winners are? That had to be some very fast snapping! I like the one you got of both of them down in the marshy area looking at each other.

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, my head was spinning. The shot with the osprey sitting on the post with multiple posts in the shot is one of the combatants. That was right before it started. I'm not even sure of the sequence because most of the time I was looking through the viewfinder and didn't catch all the goings on. The marsh shot is right behind the cam platform.

Mema Jo said...

Can't thank you enough for sharing them with us. I'll be interested in what Lisa has to say tomorrow concerning who is in charge of the platform.
Blog is really slow tonight - our eagle cam has been down a few hours.
I'll be sure everyone knows about the photos.

Anne-Marie said...

I would like to see your photos Bob. My late husband was a photographer and drug me with him often to get first light. I usually froze.

Mema Jo said...

Heidigirl Use this url

Bob Quinn said...

Heidi (Anne?) - My wife, Sarah is often with me. At Blackwater she gets out of the car at the start of the drive and walks the drive for exercise. I drive, stop, walk around, photograph, drive, stop... Often she will call me on the cell to alert me to happenings along the wildlife drive. She's a much better "spotter" than me. And yes, she's froze when I selfishly have driven too far ahead or lagged too far behind.

Anne-Marie said...

Thank you Bob and hugs Jo....

carolinabeachmom said...

Bob, I looked into the blackwater fight and then browsed through your other pics. You have some beautiful awe inspiring pics of things in nature. I noticed one person thought you should contact the National Geographic, and I am with her. Your pics are just beautiful. Each one was just as beautiful as the nest. The osprey battle must have had you very busy. Thanks for sharing with us.

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day

Good Night All

Anne-Marie said...

WOW! Really breath taking. Thank you so much. I wanted to ask you today but I didnt want to upset Sharon so I waited.

carolinabeachmom said...

That is next not nest :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Hello Heidi and good night. I guess with our eagle cam on the fritz and the osprey still standing watch on the BW nest, I am going to call it a day. Hope tomorrow brings more sightings of Liberty and Belle.

movin said...

Great photography, Bob...
At least it gives us some idea of a world totally unseen on the nest cam...and it opens up another world of questions as to what happened to cause it and what went on between attacks.

I didn't see the male in these shots, but Lisa said he was involved.

The original female is on the nest now and getting a good sleep, and perhaps tomorrow will reveal more.

Good night/Good morning, everyone in Eagle Land,


Anne-Marie said...

Good Night Carolina and thanks.

Jill said...

Just got called to work. If that nest wasn't wet earlier it sure is now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just looked on the blog and my last comment yesterday was ARGH! Today the camera is straightened up. Maybe it sensed my frustrations! :):):) Nobody in the nest and it looks a mess this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

At least we have a good pic today!

Soaking wet nest for sure! I'm sure L&B are hunkered down somewhere!

Mema Jo said...

Good Rainy Sunday Morning To All Sharon & Paula the early birds checking things out!
I see our MT nest -AND I can see a clear picture. Was fearful of not having it up until Monday. Looks as though the Blackwater babies will need to take care of themselves as they are too large for the Lord or Lady to tent over them!

Did you two early birds see Bob Quinn's photos he posted on here last evening?

Anne-Marie said...

Good morning all, I have my 6 year old with me this morning still sleeping in. I'll get him up for church soon. Its stopped raining here. My bird feeders are full of doves and sparrows.I'll be back later. Kepp a watch. Anne

Bob Quinn said...

Lisa's new osprey blog is up with video of the battle.

Mema Jo said...

Just read Lisa's update - Awesome video - so sorry this is happening - but that's Mother Nature. Hope our original couple can get back to laying their eggs and raising their chicks.

Thanks Bob for the alert that it was there.

Mema Jo said...

Out of Town Alert for Mema Jo

I am heading out the door around noon today for a New York visit with granddaughter. I should be able to access the sights from her computer once I am there. Not sure how long I will stay - probably until Thurs.

Take care and I will drive safely.

loLOVE, Jo

Barbara said...

Head on over... Steven posted a new thread...

movin said...

Steve has provided a new thread for today...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...