Saturday, March 24, 2012


New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve

We'are always ready, and appreciative...

Have a Good Week-end

DanaMo said...

Just finished errand, spread grass seed, ordered theater tickets and I think I might go read (or sleep).

Saturday, March 24, 2012 11:16:00 AM

@ Paula-The Flying Labs and I are jealous!!

DanaMo said...

thanks Steve.

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn ♥

Happy Saturday Wishes to Every One


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread!
Rainy Saturday.......

I was looking over the pictures Judy put
in the E_M album.... The Poop Shoot!
Judy that picture is great - I've been
missing all the poop shoots.......
Thank you!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Margy.

hedgie said...

Fun times, Jo! Enjoy!!!!

DMo----you are a barrel of energy. Send me some!

Just vacuumed kitchen and bathroom! Will "let" Caro do the LR and SR. Heading for sofa...back is hurting a bit. She will be here in a couple of miinutes. BBL

Sandi said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Heading to Nila's sister's now. Love you all.

stronghunter said...

Looks a bit wet at the nest today.

Lynne2 said...

Is that a soggy escapee to the back of Belle?

Lynne2 said...

OK no, I see them under her. But I swear that looks like a chickie back there!

Morning all!

stronghunter said...

It does, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Both chicks are definitely under their soggy mom.

Mema Jo said...

3 noisy talkative little gals at the
table eating pizza with their
Grandpa Michael.

The fun has begun

stronghunter said...

Don't you just love it, Jo? Family time is so good.

Kay said...

Wahoo ! Could there be any better news from LYNN than:

Just vacuumed kitchen and bathroom! Will "let" Caro do the LR and SR.

So happy to know you felt up to doing that and that you woke up in the middle of the night with a hunger ! Sorry Liesl must spend some time away, but we know she's having a ball (no pun intended !) and you don't have to worry about not feeling up to giving her all the care she needs right now.

Wishing ANDY and Kubby a good flight home, SANDI and Dubby a lovely day in Balto, PAULA and Nick an amazing day in Paradise ! And everyone of you a glorious Saturday !

Good to see Belle brooding and with plenty of food choices for those little voracious eaters who are peeking out right now.

Changed avatar--this is a "fig buttercup"--love that purty yeller !

hedgie said...

Lovely, Kay!! And YELLOW!!! You and Margy are kindred spirits!

My wild violets have really proliferated along the edge of the woods out them!!!

Carolyn left a few minutes ago to go to a baby shower for Jessie's friend. Ugly day to be runnning around...rain continues, but we DO need it for sure.

Nap time here now. SYL.

CarolAnne said...

In to make some lunch for Bubby & I, and to check on nest & blog. Looks like all are enjoying their day as best they can, including Lynn.

Last nights drive was rainy & foggy & lots of deer. Tense ride. But after unpacking & settling in, spent a bit of time on the covered porch & we were blessed with a visit from a flying squirrel. I at first though it was a bat swooping past us. Yikes! But the flashlight revealed the f. squirrel in the hanging bird feeder. Didn't appear to notice us at all.

Lunch then back to projects. Have a good day all!

stronghunter said...

We had flying squirrels on our deck in a previous house that was surrounded by oak trees. They were fun to watch.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are sleeping soundly by now, Lynn.

DanaMo said...

Boy is Belle soggy!

Lynne2 said...

Hope you are having a Happy Nappy Lynn! So glad you are feeling better today!

Yep, poor Belle the Mumbrella. And the chickies are probably bored, too. But at least they are staying put and not giving my heart failure with their Houdini antics!

Heading over to Mother Carolyn's today (Friend Dave's mom) to give her the spring wreath I made for her, and Steve is going to put on a new toilet seat for her, too.

Sandi said...

Thanks for subcribing me, Sharon - made the drive here go a lot faster! Now off to see Madeline be an ice skating napkin!! TTFN!

Sandi said...

Thanks for subcribing me, Sharon - made the drive here go a lot faster! Now off to see Madeline be an ice skating napkin!! TTFN!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm on a rain in for a snack

Today's birds so far...eagles..osprey...mallards...heron...cormorants

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ODD IT WORKED ON THE LAST COMMENT BUT NOT ON THE twe . . it must not like periods LOL

JudyEddy said...

JO I get the poop shoot picture from my camera the video feature that can make a picture from it

I did get one poop shoot with the snipping tool just one time

How did you like me pointing it out in the one picture LOL

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for our rainy day thread. Hope you enjoy the weekend.

Hmmm, well, duh! Forgot that socks, worn with sandals in the rain, would get wet. lol and lol again.

Jo, have a fun time today and tonight. Been meaning to ask: does your home have a revolving door?

Lynn, so glad you are doing some active things. Even more glad to see you stopping by.

Yes, Chrissy's email was terrific. She does love those osprey birds.

I vote for sleeping DanaMo.

Sandi, please be sure to describe an ice skating napkin for us. Fun time for you.

Off to check the nest.


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE maybe that is the remnants of the bird

Rain has stopped heading back outside

Saw 2 more eagles 10 minutes ago

JudyEddy said...

what ever was at the top Belle just moved it she got up and shook her feathers and is feeding it to them POOP SHOOT TO

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I think you are right cannibalism

JudyEddy said...

we are getting rain also today

JudyEddy said...

wow there is a butt load of food in the panrty to day

JudyEddy said...

the cup looks deeper today

JudyEddy said...

Who is in KY I see on the map Florence

JudyEddy said...

time to go back to work I just recorded a little bit of the lunch visit will upload when I get back

Hoda said...

Good morning/Good afternoon everyone.

LYNN so good to see you here and I am sorry I missed you last night, I had just signed out. LIESL will be fine and I am glad you are taking steps to look after yourself on the treatment week.

WOW LYNN!!! YOU are active this morning!!!

SHARON thinking of you and NILA and her family...PRAYERS

So good to see Belle feeding...she looks soaked, but the chicklets are dry and well...that is good.

Excited about the Osprey news...Wonderful of Lisa to include us in her report...

CAROLANNE very good to read your posts.

LINDA where are you???

Hoda said...

I have lost the live feed!!! I can not bring it up with a new window...maybe I will need to shut down and start over again? Anyone else with this problem???

Mema Jo said...

For some reason, Hoda mine stopped at like 6:18 But it started right up
when I hit the start button on loser left.

Hoda said...

I have the live feed back...Saw Belle flap her wings and did not look like she was going to take off...I thought she was just drying them and then she took off. Chicklets untended.

Mema Jo said...

Belle is off the nest
2 little dry eaglets right down in
the egg cup but I think they are getting ready to explore.......

Mema Jo said...

I don't th1nk they are finished napping

Hoda said...

Eagle in the attic.

hedgie said...

Two ACTIVE chicklets alone...getting so big!!
Nice nap, even tho' not very long. Sometimes hard to get comfortable since I seem to be all bones!

Just talked to the Momma....she is well. Sunny and 80's in MO!

Howdy, Hoda! Hope all is well with you and in your corner of the world!

Judie, LOL and LOL again! Had to tease you!!

hedgie said...

My bird sightings today have been lots of robins getting lots of worms! AND two hen turkey's on the corn. Haven't seen them in a long time!

Hoda said...

Howdy LYNN!

I am hanging in there and following your advice...HUGS♥

Hoda said...

The rain has made the right side of the screen so very green amazing rather!!

PA Nana said...

HELLO, Lynn!♥♥ and everyone else.

Stopping by to check on the eagle chicks. I thought they were shivering when I opened the live cam. Have they been alone long?

Thanks Steve for a fresh Saturday thread.

PA Nana said...

Hda? Has spring sprung up your way? It's like May here. Flowers blooming that should not be blooming in March.

Paula, you didn't wait for me. Have a pleasant time without me. ☺

PA Nana said...


Hoda said...

DIANN Belle left at 351 PMEDT and there is an eagle in the attic as the camera shook a little while later. felt lijke a landing as opposed toa take a bit more than forty minutes the chicklets have been alone.

Hoda said...

Spring you ask??? Where here??? Not for a while yet I would say...snow melting stage still and snow is still mentioned in our forecasts. It is not winter really either so we are gaining on it...LOL

PA Nana said...

Snow? Winter? Missed us completely.

Now, I must go.....

Hoda said...

Belle back feeding

hedgie said...

Feeding time, I see. So cute!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle is home! Great because I was

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I don't this this weather is helping the cherry blossoms and the crowd........ I guess I could find a cam!

stronghunter said...

Would like to see a picture of the ice-skating napkin.

Feeding time again. Lovely family scene in the middle of all those dead fish and whatever.

Hoda said...

Chicklets doing quite well eting the red meat from the coot

Mema Jo said...

Belle is trying to feed the littlest
one but I really don't think he likes
coot - just fish! lol

stronghunter said...

Cunk and calls from Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Something has Belle's attention.......

stronghunter said...

That's "clunk."

She poofed.

Mema Jo said...

Belle took off - did you see anything
dive bomb Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Glad the chicks got some fresh air!

Was out for a little while oit was back to rain...still got a good bit done washing dirty clothes

stronghunter said...

Clunk and camera shake. Babies alone. Hope it was a parent.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula --- It's just great to be there at your palace no matter what you
get into doing! Love that feeling.. It
is like no one can touch you!

Mema Jo said...

There is Shep

Hoda said...

Getting ready to go to yoga...will luerk for a bit longer and then head out the door.

See you all later...

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad all is okay....sorry YOU don't have spring yet, but bet it will be soon!

Diann, love your brilliant avatar!! How's everything with you? Glad your injections are done and hope that you're getting good results. Sure hope that your insurance covers Synvisc better than Bill's---his cop-pay would have been over $600 and he told them to forget it!

hedgie said...

Co-pay, i.e.

hedgie said...

Getting breezy and chillier here....down to 57°. Sprinkling again, too. Hope Shep is keeping those babies warm with that brood patch.

PA Nana said...

Back while we wait 'til it's time to start the hot dogs.

Lynn, had to have prior approval from ins co and their pharmacy mailed it to my doctor. Took about 3-4 weeks and now I wait for it to make a 'great' result.

Know there'll be a co-pay but have no idea yet. Based on my doctor's co-pay it will probably be big. We decided it was worth the attempt at making my life a bit easier.

Paula, you know I'm jealous but can live vicariouly through your pictures and descriptions. Love ya for that. ♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

poop shoot both parents there now

magpie said...

That was nice the baby missed Mom with the poop shoot, I thought she was going to get it square on!

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Hoda said...

Both Belle and Shep in the nest and eating on either end. Chicklets in the cup. Belle moves forward to feed them but they do not seem interested.

Hoda said...

Shep has not come up for air for almost 10 minutes now...just chowing down!!!

magpie said...

Good to see so many posts today from you, Lynn♥ and glad you had some time with Carolyn also...

And Jo has a triple-great- grandchild sleepover going on, Gret !

Hi Diann !

Love Paula's lazy hazy report from Paradise, like what Jo one can touch you there ! Like being on Holiday, for sure !

ttfn got a few phone calls to make

Hoda said...

Shep poofs and Belle is getting ready to brood.deepening the cup

Hoda said...

Still so so LYNN, but feel like trying yoga again today...I'll see how it goes...following your advice. Off I go

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though Shep is falling asleep

hedgie said...

My scapula is killing me, so gonna go lay down again. Too much computing, I'm afraid. Kindle will be so nice when I can see again! Hopefully only 4 or 5 more days till new glasses are ready!

Hi, Margy!! Glad your work week is done!

Diann, you go gal....hope it doesn't break the bank.

Hoda, enjoy your yoga session.


PA Nana said...

Do the chicks 'cheep' or make any sound?

I'm getting hungry.... off to start the 'doggies.'

Hoda said...

JO Belle is on.
DIANN LYNN told me yes the chicklets cheep...

Keep getting held up...I will log off and go NOW BYE for real this time!!! LOL!!! Pulling a MARGY in the middle of the day!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - my cam had died.......

Just finished Hot days and Mac/cheese
for dinner - all plates were empty.

Even Mema's

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is off with friends and Hunter is with his dad. I am hungry, and there is not really anything I want here. I need to do something about that.

Mumbrella is in operation again, I see.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, where are planning to go for

Mema Jo said...

Belle is having a one on one

Mema Jo said...

Belle took a small fish from the 'fishpile' and has gone over at 2:00
feeding the chicks

WHOO HOO I saw a POOP SHOOT from the
little one!

magpie said...

I've lost my live feed a few times too and Yahoo E-M shut me down !
So I climbed back on and read Chrissy's Loch of the Lowe's report, and have live feed a'going again

Going to make a Panda Nap now too...


JudyEddy said...

JO glad you got to see one live instead of video LOL

magpie said...

kids must be getting full...they are not reaching for the food one over the other

JudyEddy said...

just lost my cam feed was in middle of recording and didin't realize it was a spinning circle

JudyEddy said...

eww that was a stringy peice yuk

JudyEddy said...

may be they are cooperating with each other LOL

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Not sure, Jo. There is a good Mexican place nearby, or I could just hit the grocery store. We need lots of things.

stronghunter said...

A taco salad would be okay, though.

Mema Jo said...

Give a holler when you return......
Going to catch 7:00 news........

Belle is settled down with little ones
tucked under her.

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

/does anyone else have a sort of fuzzy spot right about in Belles chest area???? thought it was my puter maybe it as something to do with the reflection yesterday

Lori O. said...

I noticed that fuzziness, too, Judy.

Lori O. said...

Maybe it's raindrops on the cam lens.

JudyEddy said...

the spot is almost in the center right over the cup area like a fog being she as moved no longer on chest so it seems to be mabe a spot on the lens

JudyEddy said...

ok I got windex meet me there LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am soooooo hungry and doooooonnnnnnn'''''ttttt know what I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Angie got to see the juvie eagle this morning do wingersize she was pulling in the parking lot and Her and Jordyn saw it but by the time she got the camera out he had stopped but she still did take a pic I put on facebook Looks like he has his head tucked behind him maybe a itch but still thought how sweet she is no noticing them and taking pictures she wanted a video but being he was just sitting she did picture

Mema Jo said...

Whipe it Whipe it Whipe it clean

I have no spot.... Thought for a minute
you were seeing a spider.....

Mema Jo said...

Eat a piece of toast, Judy
Can't go wrong with that

JudyEddy said...

now noticing them not (no noticing them) duh

JudyEddy said...

NO bread!!!!!!!!!!! it got modly threw away

JudyEddy said...

OK don't know if this is funny or this is oh so sad

I went to the freezer don't know why can't remember the last time I put anything in there except ice cubes

I found humm some frozen food Ok GG Roasted redskin potatoes with garlic sauce and some JD sausage I froze Well the date on the potatoes is May 2011 (laughing now) Dare not check the sausage will both go in trash this weeks pick up Freezer is so empty and my ice cube trays keep evaporating cause I hardly use ice but when I need it they are usually nothing in them ok sad maybe

JudyEddy said...

nite light on and I am history must go get something to eat

JudyEddy said...

egg noodles with gravy it is

magpie said...

My freezer has some things like that in it too, Judy
like some raspberries I was going to use for a chocolate cake

egg noodles and gravy sounds very nice

magpie said...

ther's an eagle at BWE
not sure how long it will be there to see it

magpie said...

can't see I see much of a fuzzy spot....

I do think I hear Spring Peepers though,
not even sure about that

magpie said...

I'm going through some pictures from 2005 and 2006 - well before I had a digital camera
intersting trip down Memory Lane, have some from NCTC and Swinging Bridge going back that far too

magpie said...

looking again, might be fuzzy from the darkness moving in, and moisture
or maybe some baby poop or fish juice on the camera lens

I guess I would just say it looks out of focus around her chest area

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, we are back from out jaunt.

Mother Carolyn LOVED the wreath! I'll have to post a picture of it later. It was so funny, because it's asymmetrical and I created it to hang one way, but she liked it better upside down!

CarolAnne said...

JudyE - pop your ice cubes in a tupperware or some such with a lid, won't evaporate & always handy. A good shake of the container should loosen them up when you want some.

Hi everyone/Bye everyone

magpie said...

that's nice, Lynne...
a Labor of L♥ve

I DO hear the peepers better now at NCTC

magpie said...

After reading Chrissy's email, and rechecking the Puleston site, I apologize that I had INCORRECTLY stated earlier this morning that the Osprey seen at Loch of Lowe's was Ringed....
apparently NOT SO...Isla is Not tagged nor ringed, now was the Osprey that was sighted...

But a very strong characteristic
if Isla is in her one eye, described like this:
" It's a mark on her iris. They say it's similar to a fork of lightning.... I've never been able to see that myself, but they know what they're looking for"
(and this was NOT seen in the Osprey that landed)

This is from the Puleston site...

Mema Jo said...

Eagle's head is tucked!
Hopefully the rain will go away....

magpie said...

"nor" was the Osprey that was sighted, sorry,
I typo-ed "now" instead of "nor"

okay back to these old pictures

xo ttfn

Lolly said...

Where did you jaunt, Lynne?

We have finished in the yard for today and had our dinner. Jack is watching hockey and I am watching Celtic Thunder. Not too stiff and sore from the yard work. Hawkwood Garden is coming along!

Lolly said...

We brought out several hanging baskets from the greenhouse. Our spring is definitely here. Bought some new fern hanging baskets as well as some new herbs. We spread mulch and pulled weeds.

hedgie said...

Calling it a day here. Hope everyone has a peaceful night, and prayers for all. Love y'all!

Lolly said...

Nite Lynn!!! Prayers for you!!!

Lynne2 said...

Nite Lynn, sleep well!

Lolly, we went to friend Dave's mom's (Carolyn) house...see above post.

Glad you aren't sore tonight!

Lynne2 said...

Keep your eyes to the skies late tonight folks...strong line of storms south and west, moving slowly towards most us in this area. Don't think it will be too bad, but right now, the system has caused a tornado watch in south to central VA.

magpie said...

Sounds great, Lolly, all the gardening and yard work things....
Celtic Thunder ! Isn't it great!
I am not watching NOW but I did a few weeks ago...

Okay back to these old pictures again...
Missing being right here to say
Good Night to Lynn ♥

and thinking very much about Sharon tonight also, after the services for Nila... ((Hugs ♥))

Lynne2 said...

heading in to watch The Help

magpie said...

Oh you are going to love that, Lynne....enjoy !!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in. I have a couple of hours tonight to work. Nila's home going service was beautiful. She was loved by a lot of folks. Really glad this week is now over and I can start all over again. Been a tough one but am so grateful that I have had the love from you all! Can't make it through this life without you all and don't want to! ♥♥♥ and ((((HUGS))))!

Hoda said...

Back from yoga and it was a good practice. I see Belle is on night shift. She just turned and I can see the top of her head and she is brooding and just tucked in again...

Dick Chaney had a heart transplant in Virginia...I wonder if it is TORI'S hospital?

Good night LYNN.

Enjoy the sleep over soundslike so much fun.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, Cheney is in Fairfax, Virginia. I don't think Tori was ever there. Her transplant was in Maryland.

Hoda said...

HUGS right back at you SHARON and thank God we don't have to make it through this life alone...

LYNNE so happy that CAROLYN liked the wreath you made her even though she sqw it upside down...what a neat gift.

LINDA is on the MIA list...I wonder whatr is going on and I hope it is not a migraine.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHARON...two hospitals that do transplant so close to each other...Maryland and VIrginia not that far apart...amazing thing really...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And my niece's father-in-law was at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville for his heart transplant.

Mema Jo said...

Cheney, 71, had surgery at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia

Did or has Tori met her donors relatives
I have a feeling I should be aware of
this but I really don't remember if that
info is given to the recipient or not.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon good to see you home
I pray you have closure for Nila now.
Love you ♥

Hoda said...

I wonder if you all know how lucky you are...three transplant hospital within a short range of each other...We have a very good hospital in Nelson and they do not do transplants...I would imagine if anyone here needed one they would have to go to Vancouver(8.5 hours drive one way) or maybe to Kelownapossibly not sure if their hospital does transplants, it is five hours away...
Do you see how amazingly lucky you all are SHARON?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I see that now Hoda. Definitely blessed. I have been in Charlottesville Hospital a few times myself. They treated my liver abscess there and I had a surgery there.

magpie said...

Good to see you, Shar♥n,
Always...sounds like a comforting and very moving ceremony for Nila...
Thank you for sharing her life and your times together with her,
with us...
(( All-Night Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Thinking Happy Thoughts of you and Ed with your Sleepover pals...

Howdy Hoda...

magpie said...

It's a very fine mist hereabouts, believe it is going to be a very soggy night at the nest

Hoda said...

HOWDY MARGY...When do you next see JAMES the WISE?

magpie said...

I think THIS bird is going to tuck in for the night also...

I like to read on my night off, it might be Birds & Blooms magazine reading for me....
and then maybe my book.
Wonder what Shirley decided on for din-din...

Prayers for Wellness and Comfort amongst us, for all our loved ones, and pets

Thinking of Linda also, hope all is okay...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Probably tomorrow AND Monday both if I can swing it, Hoda ☺

I've looked at a LOT of pictures of him tonight...he sure was a wee little one in his early years....

xoxo G'Night now...

JudyEddy said...

Been working on video uploaded and on blog and FB
Today some video and one poop shoot picture also on video

DanaMo said...

Well back upstairs to read. Have to stay awake to pick everyone up from the movies, Hunger Games for Annemarie and her friends and Adam and his friend.

No word at all from Aric for quite sometime. I hope everything is okay. I don't like not hearing from him. I guess 4 days isn't that long, but he had been doing so good keeping in touch every day or so...I'm bummed.

Well good night. See everyone in the morning. Feels good that I went to mass tonight! PJ day tomorrow until the game.

Judie said...

The sandperson is taking stealthy steps down the hallway. I must be quick.

All seems peaceful at the nest.

Sharon, you were a wonderful friend and support for Nila. Get the rest you need.

Just have this lol image of Jumpin Jo all wrapped up with the ggrands just gigglin' the night away.

Margy, have fun with James the Wise. Give a hug, please.

Speaking of tomorrow, weather permitting, I will be attending the ladies softball game as a guest coach. Sure hope I don't have to do those stupid hand signs.

I have some doubt about Cheney having a heart transplant. Doesn't seem he was unaccounted for long enough for a recovery. He was reported to be at Fairfax and I don't think Fairfax has a heart transplant team but could be wrong.

Okay, okay! I'm going as fast as I can.

Obviously time to say goodnight and restful sleep for all. Sandperson is about to depart for visits far and wide.

Hoda said...

God Bless you MONTY and your children DANAMO...NO four days is not too long...You are a GREAT MOM

Sandi said...

Hi all! Sounds like another drama-less day at the S'town eagle nest! I had the privilege of seeing 8 beautiful blue napkins on ice skates today, but the most beautiful by far was my niece, Madeline! Our seats were right in the front row of the upper section and Madeline's eyes zoomed right in on us as soon as she skated out in each scene - she was so tickled to see her Grandmom, Uncle Denny, and Annie Nanny (what she called me as a baby and it has stuck) in the audience. I got a pic with my cell and will put it on my blog when I get home tomorrow afternoon.

Lynn, so good to see that you felt well enough to houseclean today and get on the blog!

Jo, enjoy your sleepover tonight - don't stay up too late giggling with the other girls!

Sharon, hope the funeral helped with healing your heart!

Kay, m sister brought her TENS unit to the ice rink today for Mom. She is going to try it for a week and, if it helps, will call her doc for a prescription for one. Fingers crossed!

OK, goodnight all. Tomorrow morning, Denny and I are going to try to visit a friend in the area who runs a therapeutic riding school that we donate to each month. Joan has been bugging me to stop by to see their new indoor riding arena so I will call her in the AM to see if we can stop by before going to the children's cancer fundraiser organized by my former student. Should be a full day!

Hoda said...

JUDIE Cheney IS in Fairfax hospital and has been waiting ont he list for a period of months...again amazing that there are so many hospitals that can do transplants so close to each all are blessed no question...I hope you never have to use them but they are there in case you need them...

Hoda said...

Belle was up for a short while and can not make up her mind if she is going to tuck in or not...back and forth...she is brooding facing sic

Mema Jo said...

3/24/12 Dick Cheney had a heart transplant Saturday, after five heart attacks over the past 25 years and countless medical procedures to keep him going. Cheney, 71, waited nearly two years for his new heart, the gift of an unknown donor.
Cheney was recovering Saturday night at the intensive care unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va., after surgery earlier in the day.

Judie - Now he'll have some recovery time.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi Enjoy the rest of your weekend
Sounds like some very interesting
side trips you have planned. Hope
the sun shines for you.

stronghunter said...


About to head upstairs myself.

I picked up some steaks, asparagus, potatoes, and salad at the grocery store. Just as I was starting to fix things, Kathryn showed up. I had plenty, so we shared a late dinner.

She is tired and has already gone to bed.

Judie said...

Oops, my misunderstanding. Was just watching the news and realize the Cheney transplant is current not while he was VP. Sorry.

Oh, see Jo and Hoda posted the current information. Should just read the blog and forget the late news.

Might have to take the back way out of our neighborhood tomorrow to avoid having to go past Fairfax Hospital.

Okay, goodnight again.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading down the hallway...
Towards my bed and pillows......

Shirley I am glad Kathryn had a nice
evening and please tell her that is
doesn't mean you're old if you want to
go to bed at 9:30 lol

Sure hope DMO remembers to go get the kids - she starts to read and heavy
eyelids happen.........

Mema Jo said...

Good night Judie
I truthfully didn't at first realize
it was just tonight. He is 71 - new
heart - he'll live forever....

Mema Jo said...

Da Bears are doing well

Mema Jo said...

Now I am closing down..
All is quiet in the house.. giggling has
ceased.. They are all going to church at
9:30 tomorrow

God Bless & Keep you my friends
Prayers for Lynn and her comfort
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **

Costume Lady said...

Three young great-granddaughters having a sleep-over at mema's house...what fun for everyone there! Hope they all behave in church in the morning:) Dustin was the grandchild that could keep quiet or still!:)

I have to be in church at 9:30 am, also. We are having a guest choir for our morning service and then we are providing them lunch. I will help with that...and....I made brownies with walnuts! I can bake once in a while, just don't like to~


Lynne2 said...

popping back to say goodnight!

The Help was OK. No where near as good as the book.

Forgot to say...REDBUDS are blooming! We saw many while out today!

Goodnight and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Belle facing three and is awake, thinking of tucking in...making the motions...

Lolly said...

Have been working on my recipes again tonight. Boy, am I going to be organized. LOL ha! That will be the day.

Now it is time to clean up my mess and head to bed. Church in the morning and then more yard work.

(((Hugs))) for all!

Nite...and sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Ken and I are home! Flew from DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) to Salt Lake City, switched planes, and flew to John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana. Sis-in-law picked us up and took us home.

Gosh, when we got home, we found that our '02 Honda had a flat tire!
We called our Geico roadside service, and the guy came and put the "donut" tire on, only to find that it is flat, too! (Needs to be replaced--the sidewalls are all cracked with age.) So, we managed to get the other car out of the garage, and we went out to dinner.
Will call roadside service in the morning to tow the car to Costco, where we got the tires. Hope they can fix the flat. The nail (looks like a roofing nail) is very close to the edge. Well if it needs to be replaced, it isn't very worn at all, so maybe they will pro-rate the cost of a new tire.

SOOO very happy to see that Lynn has been feeling better, and quite ambitious, too! Good for you! Glad that Liesl is in puppy camp, giving you a chance to rest more.
I know how much you must miss her, but puppies can wear you out. Energy personified! Love you, Lynn!
(((HUGS)))!! Healing prayers continue, nonstop!

We didn't pick Emma up tonight--the flat tire saga took long enough that the puppy camp had closed for the day by the time we had a way to get there. We'll go get her in Ken's car when they open at 10:00 am tomorrow. Can't wait!

We are missing the kids so terribly much already, that we are beside ourselves! Had the BEST time visiting them!!! They miss us, too. Jen and Marq were listening to the frogs when we texted them tonight. They have given us an open invitation to move to Texas any time we want!
We will probably do so in a couple of years, after Ken retires. He wants to try to do 50 yrs. with the company before he quits. Hope they let him do it! BTW, his new tattoo looks better and better! Will try to get a picture of it tomorrow so you all can see it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, guess I'd better head for bed before I do a face plant! SOOO tired! Prayers have been said for everyone, especially Lynn and Sharon (bless your heart!). Making sure the porch light is lit, and enabling both security systems. Sleep long and well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--Thanks to all those who are commenting on nest happenings. Feel as if I've seen it all myself, though I've been so busy I've missed out on a lot! Grateful for your colorful description!

Hoda said...

Welcome home ANDY. Glad you and KEN made a safe journey. Emma will be very happy to see you tomorrow I am sure. Sorry about the flat tire saga

Hoda said...

I am ready to call it a night.


All is quiet at the nest and Miss Belle is mostly tucked in. She gets up every once in a while checks on the eaglets in under her and settles right back down.


DanaMo said...

Omg! It's been raining all night! Glad I got the grass seed down. I can't imagine how we are going to play lacrosse in this today even if it stops the field is going to be awful. If we do play, Jo I will be in your neck of the woods. The girls were up and LOUD all night but I managed to keep the labs quiet through morning feeding and I'm back in my room with my coffee blogging from my phone!

DanaMo said...

Downstairs for a refill...but I see no one is awake yet on this soggy Sunday not even Belle (?) all tucked in with soggy fish! LOL!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, DanaMo! It is very soggy out there! Good thing it seems as those the rain will be ending at the nest this morning:

Showers likely, mainly before 9am. Patchy fog before 9am. Otherwise, cloudy, with a high near 68.

Getting ready to go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast soon.

DanaMo said...

Wow still plenty dark to try to go back to sleep when I turn out the lights. Guess I will give it a try!

T-Bird said...

Good morning momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

How is be for y'all this fine rainy morning. : )

T-Bird said...

I hope you are all having a good morning. For me it has not been a good morning. I was up at 5:30 (I think) to let Buddy out of my room. He routinely leaves the room early either to go down stairs or to go to Sharon's room. I went back to sleep and Lillian woke me up at 6:00. She wanted to go outside. I knew she would not like the rain and come right back in. I tried to make it down stairs with my tea cup, a book, some dirty dishes, and Lillian. This did not work. So I picked up only Lillian who is scared to death because I just dropped some dishes along with her so I picked up only her once she came out from the under the bed. I took her to go out, knowing she would not want to go out because of the rain (she just had to see of course. She wanted to come right back in. So I took her back up stairs, got my things, and went to the bathroom. I did not shut the door good to my room good and Lillian came out. I had to rush and get her back in the room. (I need to call it Buddy and Lillian's room.) I put her back in and went down stairs to let Buddy out, knowing with the rain he would do his business and come right back in because it is raining pretty hard. I forgot to forgot to put the running leash on him darn-it, so now he is out roaming in the rain. He will be soaked when he comes back home. !*^%$%&!

T-Bird said...

He is back thank goodness.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Hope he didn't hop back in bed before you got him dried off:)

JudyEddy said...

How wet is he Thelma?????

JudyEddy said...

All the dogs that I had in the past would come in and want to rub all over the carpet Does he do that to get dry?

JudyEddy said...

I see two fish over near Belle that I didn't see last nite there nice size fish toooo

DanaMo said...

Help! I'm pinned by three black labs! Man it's tough to get out of bed with all that weight on my legs!!!

JudyEddy said...


T-Bird said...

Buddy is home now, with some kind of large bone that I have to take from him. Luckily he had to get a drink of water so I scooped the bone up. What a morning.
I'm thankful to have these dogs and cat so I can not complain too much. "It's all gravy", as a friend as a friend of mine routinely says. : )

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 356   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...