Thursday, March 29, 2007


New thread


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

THANKS EVERYBODY. Steve is on the J-O-B this morning. I love watching them working on the nest. Last week we thought it was all over, but it ain't over until it is over. Never give up 5 minutes before the miracle!

CamsGrammy said...

I am soooooo excited and hopeful!

kirine said...

Morning everyone!

Thank you Steve for the pics and new thread.

Hopefully we'll see some more nestorations today.

Mauley said...

Good Morning, my dear friends. Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and especially for leaving the cam on. It is the therapy we addicts needed. donna

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---Thanks STEVEN for the new thread----"It's a lovely morning in my neighborhood"-----HI SUZANNE---SHARON--CAMSGRAMMY--JENNIFER & MAULEY----Need to read last part of yesterday's blog---

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Glad to hear about all the activity this morning.
Love those pictures of the nest in the early morning light....

glo said...

Good morning everyone...Looks like a beautiful day in many ways.

normabyrd said...

VA CHICKS are very alert this a.m.----Mom moves her head & they all sit up in a hurry----BW CHICKS---

CamsGrammy said...

Good morning everyone. I have a minute to check in and surf a little bit at the other nests. On the santa Cruz site Dr Sharpe is listening to one of the eggs heartbeat and it is pretty cool. They play sounds of the eagles to the eggs.¤t=Embryoheartbeat.flv

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Have you selected a name for the BW chicks---LISA mentioned it yesterday----LISA is unbelievable!----In her updates---she mentions other sites she thinks we might enjoy!!!

normabyrd said...

SHARON---Opened BUTA'S cam at 10:04 a.m.-----GUESS WHAT---Sound asleep atop the LOGS!---They are allowing her outside in the a.m.-----I thinks they must be giving some one sleeping pills----KIDDIN'

normabyrd said...


CamsGrammy said...

Just checked in on the Maine site and they are worried that the eggs will not hatch this year because of the cold weather right after the eggs were laid. The mother was off the eggs for 3 hours yesterday and he said that was not normal behavor. I sure hope he is wrong.

IrisF said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!! Great Pictures Suzanne and Steve and GREAT Attitude Eagle-eyed SHARON.

What a wonderful treat the last couple of days to see L & B working on the nest. My hopes are high today!!!

I still lurk, when I can get in here - which isn't too often these days. ((((((((((hugs to all))))))) and special prayers for L & B and everyone else who needs them. Iris

normabyrd said...

CO EAGLE looks wet & has snow on her nest----Checked the NE NEST---They expect the 1st egg to hatch 4/4/07----

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Little cool this a.m. here in Bethesda...47° I was watching the MAINE cam late yesterday and finally saw Dad come in, but they have had some wicked weather this winter, which is not unsual for their neck of the woods.

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne, I have been watching her....and sorry, not a cat person:(.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - They say one picture is worth a thousand words!
Thanks Steve
Sorry to hear that ME could go through what we have just endured.
Camsgrammy-Waiting for the day to come when Dr Sharpe puts the chicks back into the 2 nest
It is wonderful to hear from so many of you on the blog!

Mema Jo said...

I need to go check emails.........
Then it is end of the month pay those bills time.... BBL

MITS said...

Poor CO eagle has snow in its nest too.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, or afternoon to most of you. I'm just getting my coffee and your getting lunch. Its a beautiful day and Mitts 47 is too cold for this California sissy. Its going to be 80 today. I just had to check on "the kids" before I hit the in basket. I will check back when I get a break. The best to all of you this day.

Mauley said...

I am the cat person here. The only problem I have with taking the cats is that is that all of mine hate each other's guts, but two. I have one strickly inside cat, two twins outside, a calico who is in and out, and two neighbor's cats I feed everyday. If I didn't have the two hateful guts I have inside, I would take them both. I think I have told all of you that I never had an animal I picked out for myself. Everything I have picked me. A throwaway or a stray, that's the ones who own me. My DH says don't ask her how many animals she owns (me) ask her how many own her. I wish I could take them. I am sure they are suffering for their master. Cats usually do better than dogs, though. Dogs are the neediest when it comes to human companionship. I love everything tho,. I like ewieeees. mauley

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne tc sorry didn't get in earlier to talk doing mail.

MITS said...

HEIDGIRLWe get enough heat and high humidity in the summer here in the Washington D.C. area so these spring temps are good, especially, for the Cherry Blossoms which will start to bloom next week sometime.

paula eagleholic said...

Is it just me, or do the VA eaglets look huge today!

MITS said...

SUNNY, they are not out yet, but I will do some checking for you, they are pretty precise when it comes to predicting when they will bloom. I'll go check for you.

Anne-Marie said...

Mitts, the blossoms are already gone here. We dont get humity here just dry hot heat. I have to spray the house plants with water during the summer so I wont loose them. I guess it isnt perfect any where. I have spring fever today and I dont want to work.Oh by the way my mother egret came back and is feeding her young in my back yard. I now have my shower back.I live near the American River so hopefull when the little guy can fly they will head there.I put him up on a metal bird feeder out of the reach of cats. Mom is happy and so is babe.

MITS said...

SUNNY Please send your e-mail address to me and I will send you the info:).

paula eagleholic said...

I heard National Park Service say April 2-8 is peak time....

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

I have been paying bills too JO!---(I'm on my break)---When one is retired---one can a take break when one wants to---ho! ho!---I was reading up on the ME EAGLES--They think they may have been chilled---unusual to leave the nest as long as they have----Remember their temp. was 17° below---Say a prayer---

normabyrd said...

HEIDIGIRL---Isn't it wonderful to have egrets feeding in your back lawn----How many are there?

normabyrd said...

MITS---Just heard on CNN they are checking further into the Panda's death at the ZOO in Germany---

MITS said...

Thanks for the update, Norma. Pandas in captivity usually live between 25 and 30 years, but this one may have died just a few years earlier, not too unusual.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is 43° and rainy in Bluefield. I had a red-headed woodpecker out here a minute ago. There is a squirrel and a mourning dove eating the bird seed! Yesterday, I saw a Mountain Bluebird at Beverly's. Robins everywhere. I love it!

kirine said...

While I do love cats, and wish I could help.. we have 3 already. 2 that barely tolerate each other. I hope you find homes for them soon. Is there a no kill shelter anywhere nearby that might take them???

wvgal_dana said...

I don't really think the stress of people seeing the Giant Panda caused its death.

Those that want the cub killed just want to blame it on the cub.
Poor little "cubie".

Anne-Marie said...

Normabyrd I had to do some reading on egrets. I see them in the fields and along the rivers but not in back yards. This little one is grey with greenish legs. I thought it was a blue herron and got excited. The vet told me mom builds her nest in high trees near the water. I guess she choice a redwood for hers. I went to Petsmart and bought lots of "feeder gold fish" for my little guy. Mom is helping him.I usually end up with cats,dogs or stray kids not birds. This is a first.

wvgal_dana said...

Heidi that is neat. Helping to raise an egret. I once raise a baby fox and released her back into the wild. Kept her wild so she could be released. Really a good feeling to help Gods creatures.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana I am a country girl living in the city and its frustrating but its the way it has to be for right now. I just didnt expect the wild life I have and I'm thrilled. By the way does anyone know how long it takes from the mating to egg laying for Kiberty and Belle. I'm anxious.

wvgal_dana said...

I know the snow was bad in Maine. Put I wonder if them cutting that limb. For better view would have help her from the cold and snow some.

floralgirl said...

Well, darn, I wish I had a baby egret in my back yard. What a beautiful day today. Just stopped inside to apply more sunscreen. Thanks for the e-mail, Mits, always try to get down to DC when the cherry blossoms are out.

Anne-Marie said...

I wish it stayed green and pretty here like it does for you guys back east. Everything will turn brown and die very soon.Green spring here is short lived and enjoyed.My last drive through WV was georgeous. If my kids wernt here I'd move. I have to be responsible and get back to work. Enough day dreaming.

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Sunny, I'm crossing and counting.

normabyrd said...

FLORALGIRL---CONGRATS!---Bought Martinsburg paper yesterday to see if you were in the paper---YES! They quoted MEGAN---Shepherdstown must be some what like Romney---We have all the people moving in & attempting to tell us home folk---Things would be better for us, if we would just do what they do back in "TIMBUCKTO" (sp) where they lived before----YOU GOT SPUNK MEGAN!!!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Norma, would love to read the article, can you send it please. Does anyone know what the black thing is next to the eagle in MAINE? I know they are working on the live stream today, and for some reason can't seem to get my question posted on their blog. I'm kinda of concerned, because it seems so big and still?

MITS said...

live-feed is up at MAINE..looks like they got IBM for a sponsor, have to go thru a brief commercial before it comes on.

normabyrd said...

MITS---I can't figure out what that is in ME---FIERCE WIND!---Mine sound is stopping ever now & then--Must still be working----email me your address----will mail--

MITS said...

my live-stream is working fine now at MAINE.

normabyrd said...

PA FALCON is on the nest---Can't see her eyes---ho!----This a.m. checked the JR falcon---She looked straight at me (beautiful eyes) -----SHENANDOAH has been dark---except #4 (I think) & there is nothing there---

normabyrd said...

ME is fine!---She certainly is "hunkered" down----The black thing looks almost like a feather-----

MITS said...

EAGLE gone again up in MAINE. They are concerned with the long absences.

floralgirl said...

HA, Norma, some people would say I'm just stubborn.LOL When people start messing with my livelyhood, they get my full attention!

MITS said...

new pics of eaglets on Lisas' BW site.

MITS said...

Mom/Dad are usually close by on a branch, Sunny

MITS said...


Jill said...


I am confused, I thought you lived in Upper Tract. Who lives in Upper Tract? I missed something somewhere.

Jill said...

Here is one article about the eagle release in Grant County.

Mema Jo said...

Just popping in for a minute -- Expecting family for a cook out and have been trying to get ready. I'll be back on later this evening.

Jill said...

Don't know who was looking for this but here is the article about the Shepherdstown Farmers Market

MITS said...

I was Jill, thanks so much:).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

And as usual, I missed them, was getting dinner in the oven...lasagna:).

wvgal_dana said...

Dads feeding dinner to the 3 eaglets and ALL are getting something. Like usualy the BIGGEST was getting all. Dad fed other some. I'm thinking comeon Dad you do have two more. Then Tubby was full so Dad is feeding other two alot. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

This is so up close watching now Mom and Dad feeding the two youngest. Tubby had enough. It is great watching this. Mom gets some from Dad too.

Jo your having a "family outing" so is the eagle family at Norfolk lol

wvgal_dana said...

Mom flys off for 2nd time at Norfolk since Dad brought fish in.
He continues to eat himself and sees to the young. Oh no Tubby broke back up. Pecked the 2nd born so it can't eat any more. Tubby is getting more to eat. No Dad the youngest. Yes Dad that's it.grrtt now 2nd born isn't getting anything that darn Tubbie.

MITS said...

KENT #3 cam is down.

MITS said...

poor eagle up in MAINE wind still blowing, its eyes are glowing in the dark and it looks tired.

MITS said...

MAINE eagle is finally asleep.

MITS said...

Feeding again at VA, almost dark there.

MITS said...

they are amazing at the VA cam site, they were just trying to focus the cam to get the best picture with the darkness coming.

MITS said...

dad just flew into the nest at VA, so, both parents are there.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

eagle alert!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles now!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Do you think they're thinking there should be eaglets here?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib brought Belle some dinner :)

MITS said...

I think they are just hungry.

MITS said...

she is really under the branch.

MITS said...

I think she unhooked the cam my is frozen.

MITS said...

ok its back.

MITS said...

all gone.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, BW eagle cam is stuck

paula eagleholic said...

Mits think it was just you and me a ton of pics....I'll put some in the album later....

MITS said...


MITS said...

Well, Lisa is on the ball, already got the TECHNICAL NOTE UP, they will look at it tomorrow a.m.

normabyrd said...

JILL---Thanks so much for the Grant Paper----That is such a nice story----Mr. O'Malley said the Cumberland reporter was late & had "goofed" up some of the story---I wonder, are these people related to John Ours---He's a friend------THANKS for sending FARMER'S MARKET-----I was getting ready to send it to MITS----

normabyrd said...

MIT---I AGREE----I think there is more than one LISA---That's how she stays on the BALL---ho! ho!---SHE'S GOOD!!!

Jill said...


John Ours the attorney? Who grew up 4 doors down from Dr. Wolfe, whose sister was a close friend of mine as a kid???????? If they are related it is distantly. Best I can recall his grandfather had 2 brothers and that was it. One of them had 2 sons and I don't know about the others.

Do you know any more of my former neighbors? Are you one of them? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. I see Liberty and Belle were back in the nest tonight. Wonderful! Getting ready to go to bed. Mattie is with me tonight and it is past her bedtime! :)

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening All. I had a wonderful family cook out tonight although we ate indoors because it was chilly when the sun went down.
Thanks, Jill for the url to the news article about the market. I look for changes next year but hope all vendors have a say in matters.
Finished up the momsters' album for this morning's photos from Sharon & Suzanne.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Sharon and Mattie

Long day for me.......

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

Good Friday Morning Suzanne

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Goodmorning Suzanne! Good reporting, thank you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. Glad to see Lib adn Belle were there this morning. I hate that I missed it though! Have a wonderful day.

Mauley said...

Good Friday Morning Suzanne, Vicky, Sunny and little Eagle Eye, Check out Suzanne's Romeo and Juliet portrait. It is awesome, I can just hear Liberty saying, " But soft what light through yonder sky breaks, It is the east and Belle is the sun. Arise, fair Sun . . . . ." Shakespeare is fitting this am for our parents. Thank you again Suzanne. donna

Mauley said...

Oh Suzanne, they are back in the nest and they look awesome.

Mauley said...

Suzanne I can't get the streaming video up is it working today? Just get the still cam. donna

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Hate to say I am just popping in again but when the NY gals (Granddaught & Great Grand -daughter) are in town I get to run alot!
Pics from yesterday are in the album thanks to Suzanne and Sharon. I'll get today's up later this afternoon. Headed for park for picnic lunch & playtime! I'll have 4 great grandkids there.
Be sure to leave your comments about what you're seeing in OUR nest for me.

Mema Jo said...

Belle is soooo large that she hides Liberty at times........

Just Vicky said...

Oh my look who is in the nest!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle just left, and Lib is still there.

paula eagleholic said...

He loves that noon perch on the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Lib still on the noon perch.

SAD NEWS - Santa Cruz, K10 and K26 have lost an egg. It is broken and laying in the nest. They are down to one egg.

movin said...


Spunky used to always sit at the top of the clock too. Ever wonder how the three are doing?


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----THANKS SUZANNE for the update----Beautiful a.m. in my neighborhood today---Thanks for sharing your pics everyone----JO enjoy your grand kids----I am going to FL 4/6 for a week----My youngest is having her FIFTH child---Will be a boy named SAM----Looking forward to seeing all of the little ones!!-

movin said...

The male is in the S. Cruz nest about to take over now...

Too bad about the egg. I saw them both clearly (in close up) yestereve..wonder what cause was.


Jill said...

New Thread up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...

JIM---I too, think of SPUNKY every time I see one of the EAGLES in "her" place----SPUNKY will always be my favorite!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Can't believe Lib is still in the nest....on his favorite trunk now, the one at 11 oclock

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...