Sunday, May 02, 2010


Sunday thread.  Muggy and showery.


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Mits said...

Good Sunday a.m. everyone....have a good one.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Mits! Good morning again! Thanks Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer has just been laying at noon in the nest for the last hour..some peeps and wing stretches...and a little bit of nice to watch him, even if he isn't doing much :)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve...have a great day.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is up...walking around...probably a careful...yup...oh wing flaps!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Poop shoot!! Was afraid he was going to back out of the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta head out soon to mow mow mow...should be fun after 2 weeks

paula eagleholic said...

More wing flapping

paula eagleholic said...

It does make the heart skip a beat or two!

BEagle said...

Good morning Palmer observers. :)

Palmer is practicing balance when at the edge of the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good Morning BEagle! Yes, Palmer is making my heart pound this morning!

BEagle said...

Got the lawn mowed before it rained. Weed eating will have to sit. Weed eater is electric. Zappp!

BEagle said...

Hi Sissy. I know. I just want to go up there and hold my arms out.

Mits said...


The ospreys have brought in some nesting material that makes it hard to see the eggs, but we believe there are still three.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom just called, they are getting to leave. They found a male and female copperhead right beside their kitchen tent this morning! I think they sent them to copperhead heaven!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Great to have a new thread to start the day. Want to read comments and check some cams - BBILW

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so with you Paula. I love to watch Palmer no matter what action is taking place!

Lolly said...

Ahhh, parent watching over Palmer.

Good morning! Have just a sec to get on. Time to get ready for church.

Looks like we have missed all the storms predicted for this weekend. I am a happy camper!☺ However, the wind has made a mess of the yard, leaves everywhere!

Lolly said...

Eagle just poofed!

Lolly said...

Have a great Sunday. Do hope Megan has a good day!

BEagle said...

Is it my imagination? Is there fresh hay added to the nest?

Lolly said...

One more thing. Sissy, how do you tell a female copperhead from a male copperhead? lol Just curious!☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I was gonna ask him that, but I refrained! I will when he gets home! LOL!

Lolly said...

Can not tell if it is fresh straw or just the way the light is hitting it.

Lolly said...

Will be waiting to hear, Sissy! That will be our new bit of knowledge. lol

BEagle said...

If I saw two snakes, I would think one was a female and one was male. But I would be running to fast to say it.

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning all!
Had a wee sprinkle early morning, but sun is starting to come out now and I can feel it warming up substantially.
Sure hope the storms miss us. Christie has a Bells concert this evening....don't need to hear rumbles and crashes with the lovely bells!
Palmer has been stuck at noon position ever since I turned on cam! Obviously his favorite place!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, so sorry to hear of Laurel and Joey's dilemma. Hope they catch the crook for sure.

hedgie said...

Wanda, you've got email.
Saw the obit for GG's sister. Please give her a hug from me.

BEagle said...

If an adult brought in some fresh fluff I sure did miss it. Must be the light.

BEagle said...

Did Palmer just grow two more inches or just poofed up?

Mits said...

from Larry's Loon blog..May 2nd....

49 degrees Clear and Sunny Windy

On a windy morning with bright sunshine and a few clouds scudding across the sky, our loons have already visited the nest several times. And they have even mated twice this morning alone.

The increased number of visits to the nest and the increased amount of time spent at the nest both continue to be positive signs that the loons will once again use the nest this year. I know it can be frustrating and worrying that they have not nested yet. But at this point I do not think there is yet any reason for great concern although I have been surprised that they have not nested yet.

With some of the behaviors we have already seen, I had thought that we were close to egg laying a couple times. But with every return to the nest, the chances increase that they will once again lay eggs and raise a new generation of loons.

It is something over which we have no control. We can only watch and wait. And worry! And enjoy the view and the suspense. When the time is right, the time will be right. There is still plenty of time.

But with all their actions and behaviors, somewhere deep within the loons is the primeval urge to produce a new generation of loon chicks. Somewhere deep within her body, in all likelihood two eggs are developing. And she senses that. When the eggs are ready, they will come. Not too soon. Not too late. Somewhere in the wonderful circle of life that was given to us, there are mysteries that are too deep to fully understand. But we watch. And we learn. And we try to understand as much as we can.

And for what we cannot understand, we just step back and marvel at the magnificent gift that has been given to us!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Paula, congratulations for the college kid. I wish him well as he goes out into the real world.

Lolly, so sorry about the trouble and inconvenience for Laurel and Joey. Really hope they catch and prosecute the dirt bag.

Not much planned for today. May just return to bed with the newspaper and enjoy a Panda nap.

Only way I can see the nest is to go through Google to NCTC.


Mema Jo said...

Well it sounds as though the loon's eggs are about to be a reality! I keep checking to see if the loon is nesting on the platform. Platform seems fairly high for a little one to jump off of but moreso to get back up on it.

BEagle said...

The comments about the loons were interesting. I don't know much about loons. From this man's comments they don't have a strong nesting instinct.

BEagle said...

The TH twins are walking around their nest. They look velvety

hedgie said...

I used to know the difference between male and female snakes, but I can't remember what it was!!! Will look it up!

hedgie said... you go:

The first method is to visually see a difference in tail size and structure. Males have two hemipenes which are stored next to each other at the base of the tail. Each hemipene is tucked into its own 'pocket'. The effect of this is quite simple, it makes the tail appear fatter for a longer distance, generally making the overall tail length longer also. A female's tail narrows right from the base, making it almost 'carrot' shaped. The exact shape and length varies from species to species, but generally, the male has a longer tail.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Very interesting Lynn! Not that I would ever slow down enough to check out their tail sizes! Remember, last year at the state park at Claytor, a small copperhead was in our campsite. My dogs were going crazy over it! The camp ranger wouldn't let Tom kill it.

BEagle said...

The Sidney chick is alone. Itching and scratching.

A small bird keeps getting on the far side of the nest plucking hay off the nest. It's probably trying to build its own nest somewhere.

You can hear the adult eagle squawking madly at the bird.

BEagle said...

Phoenix is eating now. I thought there was a crack in the other egg but I think it's a stick stuck on Phoenix.

BEagle said...

It does look like a pip on that egg but the chat is swearing a piece of grass.

BEagle said...

Palmer has changed position to 1. I wonder...must see the adult(s) out that way.

BEagle said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Palmer is taking that fish from the adult!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

It's warm and humid out there!

paula eagleholic said...

Where is the fish?

paula eagleholic said...

Did he take it or eat it?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, still sending that sopapilla cheesecake recipe around!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

George and I are in the recliner.

It is cloudy here. Really looks like rain.

Palmer is at about 9:00 looking out.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer at noon again.

All watered up, heading back out.

BEagle said...


Palmer is at half past 1. Enjoying the breeze.

Hi StrongH. R&R. Recline and relax.

hedgie said...

ANother sprinkle here, and quite humid out---first day of real humidity of the year. Yeah, know it's humid in rainy weather, but this is like summertime humid!!!

hedgie said...

Palmer still/yet/again and 12'ish!

BEagle said...

I told myself not to watch the OR cam but just can't do it.

The forum shows that Cascade brought a fish to the nest. Isn't that significant?

They are very positive and hopeful about the eagles and their eggs.

: ) cheery news.

BEagle said...

I hear tell we're supposed to get another freeze before May is done.

BEagle said...

My little baby apples are hangin in there.

BEagle said...

Looks like Lib is feeding Palmer some lovely fish.

BEagle said...

Palmer is just reaching up and grabbing the food out of Libs beak. Lib doesn't really have to bend over much anymore.

BEagle said...

The eating slowed. Palmer nudges up closer to Lib to remind him that there is still a need for food.

BEagle said...

Ho Ho. Palmer reaches up for a bite but Lib won't let go. : )

BEagle said...

Palm backing up for poop shoot. Don't go back too far. Let it rip, tater chip.

BEagle said...

Palmer tries to get under Lib. Just doesn't fit anymore and there's no shade to be found.

Mema Jo said...

All I can say is that
Palmer is a very adventurous eaglet!

BEagle said...

Palmer alone and at 2. Probably not for long because 12 is empty.

paula eagleholic said...

parent just left

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo - just got a message from Jenny...

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle. I am winding down after a long week.

Do have some chores to do.

Mema Jo said...

I need to go over to my card site and get some out for the month of May!


Mema Jo said...

Just came back to say
Shirley Sit still and let George
enjoy himself! You too!

stronghunter said...

George is sleeping on the footrest. It took me awhile to learn how to get out of the recliner without dumping George on the floor.

stronghunter said...

There is bird activity again at my birdhouse. There was activity earlier in the spring, then nothing. Now there are chickadees. I will keep watching. The birdhouse is stuffed with nesting material.

BEagle said...

And now you are blessed with chickadees.
Are they not the cutest sweetest little birds?

hedgie said...

Still no hummers here, Jo. BooHoo.

See that the wild cherry trees are blooming.

Mits, forgot to say thanks for Larry's loon info!

movin said...


iT'S yet morning

on the West Coast.

Have a good one.




stronghunter said...

I do like chickadees. They are so lively.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Jim.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Home from church. Strolled around the yard, picked a couple of roses. It is a gorgous day, presently 78 and sun shining. Going to do some quick housework and then get outside. There is just enough breeze that my windchimes are softly chiming.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think I have PTSD! I can't hardly watch that Hornby cam. And I love that cam!! I keep expecting them to impale that baby!!!

Mema Jo said...

May Birthdays Updated

4th Carolyn Hager
5th Bob Quinn
9th Lynn Riner & Dana Meyer
13th Susan P. Hill-Goodwin
27th Ceil Lambert
31st Jim Pommier

May AnniversariesM

17th Megan & Russ Webber

BEagle said...

Back a min.

Did you see that stick that dropped on Phoenix. Yikes.

BEagle said...

What happened to the other Hornby egg?
Get smashed?

Mema Jo said...

I am publishing the addresses for e-cards on the Momsters' email.
Let me know if you don't get it.....

BEagle said...

Palm is at two. Checking out cooling techniques I suppose. Had that right wing all stretched out across the nest.

movin said...

Hi, Stronghunter...Sharon, Lolly.

We are enjoying a beautiful, sunny morning in So Cal today. 66° now, probably climbing to the low 70's tops today.

Speaking of Hummingbirds, I've got to put my feeder back out there. We have some birds that stay the Winter even if you don't feed them; and when I brought my feeder in to clean and refill it, I found the solution had separated and most of the sugar was gone.

Nonetheless, there was a solid ring of dark about a half inch wide all around the bottle. I was really worried about cleaning it, until I got my old toothbrush in there and saw it coming off right away. Turns out it was solid gnats, which are washed off in nesting season when the mother comes for a drink. So she's been using it part of the time this Spring at least.

By the way, I experimented last season ... in a heat wave ... to see if they would drink plain water.

I put my extra feeder (repaired crack in the acrylic bottle) out there with just tap water in it and only a couple of yards from the nectar feeder.

Boy, they really liked that! I think they drank twice as much of the water than the nectar, at least during the wave.



movin said...

Both parents in our nest, but it's not really clear what they brought yet.



movin said...

Looks like Lib brought a nice big fish, which was still flopping, and Belle was "taking possession" of it.

Now, she's starting to feed Parker.



movin said...

Palmer seems a "happy feeder" thus far. She chirps cheerily when she wants a piece of food, and she veritably sings when she gets one.



NatureNut said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds. I still can't see Palmer Live on FF!!! I'm mad!All it says is ERROR!
Kind of humid here, too.
We had a Heron Rookery program yesterday at Park, led by our naturalist, Greg K. I had been there many years ago & marvelled at the loud noise. Wasn't that boisterous yesterday. Put a couple sets of pics on blog.
Gotta get lunch~~BBL

movin said...

I've got to go too. Later, folks.



hedgie said...

(S)he's a very happy eaglet, Jim. But I do wonder if he gets lonely when mom and dad are gone...???
I think that new stick is intended to be a guardrail!!

Seems like it is trying really hard to storm far, so good, but...

hedgie said...

Have seen a pair of wood-thrushes twice today! Must have a nest nearby. They sure blend in to the woods!!

Mema Jo said...

Raining in the valley

Mema Jo said...

Phoenix is being fed - she/he is a dainty little one
No pipping noticed on the egg which is there in the nest beside Phoenix

hedgie said...

Time to get ready to head out for Christie's concert. Y'all have a nice afternoon/evening. Probably won't be back on until late.
Jo, Cold Case season finale is 2 hrs.!!! TTFN.

Mema Jo said...

Have a good time Hedgie and tell Christy Hi!

I am heading out with hubby to eat and then will touch base when we get back.

Thanks for the info about Cold Case - one of my favs........


paula eagleholic said...

Parent in the nest, under the cam

Palmer at noon

Yard is finally done, whew

paula eagleholic said...

Have a nice dinner Jo, and a nice evening Hedgie

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure what happened to all the showers I saw in Western MD a while ago...not much on radar

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just brought a fish! Belle claimed it...Lib is gone...up into the tree

paula eagleholic said...

din din time for Palmer

paula eagleholic said...

Now din din for Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Belle gone

paula eagleholic said...

Belle gone

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. Mr. Rose-breasted Grosbeak just came to visit me. Didn't know if we even had them here in Bedford. YAY!

magpie said...

Best wishes for the rest of the evening for everyone

the only RB grosbeak I am likely to see is the one on my license plate

weather here looking a little risky

magpie said...

hoping to read you would get a little Gianni and Grandsons time

magpie said...

enjoyed reading everyone's posts and all the nest news

been meaning to say Andrea
your latest updates sound good, and the new birdy sightings, hope you get a little time to Breathe soon

time for work here
Prayers for our many needs, and for gifts given

Take care all
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mits said...

looks like 2 eyass's at PA falcon cam now, 3 more eggs to go, and one looks like it has a pip in it


Judie said...

Lynn and Jo, hoping you both have a lovely evening out.

BEagle said...

Cascade brought another fish around 3:30.
That makes two fishes. The other at around 9:30.

Of course, Lady O was hungry and gave up the nest to Cascade. When Cascade rolled the eggs there looked like a big pip.

There forecast shows 20 degrees tonight and snow for the next 5 days.

BEagle said...

Here's a video of the fish brought in to the OR nest.

Can you see a pip in the left egg when Cascade rolls the eggs?

BEagle said...

Palmer is so comical. Shoves right up under Belle. As if to say, You can get wet but not me!

BEagle said...

Palmer with an eagle umbrella.

BEagle said...

It is interesting to note that Belle is not tenting as much this time. Palmer just has to get used to it.

BEagle said...

Palmer is frolicking in the rain!
Almost to the camera. My what wet feathers you have!

Now spreading the wings.

BEagle said...

Belle is shaking her wings as if to show Palmer. I want to see Palmer do that!

BEagle said...

Belle spent a couple minutes shaking the water off. Flapping wings and hovering while Palmer looks on from the camera position. Palmer does a little wing flapping too.

ceil said...

Belle is staying with Palmer. It is so cute. Like mom stay with me while it is storming

Mema Jo said...

Palmer's pin feathers are probably water resistant.. That may be why no more tenting.
Only a shower here in the valley - perhaps storm is just luring on the other side of the mountain.

I am headed into TV for 2 hrs to watch
finale of Cold Case

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you going to watch Cold Case?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the rain at the nest is over...still raining here...ventured out to Wally world and came out into the rain...

paula eagleholic said...

No gkid time today, Margy...had to mow and do laundry and store...trying to get caught up...

Lolly said...

Oh no! Gotta a problem. Jack was watering some pots. I have three pots of begonias in a metal basket on the back wall of the house. The brick in that area is covered with English Ivy. Anyway...a cardinal flew out. So, he was showing me where and she flew out again. You sure can not see her on the nest...well hidden. I explored and there are 6 eggs. Guess that begonia is now sacrificed. Can not water it now!

Lolly said...

I'm gonna be a grandmommy to six baby cardinals! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats, Lolly!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Back from a Panda nap! Must have worn myself out climbing around yesterday! I forgot to mention w/pics, that gal I work with who went also, found half of a GBH shell and it was a lovely pale robins egg blue & a little larger than a chicken egg.
Lolly, congrats on being a cardinal G'ma! Frank saw a robin coming out of our rhododendron~~~she's on a nest! There are a ccouple dead branches in the back I wanted to trim, but not now!

NatureNut said...

BTW, I was able to get Live cam started on IE, but Spidey has ruined it!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of nice pics there, Loretta. Did you snap a shot of the heron egg?

NatureNut said...

No, drat it!. Joyce set it aside on our way down hill & forgot about it when we left. Boo
I had wanted to do some videos to get the loud noise, but they were pretty normal this time. It was afternoon, so probably not as rowdy. We did get stiff necks! Found it helped to lean on a tree when looking up!

NatureNut said...

Gonna get dessert~~~didn't really eat dinner! LOL

Lolly said...

Very good, pictures, Loweeda! I am really excited about the cardinal nest. I said one time that I know we must have lots of nests, but I never find them until they babies have fledged. I have more begonias to purchase so I will just save one to repot later on in that planter.

We are going to make a new flowerbed tomorrow. First we are going to buy rock to edge it. I finally nagged Jack enough that we are going to get it started tomorrow. Yea! It is in the area that has been a bog and I just want to make the area look better. I think it is going to be great. I know....I will take before and after pics!

paula eagleholic said...

Oregon has a pip!

stronghunter said...


Went back and read the past messages. Lolly, what happened to Laurel is awful. Good that the bank and police were helpful.

Wanda, prayers for GG. I hope things go better for her--and for you--the rest of the week.

Prayers for Chrissy and her family.

It is ironic that a little spider can obliterate out view of the nest night after night. Curses on you Boris! All of this technology--our computers, the fancy cameras, etc., and Boris builds a web. We need a de-spider attachment for the camera.

Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

That's our view of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Shutting it down for tonight, see you good people tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Cold Case done for the season, now reruns, reruns:( EVERYWHERE!

It's raining at Hornby and Mrs. Hornby is soaked. Love that nest.

Costume Lady said...

Judie, if you read this tomorrow, I have posted something special for you on my SMILES blog. Check it out:)
Also posted photos of a Sunday Stroll with GG on WANDA'S WISHES.


hedgie said...

Hi, gang. I'm home. COncert was wonderful, but my baby fell down the steps before it started. She was going to the downstairs door to get some food form Shannon because she hadn't eaten and was getting shaky. Her heel caught in her slacks' hem and she went down the last three steps. Skinned up and bruised knees and fronts of her ankles, and sore hands/wrists. Poor girl. She took some Advil and was feeling better by the time her group rang; got ice on the worst knee when we got back to the house. Bet she's going to be sore in the morning.
Ran in to some rain on my way home, and saw evidence where it had apparently put down pretty good at some point.

Costume Lady said...

Karla just sent me a photo of Dustin's foot/ankle...he fell while rock climbing and I think it surely must be broken.
Lynn, I did the same thing as Christy...caught my heel in pants leg, but did manage to catch myself before falling.

hedgie said...

News over...bath time for me. Caught up with all your activities! Just need to look at pics!
BTW---got my, it took up a whole page!!! I could make out some of you in the group pic, too!!
Sleep well. Hope no rumbles to wake you. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

P.S. Wanda, is Dustin at the ER???
Sure hope it's not broken!!!

Costume Lady said...

No, Lynn...Karla's taking him to his doctor tomorrow.
I'll see if I can post the photo on WANDA'S WISHES.

Mema Jo said...

Too late for all these goings' on!
I hope Dustin's foot and Christy's knees are all minor injuries!
I think all of us lady's need to start wearing "Peddle Pushers" so there isn't any chance of shoes getting caught in hems.
I watched Cold Case and it was a good wrap up! Like you say - reruns reruns and more reruns. I don't know how much longer the Good Wife runs but maybe won't be finished soon.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Just having my ID password stolen was bad enough experience to go through but I feel so badly for Laurel.
She was so fortunate with her bank supporting her.

Mema Jo said...

Time to go back the hallway......
I'm starting to catch too many typos...

Good Night All
Peaceful Sleep and Pleasant Dreams
Praying for needs/wants of family, friends and friends of friends.

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Just got back on to say good night. Been reading a magazine. I get so far behind on magazines.

Thank you, Jo. Yes, Laurel said the lady at the bank was so nice that she is considering sending her flowers. She really made Laurel feel a lot better.

Will be interesting to see what developes this week. The police took the report and someone is supposed to be in touch with them this week.

I am now heading to the shower. big day ahead tomorrow. Getting rock....hee hee!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Good night eagle friends. I just got caught up with the posts and everyone's left, but that's okay.

We had a great fireworks display that was visible from our front porch, but boy was it loud. I was able to walk out front and sat on a bench on the porch. Couldn't stand the whole time and had Jim check me over when we came in for spiders. etc. IT was misting during the fireworks but wasn't intolerable. No traffic, no crowds. My kind of celebration. Took a while to find the cats, but it's quiet now.

Well, I'm beginning to cool down and feel sleepy, so I'll close for the night and wish prayers for all wants/needs.

God bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Gang,
Getting here later than ever tonight--just cannot get to sleep!

Wow, saying some healing prayers for Christy and Dustin! Hope they get better real soon!

Was a nice day here today, with some pretty clouds in the sky, and sunshine.

Didn't do much today; watched a bunch of TV shows we'd recorded and got caught up.

Not the least bit tired yet, but need to try to get some rest. Saying prayers for everyone, especially Chrissy and family!
(((HUGS)))! Leaving the night light on, and the porch light. The eye scanner security is ready to go. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! :o]

Mits said...

Good MONDAY morning....first egg of the season at FINNEY'S (LAND) osprey nest.

Mits said...

both osprey at FINLAND (WATER) NEST.

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Looks as if Palmer has an umbrella this morning. Raining here also.

Sissy, glad everyone arrive home safely and had a good weekend trip. Now know more about copperheads that I did before. Lynn sorry about Christie's fall and hope the soreness goes away quickly. Wanda, hoping Dustin is just a bad sprain with no break although I did hear years ago that a break is easier to heal. Lynn would know.

Jo, what did I miss? Your hummingbird has arrived? From where does one order hummingbirds? No, missed Cold Case. Fell asleep - sheetz. Ah, speaking of sheetz, many thanks Wanda. I do feel the love!

Diann, glad you enjoyed the fireworks and without spiders.

Shirley, I remember having to navigate a recliner but with two cats on the footrest. Sure wish I could do that again.

Okay, off to get some coffee and to answer the 12 emails from students who have decided to study for exams tomorrow. Lordy, I cannot wait for it to end.

Hi Jim, have seen hummers drink from the bird bath and then go to the nectar feeders. I forget they need regular water, also.

Congratulations, Lolly. Hoping for six healthy grandcardinals.

Costume Lady said...

It is a grey morninig here in Nestville and 67°...going up to 83°. Light rain off and on. Nasty day:(
No hummingbirds here or at GGs. I think that Megan is holding them all captive in her greenhouse:)
Judie, she may sell you one, but you would probably have to pick it up yourself. LOL

Costume Lady said...

When the first hummer comes to our house, he hovers at the patio door near his feeder, and looks in for the longest time, as if to let us know he is back. Does the same thing when he leaves in the Fall.
We had a racoon come to that same window and raise up on hind feet and look at the TV for the longest time. Isn't wildlife wonderful?

Costume Lady said...

Please, sombody, tell me I am NOT in the TWILIGHT ZONE again!!!
No one but me on here for nearly 3 hours...I keep looking to see if a new thread popped up and left me behind. No new thread. Where is everyone??

hedgie said...

♫ ♪ Rainy days and Mondays...♪ ♫
Good morning! How are all y'all?
Just heard that eldest is coming to use my puter in a few minutes.....she has satellite internet, but trees are blocking her signal. So a quick hi and bye. Dental apptmt. this afternoon...UGH!

hedgie said...

Diann, glad you were able to see the fireworks without having to leave home! But surely those sons could have pushed a wheelchair for you!!

Judie, so typical of kids to wait til the last minute to study....duh!

So glad Finney has an egg!!

Responded to Wanda about Dustin via email....deifnitely needs an x-ray, but even a bad sprain can cause that awful bruising and swelling!

Okay, better get off so kid can get on! Later, gators!

Lolly said...

Just a quick GOOD MORNING!

Did fb check and a cam check. Also ordered my "I hibernated with Hope and Lily" t shirt. ☺ Now to get busy!

Have a great day!

Judie said...

Hey Wanda, you're not in the twilight zone. But, if you are, so am I. What a wonderful twilight zone we have.

Palmer resting, both adults, one poof.

Lynn, hope the dentist gives you a smiley face.

Mits said...

5/3/2010 :: Three Eggs Hatched!
The second egg reportedly hatched around noon on Saturday, May 1st. The third egg hatched early this morning, May 3rd, sometime before dawn. Keep watching the PA Falcon Cam to see when the fourth egg hatches.

movin said...


GooD MorNiNG,

aLL iN eaGLe LaNd.




Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Jim you really are keeping a morning routine! Hope it agrees with you.
I see Palmer in the nest - we must have had a downpour - all my flowers are drooping and waiting for some sunshine.

Someone straighten me out! Does both Finland and Finney have their 1st egg??

Mits said...

Jo, Finland (water) has had an egg or eggs for awhile now....Finney (land) just had their 1st egg laid.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Helen
I have written myself a note on my cheat sheet

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone in Eagleland!
Checked on Palmer & actually got Live cam up on IE, but no seconds clock running. P is in middle of nest~~~looks like leafy twig fell at 12 o'clock. What a Big, Dark bird!
Just watched Shorty have breakfast. Must have rained a little, but we need it--flowers drooping. Forgot to mention that Sat. I saw the first flowers on the sweetbay magnolia---early, as my daughter's B'day is in early June & it's always blooming a couple weeks before.
Wanda, had a raccoon last night on deck. Spotlight came on & there he was!
Gotta shovel the house before daughter's visit.

Mits said...

well I'm concerned about the Finland(water) nest, lots of in and out, can't see the egg now..and it is MT right now. I have trouble navigating their forums to get up to date info.

Mema Jo said...

Sidney nest - wild winds - Solo is the chicks name.
Hornby nest - Little Phoenix is lying
beside the adult - not under.

Mema Jo said...

There just may be a sighting of a Pip on the 2nd Hornby egg. Some on the chat mentioned it and I thought I just saw it when the adult got up and the egg rolled over.
Phoenix is getting fed. He is so darn cute up close! Love that nest.

Mits said...

well sure does look like a crack in that egg, but who knows?

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Sidney nest Very very windy
Solo (eaglet) made a Poop Shoot
WHOA! It all blew right back over him onto the adult! Adult is being very vocal - has now tried to cover Solo to keep him from blowing away.......

Mema Jo said...

Video from Sidney - Poop Shoot to the

Mits said...

rofl...good thing it did not hit the cam:)

Mema Jo said...

Our little wanderer has made it over to the tree trunk.. Going to Hug a Tree

Wish for the day: Give us a shorter refresh time on the still cam.......

Mema Jo said...

Hornby nesting eagle is trying to
fall asleep........ Head is nodding.

Mits said...

Breaking News
Actress Lynn Redgrave Dies At Age 67

British actress Lynn Redgrave has died, her children say. She was 67.
she was young.....

Mits said...

the last info I can get on the Finland (water) nest is from May 1st...seems some people in a boat distrubed the nesting osprey, there were two eggs at that time....seems also some crows have been near by too.

movin said...

Boy, FaceBook is acting up this A.M. I finally signed off, probably try later.

I also am glad to see that Finney has an egg today, but I'm afraid something is wrong at the Finney on the sea nest. The female has been away some time, it looks wet and I can't see the egg(s).

Anybody know??



movin said...

That is sad to read... Lynn Redgrave was a favorite of mine and of many.



Mema Jo said...

Jim Look above your comment and read what Helen said about Finney.......

Redgrave...died Sunday night at her Manhattan apartment. In 2003, Redgrave had been treated for breast cancer.

Mits said...

osprey finnaly back at Finland (water)

magpie said...

Thanks for the great nest reports and news, usual ☺

good to see both Finland nests with a bird in them right now

Wilmington Falcon is away from her four eggs right now...

magpie said...

Good Morning/Afternoon Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

hope it is a great day for everyone

magpie said...

shame to think boaters could interfere with the nesting...
the crows, well, that's nature

magpie said...

Palmer sure seems to like the 5 o'clock edge of the nest

magpie said...

Mom Finney sure looks proud, has that Mother's beauty look about her

magpie said...

Wanda and Lynn

Sorry to hear of Dustin's and Christie's tumbles...sure hope all will be okay with both of them,
glad the Bell-Ringing concert went okay though
that is some picture, Wanda !
Ouch !
Loved the ones of your Sunday afternoon with GG ♥

magpie said...

To All
If anyone here would like a copy of the Spirit of Jefferson Advocate article on the NCTC Eagles,
Suz, Lynn, and I have some copies to mail out...
You could let me know here or by email and I will coordinate with Paula and the others...
I know there are some who posted on the E-M page, but just trying to cover the bases here also
pls and thx

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is sprawled out at 5:00... Just flapped wing and trying to get comfy I think. Now turned and facing 9:00.
lol Using big foot to scratch head area.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is sitting upright - feet outward and preening left wing.

Mema Jo said...

Now facing noon position

Mema Jo said...

Biting at the new green leaves in nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good Poop Shoot
Now get away from the edge......

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is standing TALL

magpie said...

I have yet to witness a Poop Shoot!
Yep the rascal is scootching around the nest now all right

salad greens, yum !

Hi Jo

Mema Jo said...

I'm thinking that soon when the food comes in that Palmer is going to Mantel
it and claim it.

Mema Jo said...

At noon position Palmer is trying to move a very long thin stick.....

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy

I do have the live feed up on IE
Getting breezy at the nest
Glad Palmer settled down.....

I have had my lunch - but I need my street clothes..... May go out later..


Mema Jo said...

Just a reminder that the


is coming..........

Mits said...

and it is here...split:)

Mits said...

from what I can tell at Finland, there has been a third osprey at the nest, and they are saying it looks like it has oil on its wings...hard to keep up with their forum.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...