Thursday, March 15, 2012


Post 2  Second hatch has started thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He does know how to provide, that is for sure.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I just looked in to see Shep eating and Belle leaving. Has he fed the babies yet?

stronghunter said...

He is being watched by a fuzzy eaglet!!

Sandi said...

SHIRLEY, so far, Shep has only fed himself.

stronghunter said...

Oh, look at those little black eyes. So sweet. "Are you gonna give me some, Daddy?"

magpie said...

almost looked baby was eating out of the shell

so neat
heor she survived Shep sitting on him or her

Hi Jo !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, maybe one of us should get up there and teach Shep how to feed the babies.

Have read the blog, viewed Paula video. Loved the itty bitty poop shoot. Thanks Paula!

Diann, have also been giggling. Have this very vivid picture of you, sitting at the laptop in the dark, with your lighted visor hat on. Dedication!

Lolly said...

Jo, have you said? How are you feeling today? You have us all worried about you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Slippery sucker.

wvgal_dana said...

awww haven't read back yet. Been too excited over watching the 2nd chick (:

Lolly said...

I guess Jewels is at the doctors right now with Charlie. Strong prayers everyone...they have to find out what this problem is!!

Lolly said...

Had to laugh too, Sharon. Loved your firing Lynne for not getting a picture this morning.

Okay Shep, what you going to do now?

Sandi said...

AGAIN, doing what he knows - keepin' those babies warm! Fortunately, Belle will make sure they get fed, but Shep has to learn!

Lolly said...

Guess he is going to leave the feeding to mom. How can he eat with those babes looking at him begging for food?

Shep did very well with covering them up right now. Guess he is getting the hang of doing that.

Lolly said...

Just look at all those fish. I just love it!

Time to go pour another mug o' coffee!

Bird Girl said...

Good morning folks! I see Shep is on the nest at the moment...awful lot of icky leftovers there, yuck!

wvgal_dana said...

Fighting over a stick but I think Belle wants to feed the babies.

Jewels said...

Figures I missed them. Drats.... Waiting at drs catching up on the blog. I bet people are wondering what I am smiling and giggling about!!!

Lolly said...

Is that Belle back? Leave for a sec and we have action.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers they find out what is wrong with Jewels husband Charlie. This it just more stress on that poor woman.

Lolly said...

I am a little irked! I have armadillo digging all over the back yard. Never had it this early in the year. It is not big holes but at least 30 or so little holes and little piles of dirt all over between the patio and the pond. Geeeeeeeesh!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, move to WV. We don't have armadillos here.

NatureNut said...

Congrats to all!!! I can't wait to see the Royal Two Chicklets!

Congrats today to Tori---moving along! ♥

Jewels, so sorry about Charlie's illness. Hope our prayers for your family and Lynn will keep everyone strong.♥

Bird Girl said...

Haha! Eagle yawns!

Lolly said...

Yes, Sharon, but I have grandsons in Texas!

FuzzleMT said...


Lolly said...

Uh oh...Jack just brought me sausage and homemade bread sandwiches for breakfast. Where is Norma? I would share with her!! I adopt her and then she abandons me!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, yeah, well, there is that.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula loved your video. I did have to laugh at the 1st borns poop shoot. Great video!!! Thank you for sharing. hugs

Lolly said...

Baby feeding,but Belle is NOT going to let us watch.

Lori O. said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Chicky Morning - this is puny Jo
lol I feel much better and I think that the punies have left me! Great morning - Took a long time reading and
looking at pics AND pausing at the comments made by Lynn! Now that made me
perk up immediately.

Mema Jo said...

I just love our little ones. I sure
hope Shep by watching Belle gets the
hang of feeding them. Where's Red?

Mema Jo said...

Have a great weekend Paula
I am sure Nick is getting excited as
her probably knows your routine of
getting ready.

I use to always laugh at Dex's reactions
Glo had to pack her suitcases in the
basement so not to upset Dex.

Lolly said...

Yea, Jo!! So glad the punies have done got up and gone!!! LOL

I am heading out. Going to get the do done!

Later Gators!

T-Bird said...

I don't know how I could do this with all our excitement but I really overslept this morning. Good morning my peeps.

hedgie said...

Jo, so glad you are better!!! Praise God!

Charlie is back in the ER. Fever of 102.5. Surgeon says ulcer was NOT caused by h.pylori. GB needs out as soon as he can stand surgery. ER failed to notice or notify him last week of a UTI, too. Last two days----hallucinating and sleepwalking/working. This AM, couldn't hold a glass or anything.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers already been said for Charlie and Carolyn.

Good to see you on Lynn. Hope you are feeling somewhat well. ♥

Bird Girl said...

One of the chicks is peeking out from under Belle!

Linda said...

You got it, LYNN!!

I hope they admit Charlie and get him well enough for surgery. This has been going on WAY too long!

Oh.....Belle is giving us a peek!

I think she wants to know what is going on in there!!

Linda said...

Did anyone just see that poop shoot??

I think it was baby bobblehead #2!

Mema Jo said...

Jenny was here earlier and told me that
there were 2 bluebirds on the roof of
our house... Lucky me - now I need to look for them....

glo said...

HaHa MeMa Jo Dex doesn't make me pack my suitcase in the basement anymore. He makes me pack him now if I will be gone more than and hour or so. It's pretty much Dex and I or not at all. Hi Lynn Good to see you on here.

Come on Shep you can catch those bobble heads now and feed fish. Well soon anyway. He does need to stick around long enough to watch how its done BUT I am thrilled he is a GOOD FISHERMAN.

Linda said... this Shep on the nest right now??

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Charlie and that this surgery will work wonders for him.
Prayers for Carolyn and for Lynn

Bird Girl said...

I wonder why Belle isn't feeding the chicks?

Linda said...

Feeding the eaglets....

Bird Girl said...

Oh, there she goes...*whew*

Such cute little fuzzy bobbleheads!

Mema Jo said...

Linda It is Belle

The egg cup is soooooooooo deep that to
feed from the back of the nest is awkward - adult could take a beak dive

Bird Girl said...

Chick #2 better start making more noise and moving around if it expects to get much food!

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Charlie is being admitted this time. Possibly septic.

Bird Girl said...

Mom is coming over soon, I'd better get going.

Positive thoughts to all those who need them right now!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glad they are keeping him. It is about time.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN and JEWEL so sorry to hear about Charlie just got back from park now nap time she says 5 more min

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn, I hope you are feeling a whole lot well! :)

grannyblt said...

Oh Hedgie, sorry to hear of Charlie's troubles. My son had MUCHO trouble with his GB last year. He was much better once they finally were able to remove it. Prayer up for Charlie right now.

Linda said...

Thank you, Jo ♥ I thought someone said it was Shep. Hope you are feeling better today.

LYNN - Sorry to her Charlie is septic. That is NOT good, but I surely hope they get to the bottom of all of this and get him healed once and for all.

CAROLYN - Praying for you, too!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I'm so sorry your family is going through so much illness right now...when one feels bad...all feels bad:(
Glad Charlie was admitted. Most likely won't let him go til they find his true problem~
Prayers for you all♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good to see you Wanda. Where have you been?

hedgie said...

Charlie is on his way for a head CT.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is the devil's post . . . 666.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Robyn said...

Hello Jo and Lynn

Glad they found what is wrong with Charlie, that darn GB an be a pain and a half. Once mine was removed everything felt better again.

With Tori now and watching nest , nice seeing her dressed and out of hospital gowns with open backs lol, she feels more then half human now.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Robyn and Tori. Glad Tori gets to wear regular clothes and no more hospial gowns. Prayers continue Tori for the rehab. I know you can do it!!! (:♥♥

Linda said...

A head CT?? What for??

wvgal_dana said...

Since they didn't tell him about the UTI. I sure hope they tell him what the CT Scan shows.

wvgal_dana said...

awwww bobbleheads are so cute

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon everyone.

PRAYERS for CHARLIE and CAROLYN.May there be healing soon.

Thank you LYNN. HUGS♥

Very excited about the hatch and do little chicklets chirp???I am sure I heard them last night.
So cute so very very cute...

Safe Travels PAULA and NICK

PAULA'S Dog Rescue place has the vote on till the 18th of March.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Belle just caught a fly. :)

Hello Hoda and yes, eaglets chirp.

mariadangeloart said...

What time did the second eaglet hatch? Does anyone know?

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Prayers for Charlie.

Hope he is much better very soon.

stronghunter said...

I remember watching Belle snapping at flies a couple of years ago and wondering what in heck she was doing. It was something to watch.

Hoda said...

Now what, Belle got up vocalized and looked towards noon and took off!!! Chicklets untended

Robyn said...

Ah ha, the pecking order ...

Hoda said...

Thank you SHARON!!!
I wished someone would come and tend those litlle babies.

Linda said...

Shep Flies in at 4

Linda said...

Maybe he will take a try at feeding......

Linda said...

Oh, great, he is eating for himself!!

Hoda said...

Shep is in at four, I heard his wings flap!
Something is going on he is watchful also... Comeon SHEP don't eat go cover the babies or even better feed them...

Hoda said...

Maria Dangelo the 2nd egg hatched between midnight and one thirty in the morning. Hard to get a precise time. It is when all the action was going on in the nest.

Linda said...

Bobbleone has lots of energy. Shep had a time settling down on that one!!

No feeding :o(

Hoda said...

Oh my, SHep goes to the cup area and almost steps on the older of the two chicks and settles in on them, he is not comfortable...Does a bit of a wiggle and looks around.

Linda said...

I saw that Hoda......and he is still wiggling and trying to settle in.

I wish that egg cup were deeper, too.

Linda said...

Lost the cam.....

Linda said...

Took me a few attempts to get it back...

Hoda said...

Same here LINDA I lost the cam too. Shep now facing nine.

Mema Jo said...

I wish Shep would stop playing with those sticks - I hope he doesn't punch
a bobblehead with one........

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I guess they had to let the housekeeper go huh LOL

JudyEddy said...

Shep is off the eaglets and did you know that Hancock is calling the Big and Lil

JudyEddy said...

He is eating on the rail now nestovers at 11

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are certainly wanting him to feed them but . . .

Mema Jo said...

Shep's actions is something for the
Eagle books.......

Come on Shep - babies are hungry!!

Mema Jo said...

At least he can keep them warm

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

.♥♥happy dance ♥♥

....。☆。*。☆ .....。☆。*。☆。


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nope JudyE, Jo got 700 and you got 701.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Susan spoted 2 Osprey at BWO
I was watching and wasn't sure until the
far one looked up and it sure is a
pair of Osprey... I hope the osprey's
season goes well for Lisa after losing the eaglets.

mariadangeloart said...

Thank you so much Hoda for the info! :)

paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

need to do this to catch up
I know there is a new thread ☺ a long time ago

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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...