Okay, checking back in, alive and well. We left here with me blindfolded and I did not peek. After much turning around and changing directions, I had to trust Sissy to lead me from the car to who knew where. She leads me down the hallway and I hear a huge surprise. There were about 30 people there. THE BIGGEST SURPRISE? Andrew, Kelsey and Alice were there. It was an absolute perfect day! God is good all the time!
Judie, Andy is coming to Texas to visit her daughter and family for a couple of weeks. She will be a little over an hour from me. We plan to meet in Denton.
Fixed myself a pasta dish and enjoyed it with a salad and a strawberry daiquiri. Left the salad out, just in case I wanted more. Mistake. Counter-surfing Luna managed to knock it right into her dish and all over the floor. Did you know that basset hounds like salad? They cleaned up the mess handily.
GREAT SHARON!!! Wettest winter ever LOLLY reoprts...sounds good LOLLY and do keep us posted as to lake levels as it looked pretty awfull last summer...I hope you have a wet spring too...
They still say we are going to have a dry spring. Time will tell, however right now we are soggy wet! Our back yard is a mess and it take forever to dry out. BUT...just saying, not complaining!!!
Headed off to yoga....BBL I wonder if there will be another changing of the guard this evening. Belle has been on for a long time to take night shift already...I will look forward to your posts.
I am so hungry - been sitting here working on all your recipes.
Anyone want to send a quick note about their favorite restaurant/fast food place & the "must have" food from there? Like those OATMEAL CREME PIES"!
HODA - Would love to have some of your salad doings, or salmon or squash recipes. I should have copied them from the blog when you mentioned them, everyone sounded so interested/impressed by them. They always sounded so delicious.
Lynne did you work too hard today ? Glad there is some daylight left and this time tomorrow, a whole hour more of daylight
Remember to turn those clocks ahead, if it matters what time it is to everyone.... those who have to "clock in", will be one hour late if they forget !
Had not yet read the MD bird list today, but WHOA!!!!!! My friend/coworker/fellow bird geek Sharon sent me the new that a BALD EAGLE NEST WITH AN ADULT IN IT is up at Piney Run State Park, about 10 miles up the road in Carroll Co.!!!! Going to have to ride up there...easily seen from one of the hiking trails!
Hellooo - we're back from Blackwater! Man, was it cold and windy there this morning (C/A, it would have felt like a heat wave to you, but to a "cold weather wimp" like me, it was COLD)! It DID warm up some this afternoon but stayed windy.
It was a great day!!! Yes, LYNNE2, the first thing we did this AM was to listen to a 45 minute presentation from Bob Quinn on wildlife photography. Afterward, I got a chance to chat with him briefly. I told Bob a request had been made to give him a great big, "Hello, how are ya!" from the Shepherdstown Momsters and Dadsters! Bob said he was surprised that everyone wasn't angry with him b/c he hasn't posted on the blog for so long! He also said that this was just about the nicest group of folks he has ever met (to which I agreed wholeheartedly)! Then he told me about the first time he came to the NCTC Open House, when he couldn't remember the name of the restaurant where everyone was meeting for dinner and he completely missed the dinner! What a nice guy and what an incredible photographer!! Too bad his book was $45 - more than I wanted to spend!
There were a number of wildlife rehab places there with raptors - got to see a Eurasian Eagle Owl, a barred owl, a turkey vulture, and a Harris hawk (native of the southwest so maybe Lolly has seen them) up close and personal - close enough to touch. That eagle owl was HUGE!!!
We did our own driving after that rather than wait in line for a bus tour. With our car, we could stop wherever and whenever we wanted for pics. Saw a total of 6 eagles! =) One was sitting in a tree about 30 feet in the air like he was just posing for photographs! Another was sitting on a dead tree. And then we saw 2 active eagle nests, each with a pair of eagles soaring above the nest! With the bright sun, the white on their heads and tail feathers looked like it was glowing - just beautiful!!
By this afternoon, when the wind died down some, the red wing blackbirds came out with all their pretty calls and songs.
Also saw several great blue herons, lots of snow geese and Canadian geese, several different kinds of ducks (one kind that Denny photographed but someone here will have to tell me the type), and several frogs and turtles that we spotted during a marsh walk (some sections were more like a bog walk - good thing we had waterproof boots on).
All in all, a wonderful day! No eagle action on the osprey cam platform either of the 2 times we circled past it - we plan to go back again in early May.
Caught up with the blog from my cell while Denny drove home. Sounds like a boring day at the nest, which is great news.
SHARON, happy that you got to extend your birthday celebration - what a fun surprise!!
SHIRLEY, your basset hound eats salad? Hilarious!
JUDIE, I feel your pain with the paper grading! No matter how long an IEP takes me to write, I try to remind myself that I no longer have to grade papers, which took MUCH longer!!
OK, need to feed the dogs and then start looking at Denny's photos. Will let everyone know when they're posted!
oh Sandi how wonderful a day you two had! So glad you got to meet Bob!
I wonder if the rescue was the same one that was at Open House last year...they also had a Eurasian Eagle Owl who flew from one end of the crowd to the other. And a Harris Hawk who caught bait in the air!
Frogs and turtles, too! Do you know what kind of turtles they were?
Sandi, I was reading your report of the day when Shep flew in. I am so jealous. Sounds like a fantatic day. So happy for you!!! Glad you go to speak to Bob. I have one of his pics hanging on the wall.
Jack apparently does not love me enough. Had a fire last night, but to have a fire tonight, he would have to do out in the rain, behind the shop to get more wood. Sigh..... LOL He did turn up the heat!
LYNN, no idea about the kind of turtles but Denny did get a pic of one on a fallen log, not sure what you'll be able to tell from the pic since I haven't seen it yet. The owls were from the Carrie Murray Nature Center in Balto. Don't recall where the hawk and TV were from.
It did not work, Lynne! He is sitting there, feet up, cat on lap, reading. I told him what you said, batted my eyelashes and he smirked! LOL Been married way too long!
Susan, there have been a LOT of Hawks lately. I think some are migrating back north, and the locals are looking for territory to claim. So many seen that several non birders have even noticed!
Oops, I meant LYNNE, not LYNN! Will def. let you know when we go in May - it would be great to meet you and Steve there!! OK, I'm off to look at photos of the day - so excited! BBL!
Sandi, sounds like a great day, even with the wind...soo glad you got to meet Bob!
I too, saw a hawk this morning, probably a red tail...he came really close to my car...he was trying to get something out of the median...saw him swoop back down in my rear view mirror.
SHARON what a great surprise that was and so glad you are so happy
SANDI sounds like you had a great time at BW
Boy did I do a flub I worked till 7 not 6 was busy marking down candy they are doing a new mod and lots of old to markdown don't know why I must of just got mixed up OH well its not going to hurt won't be OT because they have me only working 12-7 on Wed Our store won't be open till 12 on WED they are closing at 10 Tues night Progress Energy is replacing a transformer and we will be without power for awhile We have back up generators to run the cooler and freezer so they want to conserve power I guess EPA is involved its been leaking and must be replaced It involves a big area our store and some houses and apt complexes around
Wow this blog is about to blow lOL I watched your pic as a slide show such pretty pictures and scenery also I wish I lived closer to see it but will have to do with Fl nature which we have alot of also
I just got to use my squirt gun for the third time now I think they suspect me LOL I hide it under my arm when I do it and don't make a peak so far seems to be working I did one time the other day at them on the counter and so far no counter jumping and one time at scratching the couch and haven't see them do it since now just now at the bamboo hutch I sit at so we will see if this cures them the run so fast odd that it scares them so and this is Jet mostly Benny only once I don't even look at them when I do it LOL
I am uninstalling my Abode and going to reinstall it to see if I can get the link that Susan sent to open I google it and they suggest to do that I have tow Abode 8 and ll
I think the trees with few branches and no leaves, are called "Stags." I won one of Bob's Photograhs of an Eagle on a Stag, at my first Open House one year, in 2008 It's wonderful !
Yep it worked I uninstalled both the reader and flash player reinstalled and now I can read the article SUSAN YEAH I have had issues with it before being a PIA like the RL biscuit recipe took forever to up load and now it comes up right away I uninstalled this also but didn't reinstall it ADOBE SVG VIEWER 6.0 I guess I don't need it being I have the cam up and can open the links I had that installed in 2008 not for sure why Anyone know about it??? ok now that I have been successful I will go get my shower and will try to go to bed earlier YUK I dislike the time change I just wish they would stop doing it It was only made like that for the farmers years and years ago Who need it now NOT ME LOL BBL
I'm not crazy about the time change either....I like it to be light and bright when I get up in the AM. I have no idea what the heck they were thinking when they decided to do it in March instead of in April as they did years ago. Of course, I'm in the minority!
Went and got a few thing for Mom from the store today. Took it to her. made her a Chicken Potpie and she ate the whole thing, minus the peas and carrots LOL! Took her trash out for her, hoping the wind doesn't blow the trash can over and pop the lid off! Mom was very tired. I think the chemo this time takes or should I say Robs her of her energy!! The Dr said its unlikely for that side effect, but I think it is her side effect. 5 days no energy, feel good the 6th day and then chemo day, and it starts over. Ugh!
Jumping from coast to coast ☺ to get on here! LOL Good Evening Eagle Buds. Thank you so MUCH for all the Happy B'Day wishes! You guys are great!
Saw about Shirley's salad loss to the bassets! Lolly,was on phone w/daughter and they got lots of rain in the past day or so and now it's Cold! She made sure I noticed the supposedly cat proof flower container she sent to me. It's a heavy square glass cube w/different colored roses. The vase should not be able to get knocked over. True, but little Scooter wants to nibble the leaves!!!It and a plant from Fubby are on top of the fridge! At Park, it was so cool and windy, didn't see any ospreys flying around. But the vultures were back! This time 7!!We don't really think there's any tidbits on the river bank, but they may just be roosting there. Once they were all up in the air floating & I'm almost sure a juvie eagle was with them! After work, checked the osprey platform that will be online, and TWO were there! Gotta read back
Thanks JEWELS. HUGS to you and to your MOM, our LYNN. I trust her when she identifies the side effect it is her side effect, her word over the doctor's...I am very happy she ate and I trust she is keeping it down Please God!!!Prayers♥
Jewels, thx for info on your Mom. So sad she has to feel like that. I was wondering if it was the chemo, as she had been gaining weight and more perky before that started. Tell her BIG (((HUGS)))!♥
Jewels, thanks for the update on Lynn. I would think IV chemo would take more of a toll on the body than chemo pills. How many treatments will she have?
CHRISTINE great news your MOM ate the pot pies even if she picked out the veggies she didn't like Dr don't know what they are talking about I think I know of several people that have had chemo and have ill effects also for days HOW long will she have this set of treatments?????
HODA glad you had a great yoga workout
so glad today was a quite day at the nest
I showed my video at work to a few peeps today on my camera They go OH JUDY aren't you afraid to get that close I burst out laughing then told them it was on the puter not in person I guess they though I climbed the tree LOL
Sheeesh! I hardly get through dinner and clean up the kitchen lately before the sandperson arrives. It is not easy being a dwarf and trying to fight off the sandperson.
Shirley, glad the salad mess was taken care of for you and that you had an enjoyable day.
Hi Lowreeda.
Hoda, when do you start dragon boating again?
Carolyn, thank you again for the update on Lynn. At least she ate something nourishing even if she did pick out the veggies. Hugs to you and hope you can get a little relief time for your own health and well being.
The sandperson has managed to regain consciousness and is making a hasty path toward me. I must be quick. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all including Belle an Shep.
Well I am going to bow out for the evening and watch the new while I wait for the pills to kick in we are heading for 1000 wow this blog will blow LOL
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Well two phone calls with my girls & now I have returned... Guess we will hit 1000 soon. Really 11:22 here in MD if you already turned your clock ahead.
Thankful I attended Mass this evening. I won't be caught late doing anything tomorrow.
Hey guys listening to this video a beep of sort I wonder if it is the camera are they getting it ready for the zoom deewerms posted it What is the beep
Well JudyE, those certainly sound like computer noises. However, I don't recall the zoom having a noise. Maybe someone was at NCTC that late working on the system, I don't really know. Wouldn't seem so at 5:30 on a Saturday.
Mom would never get the ensure passed her lips.. She is getting nutrition and she has gained a few lbs back, its just the way the chemo makes her feel. Its like running a marathon and then trying to get up and run another one within a half hour... your just too tired.
Thanks Lori, I guess it's time to change it though. My week of Dr. Seuss fun is over :(
No fluffy robe to be had. Maybe I should go crawl back in bed, but if I did I wouldn't get up and we have to go to Mass!
I thought I changed my setting so I get the comments in my email but I don't, what am I doing wrong? Do you get all comments in your mailbox. I only get the ones from my other blogs coming to my inbox not this one??
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1047 Newer› Newest»Shep, facing 5, doing a face plant, lol
Very still at the nest as well. Welcome change after all the wind!
Think I am ready to head home....catch ya later!
Okay, checking back in, alive and well. We left here with me blindfolded and I did not peek. After much turning around and changing directions, I had to trust Sissy to lead me from the car to who knew where. She leads me down the hallway and I hear a huge surprise. There were about 30 people there. THE BIGGEST SURPRISE? Andrew, Kelsey and Alice were there. It was an absolute perfect day! God is good all the time!
Shep flies off eggs untended
In comes Belle
Camera shakes and Belle looks up.
Judie, Andy is coming to Texas to visit her daughter and family for a couple of weeks. She will be a little over an hour from me. We plan to meet in Denton.
Belle contiues to look up...she chirped!
Sharon, what fun! Sounds like a fantastic time!!! Fantastic family you have there!♥
Belle is chirping.
I do hope Belle is talking to Shep.
Thank you, Lolly. What a great opportunity for the two of you to meet. Two hugs coming your way -- one for you and one for Andy, please and thank you.
Sharon, what fun for you. So pleased you had a such a nice surprise.
Nest quiet. Looks to be Belle on duty.
Fixed myself a pasta dish and enjoyed it with a salad and a strawberry daiquiri. Left the salad out, just in case I wanted more. Mistake. Counter-surfing Luna managed to knock it right into her dish and all over the floor. Did you know that basset hounds like salad? They cleaned up the mess handily.
Excited about the Andy-Lolly meeting.
It is that time of day when Belle looks so good with the sun shining on her head.
Raining here...wettest winter in years. Can you believe it?!! Once again can hardly wait for the lake reports.
That must have been a very good salad. ;-)
Yes, Belle looks beautiful.
Oh Sharon, what a fun surprise
Lolly, because of all the rain you did NOT get last year.
Wettest winter ever LOLLY reoprts...sounds good LOLLY and do keep us posted as to lake levels as it looked pretty awfull last summer...I hope you have a wet spring too...
Ha Ha Shirley, too funny! Glad they cleaned it up ☺
Heading outside to throw the ball and toy for Nick.
They still say we are going to have a dry spring. Time will tell, however right now we are soggy wet! Our back yard is a mess and it take forever to dry out. BUT...just saying, not complaining!!!
afternoon all!
Wow Sharon, what a fantastic surprise for you!
Sandi is getting to meet Bob Q? COOL!
And Lolly and Andy will meet? WOO HOO!!
Belle is on the egg roll and digging. Settling bavk down with a wiggle.
Headed off to yoga....BBL
I wonder if there will be another changing of the guard this evening. Belle has been on for a long time to take night shift already...I will look forward to your posts.
I am so hungry - been sitting here working on all your recipes.
Anyone want to send a quick note about their favorite restaurant/fast food place & the "must have" food from there? Like those OATMEAL CREME PIES"!
HODA - Would love to have some of your salad doings, or salmon or squash recipes. I should have copied them from the blog when you mentioned them, everyone sounded so interested/impressed by them. They always sounded so delicious.
Hope you all have a good supper/dinner tonight!
Sounds like Shep is in the attic moving.
Belle looks regal in the nest.
mmmmmm Having salmon tonight.
Thanks for putting the recipes together CA!
Good Evening Eagle Pals
Thinking of Lynn ♥
It's been How Many Days since we did not Have Wind at the Nest?
Maybe tonight we will hear the Spring Peepers loud and clear from NCTC
Fantabulous Surprise, Sharon!
Happy Birthday all over again...
and right about now Loretta should be enjoying Lobster at Outback with fubby......
Happy Birthday Once Again, Loretta !! xoxo ☺ ♥
I thought Shep was about to visit also....
maybe, soon...quiet now though
Enjoy your Silence and Solitude, Shirley...glad the pups cleaned up the salad, but no salad snack for you later !
did you work too hard today ?
Glad there is some daylight left and this time tomorrow, a whole hour more of daylight
Remember to turn those clocks ahead, if it matters what time it is to everyone....
those who have to "clock in", will be one hour late if they forget !
Hear a starling...I think...at the nest
Shep is moving around.
Margy, you are so GOOD at identifying the sounds at the nest.
My new Tundra Swan!
Yep, we both did Margy. My back is really REALLY sore.
Put ice on your back, Lynne!
Thanks Susan....sometimes I am stumped though...
Nice avatar Lynne, and tsk tsk tsk...hope you get one full day off Sunday !
So, Behave !!!
You know, I have heard Tundras flying over at the Nest cam in earlier times....hard to catch them but I listen all the time....
We had our Salmon last night. LOL Oh, I have a gooooood butternut squash recipe!
Had not yet read the MD bird list today, but WHOA!!!!!! My friend/coworker/fellow bird geek Sharon sent me the new that a BALD EAGLE NEST WITH AN ADULT IN IT is up at Piney Run State Park, about 10 miles up the road in Carroll Co.!!!! Going to have to ride up there...easily seen from one of the hiking trails!
Hey there split personality, Margy!!!
Really fun to see you Sunny Smile Avatar back, L☼lly ☺
Well, get yourself up there, Lynne! We want pictures!!!!
your not you...here goes the typos contest again !
Bet that recipe book CarolAnne is working will be fantastic....maybe it will be a smellorama recipe book, or scratch and sniff
Thank you, Scarlet!☺
I'm trying to think if I have a
"Lost one Hour of Sleep Avatar" for Sunday, Lolly
Oh, I bet you can come up with something, Scarlet!
Hellooo - we're back from Blackwater! Man, was it cold and windy there this morning (C/A, it would have felt like a heat wave to you, but to a "cold weather wimp" like me, it was COLD)! It DID warm up some this afternoon but stayed windy.
It was a great day!!! Yes, LYNNE2, the first thing we did this AM was to listen to a 45 minute presentation from Bob Quinn on wildlife photography. Afterward, I got a chance to chat with him briefly. I told Bob a request had been made to give him a great big, "Hello, how are ya!" from the Shepherdstown Momsters and Dadsters! Bob said he was surprised that everyone wasn't angry with him b/c he hasn't posted on the blog for so long! He also said that this was just about the nicest group of folks he has ever met (to which I agreed wholeheartedly)! Then he told me about the first time he came to the NCTC Open House, when he couldn't remember the name of the restaurant where everyone was meeting for dinner and he completely missed the dinner! What a nice guy and what an incredible photographer!! Too bad his book was $45 - more than I wanted to spend!
There were a number of wildlife rehab places there with raptors - got to see a Eurasian Eagle Owl, a barred owl, a turkey vulture, and a Harris hawk (native of the southwest so maybe Lolly has seen them) up close and personal - close enough to touch. That eagle owl was HUGE!!!
We did our own driving after that rather than wait in line for a bus tour. With our car, we could stop wherever and whenever we wanted for pics. Saw a total of 6 eagles! =) One was sitting in a tree about 30 feet in the air like he was just posing for photographs! Another was sitting on a dead tree. And then we saw 2 active eagle nests, each with a pair of eagles soaring above the nest! With the bright sun, the white on their heads and tail feathers looked like it was glowing - just beautiful!!
By this afternoon, when the wind died down some, the red wing blackbirds came out with all their pretty calls and songs.
Also saw several great blue herons, lots of snow geese and Canadian geese, several different kinds of ducks (one kind that Denny photographed but someone here will have to tell me the type), and several frogs and turtles that we spotted during a marsh walk (some sections were more like a bog walk - good thing we had waterproof boots on).
All in all, a wonderful day! No eagle action on the osprey cam platform either of the 2 times we circled past it - we plan to go back again in early May.
Caught up with the blog from my cell while Denny drove home. Sounds like a boring day at the nest, which is great news.
SHARON, happy that you got to extend your birthday celebration - what a fun surprise!!
SHIRLEY, your basset hound eats salad? Hilarious!
JUDIE, I feel your pain with the paper grading! No matter how long an IEP takes me to write, I try to remind myself that I no longer have to grade papers, which took MUCH longer!!
OK, need to feed the dogs and then start looking at Denny's photos. Will let everyone know when they're posted!
Here come the geese.
Sandi, what a fabulous day!!!
Fantastic Report Sandi!
Especially the part about Bob Quinn, and all the wildlife, and everything !
Bravo !! So glad for you and Denny and Thanks for Delivering those Hellos to Bob ! He is so cool !
Shep has arrived.
Shep has arrived.
And here comes Shep!
It was almost like Belle and Shep Kissed when he arrived !!!
Poof Shep!
Belle is not moving. Both on the nest. Shep POOF.
Maybe he was just telling Belle he would be upstairs for the rest of the night.
Egg roll!
oh Sandi how wonderful a day you two had! So glad you got to meet Bob!
I wonder if the rescue was the same one that was at Open House last year...they also had a Eurasian Eagle Owl who flew from one end of the crowd to the other. And a Harris Hawk who caught bait in the air!
Frogs and turtles, too! Do you know what kind of turtles they were?
Can't wait to see the pictures!
Belle is up and rolling, a little digging. Settling back on the eggs.
Sandi, I was reading your report of the day when Shep flew in. I am so jealous. Sounds like a fantatic day. So happy for you!!! Glad you go to speak to Bob. I have one of his pics hanging on the wall.
Oh, we saw SIX Red Tails today along the highway! One swooped right into the median and back up again...all we saw were in flight!
Jack apparently does not love me enough. Had a fire last night, but to have a fire tonight, he would have to do out in the rain, behind the shop to get more wood. Sigh..... LOL He did turn up the heat!
GO out in the rain!!
OMG....let me know Sandi, if you do go back in May. Maybe with a bit of luck, Steve and I can head down there!
Eggcitement sure is building for our Royal Pair, and the Royal Eggs....
How exciting, Lynne2, to see so many at once.
well. One NEEDS a fire on a rainy night Lolly. Maybe bat your eyelashes at him??
Was that an eagle owl, Lynne, that flew between two lines of people? Did not remember that!
That's the turth Margy! I was hoping for a hatch tomorrow, although a tad bit soon, for Stubby's B'day!
Going to eat....BBL.
Yes Lolly, I may have pics on my blog if you go back and look. I know SOMEONE does...
LYNN, no idea about the kind of turtles but Denny did get a pic of one on a fallen log, not sure what you'll be able to tell from the pic since I haven't seen it yet. The owls were from the Carrie Murray Nature Center in Balto. Don't recall where the hawk and TV were from.
It did not work, Lynne! He is sitting there, feet up, cat on lap, reading. I told him what you said, batted my eyelashes and he smirked! LOL Been married way too long!
Susan, there have been a LOT of Hawks lately. I think some are migrating back north, and the locals are looking for territory to claim. So many seen that several non birders have even noticed!
OK...BBL, again!
Oops, I meant LYNNE, not LYNN! Will def. let you know when we go in May - it would be great to meet you and Steve there!! OK, I'm off to look at photos of the day - so excited! BBL!
Well. I would get you some wood Lolly. But I bet Jack will, eventually!
Carrie Murray Nature Center....MUST go there. Keep forgetting about that place. I've never been there.
Another place I'd like to go this spring is Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore.
Belle looks like she is already asleep. Whoops, she just lifted her head.
Belle is calling.
Belle chirped and is watching something.
Quiet now
Sandi, sounds like a great day, even with the wind...soo glad you got to meet Bob!
I too, saw a hawk this morning, probably a red tail...he came really close to my car...he was trying to get something out of the median...saw him swoop back down in my rear view mirror.
Belle is tucked
Aww Belle is tucked already
I knew she was sleepy! She has been sleeping with head down and now she is tucked! Sweet dreams, Belle!
We're a long way from the Moon rising...
things will be dark for awhile...
but Jupiter and Venus sure are getting cozy in the West, and Orange Mars in the East..
ttfn..xoxo I'll hold down on the posts on this Looooooong Thread now for awhile.....
Thinking of Lynn♥
LOL! Belle is getting a head start on sleep so she doesn't loose an hour tonight!
OR....maybe those babies are stirring and she knows she's going to need to rest well now in preparation of chick care!
Made it home safe and sound.
WOW it's really hard to see the nest tonight, or is it just me? My eyes are very tired. I'm ready for bed.
glad you're home Dana, and it's not you....moonrise is late tonight so it IS very dark right now.
Welcome Home DanaMo,
the nest is dark, no Moonshine yet, maybe not for another 90 minutes or so....
So go get your PJ's on and deliver hugs around to Labs and Family
Belle is still facing 9:30.
LYNNE, hope today was better for you and Charlie. HUGS to all!!
Glad you are back at home, DanaMo. Always so good.
SHARON what a great surprise that was and so glad you are so happy
SANDI sounds like you had a great time at BW
Boy did I do a flub I worked till 7 not 6 was busy marking down candy they are doing a new mod and lots of old to markdown don't know why I must of just got mixed up OH well its not going to hurt won't be OT because they have me only working 12-7 on Wed Our store won't be open till 12 on WED they are closing at 10 Tues night Progress Energy is replacing a transformer and we will be without power for awhile We have back up generators to run the cooler and freezer so they want to conserve power I guess EPA is involved its been leaking and must be replaced It involves a big area our store and some houses and apt complexes around
Annemarie is not home yet, she went to a baby shower for my cousin today in Philly with my mom and dad. She was about an hour behind me.
Hugs around to all the dogs. LOL! Guess I should give the hubby a kiss! He apparently has been in the kitchen baking all day!
Still no heat, lots of people complaining about how cold the house was this morning. Glad to hear the temperatures are suppose to be going up.
Sounds like a great day for Sandi and Dennis. Can't wait to see the pictures. Yes Bob Quinn is a wonderful man and a great photographer.
Margy, love the Scarlett Tanager!
LOL JudyE, you are supposed to set the clocks ahead one hour, not WORK another hour!
Yes set clocks ahead.
DanaMo welcome home (:
DanaMo, good thing hubby was baking.... warmed up the house, I'll bet.
I think thats a good excuse if I get questioned why I worked over LOL
DANAMO do you have additional heater to use to warm up rooms like a space heater??????
I think I will go set up my clocks Coffee pot and the alarm clock now and the truck clock the puter and the cable box will do it on its own BBIALW
I've just returned from Mass & many
prayers. Reading back now!
Sharon - that was too much! What a super surprise!
Sandi - you and Denny had a beautiful day with all your sightings.
Thanks for saying Hello to Bob.
Happy you are Home and Smarter, DanaMO
wow that didn't take long done
gonna go check out to see what is on the boob tube otherwise will watch the news i DVRD
looking at your pictures Sandi, I'm at the ducks...they are American Coots.
Now I see the Great Blue Heron and the Snow Goose!
Awesome pictures Sandi! WOW!
The turtle, I believe, is a Painted Turtle.
Beautiful eagle shots!
LOVE them ALL! Thanks for posting them!
OK, DMO and LYNNE2 have already peeked but the link to today's photos is now on my blog.
Belle is on the egg roll and digging.
Back on the eggs at 4:30.
Wow this blog is about to blow lOL I watched your pic as a slide show such pretty pictures and scenery also I wish I lived closer to see it but will have to do with Fl nature which we have alot of also
I just got to use my squirt gun for the third time now I think they suspect me LOL I hide it under my arm when I do it and don't make a peak so far seems to be working I did one time the other day at them on the counter and so far no counter jumping and one time at scratching the couch and haven't see them do it since now just now at the bamboo hutch I sit at so we will see if this cures them the run so fast odd that it scares them so and this is Jet mostly Benny only once I don't even look at them when I do it LOL
should have been causes the to run silly me ok gonna go see the TV for a bit
Need to get a hot hot hot shower. I plan on doing some work around HERE tomorrow and need to soothe my aching body!
Sandi I just view you pictures and they
are really great. I think you captured most of the birds that are down at
I need to make a family phone call
I am uninstalling my Abode and going to reinstall it to see if I can get the link that Susan sent to open I google it and they suggest to do that I have tow Abode 8 and ll
Great pics, Sandi! Let Denny know how much we appreciate them!
Adobe update should do the trick. Very interesting paper.
I enjoyed the pictures, I like them all, but my favorite is the Sandi Bird on the Old Log....
I think the trees with few branches and no leaves, are called "Stags."
I won one of Bob's Photograhs of an Eagle on a Stag, at my first Open House one year, in 2008
It's wonderful !
I set my clocks ahead awhile back but I still don't see the MOON
Headed to bed....
Thinking of Lynn♥
And one last round of Happy Scarlet Tanager Birthday Wishes for Loretta xo ♥
Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us...
Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
(( All-Night Hugs )) xoxo ♥
I think that's a Snag, Margy!
There's an eagle at Lake Washington, it's getting dark there, but I think the Eagle is Eating...
Oh duh, Yes, Paula...Thanks !!!
SNAG it is...
I can't pretend I made a typo can I ?? LOL
Yep it worked I uninstalled both the reader and flash player reinstalled and now I can read the article SUSAN YEAH I have had issues with it before being a PIA like the RL biscuit recipe took forever to up load and now it comes up right away I uninstalled this also but didn't reinstall it ADOBE SVG VIEWER 6.0 I guess I don't need it being I have the cam up and can open the links I had that installed in 2008 not for sure why Anyone know about it??? ok now that I have been successful I will go get my shower and will try to go to bed earlier YUK I dislike the time change I just wish they would stop doing it It was only made like that for the farmers years and years ago Who need it now NOT ME LOL BBL
so my Audubon Clock chirped Titmouse, but I bet your chirped Kingfisher, Paula ☺
before I forget....
I'm not crazy about the time change either....I like it to be light and bright when I get up in the AM. I have no idea what the heck they were thinking when they decided to do it in March instead of in April as they did years ago. Of course, I'm in the minority!
Going to have to plan on getting up to see the Eagle Nest up the road here next weekend. WOO HOO!
Another big solar flare today, keep those eyes to the north skies for the nest couple of nights!
LOL Margy, I lucked out and heard the kingfisher! Went down to put clothes in the dryer at the right time!
Back from a terrific yoga practice.
Thanks for reporting there was no switch and that Belle is still in the nest...long shift for her...Glad Shep stopped in.
I see her tucked in.
Great photos and report of your day SANDI...Thank you for sharing.
Just watched Blue Bloods from last night. Time for bath and bed for me - goodnight, my eagle friends. See you in the AM!
Hoping for a quiet night at the nest and a restful night for LYNN! ♥
well, my legs are now killing me and I need to get horizontal.
Have a good SPRING FORWARD night everyone, prayers for all!
Sandi, beautiful pictures!
Went and got a few thing for Mom from the store today. Took it to her. made her a Chicken Potpie and she ate the whole thing, minus the peas and carrots LOL! Took her trash out for her, hoping the wind doesn't blow the trash can over and pop the lid off! Mom was very tired. I think the chemo this time takes or should I say Robs her of her energy!! The Dr said its unlikely for that side effect, but I think it is her side effect. 5 days no energy, feel good the 6th day and then chemo day, and it starts over. Ugh!
Jumping from coast to coast ☺ to get on here! LOL
Good Evening Eagle Buds. Thank you so MUCH for all the Happy B'Day wishes! You guys are great!
Saw about Shirley's salad loss to the bassets!
Lolly,was on phone w/daughter and they got lots of rain in the past day or so and now it's Cold!
She made sure I noticed the supposedly cat proof flower container she sent to me. It's a heavy square glass cube w/different colored roses. The vase should not be able to get knocked over. True, but little Scooter wants to nibble the leaves!!!It and a plant from Fubby are on top of the fridge!
At Park, it was so cool and windy, didn't see any ospreys flying around. But the vultures were back! This time 7!!We don't really think there's any tidbits on the river bank, but they may just be roosting there. Once they were all up in the air floating & I'm almost sure a juvie eagle was with them! After work, checked the osprey platform that will be online, and TWO were there!
Gotta read back
Thanks JEWELS. HUGS to you and to your MOM, our LYNN.
I trust her when she identifies the side effect it is her side effect, her word over the doctor's...I am very happy she ate and I trust she is keeping it down Please God!!!Prayers♥
BTW, Margy's probably hitting thje hay, but I must say that's one lovely tanager!!!☺
(Think we'll run it up to 1000????)
Jewels, thx for info on your Mom. So sad she has to feel like that. I was wondering if it was the chemo, as she had been gaining weight and more perky before that started.
Tell her BIG (((HUGS)))!♥
Jewels, thanks for the update on Lynn. I would think IV chemo would take more of a toll on the body than chemo pills. How many treatments will she have?
CHRISTINE great news your MOM ate the pot pies even if she picked out the veggies she didn't like Dr don't know what they are talking about I think I know of several people that have had chemo and have ill effects also for days HOW long will she have this set of treatments?????
HODA glad you had a great yoga workout
so glad today was a quite day at the nest
I showed my video at work to a few peeps today on my camera They go OH JUDY aren't you afraid to get that close I burst out laughing then told them it was on the puter not in person I guess they though I climbed the tree LOL
Sheeesh! I hardly get through dinner and clean up the kitchen lately before the sandperson arrives. It is not easy being a dwarf and trying to fight off the sandperson.
Shirley, glad the salad mess was taken care of for you and that you had an enjoyable day.
Hi Lowreeda.
Hoda, when do you start dragon boating again?
Carolyn, thank you again for the update on Lynn. At least she ate something nourishing even if she did pick out the veggies. Hugs to you and hope you can get a little relief time for your own health and well being.
The sandperson has managed to regain consciousness and is making a hasty path toward me. I must be quick. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all including Belle an Shep.
Wow, Sharon got a BIG surprise! Good for you.
Sandi, great photos from BW!!
Judie, love the avatar. You found him!!
BELLE chirps
Chirps from Belle.
Belle just chirped and is rolling the eggs.
Belle is chirping. Up for an egg roll.
looks like egg roll see her moving
Jewels what about Ensure drinks or something like that?
I see Judie put the sandman on the blog Now we don't stand a chance LOL I wanted to hit the bed early tonight but didn't take my pills yet DRAT
PILLs in my now
I can remember feeling very tired when I had chemo. For some strange reason, I got the hiccups. My doctor thought that was strange.
should have been in ME
Cute sandperson, Judie.
She promptly settled down. Wonder why she chirped?
Just read back to get the report on Lynn. We do appreciate reports!!
Well I am going to bow out for the evening and watch the new while I wait for the pills to kick in we are heading for 1000 wow this blog will blow LOL
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I agree JUDIE very cute sandman...what I googled look pretty scary...this is much more friendly.
Well two phone calls with my girls &
now I have returned... Guess we will
hit 1000 soon. Really 11:22 here in MD
if you already turned your clock ahead.
Thankful I attended Mass this evening. I won't be caught late doing anything
Judie I love your sandman avatar...
Sandi I just finished looking twice at the pictures that Denny took. Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip.
Hey guys listening to this video a beep of sort I wonder if it is the camera are they getting it ready for the zoom deewerms posted it
What is the beep
I put a comment on it that I would ask PAULA could it be something to do with the camera??? beeping ?????
egg roll
Time for me to catch up with the sandman.
Good night Friends
Many prayers are being said
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **
Moon is finally rising, Belle is tucked facing 11-12
Going to try and hit the hay early and get a jump on the time change
Well JudyE, those certainly sound like computer noises. However, I don't recall the zoom having a noise. Maybe someone was at NCTC that late working on the system, I don't really know. Wouldn't seem so at 5:30 on a Saturday.
I'm hitting the hay before we get to 1000....
(((Hugs for all)))♥
PAULA DeeWErms video was not today it was March 8th, which makes it a Thursday...the video that JUDYE brought here Thursday March 8th
How Big Was This Baby As A Newborn?
Goodnight to all in eagle land.
Hope all get a good night's sleep in spite of the time change.
That means me too....
God bless and prayers for all in need.
Mom would never get the ensure passed her lips.. She is getting nutrition and she has gained a few lbs back, its just the way the chemo makes her feel. Its like running a marathon and then trying to get up and run another one within a half hour... your just too tired.
Belle is awake facing nine
Belle facing five and tucks in.
Sorry Jewels wished there was something I could do.
Heading to bed soon or I will be sleeping very late in the morning. Belle looks like she is awake, at least she is not tucked.
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Changed my opinion....can not see in the dark! She is tucked and sound asleep as I should be. Nite!
Continued Prayers will be just fine DanaWV
soft chirping yet Belle continues to be tucked in facing five...must have been from the attic Shep.
I got a lot of paper work and house work done today...makes me feel good, having accomplished something...guess my 'vacation'
is over!
Good night. Rest well, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.
Again soft chirping yet Belle is asleep and tucked in facing five. She has not moved.
Goodmonring LORI and Sycamour Palace crew.
Good Morning, HODA. I hope you're sleeping well.
Time for me to get up and get the day moving in this new time change thing. It'll be getting light later again today...yuck.
S P L I T coming up very soon!
It's going to be a beautiful day for Day 35 for egg #1!
Sunny, with a high near 64. Light breeze 6 - 9 mph.
It is pretty darn cold in the kitchen this morning!! Yikes
Maybe he was just letting her know he is there if she needs him ☺
Good Morning DanaMo - go put on your big fluffy robe!
Have to tell you that I chuckle everytime I see your avatar!
Thanks Lori, I guess it's time to change it though. My week of Dr. Seuss fun is over :(
No fluffy robe to be had. Maybe I should go crawl back in bed, but if I did I wouldn't get up and we have to go to Mass!
I thought I changed my setting so I get the comments in my email but I don't, what am I doing wrong? Do you get all comments in your mailbox. I only get the ones from my other blogs coming to my inbox not this one??
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