Sunday, March 25, 2007


New thread.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---I think I am first---I have a GREAT EAGLE STORY to share----THANKS STEVEN---for the new thread---Will leave message---

normabyrd said...

EAGLE BUDDIES---Front page of my a.m. newspaper--"CUMBERLAND TIMES NEWS"----BEAUTIFUL PIC OF A GOLDEN EAGLE SOARING-----The golden eagle, which was unintentionally trapped & injured on New Creek Mt. (Mineral Co., WV) in January, was released at New Creek Dam Site 14 on Thurs. after undergoing almost 3 mos. of rehabilitation at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh.--WV Wildlife Dept. notified Nat. Aviary-- who nursed it back to health by staff at Nat. Aviary in Pittsburgh. It was released back into the wild Thursday. The bird was fitted with a small transmitter that monitors its movements----This is such an up lifting story---This is the 3rd eagle they are monitoring---important info about this species is currently lacking, etc.---Wildlife Diversity Biologist, Kieran O"Malley, DNR, Romney, WV w/be working with Katzner, Nat. Aviary--These birds migrate through the Allegheny Front in Grant & Pendleton, WV Counties--Hope you folks can read this story----Aviary had 5 people working 10 hrs. a day----AMAZING STORY----CHECK: & click "track an eagle" This EAGLE is designated as No. 41.----

Jill said...

That is really cool. Guess that is the same eagle I read about several weeks ago. Trying to remember where New Creek Dam is. Drawing a blank. It's not Vepco lake is it? I just can't think of any other dams up there. HUMMMMM

Jill said...

That is really cool. Guess that is the same eagle I read about several weeks ago. Trying to remember where New Creek Dam is. Drawing a blank. It's not Vepco lake is it? I just can't think of any other dams up there. HUMMMMM

paula eagleholic said...

That is the outfit that Lisa at BW talked about in her last weblog, or the one before that. The track and eagle thing is pretty cool.

Thanks, Norma!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE I vaguely remember reading about that recently, Norma, that is a wonderful story. Thanks, have a peaceful Sunday everyone.

normabyrd said...

This GOLDEN EAGLE was just released Thursday, March 22---This is the 3rd golden eagle to be released---If you check "Track an Eagle"---This eagle #41----it isn't listed yet---This article is more interesting to some of us--It's location is in GRANT Co. JILL'S CO.---PENDLETON CO.---CAROL'S CO. & ROMNEY, MY TOWN ---Will call DNR tomorrow & get the dam site--JILL--New Creek goes through Keyser---

kirine said...

I have a question. If Belle and Lib try for more eggs, approx. how long will it take for the first egg to get laid after mating??

That is wonderful news about the golden eagle!

paula eagleholic said...

It takes about 5-10 days after mating to lay the egg...but we saw them mating more than a month before they laid the first egg this year....It is a whole courtship process and bonding - he would bring her fish to fatten her up to be able to produce the eggs and withstand all the incubation duties.

belle_wv said...

Very great story Norma, thanks for sharing! Paula, thank you for the youtube entry of the last morning before our mourning. I'm hoping to see some nest refurbishing happening with the weather drying out. I'd think that would be our first clue that they would try again this year. Heading out to enjoy this beautiful day, I hope everyone else can do the same in one way or another!

movin said...


We have a gorgeous, steel-gray, overcast morning in So Cal...portends better for the afternoon.

I hope you all have a great day...I don't believe our pair are likely to start up again for a few days.

Enjoy the weekend,

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Afternoon, It is beautiful outside and I just know that Belle and Liberty are soaring high above!
I do hope our cam gets unfrozen tomorrow just in case when we check it out we could get a glimpse of our favorite eagle couple. I feel that the Sycamore Tree will always be their home!

MITS said...

It is a lovely day, been reading the Sunday paper, going to sit out on deck for awhile, wouldn't be doing this if we had eaglets to watch:(.

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya, Mits. Thought about that when I was out walking the dogs this afternoon.

I put up an eaglet hit on

of the Norfolk eaglets. They really are adorable.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. I have been out enjoying this day. Jon (Andrew's best friend) had his Senior Organ Recital today and it was beautiful. Andrew assisted (turned pages). It was great. It is 78° and partly cloudy here. This weather is really bringing me out of doom and gloom and I am so grateful!! Hope all of my eagle buddies are well today.

MITS said...

Hello, Paula and Sharon....I was just thinking, did anyone call Suzanne? Wish she had her computer hooked up. But, I'm sure she will not be too shocked when she gets in to the office tomorrow. Just looked at the clock, its bedtime for her already.

MITS said...

The 2 older chicks are pushing each other around at VA.

MITS said...

Feeding time at VA, hopefully food will be coming into BW nest soon.

MITS said...

Calm and beautiful up in MAINE.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am heading back out for a little while. I will be back around 8:30. TTFN!

MITS said...

Sunny, go to Paula's picture here on the blog and her e-mail address is right there, she or Jo can help you. Just click on her pic. Glad you had a nice trip.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Well, you tried, and that is what counts. I was a little suspicious when you said it was near and Interstate and on a pole, but I was trusting!!!

MITS said...

Mom just arrived to help Dad at VA, such a pretty family.

MITS said...

Yes, Sunny, it counts:).

MITS said...

Poor Star out in Kent needs a pair of sunglasses.

floralgirl said...

Mom at BW really has those babies covered with straw tonite.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I went to Bramwell, WV today for Jon's recital. Somebody there told me there are eagles around there but Mattie and I certainly couldn't find any. We did look though. Sunny, that is funny about the ospreys. I probably would have thought the same thing! We do like osprey pics too!! :):):)

Hello everybody.

MITS said...

Hello, Sharon..and Mattie:).

movin said...

I was just looking at a very interesting "Updates" page on the Santa Catalina site [bottom of either the W. End or the T. Harbors cam, "Updates"].

They've recently revamped it and now they have great blogs, including reports by Dr. Sharpe and videos of birds, nests and one on egg-candling. [Two of the 5 West End eggs have died, probably from DDE contamination, but all the others collected are still viable.]

It's an extremely interesting place to read also deals with pairs and nests that are not on camera...there's one pair that nests in the grass without much of a formal nest structure.

Hope you have a great week.


MITS said...

Thanks, Jim you too.:).

movin said...


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all. That is too funny about the Osprey, Sunny! They are big birds, too. Send me the pictures at

and I'll put them on the momsters site.

Jim, thanks for the info on the "Updates" from Catalina.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

glo said...

Hi SUzanne sorry about the bad news to start your week with NCTC and our Eagle Family so far this season. Glad for cute little falcon eggs and ospreys turned eagle, or the other way aorund kind of stories form other blogger frieds. Hope it add a smile and a bright spot to your day.

Wishing all of you a good Day as well.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!---Hi SUZANNE & GLO---SUZANNE--Had you in my thoughts this week-end----Wondering which would be easier for you----Finding out on Saturday or today---Either way----a REAL BUMMER!----Steven says there is still time for a new clutch-----Did you read the older BW "fuzz ball" is now a foot tall----I'm glad to hear the PA group have an egg----GLO & PAULA both have great videos!!

normabyrd said...

You probably noticed LISA posted the date of the Ospreys' first egg last year at 4/11/06---I enjoyed watching the PA FALCONS last year too----Mess & All----ho! SHENANDOAH'S FALCONS are having a rough time----Raccoons are eating their eggs----A trap has been placed beside one nest----We are truly BLESSED to have all these different sites----

movin said...

New thread everyone. Check the cam too.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...