Saturday, December 04, 2010


Almost evening thread.


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NatureNut said...

Thank you, Steve. Have a nice weekend. Looking forward to Monday!!
Is anybody home??

Gotta eat and then there may be a treat!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Loretta,

Thanks for the call-over. And thanks for the new thread, Steve.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Loretta thank you for the call over.
What is that about electric??? Did you not have any????

I'm sorry I am laughing at all the puppy proofing going on at Andy's and Lynn's. Still worth it isn't it ( :

Judie that is great for your pain level. Oh PRAISES TO GOD....PRAYERS WILL CONTINUE.

Lynne2 said...

Puppy proofing can be a challenge! We got Daisy while we still had the tree up last year, but she was so new to us and on new home behavior. We won't have a tree this year as it's certainly NOT in the budget. But will put some other things around!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, we stopped putting up a Christmas tree when GG requested having Christmas day celebration at her house. It was too much for us to do two trees.
Instead of a tree, I put out our Nativity set on some Buffalo Snow/Cotton with lights between layers. It looks very pretty and we just fold it up, lights and all, place in a box and it's ready for the next year.
Dustin spent part of the holidays with us last year, so we put up our 4ft, already trimmed tree.
It's all good:)

Costume Lady said...

I love hearing about the new puppies. Makes me miss having a dog. It's been nearly 25 years since our Missy died.

Judie is sounding more like herself, today. Pain in the range of 2-3 is tolerable. Hope she has none, soon.

Shirley, what did you have along with your pancakes? I love puddin' on pancakes...absolute no, no, healthwise, but only have that once or twice a year. A dippy egg is good, too:)

paula eagleholic said...

Love dippy eggs on pancakes!

paula eagleholic said...

I am thinking about not doing a tree, but I love my ornaments! But I guess I should do one, for the grandkids.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Suzan, the snow looks pretty!

And Lynne had an eagle in her yard, and Steve got some OT. Great news!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm hungry, but not sure what I want to eat!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula with grandkids I figured you would put up a tree.

I don't know what I am doing this year. I certainly don't want to make daughter cry. I think if I put it up she will. She decorated it and Dad said then. "Don't undecorate it, leave it as she did it". He ask me way back then could I just box it and bring it out each year the way she decorated it. I told him yes and she was excited. Say, "Well Dad even though I won't be living around here. By doing that your tree will be trimmed by me each year".

paula eagleholic said...

thought this was interesting.

Problems for the O's

wvgal_dana said...

Oh dear Paula that is a problem.

I am sure the Baltimore Orioles are talking with probably Fish and Wildlife for answers.

Great article thanks for posting Paula.

Costume Lady said...

I say, leave the eagles alone, they will decide what to do:)
Maybe the Orioles will rename themselves The Eagles:)
I couldn't see a nest...must have just started.

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, go back to the article. there are several nice photos of the nest.. Baby bumbers and also no egg to fall through a hole in the nest!

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, think you should go ahead and put up the tree for Rashada (sp?).

Paula...interesting story alright.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Mass and yes I did pray very fervently for all of us.

Suzan I didn't get your email on cell phones..... Resend it to me so I have your email address!

I am going to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie with Hubby......

Be back during commercials........

NatureNut said...

Sorry been gone so long! Only read a tiny bit about puppies!!Gotta read the rest.
Put some "New Birds" on blog.

Dana, P.S. Since no one was on this new thread for 2 hours, I thought Momsters' power was out!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think the O's should just continue on...the eagles obviously chose a busy spot and don't seem bothered by all the activity.

paula eagleholic said...

Finally settled on hot dogs for dinner...but wanted dessert, so I ran up to the store and got some apple turnovers and a bag of apples to makes some apple crisp later :)

Think I'm gonna try to find a movie to watch.

Heading up to where John works for breakfast tomorrow, then have to tackle more paperwork.

NatureNut said...

I hope those FL eagles can stand all that going on around them.They must be urban birds!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the heads up on the eagle story, Suzan. As usual, I didn't look far enough. Very interesting and I agree with Paula, if the noise and activity haven't discouraged them by now, I think they will be just fine.

hedgie said...

Mai is getting a little more active and feistier! Having to use NO a little bit. But she did finally drink. We've been out a couple more times....and still no accidents! She also likes the sound of bells when the music is playing, and she watched the dogs on TV!
Movie was very sad---I was blubbering. :(

Judie, 2-3 isn't TOO bad without meds. I would say you are doing well!

magpie said...

Congratulations on a great first puppy day with Mai Ying, Lynn ☺

Carolyn did tell me the name at work since she said you posted it on the blog ☺

Nice new pictures, Loretta

Good Evening Eagle Pals
about falling asleep with my eyes open here
be back in a little while

hedgie said...

Got the name tags all done for retiree Christmas luncheon Tues.!!! One less thing to worry about.

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Are you off tomorrow? ure hope so. DId you get the office decorated? OK that Carolyn went ahead and told you!!!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, I too think you should put the tree up. Even if it makes her cry, it will be good cry full of love and memories!

Wow, that's pretty cool about the eagle nest at the stadium! I guess it will all work out somehow!

Sounds like Mai Ying is beginning to adjust to her new world!

Good to know Judie's pain is not too bad!

Love the pics Loretta!

Jo, thanks for praying for all of us!

I'm heading for the shower, and debating on whether or not to take one of my precious few remaining Darvocets. My back is protesting mightily at about a 7 on the scale. So if I don't get back, have a good night everyone (especially hopeful that the new puppy mamas don't have to get up too often!)and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

It is snowing in Fredericksburg.

Costume Lady said...

How ironic that you should mention name tags, Lynn. I am sitting here at my desk, putting labels on GG's pill packets, for instance: SUNDAY MORNING-SUNDAY NOON-SUNDAY BEDTIME, for each day of the week. I would love to be able to do this on labels like you do our Name Tags. Do you have a special machine for that or are you able to do it on the computer with special label paper?

stronghunter said...

Paula, we had sausages and baked apples. I have some real maple syrup at home and so we brought them home before adding butter and syrup.

Luna is having problems. She does not want to go out in the snow. She is asking us to come out and make it stop snowing.

stronghunter said...

We thought maybe Luna would be happier going out the front door. She can be a challenge in bad weather.

There are not as many steps out to the front yard. And the porch is a nice shelter to wait on.

Maybe she thinks it isn't snowing in the front????

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley. Tell Luna she won't melt! See----I told you it was going to snow there!!

Wanda, no special program. In your word processing program just look in the Tools menu and choose Labels. Just need to buy the size you want and then find them on the list when you are formatting. It's easy!

Lynne, I never thought that Darvocet was any count for pain. No better than Darvon for me. Doc can certainly give you something that will work when you run out.

hedgie said...

Mai likes to play with leaves....but have had to stop her from trying to pick up little rocks!

Mema Jo said...

I have finished watching the Hallmark movie and it was very enjoyable.

Wanda - I take pills in the am and then in the pm. I have blue (AM) and a yellow (PM) plastic pill box with days marked on it (Drugstore special)
Why don't you get 3 pill containers of different colors and go ahead and fill them for the week for GG. White, Yellow, Blue meaning AM Lunch PM.

Judie said...

Interesting about the eagles in Sarasota. I do hope they find a good solution -- maybe not turning those particular lights on? Heat would destroy any eggs or babies.

Snow is getting a little too close for my comfort.

Luna is not a fool. I bet she remembers a time about a year ago -- outside potty would not be fun.

Hi Wanda and Hi Margy.

Lynne2, just put a shiny garland on Daisy. lol

Paula and Dana, I hope you both put your trees up. It will be worth it.

Sandperson is calling. Time to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for puppies and their moms, for those headed back the hallway, and up to bed. Hugs for all!

Mema Jo said...

It sounds like Mai Ying had a busy day. Lots to explore! I bet she meets up with Myrtle this spring!
Did you buy her a coat?

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley! Poor Luna!

Lynn, it has helped me a lot. Nothing else to take without going to a stronger class of pain meds which I am refusing to do. Ultram makes me itch very badly, but no hives. Codine just makes bad things happen to me. Metal mouth, hives, bad dreams, dehydration. To go up would mean something with hydrocodone in it (Percocet, Vicodin, Loracet, etc., well, you know). Those have upset my stomach pretty badly in the past when I've taken them. And made me loopy. Demoral actually made me hallucinate and that was UGLY. That's why I liked the side affects, took away pain, no loopiness. I have 2 friends with back/neck problems, and watched them stay on and get increasing doses of pain meds and the trouble it has caused them. I'm really afraid to use them.

BUT I SAW AN EAGLE IN MY YARD! Who cares if my back hurts!!! WOO HOO!

Costume Lady said...

I use to do that, Jo, but now, I can't give her anymore than 2 days worth of pills at a time. I put her morning pills by her coffee maker...her noontime pills on kitchen table and bedtime pills near the light which she turn off each night before she goes to bed. It has been working very well for about 4 months now. The labeling takes so long and if she spills her coffee or pill water on them, the ink runs and I have to re-do it.
Lynn, I am surely going to try those labels...mayb Office Max?

Costume Lady said...

Sleep well, Judie♥

Lynne2 said...


wow, a Mai and Myrtle meeting....that would be a sight! Hobo and Raven met a box turtle here many years ago...Hobo was a trip! He tried so hard to get the turtle to play with him! Hobo's whole life consisted of trying to get the world and everything in it to play with him!

Costume Lady said...

Where is Mai going to sleep, Lynn?
(probably anywhere she wants!)LOL

Mema Jo said...

Norma should be jumping:
WVU 35 Rutgers 14

Bev and Tom went to the game.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie
Good Night Judie
Have a restful sleep ((hugs)) ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone.

Pet story--Sassafras, our sweet basset hound a few years ago, thought that small insects (ants in particular) might want to play with her. She would stand over them and bark at them.

Sometimes, she picked them up with her teeth and flung them around. The ants did not play. Sometimes they did not move after a flinging. They were quite dead. Sassafras would bark some more. She could not understand why they did not run and play with her.

Eventually, she took to digging holes in the back yard and barking into them. Was she looking for ants? We sometimes thought she was barking at the dogs in China.

Lynne2 said...

too funny Shirley! I have to wonder....what would she have thought of STINKBUGS!!!

stronghunter said...

I do not know, Lynne. I really do not.

Lynne2 said...

I just have to wonder what goes on in the mind of with Sassafrass digging and barking into holes. Or what was it about ants in particular!

stronghunter said...

We marveled that she could pick up an ant in her teeth and throw it around.

stronghunter said...

I have never seen another dog even pay any attention to ants.

Lynne2 said...

or why Brother Cat will drink water from ANYWHERE except his own water bowl. Buckets with dirty rain water, puddles, the tadpole's water....he has a water bowl on the porch, but when he comes in the house he stands on the double raised water dish thingy and sticks his paw in THOSE bowls and licks the water off of his foot. Never touches his own bowl. Strange beast.

Lynne2 said...

Picking up an ant takes serious skill...I am amazed that she could do that!

stronghunter said...

But you do not want an eagle to carry him away.

stronghunter said...

Can't say that I would ever try. Especially not with my teeth.

Lynne2 said...

our little buddy Bill was worried at one time that a Great Horned Owl would get him! I said if one did, we'd surely find a pellet that looked like him, doing a whining meow meow meow meow meow like he does! He's very vocal. Would be even as an owl pellet, I'm sure!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I would not want to think of him as an owl pellet.

Lynne2 said...

I would feel sorry for any owl that tried to get him!

Well, off to bed now....have a good night!

stronghunter said...

You too, Lynne. I am going to head upstairs myself. I am yawning and my eyes are very tired.

Lynne2 said...

Andy, I was going to email you but I don't have your address!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to head back the hallway

Good Night all and sweet Mai and Emma

Prayers may take a while being answered - but He will answer!

Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Anxious to hear doggie stories in the morning. Sleep well, doggie mommas:)
Prayers for all

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of those stink bugs....put on a pair of shoes I haven't worn since last winter yesterday...and yes, there was a stink bug in it! I didn't really feel it till about noon!

And I found one in the spare bedroom, inbetween some folded clothes in the was still alive!

Interesting about the dog and the ants!

OK, hitting the hay after I get the dogs back in.

Hugs to all ♥

NCSuzan said...

Only about one inch of snow and none of it stuck to the roads. A little freezing rain but I don't think it will be a hazard. Grateful for the very mild event. Hope everyone has a great evening and hope Mai Ying and Lynn sleep in harmony and love. Wanda, glad you went back to the article. I, too, almost didn't check the pics!

hedgie said...

Had a nice long time t get ready for bed. Miss Mai is being very vocal after another potty break. She will sleep in the playpen, at least for now. Crate eventually is she isn't trustable!!! So far, so good....but can tell she is missing her mama and litter mates.
Sorry I missed everyone... :(
Yep, Norma and Sissy are happy 'eers tonight!

Jo, I'm not goona make it to market....winds are supposed to be quite bad---I'm not up to that, and probably not wise for Mai to be out in it, either. Sorry! Maybe next weekend if Megan is going to be there and the weather moderates a bit.

Sleep tight all. Lynne, you have email. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Guess I have missed everyone! We made the most of a bad evening. Will and Joey were both at the house when we got there, Then Will left to go to the hosp. so Letha and Bill could come and see us and have dinner. Well, they never showed up. Joey got a call and Faye was worse. So, he left for the hosp. Then all came home. They put Faye in more intensive care and on life support and chased them out. Actually never saw Letha and Bill as they did not feel like coming over. Surgery will now probably not be Monday. She is that bad.

But, like I said. We made the best of it. We all enjoyed the meal and there is enough left that they can have another meal. Also, a friend had brought over a meal as well. Laurel liked the tops I gave her and loved the money to buy jeans and slacks, LOL

Joseph is getting sick, so I may be going up to take Joseph to the doctor. However, Laurel does have plans ready for a sub so she may take the day off and take Joseph herself. Who knows what is going to happen!

Lolly said...

Paula, thanks for the info on the eagles in the field light. Social eagles!

Judie, sounds like your pain is a little better. Sure hope so!

Lynne, how exciting to see the eagle! I would have gone beserk! I join the league of jealous momsters!

Heading to bed now. Once again, I am too pooped to pop!

magpie said...

OH, sorry I missed everyone last night !! Guess I was slam wore out!

but I want to be the first to say:

GOOD MORNING EAGLE PALS AND MAY YOUR DAY ROCK ! so sorry to read of the continued downturn with Faye, very comforting to know you and Jack could be there with such loving suppport.

Paula: enjoy our breakfast with Michael and I hope you tackle your paperwork pronto and can enjoy some Sunday time

magpie said...

Emma and Mai Ying and all the other puppy and kitty cat tales sure brighten up the blog these days ☺

oh stinkbugs, encounter them one at a time here and at work :(

but I sure would jump straight outta my shoes if I found one in there !

headed for morning prayer...will have you all in them
and JO: thanks for taking us to the Lord with you Saturday

Hope Megan has a Stellar Day at Market.... !!!

ttfn xoxo

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Windy and cold here this morning. I guess I must shore myself up for a cold day at school tomorrow.

One of my students took a picture of the classroom thermometer because the temperature dipped briefly below 68 degrees. She will show it to her mom and mom will complain.

Not really my fault, except the kids requested that I complain to the office because I had told them they would laugh at me if I complained as long as the temperature was 68 or above.

It dropped to 67 point something for a few minutes because I took all of the warm bodies to the library for half the block.

You think the mother would not be so silly as to complain because I did not summon a crew of temperature specialists to appear immediately?

This mother called to complain because I suggested that her daughter might wait seven minutes until the bell rang to go to the restroom. This happened even though, when the girl said she could not possibly wait seven minutes, I let her go. Perhaps I did not sign the pass rapidly enough.

Somehow, I think the officials might laugh at the mom if she actually carries the temperature complaint to them. Geesh, the kid needs to toughen up a bit.

stronghunter said...

. . . or, as I somehow expect, she is plenty tough enough and just enjoys making trouble. Hmmmm.

magpie said...

I am sorry to read that Rus is going to be laid off, but it sounds as though his talents could be picked up by a number of wishes on that

and I thoroughly enjoyed all the posts about the Food Details yesterday

xo Good Morning!

Yah, Brrrrr here too

magpie said...

darkness rapidly approaching at Finland Water nest

large lighted boat going from left to right right now

stronghunter said...

Lolly, it is good that Laurel has her sub plans ready to go. How many times have I gone to work on a day I needed to stay home just because it was easier than it was to put together sub plans?

magpie said...

I can barely wait until Monday to see what the new cam will bring...
I miss our Eagles so much !!!!
can't wait to see what the nest looks like too

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy!

I will do a quick check at Finland.

magpie said...

amazing to ponder how little daylight time there is in Scandinavia

and Alaska too I guess for that matter

magpie said...

speaking of cold...

we have a dispatcher that wears gloves sometimes when she is working - now that can be a challenge to type with gloves on !

but generally temps there are about 71 or so...have to have some coolness due to the high numbers of computers in there

magpie said...


The trap for the bear near my office has been dismantled and taken away...think the Bear gave everyone the slip
during his foray on Thanksgiving, he or she flushed a 4-pt buck and two does out from nearby, and the buck and one doe have been seen by a co-worker very close to our office

can't wait to see them if possible

Ok - I have a full schedule...
going to get started, I think

xoxo Best wishes for a Good Day everyone

magpie said...

Will be fun to read of the As the Puppy Turns updates today

stronghunter said...

Waiting eagerly for the new cam here, too, Margy.

It is pretty dark in Finland, now. I had some trouble finding the proper link for the water nest. I had not been there in awhile, and they have changed things.

stronghunter said...

Glad that the bear has moved on, Margy. I would be unnerved to encounter a bear in my backyard, I must admit.

stronghunter said...

I've posted some birthday party pictures from Hunter's celebration last Sunday. They're on Facebook, too.

hedgie said...

It's a cold, blustery, cloudy morning here in the 'ville....and even tho' I wouldn't say that we are snuggly warm at the moment, we are comfortable. Little miss Mai is in her bed napping after her morning romp. I've eaten, cleaned up the kitchen and read the paper.
I'm am NOT heading to S'town---don't think I would survive being out in this wind, and probably not good for the baby, either.
Carolyn and the grands won't be here until think I will head for the sofa for a nap.
We went to bed at 1, and were up at 4; back down at 5 and then back up at Y-A-W-N.

Extra prayers still for Faye, Lolly. Hope that everyone is coping as best they can....but might be a good time for them all to go to church as a family.

Will check back in later, eagle dudettes and dudes.

stronghunter said...

Special prayers for Faye from here this morning as well. God bless.

Costume Lady said...

AMEN, to that suggestion, Lynn.

Where did Mai Baby sleep?

Costume Lady said...

I've gotto get out of here...

stronghunter said...

Poor Flash, you would think I'd kilt him this morning. He barfed again this morning and I grabbed him by the collar and rushed him outdoors. He lay on the porch cringing and shivering. I got worried and brought him back in.

It seems that he was just upset and cold. I was afraid he was terribly ill and I'd mistreated him.

Mema Jo said...

Oh what a chilly morning it is!
Yes, I am still planning on Market as
Jennifer is driving me and then Aaron
can load the wreaths. I should do very well. Suz is also staying home in the warmth, Lynn. (My hat has a neck scarf attached that can also go over my mouth)
Happy to hear of Mai Ying adapting to your home. I'm sure she misses her mommie and also any bros/sis that were still with her.
I am so sorry to hear of Faye's condition worsening. I know that you will be there for Joey/Laure/Joseph/Jacob, Lolly and Jack.

Jenny has arrived! BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! So, here I sit waiting for company. Have a cousin's son and his family that live in San Antonio. Have not seen them for several years. Well, they have been up this way visiting an uncle so they are stopping by here in about half an hour. Really? Do you stop and visit people on Sunday morning? They go to church, they should know better! Oh, I am excited to see them, but I want to go to church as well. Oh, well.

Talked with Laurel. All three..Joey, Will and Letha are at the hospital. Joseph is sick and running a fever, so Laurel is home with him. Still do not know about tomorrow. Joseph also has a horrible cough. He will probably go on an inhaler. That is what the doctor said last time. He gets this cough easily.

As much as I hate to shop on weekends, I will get out today. Do not know what the week holds.

So, Lynn, is Mai wanting to play? Is she being really inquisitive about her new home?

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I think I will be doing some online shopping this year.

I will also take advantage of my personal shopper, Susan. Since she works at a mall, it works very well. Sometimes, she even brings home a variety of things for me to choose from and sends pictures. You can't ask for more than that.

I will get pictures with a message asking if I like the black purse or the brown purse, for example.

stronghunter said...

I do hope the week goes better than you expect for you and your family, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Off to do chores. It is getting furry around here. Need to vacuum and scrub.

magpie said...

going through clutter,came across something I saved...WHY ????

gas prices from 2005:

March $1.99
August $2.69
October $2.99

it was blamed on the hurricanes

so we area on par with Oct 2005

magpie said...

I like your idea of shopping...
I have done some ebay and Dover Books online shopping

and have been collecting things all year, do NOT expect to do much store shopping except for a school child that I have sponsored for Christmas

magpie said...

Yes it is cold

Glad to know that Megan will have some Deluxe Momster company today !! ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I think your and Jack's Faith keeps you strong through these tough or not!

Please just do some nice things for YOURSELF today, even though I know that includes doing for others ((( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

vaccuum, yes me too, and dust and scrub and throw and toss

James's mother and her father are coming up for a week in a week, want to have some room for them to enjoy being here when they can

magpie said...

Wonder if Jo and her family would consider a quick visit to THE NEST ???

magpie said...

Hope that Lynne and Steve see their eagle again today !!

AND, that your back feels better today Lynne....

okay ta ta for now again
just realized I need to EAT

stronghunter said...

Hope that Steve and Lynne see the eagle, but that the eagle does not see Brother Cat.

stronghunter said...

Throat and eyes are itching. Too much pet dander around here. Must get busy.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your lunch, Margy. . . or breakfast, or brunch whatever it might be.

magpie said...

cereal and bananas, Shirley
Just got news recently I have osteoporosis....
starting taking Calcium and D supplements, and am supposed to start Fosamax, but right now I am rethinking all of it and will take some time to research some options

guess maybe I should not have put that banana in with the cereal, but that is my all time favorite fruit and it has probably kept me alive all these years ☺

Oh dear suddenly now I am tired, might have to panda nap to recharge for the next round of duties here

stronghunter said...

Can't see how the banana can be anything but good for you, Margy.

stronghunter said...

I am munching on peppermint candies and drinking milk. Bananas are certainly better for you.

Take care of yourself, Margy. You do not want to mess with osteoporosis.

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Jim.

NatureNut said...

Is it Sunday???? I konked out in loungechair last night & never returned.Been out breaking peanuts for Shorty & one of the other squirrels follows him/her for some extras.Boy it's chilly out there!
Hope little puppies will go out!
Enjoying all the pet tales.
Lolly, sorry to hear about Faye. Prayers for her and everyone else in need.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning...oops, afternoon all!

Been to breakfast and the laundry started, dogs have been out, but I haven't been out to throw the ball yet.

Sorry to hear about Faye's condition, Lolly. Still hoping for the best. Do the boys know she is ill?

Shirley...poor Flash. My dogs get upset when they do something like that in the house and I rush them outside, too. I feel bad, too, but they get over it.

It's been flurrying all morning here.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, gotta get last dog in and get some stuff done!

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Redskins game not going well.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Cold and Windy Day to All Eagle Friends.

Lolly sorry to hear Faye has made a turn for the worse. Are Letha and Bill from out of town?

Paula hope that house paper work gets finished so that your all done with that. I know you will enjoy spending time with Michael.

Oh I feel so cold for Megan out there selling her beautiful wreaths. I couldn't do what that gal does.

Margy I'm glad the bear gave them the slip! (:
Sorry to hear dr. says you have osteoporosis. Prayers.

Shirley I checked out the birthday party pictures. Thanks for posting...looks like fun and the cake looked great!

Jo cover up well..don't want you to get sick. Glad Jennifer and Aaron are going with you. That is a BIG HELP!

Lolly enjoy your company since you haven't seen them in years. God will hear your prayers whether your in church or home saying them.
He won't hold it against you.
Does Joseph have asthma?

Margy getting company will be nice for you. To spend some time with them in your nice apartment.

Afternoon Jim...hope your doing well.

NatureNut said...

Boo Hoo--Redskins are in trouble...

hedgie said...

Well, I need to play catch-up with you all again. I have got one pooped pup. The girls really wore her out!! They are all in love, too!! Mai has been SO good!!!

On the other hand, my SKINS have been SO BAD......grrrrr. Bet Christie and Shannon are wishing they hadn't gone----it must be brutal up there.

hedgie said...

Okay, I read through.
Hope Flash is okay, Shirley----not from you throwing him out the door but from whatever is causing the vomiting!

Margy, please pursue a serious discussion with the doctor about usimg the intravenous annual medication instead of Fosamax or any orals. I NEVER had any indigestion issues in my life until I started Fosamax. I had to d/c it. Then used Evista, which was daily---4 yrs. and it had NO benefit, and I still had the tummy issues. I am truly not surprised that you have been dx. because if your tiny bones, but wish you weren't afflicted.

hedgie said...

Wanda....forgot to answer your label question: yes, at Office Max!
And Mai slept in the playpen.

Brrr...can't blame any of the animals for not wanting to outside. The wind is awful. I wear a scarf over my nose and mouth, too, Jo.

hedgie said...

Margy, nice that you will get to have James' mom and her dad with you for a little while. Guess you will have James, too??!!!!

28-0 Giants......this is just pure ridiculous.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Mai is exploring....but it's funny....she hasn't ventured into the sunroom. Wonder why??? And she doesn't do stairs yet, so hasn't checked out my loft bedroom. Has only gone into office once. She has managed to stick her nose in a few cobwebs in out-of-the-way places in the basement!! Then I have to clean off her face!!

hedgie said...

Guess I will have to put her in the crate in the basement if she is awake when I have to feed the fire. Musn't dare let her near the woodstove....can't remember how Cinnamon learned not to get too close to it. But getting ready to build the fire after the game....if not before!

hedgie said...

FINALLY----we are on the board. At least it won't be a shut-out. 28-7.

Mema Jo said...

What a wonderful Sunday - cold or not!
Met up with Jenny and Kris/John for our wreaths. They are beautiful!
One for Melissa is a spray with mittens
on it. Love it.

Margy - I take once a month Boniva tablet. I also take a daily Multi Vitamin and daily 1000mg Calcium with Vit D.(2/500 am & pm)

Lynn, I bet the girls loved Mai Ying. She probably enjoyed all the attention!

Feet are going up!!!

Lynne2 said...

Just saw a car with a big flashing red and blue thermometer on it rushing down the road.....I think it was the temperature police.

Good afternoon all!

So sorry to hear the Faye has taken a turn for the worse. Prayers continue for all. But I'm glad Laurel was able to make the most of her birthday!

Oh Margy...sorry about the osteoporosis. Can't blame you for wanting to do plenty of research before starting meds. I'm hopeful that since I have been taking calcium supplements for years, and have a large bone structure, that I'll avoid that problem. Hopefully.

Hope poor Flash is feeling better now!

Lynne2 said...

I just finished shaving Puddles down and she is a bare naked dog now! She was SO good, too. Last time it was really bad. I'm very proud of her!

Lynne2 said...

no sign of the eagle today.

Hope all goes according to plan with the cam tomorrow! I have to be at Irvine til mid afternoon and I am hoping it will be up and running when I get home!

hedgie said...

31-7....just want this game over---pronto, as Margy says.

hedgie said...

Poor Puddles......she sure won't want to go out!!! Hope her sweater/coat is a really heavy one.

Lynne2 said...

She's already been out in her new "do"! No coat. She didn't want to come back in, either. But I do have a sweater for her, for longer excursions!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, it is brisk out there! 34° and 20mph winds, gotta feel like it's in the 20's....but picked up out back and threw the ball for the dogs...just wish the yard would dry out! Muddy from the rain this past week.

hedgie said...

Fire is going! Jo, the chimney smoke is blowing downward (outside)---hope your lore is wrong!

Girls brought the tree in out of the garage....wonder howe many SB's I'll find in that box??? Guess I'll fin dout tomorrow when I set up the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

Days like today, the dogs come back inside covered in "mudsicles"....tiny frozen muddy droplets on their underside and legs....and the paws, muddy! I have to take a wet towel to them before they are allowed more than 2 steps inside the back door.

paula eagleholic said...

Get your pail of soapy water ready, Lynn!

I'll bet the girls had a blast with Mai.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Paula, I had the same problem with Raven!

Lynne2 said...

and that is exactly why Puddles must have the "outdoor girl" hair do!

hedgie said...

No long hair on Mai to worry about mudsicles, Paula!!! Cute story---growing up, dachshund Gretchen loved my grandpop and they would babysit her at their house if we went away. Pop would fix a pan of warm water and wash her feet everytime she would come back through the basement door....and Gretchen loved it!! Not that she ever really got too dirty---mostly only if she was "helping" him in the azalea garden!!

Lolly said...

In car on way to Michael's. Going to help with tree and decorating. Faye is going down fast. Kidneys now. BBL Much later!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, so sorry for Laurel and Joey and family. Praying that Faye is not feeling any pain.

Lynne2 said...

hey, now the pan of warm water thing....that's cute, and that could work for Puddles!

Lolly, I'm so sorry about Faye, and I pray too that she isn't feeling any pain.

hedgie said...

Lolly, praying that Faye has an easy passage. On life support, she is heavily sedated so shouldn't be in any pain. Sorry for Joey and his family.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I come back in to a naked dog.

Pans of warm water to wipe feeties off with.

Mai with a nose full of spider webs.

Things called "mudsicles" and they aren't to eat either.

Jo had a wonderful wreath collection she brought. Would love to see a picture of the "mitten wreath".

Plus while I was gone all this time. After a anixety attack. Cause last Christmas I was too busy getting things in order. Plus Ed and me (sorry if it was suppose to be I) had already brought grandkids and his daughters gifts. So I had them to deliver. This year is much much harder but I listened to my friends (you all) I put up the Christmas tree.

Sorry Faye is fadding fast. I pray she is in no pain also.

paula eagleholic said...

I have done the pan of water outside with their feet, too. In the summer, I just hose them off! Too cold for that today!

Glad that Faye's family is all there.

hedgie said...

Dana, glad you got the tree up!! Good for you!

Paula, I have hot and cold faucets on the outside---not only for bathing dogs(in warm weather), but much nicer washing vehicles, too!!!

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, I am again sorry for the anguish your family is feeling. For what it is worth, I was on life support for 10 days last year and I can reassure you that Faye is not aware of what is going on. If this is her time, she will go peacefully.

Hedgie, sounds like you and Mai are off to a super start. It won't be long until you tell us that she is in to every room getting into things!

Dana, glad you put up your tree. It will mean so much to your family and you.

JO, I too want to see pics of your wreath. It sounds so cute!

hedgie said...

One SB has made it's way out of the tree box, I guess, cause I just got one off the TV screen. :(

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - get on over to Facebook...
Up top in the 'search' block, type
Megan Webber. Click on Megan's
"Wall Photos" Scroll down to the next to last line of photos... My wreath
is the one on Megan's work table!

hedgie said...

LOL, Suzan, I know!!! Right now she is at my feet, snoozing while I ate. Wonder if she'll sleep through the clean-up?!
Need to apologize to you....when I was talking about the HS football game, I mixed you and BEagle up location-wise!!
Sure glad you survived your crisis!!

Mema Jo said...

Unless I missed seeing the red cardinal, I'm hoping that Judie didn't send Frank out Christmas shopping or even doing any outside lights.

On a very sober note - I am praying that Faye passes on if it is God's will
For Will, Joey and family and Faye's sister that they will find Peace in knowing that she isn't suffering.

NCSuzan said...

Thanks Jo, I will do that.

Hedgie, i checked out the local high school teams anyway and nobody is winning anything. So i am relieved to know it wasn't here and i was being a non involved citizen!

hedgie said...

Jo, your wreath is a beauty! Of course, I'm sure that all of Megan's wreaths are!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo that one is very pretty. What we was talking about on here. Was we wanted to see the "mitten wreath".

Mema Jo said...

Going to see the news and then watch a taped show with hubby. I don't see any shows on that appeal to me......


Mema Jo said...

Sorry, Dana - Mitten wreath is up in Big Pool and the Mitten spray will be in Hedgesville - Don't have any photos.
They were ideal for Children..

Costume Lady said...

We have a MITTEN TREE in the fellowship hall at our church. The tree was put up and decorated and the reason for it was to put mittens and hats for needy children. It has so many mittens on it now, that you can't see the tree. We may put up another one:)

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I think Flash just ate too fast. He seems fine now. George barfed this morning, too. I got Kathryn to help me with the Flash mess, and she found George and his mess. Probably TMI. That is why I didn't mention it this morning.

It is not unusual for George, either.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly should be hollering or whooping!
Cowboys 38
Colts 35

Waiting for Ravens - Steelers !

Sure is football weather + some....

stronghunter said...

It's one reason I have a carpet shampooer.

stronghunter said...

Cowboys game was playing for awhile here but Kathryn wanted to watch a movie, so that's what we are doing now.

stronghunter said...

I don't know if Lolly had a chance to watch the game today.

NatureNut said...

Back from the football wars! Dallas pulled that one out!

Did Margy have to work tonight, or is she still housecleaning??? Her list of gas prices jogged my memory.
When I bought my one and only new car myself in '60s, I could get 3 gallons for $1.00!!!It was about
.33 a gallon & then it went up to
Yes, it is freezing out there. I don't like it!
Wanda, that is a great idea about the mitten & hat tree!
I need to get on the ball & order more gifts. Trouble is, have no idea what to get. Everybody has everything & don't need things to contribute to clutter!Got some gift certificates in the past, and some people didn't use til last minute!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, so glad you put your tree up!

Lynn, eewwwww....hope there are really not many SBs in your box.

I'm going to the shower and to bed to watch TV. Back not doing well at all and I have a busy day tomorrow. Saving the pain meds, may need one more tomorrow than I have up til now.

Good night and prayers for all....and here's to hoping I will be seeing our eagles in HD tomorrow when I get home!

NatureNut said...

Night, Lynne. Sure hope your back is better & you could get REAL job at Irvine.
Dana, how great for you to put up the tree. How did you manage w/your knee??
Lolly, so sorry about Faye. Prayers for her and the family.

hedgie said...

No, Margy isnt working (unless she got called in for some reason; if so, haven't heard her!).

Shirley, glad the animals are all okay!

Lynne, hope your back feels better in the morning. Have a good day and we all sure hope that your afternoon wish comes true!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta tree is one that sits on the table. I keep it in a large box already decorated from daughter. Just have to straighten out the top. Put the Angel on and fit some icicles. Did some moving of a few things to put it up and rested between things many times.

Glad it is up. I gave that thanks you "ALL OF YOU"....thank you very much.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to pop some popcorn and watch some tv in recliner.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Lolly, so sorry about Faye and hope her remaining time will be free of worry and pain. Prayers for everyone.

Been a more "down" than "up" day. Finished the last of the exams for the cops and now need to "perc" myself up and minimize the ankle pain. All that's left is the reading/grading over the next two weeks.

Am going to be turning my light out early but will leave the night light on for puppies and their moms, for those who will head back the hallway, up the stairs, or into the recliner.

Therapy in the a.m. then will visit.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Judie. Sorry it has been a down day.

Yes, it does seem that those with babies will be up in the night, so the night light will be needed for sure.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, dear Judie. Glad you popped in. Great that you have finished all of the exam work....sure hope the students appreciate it!!! Hope the perc kicks in and you sleep comfortably.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon, we'll have a cam for you to watch!!

hedgie said...

Mai is snoozing away, and I had a little nap, too. House is so cozy with the fire going...when I moved her from her bed to the playpen before I went to put wood on, her little belly was sweating!

magpie said...

glad for the late night post from Judie...hope tomorrow is a better day

and same for Lynne.....

Lolly....with you in spirit
(( hugs ♥ for all ))

magpie said...

Yay Dana for the Christmas tree, way to go, Woman! Am sure Ed is very proud of you and has touched that tree with his warmth, spirit and love ♥

magpie said...

Oh Lynn...I suspect you will have many a stink bug visit...
woof! I got a whiff of them at the storage bins....

by the way, hope you have the frost-free protection on your outdoor faucets....saves on getting any cracks in the pipes

magpie said...

daggone power went out while I was out and shut the computer down of course....
now it is running like a slug on a cold night

Playing a nice Christmas CD -
Yuletide Piano

looked through 50-75 boxes of Christmas cards and finally found one I like...though there were some very cute puppy and kitten ones that were hard to resist !!

magpie said...

being a blog hog here but it won't last long

tore the place apart looking for two things I didn't find :(

But then again, I found some things that I wasn't looking for ☺

Best wishes for good sleep for all adult and baby dogs and same for cats and kittens
OH, and same for adult and baby people!

Definitely time to turn an ear for the Tundra Swans, friend of mine thinks he heard them down at Pipestem this week....but it was cold and snowy so he did not see them

magpie said...

tomorrow Dec 6 is the Feast of Saint Nicholas
back when I was little, we would put one shoe outside our bedroom door the night before (as in, this night....) and someone (my sister Anne) would put a candy bar in it....

heck, it's worth a try again...I believe in Magic ☺

back in a little while


Mema Jo said...

I have returned and I will be ever so
quiet since Judie and Mai are both sleeping. I pray that therapy tomorrow for Judie goes well and that the pain lessens and then completely disappears.

Is Mai eating ok for you Lynn. Does a puppy have dry chow? You mentioned she did drink some.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh how I wish I could get to that shoe....image in am there is a candy bar in there ( :

Night to Judie how you rest well tonight. Glad all that work is finsihed. Now maybe you are relieved enough to rest well.
Hope Darth does too.

Prayers for new puppies and their owners.

Prayers that the Lord gives his peace to Faye and that the family believes the Lord is doing what is best if HE takes Faye with HIM.

Prayers for those that need them and for those that at sometime I said I would pray for you.

God Bless Everyone and Prayers that we have a wonderful looking and in good working and sound live cam.

Mema Jo said...

I am really hoping it isn't too frigid
cold to get a new cam up/running tomorrow!

glo said...

Stopped in to say Hi and see if plans are still on for Cam tomorrow and what do I discover. There's a new puppy on board. Now that is in fact great great news. Welcome Mai.

I am spinning in several directions. Feeling a little stressed. I am sure i will gt the pieces to fit together as the days unfold. Rest well everyone. Will read back a little further but surely wanted to welcome Mai.

magpie said...

Hello Glorious good to see you

Yes, indeedy, hope the cam installation will be a success...
better than a candy bar in a shoe!

You know God knows how to put all the pieces together...but hoping that you will find peaceful rest from it all in the days to come

hedgie said...

Mai is waking up! Yep, on dry puppy chow. Eating better, but still not good. Maybe tomorrow!

Margy, no frost free faucets, but I drain hose, turn off water inside and then open faucets---never any problem in many, many years!!!

Glo, you can see Mai on my blog or on FB. Have more pics to post---maybe I'll get to that tomorrow.

I am getting ready to psot a couple of other pics that I saw on SIL's FB.

magpie said...

can't get into email, what a hassle

magpie said...

at least I don't have to worry about getting into Facebook

will look forward to those pictures on your Lair, Lynn

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to go on upstairs for the night. I will see you tomorrow.

magpie said...

I don't think I read whether Jo's Ed found the chair he wanted...
maybe I missed something.
BUT I do read that she found some wonderful Megan Wreaths today

I'll be working dayshift during most of my step-daughter's upcoming visit, but there is some evening time opportunities, thank goodness

Well, I'm fading fast...

each time I fling a stink bug to its cold freedom outside I'm listening for Tundra Swans

better say Good Night !

Prayers for so many needs here, and as always, prayers for many gifts given

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Keeping an eye on the Ravens/Steeler's
game. 4th qtr with 5:36 minutes to go.
Don't know if Ravens can hold them at
10 - 6 or not.
My sleepy eyes may not know until tomorrow!

One of you night owls can post the score ! Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

All right all you ladies - Brave the cold and take the doggies out! I guess that is one reason I like my cats!

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's wants/needs
God's will be done.........

Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Posted two pics on my Lair.

Mema Jo said...

**MooseWatch cam..Alfalfa has returned and not in the greatest shape!
Good bit of snow on the Snowman Cam!
Wild boars (pigs ?) on Wildlife Cam.
Nice doe on the PixController Cam &
the snow is really coming down.

I sorta woke up and got wide eyed when I saw that the Steelers are up 13 -10 over the Ravens :( :(
2 min to go.............

hedgie said...

Margy, sorry your puter is messed up again. :(

Heading for tub. Suspect baby will cry the whole time since I will have to put her in crate down there after we go out, so I can put wood on fire and bathe..

Wind is still fierce.

Night all! Love you gals and guys. Happy Cam Monday coming up-----we hope. Prayers for all, especially Faye's family.

Lolly said...

On our way home. Faye died this afternoon about 4. We are heading up tomorrow. Kids doing okay. I am thankful there is no more suffering! Thank you for all the prayers. Will get on to say good night when I get home.

Mema Jo said...

Off to bed I go ----

Still love ya Ravens!!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Prayers for peace in all of Faye's families' hearts.
May her soul rest in the sleep of peace

magpie said...

Dearest Lolly....
I know this is so difficult...
Faye's illness is over, but the mourning time is here
Prayers for peace and comfort for all

NatureNut said...

Think the Steelers won. I like both teams!
Getting time to shut down.I stayed up & cooked a pot roast & veggies for tomorrow. Didn't have it in oven early enough for tonight's dinner. Half the house is nice & warm & smells good!
Lynn, hope before too long you won't have to lock up Mai because of loading the stove. I think they detect the heat & should stay away.
Good to "see" Glo.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for all, esp. Faye ;>)

NatureNut said...

Oh Lolly, so sorry. I hadn't read back before I wrote!
It's so difficult for the rest of us, but God does the right thing.
Prayers for all the family that they can cope w/the loss.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, good to hear from you, glad the term is almost over.

Lolly, please give Laurel and Joey my condolences. So sorry for the boys as well.

Night all,

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

We are home. Laurel called after we were at Michael's. Then talked with her several times. There was not much we could do today. However, we are heading up there tomorrow. Going to be with sick Joseph, Jacob is going on to school, and cleaning house and maintaining while Laurel and Joey deal. Memorial sevice and celebration of her life will be sometime Wed. So, for the next several days we will be running up there. Will check in when I can. Love you guys! You have been such a wonderful support through this. Still so hard to believe.

Heading to bed as we have to get up early.

Nite all! Love and (((hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

Condolences to the family, Lolly.
Faye will suffer no more. My prayers go out to those that she left behind.
What a blessing for Laurel that she has you to help her at this difficult time! Please take care of yourself with all that running back and forth...don't want you to have a set-back from your illness of a few days ago♥


stronghunter said...


Condolences to you and your family. I know Laurel appreciates having you nearby.

I need to finish getting ready to go off to work. I will be back later.

Lynne2 said...

Condolences and prayers for all of the family Lolly.

Good morning.

Heading to Irvine, BBL

hedgie said...

Lolly, sorry for Joey and all of his and your family. I had a feeling all night that I would see this news this morning. Prayers for Faye's soul and for all family members.

hedgie said...

Sissy has pics on FB---looks lije Bluefield has about 6" of the white stuff. :(

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...