Sunday, May 02, 2010


Sunday thread.  Muggy and showery.


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magpie said...

yes things are looking a little threatening here in Berkeley County too...
guess I should check the weather channel

Hi Mits...

hoping to get some of the new Animal Rescue Stamps today...

magpie said...

oh man that is not very good news Mits...

movin said...

I just looked back in on Finney by the sea, and she is back at the nest.



PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. I'm checking in.

Mits, thanks for the update on the H-burg falcons. I checked on them but mom wouldn't move to let me count.

Jo,loved the poop shoot video. LMBO.

To all those with boo-boos from falls, etc. speedy healing.

Judie, Love your posts. They always make me laugh and laughter is a great healer..

I didn't keep a cheat sheet so if I missed anyone or anything,know you have my best wishes and prayers.


PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Oops. that's my duplicate post that I deleted

magpie said...

better twice than not at all, Diann ☺

hope you are doing well
good to hear from you today and last night
glad you enjoyed the fireworks, hope you rounded up all the cats ok

PA Nana said...

Hi Margy. Doing as well as can be expected. The cats are calm so far. There's a storm brewing and the wind is blowing.

Going to close down for a while and grab something to eat.

magpie said...

ok D

is Palmer trying to hide under the sticks?

headed out to post office
ttfn all xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Looks like some sun in the nest. Palmer just scratched head w/a big feetsie & settled down to nap w/twig next to him/her.

Mits said...

both o's and an egg at Finney's nest now.

Judie said...

Thanks, Jo. ROFLMBO watching Solo. Can remember as a child, maybe about 5, family driving on a vacation and Mom emptied potty out the car window -- blew back in on Mom and Dad. Parents were NOT amused.

Sad about Lyn Redgrave. That family has had a difficult year with the death of Vanessa's daughter. Prayers for that family.

Really hoping the Finland osprey doesn't have oil on it. Gee, isn't off shore drilling a wondrous thing for nature?

Diann, hopefully when I recover from this semester, I can really get my sense of humor back. If I bring a laugh or smile, I have done something nice.

Been trying to catch up on twice-a-year things. Never ceases to amaze me that even with dusting on a regular basis, things get a bit grungy and need to be really cleaned. Oh well, mindless but good physical outlet.

Palmer checking out the far horizon. Would be a wondrous thing to know what, if anything, he/she thinks about.

If anyone has time, there is a great video of Lily and Hope climbing higher and higher. Makes the heart rate go up.

Okay, back to doing some things.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey Mits! I just saw this on MSNBC. Did you have anything to do with it?

"Authorities are investigating human bones that washed up on the beach in Ocean City, MD."

Judie said...

Oh dear, sounds as if I might need to put on my Sherlock Holmes outfit and head out to O.C. Hope I don't forget my spy glass. Think I left it underneath dead refrigerator when I was searching for a shiny garland.

Mits said...

I have been following that story since last week....back in Feb. I had reported here about the alum from Mt. St. Mary's University, that went missing after a party, but, before one of the blizzards up in Fenwick Island Delaware, there is speculation these may be his remains, but nothing certain from the medical examiner yet, they are still following leads on other missing persons from the area

Mits said...

feel bad for all the poor families waiting for word, if it is there loved one.

Mema Jo said...

381 viewers for the MN Loon cam
Thought I spotted one in the water
Thought I could hear on
BUT the nest platform is not occupied.

floralgirl said...

The loons were just on the nest platform and they mated.
Gotta run cause it's a busy day but just saying HELLO!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Dropping in to say hello. Have been studying for the Wed. exam, and just need a quick break.

Saw our Band-tailed Pigeon that shows up alone earlier this morning. There are 3 of them that usually show up together in late afternoon. Sometimes all 4 show up together, but not often.

Have a few hummers that spent the winter with us, and are now thrilled that our Kangaroo Paws plant now has 5 or 6 spikes with flowers on them. They seem to love that stuff!

Ms Bookworm said...

Haven't seen the Eurasian Collared Doves in a few days--wonder if they've moved on.

The Hooded Oriole has been back, although he seems to like the hummer feeder better than the oriole feeder. Habit, I guess.

Mema Jo said...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Noah, a 2-month-old bald eagle, is preparing to take her first flight this week. The hack tower doors are expected to open early Thursday morning.

Here's for the best for Noah
You Go Girl!

Mema Jo said...

Andrea - you have quite a varitey of birds out there on the west coast!

Ms Bookworm said...

The mystery of the all-brown robin-like bird is still not solved. Trying to get a picture to share.
It's still hanging around, eating mostly seeds, but does like the berries (blueberry-sized) that are dropping from our huge ficus trees.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Mema Jo!

Yes, we DO get quite a variety of birds here! Forgot to mention that the Black-crowned night herons are still here, with several youngsters in the nests, creating quite a ruckus at times.
So far the ornery neighbor has been behaving, thank God!

Hubby mentioned seeing our Oregon Junkos in the front yard, too. Glad they're back--they have a cute personality. Very inquisitive!

hedgie said...

Hi again. Still no new thread, I see.
Christie is quite sore....she couldn't sleep last night worth beans because she couldn't get comfortable...Dragging now...poor kid. Thanks for all concern!
Dental apptmt. was fine...but I still hate going!
Need to read here and catch up.

Mema Jo said...

Transmitter date set, May 5th, 10am EDT

The NBG 3 rebels!
They are getting very large I don't envy the person who is going to put the transmitter on --well not so much that, as to getting them down out of the nest! I don't know if they are rebanding the 2 whose bands came off or not.

Ms Bookworm said...

Will attempt to get some decent pictures, if possible. Some of these feathered friends show up when the camera is too far away!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back Hedgie - did you get the smiley face from the dentist that Judie mentioned.

magpie said...

These stamps are now out at the post offices (showing on my avatar, the pic turned out so little)

golly, I have yet to see Poop Shoot and Looney Love - I am definitely missing out on some of wildlife's greater adventures

Good report Lynn, I have a 30 yoa nephew without one cavity yet!

Yay good news about Noah

magpie said...

Yes Andy, you have quite a backyard aviary there
I enjoy your reports can't wait to find out what the mystery brown bird is

magpie said...

tough situation for sure, Mits, ref the remains at the beach...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn!
Prayers continue for Christy. Gosh, hope she can get comfy enough tonight to get at least some sleep!

Glad your dental appt. went well.

Sorry to hear about Lynn Redgrave. Guess she had been battling breast cancer. Way too young!
Sorry to hear about the human bones that have washed up, too. Feel so sorry for the families who are wondering if they belong to their loved one. MTBR, I guess.

magpie said...

hoping Christie feels better soon Lynn...

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, guess I'd better get back to my studying. Test is on 2 chapters this week! Lots to remember. Will drop in later tonight. Have a great evening, everyone! :o]

magpie said...

saw your mother mowing the grass at her place...she had her pretty little white floppy hat on
the yard looks good! evergreens survived the winter pretty well

hedgie said...

Cute video of Hornby poop-shoot! ROFL! The way it blew, looked like it coming toward cam!!

Hard to imagine that a boat could bother the Finland crew.....seems so high up!

magpie said...

Palmer was flaked out, now on the move again

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Margy!
You got some of those nifty stamps!
Our post office is out of them! Will have to keep checking back and hope they get more soon.

magpie said...

bet your parents weren't too happy, at least your Mom was the culprit and not all the little kids

must go check Poop Shoot video forgot to do that earlier

Best wishes for a good afternoon
Oh Cute Palmer is just sitting down enjoying life

hedgie said...

Too bad about Lynn Redgrave. Great actress.
Also lost Helen Wagner from As The World Turns. Matriarch; has been on since show started in 1956. OMG---I've been watching since I was 7!!!

magpie said...

The words at the top of the stamp page says
Animal Rescue Adopt a Shelter Pet

That's our Lynne2 ☺
and others on here too I know

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Hadn't heard about the body at the shore. Hope it is the missing college student, for some peace for his family.

LOL, Judie....we always carried one of those little potty's, too!! And somewhere I have a pic of my uncle with one on his head, so they did for their kids, too!!

hedgie said...

8 weeks for Noah to fledge???? Seems too early to me.

Mits said...

Lynn, he was an alum, he is 28 yrs old.....but so many missing people from the last year, could be anyone.

Mits said...

hope Christy feels better soon....and wonder how Dustin made out at the docs today.....?

hedgie said...

Nope, Judie and smily face. Just a new brush and tube of paste!!

Margy, Hedgesville P.O. only had CATS and liberty bell-----since I'm not a cat person, I stuck to the usaul!

Mits said...

Hornby Eagles Monday - Day 40 for Egg #2. We have not been able to confirm a pip on the egg. The dark area that was visible twice today might be that, or maybe a spot of dirt. We have not yet had enough views of the egg today to be certain what it is. In the meantime, wind gusts and gulls fighting over octopus parts on the beach are keeping the eagles busy, and Dad brought a rockfish to the nest. Phoenix is doing great!

hedgie said...

LOL....FB update on Hornby says that the eagles are busy because the gulls are fighting voer octupus parts---guess that means they are able to steal them away!

hedgie said...

West End lens is clouded by sea spray. Only hope for clarity is for heavy rain (not expected for 7 mos.) or a heavy fog. :(

hedgie said...

Another eagle hit by a car.
WI Eagle Rescued

Mits said...

amazing story, Lynn, and great pics too.

hedgie said...

Guess it's time to round up some grub!

Forgot to mention that on my way to Charles Town yesterday, just as I was passing MITS Landscaping, I saw a vanity plate that said TRAIN. Felt like I had some of my friends riding with me!

hedgie said...

Mits.....they said Dustin's x-ray was negative, but radiologist would read it officially, so possibly MTBR. Definitely a bad sprain if it is indeed not fractured.

Lolly said...

Have you ever blogged hunt and peck left handed cause your cat was sitting on your right arm? Whew! She just

Going to go bathe. Man, I dirty! But the new flower bed is complete. Do need to plant bulbs and anything else I want there. Looks good! Will be glad though when it looks established and not new.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished dinner .
Got email ...
The National Zoo's Andean bear cubs - one male, one female - went outside with their mother for the very first time on April 30. The cubs are quite playful, and their mother, Billie Jean, is doing a wonderful job raising them.

They are really cute & I loved watching them on their cam. Very Playful.

Lolly said...

Just checked on the OK eaglet. It is getting big. The dud egg is in view.

Mema Jo said...

In case you have never signed up for the FONZ news....

Andean Bear Cubs

Lolly said...

LOL Phoenix does not want to be covered. Keeps peeking out.

hedgie said...

Check out Mits' Andean bears at Nat'l Zoo----cuties!!
Andean cubs

Mema Jo said...

Great minds - Lynn ! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Margy's stamps have dogs and cats. I had just gotten stamps last week - by the time I need some more they may be in stock.

Most of my snail mail is cards and only about 2 items to mail....

Mema Jo said...

Megan - I can believe I missed those crazy loons by only 2 or 3 minutes!

ceil said...

Jo the Norfolk eaglets will be banded again this Wednesday when the transmitter is put on one of them. I will not be able to go.
Good video of the poop shoot.
Have a good evening. I am off to study for training. 5 chapters this week

Mits said...

I hate studying:(

magpie said...

Hornby Poop Shoot Video, Hilarious!
Thanks Mit

funny Lynn, MITS and TRAIN - liked your comment

studying - my usual response to that is dozing off, good luck Ceil

I do a LOT of snail mail, got 2 pgs of the cats and dogs, will send a page to someone if you really want them ☺ I'm serious about that offer

time to get my old lady shovel(it's very small)
out and get some things in the ground here

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Palmer has company ☺

Mema Jo said...

The saddest thing about the eagle that was hit while getting road kill deer food is that she had a brood spot and that meant somewhere there were eaglets without their mom.

hedgie said...

Yep , it said, papa is going to be very busy. Hope it all works out.

See Jo? We definitely are in sync!

I'm sure our P.O. will have the new stamps by the time I need more. But thanks for offer, Margy!

hedgie said...

Hope no one is planning a trip to or from Ireland tomorrow....all flights in and out cancelled due to ash from Iceland!

BEagle said...

All three on the nest.

Hello y'all.

Mema Jo said...

Lots of visitors!

Headed to CVS Anyone need anything?


BEagle said...

I am sorry about the injured but rescued eagle. Maybe the Pa will take care enough of babies.

Sorry to hear about Redgrave too. I liked her. She was a classic actress.

I really loved the Sidney nest poop shoot clip. That was tooo funny. First time I laughed today. (I usually laugh a lot, it's good for you.)

Thanks for that video Mema Jo. : D

BEagle said...

I could use a FROSTY if you pass by on the way to CVS

BEagle said...

Palmer is just too pretty!
Standing there in front of the camera.

Wingo exercises! Clomping around with those beautiful feet. (Wanting to fly away no doubt.)

BEagle said...

Lib enjoyed supper leftovers. Palmer walks up to him and he flies off. What a welcome Pop!

BEagle said...

Now it's time to relax. Palmer at 1.

Costume Lady said...

Hello you all:)

Spent most of the day with GG. She is not taking any of her daily pills nor fixing anything to eat. She has a freezer full of Marie Callendars dinners, a well stocked pantry of progresso soups and little fruit cups...all easy to prepare foods, but says there is nothing to eat:) I think the stove and the microwave are intimidating to her.
I fixed her some Cream of Wheat (made it with milk instead of water) and made it thin so she could drink it from a cup. I found, with my Dad, that is a good way to get a cranky eater to eat.
She gets tired and sleepy quickly, so she went off for a Panda nap.
I did a little house work and fixed her some lunch. When she got up, she peeked under the cover which I put over her food, asked if it was for her, then ate like she was really hungry! I made a scaled down version of Lolly's Bacon Pasta...she said it was the best meal she has had in a long time:) Now, you know that made me feel good;)
Left her some supper in the fridge and came home. My goal is to get her back to a stronger will to take care of herself, and I feel sure that 3 good meals a day will go a long way toward that goal.

My darling Dustin does not have a broken ankle, just badly sprained. (have to wait on further study of Xray) He is restricted to minimal movement of foot for 2 weeks. Lov e that kid♥

Costume Lady said...

I have noticed that BEagle's avatar is exactly the same photo that accompanies the Spirit of Jefferson article about NCTC. Wonder how that came about?

ceil said...

A priest friend was leaving for Ireland. I don't know if it is tomorrow or not.

Mits said...

he may be out of luck for that trip, Ceil.....Wanda, poor Dustin, got to be hard to keep a young one to not move around much.

Mits said...

off to watch HOUSE.

Costume Lady said...

I'm smiling to myself after reading Ceil's comment about studying. Who ever thought that you had to study to be a volunteer?
Years ago, I was a Red Cross volunteer and had to go through some training and when I volunteered to help out with the patients and residents at the VA Center, had to do some sort of orientation (don't remember what it consisted of) for a number of evenings. But, that is good, so that you do know what is expected of you.
Didn't like the Red Cross stint, but loved the VA Center. Those guys and gals are sooo appreciative!

BEagle said...

I just cannot believe what I saw!!!

Phoenix turned that little tail and did a poop shoot out the nest!!

magpie said...

You are the perfect Daughter Mom ♥

magpie said...

Palmer really likes to show off those talons ☺

going to unblog and try live feed for my 5.5 mins of successful viewing

Good Evening Evening People ☺

Judie said...

Checking in.

Andy, wonder if your almost all dark Robin is a Towhee. I had the same reaction the first one I saw.

Lynn, hope Christie will get some much needed rest tonight and the aches will be in never never again land.

Also, happy Dustin doesn't have a break -- he just needs to brake for a couple of weeks.

Love the Andean bears. Need to remember to check them more often as they are getting active and cuter.

Mits, I hate to study also. Do more now than ever when I was a student. There is always one wannabe adult with a challenge.

Wanda, I wish we could make everything better with GG. Sending prayers that she will eat and gain some strength.

BEagle said...

Twilight on our nest gives a beautiful view. Lib on nest and Palmer behind barely visible.

Lib flies off.

magpie said...

Two eagles at LW now

nice NCTC evening view got live feed just in time for the Parent arrival and just before Spidey strands took over
Baby was probably hungry no bedtime snack tonight

magpie said...

well, no autographs on a cast for Dustin....that could have been fun for a young handsome teen!
Hope healing goes well, Wanda

I hope you are planning to write a book someday....

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

I have been trying to read back. Enjoyed the poop shoot video. Funny.

Okay, a school story tonight. We're getting ready for the junior research paper. They are to write about a self-reliant American. I gave them a list of names from a book called American Heroes. A couple of boys wanted to argue with me that Helen Keller doesn't belong on the list because she had to get help from others. Oh, they have so much to learn!

Thank goodness, one of the girls said she thought she might write about Helen Keller.

magpie said...

speaking of snacks, supper time here
gardening makes me hungry
if I was Megan I would be eating all the time
ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Not sure I will catch up tonight, but here's an article on Noah

Noah prepares to take flight

BEagle said...

Compassion for people like Helen Keller is something to learn.

Who's to say a hero couldn't get help?

BEagle said...

Cool Noah. Fly Fly Fly. Even though I will miss you.

Thank you for that important update Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Is the live feed down?

magpie said...

not sure, I actually got ten mins of view time half an hour ago
but closed it out

good to see you...hoping you would show up here

magpie said...

do you ever get a headache from shaking your head from side to side

Helen Keller, what an awesome hero
that lady student will learn a lot

stronghunter said...

Just getting circling arrows here, Paula.

stronghunter said...

We used to teach The Miracle Worker in ninth grade, but they have taken it out of the book. I may have to show it, although it is more Annie Sullivan's story, of course.

BEagle said...

Live feed just came back up.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, I've been puttin in some long hours...gotta eat my pizza and dig thru some estate stuff...


magpie said...

Oh brother
I can't get a thing either
not even circling arrrows just ad things
maybe I jinxed it by opening up
maybe Outdoor Channel thinks I was a hacker

stronghunter said...

That is, show the movie.

Of course, one of the boys said that she said "wah-wah" as if that was no big deal. I have been known to cry when I show that movie.

magpie said...

understand Paula...
sometime it will be complete, lots of t's to cross and i's to dot

I was executor for both parents, lawyer was astounded at postage costs on the list of expenses...
well I had seven siblings and they all had to get the same long letter information, often, easier than phone calls x-7

Best wishes with it all, and on top of it, emotional memories
(( hugs ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

My live feed is back.

BEagle said...

Palmer will enjoy the evening on the middle of the nest.

BEagle said...

It must be warmer there.

stronghunter said...

Margy, actually, I did have a headache at the end of the day today. I was also quite tired. There is an abundance of ignorance out there to dispel.

magpie said...

I won't go to live feed
don't want to jinx it again

time to do a bunch of stuff here

take care everyone, hope those we have not seen or heard from are doing okay....

Folks in Tennessee and Kentucky and many other areas, sure are under weather siege...prayers for those folks


magpie said...

When I get younger, Shirley, I want to be a student in your class, and Judie's, and Candy's and Ragdoll's - and all other wonderful teachers we have here in our group

ok see you later

Mema Jo said...

I've been back from CVS - No place to get a Frosty in my travels! :<(

Got a lot of cards and need some time
to get them in the mail tomorrow.


stronghunter said...

Got a new copier at work. It is very fancy. But it eats lots of electricity. I tried to make copies and microwave my lunch at the same time. Ended up blowing a circuit breaker. They had to call in maintenance to reset the circuit breaker. Meanwhile, I got a cupcake for lunch!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy, You are very kind.

BEagle said...

Did someone say cupcake : )

Goodnight and have sweet dreams.

Judie said...

Oh my, Shirley. Only you can make me feel better regarding students. Maybe you needed a Frostie to go with the cupcake!

Going to say goodnight now. Early day tomorrow and can't wait for it to arrive and be over. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Andy, please set the alarm for us. Thank you.

Pleasant Palmer dreams for all.

magpie said...

Great sign off Judie, "pleasant Palmer dreams"

hope the day tomorrow sure opens up and closes fast like a clam shell!

headed to bed here too, have to get up and go to work to give a test at 2 in the morning

prayers for so many precious needs

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

By the way Lolly
just reading about your yard and garden work makes me hungry!

hedgie said...

Good article, Paula.....but still don't know how/why Noah can be ready to fledge 3-5 weeks earlier than other eagles!!
Sorry I calls, TV shows, more phone calls!! Big girls still like to talk to their mama! Makes me feel good!

Mema Jo said...

I agree that 8 weeks old is young to be taking off from the hack tower. With the tracking device we'll be sure to know that he makes his first landing

Mema Jo said...

May birthdays of family and friends has kept me busy with addressing cards and sending e-cards. Fun!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops! I know that NOAH is a girl!

hedgie said...

Poor Margy.....bad enough to have to work the wee hours, but to have to get up and go in the middle of them on your night off is the pits!

stronghunter said...

Good night all.

Must get my rest.

I have to be ready to face people who tell me that they can't find enough information on the Taliban in Pakistan to write a paper.

God bless.

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Margy. At least I do not have to give a test at 2:00 AM.

hedgie said...

How many days til the wedding, Jo?

stronghunter said...

On the cupcake. I had bought it even though I did not think I would be able to eat it. I bought it just to be nice to the kid selling the cupcakes. I was very happy to remember it was sitting on my desk.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Whew, I feel like I'm caught up in a whirlwind of activities here lately! Haven't had time to watch any nests but have checked in briefly now and then. Palmer is getting SO BIG!

I sure hope Dustin and Christie are feeling better ASAP. And GG as well.

How did your first day volunteering go at the aquarium Ceil?

I've only had time to read back a little but it seems there has been no word from Chrissy yet :(

Sad about Lynn Redgrave, and Helen Wagner aka Nancy Hughes. Haven't watched ATWT in a while...Lynn, do you know if they are going to do a memorial show for her?

Terrible weather...prayers for all in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky...Volcano erupting again, oil spill situation not getting was HOT in Terra Alta on Saturday with sunshine! Got lots of outside work done for MIL.

Going to head to bed....had to take a pain pill tonight. My body is screaming at me to STOP and rest. Prayers for all of you friends!

hedgie said...

Argh, Shirley!! Do they know the meaning of the word research?? I would be pulling my hair out if I was a teacher. Sleep tight!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just checked Finney on the water...just in time to catch the ferry. Osprey on the nest.

Watched DWTS and Castle tonight.

Lolly said...

How neat that you prepared Bacon Pasta for GG, Wanda. She is needing a lot of TLC. Bless her heart!

Has anyone talked with Norma recently? I really miss her.

Costume Lady said...

Love the "School Adventures" told by Shirley and Judie, but will be glad when they can close the books for the Summer and take time to enjoy the things they like best.
They do deserve the Summer rest, it may keep them from knocking some heads together;)

So tired...

hedgie said...

Goodnight, my fine, fowl friends!
Talk to you tomorrow. Prayers for all our needs. Peace.

Mema Jo said...

Caught some news - best one was that the higher courts agreed to hear the case of Schneider vs (group of protesters at funerals). Hope something comes out of this to deter it from happening.

Mema Jo said...

Dr Sharpe was reporting on nests at the islands without cams...
The Lopez nest on Santa Rosa has their first chick as of yesterday. First known chick to hatch in 60 years on Rosa. Now that is something to

Lolly said...

Sitting here sneezing and getting stuffy. A cool front came through this afternoon, guess it brought something with it that is affecting me. Down to 61...that is nice!

Mema Jo said...

I am so tired too!
Down the hallway I go...
Restful sleep & peaceful dreams to all

Prayers for all

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Falling asleep here in my chair. Headed to bed.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

PA Nana said...

Good night eagle friends. Restful sleep and pleasant avian dreams.
God bless

paula eagleholic said...

The article was wrong...Noah hatched Feb 12th, so Noah was 11 weeks last Friday...I think they meant 3 month old eagle...

Nite all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Haven't been able to get to sleep yet.

Judie, I'll have to work with the couple of lame pictures I have of that brown bird tomorrow, and see whether I can enlarge them enough to tell. I think its beak is longer, and more the color of a robin's, though. I thought it might be a towhee, too, though. MTBR....

Glad to hear that Dustin doesn't seem to have a broken ankle. Know from past experience how miserable a sprained ankle can be, though.
Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Hope Christy gets a decent night's rest tonight, too. Prayers for her quick recovery, too.

Hoping for a safe takeoff and landing for Noah--and many more, too! God bless her!

Well, going to attempt to get some decent sleep. Leaving the night light on. The porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers said for everyone, especially Chrissy and her family. Hope we hear from them soon. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys!

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Eaglet Momster Carolyn from Wild Wonderful Poca West Virginia

Best Wishes for your Best Birthday ever ☺ xo ♥

magpie said...

Beautiful West Virginia Morning has broken
Palmer is awake, waiting on a morning snack

I need to catch a few more z's

Best wishes for a good day, all

magpie said...

honey locust trees full of blossoms here, the fragrance is so sweet

baby deer should be born this month

floralgirl said...

The locust are blooming here, too. Have a whole line of them at the back of one of the gardens.
56° and 97% humidity right now. it's gonna be another beautiful day!
Have a great one everybody!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mits, sorry about my insensitive remark yesterday! Wasn't thinking evidently!!! It is very sad news, to be sure!

Where is normabyrd????

magpie said...

I had a nice long talk with Norma last Sunday - 2 Sundays ago, she was having trouble getting back onto her computer after her daughter cleaned things up, but we looked at the nest together over the phone and I thought she was going to sign on and talk with us, Sissy, but maybe she couldnt' get to do that! She was fine, busy as usual....

Good Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

New Chow at the nest...

magpie said...

With Wanda's blessings, I am posting the obituary for her aunt:

Frances Catherine Myers, GG's Sister

I'll repost this when we get a new thread

magpie said...

Mrs Myers was a very special presence in Wanda and Gene's life,
and GG is the last member of the immediate family...regarding sisters and brothers....

In case Wanda does not get a chance to pop in this morning, she will busy taking GG for a new "do" and a new outfit for the Visitation tonight....

God Bless them both and give strength to all the family at this time

hedgie said...

New thread is up. Come on over!

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL.




movin said...







wvgal_dana said...

Just wanted to drop in an say Good Morning.

Eyes are too blurry and hurt to read too much. Need them to drive to get hair cut.

Hope everyone is fine.

Again Wanda sorry about GG's sister.

Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning! Gonna be a hot one out there today. Kristen is down with me and we are staying inside!

Thanks Paula for clearing up Noah's age. Us'en eagle folks know that you don't fly at 8 weeks!

Thought and prayers for GG and her special caretakers Wanda & Gene.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...