Sunday, March 11, 2007


New daylight savings time thread.


sandyshaw said...

My goodness, new thread is up but nobody's here. Never experienced that before. Megan and Paula sounds like you had a great day. Beautiful day in Shepherdstown--great day for a hatching.

MITS said...

Its a nice day for a hatching, Sandra:).

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the heads up for New Thread. Steven ty for the thread.

Hi Sandra they will be over.

Brought this from over page:
You must go to Maine eagle page. Click on eagle forum. Look for "2nd egg laid" there is a link there click on that. Oh my goodness a video shows her laiding the 2nd egg. IT IS A MUST WATCH !!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Mits,Dana,Sandra. Jennifer where did you go? Come on in here.Thanks for spotting the new thread. Thanks, Steve
Blackwater trip for Paula & Megan sounds like it was one beautiful experience.I know they have both been there before but such good weather they had & great time of the year to go down for sightings of nesting eagles & the returning osprey.
Sharon Enjoy the band concert at Concord.
Dana I had watched that video up in ME. It is very interesting.

Mema Jo said...

Not sure what went on at OUR nest. There was a fly out - 3 naked eggs - then fly in which I didn't see due to taking a pic & then refreshed with eagle on the eggs again.
Not sure if it was a switch - it looks like it's Belle still there.

MITS said...

Hello, Jo, yes, Jennifer gave us the update and split...come back:):):). Soooo glad Paula and Megan had a good day, I can just imagine how crowded that place can get.

kirine said...

LOL.. I'm here. Just busy. I wish the live cam was up. Last year the kids and I watched every day as the chicks hatched, grew and fledged. It was the most amazing thing. We were really looking forward to it this year, but the live cam is iffy at best, so it looks like we're going to miss out on stuff.


MITS said...

(((hugs))) to you and the kids, Jennifer...hoping our chicks wait til the live feed comes up, but still going to keep an eye on them today, just in cast:).

MITS said...

Man, Belle just jumped up really fast and looked under her chest???

MITS said...

Feeding time at VA.

kirine said...

It is a beautiful day for a hatching. Nice and fairly warm too. :)

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what Belle did around 1:53 when she jumped up & flew off and then came back. Don't know if something is disturbing her or what.

MITS said...

She does look a little jumpy this afternoon, wish the live-feed were up.

Mema Jo said...

The video from ME that Dana mentioned you should watch

It really is the best I have seen

MITS said...

MAINE'S STILL AND VIDEO IS BACK does not seem to be working.

wvgal_dana said...

I given this some thought. My answer to myself is this. If Maine can use their "live feed" and make a video of the laying of eggs. So can NCTC for us!!!
If they don't want to do that then. The answer to myself is this.

Mema Jo said...

Is there any chance that Liberty is nesting now? I mean I know there's a chance it is him but what do you think?

Mema Jo said...

Man I wish we had WingBlings!!!

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, I agree 100%. When I was looking at the nest, I too thought it could be LIB, Jo, but til Belle is there I have a hard time figuring out who is who.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I think that looks like Liberty, too.

I put some pics on Momsters of Blackwater yesterday. Also, I put all of them in a slideshow...just go to the blog at

or just click on my name. I put all my pics on there from yesterday, I only left out a couple of duplicates :)

Mema Jo said...

Great, Paula. I'm headed over.
Thanks for putting up this week's album.

paula eagleholic said...

That was a viewer that did the video you saw, not someone from the site.

I agree.

We need the live feed up this week. We have chicks that will be a hatchin'

Mema Jo said...

Well, Paula the slideshow was awesome! Can't get over the beautiful sunset you saw especially with the eagle perched in the tiptop of the tree.
I loved all the owls they showed! They had quite a variety (but no 'Big Momma' owl) Question: Why were 3 feathers passed around and 3 returned? Why not 2 returned & 1 brought back as a keepsake??? lol
You and Megan will have lots of
memories to cherish from this trip.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Jo. Think they would have been searching everyone for that feather!

An interesting fact I learned about eagle molting yesterday. When they molt their feathers, which they do once a year, they will lose the same feather on each/opposite sides of the body at the same time.

MITS said...

Really enjoyed the slide-show, Paula:):).

MITS said...

I'm having trouble with our cam!

MITS said...

Guess I got the bug that Dana and Megan screen after many refreshes. I'll try something else.

Mema Jo said...

Great! Same thing just happened to me when it refreshed. I put it down & will try to bring it up again.
Didn't work..

MITS said...

That was weird its back now.

MITS said...

Ok its back, but can't refresh it.

MITS said...

Now it is gone again....DAMN...JMHO:(.

MITS said...

I have a pic but, it has not refreshed on its own for 10 minutes.

MITS said...

Time for some of that fish at VA.

Mema Jo said...

I give Up

Going to go outside & get some
fresh air and sunshine..........


MITS said...

I'm right behind you, Jo...slamming the door:).

sandyshaw said...

Well, if there's a hatching today we won't see it. At least right now I'm getting a "Service Unavailable" message.

sandyshaw said...

Even more weird, the eaglecam feed item has been erased on my history. In the immortal words of Charlie Brown "Good Grief!"

MITS said...

Your not alone, Sandra, Jo and I are having problems, I get the pic up somtimes, but, it its 10 minutes behind real time and when I try to refresh, it goes blck.

MITS said...

My is back and refreshing automatically.

Mema Jo said...

My cam is up - correct date - correct DST - and is refreshing. I always concerned myself with a frozen frame repeating itself when I see similar movements.... I wish it were time for a switch or an egg roll or something so I could be certain it is the real thing.

Dinner time here BBL

Mema Jo said...

It's the real thing -- Eagle just took a heads up look upward in the tree. Now I feel better.

Going to Eat...........

movin said...

Good day, everyone,

Did I miss it, or have none of the nests hatched a young eaglet today?

From the few comments I read, sounds like you, who went to the open house really had a good time.

The notes on BW have been interesting the last couple of days...I didn't realize they had different Osprey pairs each year, and it looks like some new birds are already checking the 'fix-er-ups' this Spring. BW's lost most of its furnishings in the wind, but the foundation and flooring looks sturdy....


movin said...

After reading the comments, I looked again at our cam, and it's working perfectly out here in So. Cal.

All that solar storm stuff from yesterday has not repeated today...haven't been knocked off line once. Might be affecting other areas sounds like it moves from area to area from what I got on the tape the cable company supplied.

I couldn't get the Maine video earlier, but that's up now too...there's just not a lot of hatching (or laying in Kent) of eggs happening today.

Did you all get the problems cured for those who could not access our cam the other day? If so, how did you cure it?


Just Vicky said...

Hey there Eagle Friends, Do we have a baby yet in "our" nest?

movin said...

Hi, Vicky...
I'm not the most "up" on the subject, but I am here...

It does not appear to me that Belle has hatched the first one as yet.


Just Vicky said...

Well she needs to work on that egg!! It's our turn to have one Jim! So glad she doesn't have all that snow in there for this event! You keep watching Jim!

Just Vicky said...

Guess all the rest of this gang are busy in other places!

MITS said...

Both eagles were just at our nest, still look like 3 eggs still in tact, going to look at pics.

movin said...

Must be dinner time back East, Vicky...

I haven't seen you on the blog much lately...good to hear from you.


MITS said...

Got the shot of Belle leaving, but missed the shot of 3 eggs.

MITS said...

Did you just see the switch at our nest, JIM?

movin said...

No, Mits, I was probably busy writing comments or something (hahaha).

Wow, the picture on our WV cam is about as good as it gets right now!

I believe the 3 egg story though ... they just don't act like anything unusual has happened now.


MITS said...

Things should start happening soon, last egg at WVA was laid on the 12th of FEB., Jim

MITS said...

So mild hear today, going to cook on the grill again tonight.BBL.

movin said...

Last year, Mits, was it 5 days or 7 between the 1st and the last, I can't recall for sure now.

It could be anytime between now and say the 14th when the 'Top Bird' hatches.


wvgal_dana said...

Paula I know that it was a viewer at Maine. They had excess to "live feed". What I am saying is since we as viewers don't have excess to live feed and NCTC does. They should make videos for us to click on to see. Especially since it is nearing time for hatching. So we can see the LIVE HATCHING.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my eagle buddies. Back from the concert. It was wonderful. They performed a song named "New Dawn" about the Enola Gay and the bombing of Hiroshima. You could really feel the emotion in that song. It was really awesome.

I did see three still intact eggs in our nest. I am glad one didn't hatch while I was away! :):):)

Hope all is well with you today!!

Mema Jo said...

Kent eagle is in nest

Cam 3 still down

MITS said...

KENT should be laying sometime end of this week or beginning of next, hope they get cam 3 back up soon,HELLO, MISS SHARON.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - Glad you're home after such an enjoyable afternoon of music!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Think she brought a snack for later.

wvgal_dana said...

Dusk settles on BW Osprey nest with an eagle there.

Norfolk Va darkness has closed around the nest for the night.

Our nest 7:15pm Liberty turning eggs. Right now 7:29pm Belle has taken over for the night from Liberty.

BW eagle nest lays on chicks to keep them warm.

MITS said...

Our cam needs "rabbit ears" for adjusting the picture.

MITS said...

Audio is back on at Maine.

Mema Jo said...

I loved it staying light until almost 7:30 or a little later this evening.
But I really have to work on my sleep habits!!!!!

Going to watch some TV - maybe-depends if anything is on.

No eagle at Kent nests - all other visible cams have their nesting eagles. Come On Kent!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My Maine cam is not shutting down after 2 minutes. Did they change that?

MITS said...

Hope our cam and live-feed come up better tomorrow. Going to watch COLD CASE AND WITHOUT A TRACE, both are new tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

At 8:45pmEST which is correct time now I sent myself an email. Time shows 7:45pmEST..... Why?? Can that be changed anywhere??? Anyone please ???

Mema Jo said...

I hadn't check my email message yet, Dana. Is your computer time correct with the new DST?

MITS said...

My computer time is correct, but as Jo, knows my comcast time on e-mails is always screwed up....set my clock manually this a.m.

Just Vicky said...

Dana, you can manually change your clock's time, try double clicking on your time!

Mema Jo said...

Dana, my mail updated when I changed my time.

Double click on display time (mine is at bottom bar 8:56pm)
Date & time properties will come up
Just change the HOUR by placing your cursor on the 7 and make it 8 right under the clock.
OPEN TIME ZONE - At the bottom of the map - be certain there is NOT a check on the statement about
automatically adjusting the clock.
Remove the CHECK - click on APPLY - and then on OK.......This should control what is on your email

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just looked at our cam and it was 30 minutes slow in the time. Then, I went to refresh the page and it won't!!! Is anybody's cam down? %@&*!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well hello there Vicky.
How are you doing?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My clock updated on its own. My clock is also set with the Atomic clock!!

Mema Jo said...

If you don't take the check off the auto adjustment you will just lose another hour in April.... lol

Sharon - I'll check the cam because my computer went wacky & I also got kicked out of hotmail. BE back with you all ............

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - it's down. Black Screen.

I think it is those Cosmic Rays or
whatever Jim was telling us about!!
I have to go back & see what he said about them...........

All that solar storm stuff from yesterday has not repeated today...haven't been knocked off line once. Might be affecting other areas sounds like it moves from area to area from what I got on the tape the cable company supplied.

Mema Jo said...

Just how did you get it set with the Atomic Clock? You're so special!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

DANA You're keeping us in suspense concerning your clock!
You best not go off to play cards
and forget that we are waiting lol

Mema Jo said...


wvgal_dana said...

That is what I did I didn't mean to put EST

I had click on my time on buttom toolbar. Unchecked the automatically. Changed the time to daylight savings time which is now 9:08pm. Clicked apply.

Like I said composed an email sent to myself and it is showing 8:08pm.

Why does anyone know what to do I have Outlook express.

Mema Jo said...

MITS - QUESTION Who do we want to be in the Kent nest--- Star or Spirit?
I forget which one lays the eggs lol

Just Vicky said...

Hi Mema Jo and everyone!!

Just Vicky said...

Goodness surely it is time for Kent to get with the season!!

Mema Jo said...

I have Hotmail MSN
Guess I don't know your answer as to
whether you also have to change it somewhere on Outlook... Look around in Outlook like properties.....

Just Vicky said...

Mema Jo, how could you forget who lays the eggs??

MITS said...

LOL, let me go check, I always get them confused....I think Star is the lady.

Mema Jo said...

Hi again Vicky.. Loraine out at Kent had told Mits that it is usually mid to late March when their eggs come.
But that could mean anytime now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This link will let you download the atomic clock utility to your computer.

movin said...

Try restarting your machine. Probably Outlook is unaware that you have changed the puter's time.


MITS said...

Star is the lady, Spirit is the male, this is her second mate, the others name was Patriot.

Just Vicky said...

Think Jim is right Dana, restart your computer!

Mema Jo said...

Dana Hubby says on OUTLOOK to go into OPTIONS and look for something about the time.......

Mema Jo said...

JIM Did you hear?

We must be having a solar storm down at the cam! Keeps going off on us. Has done this a couple times today.
What do you say?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Cam is back, thank God!

Mema Jo said...

Kent eagle looks as though he/she has a seat on the edge of the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Really strange

My clock shows 9:22pm I send myself and email using outlook express time on it shows 8:22pm.

Using Yahoo Mail my clock shows 9:23pm time on email that came into yahoo was 18:23pm

What is up with this????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My time automatically updated in everything on my computer including Outlook Express.

Mema Jo said...

Well I hope then that that is STAR
in the Kent nest for the night!

Mema Jo said...


100 lbs of wax power

Mema Jo said...

MITS another question:

Which eagle did Loraine say had
a mark on its head and above which eye was it?

Mema Jo said...

Dana - can you download the atomic clock to work within your computer

MITS said...

LOL.........Jo, got a question about pandas. I believe the male has the mark over his left eye.

MITS said...

Comcast tells me that if it does not recognize the time on my computer it just goes to Greenwich time...

MITS said...

Its 6:45p.m. at KENT, but she looks like she wants to spend the night, but she has done this before.

Mema Jo said...

Mits Question:
What in the devil am I seeing on DC Panda cam 1

paula eagleholic said...

I think Yahoo uses PST. I have noticed the difference on my emails, too. Even before today they were under PST.

Mits, I think Spirit's first name was Patriot. They named them in a contest. But somehow, people started calling him Spirit. So now they are Star and Spirit

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did I really get the wax? Didn't even know it! How is that for different!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon I went into my clock set it back 1 hour. Then check the automatic to change it. Rebooted computer. Sent myself an email and time is perfect. Thank you very much.

movin said...

Could be solar storms, Mema Jo,

It knocked my Internet connection out several times Saturday morning, and a cousin, who lives fairly near, says it messed up her TV for 4-5 hours the day before...

Also, as far as I know, our cam has been up all day here, although I'm getting a venetian blind affect now that it is dark.

Lets blame it on solar storms...I think Mar. 11 is the last day anyway.

Has Dana restarted her puter yet? I think that should do the trick if she's sure she has it set correctly on the taskbar.



wvgal_dana said...

Paula that made the time in Yahoo mail come in the right time also perfect.

Mema Jo said...

Congrats, Dana! One more mysterious computer problem resolved!!! lol

Mema Jo said...


We've updated our Eagle Cam Web Log with news of the chicks' development and our Eagle Festival

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

Haven't a clue, looks like Mei on cam 2.

Mema Jo said...

Spirit just flew away from the Kent nest & Star is still there.

MITS said...

Look at her look at the cam, she is sooo pretty

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

Just saw that, guess tonight's not the night:(.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

Good Morning, Suzanne
The weekend sure flew right by.
Eggs in all the nests except Kent & The John Hancock Site.


Just Vicky said...

Ok Mema JO, let the drum roll begin, time to crack one of those beautiful eggs!

Just Vicky said...

Maybe we can get Andrew to help us with the drum rolls??

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Looking forward to a very exciting week of eagle viewing. Time to go crank up some cams here .

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Glo and Mits. Looks like it's going to be a nice warm day.

VA feeding the one chick don't see another fuzzy head. So they still have one egg to hatch.

Watching BW lady she has been in that position a long time. I want to see "Chubs and Tiny". Hope she moves soon.

Our nest is looking around no action like going to hatch.

wvgal_dana said...

See you tomorrow Suzanne you'll have a sunny ride home.

wvgal_dana said...

Now we are getting to see BW's 2 chicks. It is going to be a warm day so I'm expecting that we will see alot of them.

MITS said...

Falcon has an egg at the Shenadoah site.

MITS said...

Cam 3 at Kent is showing correct time...Yea!

MITS said...

Adult and juvies at CC.

MITS said...

That is some beautiful view at Shenadoah.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits thanks I'll check it out.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle calling on Maine

Mits she sure does have an egg on the cliff.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm wondering if Norfolk Va is having another egg hatching.

MITS said...

Update and good picture on the VA eagle site...1 down 2 to go:).

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---Just looked in on NORFOLK LADY---She's acting STRANGE again!----So much catching up----Any one know what's happening in the SHEPHERDSTOWN HILTON?----Would love to see those little ones hatch-----

normabyrd said...

HEY---SUZANNE---Have a GREAT meeting---Sorry--I am missing you--HELLO GLO---Great vacation?---I bet that "little one" had you wrapped around her little finger??----HI MITS & DANA---What's happened over the weekend?----Haven't read the blog just scanned today's people----I think you may be right MITS---NORFOLK LADY may have the best nest---She is beautiful----DANA---Going to check on the ME video---Sounds exciting!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Norma gal..yes videos were very good. Plus BW eagle page has update on gallery. Great pics.

normabyrd said...

THANKS DANA & MEMA JO---Enjoyed the video from ME!!!---Thought he should have ended it by saying---THATS ALL "FOLKS"-----ho! ho!

MITS said...

Looks like a deflated balloon in cam 3 at KENT.

wvgal_dana said...

Just did the "full screen" on Norfolk while she fed chick. Did not see any other chicks yet. I still think an egg is trying to hatch.

Norma like Mits said Falcon at Shenandoah view is on ledge there is one egg.

MITS said...

Falcon is awake at Shenadoah, with her egg.

normabyrd said...

SHARON---They have changed the structure of the logs in Atlanta for the "LITTLE PRINCESS"---But look who is at the TOP!!!---Don't you wish BUTA BUTA could be outside---Bet she could climb a tree in a minute---Like our other climber---"Little Prince"---I still think he would like a "playmate"---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle just arrived

normabyrd said...

SHENANDOAH FALCON--#4---Just flew away & left---beautiful brown egg!!
W/check the others!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good pic of our 3 eggs

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula yes we just had a shift change. Liberty was on the nest now Belle is. Beautiful 3 eggs. The way the light hit the eggs looked like 4 lol but 3.

Mema Jo said...

I hope we get a good look to see if there are 3 eggs or 2 1/2 eggs in that egg well....

Mema Jo said...

Oh Dana - you did what I had hoped!
Are all 3 eggs there and in tact?

normabyrd said...

MITS #2 & #4----SHENAND.-- BOTH have eggs---#2 has a lot of fog---Is this 1 egg shot from 2 different angles?

MITS said...

Sent you a pic, in front looks a little elongated, maybe trying to get out?

Just Vicky said...

New thread up!

Just Vicky said...


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...