Wednesday, December 01, 2010


New thread.


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magpie said...

And a zippy fresh thread....
Thanks Steve...
also read the Last Fall Update, thanks for that information also

Will see if I can round the others up

Hope you have a safe day with this wild weather!

magpie said...

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia...(sometimes Pennsylvania too)
we get weather statements for all these areas at my work, and they were all
Scary and Bad....

hoping all are okay

well, I am saying "Good Night" again

magpie said...

oh heck, why not one more post:

See the "Last Fall Update -
November 30 - 2010" on the blog open-up page

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon... Thanks Steve for the new thread. Hi Margy.
Just popping in to check things out and will be back before long....


Mema Jo said...

Give Anne my birthday wishes, Margy
So happy God has blessed her to be here!

hedgie said...

Thanks for callover, Margy---I missed it!
SUNSHINE! Just a little, but rain has stopped....and hopefully no more precip to come!

Carpet cleaners are coming down the home stretch. Door open for hoses passing in---COLD!

Lynne2 said...

yikes, temps falling fast! 61 at 9am, 41 now! No sun yet but looks to be clearing up.

Andy, she is just adorable! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Happy Birthday to ANNE!!!

This is Steve's half day this week so he is on his way home...he has an appointment for a physical at 4.

Better go fill the bird feeder...a downy woodpecker is pecking it mercilessly trying to get at the few seeds left at the bottom that he can't reach!

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! Back again. Only have a few minutes to talk, then have to feed Emma again and of course, go outside.
She has an interesting housing arrangement right now. We bought a crate big enough for an adult Springer, but have put a large cat carrier with its door removed, inside it. The big one would give her TOO much room, and she might go potty in there. The cat carrier is just right for her at this age, and she won't want to mess in it.

Your little girl is SOOOO cute! Do you get her this Saturday? Have hardly had a moment so far to read back and catch up. Have you disclosed what you will name her yet?
Isn't it crazy that I beat you to it, so to speak, in the puppy department?
I never would have guessed that THAT would have happened! Can't wait for you to get your girl. Then we can post on the blog at 3 a.m. and commiserate about our lack of sleep!

Ms Bookworm said...

When you see your sister Anne, please wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me!

Thanks--I think she's pretty doggone cute, too! Speaking of woodpeckers, I saw a pair of birds on the overhead wires yesterday, and they looked and sounded like Flickers! They never came down into the yard, so I'm not certain WHAT they were, but they had the black markings on their breast like a Flicker, a woodpecker-type beak, and a short tail like a woodpecker. MTBR. Hope they come back today!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, it looks like you folks back east are in for it weather-wise today!
Batten down the hatches! Prayers for your safety, and for NO storm damage!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta run and do another laundry load. Will check back in later!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

One aND aLL.


Well, if you're wondering about the weather here in So Cal, it's past 10 A.M., and I still have the heater on ... need it too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

All done! Have to wait a couple of hours to put things back.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!!! Yep, heat is on here now for sure. 60+° yesterday and now 39....wind chill feels like 0!

Andy, name still to be revealed!! Hint for all who are wondering: keep in mind that she is a Chinese SharPei!!

Yep, middle of the night pottie runs in the offing for me, too! How often are you taking her out, Andy? Every 4 hrs. and after eating?

hedgie said...

Lynne, hope your day is more quiet than yesterday!

movin said...

Steffi has posted a short Catalina Report already...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Lynn,
If I didn't know, I'd guess that you've trained a few pups before! That's pretty accurate! She's a good sleeper, so every 4 hours works about right. I'm actually giving her an extra feeding, to try to put a little more weight on her. She isn't really skinny, but can feel ribs a little too well. She's pretty mellow, so think the rest of the litter pushed her away from the food dish. She's gaining already, though!

hedgie said...

We can add Washington state to the states that have lousy animal cruelty laws:


hedgie said...

Thanks, Jim. Steff is sure good, isn't she?!

LOL, did you guess?! Only about 8 in my adulthood!!!
Can remember my mom doing it when I was a kid!!

movin said...

Baby Panda on cam at Atlanta now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Baby boy panda has been alone a good bit of the time lately!!! Mom is getting out and about more!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim I caught that little cub - sure is getting the fur markings

Mema Jo said...

Going over to exercise....


Lynne2 said...

My God Lynn, what an absolute disgrace. I hope they rot in hell.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Yes, I made it in daylight; though cloudy.

Happy birthday to Margy's sister, Anne.

Andy, your puppy is so cute.

Lynn, here in Lancaster Co. we hear a lot about puppy mills and it is very disturbing. They should all be made to live like the animals they breed.

Lynne, so glad the owner could be found and I didn't have to shed another tear for a lost/stolen animal. I keep my cats indoors AT ALL TIMES (except to go to the vet and then they're in carriers). I get VERY upset when I see cats roaming through our yard. Where are the owners?! I hear "they want to go outside." I say, only if you open the door for them. Sorry, getting off my soapbox now.


Lolly said...

Taking a break!

Andy, your baby is precious. Really anxious to see more pictures. You and Lynn are a riot talking about your babies.

Just talked with Laurel. She has not heard anything about Faye today. She is worried about Joey as he has really stressed these last two days. Will is here and hopefully will spend the day with Faye.

About through with the decorating. Should have my head examined with all that I put out. But Laurel said, "It is so festive and fun to come to your house at Christmas." I look at things and do not know where to start to throw them away or give away. Oh, well!

Back to work. Really just cleaning now.

hedgie said...

Lynne and Diann.......I don't have any answers, but it just makes me sick. Hoping that my other group will make a difference, somehow or someway. If we can't effect change, at least we won't be silent and people will know what is allowed to happen by weak lawmakers who pander to special interests.
BTW---I sent a private letter from our advocacy to the new editor of our local paper asking that it not accept advertising from the two area mill outlets who have recently run their Christmas puppy ads. No response yet.

paula eagleholic said...


Late Fall Update - November 30, 2010

We are getting closer to a new nesting season, and are working hard to be able to install a new, high-resolution camera on December 6. This cam will allow a much better view of the birds.

The current camera has broken down, thus the blue screen. Please bear with us as we work to get the system up and running again. More information soon.

Mema Jo said...

Andrea - your Emma is very precious!
I love those long floppy ears!

Hello Diann - so go to see you in the daylight! lol

I have returned and need a hot cup of coffee.

Germany gangs car was picked up from the Baltimore Port today... ran very well coming up the road.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I have stopped putting out some stuff....but still do more than I really NEED to....I just love it all so much!

hedgie said...

Who picked up the car, Jo? And will they be coming in to BWI or a military airport?? Is a large crowd going to pick them up??
How did the Curves session go?

Mema Jo said...

The other Pap down in Frederick and a friend picked up the car...
BWI is where they will come in - dog and all.
Christine's mom is picking them up with her van. Not sure about others being there. Christine sorta said
'no go' on a crowd.

Curves went well - getting the hang of it. Made it around the circle 2 times. Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

This is a must read - only wish we had a video..

Luke meets his 7 kids - all at once

movin said...

mALE eagle on BWO, female on BWE.

Can't get their act together?? Hahahaha.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Therapist was here this a.m. and I did okay. Yesterday and last night were uncomfortable even with Percocet.

This afternoon has not been much better. Will see what the surgeon says tomorrow afternoon.

Wishing a good day was had by all. Will try to return later but this is just not a good day.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Judie!

Boy, you have really had a rough time of it! Praying for pain relief--and quickly, too! Glad the therapy went OK, but wish they could tell you why you are in so much pain! Hopefully there will be some answers from the surgeon tomorrow. Definitely praying about that meeting! Hope you are resting. Wish I could loan Emma to you for a bit. She would LOVE to spend the day with you! ((HUGS))!!...and hopes that you will feel LOTS better, real soon!

PA Nana said...

Hi Judie, Jim & Jo.

I missed them Jim. I'm usually late here anyway. Though never late for an appointment; usually early. Go figure...

The pride's news was interesting, Jo.

Judie, sorry you're having a bad day. These will pass in time. Hang in there.

time to make the supper; or at least give it some serious thought. Jim's working & Chris had an appointment, but they expect a meal when they come home. Drats!

... later

stronghunter said...


Just about to pack up and head home. Had to help a friend with computer issues and then input some grades first.

Oh Judie, I wish you could have some pain relief. Not fun at all.

Will see you later.

Mema Jo said...

Headed down the road to pick up Alexis for the evening.


hedgie said...

Judie, so sorry that you are still having so much pain. Sure hope the doctor can give you some relief tomorrow. No fun and no fair.

Diann----order pizza!!

Shirley, hope you are almost home.

Jo, Derick (lives near Melissa)says it was snowing. Didn't see it here.

Lolly said...

Judie, I am so sorry you are having a bad day. Gee, I certainly wish that pain would go away. Wish we lived closer...I would bring you a meal as well as give you a hug!

I got tired of cleaning and decorating. Went out and watered plants in and outside of the greenhouse. Still have flowers blooming. In fact, I need to go out and pick a rose. It is just so messy outside....yuck to leaves!

PA Nana said...

Just here with a quickie. Supper is from the freezer, package and can.

Lynn, wanted you to know that PA has just passed a puppy mill bill.
I'm really glad but it won't become effective until July, but every little bit helps.

... later

hedgie said...

Lolly I am just plain tired of everything......and carpet is still not completely dry so I can't put stuff back. It was supposed to be 2 hrs. max. Guess it's because of the cold, but I'm too tired to build and maintain a fire. :(

Lolly said...

Ahh, Lynn! Sorry! Yes, they say 2 hours but it takes longer and if it is raining, much longer. Turn on the fans! And wrap up in a blanket!

hedgie said...

Diann, I'm familiar with the bill....and it has led to a lot of the millers throwing in the towel. Don't have the statistics in front of me, but I think it was something like almost 2/3's of them have or are in the process of folding. However, charges have been leveled against one guy who gassed over 100 dogs. One of the mst sickening things about PA and some of the midwest millers is that most of them are Amish farmers. Real Christian people, aren't they? I'm sure their elders or whtever they are called are real proud of them. In MO, where the new laws don't take effect until Nov. 2011 (a voter-passed referendum) some millers are auctioning their dogs off to the highest bidder with no vetting involved. Rescue groups tried to "win" as many as they could afford and shelter. And the MO legislature is already trying to figure out how dilute the new law or do away with it because of the influence of large-scale commercial breeders. MO is the puppy mill capitol of the world. One out of every 3 puppies bought in pet stores across the US comes from MO.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - thankful you are going to surgeon so you can explain about the pain.. It could be the norm BUT then at least get a better pain killer for a night's good sleep.

I'll have to call her tomorrow - wish the ggkids could see them. I think they need some excitement in their life! lol

Mema Jo said...

Youtube for OUR LILY

stronghunter said...

Confused here about whom Jo is going to call and what she wishes the ggrandkids can see.

Nerf "bullets" flying around the house here. Hunter is enjoying his birthday gifts.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I think Jo means Melissa's little ones--seeing the snow maybe??

stronghunter said...

Good to learn that action is being taken against puppy mills. I did not know that about the Amish. Sad.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, hope all goes well at your appointment and that tomorrow is better than today! (((hugs)))

Mema Jo said...

Sorry - Shirley
Lynn said her friend in Hedgesville which lives close to my gd - saw some snowflakes. I will call her tomorrow and see it the 5 ggkids saw anything.

How did you school day go, Shirley.
Think you'll get many papers to warrant their 5 points!

Polly Opossum was here again eating the apples hubby put out on the porch.

stronghunter said...

I tried reading back, but I'm still confused.

hedgie said...

Jo, nice video of Lily!!

Shirley, bet you have it now! "By George, I think she's got it!"

Mema Jo said...

I'm waiting for Shirley to say "I got it!"

stronghunter said...

Sometimes I have gotten a bunch of early papers, Jo, but I don't know what will happen this time. They might think they want to have all of that time over the break. But it will give them an option.

Snowflakes can be exciting for the little ones. Hope they saw some.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I am still confused.

stronghunter said...

School day was tiring.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Anne.

stronghunter said...

I am sorry if I am missing something that I'm supposed to understand. . .

Kathryn and Susan are having a conversation about raccoons and raccoon rescues.

About jumped out of my skin because a bug landed on the computer screen.

stronghunter said...

Susan has to get a rabies shot to do this volunteer job.

hedgie said...

What KIND of bug, Shirley??

Earlier I had said that a friend who lives near Jo's gd Melissa (across the hwy. a bit from me) said it was snowing. Jo said she hoped her ggk's had seen the snow!!

The preventative rabies vaccine is a single dose, right?

hedgie said...

Survivor showed a Praying Mantis eating----sure hope it was time lapse----don't think they can eat that fast!

wvgal_dana said...

Glad bills are being past about puppy mills.

Judie I am sending lots of prayers for you and the pain.
I pray the doctor can give you some answers.

I went to my appointment about the knee surgery this morning. The surgery went very well. As we talked he said you have pain right here don't you. Where he put his hand is where I am still having a good bit of pain but not taking pain med. Wanted to hear from him.
Got a "BIG" surprise. He said it is due to arthritis.
That at that place in my right knee it is past bone on
bone. It is now grit in that area. He is trying to get a year or two more out of that knee before a total knee replacement. I said that would only make me 63 or 64.
I thought that from when you did the left knee the MRI on the right showed no arthritis. He said it didn't but someone in my family has terrible arthritis. Mom doesn't and of course Dad past at 58. Neither grandmothers or grandfathers had it. Well we are going to talk more at my next appointment Dec. 30th. I knew the pain I was having in that area wasn't right. Sure NOT HAPPY

hedgie said...

Dana, at age 61 you would be a rare bird indeed NOT to have arthritis in your knees! Too bad that it has reached the grit stage, and know that it's painful. The newer knee joints last much longer than they used to. One guy I know had suffered terribly from age 45 (sports had worn his bone away in both knees). They kept putting him off because of his age....but finally did it last year when he was 55 and told him it should last his lifetime.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I think I understand. I think I was looking for something super mysterious or a joke I wasn't catching onto.

By George, I've got it.

No, Lynn. I think she said three shots. Nine hundred dollars. She is trying to find out if insurance will cover it. At the moment, she doesn't have insurance because she just started a new job.

Now I am wondering if she will have insurance when she goes to Ecuador. I will have to ask about that. Okay, Kathryn says she only has to go without insurance for three weeks. The Ecuador thing is in a month.

stronghunter said...

Survivor is on here, too. Kathryn is a fan. I haven't watched it much recently.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the arthritis, Dana. I have a bit of it here and a bit of it there. It can be painful for sure.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Shirley.....there probably isn't time to get in three doses of vaccine before she leaves!!! Wow, what an expense! Tell her to try the health department!!!

stronghunter said...

Interesting twist on Survivor.

stronghunter said...

She asked me to find out about suggestions from you guys.

I would not think she has to do it before she leaves. It is not for the trip; it is for her volunteer job with raccoons. She is hoping to land a paying job working with wildlife, so she is looking to join a volunteer group. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

stronghunter said...

On top of everything else, she just got notified that she has jury duty.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't think those two that just quit on Survivor should be allowed to be on the jury!!!!

stronghunter said...

I think the jury would like to switch places with them.

hedgie said...

I agree....they should be shipped home post haste!! Big babies.

Oh, good, that she doesn't have to have the vaccine before Ecuador.
What do we think about what, Shirley?? Lost me this time!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I e-mailed Kathryn about your health department suggestion.

Lynne2 said...

WHOA, pre exposure rabies vaccs are sure more expensive than they used to be! I sure hope Susan's insurance will cover at least some of the cost! Now, I have missed why she'll need them...I think she is volunteering for a wildlife rescue? Hey, that sounds familiar!

I had the POST exposure vaccs....had the immunoglobulin distributed by injection at the actual bite wounds, which in my case were in the cuticle of 2 fingers. REALLY UNPLEASANT. Very thick stuff. Then rabies vaccination in both arms and hips, then back for several more vaccs in the arm over the next couple of weeks. It cost my boss about $2500 before it was over. That was 15 years ago.

Lynn, is carpet dry yet?

Dana, sorry about the arthritis in your knee. I have it, too. When I had my knee scoped about 8 years ago, I was warned of impending problems in years to come. He started out by saying "your cartilage looks like crab meat...."
Many women have knee trouble because women have wider pelvises which throws alignment cattywampus.

We sure have a lot of exciting things coming pup, new cam, Germany gang arrival...WOO HOO!

stronghunter said...

She wants suggestions about the best place to get a rabies shot. You already gave one suggestion, and I have passed it on. Susan doesn't have $900 lying around to pay for rabies shots.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lynne. You got bitten by an animal that might have been rabid. Wow.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Watching Law & Order and now I am far behind all of you on the blog.
Need to read quickly during commercial.... BBILW

stronghunter said...

Raccoon Rescue Group

This is the group she is talking to.

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder what county animal shelters do about those vaccines for their volunteers? Wonder if they require them? Maybe a place to inquire?

stronghunter said...

I think I posted this before.

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, a cat that had no records of ever being vaccinated escaped from the owner's car after leaving the vet where I was working. Me and the Doc tried to catch it, and I did, but it went all Tasmanian Devil on me and bit my hand all up to the point of having to let it go. The only way to insure the cat was NOT able to transmit rabies was to make sure it was alive in 10 days. Well, the cat was GONE. We couldn't find it anywhere. The Health Dept. said, no cat, must vaccinate. UGH. Thank goodness I am not afraid of needles. The process would have killed a lesser person! Not much room for thick immunoglobulin in a cuticle area! OWWWWWW! Bet the owner of the practice was kicking himself in the arse for not having us all PRE vaccinated! Meanwhile, 7 days later, the cat was found, and 10 days later, still alive. But the series was finished anyway, the worst already over.

Lynne2 said...

Moral of the story....

PUT YOUR CAT IN A CARRIER. It's always been my pet peeve when people refuse to transport cats in a carrier. It's very unsafe. That cat could have been hit by a car. They were lucky to have gotten it back at all. And more than once, an owner holding a cat in the waiting room of a vet has been clawed as the cat freaks and escapes into the bowels of the hospital because someone walks in with a dog.

That's a cool rescue Shirley, I had no idea there was a raccoon specific rescue!

It takes a lot of extra legal stuff to rescue and rehab rabies vector species. (raccoons, bats, foxes and skunks)

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lynne. Scary.

I had a cat that showed up in my yard one day. It was all meow-y and purr-y and acted like it wanted to rub against my leg and be petted. I reached down to pet it, and it suddenly got mean and hissed. Fortunately, I backed off and the cat ran away. I had visions of getting shots.

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, George always goes to the vet in a carrier. I do remember one time that I had him out for a little while. He pooped in the carrier as I was leaving, so I took him and the carrier back in to get help. He was so angry that I had taken him back in that he scratched me. They cleaned the carrier and George. It was a nice mess.

Lynne2 said...

wow Shirley, glad you didn't get bitten! Stray cats can be rabies vectors also.

Scary story from my friend Gail's client had 2 indoor cats get really sick and both tested positive for rabies. So sad...both cats lost, and whole family and then some others who had been in the home with the cats had to have shots. They suspect a bat got in.

I personally would never take a chance with a bite from any animal that can't be found to verify if still alive in 10 days. You can't get cured from rabies. You just die.

Lynne2 said...

oh yes, been there done carriers and bathing cats! It's just really stressful for them to be at the vet!

stronghunter said...

A little girl in my ex-husband's family died of rabies. I don't much about it. It was a long time ago.

Lynne2 said...

a few years ago, a teenager in Wisconsin was cured. I think she was bitten by a bat she found and didn't tell anyone right away. The disease had developed, and they put her in a medically induced coma and just banged her with massive doses of antiviral meds. She was cured, but she is the only one that I have ever heard of who has. Lots of controversy about it, though.

THere have been several cases of rabies transmission from organ transplants, too.

Lynne2 said...

oh my gosh, tht is so sad. I thinks kids would be more likely to get into that kind of trouble because they just may not "get" the extreme danger of handling wildlife. And it can be easy for them to do if they find one that is sick, because it may not run away from them, making for temptation to touch it. It's so rare, but so deadly.

stronghunter said...

Had a bat get in the house once, too. I was in high school and woke up in the night for some reason and turned on the light. I got a glimpse of a bat flying around in my bedroom. I was spooked and told my family but nobody believed me. I wasn't sure myself because I had just waked up and only got a glimpse.

The next night, my brothers found the bat hanging in an out-of-the-way spot in the house and chased it out.

hedgie said...

I'm trying to remember about the vaccine....seems to me at one time that it had to be obtained from CDC.....via ER. But that was for an emergency room visit. Would think that county health departments would have it; they would be be the most likely to vaccinate Animal Control officers in a county.

Lynne, scary situations for sure. You were fortunate.
The day after Christie's wedding, our former neighbors from Annandale were still here and had gone to my sisters' house. The lady had had a kidney transplant two yrs. before. A feral cat came running out of the woods and bit her on the leg. My sister took her straight to ER and they called her team at Georgetown....and she's the one who had to wait to get the vacc from CDC (it was Memorial Day weekend).

hedgie said...

Lynne, carpet is feeling dry in most places, finally!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I thought I had heard about at least one rabies survival case.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, skunk rescue. That might get difficult.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, glad the carpet is drying. It was a humid day.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley! I had a bat flying around in my bedroom in my very first apartment! Woke up and couldn't believe what I was seeing! Literally threw myself out of the bed into the living room and slammed the door shut. I was, uh, well, I don't wear jammies. SO thank GOD I had clothes hanging in another closet out front! Called the local fire dept.....LOL! A fireman came and took care of it for me! He must have thought I was nuts!

Glad the carpet is dry Lynn! And so glad your sis had the good idea to get the friend to the ER, post haste!

stronghunter said...

Umm, glad you had some clothes in the other closet, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Train just got mentioned. Oh my goodness. I am half watching the Grammy thing that is on.

hedgie said...

One time a baby squirrel bit Carolyn on the finger. She was about 3 and was sitting in the yard playing and it came up to her and bit her finger. ER said that squirrels don't carry rabies; DNR agreed. worries. Whew! Scared me for sure.

We had lots of bats (as well as birds) flying in the plant. An almost daily occurence.

Lynne2 said...

I KNOW! The apartment was really small with no closet in the bedroom....which turned out to be a good thing! I sure wasn't going back in there! Now, though, I would be far calmer and it wouldn't scare me to have a bat flying around...much.

Lynne2 said...

what a mean squirrel!

hedgie said...

Speaking of animals...have a meeting with Animal Control tomorrow afternoon. We want to offer our assistance---especially when they get in to a crisis situation like the horse rescue and puppy mill incident. We could help them review adoption applications, vet prospective adoptors, etc. We can also offer foster care in situations where a person dies or has to go to hospital with no family to care for a pet.

stronghunter said...

In thinking about the bat incident. I recall images of my two brothers with a big net (fishing net?) chasing the bat around the house and out the door.

Oh, Lynn, in answer to your earlier question, I have no idea what kind of bug it was on my computer screen. It wasn't very big. It just startled me.

Okay, Train is on.

Lynne2 said...

what a great idea Lynn. People would be so much more at ease to know their pets would be cared for if they couldn't do it.

Shirley, not long after my own bat incident, a bat was in the liquor store next to the bar where I worked. One of my customers ran home to get a pool net, and I tried to catch it. Got it out the door and it flew off! Maybe they had a big pool net like that?

stronghunter said...

There are bats living in Culpeper Middle School, or there were when I taught there. Occasionally, one would fly through the halls.

It is an old building.

Sometimes, my college students (who came to class at night) saw skunks on the school grounds.

And we had an incident one year when a skunk managed to get into the cafeteria and was munching away on some goodies when the staff arrived. Lunch was late that day.

They had to call someone to de-skunk the place. I think they managed to avoid any spraying. That might have caused cafeteria prepared lunch to be canceled.

hedgie said...

A house that my sister rented once had the washer and dryer in the garage. Bats also lived there.....she is convinced they intentionally targeted her.....they got into her hair more than once, but never bit her.

stronghunter said...

No pool nets at my house. More likely a fishing net or some kind of butterfly net, maybe. Too many years ago for me to remember.

hedgie said...

Wind has died down. Still cloudy, tho'---no stars or moon showing. Feels much warmer since the wind stopped.

hedgie said...

Pewie, Shirley. That would have been an awful thing to have to deal with if the skunk had sprayed!

stronghunter said...

For sure, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Might have closed the school. I was absent that day and missed all of the excitement.

stronghunter said...

I need to quit for the night and go on upstairs. Kathryn and Hunter went upstairs long ago. Kathryn was fussing at Hunter to get to bed awhile back.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley---I am always fussing at Carolyn and Charlie for not making Jess and Jenn go to bed earlier. 16 qand 12....and they hardly ever make it before 11---and get up at 5....just not enough sleep IMHO!
Goodnight, teach! Sleep well.

hedgie said...

Ha---just remembered my bat story--climbed up pool ladder and was sitting on top, dangling legs into pool getting adjusted to temp. When I went in, I turned and saw a bat on the underneath side of where I had been sitting! I screamed really loud and the Mr. came and removed it with heavy leather gloves----it was sound asleep!

stronghunter said...

That doesn't sound like enough sleep, Lynn. Hunter has to get up early to go to the sitter's, but not quite as early as 5:00--between 5:30 and 6:00, though.

By the time they are 16, though, it is likely pretty hard to make them go to bed.

stronghunter said...

You didn't wake it up when you screamed?

Lynne2 said...

that is NOT enough sleep for those kids, Lynn! One of our pet peeves with our friends...they are in bed hours before he is! He is often up til 11 or 12 on school nights at 13 years old. I know this because he's always posting on FB late. And he is doing VERY poorly in school.

Well, I'm heading for be myself. Good night and prayers for all! Stay warm and cozy! posts from Lolly in several hours. Hope everything is OK with Faye and family....

stronghunter said...

I see lots of Hunter's plastic toys I'd better put out of doggy reach before I go to bed.

Lynne2 said...

oh geesh Lynn, I'd have screamed too!

stronghunter said...

I can tell you about kids falling asleep in school.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Well I am glad I didn't need to talk about bats! Tomorrow is 2 days and a wake up and there will be Miss Wrinkles. Only 8 more days and a wake up until that flight comes into BWI and off it comes my Germany Gang!
Whoo Hoo...... Don't mind going to bed due to it making time fly by!

Mema Jo said...

There are quite a few missing this evening!
Dana - prayers for you
Judie - prayers for you
Lolly - prayers for Faye and Family
Prayers for All others' needs/wants

Good Night Everyone
Hugs to All of You ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

"Good Morning" and Good Night Eagle Pals....
I have definitely lost the knack of daytime sleeping
don't think I got much true sleep at all today.

But I think I'm caught up on the news...

Hope tonight brings good rest, healing, pain relief, and peace

"See You" sometime tomorrow.

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

oh and thanks for the Birthday Greetings for my sister Anne...
all good thoughts and wishes are much appreciated

magpie said...

oh and thanks for the Birthday Greetings for my sister Anne...
all good thoughts and wishes are much appreciated

hedgie said...

Amazing that my scream didn't wake it---maybe they only hear the echo-location sounds!!
I was always a strict parent about bedtime.....even at 16, they had to be in bed no later than 10 on school nights. I often ask them how they stay awake in class---and just get shrugs.

Jo, I'm with you----sometimes sleeping the time away is GOOD!!!

Gonna say my goodnights, too. Tub and book time as soon as the news is over. See my favorite, fine, fowl friends tomorrow!!!!!

Prayers for all in need.

Lolly said...

Here I am! Jack did not have any hockey on TV tonight, so I suggested we work on putting up the tree. Well, it is up and the lights are on it. Whoopee! And Merry Christmas! Now, I really need to know...does anyone have a tree that came with the lights on it? We are talking about a new tree next year with LED lights. This tree has about had it and putting lights on is a huge hassle.
Will finish putting the decorations on it tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Laurel called. She has a hard time getting anything out of Joey after he has been with Faye. Typical man thing! However, with Will there they did a bit more talking. Faye is still confused but sometimes realizes that she is confused. She slept a lot, but was awake a lot as well. So, she is no worse. Faye's sister, Letha, gets here tomorrow with her husband. They will stay in Faye's house, but Laurel is stressing. I told her to not stress. They know she has the boys, the house and teaching to take care of. She does not have to feed or entertain them. It is just such a stressful time. Wish we were not an hour away. I am preparing Laurel's birthday dinner and told her to tell everyone.

Costume Lady said...

I vegged in front of the TV all evening AND it was MINDLESS!
Just too tired to do anything else...bed is where I belong:)


Lolly said...

Annie always travels in her carrier. I am always amused. We have to sneak the carrier into the house or she will run and hide. She resists going into it, but we know how to drop her in back feet first. However, at the vets, she does not want to get out. LOL And, after the vet is done with her, she crawls back in on her own. Silly kitty!

paula eagleholic said...

No bat stories here, except I have seen them down by our park at night.

Been working on estate stuff....

Have a good shift Margy. Happy Birthday to Anne!

hitting it

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, we got a pre-lit tree for GG a couple of years ago, and it is wonderful. It is about 7ft. and white lights all over...we bring it up from the basement and just throw her ornaments on, then she puts the final touches on. Mine is the same, only very small, maybe 4ft.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, just enough time left to wish Anne a Happy Birthday. Wonder how she is doing?

PA Nana said...

Good evening friends.

Was it Shirley with the bat? I've had a run in with one while still a teen. Won't bore you with it tonight though.

About teens sleeping... all through high school I was ready for bed by 8:30-9. Couldn't stay up late then. Boy am I living the opposite now.

Spent a few hours tyring to install my old printer with a new cd to bring it up to Windows 7. It didn't work for me and I'm too frustrated to try anymore tonight.
In fact, I'm sleepy so going to my chair.

Prayers for all wants/needs. Goodnight and God bless!

Lolly said...

I am heading to bed now. Checked things out of fb and now ready to call it a day.

Thanks Wanda. We will have to check things out for a new tree next year. Have to have a large one with lots of lights. Expensive I am sure. However, this tree has lasted a long time and is still pretty. You would not know some of the branches are limp. LOL

Nite all! Sweet dreams! Hope you do not have dreams of bats flying around. LOL

Lynne2 said...

well, here I am in the wee hours again. UGH. Scratchy throat and very stuffed up nose. Double UGH!

Diann....really, you won't bore ME at least with your bat story...BRING IT ON!!!! Hope you get your printer worked out soon.

Lolly, wow, you have been busy! You'll have to post some decoration pictures. I hope Laurel will be able to enjoy her birthday and dinner and DEstress for at least a little while.

LOL!Back feet first into the carrier for Annie! That's how mine go...and boy they'll sure go back in fast after the vet appointment, all by themselves! I'm taking friend Dave's mom's cat to the groomer for her tomorrow. Carrier has been out in the living room for a week to desensitize him. Still think he's going to freak, though!

Well, going to try to get back to sleep....

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

wow, where is everybody?

It's 31 here, cloudy, but no breeze! It's going to be a cold and windy night Sunday with a chance of snow flurries.

Haven't seen the red shouldered hawk for the past 3 days now. But I heard one yesterday.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

no real bat stories here but I had one at the old house years ago, the sound of them fluttering is very was captured and released....think they die rather easily, sometimes just from
fright :(

Headed to bed....going to catch a few z's and try to see the grandson later...all done with midnights for awhile, back to dayshift Friday :)

Best wishes for a very good day, hoping there is good news in the Health Department...
Special Wishes and Prayers for Lolly, and all your family with Faye's illness...
Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

YO, I saw SNOW flurries on the way to work!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Did my cam search. Two eagles at BWO. None at OK or the Ozarks.

Starting out the day a little puny. Tummy problems and achy. Now how can I get this? I have not been out of the house for two days! Grrrrr!

Thanks once again, Margy, appreciate all prayers for Faye.

Lynne, hope you get to feeling better fast. What a group we are!

Lolly said...

Sorry, Paula! Boy, last year really ruined all of you on snow. lol They are still watching closely the conditions for us next week. However, now they are saying that Oklahoma will get it and not us. Still an iffy situation.

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning! I saw those flurries, Paula. What's with the squirrels - they must have seen them also and headed into their nests.

I saw a very good carton this morning:
2 elderly bats hanging by their feet in a tree and one said to the other
"you know what I fear most about old age?" The other says "No, What?"
Hope that gets you laughing and that you enjoy your day!

Lynne2 said...

wow flurries! sun is out here now.

GREAT joke JO!!

On my way out to take friend's cat to groomer.....

Lynne2 said...

I feel fine now Lolly, think I didn't drink enough water yesterday or something. Hope you feel better!


Lolly said...

Sitting here thinking I want Jack to take my picture with Annie. She is on the right arm of my chair, as usual demanding to be petted and purring rather loudly. She is doing so well. Can not believe the scare we had this summer!

Lynne2 said...

oh, put pics of the walking stick bug on my blog. Finally.

Lolly said...

I was planning to go shopping for a little while today, but not now. Going to stick close to home and the WC! I hate this! I gotta be well for Saturday!

hedgie said...

Good morning all. Hope those feeling puny get better fast. I had my own moments this morning, too, but think I'm okay now.

Sleep well, Margy! Glad your 3rd shift stint is SHORT!

Busy putting LR back together and getting ready for outing to AC and other errands. Really wanted to take 90 mins. and go to the movies to see Unstoppable, but times just don't jive. :(

Lolly said...

Went to look at your walking stick, Lynne and visited the pics of Virginia, too. It was all I could do to click or your avatar. LOL (((Hugs)))

Lolly said...

Good morning, Lynn. Isn't it nice to have clean carpet? And, just in time for a puppy to piddle on it! :) Just two more days!

Jack and I need to get to the movies too. Want to see the latest Harry Potter. Guess it will have to wait til next week now.

Lolly said...

Eagle now at the Ozarks. Lynn, wish you could get that cam.

hedgie said...

Had a few flurries here this morning, too! Short-lived, thankfully.

movin said...





C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Leaving for an hour or so...


hedgie said...

Just got a good look at the limb that came down from out on the deck----much bigger than I thought. Broken into three's about 40 feet long. Just missed hitting the corn feeder!

stronghunter said...

A quick good morning . . .

Summary of my recent school happenings:

A student told me that she does her work in lower case letters because she thinks capital letters are ugly.

A boy told me that he did not think it would be a good idea for me to loan him a book to do his assignment during class. He'd rather just copy down the assignment and do it later. I told him that he had better get busy or he would incur my wrath, which would be a worse idea.

A girl told me that since the assignment on the board said "classwork/homework," she has chosen to do it as homework so she can nap during class. What do you want to bet that the same kid will tell her parents that she did all of her homework at school? I docked her participation grade and wrote a comment next to the low grade. (We can add comments to the individual grades in the computer. Parents who have the passwords can see the grades and comments immediately.)

I warned my Bl. 2 kids that I may take participation grades at any moment, that I might just be sneaky about it. They look (mostly) busy.

I do see the need to start sneaking.

No wonder I am so tired by the end of the day.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I don't know how you tolerate it, day in and day out. ARGH!

Lolly, hoping new puppy does NOT piddle on carpet.....taking every precaution for sure!! Will pick up a pack of piddle pads, but Shar Pei usually housebreak easily....seems to me my others were fully housebroken by 3 months. She is almost 2 now.....I can be more aggressive about it than the foster mom with 6 of them!

hedgie said...

Out I go. BBL.

Lolly said...

Elsie, the Ozark momma, has been sitting in the tree all morning and Einstein has not appeared. Those on the blog there are concerned!

Someone come shoot me. I am in miserable shape this morning. Have not been sick in a long time.

Lolly said...

It is very sad. Elsie is sitting in the tree....looking and looking and sometimes calling out.

Lolly said...

Thumper, who maintains the Ozark cam saw some vultures circling about a mile away. Left to investigate, but did not find anything.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe he's out fishing, Lolly.

Hope you feel better soon.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. They are very concerned on the blog. Said this is the first morning he has not shown up with her.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, sorry you aren't feeling well.


One more story.
I have told Bl. 4 that they have to give me a list of 3 people they would like to write their research paper on. They also have to give their reasons for selecting that person.

One student wants to write about Benjamin Franklin because he created electricity. That was quite an accomplishment.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Shirley. Wish I was feeling better too. Jack has fixed me some toast. Think now I will try a coke. Trips to the WC have lessened, now to get rid of the headache and the slight nausea.

Love your stories. And, someone asked how you can stand this every day. I bet basically you love it, at least working with the good one! I loved the teaching, even with the problems. I retired early just because I was soooo tired!

Lolly said...

LOL Make that "ones", not "one". Or, is one correct?

Lolly said...

Yea!!!!!!! Einstein is back! She sat there for 4 hours looking for him and calling!

magpie said...

Hallelujah Hawaii Lolly...
wanted to see that happy update before I headed out...

Hope you feel better

I enjoy all the posts, folks,
running a little behind times these last few days to comment much...but know that I care !!

hope that the day will be okay for all of you

Headed out for some kid fun

NCSuzan said...

Hello! So sorry that so many are feeling not well. Maybe it is caused by all the talk of snow! Please feel like your old selves soon. I have been doing some shopping online. these companies could make a nice profit just from their shipping and handling fees alone.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I sure hope you only have a 24 hr sickness.....

I have returned from exercise - lunch - now I am putting my feet up.

Lolly said...

I posted a couple of pictures on my blog Eagle and Panda Pic. These are pictures of Elsie and Einstein.

Lolly said...

I am hoping it is only a 24 hour bug, too, Jo. Gotta be well to cook tomorrow and then go to Laurel's on Saturday. Need to get out and get birthday wrap, too.

Jack has gone to the store to get groceries to prepare a meal.

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone. Konked out bigtime last night after dinner. Can't stand the basement at Chelsea. It was so filthy w/dead things (snake) & live things, I put on my hazmat suit (hooded jacket, glasses & work gloves).We can't find out if there is a crew that would do this. We have weekly cleaning people who empty trash, do toilets, etc.I only got the tip of the iceberg. One light w/a pull chain has been on for months--we can't touch chain for webs. I found a teeny shop vac, no attachments, so taped stick to end of hose to get up higher. And that's enough about that. I did not eat my lunch! Hope we get some real work.
Did see a heart warming rencounter yesterday with the deer. Got a few pics & put on Blog.
Been busy today double checking addresses, etc, & had dental appt.

NatureNut said...

Andy, you have the cutest dog.A lifelong friend (daughter of my godfather) & her family have their 2nd set of springers--siblings, They are great.
I bet Lynn is on pins and needles!!

Well, not making much headway today---back to something ☺

NatureNut said...

SP----plz remove "R" from encouter

NatureNut said...

and that's spelled wrong, too!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Have been incredibly busy today trying to get homework done for class tonight. Fell asleep in front of the TV last night, and feel the need to catch up in that department!

May NEVER catch up on the dirty laundry!

Emma is getting more of the really good puppy food now, and YIKES! does she have energy to burn! Can't wait for her to get her shots over with, so I can take her for long walks! She's had the first set of shots, but needs 2 more boosters and a rabies shot. Need to find a puppy obedience class, too, so she can get in some socialization AND some basic commands.
I'm most concerned about the socialization--she's learning really fast at home.

Need to finish homework--will be back late tonight after class!

Hope that Judie feels better today. Wish they would give her more pain meds! Hope all those under the weather feel better really soon, too.
Prayers are going up for everyone. BBL. :o]

Mema Jo said...

Hello Loretta and Andrea.... I just put my feet on the floor a little while ago. Spaghetti is cooking for dinner.
Hope to hear from Judie/Frank soon. She had the surgeon's visit today I think.
Eagle in BWE nest
No Moose sighted but must have been there as the feeder is overturned.
Checked out the bear Center cam and I really like their tree..

Lolly said...

Both birds are back at Ozark cam. I am really enjoying that cam. Get tickled as he talks to the eagles and you can hear him.

Loweeda, I enjoyed your comments about the spelling. That was my only laugh for the day. Thank you!

I am a wee bit better in that the trips to the WC are over with and the slight nausea is gone, but I feel like h.....!

Laurel just called, woke me up. Faye is worse today. She is sleeping a lot and they can not wake her up. Not looking good. Her sister and her husband are now there, as well as Will. So glad they are there.

Lolly said...

Two eagles at OK and two at the Ozarks. Cool, now if I could just see two at NCTC!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Looks like the eagles are going to spend the night in the nest tree at the Ozarks. He is talking to them. LOL He asked them what time did they want to get up in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Are you dreaming or just wishing!

Lolly said...

Bear Center tree is pretty, Jo. Saw a squirrel in the tree this morning.

Lolly said...

Just wishing, I guess.

hedgie said...

Hi gang. Home since 4----getting settled in, putting things in place, and working on my notes from the meeting. Sure could spend a lot of money at Pet Smart if I was rich!! Time to fuel this machine. Will read up on what I've missed while I eat.

NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Video of Lun Lun's new cub

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you are feeling a little better. Hopefully you'll be 100% in the morning. Get plenty of rest! does not sound good for Faye. If she is unresponsive, then chances are she may be septic.
Prayers continue, but sure glad that Joey has his family there.

Margy, hope you are having fun with James!

Loretta----what are you, gal? Slave labor??? Tell them NO! Glad you had on your hazmat garb!

Andy, too late hear fro the training class, but hopefully Adult ducation will offer another one for the spring term. I, too, want her to be well-trained. I can do some on my own, but not sure I remember all of it---it's been too many years!

Gotta look at all these pics.

hedgie said...

Loved all the pics!
Sure wish I could get that cam open, too, Lolly.

Lolly said...

I really respect you two for getting your pups properly trained. I wanted Joey to get Bosco trained, but he just laughed. Bosco is a good dog, but he has always been to hyper.

Jack is going to fix me a scrambled egg and toast for supper. I had toast and coke this afternoon. Really feeling achy, time for more Advil.

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening everyone.

Jo I loved the bat joke ( :

Lolly I hope you start to feel better very soon. So sorry you have pick up some kind of bug.
Thank you for posting those
pictures of the two eagles.

Loretta YUCK on the basement
a Chelsea. They need to get
someone else and NOT YOU to
clean that mess.

Shirley I don't know how you can
but up with those kids. Do parents
really go in and look at their kids

Loretta thanks for posting the
sleeping deer neat!

Lolly so glad Faye's other immediate family are with her. I am so sorry it doesn't sound so good. Prayers continue for Fay, Joey and Laurel and family members.

Margy did you get some time in with James? What did you two do?

Andy Emma sounds like she would
catch on well with obedience training. In the training class socialization is part of it.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana - I am heading over to son's
for a little while.


Lolly said...

Talked with Laurel again. Blood work done on Faye today came back good. Doctor said the sleeping was just the body's way of resting, Hmmmmm???? Laurel said her breathing is slightly labored. Letha is spending the night with her.

Just ate a scrambled egg and toast. Tummy is doing okay, now to loose this "stuffed" feeling and the headache.

stronghunter said...


Trying to grade some papers, but my mind is wearing down. I think I will be going upstairs soon. Tomorrow is library day, and I will be walking back and forth between my classroom and the library all day.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - short visit but very nice.
I do have a show on at 8:00 Bones
Haven't checked out any others.
So I will take my leave and return

Mema Jo said...

***Lolly - the moose is on Pook's cam

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 267   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED