Sunday, May 16, 2010


Sunday thread.


movin said...

tHANKS, Steve for the fresh thread. Have a good Sunday.



Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Happy Sunday to you and yours. I'll go call the others over.

Hi Jim.

movin said...

Hedgie, in response to your earlier,
it's fairly heavily overcast and about 59° in So Cal right now. Supposed to clear partially and get up to 74 ... we'll see.



BEagle said...

Thank you for the call over Jim.

Thank you for the fresh thread Steve AND the pretty picture of Palmer.

movin said...

Morning, Judie.


BEagle said...

Strong H.....did you see Hidey take the leap?

movin said...

You too, Beagle.



stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Judie, and for the new thread, Steve.

stronghunter said...

I don't think any of the regulars saw Hidey take the leap, BEagle.

stronghunter said...

As I recall, someone in England saw it, and I think someone in the Midwest or somewhere. They said the wind blew Hidey out of the nest. I believe Hidey was wingersizing and caught a strong breeze and went overboard. It was good that Hidey was ready to go at the time.

movin said...

I watched a nature program of some kind ... PBS? ... once on the subject of Golden Eagles. And it followed a pair, clutch, chicks through to fledging.

One of the chicks (both survived to fledge because of an adequate food supply) was practicing in the nest and getting about 3, 4 ft. off the nest, when this giant gust of wind took him right off and into her new world.

They said it was a very common cause of first flights in raptors.



BEagle said...

Hidey fledged early in June after Memorial Day if I remember right.

(Stop laughing all you who know how bad I get my holidays goofed!)

movin said...

Hahaha. I kinda got my pronouns mixed in that last one. Both should be "her."



movin said...

I think I remember reading that about Hidey.

I don't think Palmer is old enough yet though. Does anyone recall when she hatched?



BEagle said...

March 21st on Sunday.

movin said...

Yup, I just looked it up in the archives. That makes her 8 weeks old today ... if I counted right.



BEagle said...

Sounds like a good theory..that the eaglet would stop resisting the wind and allow it to float them off.

movin said...

Have a great day, everyone. I've got to do some shopping today ... ever tried some rice, sugar and cinnamon with milk in the microwave for at least a minute for breakfast??

Not too bad, but I think I'd better do some shopping....



stronghunter said...

Hidey first left the nest on Saturday Morning, May 30. That was the wind-induced fledge. He / she returned to the nest on Sunday, May 31 at 11:18 AM.

BEagle said...

So when I saw Hidey off the nest, it wasn't the first time off. I see now.

stronghunter said...

Jim, it makes sense that the wind might cause the first flight of a raptor.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Market and stopped on the way by Jennifer's to drop off the Cardinal's vine from Megan. Peonies are beautiful! I also got a tomato plant that is bush like and I can put in the planter on the deck. If I can grow even just one tomato I will be sooooo happy & proud of myself.

Mema Jo said...

It was rather cool and comfortable this afternoon but the humidity has now taken over.

Putting feetsies up


Lisa said...

Hi all,

That's a handsome eaglet you've got there. :-)

Just wanted to thank folks for visiting our new Facebook page.

Best of luck to your eaglet during fledging season.

magpie said...

Hi Lisa M
Always a Treat to have you visit us here
Speaking of good looking Eaglet/s
Yours at BWE are swell as well !
Thanks for all you do !

magpie said...

Sounds wonderful Jo
Market with Megan is always great

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s
nice new thread, Steve
Thanks and
nice picture of Palmer (ooops almost typed Hidey after all the Hidey talk)

wvgal_dana said...

Hi my Eagle Friends

Off for a ride might hit the good old sycomore tree area. I beep if so like, hummm maybe since the say the mike is so sensitive maybe I'll say Hi Eagle Momster and Dadsters. ( :

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your visit, Dana.

magpie said...

Lady Sharon
Congratulations, Bravo! to your sponsor on
her 2-year recovery milestone...
She is blessed to have you as part of her team
(( hugs ♥ ♥ ))

magpie said...

by the way Sharon
I got a Hot Lips plant at market from Megan last week, surely it reminds me of you! It has at least 12 beautiful little red and white blossoms on it now ☺

Hi Shirley, funny, most of the wildflowers I photograph are probably classified as weeds !

Happy Eagle Watching Dana

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. All this talk about peonies, I should check on mine. They can't be viewed from the house so will have to travel a bit - it's actually about 150 feet. Walking has been a problem for me and since I'm moving a bit easier ,... besides I need some fresh flowers to cheer me.

Though I don't have the beautiful pink ones like Margie, I do have a very dark red from my mother's garden.

Off to get some flowers... bbl

magpie said...

Ok Diann..hope you find some.
And that you feel better soon !
Actually it is Megan that has the pretty pink ones....I would too if I could have made it to market !!

making room for others here now
time for work pretty soon anyway
Best wishes for a good evening everyone
Thinking of dear Vicky and her family, hoping there will be some news sometime soon

PA Nana said...

I'm back in the same day! Surely that was a mile!

I'm too early except for some buds and one dark red bloom. Still I have a vase of fresh stems & leaves. While I was out there I saw my english roses are blooming - they're next.

I saw Chrissy posted last night. Had I known I would have stayed at the computer a bit longer. I AM a nightowl anyway.

BE I hope you get your laundry problem fixed pronto. It's no fun for a machine we depend on to suddenly stop working. Ask Judie to tell you where to find her washer that may need a companion. I know it's somewhere surrounded with a silver garland.

Geez, I'm getting a "reminder" message that my computer needs a system recovery disk. Guess I should do it ...

Lynn, what computer did you get? Hope you have a great time computing wiht it.

Gotta start thinking of supper. Boy would we have lots of time and money if we didn't have to eat.

Margie, love the avatar. sometimes the wild ones are more attractive than the hybrids.

Hope GG is doing much better.Wanda & Gene you'r angels on earth. God bless!

... later

PA Nana said...

Oops! Sorry, Megan. Must give credit where credit is due. Margie, you're as sweet as peonies.

magpie said...

Thanks, D.

there are babies in the American Kestrel nest:

American Kestrel Cam, Nebraska

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kestrel link, Margy. It looks like there are a couple of unhatched eggs still.

BEagle said...

I was wondering what the dryer AND the garland was about. Wasn't it a discussion some time ago? There seemed to be garland floating all around and landing in trees?

I should be proactive and get these things replaced before it becomes necessary but sometimes we just don't know.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Went to church this morning and after the service we had a tea and reception for the graduating seniors.

When I got home Jack and I got busy with cleaning out the van and moving into the new car. It is big, but I am going to miss my van and all the room. I actually have this feeling of abandoning my van. It has been part of the famiy for 11 years and we have hadsome good travels in it. Sob!But, it was so much fun driving the car to church!!☺

Great to read the blog and see Chrissy had found the time to be on. Way to go Chrissy! Certainly hope you and Iris do get together.

Have been watching Palmer and his backside. He has found something interesting to watch from that position,.

Waiting the for sun to go down a little and then do some yard work. It is warmish here and especially so in the sun.

Floors to mop. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon All! Just got phone call from DANA who has traveled over to NCTC. Friendly guard at the gate and so Dana is feasting her eyes on PALMER!

Mema Jo said...

Our phone connection went down and the number I have to call her isn't current

Dana said that Palmer looks so big
She can see her very well in the nest

magpie said...

Sounds great Lolly, congrats on the new shiny buggy

here is a link to some more NASA things, could find out more about ISS flyovers and things for your area
have missed some of the action, Atlantis Shuttle and ISS are docked now

headed out to work now
take care, everyone
love to all

magpie said...

Wow Jo - thanks!

Lolly said...

Wonder what Palmer has been looking at.

Lolly said...

Going for a ride.


stronghunter said...

BEagle, the garland is Ceil's runaway Christmas decoration which has been blowing all over the place since December. The dryer is the one Judie did away with some time later and is rumored to be buried somewhere near Lily's den.

stronghunter said...

How nice to have new wheels, Lolly.

BEagle said...

Thank you for the update StrongH.
You are very funny.

I always enjoy your posts. All words are spelled corectly and the grammar is real good.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Palmer is cuddled up to the cam tree. Makes me think she needs company.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we do love Shirley's posts.
She and Judie have some unbelievable stories about their students. Makes you appreciate the teaching profession and want to rally around to get them a RAISE!

stronghunter said...

I try, BEagle, but I hope you will forgive me if I goof sometimes.

stronghunter said...

A raise, what is that?

(Thanks for the kind words, Wanda.)

BEagle said...

I agree, a raise would be deserving.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, the has been all over the United States. The last time I saw it, it was in my yard, wrapped around an angel's head, which belonged to Ceil. It seems that during the severe snow storm that we had this past winter, Ceils angel lost it's head and it got blown away into my yard, along with the run-away Christmas garland. Ceil needs to be more careful with her decorations!

stronghunter said...

Nice thought, but I think most of us are just happy that we weren't laid off this year.

glo said...

Just wanted to quickly say I have talked with Vicky. She is home right now. They came back for worship services today and she has to go to work tomorrow to cover for a co-worker. Her thought is she will return then this week and stay with her sister in law while they continue to search at least this week to try to find him. Son is having a very hard time and needs to hug his dad good bye. So right now the effort is to find that mans body and then to plan services. Please pray that this can happen for all of them and also for safe traveling for Vicky as she returns herself this week. She says its about 200 miles, but as you all know she is not at all uncomfortable with getting behind the wheel of a car and traveling to wherever she needs to go.

stronghunter said...

Such a hard time for Vicky and her family.

Will, Susan, and Kathryn are putting the final touches on dinner. Tom has not arrived yet. I am thinking about enjoying a nice steak dinner.


glo said...


BEagle, the garland is Ceil's runaway Christmas decoration which has been blowing all over the place since December. The dryer is the one Judie did away with some time later and is rumored to be buried somewhere near Lily's den.

And didn't Dana see it fly by her house during one of those windy s word days with a crock pot lid attached.

Ceil I agree you do need to be more careful with your decorations. There's no telling where they will go or what will happen to them.

ceil said...

Last week when I was down at the beach I got a new angel. Just like the old one. Put her in the garden and as long as we don't have snow she will be fine.
Prayers for Vicky and the family.
Wanda Survivor is on tonight

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Glo
My prayers have been as you have asked
I am sure that Nate will not have closure until he can hug his dad. Then they will all be able to find peace in their hearts.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley your dinner sounds so very nice-not only the food but the guest list is great. Sure hope Russ does ok

Mema Jo said...

I have TH nest up - love hearing them peep! One is sleeping & the other looks to be doing nestorations.
I can still remember Dr Sharpe climbing into that nest!!! That was
so wonderful to watch! I am thankful now that the West Coast Eagles are on their healthy nesting way.......

BEagle said...

Did you notice that the eagles add greenery to their nest too?

Not the leafy kind but the grassy kind.

BEagle said...

Whoa. One TH twin is rocking and rolling with it's wings. Whoosh.

First time I have hit their nest to catch a glimpse of that kind of action.

BEagle said...

Palmer is eating. She is using the best of her manners.

Mema Jo said...

The 2 young ones at Pelican Harbor are being fed by the adult.

An adult is with the 2 at West End
Camera lens needs Dr Sharp's cleaning!
Wide yawn from one and wingercises from the other.

BEagle said...

Palm is backing up again. Must be another ..... Yup a poop shoot!

Ran over to the edge too fast.

BEagle said...

How do you like that splash of seaweed at the WE nest? Adds a little character doesn't it?

BEagle said...

Palmer is winging it some.

BEagle said...

Flapping wings and a little toe dance.

BEagle said...

Lib flew off and Palmer is staring.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - the grassy greenery is called 'fluff'
we think the leaves are brought in to make a dry flooring
pine twigs are brought in for refreshing the nest & keeping insects out.

BEagle said...

Now for some wing things and a trip to the 1 or 2 position.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is really testing us......

BEagle said...

I never thought about pine twigs. Pine tar has multi functional properties right?

hedgie said...

Well, here I am....been waiting for geek for 3 1/2 hrs.---he just called and said he forgot. So now scheduled for tomorrow evening.

Just saw a cardinal CHASE an owl! I do believe that the owl was moving fastest.

Hey, Jim---sounds like you had rice pudding for breakfast! I love it.

hedgie said...

Did anyone hear that there was an earthquake in Puerto Rico around 1am today? 5.8. Felt in Virgin Islands, too. So big deal made of it on the news, so guess there wasn't any damage...???

Mema Jo said...

Winds getting brisk.... and of course Spidey aka Boris has started!!!

BEagle said...

Palmer is resting now. There is major feather plucking at the PH

Mema Jo said...

I didn't hear of it Lynn.
Been keeping an eye on civil fighting in Bangkok (sp) Jenny's hubby's brother and wife life there.

BEagle said...

It looks like the midshipman got replaced with a squid!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Went to work for a few hours until 6PM. So glad I'm getting to see Palmer settling down w/out Spidey's web blocking the view. Looks like a little fishy leftovers up near P. Nest looked bare of munchies around noon when I looked.
My favorite farmer friend who's 90ish was selling veggies today at roadside. Boiling up some green beans.
Mom is back!!!Heard a whoosh & little chirpies!

hedgie said...

My heart is still heavy for Vicki and her family.

The garland/angel/washer stories are never gonna die! Ceil, think you should put the angel inside the next time a snowstorm is forecast!!

NatureNut said...

Adult who was crunching on something near 6, left, but don't know if food went too. Could hear some scratching near the mic.

Gotta check food for me ☺~~~

hedgie said...

Survivor is almost done for the season.....thank goodness. Hoping that nasty Russell does NOT win! Don't think it's fair for him to have been allowed the first time, let alone a second round. He's already a millionaire.....just not fair to deprive folks a chance who really need the financial gain of winning. JMHO.

BEagle said...

I think that's Lib that just showed up in the nest. Maybe more food or nestorating. It's hard to tell with Spidey's WEB!

BEagle said...

Lib took off again.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 9:00 Mystery Theater
I'm late.......


stronghunter said...

Rus posted a picture on Facebook that I have put on my blog. Rebecca posted one from her point of view. Cape Hatteras has a special meaning for them, as you might guess.

I got a big surprise! My children bought me a new mattress and box springs for Mother's Day. They thought that I had slept long enough on the old one. Susan figured that I had been sleeping on it for 30 years. I think it is a bit less than that, but not much. Susan had told me that she was going out to see a friend this afternoon, but they were really mattress shopping. (Hunter helped by jumping on them.)

And Rus posted on Facebook that his job does not end on June 1. His company's government contract had ended, and he had been interviewing with the new company to keep his job. That is a big relief.

It has been a very nice day.

stronghunter said...

Spidey has blocked the view again. I don't know what it is about Spidey this year. Does Spidey like the new camera better, or is this another, more ambitious spider?

hedgie said...

Super present, Shirley---you will be very surprised by how much better your body will feel when you wake up!!
Good news on Rus' job.....same kind of situation our Suz was in! So glad that things worked out for them both! Wouldn't it be funny if they both worked for the same contractor?
Going to look at the pics......Hatteras is one of my most favorite places!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, what a lovely ring!! Is it a ruby or garnet??

stronghunter said...

Or is it not really a spider web? Is it the Christmas garland?

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I am not sure. I am going to have to ask. Rus did not say.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, Shirley! You are being well taken care of. Yea! Happy Mother's Day!

Jack and I just finished having hamburgers on the patio. All the cooking we do and hamburgers are still my favorite meal. Love em!

We went out for a ride. Jack wanted to drive "my" car. lol It really is a quiet ride after the van. Just need to learn how to use all the technology!

Watching the loon. There is no sound, and I thought, no, I know we had sound earlier. Hmmmm?????

Spidey has made such a mess of the cam I just left. You can not see Palmer at all!

stronghunter said...

It will be kind of nice to get rid of the marriage bed at long last. At least the mattress. I still have the bedroom furniture, but it is nice, and that is okay.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. Ceil, please keep your angel inside. I think since Lily and Hope have abandoned the den for this season so the hidden washer is safe in its disguise -- unless the wind takes the shiny garland away -- going for frequent flyer miles, I think. Please try to weigh it down with a crock pot lid.

Oh my, what fun the Christmas/blizzard blog was in keeping us entertained.

GDub beat Fordham today. Headed for the A10. Was nice to get out in the fresh air and sunshine. Was also nice to see my students do something they really enjoy.

Shirley, enjoy your dinner.

Jim, would prefer Cheerios.

Don't watch Survivor but I don't like Russell, either -- so there!

Loweeda, how cool your 90ish farmer friend is out selling veggies. I love roadside markets.

Prayers for Jenny's brother/sister-in-law.

Lynn, would have loved to see a cardinal chasing an owl. Sorry you have to wait, again, for the computer geek. Tomorrow, for sure.

Congratulations to your sponsor, Sharon, and to you.

Congratulations, Lolly and Jack, on your new "smart" chariot. May it take you wherever you wish to go and return you safely to home.

BBL to say goodnight.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of spiders, Will took care of the ones here. He is pretty good with bug spray. If I thought he could do any good, I would send him to the sycamore tree. What a mess! And I can't see that Spidey is catching anything.

stronghunter said...

Glad you enjoyed the game, Judie.

Judie said...

Beautiful ring, Shirley. Congratulations on your Mother's Day gift and on Russ's engagement.

Lolly said...

Ha, just discovered I had the sound turned off on the Loon cam. Sound is much better. Listen to all that!

stronghunter said...

Haven't been watching Survivor this season, but turned it on tonight because Kathryn has been watching. She has gone home now, though.

Hunter has his SOL tests tomorrow. The poor kid is really worried. He thinks it might keep him from passing third grade, though he has almost straight A's. Kathryn said that she thinks she might e-mail the teacher and explain how stressed he is. A third-grader should not have to worry so much about a test.

stronghunter said...

Rebecca had posted on Facebook that she had gotten a manicure and a pedicure for tonight's date. I think she was getting ready for that picture.

They are going to California to meet her family soon.

stronghunter said...

Here is a picture of Rebecca and Rus.

BEagle said...

StrongH it does look like garland!
:D :D :D

It's time for bed. I want to wrap it up with this truth.

There are good spiders and there are bad spiders. Boris is very bad.
Leaving his garland hanging around.

God bless all of you. Prayers are going up for you and the young man, that his father will be found.

stronghunter said...

I think that the first time I watched Survivor was the first season finale. I'd had my first car accident on Rt. 3 that day and all of my children were here.

They had all showed up at the emergency room and then come home with me. Rus was watching Survivor that year, and so we watched the finale together. Kathryn was pregnant with Hunter, and I was worried about causing her too much stress because she was having some problems at that point.

stronghunter said...

I think a rather tattered garland, but then it has been blowing all around the country.

stronghunter said...

Going to have to go to bed.

Sandra won Survivor. She is the first two-time winner.

stronghunter said...

See you later!

Judie said...

Back to say goodnight.

Yes, Boris is a very bad spider. He had no right to go to the washing machine's secret burial site near Lily's den and take the shiny garland disguise. Bad Boris! Bad, bad Boris.

Tired tonight. Will have a few errands tomorrow then will begin to settle into a routine to begin the summer's reading to prepare for the Fall semester.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant eagle dreams for all and prayers for all who are in need.

ceil said...

So glad Russel didn't win. He didn't even get one vote.
Good night Pleasant dreams

Mema Jo said...

Finished the Mystery Theater at 10:30
Was really good and I'll have to catch some others.

The ring Russ gave Rebecca is very beautiful and unique! Love it.

Mema Jo said...

Heading back the hallway.......

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

I am so GLAD that Russell didn't get a single vote.......but then he wins the Sprint $100,000 prize. Stupid.

Oh no, Judie....they just said the student died. So sorry to hear that.
Glad that your girls won their game.

Shirley, our schools have WESTEST this week...but I'm not sure what grades, so don't know if the girls are in on it or not.

hedgie said...

In my book, there are NO good spiders. So there! Boris, scram!

hedgie said...

We had a river drowning at Harper's Ferry yesterday---a fisherman from MD. Don't understand why these guys don't wear lifevests. :(

hedgie said...

Vicky's hubby is a pastor, right? I would think he would be a great source of comfort to the family.

hedgie said...

Guess everyone has turned in, so I will say goodnight. Prayers for many and all. Have I told you lately that I love you all and value our friendship so very much? Well, I do!!

NatureNut said...

Oh My Gosh~~~you're right! Spidey has nailed the garland and strung it across the camera!!!
I watched some European cams, & some of them are out, too, & some areas unoccupied (no spiders)
Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Shirley, love the picture of your son and future DIL!
Margy, LUV your flower!!!Wish we had some around here!☺

Prayers for Vicky and family.

Sad to say that a young teen boy drowned about 3 weeks ago in the Patuxent a few miles north of Park and in another county. It was one of those stupid "I dare you" kid things. I thought everyone knew not to swim across a river w/a current. Prayers for that family

& Pleasant, Restful Feather Dreams ;>)

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to say goodnight. Sleep well dear friends.
God bless,

Lolly said...

Shirley, that is a beautiful ring. Looks like a garnet. I wear garnets as it is my birthstone. Has a date been set? you too! You are very special on this blog. Everyone is so special on this blog and I can hardly wait for Oct.

Heading to bed shortly. Have not done much today, but I am tired. Lynn, after the Geek comes tomorrow, send him over to my house. ☺ Need a Geek to tell me how to talk with my car. lol

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Survivor was very entertaining tonight. Everyone seemed so glad that Russell didn't win, but yet, America voted him to win the $100,000...go figure??


Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, meant to tell you, I too, drove a conversion van for many years...maybe 15, but now that I drive a Ford Escape (about half the size of the van) I LOVE it. Don't miss the van at all. Maybe that's because it is still sitting in our drive-way, along with my poor broken car that my Dad gave me.
I used a van for the years that I bought and sold longer do that:)

Bird Girl said...

The bird rescue has been keeping me rather busy lately, but I enjoy the work. We've got a new aviary being built for us by some Boy Scouts, it's great! But I haven't been around much, sorry.

I can't believe how big our Palmer is now!!!!

Hope you are all well. Take care my feather-brained friends!

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

It is time to design a spider-proof camera. I am thinking that since the lens is recessed, and the spider builds on the space in front of it, we need some kind of spider shield and perhaps a remote-controlled cleaner for the shield.

Now, somebody needs to figure out how to do that.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, we do not know the date nor the location yet. Since she is from California, we are wondering if they want to have the wedding there. I was waiting for them to announce their engagement to ask about those things. Trying to give them a bit of space, but will ask some questions now that they have made the engagement official.

stronghunter said...

My juniors have the SOL test in June. All of my juniors are honors or dual enrollment, so they should be okay, but I will give them a review.

I think the teachers have told the third graders that the tests are very important, and Hunter has taken them seriously. Not exactly bad, but I don't like to see him get too stressed, either.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said that Hunter's B was in math concepts--probabilities. I know I did not study such a thing in third grade, nor did any of my children.

stronghunter said...

Gotta get ready for work. Will see you later.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

So very sorry for our Just Vicky and her family during this very hard time!

ceil said...

Good morning all.
Almost had heart failure when I looked in and so Palmer standing on the rim of the nest. Raining there not here yet.
Have a great day

ceil said...

Shirley Congrats to Rus and Rachel
My Jim and Jennifer will be getting married in Oregon.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Raining here. Need to check on Palmer. Margy, never seen a Kestrel before -- thank you so much. Will be checking in on that nest, also.

Although I am relieved that the student who died was not one of mine, I am deeply saddened for his family and friends. Don't know the details but suspect some alcohol/other drug was involved. Have to remember the brain is not fully mature at that age -- contributes to stupid mistakes.

Oh, Lynn -- it was the young men who played yesterday and won. Much more eye appealing than girls.

Off for coffee, checking the nests, and newspaper.

Judie said...

Happy Anniversary, Meghan and Russ. Hope the day is special.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like Lib just brought breakfast and Palmer snatched it right up! Hmm, might be Belle and not Lib!

Judie said...

Ooops, Happy Anniversary to MEGAN and Russ.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Costume Lady said...


I was thinking about spider-proofing our cam. Have an idea, but it is most probably harmful to birds:(
When we discovered termites under our patio doors last year, it seems the residue left by the exterminator deters ants, stink bugs and spiders. Every couple of days, there is a line up of dead bugs across the threshold of the doors. Just a squirt of that would most likely keep Spidey away:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wingersizies this morning! I think she will fledge right at the 1 o'clock position of the nest when she gets her nerve!

glo said...

Good Morning everyone.


You stay put Palmer. The world awaits you soon enough but you are still too young so behave yourself and learn at your parents talons.

Quick update from Vicky There is a Memorial Service being planned at the church where her brother attended for this Fri at 1 pm. If you mark it down somewhere you can be a part of the prayers offered up at that time for those who knew and loved him and now grieve his loss. Thanks.

Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Glo, for the update. Feel so badly for Vicky, words just don't seem enough.

glo said...

I know Wanda Its very hard to find any words of comfort for the amount of pain being felt right now.

movin said...

* * * * * * * * * * *

Good Morning, aLL

iN EaglE LaND.

* * * * * * * * * * *



movin said...

Anybody else's live feed freeze up?? Mine was working fine for about 4-5 mins., then just went to the whirling arrow thing.



Mema Jo said...

Happy Anniversary to Megan & Russ

Drizzling rain this morning - no sunshine. Adult still with Palmer in the nest.

No special plans for the day... Maybe a CVS trip for graduation cards.

Glo thanks for the info about this Friday at 1 pm- Have it marked

I guess that tomorrow is the 'meeting day' for Chrissy and Iris. I am sure they are both excited.

Costume Lady said...

We had a pair of Indigo Buntings to visit our feeders...not sure if the lesser colerd one is a female or a juvie male. I was so surprised to see that huge beak...looks like a "Grosbeak". They were eating thistle seed as were a pair of Goldfinches...what a beautiful color combination. See for yourself on my WILD AND WONDERFUL.
Also, posted some pictures from Karla & Donny's weekend party on JUST FOR FUN.

wvgal_dana said...

Good and Sad days for our Eagle Group.

Prayers for Vicky and family. Especially the son who needs to hug his Dad one last time. Very hard for words to speak what my heart and mind feel for Sweet Vicky and surrounding family members.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ditto that Dana! Words are so inadequate sometimes! Heavy hearts on our precious blog for Vicky and her family!

hedgie said...

Morning all.

Happy Anniversary, Megan and Russ!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Wild & Wonderful - indigo buntings are so beautiful.
The Just for Fun photos are great!
All of you have the greatest time!
Tent city in Berryville -

Coincidentally Aaron was tenting it in Berryville at the Picker Watermelon Festival over this past weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Dana - got your email.
I lost you yesterday when we got cut off while you were at the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We get an indigo bunting every great once in a while! They are gorgeous!!

Mema Jo said...

Jim I can't get the live feed to start. Pic is there of Palmer and Adult but circling arrows won't go away. I clicked on Pause/Start couple times.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Sissy! Are you getting a sunburn?
This is the week you start Mon-Fri work week. Is George still marking the camp site?

Mema Jo said...

The Three Rebels are all bedded down in a row! When I see Palmer in our nest I wonder how that nest ever held three growing eaglets.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, the bunting with more brown and less blue is the female. I had a flicker out here a while ago! :)

Mema Jo said...

Off to find some street clothes!


Costume Lady said...

Sharon, we have had the Bunting come and go for many years...never stayed very long. He was always on the ground, so that is why I was so surprised at the size of his beak, when he showed up on the feeder. He is seeming to enjoy the thistle seed. I thought the female was mostly brown in color, but this one has a good deal of blue and is beautiful:)
Jusr saw a BEAUTIFUL fox running through the woods...too fast for a camera shot:(

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning/Afternoon All!!!
I don't get to visit as often as I wish. Hopefully when school is out.

I may work the Extended School Year this summer. I prefer to have the summer off, but when your apple cart tips over, you do what you have too. It's not that bad. Only work 7:30 AM to 12:30 Monday -Thursday for 5 weeks . Plus I work with the younger students. It's a nice change, if I have to work. Then I should have more time to visit. :)

I was able to watch Palmer earlier today. Now I have a black screen with as the world turns.

Palmer is growing fast. She makes me worry when she flaps her large wings. I afraid she will fall out.

I remember last year with Hidey. She went missing during Memorial Day weekend. I cried until she was found. The wind caught hold of her and put her on a tree branch. What a scare. Belle would stand in the nest an call for her. I thought she was grieving, all the time she was trying to call Hidey down to the nest. At the time I was just a lurker. I hope I have the details right. If not, correct me.

Mits said...


hedgie said...

We locals have a lost a much beloved Dr. this morning....2nd one in a week, even tho' the first one wasn't loved by many.

NatureNut said...

Wet Monday here, but hope it's a fairly good day. I opened Still cam & saw Palmer and a parent in nest. Couldn't tell if it's raining there.
Checked online weather for here & rain, 60 thru Wed. & then 80 ! TH & Fri. And I wanted to work outside since I have a free day! Oh well!
You lucky ducks seeing indigo buntings at feeders!!! I've only gotten one decent pic of one on a plant at edge of marsh. They are really fast & seem to zip across road sometimes.
Well, maybe I can work outside w/raincoat! LOL

movin said...

To repeat Mits' statement,






3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...