Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Snowy Day thread.


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MITS said...

THANK YOU SUNNY for the heads up!!! Thanks for the new thread, Steven.

paula eagleholic said...

It sure is Snowy!

MITS said...

EGG turning at our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Snow doesn't look too bad on the nest

movin said...


My live feed is not up, and the West End cam is not working.

Just got a good shot of all 3 eggs here when Belle stood up, but it refreshed too soon to save it.

Have a great day...get all the tech stuff straightened out (Haha), and I'll talk to you this evening.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---Thanks SUNNY for giving us the WORD!---We, here in the Eastern Panhandle" of WV, have NO SCHOOL---still SNOWING---& VERY COLD!!---But it looks like a "Picture Postcard"---BEAUTIFUL!!

MITS said...

VA is back on.

MITS said...

Morning, Norma.

normabyrd said...

LISA is GOOD!---Have you folks seen her videos!!!----I thought of you SHARON & your "bald" cardinal-- when I read Lisa's story about the older EAGLET---during the feeding---kept pecking the head of the younger EAGLET so often---to let he/she know his/her place in the family---that he/she almost went BALD---

MITS said...

EAGLE at osprey nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNING----SUNNY--MITS--PAULA & JIM----Hope every one will be able to get on to the blog SOON!----I know that has to be DEVASTING!!!!

normabyrd said...

I don't have LIVE feed----Haven't see OUR EAGLES for a while!!!!---THANKS MITS for letting me know what is happening in the NEST!!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at BW. Chicks look huge!

KateAZ said...

Two eggs in CO. Check the picture from 6:50 this morning; it clearly shows two eggs.

KateAZ said...

One chick in Norfolk. She popped up to turn and there it was!

normabyrd said...

THANKS KATEAZ!----WOW!---You are RIGHT---I see TWO EGGS!!!---This is one of my favorite nests----

MITS said...

Thanks, KATEAZ, I missed that completely when I checked this a.m.:). I' also missed the Norfolk chick, have had both up this a.m., just didn't look at the right time:).

normabyrd said...

IS KENT the only nest without an egg?----I checked FL---can't tell what's happening there---MT this a.m.---MITS---Am I correct?

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam is stuck.

KateAZ said...

The Saanich (Hancock-Sidney) site doesn't have eggs either. Haven't seen the eagles this morning but they were working on the nest yesterday.

MITS said...

Yes, Norma you are correct.Don't know what is going on in FLA. Had an e-mail from Lynda the other day, but it was about an article I sent to her, and I forgot to ask, if I remember I'll e-mail her later.

MITS said...

Got so excited seeing the two at our nest pushed the wrong button to take pic.:(

MITS said...

I forgot about that one KATEAZ...I got 2 pics of the switch at our nest, just didn't get the one I wanted, was too busy just watching them and the eggs.:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. I am back online. I have a new email address:

This seems to run faster than the comcast one so that is a good thing. Now, if I can just get more memory and a flat screen monitor, I am going to be set!!

MITS said...

Sharon, you have mail......pls, let me know if it comes thru...eagle just up at VA, but I still haven't seen the chick.

normabyrd said...

HI SHARON-----How's your MOM?--Has she adjusted to her new enviroment?----Is BLUEFIELD gettin as much snow as we are?---All our schools are closed---

MITS said...

Both adults at CC.

Mema Jo said...

Good Snowy Morning
A lot is happening! 2 eggs-Co 1 chick in VA!! They are also expecting(maybe) another egg today at SC. Glad to see all of you on here -SUNNY welcome-have missed your being around. Hope all is well - Bike weather will be here before you know it! Kate thanks for the pics yesterday. Eagle Guy said - 2 eggs.
MitsGood day for the Beach!lol
Thanks Sharon for new email - Bald cardinal lol Has she been around! Thanks Norma for reminding us about that one. Jason has placed Paula's videos on his site! WHOO HOO!

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is in her favorite place----ASLEEP on the high logs!!!

MITS said...

Jo, I just looked at radar for OC, they are getting more precipitation than I am here.

Mema Jo said...

Ceil If you can hear me.....
You got your name on beakspeak
You're a celeb, too!!!

MITS said...

LOL, I saw that, Jo, don't think she knows about it yet. She works on Wednesdays.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, our cam looks ok. Eagle facing 1pm position now.

MITS said...

I think the eagle at KENT is stuck to the branch, been there all night and morning.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, I redid all the links on the momsters site. Everything should be there, if it's not, please let me know what I am missing. The only I don't have is the Kent one w/ the three views, because I wasn't sure if it is permanent. If someone will post it on here, I'll put it on for now, at least.

MITS said...

Ok, eagle must have read my comments about him at KENT, HE JUST LEFT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hate to break it to everybody but it is 54° and sunny here. WHOOOHOOOO!!! Windy but that is okay. Absolutely no snow here last night. Birds have been singing so pretty this morning, just like a spring morning. I am ready for spring for sure. Norma, I had forgotten about the bald cardinal. By the way, when do cardinals lay eggs and have babies?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do we know when the egg hatched at Norfolk? Could it have been yesterday, March 6? Please say yes!!

MITS said...

LIVE FEED IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Mema Jo had a hand in that :)

MITS said...

I just e-mailed Norfolk, Sharon, maybe they will let me know.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits.

normabyrd said...

YOU are lucky SHARON---temp. 24° now---up from 19°---still snowing---May have to sell computer---Just plowed again today----$50 a plow!----ho!---Watch for "smoke signals" in the mountains SHARON!!! ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

That nest is a BEAUTIFUL sight!!

normabyrd said...

HI JO---Do you have bus duty today or are the schools closed & you have children?----

normabyrd said...

PA Falcon---See nothing but (bird) prints in the snow---

paula eagleholic said...

Quick egg roll our nest, took all of about 10 seconds!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, guess it was too quick, cause she just adjusted again!

CamsGrammy said...

Kent auto load

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

Earlier--looking at SC, etc.--Reading comments---2 YouTubes were listed----watched them ---There were several other listed----VERY FUNNY!! & ENJOYABLE!!! Did you all see them?

MITS said...

Light snow here in Bethesda, and sun peeking thru the clouds. And I have my favorite PANDA back thanks to SHARON

Mema Jo said...

Norma - No school here in Frederick Cnty today. Bus duty happens when schools have delayed openings or conference days. Grandsons are the reason for Bus Duty.

Wish Megan and Dana knew about live feed....well, guess I could email them.

I was on the ME blog & made a comment but it wouldn't post...???

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pic, Mits. I thought that's what was being "tested" earlier.

Thanks camsgrammy, will put it on there now.

normabyrd said...

LIKE your PANDA MITS!-----Little BUTA BUTA---is ADORABLE!!!---Yesterday LUN LUN tried everything to get her down in the hammock----BUTA kept ducking---No Way was she going down there---LUN LUN kept trying to get a "bite" of her---The "Little Princess" could not be caught---SO FUNNY---LUN LUN left the pic---Little one climbed & climbed!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, on the Maine blog, they have to approve all messages before they get posted. It is an option you can put on your blog. Keeps out the spam.

paula eagleholic said...

Do you think Megan and Dana got lost on the old thread? LOL

Mema Jo said...

I hope that warm weather gets here by tomorrow, Sharon. We still have the fine showering snow coming down.
Welcome back TAI - you handsome little Prince! Glad you brought him back, Mits.

Hope Glo is safely at her destination in AZ with the family.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula - I was thinking that maybe something like that happened as you didn't need to register or anything.

I did email Dana & Megan about the
live feed being up.

Mema Jo said...

I saw where another Raven Attack happened. This time it was at
Two Harbors. They are big nasty birds

MITS said...

This pic of TAI was taken on March 1st:) YES, Jo, got to watch out for those RAVENS:):):)!

Mema Jo said...

I just read previous thread comments from this morning. Didn't realize Megan and Dana were both here. Now I don't know where they have gone.

I saw Delphia's comment from last night... vacation in HI

paula eagleholic said...

OUr eagle is really still and/or asleep

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw some looking back and forth, but very small movements.

MITS said...

They probably got knocked off the blog now.......MEGAN, I think is ready to march on the USFW sites, and she won't be hugging trees when she gets there.

sandyshaw said...

Hello, all. Just popping in after removing an IV and flushing the lines. Poor Tom. All four Shendoah cams are up, but no falcons at 12:20.

MITS said...

Yes, Paula, saw the slight head move, now live-feed was just acting up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Mits, Ravens are rough and tough, huh?

Mema Jo said...

Time for Belle to get up and shake!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Belle is looking bald all over now!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, starting to look like lots more snow than it did 2 hours ago.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandra I have been thinking about you and your nursing duties. Tom is so lucky to have you!

I had checked out the falcon cams but didn't see any on the ledges.
The owls are out... not doing much...soon I hope a lot of little ones come popping out of that burrow.

MITS said...

Not rough and tuff enough this past year:):), Sharon.

MITS said...

I was watching the quad cams this a.m., Sandy, they are really clear for where they are. Hope things get better for you.

MITS said...

I see little birds flyin g by our nest every now and then.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

I hope the Kent eagles realize that they should start to get busy about their nest and get their heads in gear about this year's family....

Mema Jo said...

That was cool at could see her leave the nest on cam 2 and then appear on the limb on cam 1....

Mema Jo said...

Even though she is covered with snow you must remember that:

Tolerance to cold temperatures - A bald eagle's skin is protected by feathers lined with down. The feet are cold resistance because they are mostly tendon. The outside of the bill is mostly nonliving material, with little blood supply (per Harpo)

Mema Jo said...

That is not to say that she is thoroughly thrilled about the snow!

Lunch Time...BBL

normabyrd said...

BELLE turning eggs & LIB just arrived---She couldn't wait to LEAVE!---

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just arrived right after Lib turned the eggs and he was outta there in a shot!

MITS said...

I thought that was Belle, arriving , the pics I took looked like Big Belle.

MITS said...

Both eagles at BW.

MITS said...

Chicks in view BW.

MITS said...

Lib must be jumping on the cam.

normabyrd said...

HI SANDY---Been thinking about you folks & hope all is going well!!--Must be very hard for you---How often does your help come in---We have about 6 inches of snow & still snowing---It is beautiful to watch----but it seems everything comes to a standstill when we get this much snow---Thoughts & prayers---

MITS said...

I only see 1 chick at BW.

MITS said...

Ok, I think the one was sitting on top of the other one,

MITS said...

Nice fish at BW, Mom is feeding them now.

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Egg turning our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Norma I looked too late. I see her 'free' now and up on the top log so I knows she is happy little princess. Sorry I missed how she got out of the hammock....but I can imagine!

Mema Jo said...

I don't think our eagle's tail wants to go back down into the snow....

I am going to close down and pray I can get back on after I clean this pc. It just may be the hotmail program, but it is so sluggish and I
need to take the pics you all have sent and get them onto the Momsters site.......

MITS said...

Feeding at BW.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

Need to EAT!--Still SNOWING!----

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Guess that's where the term "Spread Eagle" comes from. LOL!

MITS said...

I can't see them but falcons are chatting on the ledge.

MITS said...

Opps, I see one's tail in the nest bow at PA.

MITS said...

Ok, all the rugus was Dad falcon waiting for Mom to come in...Belle is shaking snow off and turning eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Awwww, Belle has her head tucked back.

MITS said...

She has set up her tent too.

MITS said...

Ok, just got back an e-mail from STEPHEN LIVING AT THE NORFOLK CAM And there is no new chick yet, they are at the 35 day mark now, last year he said it went to 38 days, so anytime now.

paula eagleholic said...

Snow should be ending in about an hour or less.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned..Going over to momsters site to photos.......

MITS said...

Belle's head is up.

NillaWafer said...

Well after working on this computor all day i finally got it fixed that i have the live feed up and can get into the blog BUT only using the old web page we had last year and NOT the new web page made this year.. NOW i had no problem up until almost 2 weeks ago using that page... STRANGE.. but good to see Belle even if she is in nest of snow...

NillaWafer said...

wait just got a strange notice wheni sent last message..Hmmmm will copy n paste

Mema Jo said...

As Paula advised us - The snow has stopped here in the valley. Now come on temps - rise, rise, rise!

NillaWafer said...

hang with me here when i sent last message it didnt show up so i logged out and back in so lets see...

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla, Can't say I understand the new and old web far as I know there is only one!

NillaWafer said...

Ok you know that security alert we get before sending a message? well the first one i got is much longer: Security Alert: You are about to be redirected to a connection that us not secure: The information you are sending to the current sire might be transmitted to an nonsecure site.... DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? YES OR NO ... I have never got that before any ideas????

NillaWafer said... i copied n pasted this Paula its what i am using to get into the blog n live cam...

paula eagleholic said...

Try this one, Nilla.

NillaWafer said...

Liberty just flew in

paula eagleholic said...

say yes

NillaWafer said...

He brought her food she off the eggs.. He flew off

NillaWafer said...

get on those eggs BELLE drag the food over to you...

NillaWafer said...

She flew off with the food in her talons

NillaWafer said...

She is back n checking eggs or maybe its him?

NillaWafer said...

Nope Paula i copied n pasted the link you gave here and nothing... WEIRD

paula eagleholic said...

What did it say? The link? all 3 lines.

paula eagleholic said...

try , put it in your browser just like that.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here in this home!!!

Nilla If you capture any photos and email them to me, I'll add them to the Momster's album.

paula eagleholic said...

Or try this

belle_wv said...

I've been watching Buta - she was sleeping on the top rail for the hammock support. Lun came and dragged her off a few minutes ago and then walked into the dayroom. Buta didn't follow - mom comes back out and walks over to her and then walks back toward the dayroom - buta still ignores. Now Buta is starting to climb again - should be interesting - I think mom wants her inside to nurse...

Mema Jo said...

Just popped in to say
Lord & Lady Blackwater are both in the nest. Chicks are visible.

Liberty is on OUR eggs - sure is looking all around....

belle_wv said...

Aww Buta was trying to climb into the hammock - but hesitant about letting that last leg leave the wooden frame - mom came over and climbed in the hammock and dragged he into the hammock with her - bet Buta won't like that - she is Miss Independent - if it wasn't her idea she won't want to be there... but maybe mom can convince her to nurse. What a great day - both LIb and Belle on live feed and Buta cam! Awesome!

NillaWafer said...

Paula i copied n pasted those numbers and heres what i got 19346160 ...... 19420860 19420860 19420860 ... - 544k - Cached - Similar pages

NillaWafer said...

I think its my fire wall.. Hmmmm

floralgirl said...

Well, I did not get lost, as was rumored, lucky me I am spending the afternoon with my ISP -I am going to lose my mind if one of them asks me to describe my problem again or delete my temp. internet files. They seem to think I'm a moron. Oh goodie, if I'm willing to hold for 2 more min. I get to start over with a new person.... AAAHHHH!!!

NillaWafer said...

Rollin eggs and settling in the nest... Live feed is awsome

NillaWafer said...

Megan calm down i have been working on the same problem all day... Right now i am thinking like i said it is maybe our firewalls????

paula eagleholic said...

Try this one

NillaWafer said...

I ran McAffes virus scan..... ran my Fix It Utilities .. Do you have the Internet Explorer thing in the bottom task bar that keeps track of the number of windows you have open??? I have that and some days its there working some days its now.. I think my computor needs an exorcisim..lolll Twight Zone

NillaWafer said...

Nope Paula doesnt work and i copied all 3 lines and googled it...

Mema Jo said...

Wow... Looks as though snow or sleet is just now hitting the BW nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Try that one

paula eagleholic said...

Are you runnin ie? If so, what version.

floralgirl said...

YIPEE! I'm at 2nd level support! I shall now devote my life to solving this problem. Dana I have discovered after disabling and tweaking and probably screwing up my computer that this most definitely has to be a FWS issue. I give up! I have just spent 3 hrs. with my ISP reps. I found the 3rd to be the most helpful and he didn't wince once at my swearing which tended to happen after the 2nd hr mark. We tried everything, he even tried getting on the site from 3 different computers-lucky him, they opened the site every time. I am out of ideas. Back to the IT guys at NCTC-sorry guys.

floralgirl said...

I tried those numbers on the 2nd hr-same thing, cannot find server. It guy tried to explain that different computers use different paths to get to server and perhaps one of the fws servers is down in our area, but I told him others in our area are getting in with no problem.

floralgirl said...

Starting excorcism.....

MITS said...

YES, Jo, I saw the snow and sleet at the pics I sent to you, think the eastern shore is getting it more than here, although with that said it is snowing harder here than it has all day.

floralgirl said...

BBL- going to fix some dinner before my head explodes. If anyone figures this out or solves the world's energy issues(just as likely) let me know.

MITS said...

Lisa has news on osprey page about an upcoming show on ospreys March 9th at 9:00a.m.

NillaWafer said...

I just talked to Dana and her sister who i might add does not watch the cams went into tools.. advanced and checked TLS 1.0 BOX and now she can get the 30 sec cam up... I tryed it rebooted comp and nothing... I can see the live cam its up now... She said Jill has Verizon DSL as her ISP same as me... Maybe her and i need to speak on the phone and compare our settings... Jill if you read this e-mail me at ok?


MITS said...

Sun is out at our nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Belle just arrived in the nest with a big stick!

MITS said...

She sure did.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep and that's the truth funny but not really funny cause my sister doesn't want to watch it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure do wish our cam was clearer at night!

floralgirl said...

Hey, Nilla, you got mail. Hi Sharon!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, what you doing with a towhee pic? Beautiful bird

floralgirl said...

Oh, I miss my towhee, haven't seen it sunce summer, he would come up every day and scratch at the birdseed. Hi Jo, you got mail.

normabyrd said...

HEY SHARON----I love your TOWHEE---They are so colorful--Especially the males--I have them---

NillaWafer said...

Megan mail call....

paula eagleholic said...

Is there anyone else here in total amazement that the live feed is still workin????? KNOCK ON WOOD :)

MITS said...

I love the towhee....Sharon, how is Mommy today?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle has night duty.

floralgirl said...

Nilla...back at ya.. Hey Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Egg turning our nest

Hey Floral

Mauley said...

good evening dear dear friends. I feel like a lurker. Or an outsider. Have I missed a new eagle Momster, Kateaz? If so, welcome Kateaz you will love it here. Sorry I can't stay. These two little girls a handful. I have enjoyed them, even if I missed my own spring break. Their dad, my oldest son, has his spring break next week. His inlaws have an ocean front house in Florida and they are going to leave Friday. Come on Friday!!!!!! I can't wait to get back to work so I can rest. Love you all. Listen, if something happens I can't live without knowing, just email me work or home. Wish I could stay. mauley

MITS said...

HI MAULEY.... we will keep you posted, I'm sure:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mommy is pretty confused today and really wanting to come home to her dog. We are going to take the dog to her for a few minutes tomorrow. She is afraid that Peedab will forget her.

I love the towhee, love watching them scratch up their food!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi Mauley, hope you get a break soon!!!

floralgirl said...

Bet she will be glad to see her dog, Sharon. Sorry to hear she is so confused. I love the towhee too, they really scratch up the ground. Hope mine will appear soon, last year it was around the end of March.

MITS said...

Aww, Sharon, I'm glad you can take the dog to see her.

Mema Jo said...

Mauley, some people wouldn't understand you wanting to get back to work to get some rest - BUT I DO! lol
What we put ourselves through for our kids! All I can say is to Hang in there because the little ones will remember their special visit for many many years!

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping the Home would let you bring Peedab in to your mom for a visit. You may not get out of there with the dog! Don't let Mom stick him in a drawer! lol..... That's going to be the hard part but just seeing him should make her happy.

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well it's been a pretty interesting day. Trying different things to get to 30 sec cam. I say it's been quite a day for Megan also it seems. Even Nilla has been working at it.
My sister says well the cam is nice if you enjoy stuff like that. But it's not for her. Really strange how she couldn't get it. We both were doing same things same time. Yet she would get up different pages than me in same search engine. Even checked all settings. Crazy!

MITS said...

Working hard at KENT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My sister had a towhee the other day. I am out of food at the moment so I have to get some!! That is more important than my food (well sometimes).

MITS said...

Sharon, are you watching Kent?

sandyshaw said...

Sharon, I love your towhee. We used to have them in Washington, but haven't seen any here. My mother is getting more and more confused too, especially about her medicines which I now manage. I just put in my second IV--hope Tom survives. Seriously, this is so scary.

Megan, you're welcome to stop by any time as long as i'm still connected to FWS. I don't envy you an afternoon spent with ISP--especially that the problem still is not solved. Have you noticed that the birds have stripped all the red berries on the porch columns? If you have pussy willows, I'd love to replace the naked berry branches.

Mema Jo said...

Paula & Megan - you have mail

Mema Jo said...

Snack time

Just Vicky said...

Pretty amazing but a real blessing having our live feed on all day!! I'm excited!

Just Vicky said...

So snack time for Mema Jo, where's everyone else??

MITS said...

We're, here. Just trying to solve some mysteries.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky. Have you heard anything from Glo as far as arriving safely in AZ?

floralgirl said...

Solve any of those mysteries, Mits? Hi Sandra- sorry I have no pussy willow. Birds do love the bittersweet, carolina wren has been sleeping in my wreath with bittersweet hanging outside front door. Oh, Hello, Vicky!

floralgirl said...

Sounds like a lot going on, Sandra. Hang in there.Do you have a nurse helping during the day?

Mema Jo said...

Sandra We really amaze ourselves sometimes with what we can do! I checked out the falcon ledges in VA - all of the cams were up - even the ones in the high rise bldg.

The burrowing owls were out again today. I am waiting on the little ones to come up out of that burrow.

Prayers are with you Sandra & Tom & your mother.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky vanished..... Perhaps she will reappear .. Maybe Vicky is giving us another mystery to solve.........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It may change overnight but my live feed has been up for 10 hours and 49 minutes. Unbelievable.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope everybody has a really peaceful night!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As soon as I published that last post, my live feed went away. Daggone it!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandra, I will be praying for you and your family. I know how rough all this is but this too shall pass, just sometimes not quite quick enough!! I just take things one day at a time myself and do the best I can in this day!

Mema Jo said...

Nite, Sharon loLove

Mema Jo said...

I am playing card games for awhile

movin said...


I am tempted to put my 2 cents worth in on the puter probs., but since you have had the experts on it, I think I shall resist.

One thing you might have done already is make sure your security settings in "Internet Options" are set to the "default" levels ... sometimes they get changed inadvertently and wind up filtering stuff you don't want filtered out.

Haven't seen too much of nests this evening. I did get into the live feed after dark for the first time this season...looked like snow falling, but according to the weather site, it shouldn't be.

Keep warm and well,

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a night!
Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all in need

You may need to close it down again tonight Megan..

paula eagleholic said...

Well I am sitting here cussing my computer. It messed up two clips so I can't make my video from You'll get it tomorrow!

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Hello Suzanne. Only 2° here this morning.

floralgirl said...

only about 3" of snow here, Suzanne. Schools on 2 hr delay.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 432   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...