Friday, May 28, 2010


Friday thread.


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hedgie said...

More bear chatter on scanner.....this time in our county.....trying to locate a trapper. On Rt. 11 somewhere, Dana, Margy, Wanda!

hedgie said...

Ceil, I talk to all animals all the time!! Nothing strange about it!
Did you know that you can get a turtle to respond to a name???

hedgie said...

I should be out trying to do more work, but my back is killing me from too much bending yesterday...argh!
Ceil, who is Margaret?? I remember Lynne asking but don't recall what kind of creature....a macaw or mynah, maybe?

hedgie said...

Cops are trying to keep the bear from coming out on the road. Someone just said "if he chases you, don't run; play dead"----LOL! They need Lynn Rogers!

movin said...






movin said...




to you all.




hedgie said...

Really cool PBS show on MPT about the old days of trolleys, amusement parks, etc. in Baltimore area, the bay area, and OC. "Baltimer" as the guy speaking now says. No offense, Ceil and Mits!!

hedgie said...

Hmmmm.....more Marlin caught at OC than anyplace else in the world!

hedgie said...

Hi, California Jim?? You ready to go skiing at Donner Pass????? Hope it's better weather than that in SoCal!

hedgie said...

This show was originally done in '98...says the Hippodrome is closed......I'm sure it's open now....when did it reopen, Ceil? was there a big refurbishment or was it rebuilt someplace else?

ceil said...

Jim if you are still on I did not get you e-card but I thank you.
Lynn Margaret is a cockatoo I think. The lady I spoke to said she was still there.

ceil said...

Lynn they refurbished the Hippodrome. It has been reopened I think about 5 years now. So glad they did not demolish it.

ceil said...

It's Ballmer hon LOL

Lolly said...

Just taking a minute break and have breaking news! Our wrens fledged. Never saw them, there one day, gone the next. However, she is building a new nest. This nest is being built right outside my kitchen window. On the brick around the window is English Ivy. It covers the brick ledge. On the ledge I have a round thermometer. She is building her nest on the ledge between the thermometer and the window. I have clear view of the nest. I will be able to watch and take pictures. We are going to cover the light switch, so as not to turn on the light. ☺ This is better than a cam....good living color. I am excited!

Now back to work! Kitchen clean, now working on the den. Oh, dear! Much rather be outside.

paula eagleholic said...

So, Lynn, what does toad poo look like?

Saw a turtle on one of the back roads in my mulch travels...

Yup, Ballmer....

Saw Phantom of the Opera at the Hippodrome...neat place, and of course a great play!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Happy Saturday! Just getting on here, and Hubby is calling me and saying lunch is ready! Will BBIALW. BTW, here's a pic of some of the snow we had at Tahoe--need a bit of cooling off. Supposed to get to 89 in my neck of the woods today! Off to lunch. Will check back soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh how neat, Lolly! A bird's eye view, LOL

Palmer up by the cam trunk.

Did 9 bags of mulch, went up and bought 12 more...that's what I get for not mulching last year!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and my neighbor went strawberry picking this morning, and offered me a bowl of strawberries...they are so yummy! Nothing like local and fresh!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Ceil your a gal like I am. Love talking to the animals at the Aquarium. Ed thought that was so funny then he said, "Well for you honey I guess it really isn't funny".

Lynn_Hedgie am I going to have to google toad poo??? I have a toad.
Found it a week ago. It is right at the steps going down where Little Man's ramps it. So I'm always careful when walking down.
I haven't yet come up with a name but I've been thinking on it. I'd love to find I had a turtle too.
That would be exciting for me.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie what area of Rt 11????

wvgal_dana said...

Need to go out hope I see that bear!!!!!!!

I always find everybody's dog in here when it is missing.

I know I can find that bear....heading for cop cars...1st give away lol wish me luck (:

hedgie said...

Ceil, yep, I've heard it said that way, too!! We got a lot of Baltimore transfers at the plant back in late eighties, and there were several "dialects" of Baltimese spoken!!! LOL!
Paula, just suffice it to say it's turds and not pellets!!!
Lolly, that will be SO cool to watch that nest!!! Smart birdie!

hedgie said...

Dana, never heard them say WHERE on 11!

PA Nana said...

Good Saturday afternoon everyone. Just read all the play by plays and thoroughly enjoyed them. They are especially appreciated since I'm seldom on in the am and early pm. Thank you all!


paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lynn, I'll take your word on that!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle and Lib both in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Lib brought a fish and Belle is there to claim it!

Oh, it's a nice one!

Palmer at the back!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib off to the left.

paula eagleholic said...

No chatter from Palmer! Guess she is still full from those 2 breakfasts this morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle made quick work of that fish...all done and off she goes...

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - must be turtle season. Jenny found 3 in her flower beds.

paula eagleholic said...


go Palmer go

Heading back out to do some more mulching!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly A wren cam for us would be great!

magpie said...

Missed all the food action
now I am HUNGRY

falcon in the box at Wilminton

Good Afternoon Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

magpie said...

can just barely see her tail now or his tail maybe
just scootched out of sight actually

hedgie said...

Actor Dennis Hopper passed away today.

magpie said...

that makes 3
Coleman, Linkletter, and Hopper
sad to hear that...

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to leave for Mass

Dinner out with hubby's brother/sil


magpie said...

Enjoy the outing Jo..
say some prayers for me...have to miss Mass today and tomorrow because of work

xo ♥

Lolly said...

Well, Jo, when I win the lottery tonight that is the first thing I will set up, a wren cam!

magpie said...

Memorial Service here locally:

Honoring All Fallen Military
Sunday May 30
2 pm
Rosedale Cemetery at the Veterans Memorial
Honors to be given by Combined Honor Guard
Music Tribute by Hedgesville Schools Music Program

wish it were Monday, would like to take James to this....

hedgie said...

Too bad you can't go, Margy. Maybe next year you'll be off !
39 years ---to the day---and three hours ago, I got married. A lifetime ago.

magpie said...

well, happy thoughts for you Lynn for the happy times...
and the children of course... ♥

magpie said...

Palmer is on the move...around the nest that is
loving the sunshine no doubt

magpie said...

saw a poop squirt this morning from one of the Loch of the Lowe's ospreylets
was funny

magpie said...

my plants are loving this sunshine, more yellow blossoms on tomato plants

Hoping that Megan is having good market days this week-end

magpie said...

time to scram, would sure love to stay home and play outside in this weather

Hope everyone not visible here today is doing well
Happy to see those that have been on

Best wishes for a good evening

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥ ☼

magpie said...

Oh, by the way...

Cracker Barrel has some nice Veterans things, and a
display of Wounded Warrior items...

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding again at CT...if you check out the nest, there is a green flip flop in the nesT! Plus, something blue towards the cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Have a good shift, Margy

hedgie said...

Could someone please give me link to the CT cam? Thank you.

stronghunter said...


Got back from hair appointment and shopping. Got some new summer things and a pair of pants to go with a jacket I bought earlier.

Came home to find Flash had been dropped off to spend the weekend. He's outdoors for a little while, but it is so hot I don't think he should stay out there too long. George tolerates him--at least most of the time.

I see Palmer is sitting at the edge of the nest at about 12:00. Not hugging the tree trunk for a change.

stronghunter said...

I have discovered that Flash likes peanuts. I had several bags of peanuts sitting by the back door. Just discovered a mess of peanut shells. Yuck.

hedgie said...

Sure hope Flash doesn't get sick, Shirley! Enjoy your visitor! Glad you had some shopping luck.

stronghunter said...

I hope so too, Lynn. Right now, he is playing with a cat toy and running around barking insanely. The cat toy will not take much puppy play.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is up on Lib's spot, can just see feet and legs.

paula eagleholic said...

well I am all mulched out! Will have to finish it tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - here's a cut a paste link for CT

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a riot, Shirley!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula.....that's what I had, but it won't open for me. :(

paula eagleholic said...

I had trouble with it too. I had to contact Axis, and they sent me a link to download the software. Are you on windows 7? Do you want me to see if I still have the email address? Dana will need it too when she gets her new laptop.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, sent you an email

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer back under the cam

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I found a bunny burrow while mulching...should have realized it, bunny is always on that side of the yard....he's under a solitary dwarf alberta spruce tree.

Lolly said...

Ahhh!!! A bunny! Cool! Not in the fence yard where the dogs go, right?

Hi all! We just finished a supper of hamburgers. Yum! I do love hamburgers!

Looks like we have sold the van. boo hoo! Our days of conversion vans is about over and I am sad. Family is coming back in the morning with the $. They are getting a good deal, a loved van!

paula eagleholic said...

Headed up to the carnival for a sandwich and a funnel cake! Later!

stronghunter said...

Thought maybe a walk would calm Flash. I would have gone for a longer one,but spotted a group of people with a baby and two dogs. One looked like a St. Bernard and the other was as big as the St. Bernard. I waved at the people turned around. They were politely holding the dogs and making them sit, but I thought I would not try to deal with Flash with all of those temptations. Don't want my arm yanked off. (He didn't see the cat hiding under the trailer earlier.)

stronghunter said...

Funnel cake, Paula! Yum!

Judie said...

Good night, everyone.

Pleasant eagle dreams.

Costume Lady said...

Was reading about all those bags of mulch that Paula has been lugging around and placing in her yard. I would still be lying in the yard, waiting on someone to come by and pick me up!
I mulched GG's garden today, with fabric mulch, much lighter than wood mulch. Problem with that is that it needs to be weighted down to keep it from blowing away. I had some of the pins that you stick into the fabric, but ran out of them. Pulled some weeds and piled them up on the ends of the mulch til I can get some more pins.
Now, my hair is all sweaty and ugly. Guess I will have to pull out that old GARLAND and see what I can do with it:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, we would truly love to see a bear in our woods! Feel a fondness that I never had before, after reading about and seeing the Lily Cam.

hedgie said...

Paula, eat some funnel cake for me!
Wanda, I'm sure you are feeling and looking like I did Thurs. and Fri. in the humidity!! Drip, drip.
Goodnight, Judie! Sleep well.
Shirley, I think you made a very wise decision to turn and go the other way!!

Costume Lady said...

GG's garden has Potatoes, Tomatoes, Squash, Beans, Peppers, Lettuce, Chard and Sunflowers.
Gene claims he planted Spinach, but not a one came up...I really think he cleared an area for it, but never planted the seed;)

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, I did not have to think twice about that one. Flash isn't all that well trained, and I don't know about the other dogs. I waved at the nice people, and they waved back, but I am sure they were glad I turned around.

wvgal_dana said...

Bunny Bunny hide from the doggies.

Lynn-Hedgie that's a lot of yrs. but you got the gals.

Margy have a safe shift. Try to find out what happened to my "bear". The one on Rt. 11 that Lynn-Hedgie was talking about today. Or maybe the bear is gone and the police are still up a tree. ooopsss bad me

Yes Paula ty please hold that or just go ahead and send it and I'll put it in a folder marked "laptop".

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a nice garden, Wanda. Someday I would like to plant a garden again. We had one when I was a stay-at-home mom in Ohio with only two children. Then things got too complicated.

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, Lynn, the last couple of years, I have been sweating a river flooding my eyes and face. I'm thinking it must be some of the meds I'm taking, in addition to the heat and humidity.

stronghunter said...

I was out in the garden picking tomatoes as soon as I got home from the hospital with Kathryn.

We had a farmer with a tractor who came every spring and plowed our little plot. That made it so much easier.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes after going to Megan's market in Shepherdstown tomorrow AM to pick up my Megan beautiful flowers. I'll take the home and change. Then heading for Rosedale Memorial Service.

Sorry Margy that you won't be able to go. I know you so much wanted to teach James about these things and let him experience them with you.

stronghunter said...

Some meds will do that to you, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

Is that Palmer I see at about 1:00?

stronghunter said...

Yes, I can see a foot when I go to full screen.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, a garden is a lot of work, but so worth the fresh veggies you harvest. It wouldn't be Summer without a garden. We look forward to a garden from January, on...
GG has always had a garden and we try to have one for her to at least enjoy looking at. Once I get all the fabric mulch in place, it is pretty easy to care for.

stronghunter said...

The walk seems to have worked. It is very peaceful here now.

wvgal_dana said...

Excuse me Dadster's.....Isn't this just like a man. I go an buy a laptop because Little Man can't stand me being on the computer in other room after about 8PM. Now it is 9:34PM although laptop not set up yet he is not in here with tears. lmbo I think I've been taken.

stronghunter said...

My problem is that I am always so busy at school in the spring when I should be planting. I really enjoyed my garden when I had it.

stronghunter said...

I am sure you will enjoy the laptop, Dana.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, do you plant any veggies?

stronghunter said...

My father always planted a garden when we were children. He made little tepees for the beans to vine on. We always had tomatoes. I try to plant a few tomatoes here, but for some reason they do not do well.

stronghunter said...

I bought one of those upside-down tomato planters this year, but I have not planted anything in it. You have to water them every day, and I just would not remember to do that while I am working. This has been a particularly busy spring for me at work. I try not to feel too guilty about not planting a garden.

stronghunter said...

I've resorted to planting my tomatoes in pots so I can move them around to find a good spot for them. Last year, I did have a few cherry tomatoes, but their skins were really thick. I wonder what causes that.

Costume Lady said...

Might be the strain of it labeled as a Patio Tomato?
I bought GG one for Mother's Day and it is full of good sized tomatoes. She loves that almost as much as her flowers on her porch:)

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a nice couple of walk arounds at the carnival...chatted with some friends...listened to some music...but best of all, an Ott House crabcake for $5 and a funnel cake for dessert! Yummy!

stronghunter said...

Not sure what kind of tomato it was. If I get some this year, I think I will go for the bigger ones. I live my blt sandwiches in the summer.

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Does anyone really know how many posts there are ♫♫

stronghunter said...

Sounds delicious, Paula!

stronghunter said...

The blogger cop doesn't know, Paula!

stronghunter said...

Most of the time, I can get good tomatoes at the farmer's market. There is a nice market in downtown Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

But we don't have Megan there!

stronghunter said...

I got Will to put Flash out for awhile and then put him in his crate for the night. He's used to sleeping in a crate, so he settles down pretty well there.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - the bunnies (they are bigger ones) stay out front (thank goodness)...I know they are in the back during the day when I'm at work...can see the bunny raisins out there!

Oh the funnel cake was great! Haven't had any in ages!

Wanda - what a garden at GG's. I finally got my 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers and zucchini in this week...they look good! I had a huge garden, finally gave it up and turned it into my swing garden...never did show ya'll those pictures!

Dana - I'll send you the email I sent Lynn. Also sent you another email

bless you, Palmer!

Shirley, I did the hanging tomatoes last year. Never again. Back to the garden.

paula eagleholic said...

The Emmitsburg Carnival is run by Mother Seton School, here in Eburg...a little different than all the fire companies that run other carnivals.

They do a cash raffle...check this out...3rd prize was about $3600, 2nd prize was around $6600, and the grand prize was around $16,500!! If I had known they were giving away that much money, maybe I would have entered! I think it depends upon how many raffle tickets they sell as to the cash prizes.

stronghunter said...

What was the problem with the hanging tomatoes, Paula? I can imagine that they need lots of water.

Costume Lady said...

My Karla did the Topsy-Turvy tomato last year...think she forgot to water it often enough. It is true...they need water every day. The air passes through and dries out quickly. Better in a pot.
I grew eggplant on my deck last year. Looked pretty among my flowers:)

paula eagleholic said...

They just didn't grow very well...I had one that got half sun and half shade, and one that got all sun. I was talking to a girl at work, and hers didn't do very well either. The plants didn't hang down, really, they kept trying to grow up.

Costume Lady said...

Is JO out partying again?
I do recall she had a lot of fun things going on this weekend, but it's time for her to come home:)

stronghunter said...

I was thinking that they would try to grow up. That is the natural way for them to grow. I will probably just plant them in a large pot, then.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that's our Party Jo!

stronghunter said...

Don't know where Jo might be. It is getting late. Would like to hear about her adventures.

hedgie said...

I have totally given up on the garden idea....hope those who have them really appreciate your luck!
Paula, no message back from AXIS, yet.

Lolly said...

Sitting down for the rest of the evening. Read all the gardening talk and I am jealous of veggie gardens. We used to have a great garden here. We planted...corn, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, Jalapenos, squash, okra, green beans, peas, onions,and carrots. The cutest picture we ever took of Laurel she was holding a bouquet of harvested carrots. Sooo cute!
However, we do not have enough sun now. We have been here 37 years this summer and the trees have grown! Oh, we had blackberries and strawberries, too!

Mema Jo said...

I sure was out again! Crab cakes at Dutch's! Yummy!

Lolly said...

We attempted tomatoes in containers luck!

stronghunter said...

We had too many trees in our yard before I moved out here. I was also trying to keep up with four children, and my husband was gone twelve hours every day.

I have do wild blackberries in the far back of my yard, though. Discovered them last summer. The only problem is, there's poison ivy out there, too.

Mema Jo said...

I really did tell you all at 4:20 about my plans for this evening.
And if it isn't too hot tomorrow I will head over to Market.

Hubby and I did linger at dinner just playing catch up with his brother/sil.
They are in FL all winter so we have a lot of talking to do!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Man, dad loved planting that. He grew up on a farm, so he had a vegetable garden and tomatoes everywhere he could find space. He had a garden at the beach. And that wasn't enough...they had a community garden right down the road from the house, he planted veggies there too!

stronghunter said...

Going to call it a night. See you all in the morning. The puppy is quiet. We put him in the dining room, away from everything that might disturb him.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a nice evening, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo, you wild woman!

paula eagleholic said...

When I had my big garden, I had corn, sunflowers, green beans, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cantalope, lettuce and carrots...a lot of work!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and watermelons! the kids wanted watermelon!

stronghunter said...

We grew zucchini, tomatoes, and potatoes. I remember giving zucchini to the neighbors. I think they got tired of it after awhile.

stronghunter said...

Good night for real. See you later!

paula eagleholic said...

Nite, Shirley!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, might be a slower response on a holiday weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading back the hallway
I'm tired and want to get up early to check out family going to market.

Good night all
Prayers for all
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Goodnight from here, too. Try to get my bath in before MN----want to post a pic and anniversary greeting to Christie and Shannon....their tenth. Hope those on FB will see the bride & groom!
Many prayers going up. Peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Will check it out tomorrow, Lynn. Congrats to them!

Calling it a day, tomorrow is another one..

See ya then

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Glad you had a fun evening, Jo.
Get a pot and plant those tomatoes...they are going to be expensive, well, they already are!


wvgal_dana said...

I see most have gone to bed.
Me I fell asleep on the couch watching something about a boat and family that was true.

No garden or veggies planted here.

Prayers for those that need them.

Lolly said...

Well, I am calling it a day, too! Have been over on the Lily fb page. Under the tab "discussions" are some interesing discussions. lol Really, I was reading about folks various theories about what happened. Interesting!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

wvgal_dana said...

Can't get to new comments only here???? What's up??

magpie said...

I think I am going to be dreaming about okra, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, and all kinds of vegetables this morning

Palmer looks great, as usual...moving around the nest waiting on breakfast I guess

Best wishes for a good Sunday, all
sleep time here

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Margy and also I hope you dream about all those veggies.

Good Sunday Morning in Eagle Land.
Again today some will be celebrating Memorial Day today.

Seems each day has been filled with the Red, White, and Blue where ever I go. Just wonderful see those colors.

Margy what happened to my bear????
Did they finally trap it???

Not much longer heading out to Market and see Megan.

wvgal_dana said...

Palmer this morning has been doing a lot of wing exercising.

Now hide-an-seek; probably a tiny bit more shade down in the right hand corner.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just had another hissing event with George and Flash. George was on the recliner with me and Flash got too close. The recliner is George's space. And he does not move an inch if Flash gets too close.

Almost got a good pic of Palmer looking right up at the cam.

Wow, it is already hot out there! I put Flash outdoors for awhile, and the silly pup chose to sun himself on the asphalt driveway. I brought him into the house.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy 10 week old birthday to our adorable Palmer!

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw the Mrs Cardinal at the feeder.

stronghunter said...

One year ago today, Hidey fledged. It was the first time I logged onto the blog. I had been lurking for a month or two. Judie logged on soon after that.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like it's going to be a nice weekend weatherwise afterall!

paula eagleholic said...

This nice sunshine today should really dry up the backyard, it is still soggy from the storms Thursday night! Dogs are getting tired of having their feet wiped!

hedgie said...

Good morning momsters and dadsters.
First I need to correct isn't my daughter/SIL's 10th anniv. It is their 12th!!! Don't know where my mind went....duh!
Secondly, if you haven't seen it, here is update on Lily and Hope...not very encouraging. Get the tissues.

paula eagleholic said...

yes, it was Shirley! Thanks for the reminder! We were on pins and needles all day till he arrived back on the nest on Sunday!

paula eagleholic said...

Now Mr Cardinal at the feeders. I haven't seen my hummingbird yet. Usually just get one.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the Lily/Hope link, Lynn. It is interesting that some would criticize Dr. Rogers for intervening. I am very happy that they did. They would have been criticized either way, of course. We all remember the Koo incident.

It would be very sad if they have to take Hope from Lily to save her, but sadder to let her starve. I hope they can find a way to help without doing that. Surely veterinarians and zoos can help. Maybe they can find a way to stimulate Lily's milk production.

hedgie said...

That is my hope, too, Shirley. They can't just let her die.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

All the critters seem to be doing well this morning except for Hope. Will pray a solution can be found so she and Lily can remain together.

Haven't gotten anything planted yet. Same problem last year. Rain, rain, rain and then Darth is getting a little slower each year to do the prep work. Need to remember he's in his 70s. Did buy an upside down tomato thing more from curiosity. I'll see what happens. I've found for tomatoes, Celebrity does really well in this area.

Dana, the boat thing was based on a true event. Question of whether or not the husband/father was killed or accidental drowning. Entire family were experienced sailors. Read the accounts a year or so ago. Very interesting case.

Shirley, missed something along the way. Is Flash a dog or your new boy toy.

Off for some coffee and the newspaper.

Please enjoy the day!

stronghunter said...

Time for some schoolwork. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Judie! Boy toy? I am afraid I don't have one of those. Flash is Tom and Kathryn's younger basset hound. I am babysitting him while they are in Luray with Tom's parents for the weekend. They have 4-5 cats, and Flash thinks all cats should play with him. Most cats don't want Flash for a playmate.

They took Luna with them. Luna doesn't try to play with the kitties.

stronghunter said...

A boy toy named Flash? That would be interesting for a senior-citizen English teacher. I am sure stranger things have happened . . .

stronghunter said...

Now to read some research papers!

stronghunter said...

Oh, by the way, Lynn. So far no ill effects from the peanut-eating incident. I am wondering how many peanut shells he consumed. I suppose he has had his fill of fiber for awhile. He isn't eating much of his dog food, but that isn't unusual when they come here. They take awhile to decide to eat their food. Sometimes I mix something interesting with the food to tempt them. A teaspoonful of cat food does wonders and should not be enough to cause problems.

paula eagleholic said...

Wingersizes...look at that wing spread. Still haven't seen any sustained height.

paula eagleholic said...

Lily and Hope....praying they can find a solution.

stronghunter said...

When did Hidey hatch? I think he was a couple of weeks older than Palmer at this point wasn't he?

(Yes, I need to go do schoolwork!)

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey was a week older...fledged at 11 weeks I think

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, that info is correct.

stronghunter said...

I do hope Palmer puts on a show for you all on June 12.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Thanks, Paula.

hedgie said...

Judie, are you talking about the 48 hrs. show last night about the shipwreck? Different story----this father survived, thanks to his kids and wife. I remember the one you are referring to, tho' not all the details.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Eagle Buds! First thing I did was go to the Lily update as I went to bed before they posted. So sad! Being the bear that she is...the world's baby bear, I do think they should intervene. HOPEfully to keep her in the wild. Interesting that she allowed them to examine her. She was soooo hungry! Bless her!

See that Palmer is at her post by the cam. Now on to check on the Loon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning All!
I am up/about/running well and going to get into the car and drive up/down the South mountain and head towards Market! I need some more strawberries and some flowers/plants.

Beautiful day!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of must be near.

paula eagleholic said...

Say hello to Megan for us!

Out to finish mulching!

Mema Jo said...

Will do! BBL

hedgie said...

Sue says that Hope seems perkier this AM. "readily" ate milk and pecans. they gave her.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn. Was not on fb and did not see that post. Sounds like they are going to stay on top of the situation.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Sunny Sunday Morning in Eagle Land Lynn1-Hedgie, Paula, Judie, Shirley, Lolly, watchers and those coming in.

Back from Jegan's Market with beautiful grown Megan plants. She now has a nice American Flag flying ( :

Made a purchase of a nice roll, and 3 sweet from man she always nas nest to her. Oh my the one coconut not sugar top. Nice and plain but certainly taste delicious. Next time I'll get 3 of those. Couple bits saving rest for later this evening.

Megan was really busy when I was there. Got to see her Mother, said hello. Had met her before nice lady.

I did stop at Rosedale to make sure Ed's arrangement is still ready for Memorial Services. It truly is beautiful with all the American Flags they had hanging and on poles. Plus looks like almost ever grave has an American Flag. A lot of work !

wvgal_dana said...

I'll be in red, white and blue. Red top with red, white, and blue small flag held on my top by Ed's Marine Corp Pin (Semper Fi), blue shorts, white tennis shoes. Also my visor is blue and white. That should take car of it.

I am taking my camera old on but want to try to get a picture of the Marine Corp Flag especially. Will also want to get a picture of ALL branches of flags flying. This is the only day that ALL MILITIARY FLAGS WILL BE FLyING. Otherwise the Americam Flag always flys.

One thing I'll be thinking of will be Margy who truly wanted to take James to this.

hedgie said...

Nice article in Parade about our "local" (actually lives near where my daughter Christie lives in Ranson,WV) celebrity: Frank Buckles, only living WW I vet. 109 y.o.

wvgal_dana said...

Geesh Jeagan's certainly you know I mean't Megan's.

That should take "car" no wrong word left the "e" off making it care.

Ok I'm getting teary eyes here and messing up typing. So I am going to set the alarm and lay down and nap some.


stronghunter said...

Stopping for a lunch break. Slow progress with the papers. Need to pick up the pace here.

Flash is lying at my feet. I put him in the backyard where there was shade (at least at that time), but he did not stay out too long. I am sure he is appreciating the air conditioning. So am I.

ceil said...

Thank you to all our military. Those who have served and those who are serving now and those who have left us. We cannot thank you enough.
Sorry to hear about Hope. Pray that something can be done to keep her and Lily together but just hope that they can save her.
Lynn congrats to Christie and Shannon. Wishing them many more years.

paula eagleholic said...

Karen and Keith went to Norfolk this's a couple of pics of the NBG fledgelings

Norfolk Fledgelings

paula eagleholic said...

Put a couple of bird visitors from this morning on

paula eagleholic said...

I never filled out my census...census worker showed up today....all done! Can throw all those papers away, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Good view of Palmer, moved back from the trunk and looking all around.

ceil said...

Paula Keith took some awesome pictures. Loved your little aray of backyard birds

Lolly said...

Paula loved the pics of NBG. They got some great pictures! Also, enjoyed your pictures. I need to post the picture I got of Momma Wren bringing in furniture! Have discovered though that when she arrives at the window that she goes so far back in that I think I am never going to see the eggs and babies. Sigh......

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday (I think) PM to everyone~~"Ladies & Gentlemen, Start your engines!" I will be going back outside, but gotta check Palmer first! ☺
Paula, love your birdies. Saw my first hummer male yesterday!A few more baby downys are eating by themselves & Mr. Wren checks out the house & sings in the magnolia tree & then flies to front tree w/another birdhouse & sings there, too! Maybe he's waiting for a mate to decide which house to rent!
Lolly, you will have a great view of them!

NatureNut said...

Lolly, I wrote before seeing your new message. Boo! That's like the wild kitty here w/kittens. Fuhby was able to catch one in neighbor's woodpile, but they dovgfe out of site! He took it to shelter where they say kittens get adopted fast. He discovered there is old groundhog hole under woodpile! That night (Fri.) Mom calico moved the kittens & we haven't seen them yet out & about. Our vet brought trap, but can't use it---don't know where they are!
AND, Calico was in neighbor's yard yesterday eve & had a big white fuzzy visitor!!AARRGGHH
People, plz get your animals fixed!!!

hedgie said...

Loretta, just don't understand people who let their pets roam, unfixed and keep populating. ARGH!!!
Your friends got some great shots at NBG, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures, Paula.

hedgie said...

Thanks to all who prayed for the Knight boy. He is doing very well! Will be kept in hospital for another day or two, but miracles of prayer are great!

Mema Jo said...

Put that trap up with food Loretta - you may be able to capture the Big White Fuzzie and take to vet to get fixed. He could be a feral cat.

hedgie said...

Just saw---and killed---the biggest ant I ever saw in my life. Had to be a queen with a capital Q---it was an inch long. Hope all of her minions die off without her!
Also saw the first Japanese beetle of the season. Don't know what they would be after here. I don't have roses or cherry trees!

Mema Jo said...

Do I need to tell you just how hot it is out there. I must have lost at least 2 gallons of water on my forehead alone! But I did make it to market and saw Megan. She had done very well today! She said Dana was there earlier.
Lunch was great - there were 6 of us.
Jenny,Aaron & Val, Susie (dil) and Dominick (gs) Jenny got a very neat owl ornament for her garden at on of the shops. We had fun!

Mema Jo said...

Would love for the automatic thread to kick in! I think Steve took it off too soon.

I am going to put my feet up and enjoy the AC...........


Judie said...

Quick visit.

Glad Megan is havng a good market day and Jo and Dana were there and that Jo had a nice lunch out (after dinner out last night).

Nice pictures, Paula. Finished mulching? I hope so.

Lynn, don't like ants, either. Put up one of the pheramone traps for the beetles. Did you get one for the stink bugs?

Shirley, I guess I like the fantasy boy toy better than a doggie -- ah, to create the saga of Shirley's boy toy.

Loretta, good luck with the cats. Hope they can be captured and fix and adopted.

Okay, off to search for a good recipe for oven fried chicken to go with the kale. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, Lynn. About 48 hours mystery, my bad. Saw the beginning scenes and changed the channel because I thought it was the same case. Oh well, thanks.

hedgie said...

Heading for store. BBIALW!

paula eagleholic said...

major peeping...wonder if calling out for food, or parent near?

Mulching is done! YAY!

paula eagleholic said...

Deck furniture out, umbrella for a little vacuuming and quick store trip.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is up by the cam trunk, where it is shady right now :)

stronghunter said...

Judie, I would not allow George to hiss and scare away a boy toy.

stronghunter said...

Took a break and went outdoors to water my pansies. They are suffering in the heat. I was happy to discover that my marigolds from last summer are coming back. Had to do a bit of weeding when I discovered them. Also, the maple tree that decided to grow in a pot last year is doing well. They survived the harsh winter we just had.

stronghunter said...

Basset hounds like to sit or lie on your feet. Flash is now sleeping on my toes. I guess that means he has truly accepted me as his grandma.

movin said...








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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...