Saturday, March 03, 2007


New weekend thread.


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MITS said...

Thanks for the new thread!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Mits & Good late morning to all. Thanks, Steve, for the new thread. Looks like we could get the rain that's in the forecast for today.
Going to finish emails and read comments of all the exceitment of the morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning.

And Welcome to Blackwater eaglet #2!

sandyshaw said...

Good morning Mits. Thanks for bringing us over, and thanks to Steve. Much excitement at Blackwater. One of the Shepherdstown eagles was flying in from the direction of the nest this morning, pretty high up so I couldn't see if it was adult. But it was a good start to my day.

I'm trying to coordinate visit to Winchester, care for my mother while I'm in Winchester, piles of laundry, but I'm reserving time for eagles.

sandyshaw said...

BTW a light rain has started in Shepherdstown.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Sandy!

Rain, Rain go away!!!

sandyshaw said...

Hi, Paula and Jo. Just got a phone call from my daughter in law in Hyattsville, they're coming up and one will go to Winchester with me, one will stay with Mother. Thank goodness for family and friends. Paula, thanks for the birth announcement.

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, quick feedings....guess she's gotta keep the little fellers warm :)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Jo! Sorry, didn't see you earlier!

Yes, Sandy, family can really be a blessing at times!

Mema Jo said...

Sandy, things always have a way of falling in place. Glad your plans for the day have worked out.
Donna, you will be so busy this upcoming Spring break that I bet you don't even notice you have a migraine. Enjoy!

Mema Jo said...

I know we have been commenting about the Norfolk cam..Here is their update
"Bear with us”
The same wonderful technology that gives us the opportunity to view this nest can also bring us to a halt! The necessary parts to fix the network issues are on order.
We haven't missed any of the eaglets yet! The parents continue to incubate and care for the eggs.The embryos are fairly well developed by now but still need to continue to grow and mature before these eaglets will be ready to hatch. The cold snap was a challenge to the parents who had to ensure that the the eggs didn't become chilled.

If all goes well, we should expect eggs to start hatching late next week (or early the following week)

Mema Jo said...

ME eagle in nest. Glad to see they didn't blow away yesterday.
CO eagle was in the nest most of yesterday afternoon.. I thought there would be an egg - but there isn't.
NE still sitting on the dry spot surrounded by snow. Brrrrrrrrr!
Kent is MT..but it won't be long!

Going to check out west coast.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, could have VA and WV eaglets popping out of their shells at the same time....

MITS said...

Nice of VA to keep us udated.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I am impressed with the VA personnel and with the update itself. Shows a lot of concern for their viewers. Didn't check for the falcons while I was on the site....

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in Maine is still laying in nest. Some of the snow must have melted....

Mema Jo said...

Everything seems cool on the West Coast. SC - no egg yet
WE - still turning those wooden eggs
TW - we'll know how many in there when egg switch takes place.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though our nest needs some nestorations! Lots of sticks scattered around the nest.

MITS said...

Yep, Jo could use some straightening up, I'll call Merry Maids.

MITS said...

Both eagles BW.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for the BW pics, knew it would hatch once I had left. I don't know what is going on, but I can't open any NCTC page. The cam page gives me that darn cannot find server message. I have tried rebooting computer, soon I will be just plain booting it out the window! %#*@*#@*%*% The cam is up and I cannot see it! wracking my brain to figure out what changed on my computer in the past 2 days. I have tried getting onto cam page from every link I know, just won't work.

MITS said...

Wish I knew what to tell you to do, have you cleaned out your computer for problems and viruses.

MITS said...

Belle just cam ein.

MITS said...

Lib left.

MITS said...

MEGAN you have mail.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone nice Saturday didn't get the rain or snow. Glad of that..

Is anyone having trouble getting into the NCTC homepage??????????

I have to go read comments.

wvgal_dana said...

lol funny Mits you'll call Merry Maids lol

Sandra I hope your family get well soon. Praying for your Mom and Husband.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Dana, Megan has had problems. But it seems to be OK for those of us that have been on.

MITS said...

Hi, Dana, Megan is having problems:(.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Megan is having a problem.

Looks like the Merry Maids may have
brought in some new floor coverings for our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Was watching NE...she should be popping out another egg....of course, sometimes there is just one....but she could be like our Belle and wait 4 days :):)

Mema Jo said...




paula eagleholic said...

You can see 1/2 an egg shell in the BW nest...look near Dad's head

MITS said...

No, Jo, what's her problem:):):)?

Mema Jo said...

I can see it.

Looks like the NE is bringing in some grasses to cover the snow like they have done in the past.

WHOO HOO! VA cam is up

wvgal_dana said...

I am having problems also getting to the page. Started yesterday after I came back. Today same problem; tried going through everywhere CAN'T GET IN !!

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo, So happy to see it up.

Mema Jo said...

VA is so close up- feels like you're swinging in the nest

Mema Jo said...

On second thought

It feels like you're in COLORADO

Mema Jo said...

Dana You have mail

Mema Jo said...

Egg Rolling Time at OUR nest

floralgirl said...

YES, EVERYONE KNOWS MEGAN IS HAVING A PROBLEM OPENING THE CAM PAGE. I can't open any NCTC page since yesterday afternoon, no matter what I try.

Mema Jo said...

You even tried to come in thru link that Mits mailed to you? I just mailed the same link to Dana...

floralgirl said...

Doesn't work,just says can't find server. I cannot open ANY page that is connected to NCTC. And I am having no problems with any other websites. Must be the FULL MOON!!!

Mema Jo said...

Megan Mail

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Jo, get the same message, page you are looking for is currently unavailable blah blah blah...

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet waiting for food at C C
No nesting eagle at ME or CO or SC or Kent............Eggs will be forthcoming!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be something going on over the mountain...:)

floralgirl said...

JO- you got mail

Mema Jo said...

Chicks in view at BW

Mema Jo said...

BW cam appears to be frozen - Couldn't have picked a better pic to be on the cam...........15:08:23

paula eagleholic said...

BW is stuck on a really cute pic

paula eagleholic said...

And just as I typed that it unfroze :)

Mema Jo said...

BW unfroze.........Back on chicks.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Lisa will probably get a zillion pic submissions for that picture it was stuck on!!!

Mema Jo said...

BW: Some kind of attention being given to the chicks - not sure if it is a feeding. Now they're being nested upon.

floralgirl said...

Darn, I imssed that at BW, reading the open house page, adult was back over babies when I looked... Dana, where'd you go? Did you get the cam page to open?

paula eagleholic said...

She's gonna need some more pine with that fish laying around all day, stinkin' up the place :)

paula eagleholic said...

BW feeding

Mema Jo said...

They are soooo tiny!

wvgal_dana said...

No I can NOT open anything leading to the NCTC homepage. Even went on the internet and it won't open it. Sorry it is happening to you too Megan. I even Restored that did NOT work. Thank you all that are trying to help. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Need to depart for about 4 hours..
I will return........

wvgal_dana said...

Is our cam nice and clear???

Miss seeing Liberty and Belle..

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

Dana and Megan, do you both have the same internet provider?

MITS said...

both at BW.

wvgal_dana said...


No Mits Megan has dial up

I'm on comcast cable

wvgal_dana said...

grrrrrrr I am so discussed I can't get in dang it !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow look at them getting fed awwwwwwwww so cute

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Osprey nest BW

MITS said...

Ok, Thanks, Dana, just trying to think what could be causeing this...sabotage??

paula eagleholic said...

Cindi can't get on either!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle is currently napping. Been pretty quiet today, I've seen one exchange and that's it.

MITS said...

The list is growing:(:(. MEGAN YOU HAVE MAIL, when you get a chance.

paula eagleholic said...

New video of Blackwater chick hatching this morning and feedings from today

MITS said...

LOL...I had to chuckle Paula, right around the 4:48 minute mark, looked like both chicks were flat on their backs exhausted.

MITS said...

Just took a pic at CO, looks like an egg there:).

paula eagleholic said...

Going to walk the dogs and see what I can see of the lunar eclipse.

Mema Jo said...

I am back - just forgot to announce it. But then you all knew I was back because of all the emails going back & forth!

Good camera angle on the CO nest now

MITS said...

Jo....your back:):):)!

MITS said...

Its dark, but CO is still there, I think that was an egg they were both looking at, waiting for the 2 other experts to reply to my mail. The ones with good eyes:):)

dkife said...

Hello everyone. You tolerated my questions a few days ago, so I thought I'd try again. Can anyone tell me when these eggs are expected to hatch? Also, am I correct in believing there are 3 eggs again this year? I just saw on the other website that the second egg hatched. This is great.
Thank you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We do have 3 eggs again but I haven't the first clue when the eggs are going to hatch. We don't know when the first 2 were laid exactly, do we? I don't even know when the third one was laid. Mema Jo, do you know?

Mema Jo said...

Hello There! Yes,dkife, we absolutely have 3 eggs just like last year. We are taking an estimated educated guess as to time of hatching should be sometime during the week of
March 11th. We can't be sure what dates the first 2 eggs were laid due to the cam being down.
Due you have access to ?
There are photo albums in there.
Email me if you need help

Mema Jo said...

3rd Egg for Belle & Liberty was laid

FEB 12th

Mema Jo said...

Paula I just finished watching your YouTube presentation on the BlackWater's Second Chich Hatching. It was really great. Those little fuzz balls really perked up within such a short time of hatching.
Their 2 little black eyes are so darn cute! Thanks.

MITS said...

They get fluffy so fast:).

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, got to see a cloudy lunar eclipse. Of course, when the clouds disappeared, the eclipse was done. :)

Blackwater updated their web log. Might be some links in there you are familiar with :)

As always, Lisa has done a superb job. I am off to read it myself.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, we too got to see a cloudy lunar eclipse. It was really cool. Mattie had never seen one.

sandyshaw said...

Thanks, Paula, great show. Back home relaxing for a few minutes before getting Mother ready for bed. Tom looks better, but is facing a long treatment (42 days on iv at home) and/or further surgery. Still in a dangerous situation. Jefferson Health Home Care discharged Mother on Thursday, probably will pick up Tom Monday or Tuesday. MTBR.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa BW has an awesome update on her Eagle Web Page. Best of all there is the pic of Belle covered with snow! Kudos to Paula & Glo for having your sites put in her report!
NE also has good coverage and so do the Channel Island Eagles!!!

Lisa - what would we do without you?

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - put your feet up awhile and relax. I am glad you can get help from the Home Health Care Group. Even one or two hours to yourself will help immensely to catch your breath.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, I had to laugh when I saw those chicks like that too. Totally pooped!

paula eagleholic said...

So glad to hear that Tom is improving. Just take things day by day.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Sandra, hang in there. Saw the cloudy eclipse here, we are supposed to have two more this year, I believe. Maybe the next one it won't be so cloudy. Kudos to Paula and Glo for their mentions on the BW weblog! What a hreat update, Lisa really does a great job. It is really strange, but I still can't open the cam page, in fact I can't open any USFWS web page. Weird...

MITS said...

I went back to the 5 o'clock time slot at CO and that diffently was an egg I saw....YEA! MTBR tomorrow:):)!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - Even though you are handicapped as to reaching the cam, I am so glad you came in and joined us.
I don't have anymore suggestions for you, Dana or Sandra... I am certain you have gone to this home page on NCTC Eagle Cam Daily and even tried to access it from there.... Very strange that it is only with you all on the 'other side of the mountain'
(South Mt I mean) Strange thing is that you are on the side where NCTC is and where the nest and cam are.

Mema Jo said...



Will Santa Cruz beat out Maine


Will Kent beat out Santa Cruz

floralgirl said...

Oh, I didn't realize Sandra was blocked from the cam page also. Has to be a problem with their server I guess.I just tried to get on some other gov. pages, I can open everything unless it is a USFWS site. Strange.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder what the little fuzzies are doing under Lord Blackwater?

paula eagleholic said...

I think I read that CO laid an egg at 3:24 today.

MITS said...

Funny how the access to their pages work alot like their cams. Watch me get blocked now...tee-hee::)

Mema Jo said...

Megan Maybe I was dreaming about Sandra not getting the cam up..... I think I was but I know there was a 3rd person...........

floralgirl said...

I think it's Cindy who can't open cam. Hey Mits, if they block you can I take your palce? LOL

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


And she is on your side of the mountain also. lol

MITS said...

Then we have to take down the mountain.

MITS said...

Jo, you have a rambling e-mail coming your way...trying to figure out about next Sat.

MITS said...

Paula..I was thinking about you and your fat-free chocolate pudding and how it is not as good...well, all this week I thought I was eating Breyers' Light double-churned creamy chocolate ice cream, and I thought this is the best Lite stuff I've ever tasted, til I looked at the carton and I was eating the real stuff...back to Lite tonight:(:(

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

You are off to get a snack, aren't you Jo? Paula, Jo and I both looked at CO site and can't find anything about it..I got 2 pics of the egg, so we know it is there.

Mema Jo said...

The one clip was at 3:26pm - showed the egg. But I find it nowhere mentioned on their site.

No I was not going for a snack. We had a light dinner and my snack has long since been eaten. Yummy!
I was getting dressed for bed in case the sand man came soon.......

And did you notice that Jay did not tell us the name of the TUNE - I really don't think he knew what it was............

Mema Jo said...

3 new SHORT video clips of ButaButa over on the Zoo Atlanta Video Page.
mei climbs up for a look
mei naps in a tree
mei and lun hang in the hammock

The hammock one is hilarious
I didn't see it happen. lol

MITS said...

That last one was tooo funny...2 tumbling pandas:):).

paula eagleholic said...

ROFLMAO, Mits. I chucked the pudding.

MITS said...

I can't believe Jay hasn't said anything about it. I was talking to one of the other volunteers the other day, who also watches Buta and she didn't know the tune either. I have written to them twice, but no response...

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

I am very near NCTC and on that side of the mountain. I too can't get in remember.

Mema Jo said...

That "How not to get out of a hammock" clip was really hilarious.
They said ButaButa is now fond of water. They placed a bale of hay for her to be able to climb up to the water cooler for a drink.

Paula, I cannot find a cam for the

Mema Jo said...

Dana, we decided that with you, Cindy and Megan having problems it must be a server for your side of the mountain.....
Did you watch the ButaButa clips I sent to you??? Funny!

MITS said...

Well, guess we can stop blaming the mountain...

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day.
Good Night All My Eagle Buddies
Pleasant dreams and Peaceful sleep
Lots of prayers being said for all of your needs

floralgirl said...

Dana, can you open any website that is a USFWS site? Just curious, cause I am unable to open any thing related to USFWS, not just the cam page.

floralgirl said...

Nite all.

wvgal_dana said...

Let me check Megan brb

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, there isn't a cam, just a website w/ pictures.

Look at the bottom of the page

wvgal_dana said...

No Megan I can NOT. There was one I could located in Stockholm lol but it did open. So I'm allowed outside the US. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Paula tc

Geula said...

Good Morning!

Well, I also had a problem getting on to the cam, but it seems all fixed went on for 2 days! it was not nice AT ALL!

Geula said...

Oh, I also saw the 2 am when I woke up to go the the bathroom. It was awesome to see the moon look like a red ball!

floralgirl said...

Beautiful Sunday morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Hope everyone has a great day. I still cannot open any USFWS site. I want to see the darn NCTC cam!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning.
Sunny here to. One eagle in the nest looks to be Lib.

paula eagleholic said...

BW chicks just had breakfast

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE...Have a good Sunday:)

paula eagleholic said...

Our nest is still quiet, eagle facing 6pm

paula eagleholic said...

Same as above...maybe 5:30ish ? :):)

MITS said...

eagles in the fog at KENT.

paula eagleholic said...

Bw feeding

paula eagleholic said...

Lib looks really tucked in this morning, I've seen him pulling in the grass

paula eagleholic said...

From Jill

For those of you who can't get the camera up, make sure you have
cleared your history, cache and files. Reboot your computer, try
again. If that doesn't work, go back to internet options, internet
connections, view objects. Scroll down to the objects related to NCTC
or NWS, delete them. Again reboot. Hopefully that will take care of
the problem. Occasionally during a reset of the camera there will be a
glitch that will cause the file to be damaged, if your computer was on
the page at the time, you get messed up. Hope that helps.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Sunday Morning
I've read comments, answered emails and surfed the cams. All nests seem to be well attended where needed.
I'll be in and out today - hoping to get a glimpse of the BW babies.
Soon so very Soon it will be time to watch Our chicks! It's getting exciting around the eagle world!

Mema Jo said...

That was the quickest switch I've seen happen. Belle came in and Liberty was out of there within a few seconds!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Been working a little this morning, watching eagles. Now I am heading to the hospital to see Mommy. She might get to come home today but more will be revealed. Blog with you later.

MITS said...

Hello, Jo....Good-Bye, Sharon:)

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Jo. He probably got stuck w/ night duty!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Not gone yet. Has anybody seen any babies at Norfolk? Didn't know if any had hatched yet but haven't been able to see under her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Sharon, I have not seen anything down in that deeeeeeeeeeep egg well at Norfolk. I think they will give us an update - at least I hope so. The only other sign would be a parent beaking fish down in that hole!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon on March 2 their news at Norfolk said:If all goes well, we should expect eggs to start hatching late next week (or early the following week)

Mema Jo said...

I just saw an egg roll by Belle

Mema Jo said...

Trying to take count:
2 nest have chicks: BW,MD CC,FL
6 nest have eggs: WV,wenest,twnest,
4 nest have no eggs: SC, Kent, Me, FL

All 12 accounted for!!!

sandyshaw said...

Good morning eagle land. Cloudy and snow flurries (very light) in Shepherdstown. Changed my picture to catch up with March winds.

Tom is improving, no sign that the infection has spread beyond the knee.He probably will come home tomorrow with his IV. Or maybe not. MTBR Mother has good days and bad days. Shortness of breath seems to be increasing.

Must go do piles of laundry. Those new BW babies are adorable. All eyes and fuzz. So cute. Peregrine in Harrisburg. Two burrowing owls. They don't seem to do much except hang around the burrow. Must read about them.

Mema Jo said...

We now have 2 eggs at the
Two Harbors Nests

movin said...

Good morning in Eagle Land....

Beautiful day, beautiful cam view...missed the egg rolling past Belle...all is well.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandra. That is good news about Tom's infection! I love your SatPost
picture - it is a great day for KITES!

New site on beakspeak for falcon looks pretty good:

movin said...

Did you get a pic of the Two Harbors eggs, Mema Jo??


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim
Glad you came by to see us
Bye Jim
Sorry you couldn't stay longer

Jim's my buddy!

sandyshaw said...

Here's some burrowing owl info from Cornell's Ornithology Lab.

Conservation Status

Populations declining in many areas; listed as endangered or threatened in some states and provinces. Collision with cars is a major source of mortality. Human activities have increased the species' range in Florida.
Other Names

Chevêche des terriers (French)
Lechuza llanera, Chicuate (Spanish)
Cool Facts

* Unlike most owls in which the female is larger than the male, the sexes of the Burrowing Owl are the same size.

* The Burrowing Owl appears to be diurnal because it can often be seen foraging during the day. In fact, it hunts all day and night long and is most active in the morning and evening. It catches more insects during the day and more mammals at night.

* The Burrowing Owl sometimes is placed into its own genus (Speotyto). Genetic similarity and overall appearance unite it with the other members of Athene. These are the Little Owl of Eurasia and northern Africa, the Spotted Owlet of southeastern Asia, and the extremely rare Forest Owlet, known only from a handful of specimens and sightings in India. Although the Little Owl is found in deserts and open areas, it is not nearly as terrestrial as the Burrowing Owl. It usually nests in tree cavities, although it will use a hole in a building or wall, and sometimes nests in rabbit holes.

* The Burrowing Owl collects mammal dung and puts it in and around its burrow. The dung attracts dung beetles, which the owl then captures and eats.

Mema Jo said...

I'll try to send it to you.
It is on their CHIL Eagle Ca discussions 3/4/07 page 7

Mema Jo said...

Sandy, you may also want to look on the WildWatch home page of the Burrowing Owls. There are some video clips that are so enjoyable to watch.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Mail Call

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo...
Have a great Sunday, everyone.

P.S. they must have put a timer on this blog..I went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and now it demands my ID and PW again.

Mema Jo said...

BW Feeding

Mema Jo said...

I must have caught the very last bite at BW.

Mema Jo said...

Eagle alert
Both OUR eagles in nest

Mema Jo said...

I need to leave for a few hours. If anyone sees any action, please leave comments. Thanx!

wvgal_dana said...

Well Megan I don't know if Cindi or Sandy has gotten into view the cam. I "still can not" no fws or nctc pages comes up. I can come in here though weird.

Yes ty all thinking about what Jill wrote tried it all and more. To no avail....

floralgirl said...

No Dana, I still cannot get any USFWS site to open. I had already done a lot of the things suggested last night. Went back through computer again, but still no luck.

wvgal_dana said...

Crazy isn't it Megan

paula eagleholic said...

Just checking in...looks like cam may be stuck...Have been here about 5 minutes, pic is stuck on Belle preening...looks a little whited out...will check back in a few minutes...

paula eagleholic said...

Hooray! Pic is ok, eagle alert and looking to the noon hour, eagle is facing 3pm...

floralgirl said...

Well, I'm glad to hear cam is running fine, I just wish I could see it!

wvgal_dana said...

Got a call from Nilla she went to the nest. Belle is in there turning the eggs. She could hear calling back and forth but didn't see Liberty.

Guard said if they are open on a Saturday, and two of them are there then one can take you into to see the "live cam".

She is also this side of South Mountain and can't get on the cam.
So that makes: me, Megan, cindi, sandy, and nilla that I know of.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Great to hear about the nest visit. I think all of you that can't get on the cam should be sending an
email so the tomorrow morning someone can look into the problem. OR Dana, you're an early bird - have your phone numbers handy!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful new pic of our 3 eggs for the 2007 season on the Eaglet Momsters home page.
Dana & Megan & others on the other side of the mountain Photos are in there from today for you!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here in the valley

wvgal_dana said...

Well we do have to remember that no one shows up at NCTC probably until 9 or so.

wvgal_dana said...

If more than me calls in I think it would make it much better so they don't think it is just my computer. So please those that can't get the cam call NCTC.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I don't know where I am in reference to South Mountain but my cam is working okay.

normabyrd said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES---Checking in see what happened yesterday & today----I saw the egg at CO---I'm going to catch up on my email---LONG DAY yesterday--but levy carried 86%---I want to send thoughts & prayers to SHARON & her MOMMY----And SANDY--my prayers for you, TOM & your MOTHERS---GOD BLESS---

Mema Jo said...

You must be waaaay over the mountain!

I am snapping pics to put on Momsters for those without the cam (and those with the cam can also look)

sandyshaw said...

Hi, everyone. My NCTC reception is ok. I think my name got mixed up with Cindy's name on yesterday's blog. Cindy can't access the NCTC site, but I can.

Discovered today that one of Tom's nurses is engaged to an NCTC employee. She knows all about the eagles and Shepherdstown, so they had a good talk.

sandyshaw said...

Sharon, how is your mother?

wvgal_dana said...

For those that can not get the cam that refreshes please email Steve Chase at

sandyshaw said...

Falcon at Shenandoah Camera 2

Mema Jo said...

Norma Let us know if you

Bring up our Eagle cam. Others are having trouble.

sandyshaw said...

And 4

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - those falcons are so beautiful but I still can't imagine the chicks not falling from those ledges without 24/7 supervision!! lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sandy, my mother is still in the hospital. Her oxygen is still really low. They did a blood gas on her today and her oxygen saturation was 84.9%. I guess the pneumonia is causing that but she doesn't usually have lung problems. The doctor wants her to go to rehab for a week or 2 to get strengthened a little bit. The rehab is also a nursing home which I don't like but it is just 5 minutes from home so we can check on her all the time --- and it is only going to be for 2 weeks at the most.

Mema Jo said...

It is great that you are so close to the Home in order to monitor your Mom's care.The right kind of rehab will do wonders for her breathing.

Tell Mom she'll be running top speed on that treadmill in no time flat!

They do have her hooked up on oxygen- right?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Mema Jo, she is on 3 liters of oxygen.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon, that sounds like it will bring her oxygen up into the 90's.
Prayers are being said for her!

Mema Jo said...

Be back in a little while... I have been luck to catch a head cold - I can't breathe out of my nose! I hate that feeling............... I am going to go and blow........

Mema Jo said...

I am cold this evening...I know it is a blessing that Belle & Liberty don't need to lay in the snow. Hope the NE nest gets some sun tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Where is that Vicky and her fireplace with the warmmmmmmmmmmmmm fire?

sandyshaw said...

It is cold, Jo, and will get colder. We all need the eagle blanket. Sharon, it is wise to keep a close eye on your mother. But it's better to transition to home care. Hope all goes well.

Just Vicky said...

Here I AM, HEre I am,

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...