Saturday, May 08, 2010


Sorry about the sporadic posts, been away from the computer, driving  a lot...

New thread for a bright and breezy day.


magpie said...

Thank you Steve,
understood, think everyone is right busy these days

I'll go on over and give the others the good news

Costume Lady said...

Where did everyone go??
Am I in the Twilight Zone again?

magpie said...

You've always got Palmer, Wanda,
and now a parent also !

magpie said...

waiting here for the phone to NOT ring for work
and working up courage to drive in the wind to Winchester for a
birthday party for a Godson
guess I'll give it a try

Palmer too funny with that talon sticking out !

Good Afternoon and Evening Wishes
and Traveling wishes
ttfn xox ♥

Judie said...

Waaaaanduh? Waaaanduh? Wheeeere arrre you, Waaaaanduh? Join me here in the twilight zone -- I'm lonely and no one likes me -- love, Boris.

Thanks, Lynn. I am using a recipe from Paula Deen so I'll let you know how it turns out. First time every for beef short ribs.

Off to check on Palmer and to catch up on today's news while dinner cooks. BBL

hedgie said...

I never used to care for beef short ribs, Judie, because they were SO fatty....but now they are trimmed really lean and I have found that I love them ALMOST as much as pork!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda!! Hope you are staying in out of the wind and pollen!

hedgie said...

How is Dustin's ankle???

floralgirl said...

Dinnertime at the nest. Adult arrived with fish.

hedgie said...

Hi, Megan. Just saw that!
Has the wind done any damage at your place? Hope the GH is ok.

hedgie said...

Can't help but wonder how many nests and eggs/chicks have blown out of trees here today....:(

stronghunter said...


I see that Spidey had been busy again.

Yes, Lynn, I am sure that the wind has been hard on birds today.

stronghunter said...

has been busy

Mema Jo said...

Signing in early.. Still windy at the beach.. Sounds like all are doing well. Just talked with Ceil and will meet up with them on Monday
for dinner.
I guess Spidey aka Boris is still around.
Have not seen any of the cams so I hope all bluebirds have hatched and Lady Loon is incubating their 2 eggs.
I haven't opened a lot of emails - takes forever with dial up.
Settling down to try to find something on tv or watch a tape.

I am going to say Good Night All.
I may return but it's doubtful anymore this evening.
(((hugs to all))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Would enjoy the b---- myself. Maybe another day.

Have fun.

stronghunter said...

School Stories on Administrator Observations . . .

I told one of my classes that an administrator was going to come observe the class and they wanted to write a script and put on a performance so I would get a good report. When the administrator came to the room, I was on duty in the girls' restroom. When I walked out of the door, a delegation of boys was waiting for me. They were so excited they were jumping up and down. "He's here!! He's here!!"

Another class was so quiet during an observation that it was spooky. When someone erased something on their paper, it was so quiet we heard the squeaky eraser all over the room. When the administrator left, the kids let out a collective sigh so loud that I thought he would hear it. I told them that they really did not have to be that quiet, and they said, "But we didn't want to get you fired!"

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I think they love you!
You must be a wonderful teacher:)

stronghunter said...

I'm not 100% loved, Wanda. I know there are some out there who would love to sabotage an observation.

stronghunter said...

But thanks for the kind words!

Costume Lady said...

Well, Shirley, 100% of us love you♥

hedgie said...

Yeah, Shirley....Wanda is right!! (Wright, too, of course!)
Watching race off and on, and catching up on some taped shows. Wind is still blowing. Chilly, too. Bet the heat will be on tonight!
Good night, Jo! Bet that sea air has made you pleasingly tired!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Long day at Mom's...had a tough time replacing panes of glass in old wooden windows! But finally got everything done today, had final trip to the dump, clearing out some tools and stuff. Only have one more small thing to finish on the inspection list, will do that next week.

Hope everyone is well! Sure was a windy day!

magpie said...

PH chicks trying to get a meal but parent is eating first

Two Harbors is up, birds are resting and sun is setting at noisy West End

testament to the durability of spider silk at our nest

and Howdy everyone

magpie said...

love the observation anecdotes
squeaky eraser, roflmbo

magpie said...

nice going Paula, glad to see you are home
windy is right!

Palmer was lying very very close and flat in the nest most of the day

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Margy, glad you didn't get called into work!

magpie said...

wow, me too...
thanks Paula..
tomorrow is another possibility
but I got to the birthday party
and that was important

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Margy. Finally caught up, but too tired to comment! Sounds like everything is going well, except Finland water nest, that's a shame. Oh and Wilmington, poor female.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, hope you had a nice time. I have to run into work for a couple of hours tomorrow, and clean this wreck of a house.

magpie said...

Hope there is some Family time coming up somewhere along the line Paula...
that baby Gianni is probably growing fast like Palmer is !
Take care now, hope you get a good night's rest

magpie said...

Red-Shouldered Hawk's Nest with Parent and Babies pictures are on Feathers, Fur and Miscelleneous Link, can see two fuzz buzzes but not the third one
I would guess they are probably a week and a few days old

Hope they do okay with all the wind,
it's a big tall sycamore tree

stronghunter said...

Beautiful little fuzz balls, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for sharing.

stronghunter said...

My children are going to come next weekend to celebrate Mother's Day. Susan has to work tomorrow, and Kathryn is getting together with Tom's family tomorrow. My girls are the planners of this kind of get-together.

stronghunter said...

Going to call it quits for the evening. Very sleepy, even though I took a long panda nap this afternoon.

See you tomorrow.

Good night.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you made it to the party! I bet 81 was a real driving challenge!

hedgie said...

Good pics, Margy!

Lolly said...

Hi all! My Mother's Day is over. We had a fantastic time. The weather was so beautiful that we spent the afternoon outside. The three boys played hard with Uncle Michael. He is so good with them. Jack grilled hamburgers and they were yummy. I must say I am exhausted!

Shirley, had to laugh at your observation stories. Been there and done that only with 22 5 year olds. You should try that sometime. Never knew what was going to happen, but it always was fine.

Lolly said...

I have missed a lot recently and have not checked back on the blog. What has happened to Finneys on the water?

magpie said...

sounds great, your family time ♥
The Finland nest seemed to have developed some problems within the last week that Mits posted for us:
Problems with an intruder osprey, crows, and also probably boaters

seems like the nest has had no roosting parent birds on it for the last 24 hrs at least, only one egg showing in the nest out of the original two

hedgie said...

Race is almost over...thank goodness. Needless to say, another bust for my guy. :( Not the present I wanted!

magpie said...

sorry I missed you Shirley
next week-end sounds like more family, more fun, and maybe better weather !

Added some more pictures to Wildflowers link also
thanks for the comments on the Hawk's Nest

magpie said...

you asked a question about the Jack-in-the-Pulpits, I have never dug one up to see the bulbs
The new ones I found yesterday, was due to seeing the BIG tall triplet leaves...
I had never seen them at SB before this year,
glad you have a bunch at your roost!

magpie said...

I don't even see the ONE egg at Finland now...did see it about an hour ago though wish I had been watching

hedgie said...

Spritzing rain here now.

magpie said...

those little white flecks in the Finland nest, were also not there an hour ago, could be egg shell pieces I guess (the inside of the shell maybe)
I hope Mits can help translate what's on their forum when she has time

hedgie said...

You're right, Margy. The last egg is gone from Finland nest. Breaks my heart.

Lolly said...

Thanks Margy! I went back in the blog and found some comments about the cam. That is too bad, really enjoy that cam.

Keeping an eye on my cardinal nest. Today for the first time I saw the female fly into the nest. Six eggs...that is a lot!!

Costume Lady said...

Margy, did you have difficulty driving to Winchester?
Capt. Gene drove me into GGs this morning...I just couldn't drive in the wind...truly does scare me!

magpie said...

Sorry your man didn't do better in the race Lynn

Going to sign off and do a little reading

Hope all rest well and that Sunday has some nice treats to it

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, 6 cardinals is awesome...can't have too many cardinals:)


magpie said...

driving was not bad as the winds had died down some by 5 pm
glad your Captain did the driving for you today

weather is absolutely crazy in parts of the country today

Prayers for so many needs, and for many gifts given

hedgie said...

Those white things do look like shell pieces. Probably the stupid crows did it.

Lolly said...

I like working in the yard and listening to the birds. The hawks are getting very loud in their nest. Watched the male cardinal yesterday at the feeder. He would eat a little and then throw back his head and sing. Eat some more...throw back head and sing.

magpie said...

Hey Wait a Minute, can't go to bed yet!! It's Tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Lynn
Happy Birthday Dana

Hope this is a very special day, special as you both are ... Love you both!

hedgie said...

Happy Mother's Day to all of our Momsters!!! Even if you don't have children, you have Palmer!!!


See you all in the morning. Prayers, and peace.

hedgie said...

Thank you, Margy!!!! Love you!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Cute picture, Wanda. I really need to work on pictures. Maybe that is what I'll do tomorrow. I am so far behind.

Whoops! It is the 9th back east.

♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Lynn
Happy Birthday to you....and many more!♪♫♪

Lolly said...

And.....♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Dana
Happy Birthday to you....and many more!♪♫♪

Lolly said...

I am falling asleep. Guess I should go put on my nighty and fall into bed.

Happy Mothers Day!

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Want to wish everyone a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!...and...

Love both you guys, and hope you have a really, really special day!!

Shirley, love your school stories!

Judie, how were the short ribs? Bet they were good! Sounds like you're enjoying your weekend--fantastic!

Hubby and I recorded 'The Fourth Kind' and watched it today. Phew! That'll put the fear of God in you! Like a documentary, really. And SCARY! Guarantee that I never want to go to Nome, AK! After watching that, you can't help but believe that 'they' are out there! Feel really sorry for the woman who's the main character--she's obviously been to h___ and back!

Ms Bookworm said...

Checked our nest, and Palmer seems to be sleeping between 12 and 1. Boy, Spidey sure has been busy! Wish he'd blow away!

Well, gonna hit the hay. Prayers said for everyone, for so many needs. The night light's on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner security is ready to go. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. (Hubby is taking me out to breakfast!) God bless, and good night! Love all you guys! :o]

sandyshaw said...

Happy birthday, Dana. I'm so proud of you for the way you have weathered all your storms. Bless you and Little Man. I,m sure you both miss Ed, but at least you both have each other.

movin said...

God love you, Dana,






movin said...



TO LYNN ....





floralgirl said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Look at the beautiful young eagle in our nest!

Happy 7 week Birthday Palmer!!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Mother's Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Check out all the greenery in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

pretty wing flaps

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer settled down in the bowl now

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Yoooou!
Happy Birthday to Yoooou!
Happy Birthday dear Lynn
Happy Birthday to Yoooou!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Yoooou!
Happy Birthday to Yoooou!
Happy Birthday dear Dana
Happy Birthday to Yoooou!

paula eagleholic said...

I ran across this series of shots on Flickr, take a look. Wish I had that view into a nest!

RH Miller

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just arrived...Palmer chirping for breakfast, not sure if adult brought anything or not

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, no fishy this time

Costume Lady said...

Wishing all our Mothers and Grandmothers a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Happy Birthday, once again, to two SPECIAL LADIES: Lynn and Dana♥♥

It is 46° here in Nestville...going to be cloudy and only 59°. Tonight will be going down to 34°! Hope our little hummers don't get discouraged with out weather and head back to the warm south. Also hope Lynne2 lightening bugs don't freeze their little lightening butts off:)
Not a good day for Jo and Ceil at the beach, weather wise...but I know it is still good to be at the beach, regardless of the weather;)


paula eagleholic said...

turned my back and parent is gone, Palmer laying in the middle of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back with a stick, tossed it on Palmer. Palmer wants a fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent keeping watch at 12, Palmer laying in the nest facing parent

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just took off

Mits said...

Good SUNDAY morning everyone.

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Lynn.

Happy Birthday, Dana.

Mits said...

and last, but not least....

Happy Mother's Day to all.

Mits said...

from what I can gather at the FINLAND NEST...there was a territorial fight, one male osprey may have died.....the nest was abandoned....the hooded crows came in earlier and discarded the eggs...there is an osprey there now...they are saying it is a wet and cool spring...don't know if this new couple will mate....

Mits said...

all is quiet at the FINNEY OSPREY NEST....looking for 3rd egg if it comes should be today.

Mits said...


As you Good to see from our view, it appears one of the eaglets hit our cam box and moved it Slightly to the left. One advantage is it That Might Allow us to see for months branching is this side of the nest.

Mits said...

both osprey at FINNEY'S NEST

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.
Mother's Day greetings to all of our moms, and thank you for my many birthday cards and messages!!!

LOL, Mits....BWE update sounds like it's translated from the Finnish site!!

hedgie said...

Cute pic of baby cardinal, Wanda.
I found the remnants of some kind of nest next to the woodpile this morning. No egg shell or chicks, tho', so maybe they had only started building.

Mits said...

I know,Lynn, I thought the same google translate does a great job of putting the words into English, they are just a little jumbled when it is translated.

Mits said...

it is confirmed...3 eggs at the FINNEY NEST.

glo said...

Happy Mothers Day everyone. Happy Mothers Day Belle

glo said...

Happy Birthday Lynn and Dana
Incidentally Lynn I love playing in a bell choir myself, which means I got my copy of the newspaper. Hug Little Man today Dana, you will both feel loved :-)

Mema Jo said...

Good Mothers' Day Morning!
Happy Birthday Lynn ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Birthday Dana ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

May your day be very special and wishing for you both to have a spectacular year ahead

You're right that it isn't a day to be sitting on the beach but it is great to be here.

Take care and give your Mother some special thoughts today.
(((hugs))) Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just floated in

Judie said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Birthday to Lynn and Dana.

Wishing everyone a lovely and special day.

Palmer seemed to be chillin' when I checked. Noah has departed -- wishing her a long and productive life. Catalina eaglets seem to be doing well -- looks like light rain at both nests.

Checked Lily and Hope update. Seems to be much activity and movement with their relatives over the past 24 hours.

Shirley, loved the "observation" stories. Thanks for sharing.

hedgie said...

RH Miller sure has some good stuff on that Flickr page!! Nice TV with the colors!! Wish I had captured a pic of the one Hanna had on the other night!

magpie said...

Nice to see our Royal Eagle Mom with Palmer right now ♥ ♥
Maybe Liberty will bring something special to the nest for the Family

magpie said...

Happy Mother's Day

And a big round of grateful applause for all the Moms who brought our Momsters and Dadsters into the world

Best wishes for a good day
((( hugs ♥ )))

paula eagleholic said...

I think Lib just brought lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

No, maybe not, sure was a lot of chirping goin on tho....oh wait I think palmer has the fish

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just took it and is feeding Palmer now!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa Palmer is perched at the back of the nest!!

Lolly said...




I am off to church! Have a great day!

Paula, loved those pictures. Do you know where the nest is that he took those fantastic pics?


BEagle said...

Hi everyone.

Happy Birthday to the BD people.
Happy Mother's day to the moms.

It is exhilarating to see Palmer perched on the top of the nest edge. Prior both adults were on the nest and must have left about the same time.

I think Palmer was wanting to follow but knows better.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer getting some more lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

It looks like the nest (from the pictures link) is in Idaho

BEagle said...

I remember last year, Hidey had a frog. Now I don't know how the frog got there, if it was brought in by an adult or Hidey had already flown and brought it back. But he swallow that frog whole.

hedgie said...

Glo, I played bells when I was a teen, so glad that my girl is, too!
Thanks for more birthday wishes!!

hedgie said...

Mits, Lisa corrected her post so that it now reads like normal English!! LOL! Too funny. Cam angle is really one-sided!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG


Happy Mothers Day.




movin said...

Looks like our Hummingbird became a Mother on Mothers Day..first one hatched.



movin said...

You can see chicks at all 3 of the Island nests, and the PH chicks are getting fed now.



hedgie said...

So glad there IS some good nest news, Jim! It's been a rough few days for birds and eggs.

BEagle said...

An adult is on the nest with Palmer. Palmer testing the wings against the wind and toe dancing a short ways across the nest.

hedgie said...

Looks like everyone is having a great day off the blog!! Hope Palmer is treating Belle right! Heading out soon for my birthday/Mom's Day dinner. See you fine, fowl friends later this evening.

stronghunter said...


Wanda and others, I do feel loved
on here. And I feel that I am among a bunch of good teachers. You have taught me many new things about birds and wildlife.

Happy Mother's Day!!

My plans for the day have just changed. Rus won't be able to come next Sunday, so Will just texted him and he's coming tonight.

My guys do not always plan things ahead of time. Must get out of my pajamas.

I do feel loved by my children, even when it is a spur of the moment kind of thing.

See you later.

NatureNut said...

Happy Mother's Day to all and to Belle with her BIG baby!!!
Glad to see no one blew out of the nest.
Need to finalize dinner plans~~~maybe daughter and I will go out--Fubby hates it when it's crowded. We can bring doggy bags!!
Did I mention that Klaara, the Estonian tawny owl has 2 owlets out of the 4 eggs~~2 to go!It's Mother's Day everywhere! ☺

Costume Lady said...

We spent a good part of
the day in the Emergency Room with
GG...infected wound on her leg from her fall.
Doctor said she had been doing a good job of treating it and dressed it and gave her a tetanus shot and sent her on her way! She is a HAPPY CAMPER because she didn't have to stay in the Hospital;)

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Back from short work stint.

I see Palmer is soaking up the sun, now picking at some leaves

BEagle said...

Lotsa work to do around here.

Palmer is panda napping on the greenery.

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone. Happy mother's day to all you mothers.

BEagle said...

Palmer's up and about and doing what I think is a PS dance.

Extending the wings and a flap, flap.
Whoa. That wind is something to get used to, especially when the wings are outstretched.

Now a little toe dancing and some power lifts.

BEagle said...

Got a little leverage on the wings flaps that brought the toes off the nest just a little maybe.

stronghunter said...

Hi Wanda,

Glad that GG was able to go home. Too bad you had to spend the day in the emergency room.

BEagle said...

Palmer is simply looking around.
And preening.

What is Palmer looking at?

Lolly said...

Wanda, so sorry about the infection and your time at the ER, but so glad GG did not have to stay.

Jack and I are having a quiet day. Went to Central Mkt and now we are going to fix a special dinner, just the two of us.

paula eagleholic said...

I am getting the spinning circle...

Lolly said...

Paula, that is all I can get, a black screen and a spinning circle.

magpie said...

Well if the Veteran live feed watchers cannot get past the spinning circle I won't try

I would think a parent will make a visit soon though

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Wanda tough way to spend the day, but I'm sure it brightened up the ER to have you folks in there, glad the healing is continuing...

magpie said...

I've been making little sketches of the positions of the Wilmington DE eggs togay and Mom is at least re-arranging them, though I have not seen her in there when I have been drawing pictures

magpie said...

So you get two week-ends of Mother's Day family visits, maybe ?

magpie said...

Enjoy your special dinner just the two of you, special Jack & Lolly ♥ ♥

magpie said...

I made it to market today, came home with 3 Megan Plants and one beautiful bouquet of flowers

Saw that Aweswome Red Truck, inside and Out!

T-Bird said...

We'll pray for the healing to continue Wanda.

magpie said...

Need to cover up some plants tonight though, Hedgie said 34-degrees hereabouts
don't want to lose my tomato plants!

Thanks for the news though tough about Finland nest, I did see an O in there much earlier today, and right after you posted about the 3 eggs at Finney's I saw them also

magpie said...

wildflowers busting out all over, wild poppies, saw some chicory, Jame's I mean Dame's Rockets all about the countryside, and many other pretty things

speaking of pretty things,
Hi T-Bird !

magpie said...

hoping that Buddy treated you like royalty today, and all the other pups there too, T

time for sleep
got blessed with no call-ins to work
start back tonight at midnight

Best wishes everyone, hope the rest of the day has some special moments for you


Mema Jo said...

I am back at the beach house after a wonderful dinner - crab cakes & cheesecake! What a combination...

Good to see all of you here on this special day. Wanda - thankful for GG's status now!

I am going to say good night.
Doubt I will return tonight on this dial up!

Tom Seleck's movie at 9:00 and I won't want to miss it.

((((hugs)))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Watching parent pluck a bird at PH, my those chicklets are big! Pin feathers already

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Jo...hope you and Ed had a special day together:)
Oh, I am so greatful GG didn't raise a fuss about going to the ER.
It upsets me when I have to over-ride her wishes...but,not this time. The wound looked very bad and she, off we went. Before we left the hospital, all of the ER personell had come into her "room" and chatted with her. She is a lovely person and they all told her so. Made my day:)

Costume Lady said...

Off to prop up and watch some MINDLESS TV:)

PA Nana said...

HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all mothers!

Happy Birthday to Lynn & Dana. Hope your day has been special.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Mother's Day everybody. Sorry I have checked in for a few days. Spent a few days with Andrew and then was at the convention. Such a spiritual time. Today is really sad for me though but it is what it is!

Lolly said...

Very irritated with the blog. Have been trying to load pictures and it is not working! Grrrr!

We are also having cool weather, though not down into the 30's. Thank goodness! Laurel brought me a pretty hanging basket of petunias. Michael brought me an orchid plant. First orchid plant I have ever had. Hope I keep it alive!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, sorry to hear about the ER trip..but it was a good thing. Glad GG is on the mend!

Lolly , now how did your kids know you liked plants and flowers ;)

magpie said...

one egg one chicklet in view at Hummingbird nest

magpie said...

kinda sounds like a toilet that won't quit running in the background there
sure is a beautiful Phoebe when she comes back

magpie said...

Welcome home Sharon
(( hugs ♥ ))
bet you got totally covered in doggy slobber when you returned ☺

magpie said...

Hope to see that Orchid and the Petunia when your pictures finally post, Lolly
sounds wonderful

winds have finally quit here
pretty chilly
looks like I have two ghosts in front of the apartment
(my tomato plants covered up with sheets )

magpie said...

Hope everyone has a good sleep
some will probably be having Tom Selleck dreams
...headed to work here soon
one last Happy Birthday Lynn and Dana

and hope all our Momster Mothers had a great day too

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Sorry to be getting here so late--afraid I've missed a bunch of you!
Hope it has been a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Lynn and Dana!

Hubby took me out to breakfast at our favorite cafe in Old Town Orange this morning. Then this afternoon, Jen, our daughter, called, and we talked for quite a while. After dinner our oldest GD, Jay, called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. It was great to talk to her, too. Talked to Courtney (youngest GD) for quite a while, too. Lordy, she will be 12 later this month! Cannot believe how time flies!
Was so surprised--Hubby got me a beautiful orchid plant! Will have a picture tomorrow.

S-o-o-o-o glad to hear that GG did not have to stay in the hospital!
Prayers for her healing going up, for sure!

Mighty glad to hear that Phoebe the hummer's egg has hatched. She has been through so much! Can't wait for the other one to hatch, too. Bless her heart!

Welcome home, Sharon! Good to see you. Bet I'm not as happy as your pups were, though!

Well, going to go watch some TV. Leaving the porch light and night light on, and enabling the eye scanner security. Prayers being said for everyone. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Thansk for so many more birthday wishes!
Margy, Tom Selleck dreams here tonight I HOPE!!! Love that man.
SHaron, sending (((hugs))) to you on this sad day.
Wanda, I hope they put GG on an antibiotic. THanks goodness she didn't have to stay.
Had a nice dinner---steak and crab cake. And Christie bought me a red velvet cake from a bakery which is fairly good.
Hope your shift is quiet, Margy---good that it's only a half one!

stronghunter said...

Had dinner out with my two sons. We went to a cafeteria that had lots of Chinese food. It was very good.

Going to say good night now. See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, 2 orchids for Mom's today :) Sounds nice!

Son wanted me to come up for Mother's day, but got too much going on here today, work, cleaning, etc. Besides, we are goint to NJ in a couple of days, will have plenty of together time then :)

Waiting for the dryer to finish so I can hit the hay.

Have a good shift, Margy. Nice that you got to market. Not sure when I am going to get my tomatoes in!

paula eagleholic said...

Got an email from Outdoor...

Hi Paula

I just wanted to let you know what we are aware that the EagleCam is offline right now. We’re looking into it.



hedgie said... sure is cold! Heat is on, and I'm heading for the tub to warm up!

Costume Lady said...

What a long day this has been!
Sounds like all our Mothers had a good day:)
LOLLY, in all my years of cultivating a green thumb, I have wanted to try growing some orchids. They are too expensive to experiment with, so I just never tried. Now, you can let me know how fussy they are, or not. If you have good luck, then maybe I will try:)
My yellow columbine are so healthy looking but are not going to bloom this year:( I was so sure they would because they were so healthy looking last Fall. NEXT year, for sure!!
MARGY, I'm not sure your sheets are going to protect your plants, you were supposed to use SHEETZ;)

For those of you not on Facebook, Paula's son, Michael, wrote her a note and told her he couldn't wait to see her next week and have his graduation picture taken with HIS MOM, just as Paula had one taken with HER Mom...I thought that was sooo sweet!


Tom Selleck movie was we have to watch the next one to see if he got hired back. Gene says that those board members either had smiles for hiring him back or smirks for not hiring him back:) We'll see in about 6 months.

Lolly said...

Wanda, we will see with the orchid.

I scattered some of the Columbine seed you sent me and planted some of the seed in pots and kept the pots in the green house all winter. None of the scattered seeds grew. However, I have planted the Columbine from the pots outside and they are looking great. Like you, I expect them to bloom next year.

Lolly said...

Time for bed!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Had my bath and a doze....think I'll have a piece of cake and call it a day. Prayers for all, and thanksgiving for wonderful family and friends!

hedgie said...

P.S. Saw the most lovely field full of Crimson Clover today. Sure wish I had a field to sow some in!!

Costume Lady said...

It is a COLD 36° here in Nestville and only going up to 64°. Tomorrow is going to be worse at only 54°.
Then, look out Wednesday, 81°. What a difference a day makes:)
I don't think any of our locals had frost on their garden. Margy put sheets (instead of Sheetz) on her plants, but I think she'll be OK;)

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, sorry about GG but so glad she was treated and didn't kick up a fuss about the ER. Continued healing for her and some quiet time for you.

Seems like most everyone had a nice mother's day with family.

Need to get myself organized. Have to go to the school house for a police faculty meeting. Then another one on Friday for psychology. Oh well, off I go.

Wishing everyone a happy day.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy -- checked and was able to get the live feed -- Palmer looking lovely in dappled sunlight.


Costume Lady said...

Morning, Judie...Palmer is all tucked in, trying to keep warm.
He's such a lonely little fella...just like Hidey.

Mits said...

good MONDAY a.m., everyone.

FINLAND osprey cam is down....

10/05/2010: Contact Seili data network was lost last night a little before eleven. Investigate the issue and announce the development.

hedgie said...

Morning all!
Mits, that is amazing.....I thought I saw something somewhere about the line being cut..........but it was in a dream!!! Maybe I am psychic!!

Judie, will you be attending graduation ceremonies??? Would love to see you all decked out in faculty cap and gown!!

hedgie said...

Wanda is right about the morning chill....brrr. I don't like it one bit. Had to dig out a sweatshirt again yesterday...argh!

Poor Palmer is still alone, but looks like good sunlight so hopefully he's warm.

Costume Lady said...

Hey Lynn, do you suppose Megan's plants are all lying down and crying right now? She is something else! LOL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Checked on Palmer, but could hardly see him in the shade. Why doesn't he get in the sun?

Yesterday it was cool all day and though it is only a few degrees warmer the humidity has gone way up and it feels much warmer.

Lolly said...

Going to be an interesting day. We are going to look at cars. Yuck! Our van has LOTS of milage and it is time. Really have been putting it off. Need to find something that pulls a trailer. Oh, I dread this!!!

Lolly said...

I really do still like our van. It is really great for traveling with Laurel and the boys. It might be another van, but I doubt it. Not many conversion vans still out there.

Lolly said...

All is quiet and peaceful on the loon cam.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Wow who turned off the heat? Another relaxing day and then dinner with Ceil & Jim. Looking forward to meeting up with them.
Have Not taken time to try to get cams up on this dial up. So thankful for all your comments on Palmer and other nests.
Have a great day - put your jackets on and go out the door. I'll get back on tonight! (((hugs to all)))

NatureNut said...

Morning Everyone! Hope all had a lovely Mother's Day. Went to Outback, had lobster & brought home the dessert sampler. Got plenty left.
See Palmer walking (waddling) around the nest. Looked like he/she was picking at nestovers.
We're off to Solomons today & I am wearing a sweatshirt!

movin said...







3/12/25 PM šŸŸ

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...