Saturday, March 24, 2007


Had a bad feeling with all of that rain.

Still a chance that they will lay more eggs, but we'll see what happens.

New thread.


floralgirl said...

Darn, so disapointing. So hard for the eagles, they were really dedicated to thosse eggs. Guess that last snow was just too much:(

Steve Chase said...

Hang in there folks. They'll be back.

floralgirl said...

Isn't it too late for them to try again this year, Steven?

Just Vicky said...

Heavy heart this morning for Belle and Liberty. Soooo sad.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLEBUDDIES----I guess I need to read the end of the last thread---OH--OH--NOT A GOOD MORNING AT ALL----I think I shall refer to today as BLACK SATURDAY!!!----

belle_wv said...

Sad news for the eagle population, but there's still a chance they'll lay at least one egg and be able to raise it, right? I'm glad they didn't wait around as long to find out as the nest in FL did. Hoping for a nice few days of warmth and sun to help dry out the nest and let the eagles have a vacation to fly/hunt together and regain energy for another egg clutch.

MITS said...

Good MorningSo glad Belle knew what to do and moved on. Yes, Steven they will be back:).

belle_wv said...

Morning everyone. Just read through the blogs. Happy to hear Kent has an egg - that's exciting.
Does anyone know what the timeframe is for them to get back into mating mode? I'm hoping Lib and Belle will take a nice break together and then try again. Seems like there was still plenty of good weather after spunky was strong enough to go through the winter last year

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES (AGAIN)----I was so SHOCKED when I logged on, as I know everyone was---but STEVEN says it best-----"THEY'LL BE BACK"!!!----AND WE WILL TOO!!!!
HELLO FLORALGIRL--VICKY--BELLE & MITS---We are blessed to have all these friends that share their eggs & chicks with us---THAT'S A GOOD THING!---STAY COOL!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - sad morning that it is for all of us who really prayed for the 2 eggs to become little fuzz balls in our nest. It was a shock but also a blessing that Belle & Liberty knew what to do. I pray they will return and I know that all of us will be waiting for them. Another valuable lesson to learn from our Eagles that can apply to our own lives - Keep the Faith and go on with your life in times of sorrow for this to shall pass.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As sad as this is, I have had much greater sorrow this year so this is not as hard to take. This is the way it was meant to be. I truly believe that!

Justin wants to say -- "They tried".

MITS said...

Boy, I could not agree with you more, Sharon. Sad, but not tragic. It only takes losing a loved one or hopeful dreams that were shattered, to know the difference.

MITS said...

Star is getting rained on this a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I do want everybody to know that this deeply saddens my heart because like I said on the other blog, this is where my heart is! The rest is secondary but I will enjoy watching the other nests. I will also be watching this one for a reclutch! You just never know what God has planned!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Star is getting rained on. I love watching that nest with the different views. We won't miss anything there.

MITS said...

Tai Shan is putting on a show for the visitors this a.m.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning eagle watchers. I was saddened to check in today to find out that we would have no babies. Nature wasn't kind to Liberty and Belle, but they stuck with it. My Kindergarten class and I have watched these two all through last year and this, but as Steve says, they will be back; hopefully for at least one egg this year. We can all hope and wai
Mema jo is right when she says that we have to keep up the faith and keep on going. I know I have enjoyed reading your messages and keeping up with the news and will continue to do so and get on whenever I can.

belle_wv said...


Tell Justin he is very wise. They did indeed try and they did do their very best. The icy cold melting snow just soaked the nest cup too much for them to keep warm and dry this time.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out for an afternoon b-day party. I will be later this early evening hour.

wvgal_dana said...

I watched through the 2005-2006 season of two adult eagles that did not have names then. Watching the hatching of 3 wonderful eggs into chicks/eaglets. The eaglets got their names. Then it was decided to vote on names for parents. We watched with great learning and wonders of what we were watching. Even the 30 second refresh and live feed cams worked that season. Life was good! We grew with excitement as the eaglets grew. We watched mother nature where Belle had to defend the nest and got a cut into the top of her head. Learning was all around us watchers. It was fun, exciting, and in aw of what we seen.

Now the 2006-2007 season the adult don't need named we know their names Belle and Liberty from last season. We watched seen 3 eggs laid. Then we watched not with happiness or good excitment as the snow kept piling up and up around the nest eggs. It became a time of worry, saddness for our Belle sitting there trying to protect her family with Liberty coming to check on her. We learn't this season mother nature at her worse with the 30 second refresh and live feed at their worse.

We watchers are NOT biologist because we name the eaglets and parents. Not that biologist don't have feelings about the lose of those 3 eggs this season.

We pray and hope for a better tomorrow. Maybe a chance the parents might re-lay this season. The same that we hope and pray for better 30 second refresh and live feed. We will NEVER GIVE UP our prayers and desires to see Liberty and Belle through better cams. Plus better nesting conditions.

From only 1 of many that "love this eagle pair".

MITS said...

Beautifully put, DANA

beth said...

can someone tell us how to find other nests to watch. we would like to see the one with the babies. very sad to see Liberty and Bell loose thier babies.

glo said...

Beth If you click on my name and look for the For the love of Eagles BLOG you will find all of the nests I am aware of linked off of the left hand side of the page. The one with the 3 babies is norfolk on that list. There are several more to choose from as well. Also
Pala has a list of Links off of the eagletmomster blog youcan get there fromt he initial entry to this NCTC BLOG...and Beakspeak. com also lists many nests with cams on them but they are all kinds of birds including the eagles.

MITS said...

BETH GO TO BEAKSPEAK.COM and click at the top Birdcams:), many sites to choose from....

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Blogger , don't need your crap today.

Again, pretty much the same links at

Norfolk, Blackwater and Cape Coral have chicks that I am aware of

Mema Jo said...

Just about ready to leave for the afternoon. Dana that was a very beautiful way to recapture everything we've experienced. I would just like to add one more very very important tribute to our cam site and to our Eagle family - Thank you for the bonding we all have felt and for all the many many everlasting friendships we are experiencing.

NillaWafer said...

Tears of sadness roll down my cheek... The babies we wanted so bad were not to be... Belle n Liberty will go and soar, but in their mind always the nest they left behind... The day will come and i hope soon to see them mating and in the nest eggs will be... once again the babies that will touch our hearts to grown and see the life cycle of Mother Natures Glorious American Eagles Soaring Free.....

kirine said...

I am sad that the last 2 weren't viable. However, I know we all had our suspicions. I do hope that maybe Belle and Lib will try again this year, even though it's late. I know the Kent eagles just laid their first egg.. so maybe. And with it being this late in the year the eaglets will have a better fighting chance of not dealing with the cold.

Mauley said...

Dear Eagle Family, It has been too difficult to write until now. I have to agree with Sharon, whose sorrow this past year all of us have shared. Steven, we thank you for the new thread and for the words of encouragement. Over the years, I have learned to cherish every blessing God sees fit to give and take no gift for granted. I wouldn't take anything for last year's little fluff hatchlings or for being a part of naming our loyal parents and offspring and for having all of you for prayer partners and friends from around the US and the world, too. We will find strength in each other, and pray for the One who began it all to finish it in His good time and in His will. So sad and so disappointed. It does hurt, and as I remember our Martha, we do have hope for more eagles, just as we have hope that George, too, will take another mate and produce more eaglets, but I remember Martha today, and remind myself that Liberty and Belle are still with us, and as much as we hurt for them, too, they still have hope as we do too. God Bless Us all today. ((Liberty and Belle)) (((Eaglemomsters and dads))), donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I too share the same sentiments as everybody else. Thank God we have found each other through these two glorious eagles. The friends I have made have been such a gift and a blessing to me. WE get through this stuff together. We get stronger when we make it to the other side of whatever life hands us! Love you all!!!!

Aline said...

There is also the Maine (Hancock county area) nest with the forum:

and the video cam:

I also feel sad the nest wasn't successful with the lost the eggs/eaglet. The weather was just too severe. Maybe it is not too late for a new clutch for this season, I hope so for all of us :-)

paula eagleholic said...

It is with heavy heart that I present this video from this morning. Just click on my name and go to

or cut and paste into your browser.

Mema Jo said...

Paula thanks for also sending it by Momsters' email. Everyone will wish to view it. It meant so much to me.

Our cam now - I guess the pic is frozen because it is foggy and very dark outside.

paula eagleholic said...

Kind of par for the course, huh Jo. Frozen cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just getting ready to say our cam was frozen. I am glad we knew the outcome before it got frozen.

How is everybody this evening?

Mema Jo said...

Hi! Sharon and Paula
I guess it is like feeling brain dead or feeling like you're in Limbo.
It would be great to see them at the nest some more times. I don't really think they will leave the area. The fishing is too good!
Paula All the folks at IWS were very considerate in their remarks to you and your bloggers from NCTC. Loraine's email to Mits was also very heart warming.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, they were Jo. I was going to copy some of their comments over here to let everyone how much people sympathize with the plight of our eagles.

Mema Jo said...

I will email Jason at beakspeak to put something on his birdcam page, but Jason is down in FL for the rest of this month doing some photographing of the herons. He won't be updating for awhile.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Sharon. Guess I'm feeling kinda like Jo. Brain dead, sad, depressed, still in shock, although I knew it was coming. But I know life goes on and things will get better!

Mema Jo said...

That would be a good idea Paula
It's important to know that other eagle watchers care. You could copy on Momsters so that everyone would know...

Mema Jo said...

I think IWS knew what Belle went through with the last snow storm since you shared a picture with them.

Had to chuckle with one of their comments as to had we known what the snow storm was going to do to our eggs, we would have had a Dr Sharpe replace them with wooden eggs!

MITS said...

HELLO Paula the video was just beautiful, heartfelt and simply done. Thanks for doing it, know it had to be very hard for you:(.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you, Mits. I did it for me, and for everyone who watches these beautiful birds. We are all hurting. You cannot have watched this nest for a year and not been upset by the events unfolding over the last week. I made it in hopes that it will be some sort of healing point from which we can move forward.

MITS said...

I would love to see some of the comments from the IWS. I had sent a note to Lisa and she responded, and I contacted Lynda down in FLA, but have not heard from her yet.

paula eagleholic said...

I let Lisa know, also. I'll work on getting the comments together for everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

They are having their own tough time in Maine. Dad has injured his foot and there is concern as to whether it will heal properly.

floralgirl said...

Wow, that was hard to watch, but thanks for sharing, Paula.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love how we still come together and get through this stuff. What camaraderie we have!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to say that I felt we weren't going to have a good outcome when the cam came back up on Monday and there was no eaglet and no other egg had hatched.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, for me I think I started having a bad feeling the morning I woke up and saw her completely buried in snow.

paula eagleholic said...

I started worrying last Friday during the snow storm, when I saw Belle struggling to get the snow out of the nest, after she finally emerged from the snow. It seemed they were able to keep the eggs drier during the earlier storms.

MITS said...

Paula, what happened to Dad in Maine???

paula eagleholic said...

His left foot is injured. His talons are kind of curled up, and he is limping on it. He apparently brought a fish to the nest the other day, though.

Here is a video from today, showing him flying in.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day..


Night Paula & Megan & Mits

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Jo and Mits. Sleep well.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all. Turning in. Sleep well.

movin said...


I appreciate all the reflections and reminiscences you have expressed kind of says what I am feeling too...thanks.

Great video, Paula.... I watched it, and then clicked on the one about Belle and the big fish...she not only took an hour to eat it, she did not want to share it with Liberty (hahaha).

I hope everyone feels better by morning. Maybe Liberty and Belle's
instincts will permit them to start again (the nest is in prime condition still), and in the meantime there are several other nests to keep an eye on.

Sweet dreams, happy days,

Sandy said...

Good morning my friends.

I was around here most of the day yesterday but could not find the words to express my feelings ( a rare event in itself). I cried a tear for our eagle family with the rest of you and watched many a video, thanks Paula. Mother nature delt a cruel blow, Belle tried to overcome it, but couldn't.

Hopefully Liberty and Belle will try again this season, but if Jim said, there are other nests to keep us occupied.

For me, my heart and soul are here. I have never had the time to surf around looking at all the nests, but may have to now.

How very sad....... I just don't know what else to say.

normabyrd said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...