Wednesday, December 01, 2010


New thread.


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stronghunter said...


It sounds like Jack and Darth are both good caretakers. How nice.

stronghunter said...

Well, I just did the split.

stronghunter said...

Good night and God bless. I will see you later.

hedgie said...

Okay,'ve got to go to my Lair and look at the newest posting, compliments of our Mits!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Supper is over, kitchen is cleaned, food is prepared for Family Night, I have had my what? Are Grey's and PP reruns tonight? Anyone know?

I THINK I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, but not sure...can't find my appt. card and Dec. 3 sticks in my mind. I sure hope so...time for another knee shot. I guess I will call in the morning. I feel stupid, not knowing:( I have it written down on my 'puter sticky notes as
Dec. ??

Costume Lady said...

Good Night, more day til the WEEKEND:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn one and a half days til Miss Wrinkles is all yours! So happy for you:)

hedgie said...

No, Wanda, NOT REPEATS tonight!!!! I think they are the only shows this week that are new episodes.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley. Get a good rest.
Lolly, hope the toast and egg settled well. Did you mean your tummy feels full or your head?
I know, Wanda.....36 and 1/2 hrs.!!

Costume Lady said...

I'm so glad no reruns tonight...getting tired of them.
Thanks for heads up Lynn:)

paula eagleholic said...

Loretta, that sounds like a nasty job! Why can't you knock down the spider webs?

Lolly, glad to hear Faye's bloodwork is good. Better for her to be asleep than looney!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Lynn, those pics of Mits' grandkids is precious.

Wanda - don't they usually call to confirm you appointment the day ahead?

Hope your stomach is settling, Lolly.

Good night Shirley - tomorrow is Friday

hedgie said...

Puppy time has been advanced.......but I don't know HOW much earlier!!! Hope the sun will be up!!!

hedgie said...

Good grief......missed almost all of Grey's...thank goodness it was recording! Christie was wound up tight tonight---yak,yak,yak!!! That's my girl! Gotta love her.

NatureNut said...

I'm back & it's getting late! Had din din & had to call a friend of over 40 years. We always exchange Xmas cards & knew she had had a health problem last year, so finally found her # on a search & we had a great chat. We used to double date w/them!
Sorry Lolly isn't feeling well. Did you catch that from family members??Good for Jack whipping up some eggs.
Re:basement cleaning---no one asked me to do it & I rarely do it at home, but I had no work & couldn't stand it. We do have to go down there occasionally to get large boards we use, etc. I won't do it again--coughed & sneezed the rest of the day.

NatureNut said...

Adorable Kalis kids! Thx for posting, Lynn.
Is it 2 days 'til puppyhood??

hedgie said...

Good to know that you weren't forced to the basement, Lowreeda!!!!

NatureNut said...

Time to shut down---
Pleasant Feather Dreams;>)

Prayers for Faye and everyone else

Lolly said...

Slept for half an hour but then woke up and watched Grey's and PP. Both were very good.

Now I am headed to the shower and bed. I am very uncomfortable. My stomach feels stuffed and I have not eaten and my head hurts. Oh, I want to feel better tomorrow!!

Snow flurries in our 7 day forecast.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Guess we did not hear yet from Judie. Just laughed thinking what she would come up with what with Loweeda being forced into the basement to clean. :)

hedgie said...

Loretta---countdown is now less than 36 hrs.!! Good night---working tomorrow?

Lolly, please feel better! You have been so healthy...fight this bug off!! Hope you wake up 100% healed.

Wondering what Judie found out from the surgeon.....??????

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

My delete----blogger cop got me twice!

hedgie said...

Weather report makes it sound like Shirley is going to get snow Sat. :(

hedgie said...

Retiree breakfast in the morning, so guess I better shut down and get my bath.
Nighty-night to those yet to check in and those going...going...gone to bed. Will catch you sometime tomorrow.

PA Nana said...

It's late again, but checking in.

Struggled with the printer for hours today, got so frustrated I quit. Hope I didn't make matters worse. Aarghh..

Lolly hope you're feeling better by now. It's 11pm Eastern time.

Shirley, I know you've already gone to bed but I so enjoy your teacher stories. You SHOULD write a book as someone else said.

Lynne, hope you're going to watch Sunday's game. Should be a real good one.

Dana, arthritis can be debilitating. Both my knees are bad, not just the one I had scoped. My mother had RA and I can now appreciate her pain. Will find out my tests results this coming week. Pray no snow!! Jim is also scheduled for his colonoscopy and endoscopy and don't want to reschedule either.
He has lost weight with no known cause and his pcp is concerned.

Have also gotten a new pain prescription but hope I don't need to use it as prescribed.

Was away briefly. Our cats wait on Jim to move in his recliner and give them a treat. He usually gives them around 10 pm when he works but he finished today and they were prancing around waiting. It's so funny to watch. I gave them their treats tonight, but looking behind me it looks like Missy is still waiting for Jim. Bandit was satisfied with me giving him his treat. He'a a laid back big fat cat but so loveable.

Well, I'm days behind reading the newspaper and with tv I can probably skim over a lot but I need to make an effort to get through them.

Pleasant dreams to all and prayers for all in need.
God bless

Mema Jo said...

Hi Diann - I'm going to be listening to Sunday's game..... Should be a good one.

Lolly - rest well and awaken refreshed
Judie - we are thinking of you and hope to hear from you tomorrow sometime.
Lynn - Enjoy your day tomorrow

My daughter says we are going again tomorrow to exercise! okay..

magpie said...

Checked as many pictures links as I could...wonderful, Lynn, Lolly, Loretta. I have some more to check in the days to come...
trying to catch up

Oh Lolly, am so sorry this ailment has you cornered...may tomorrow bring relief I dearly hope and pray.

Regarding Faye...there could be a sense of quiet euphoria going on with her as she tries to heal, hoping that the sleep is bringing much needed rest to her body systems.
Prayers continue for all

Better say good night while there are a few still here and there...
I am not far from the pillows

nice evening with James, we made a quick jaunt to Cacapon State Park, wonderful place, terrific gift shop. Cacapon is the largest state park in WV, and Berkeley Springs State Park right in town, is the smallest in the state. Just for the Did You Know category

Love you all, hoping that tomorrow, RED FRIDAY by the way, brings much relief and comfort

Wanda, hope you track down your appointment schedule and that all goes well

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

sorry I missed you again Diann...
oh, I have a nice printer that has scanner, fax, and copier...just have to work up the courage to try to install it....

take care all,
hope all the owies and achies feel better pronto !

Mema Jo said...

Going Going Gone back the hallway!

Good night to all of you
Prayers for all - Praying for Faye
and all others wants/needs

Hugs to all of you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

wow more snow at the Snowman Cam and some great picture links on the BWO site page

PA Nana said...

Goodnight everyone still here.

Hope to get back tomorrow sometime but Jim is off and we need to get some groceries in incase of bad weather. He can eat like a horse sometimes. Well, still love him and wouldn't trade him.

Goin to read a bit and sleep I hope. If I can stay awake, I check back in; if not catch up with you all tomorrow.

God bless.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Snow?? Here?? I will have to check this out. Now, you know I do not want a perfectly good snow wasted on a Saturday of all things.

stronghunter said...

Hmmm, I don't see any snow for Saturday in the forecast right now.

stronghunter said...

Yes, there's more snow at the Snowman cam for sure.

Helen's grandkids are precious!

Do miss Helen and Ceil.

stronghunter said...

Need to get ready to head out to work. Yes, it is Friday. That is comforting. And, I have a full day of activities planned for the students.

A visit to the library and a quiz on literary terms should take care of things. We are winding up for the research paper and winding down on lit terms. Just the final test on the terms, all 90 of them.

Funny thing, yesterday. I looked up to see someone departing my classroom. I thought a student had rushed out for some reason and asked, "Who was that?"

Kids said, "That was Mrs. Brown. You didn't know she was here?" (Mrs. Brown is my supervisor.) Nope. Hadn't noticed her. Just one of her short visits. Kids figured I wasn't "faking," as they said, since I didn't know I was being watched. Nope. Just doing my thing.

stronghunter said...

George keeps walking across the keyboard. The rascal.

stronghunter said...

I did stop by my principal's office to ask how he's doing since his surgery. He is recovering, but still has to avoid situations in which he might get injured since it was spinal surgery.

I have seen a principal almost knocked flat by a kid rushing through the hallways, so it is prudent to avoid that possiblility.

Getting knocked flat by an overly excited adolescent is one our occupational hazards:).

stronghunter said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Had all sorts of plans to get here last night, but sat down for a minute when I got home from school (much later than usual--almost 10 p.m.!), and ended up asleep in front of the TV. The printer at school was almost out of ink, so printed my homework with a big white stripe on one side. Will try to e-mail it to my teacher today.

Sure hope that Judie and Lolly are feeling better today. Lolly, I know just how you feel--and hope a good night's rest has done you good! Am anxious to hear from Judie. Hoping that she is having less pain, for sure!

Uh-oh--Miss Emma is feeling lonely out there in the living room. I need to get some coffee, too. Will be back a little later. Hope everyone has a great Red Friday! :o]

Lolly said...

Good morning! I am thinking I might live. Feel better but just got up so will have to be up for a while to really know. I do know I am not 100%.

Received a text from Lynn. Her internet is down. She asked for me to let you know. Sure hope she gets it back fast. We have to know all about little Miss Wrinkles!!
Going to read the paper now.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all of you! Lolly glad to hear you might be on the road to recovery! You know - able to get those Christmas trimmings up!
I'll have to call Lynn later and see what goes - mainly as far as Little
Miss Wrinkles coming to her new home.
Lynn, I'm sure is sitting there with all those new pep items.
NOW next Friday I'll have those same butterflyies as far as the Germany Gang coming home!
I see Shirley was here before work... Where is everyone?
I am meeting Jenny at 11:00
When I return - I'll be back to the blog.

Judie said...

Well, it's good thing Darth saved this message as he got an error message and everything was lost. So, here is what I tried to send you before:

Hi Ya'll, Darth here:

Judie is sleeping now after an exhausting Thursday getting to and from the doctor’s. First, you struggle to get out of your wheelchair and on to the first step. Then you go down the stairs on your butt. At the bottom landing, you slide over to two more stairs of our split level home. Then you manage to get back in your wheel chair which Darth has hauled [ouch] down the stairs. Then, with the help of a neighbor, it is over the front door threshold which is less than pleasant for Judie as she feels like she is being dumped. Then it is to the car and another struggle to get in. After that Darth loads the wheelchair into the trunk of the car, feeling just a twinge of pain as he does so. Then it is off to the doctor's office where Darth unloads the wheelchair. From there, it is a piece of cake as the building is handicap and wheelchair accessible.

After we visit with the doctor and the nurse, we do the whole thing in reverse. That is why she is tired and sleeping and I have one hell of a pain in my back.

Yes, I know, you could care less about how we got to and from the doctor's. You want to know what the doctor did or said. Well, he said she is doing fine and is very pleased with her progress. He told the nurse to remove the stitches. And, that she could take a shower if she wanted to in a couple of days. Great. Now on to the stitch removal, which is where the fun begins.

For this you have to remember that as a Criminal Psychologist, Judie has seen some of the goriest pictures and discussed some of the ugliest crime scenes imaginable. No problem. She can handle that. But, when it comes to her own body, that's another thing.

Removal of stitches from the small incision on the right side of her ankle went relatively well. It was not without pain. Besides the pain associated with stitch removal there was the pain when some of the scab material that stuck to the stitches was pulled off. Even I could feel that pain. You could see Judie was not enjoying this. The nurse instructed her to take slow deep breaths.

Now it was on to the long incision on the left side of her ankle. About half way through it was clear that Judie was NOT enjoying this. She was woozy. Then she complained of nausea. The nurse stopped and got her some ginger ale to drink. Judie complained of being hot, so I improvised a fan out of a nearby dust pan and started cooling her down.

Then she scared the hell out of me and the nurse when her head slumped down and did not respond to any of our calls. [Judie said she does not remember this.] After about 45 seconds or so, she began to come around. The nurse asked her several questions which would check for a possible stroke. She passed [and earlier had had an excellent blood pressure reading]. Despite this temporary interlude, Judie somewhat regained her composure and told the nurse to finish the job. She got some new band aids to hold the unstitched incisions in place. Then, she was reshod with that huge black thousand-pound boot. She checked out, got a new appointment to include x-rays next time, then and off to the car and home.

And, from there you know the rest of the story. [Except if this back of mine gets any worse, I may steal one of her Percocets !] Actually, I just took a break from this machine and my back is feeling much better. I guess I had been sitting in this chair too long.

I just took a look across the hall to find Judie is very much awake. I just brought her a cup of coffee. She wishes me to inform you that she is feeling much, much better and hopes to join you later today.
So, until then, this is Darth signing off for your fledgling Judie.

Have a nice day.

Judie said...

It's a good thing Darth saved his message, as it will not go through. I think it is too long. I will try breaking it into two or three parts.

Hi Ya'll, Darth here:

Judie is sleeping now after an exhausting Thursday getting to and from the doctor’s. First, you struggle to get out of your wheelchair and on to the first step. Then you go down the stairs on your butt. At the bottom landing, you slide over to two more stairs of our split level home. Then you manage to get back in your wheel chair which Darth has hauled [ouch] down the stairs. Then, with the help of a neighbor, it is over the front door threshold which is less than pleasant for Judie as she feels like she is being dumped. Then it is to the car and another struggle to get in. After that Darth loads the wheelchair into the trunk of the car, feeling just a twinge of pain as he does so. Then it is off to the doctor's office where Darth unloads the wheelchair. From there, it is a piece of cake as the building is handicap and wheelchair accessible.

After we visit with the doctor and the nurse, we do the whole thing in reverse. That is why she is tired and sleeping and I have one hell of a pain in my back.

Yes, I know, you could care less about how we got to and from the doctor's. You want to know what the doctor did or said. Well, he said she is doing fine and is very pleased with her progress. He told the nurse to remove the stitches. And, that she could take a shower if she wanted to in a couple of days. Great. Now on to the stitch removal, which is where the fun begins.


Judie said...


Hi Ya'll, Darth here:

For this you have to remember that as a Criminal Psychologist, Judie has seen some of the goriest pictures and discussed some of the ugliest crime scenes imaginable. No problem. She can handle that. But, when it comes to her own body, that's another thing.

Removal of stitches from the small incision on the right side of her ankle went relatively well. It was not without pain. Besides the pain associated with stitch removal there was the pain when some of the scab material that stuck to the stitches was pulled off. Even I could feel that pain. You could see Judie was not enjoying this. The nurse instructed her to take slow deep breaths.

Now it was on to the long incision on the left side of her ankle. About half way through it was clear that Judie was NOT enjoying this. She was woozy. Then she complained of nausea. The nurse stopped and got her some ginger ale to drink. Judie complained of being hot, so I improvised a fan out of a nearby dust pan and started cooling her down.

Then she scared the hell out of me and the nurse when her head slumped down and did not respond to any of our calls. [Judie said she does not remember this.] After about 45 seconds or so, she began to come around. The nurse asked her several questions which would check for a possible stroke. She passed [and earlier had had an excellent blood pressure reading]. Despite this temporary interlude, Judie somewhat regained her composure and told the nurse to finish the job. She got some new band aids to hold the unstitched incisions in place. Then, she was reshod with that huge black thousand-pound boot. She checked out, got a new appointment to include x-rays next time, then and off to the car and home.

And, from there you know the rest of the story. [Except if this back of mine gets any worse, I may steal one of her Percocets !] Actually, I just took a break from this machine and my back is feeling much better. I guess I had been sitting in this chair too long.

I just took a look across the hall to find Judie is very much awake. I just brought her a cup of coffee. She wishes me to inform you that she is feeling much, much better and hopes to join you later today.
So, until then, this is Darth signing off for your fledgling Judie.

Have a nice day.

Judie said...

Hey Guys & Gals, Darth here:

Sorry for flooding your blog with so many messages, but I kept getting errors message to include one that my message was too long which is why I tried to break it down in parts.

The bottom line in Judie is doing well and hopes to be back with you this afternoon.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Frank & Judie
I have missed you both deeply! I can visualize your every move yesterday! It is one tiring process getting in and out let alone doing once you get there! Your email says it all so well
Thank you so much for updating us and watch your back or Judie will be wheeling you around!
Look forward to hearing from her and get a shower stool for her. Don't need anymore mishaps for her! Love and concern for you both.

Mema Jo said...

Frank - sometimes with the Error message - it still records your message. If you want to remove anything from this blog - use the small trash can at the bottom of your comment.... As for me--I don't mind
reading your messages - so don't worry about it!

Lolly said...

Thanks Darth for the great report. No problem with he several posts. We have all had problems with posting. So, Judie scared you by passing out, huh? Must have been really unpleasant!

Lolly said...

Have been watching LOTO (Lake of the Ozarks) eagles. I think they kissed and made up after the spat yesterday. They have been working hard this morning on their abode. They have been hauling in logs and rearranging. Saw only one little argument over who was going to place one piece of furniture. It went back and forth for a while. Tried to capture a pic of them both holding it but was not successful.

Lolly said...

Just posted another pic of Elsie and Einstein on my eagle and panda blog. They are still on the cam working on the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly and I just had conflicting comments...repeating mine:
What a 'HURTFUL' message from Darth. I could feel Judie's pain, as I read Frank's comments:(
I once experienced the nausea and only nearly passed out, when stitches were removed from gall bladder surgery (that was way back when they cut you from one side of your belly to the other side)
It IS A TRAUMATIC experience and probably not uncommon. Not pleasant at all!
I do hope the worse part is behind her now. Frank, take care of yourself, Judie and we need you now!
(((Judie & Darth)))

Mema Jo said...

I think Judie was just keeping Darth on his toes..... I did that once in the hospital when being moved from ICU to another floor. My daughter and nurse were not expecting it!

Darth - I just love seeing that
Red Cardinal on this blog!

Off to exercise - Lolly glad you are feeling better... Looks like we are the lone Momsters! I can't get that cam to load for me..

Costume Lady said... such thing as taking up too much space on this blog.
We are happy to hear from you, no matter how short or lengthly your message is!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Wanda! Take care until I get back..... anything new on the trail cam?

Lolly said...

I have no problem what so ever with the Ozark cam. I am so sorry several of you have trouble with it. I have just fallen in love with those eagles. They are an entertaining pair and the cam is wonderful. He gets pictures of the nest as well as the whole tree. He zooms in and it is just fantastic, so is the sound. Wish all cams were so great.

Ohhhhh, so sorry, Wanda! Did not know you were there. Sorry I pushed you aside!

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning! So good to hear that there are some improvements in health this morning. It was good to hear from Judie and Frank. He is quite a good writer. Could visualize exactly the trouble and discomfort Judie is going through. Lolly, i certainly hope you continue to feel better today. And Jo, I wish I had known about the trashcan yesterday! Now I know how to delete! Wanda, you are a terribly busy person. I think it is great that you remember you have a dr. appt.!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, the time it is a comin'. You need a camera and video crew to document for us as you will be too busy being a new mom. and isn't Andy's new baby cute! Emma has a very sweet face. Can't wait for more stories about her too.

Lolly said...

Laurel just called. The have moved Faye from the Rehabilitation hosp to ICU at the reg hosp. She is on a respirator just to help with her breathing. The cyst has grown so they are going to do surgery to remove the cyst and the gall bladder. As we all know this is not looking good. If she survives the surgery she will be on a respirator for a while. They said it will take a while for to regain consciousness. Do not know exactly when the surgery will be.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, I am so concerned for your family. Know this is hard. You don't know me but know that I am thinking of all of you and will keep you in prayer.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I finally get my cam to work at NZ but no cuba. Where are they?

NCSuzan said...


Lolly said...

Thank you, Suzan. Apprciate all prayers!

Think I am going to go fix myself a scrambled egg. It tasted good last night.


Costume Lady said...

Well...I called the doctor's office and my appointment isn't until the 7th! DUH!
When we got our new Fridge, I took all the notes and reminders, etc. off the old one and I guess that must be when my appt. card disappeared. Might have even gone out the door with the movers, as did all the condiments on the Fridge inside door!

Jo, haven't looked at the trail cam for a while, so it is hard to tell what may have wandered by. We'll check it out tomorrow morning.

Hope Faye's surgery will happen soon so that she may be on the road to recovery and perhaps, be home for Christmas.

Costume Lady said...

NCSUZAN...Did you just see Mama Lion moving baby from behind the tree? Baby is huge, mom could barely move with it in her mouth:)

hedgie said...

New thread is up!

Jump on over.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...