Friday, May 28, 2010


Friday thread.


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movin said...

Did you see that the fledglings are back on the nest at BWE??

Also, at NBG at least one eaglet has fledged, and when I looked, two or three of them were in to serious branching.



paula eagleholic said...

Palmer flapping and calling ...not sure what all that was about!

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, 2 have fledged at NBG

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, Shirley, that's cute.

Still lots of flapping and calling out!

paula eagleholic said...

Feed me , Feed me!!

paula eagleholic said...

That's my guess and I'm sticking to it! :)

stronghunter said...

Palmer sounds like a whining puppy. I remember Hidey doing that. I had to check to see if Flash might be making that sound, but it is Palmer. Wonder if the parents are nearby?

stronghunter said...

We decided to order Chinese tonight. I am getting hungry. My brain is shot. One kid was writing about something the United Nations said 100 years ago. My brain is not that shot. I know the UN was not around 100 years ago!

magpie said...

Good Memorial Day Afternoon Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Thinking of all our Military, many on here have offered beautiful thoughts about the day...
and the Special Men and Women this day is for....

Both ospreys at BWO -
that's one of the signs....hatching could be near

stronghunter said...

Hi, Margy.

magpie said...

Special thoughts for all our Veterans here, and everywhere, and their families...
with Love and Great Thanks

Dana thank you for your special thoughts about the memorial at Rosedale, your patriotic attire and the information about the flags...
(( hugs ♥ ))

glo said...

Just wanted to stop and say HI. Blog makes me hungry and sort of want to garden but was going to do the topsy turvy thing with tomatoes and strawberries, not so sure now.

Quickly got concerned about hope so didn't even post thought oh my first time on in days and now I am depressed and worried. Went to read Lily Update and It is positive Hope seems perkier this morning. She readily ate the formula we brought and some pecans. -- 6 hours ago. I feel better now.

Family has returned to GA safely. AZ family has finally made it to Orlando after a not so great experience in Atlanta last night but it ended a few hours later with some sleep and some food and a noon flight to start what will be a dream vacation they have looked forward to all year. I think I will feed Dex a little early and take a nap. Several exciting but tiring days have just passed in my life. NEED SLEEP :-)

magpie said...

Hi Shirley
have enjoyed all the Flash Tales ☺

magpie said...

The black bear sighting in our county yesterday, was way in the South end of the county near a little community by the name of Ridgeway
The call was turned over to DNR - have not heard any updates on anything else besides the sighting

magpie said...

Great to hear that some of our Momsters were joined together at Market with Megan...

magpie said...

And Welcome Back Glo
have been wondering about your Family Week...hope all turns out okay for the Orlando Travelers
Hi Dex ♥

magpie said...

One Osprey at BWO just took flight

magpie said...

Hope our Steve is doing okay...
maybe he has special plans for the Memorial Day Week-end...

magpie said...

Happy 12th year Wedding Anniversary wishes for
Christie and Shannon...
and for many many more to follow...

magpie said...

going to check some of these pictures links posted here today

magpie said...

nice pictures Paula, both yours and of Norfolk, thanks

Osprey at BWO seems a little twitchy, best hatching wishes to that family

watching the loon, hear what sounds like a powerboat :(

and some eerie sounding wind sounds

best wishes for a successful hatch there too

magpie said...

now I hear people sounds at Loon cam also

Palmer seems to be enjoying life at the top of the nest

time to leave for work soon
only six hours I hope...

Happy rest of the day to all,
prayers for our special needs

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Hello again. Poorer in the check book but richer in the fridge/freezer and cupboards!
Got a rotisserie chicken from the deli so had that and left-over pasta salad for my dinner.

Judie, I haven't been to Lowe's yet to check to see if they have the pheramone traps for the stink bugs. If they are open tomorrow, I'll check after the gg's Pizza Hut b-day party.

Shirley, one of my SharPei liked to lay on my feet, too. She also liked to lick much so that my nickname for her was Tu-sie Tongue. ( Her name was Tu.)

Glad to hear that Megan had a good day at market.

hedgie said...

Even tho' the 30th WAS Memorial Day, since 1971 it has been the last MON. of the month----so guess we can celebrate it for 2 days!

hedgie said...

Two more CA nest eaglets were banded yesterday. No cams, so it was a non-event for us. Rattlesnake and Pinnacle Rock----very rough climb to both. Pics will be up later in the week.

Hornby---wide-angle cam is down (water in the connections?), and close-up is smeared with Phoenix PS!

hedgie said...

BTW, Judie---Darth sure doesn't look like he's in his 70's!!! Is his job full-time??

hedgie said...

Relieved to hear that Glo's families are all where they want/need to be!

hedgie said...

Hope is doing even better this afternoon.......Sue will post more this evening.

Mema Jo said...

I had put my feet up a little after 2:00 and wow! I came back! Great nap and then hot dogs and beans for dinner.

Palmer has been busy in her nest
Phoenix has some chilly weather at his nest... Adult huddled up to him

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get evening cup of coffee.. Not really alert yet from that nap!

kickngbird said...

Parent brought in something that looked a little stiff - maybe roadkill? - Palmer did some mantling and let it be known this was meal for one, so parent waited only for a few moments before flying off. NOw Palmer digging in...

kickngbird said...

Maybe it's a turtle - I think we've seen one in the nest before...

kickngbird said...

Parent came back - Palmer's getting feisty - saying "stay away, it's mine"

kickngbird said...

Picked it up in her mouth for a second - constantly vocalizing - then dropped it down, staring at parent, but standing over it

kickngbird said...

Parent froze

stronghunter said...

Palmer has a lot to say this evening.

kickngbird said...

Palmer backed away from the food, then parent approached it, then parent went toward it and Palmer ran over - parent started tearing it up and feeding it because Palmer hadn't done a very good job of getting through the skin of whatever it was, and Palmer still squealing but gobbling it up and grabbing it hungrily in the big bites being fed to her

kickngbird said...

Palmer had managed to get some strings of food out of it (whatver it is) but only little bits, and just apparently didn't have the skill yet to get it apart to really devour it. Needed help, but was reluctant to give up possession.

kickngbird said...

Nipping at parent's wing!

kickngbird said...

I think maybe there's no food left but parent's not ready to move because the aggression level was so high - parent froze again

kickngbird said...

stronghunter, is this new to you too?

Mema Jo said...

Adult is with Palmer

kickngbird said...

I've never seen this kind of behavior from Palmer before - wonder if anyone else who might be on now has

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully this skill she has yet to perfect will keep Palmer in the nest until the 12th when we go for the visit.

Mema Jo said...

I was checking the nest at Decorah (3) and Ft StVrain (2) They look about ready for fledging.

stronghunter said...

I don't think I have seen Palmer act this way before, but Hidey was very vocal and aggressive.

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps adult is waiting with Palmer for another food drop to happen.

stronghunter said...

Will has invited guests for tomorrow evening, so he has been cleaning and tidying the house. I am enjoying it.

stronghunter said...

We ordered supper from the Thai restaurant nearby. It was good.

Mema Jo said...

I am glad he invited them over, Shirley - You are going to get a tidy house!

stronghunter said...

Sometimes Hidey managed to chase his parents out of the nest.

stronghunter said...

I can do some cleaning tomorrow, but I am trying to finish grading as many papers as possible today. I have to get this job behind me. I still have to write an essay about an educational article. Shouldn't be too hard, but it is preying on my mind.

kickngbird said...

In a way, it's a good thing, because she'll need that "get away it's mine" attitude when she's out in the wild. But fortunately her parents don't take that from her, and know when she still needs to have her food cut up for her!

Now I can see her working on something - turtle shell?

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Palmer is getting dinner!

Adult right under the cam

paula eagleholic said...

Adult just poofed!

kickngbird said...

Palmer sounds like she's whimpering

paula eagleholic said...

that is some kind of whine! almost barking.

kickngbird said...

I think that's the empty turtle shell she was working on

kickngbird said...

It IS almost like a dog!

kickngbird said...

Is that pathetic, or what?

stronghunter said...

Maybe Palmer is handling the food better now. Poor Palmer has the problem of needing parent, but not wanting to accept help. Typical adolescent.

paula eagleholic said...

KB, I saw Palmer very possesive of food yesterday morning. Palmer is chowing down now, sounds like a fish :)

Sitting out on the deck, having a margarita and getting ready to grill some shrimp on the fresh corn...YUM

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, have seen Dad osprey at that corner a lot this weekend...hope hatching is near

kickngbird said...

Had to step away - back now - wonder if it could have been a crab? I thought I saw some legs, and some stringy stuff being pulled, but it wasn't until parent did some major ripping apart (maybe the body?) that the real big pieces started to be fed. And lots of crunching involved...

So the possessive behavior isn't entirely new - she's growing up, isn't she?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes she is KB....and amazingly fish are crunchy! All those bones, ya know :)

paula eagleholic said...

Parent just dropped back in, finishing nestovers....Palmer rushes parent and chattering and peeping has the food!

kickngbird said...

Here we go again...

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer really making a fuss! Almost honking!

kickngbird said...

More wing nipping

kickngbird said...

A feather flew - see it on the left?

paula eagleholic said...

I missed it! Was tending to the grill

paula eagleholic said...

Parent is gone and Palmer at the 12

kickngbird said...

All quiet on the western front - got to go - will see what the saga brings tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Will just swept the kitchen. He is now mopping.

He also found my hummingbird feeder and filled it and put it in the window.

Earlier, he mowed and trimmed the grass and filled all of the bird feeders.

I asked him to check the vacuum to see if the belt is broken. I think he broke it cleaning his room awhile back. If he will get a new belt, I can take care of the vacuuming tomorrow. I am on a roll with the papers tonight.

stronghunter said...

The works of Boris are coming to view.


stronghunter said...

Was that a sneeze?

Mema Jo said...

I didn't have my sound up very high.
Bless her anyhow!

Out of maybe 400 channels - I can't find anything interesting for TV this evening. May need to listen to the Memorial Day Concert..........

How long is Flash your guest, Shirley?

Mema Jo said...

I looked at Paula's backyard pics - This year I have sooooo many visiting crows...big ones! They are noisy at times and they usually come for the peanuts along with the squirrels and some other birds.

Mema Jo said...

With the heat of today I am going to go to the shower....


stronghunter said...

Flash will be with me until tomorrow, Jo. I am not sure when they will pick him up--just whenever.

stronghunter said...

Flash is still lying at my feet. I expect that he is enjoying being an "only dog" for awhile, even though I am sure he is missing his family and all of the excitement that goes on at his house. It is much quieter here.

hedgie said...

Jo, do you have that sticky feeling?? Awful, huh?
I think that was a sneeze earlier, Shirley. Heard it, too! Missed all the action over the food. Shut it off because of Boris.
Will is really getting on your good side, gal!! You've raised him right!!!

hedgie said...

I had a panda nap---it was nice!
Watched the Memorial Day Concert on the Capitol grounds. Good, as always.I always cry.

stronghunter said...

Judie, do you run across students who say they cannot read cursive writing? I truly hope you do not, but I do. Some are not native speakers, but many have come up in our elementary schools. I guess cursive writing is not on the SOLs, but it is a problem.

I do remember that I had one very good student who said that she grew up in Jordan and did not learn cursive writing. She asked me to give her a copy of the cursive alphabet. Most just expect me to print for them.

Costume Lady said...

Well, tell us, Shirley, did the student learn to write cursive and did she do it well?

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Was searching for Palmer (10 o'clock?)& saw teeny tiny Spidey running around, then for a good scare it got Huge running across the cam! That's enough excitement for tonight!
Been out messing in the yard, went to Home Depot, Lowe's for soil, etc. & looked for a beautiful batchelor button saw at HD last week. Of course, they were gone.Got BBQ rotisserie chicken & ribs at grocery, so we're set for a few days!

Mema Jo said...

Watching a movie on FX

Nest Update Blackwater Osprey

Possible Chick Alert!

We believe a chick might be in the process of hatching. We're waiting for a clear shot of it.

Mema Jo said...

Commercial on
Will Smith Movie


NatureNut said...

While I was out on deck potting a plant, heard little wings whirring! Realized I was almost under the hummingbird feeder! Hummer boy has been coming by, too. We have it up higher this year and closer to kitchen window, so if I'm lucky might get some pics.
We saw Ms. Calico, stray cat, this evening and watched her from a distance go from place to place in several yards.She never stayed in one area long, so don't know where those kittens are stashed.Hope we can find them before they're too old to be good pets!
Have got to shampoo hair & make some phone calls~~~~

Costume Lady said...

I was just reading on Facebook about Paula's D-I-L, AJ, and her weight loss journey. Wow, does she look pretty!
She said she only gained 8 lbs. during her pregnancy!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, I disappeared for awhile! Had to eat dinner while it was hot, corn was great! Then laundry, etc.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I wish I knew. She was a senior. She graduated. I suppose she went on to college.

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, glad you and Frank are coming for the Nest Visit...haven't seen you in a while:)

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, she is doing really good. Really motivated to lose the weight, eat right and exercise. I didn't realize how heavy she had gotten...I think she's looking good!

Lolly said...

Steve is back and we have a.........................................NEW THREAD!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Paula, did you have the shrimp wrapped in bacon? Haven't had fresh corn yet this it on the grill!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't think cursive was that hard to read...but we've been reading it most of our lives.

paula eagleholic said...

John and his FIL are going crabbing tomorrow...will be a nice crab feed tomorrow when they get back...will head up after work.

paula eagleholic said...

You all are gonna laugh...finally took the flannel sheets off my bed tonight!

stronghunter said...

Heading over to the new thread!!!

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6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...