I think it was shadow you saw SANDI on the right egg. I looked at it and decided this is what it was...I agree with you Belle did not investigate the eggs before she settled on them.
HODA saw the same thing and thinks it was a shadow - don't want to get everyone all excited! I would think that, if there was some evidence of hatching, Belle would have taken a closer look at the eggs. Instead, she settled right down on them.
LYNNE2, I haven't seen any butterflies here yet, but we're always cooler in the spring b/c of the ocean. And I'm always the first "hummer restauran"t open for business in these parts but I'm not even thinking of hanging my hummer feeders yet. The rule of thumb around here is tax day (4/15) but I always have mine out around April 1st.
I'm thinking of hanging mine early only because on the Journey North Hummingbird Sightings Map, 2 have been spotted north of me in Lebonan, PA as of yesterday at a feeder !! Now, are they truly Ruby Throated, or one of these crazy sightings of non usual hummers in the area. I don't know!!! But I'm not taking any chances! This has been one crazy winter, and besides look what happened at Megan's!
OH! A split to jump! Got a couple pics on Blog---Flowers and ospreys. BTW, I have gone into my Blog to try & get rid of the Comment verification. And under Sttings & Comments, there's nothing there about verifications. I sent a Feedback about this problem to Google & of course they can not answer every message, but thanks for writing!!!!!AARRGGHH
Our sun came out and it is 64. Very nice except if you step off the walk you would probably sink and never to be seen again!!! We have a sidewalk that goes all around the house. The kids could ride their tricycles all the way around. Not now..shrubbery prevents that!
My Texas Mt. Laurel is blooming as well as some yellow roses. Girls spring has really sprung!
Belle just rolled the eggs. They looked whole to me with no spots.
I got flipped over to 2nd page & assume there were comments about butterflies. For a couple weeks I have see the elusive mourning cloaks (who will not pose) at Chelsea Farm. Have seen cabbages of course.
Have another small pic project to work on--want to make a CD of the Dino pics for Kathy, our leader. She didn't take any pics. I have others I didn't edit or put on Blog.
If Lynn got to watch the car race, Jr. was in the lead in the beginning, and Tony Stewart won! Good on them!! ☺
Hey JUDY and/or DMO, can you send me that info about getting comments emailed? SHARON has been doing it for me from her cell but, if I can do it myself , that would be great! JUDY, I know you can't do it from your cell either so there must be another way - help a sister out!!
Hi everyone... I see the "Spots here and there on the eggs Syndrome" has begun. This is a Momster phenomenon that happens every year. Sometimes it lasts for 2 or 3 days, and sometimes it ONLY LASTS 1 DAY. So, keep looking...ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS!:)
In the video that HODA brought over from when Belle left at 4:30pm, the eggs looked perfectly fine, so it was just a shadow that I saw - a shadow and wishful thinking!
I had put on the blog this am changing of the guard it was still uploading when I went to work this am but it on the Nest blog if anyone is interested I put on facebook at lunch and for got to tell anyone OOPs I have me comments emailing to me thanks to DANAMO I put it in my favorites to see if it will work tomorrow CROSS FINGERS
Its just so much easier to read in email this way I don't have to sit at puter and refresh or F5 I wish blogger would make it like facebook where the comments just show up THANKS YOU DANAMO THANKS YOU DANAMO
Sandi, I think Megan had 2 unusual species--Allen's and Rufous last year and at least one stayed very late in the fall or maybe even winter. Margy knows about it.
Here is a video of the night changing of the guards. SANDI saw it as a PIP in the right hand side of the right hand side egg. I thought it was a shadow...what do you all think?
Please refresh my memory. What words am I putting on the buttons that I make for our gathering. Someone had a really good idea and I don't remember what it was and I didn't write it down (I should know better!!!)
hmm...neither of those are the one that I really liked, but I don't remember who said it that day, but there was one that really stood out to me. I know DanaWV didn't want to use We came for the eagles...besides that was too long.
He I wonder if the word HOME on the bottom of that page will give us the new day or new thread I should say We will find out tomorrow I hope it does work
I can't wait for the UPS man to show up this week with my goodies that I ordered for my surprise I got confirmation on the first order but not the second order I hope that doesn't mean anything just that I got the second order in later in the day Keep fingers crossed for me JO
DMO, I took a chance and unsubscribed myself. Then logged off and logged back onto the blog using the URL that you sent (the mobile version of the blog). The word subscribe was at the bottom of the page and I was able to subscribe and get comments in my inbox again! Wow - I love us!!
Wow, JudyE, your link called hope it works, tried to blow up computer! LOL I clicked on one of the days threads & a warning popped up that this was making computer run slow & could damage it! Comments??
Odd that is the link that DanaMo sent me and I did get a message saying the it would make the puter run slo and would make it unresponsive but we are just using it to get out email sent to us. I will delete that link don't want to cause issues I had no issues with it once I clicked on the subscribe email OK
Question I know dogs aren't suppose to eat chocolate but what about cats Jet keeps trying to get in a bag of candy I bought Dark Chocolate I put it up so she would leave it alone
YES JudyE...it is toxic to cats as well! Cats don't have the ability to "taste" sweet things, unlike dogs. But that doesn't mean they won't try to eat it...some cats will try anything!
JUDY, I didn't get any warning message when I used the link that DMO sent. But, i don't like the layout of the mobile version, so I only plan to use it when there's a new thread that I need to subscribe to - otherwise, I'll use the web version of the blog that I always use.
Thanks, I will pass along the birthday wishes, if ever he gets home from fishing!
He doesn't know it yet, but I have updated his facebook page. He is never on there, but I think it's time he is. He needs computer practice! Think I'll hook him up here, too!
Good evening Momsters and Dadsters. Yep, it's me checking in. Had a rough start to the day after a horrible yesterday (and Fri. afternoon was rough in the COPD departmetn due to the ugly wind and having to walk too far), but this afternoon has been much better.
I even grilled steak on the grill for dinner...it got perfectly med. rare jsut as the gas ran out! ARGH!!!
Just want to say I love you all, and am thinking of you, and praying for each and every need.
Selfishly, I am hoping for a hatch tomrrow......it would be my Daddy's 93rd b-day......!!!!!
Groggy, now that it's almost time for The Good Wife...forgot to check to see if it's "on time" or not....sorry!
Hope to spend more time with you tomorrow. Think I'll try the chair at the PC and see if it's better for a skinny bony butt!!
OH SWEET LYNN hope you feel better and we need to fatten that butt of yours up I will order you some berger cookies when you are ready just let me know OK So good to hear from you and GW is on at 9 and it new Gentle hugs for you and yes we read the blog it was wonderful you have two great daughters just remember the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ♥♥♥
Megan's Rufous-sided hummingbird stayed through the middle part of February, and she surely hopes it will return ! Very unusual for these parts... for that kind of hummer and for that long of a stay through the cold weather...
OK, I have had a briefing. Steve's sister Shari, a recovering alcoholic, went on a terrible bender where she works...a bar of all places, and due to her actions, is now in jail.
His sister Wendy is in the hospital and has apparently ODed on something. Not sure if meds for her Devic's disease, not sure if accidental. Her condition is critical.
Neither knows that the other is in trouble.
That's all I know except that there will be discussion later as to whether Steve will go to FLA with his mom.
Oh Lynne....this is serious on both counts, I am so sorry for ALL the family.... Prayers offered for recovery and safe travels, for whoever makes the trip to Florida.... And Prayers for the doctors and counselors also....
SOOOOOOO good to read you r post LYNN. THANK YOU. I am glad you ate your steak and that the awful of yesterday and earlier today is improving towards the evening. I hope for a hatch tomorrow also to celebrate your Dad then. I think you have two awesome daughters and it is understandable look at who thier MOM is...♥ LYNN.
LYNNE 2...it is tough no question. I am sorry for Steve's family. It is upsetting and tough...this will sound cruel, remeber that people who are alcoholic make thier own drama and in the long run no one but themselves can rescue them. What would be the purpose of a trip to Florida? I would ask the same if it was my own sisters...Again GOD BLESS STEVE and his family, but he can not rescue them neither can his Mom!!! PRAYERS come your way and STEVE'S way.
Step away from the blog to read and everything falls apart and I miss Lynn.
Lynn, fantastic about the steak. Eat up girl!!!!♥
Lynne, so so sorry about the news Steve has just received. Do they live close to each other? Single or married? Certainly can not offer advice. Is Steve's mom up to traveling and taking care of the situations?
Okay, that was weird. I tried to post again but the blog would not respond. I could not even type. Got frustrated, went to fb, and when I came back all commments since around 6:30 were gone...vanished...nada!! So, I closed down, came back, and here is the blog. Grrrrrrr!
LYNNE2 so sorry about the family issues I know how alcohol and drugs can affect a family ( Been there)Its sad that all has to be affected by the bad choice of a few Is hard on a family and only the persons that is affected can do anything about it the rest just has to sit and watch my heart goes out to you both and I wish you all the best The change has to be made by the person that is doing the drugs and the alcohol and I know you all know this sometime tough love is the best
The little dog, that joined the church today (LOL) has been named. He is Jesus, pronounced the way the Spanish say it. They are going to call him "Chuy". Do not see how those two names are related, but I like them.
OK, we are waiting to hear back from Steve's mom who is calling the hospital. Shari called her from the pokey. She is NOT a priority at the moment. Yes Hoda, it's a tough situation. Shari has battle alcohol for a long, long time. Steve's mom being there for HER wouldn't happen.
But Wendy...she had a very bad car accident a few years back. Her leg was severely injured and took a long time to heal. The Dr had her on pain meds, and she got hooked, so she tried to get off on her own and got very sick. She sought help, and the help was to have her take methadone in the hope of weaning her off. It was a terrible process. Long story short, she was having other problems with pain, sight and imbalance and didn't know what was causing it. She was unable to work, was able to get medical assistance, went to several Drs and was finally diagnosed with Devic's disease. Similar to MS, and often misdiagnosed.
Anyway, with her being in FLA, we can only go by what she tells us. But Steve's mom has suspected that something was going on despite Wendy's Mother's intuition.
The man she has been dating is the one who called mom.
MY son got hooked from a pain management Dr also just this past year and he was brave and locked himself in this room for two weeks and he said it was a living hell but he had to do it on his own I am so proud of him for doing that All these years we harped on him did no good we were always wrong and they have to want to do it and see it for themselves and I wish you the best of luck And my X was a alcoholic that is why I divorced him so I know how it is LYNNE I hope the best for the both of you and your family
Tough Love is just that: TOUGH. It is so hard...to watch, want to help, and not be able to, or not think that you are. The entire family is affected, friends also. And these illnesses are of such a beastly nature. You sure have my prayers, Lynne, for you and Steve and his family...including the two sisters... Long road ahead. (( Hugs ♥ ))
I know Margy I tell him as often as I can that its good to have him back It was going on for at least 4 years that I know of and off course he always denied it The Dr was giving him presc for at least 4times what he should have been taking Pain Mgmt clinic now in Fl are under stricter control and its about time Fl was a big joke for awhile people were coming from all over other states now you have to have a Fl resident and the drug stores are all connected so multi pres have stopped OK enough of me ranting
Are we going to have any kind of moon at all for the next couple of days so sad we won't see anything I wish we had night vision I guess like they say wish in one and and s---t in the other and see which fill faster that was my MOM saying LOL
latest word is that Wendy is out of danger. They are treating it as a suicide attempt. I think they usually do in the case of an overdose. MTBR. Shari told my MIL, however, that she is SURE it was a suicide attempt. Nice. And why didn't she TELL anyone this if she suspected? Dingbat.
Still not sure if Steve will be going, but less likely if Wendy is out of danger. He's worried about his mom as much as his sister.
I was so tired earlier and not now I dislike that when that happens getting a second wind sucks big time off course eating the candy probably didn't help LOL
Ok a dilemma supposed to have a Colonscopy Tuesday, so Monday and Tuesday..is all clear liquids and jello so, do I eat all those pies NOW?? and of all impossibilities, I have a cold so I'm drowning myself in orange juice and then just apple juice Monday. I've already had the bloodwork and gotten the time off from work.. hope I'm all better in the morning and can get this "Behind Me" LOL
yes Lolly, that is being taken into consideration as well. Not a great time for him to be away. But I can understand his wanting to be there. He is very devoted to his family.
I think I'll have one before midnight, Lynne...or maybe two ☺ "Being as how" some think maybe they saw a dark spot on one of the eggs.... I so rarely get any sickness so this is ridiculous... Thanks for your Well Wishes...
JudyE Moon seems to rise half an hour later each night at least, add on to that the Daylight Savings time, AND it is waning smaller each night. It's at 81% full now when it ever gets up.... so maybe in the middle of the night you can see something !
I got my vacation approved for the week of the 21st I put in for it In Jan and didn't look until today and now I still want to come up I need to do some serious thinking about that so on that note I think I should hit the bed although I am not sleepy My brain is think toooo much now I guess
OH LYNNE2 Doctor prescribed medication that hooks...I am so sorry to hear that and PRAYERS for both sisters...You and Steve have my respcet and I am sure what ever decision you make is going to be made from the heart and with common sense...You have my appreciation and my respect as this is another tough situation. I am glad Wendy is out of danger and I hope there is support fot the mental health situation that would lead her to attempted suicide...PRAYERS PRAYERS and MORE PRAYERS.
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Ok, taking all into consideration, Steve will not be going to FLA. Mom will have her hubby with her, and if things God forbid take a turn for the worse, he will drive down. For now, since they don't know how long they will be gone, we'll need to head up to their house on the weekend to take care of stuff.
Glad that you were able to come to a decision tonight, Lynne. Really tough situation. I think almost everybody has a family member or a friend with problems like Steve's sisters. Doesn't make it easier, though.
I will keep the night watch for a while yet JO...Maybe even stay up till LORI comes on.
LYNNE I hoppe you and STEVE can get some rest and sleep tonightSHIRLEY spoke very well in her last post and I could not have said it better. Thanks SHIRLEY.
Belle awake and facing eleven for at least 15 minutes now.Is she tenting? Is it raining? I see a larger section of her tail feathers, her wings are open.
Oh dear, Lynne...you must have a little black cloud over your head! So sorry all this 'Family stuff' is happening. I don't see how anything can help those two sisters, at this time, except money for special care, and Steve can't even think about that right now:( Let Mom and Dad make the trip and make decisions for their daughters. God be with and Bless them~ Now, the thought of getting hooked on drugs just now, really hit home with me. Wonder how long one can take pain meds before getting hooked on them? I had been taking 4 percosets a day for 5 weeks then 2 a day for 1 week and starting today, I have just now taken my first for this day. If I get the hebby jebbies, what do I do? I know, I'll call the doctor who prescribed them. I think I'll be OK! Having LYNN join in for a while was a few joyful moments. SHIRLEY, I wanted steak also, but we had fish instead (whiting), better for us:) Now I'm thinking LYNN can try to put some weight back on during the weekends, when she seems to have a better appetite. JEWELS, get her milkshakes and peanut butter ice cream:)
Bedtime for me, see you in the morning. Love and Hugs and prayers for all♥ LYNN♥
Before I let the sandperson dump a bucket of sleep dust in my eyes:
Lynne, so very sorry for the difficult family medical issues. Let some time pass, gather sufficient information, then on to decisions that are best for you and Steve.
So, the sandperson is on the way to provide everyone a good night's sleep, even those who are contemplating eating an entire supply of cream pies. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.
Diann...hope you will not be gone from us long... and that you get swift relief for the back pain, and yes, I'll send you an email when there is a hatch....as soon as I know about it myself... xoxox
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 560 Newer› Newest»I think it was shadow you saw SANDI on the right egg. I looked at it and decided this is what it was...I agree with you Belle did not investigate the eggs before she settled on them.
Maybe . . . a dark spot on one end of an egg, Sandi?
I'm ready. Any time now. I have been looking in all day.
you see a dark spot Sandi???? Certainly not out of the realm of possibilities! Hopefully Steve can arrange the zoom factor ASAP!!!
oh, and Sandi, welcome to the OMG I THINK I SEE A PIP!! stage of egg watching! It is NERVE WRACKING!!
Home from work Thanks for the nest escapade report of the day I see Miss Belle is in early tonight huh
Stubby just called. He is fishing and of course they had an adult bald eagle flyover!
HODA saw the same thing and thinks it was a shadow - don't want to get everyone all excited! I would think that, if there was some evidence of hatching, Belle would have taken a closer look at the eggs. Instead, she settled right down on them.
I wish Angie would hook me up with the email thingie ;^(
LYNNE2, I haven't seen any butterflies here yet, but we're always cooler in the spring b/c of the ocean. And I'm always the first "hummer restauran"t open for business in these parts but I'm not even thinking of hanging my hummer feeders yet. The rule of thumb around here is tax day (4/15) but I always have mine out around April 1st.
I'm thinking of hanging mine early only because on the Journey North Hummingbird Sightings Map, 2 have been spotted north of me in Lebonan, PA as of yesterday at a feeder
!! Now, are they truly Ruby Throated, or one of these crazy sightings of non usual hummers in the area. I don't know!!! But I'm not taking any chances! This has been one crazy winter, and besides look what happened at Megan's!
What happened at Megan's? Will have to check out the hummingbird sighting site - haven't done that yet - I may have to reconsider!
Jo-check your email.
JudyE-sent you an email
OH! A split to jump!
Got a couple pics on Blog---Flowers and ospreys.
BTW, I have gone into my Blog to try & get rid of the Comment verification. And under Sttings & Comments, there's nothing there about verifications. I sent a Feedback about this problem to Google & of course they can not answer every message, but thanks for writing!!!!!AARRGGHH
Here is a video from DeeWerms of the Hacock Foundation when The eggs were left uncovered because Belle took off upset... Belle vocalizes and takes off leaving the eggs uncovered for a period of time. It happened at 4:28 PM EST
test If this works I owe you a big kiss ♥
Where did you come up with that DANAMO I just got it in my email I love you to pieces LOL you will have to wait for that kiss LOL
Our sun came out and it is 64. Very nice except if you step off the walk you would probably sink and never to be seen again!!! We have a sidewalk that goes all around the house. The kids could ride their tricycles all the way around. Not now..shrubbery prevents that!
My Texas Mt. Laurel is blooming as well as some yellow roses. Girls spring has really sprung!
Belle just rolled the eggs. They looked whole to me with no spots.
I got flipped over to 2nd page & assume there were comments about butterflies. For a couple weeks I have see the elusive mourning cloaks (who will not pose) at Chelsea Farm. Have seen cabbages of course.
Have another small pic project to work on--want to make a CD of the Dino pics for Kathy, our leader. She didn't take any pics. I have others I didn't edit or put on Blog.
If Lynn got to watch the car race, Jr. was in the lead in the beginning, and Tony Stewart won! Good on them!! ☺
Hey JUDY and/or DMO, can you send me that info about getting comments emailed? SHARON has been doing it for me from her cell but, if I can do it myself , that would be great! JUDY, I know you can't do it from your cell either so there must be another way - help a sister out!!
Hi everyone...
I see the "Spots here and there on the eggs Syndrome" has begun. This is a Momster phenomenon that happens every year. Sometimes it lasts for 2 or 3 days, and sometimes it ONLY LASTS 1 DAY. So, keep looking...ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS!:)
Hey Wanda Wanda Wanda....my Texas Columbine are blooming!
In the video that HODA brought over from when Belle left at 4:30pm, the eggs looked perfectly fine, so it was just a shadow that I saw - a shadow and wishful thinking!
I had put on the blog this am changing of the guard it was still uploading when I went to work this am but it on the Nest blog if anyone is interested I put on facebook at lunch and for got to tell anyone OOPs I have me comments emailing to me thanks to DANAMO I put it in my favorites to see if it will work tomorrow CROSS FINGERS
Am changing to the guard
Its just so much easier to read in email this way I don't have to sit at puter and refresh or F5 I wish blogger would make it like facebook where the comments just show up THANKS YOU DANAMO THANKS YOU DANAMO
Uh oh...here comes Annie. Let's see if she sends a message to you.kkkkkkkkkm LOL She did!!
Sharon sent it to me and it worked. Save it as your homepage!!
Sandi, I think Megan had 2 unusual species--Allen's and Rufous last year and at least one stayed very late in the fall or maybe even winter. Margy knows about it.
SANDI...You have EMAIL
Sandi-check your email! ☺
I emailed Sandi....about YOU KNOW.....LOL!
Here is a video of the night changing of the guards. SANDI saw it as a PIP in the right hand side of the right hand side egg. I thought it was a shadow...what do you all think?
PIP or Shadow?
Video compliments of DeeWerms of the Hancock Foundation.
Now she sat on the computer. I get no respect.
How did you find that DANAMO??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
LORETTA.....you've seen MOURNING CLOAKS????? I am sooooooo jealous!! That's one I have yet to see in person!
Please refresh my memory. What words am I putting on the buttons that I make for our gathering. Someone had a really good idea and I don't remember what it was and I didn't write it down (I should know better!!!)
I grabbed a picture of it will see if i can magnify it
Proud NCTC Eaglet Momster (or Dadster) was my suggestion DanaMO, not sure exactly what the others were though...
May I have a button also even if I can't attend????? Pretty Please with sugar on it LOL
looking at the pic can't tell when i make it bigger it just get harder to see
Or use Our eagle bring the world together That is somethng Guela had said I thougt was pretty cool
Nest is getting a odd color with the sunset
GOOD GRIEF LOOK AT THE TIME!!!!! So much for my staying aware after the change....DUH! Poor dogs are HUNGRY!
The nest is blue...always reminds me of LYNN and her beautiful picture she took of the blue nest
The bad part about getting these emails is that I will now be reading the blog in bed!!
Belle seems to be watching something she opened her mouth a sec ago but no noise came out now she is moving flugg
hmm...neither of those are the one that I really liked, but I don't remember who said it that day, but there was one that really stood out to me. I know DanaWV didn't want to use We came for the eagles...besides that was too long.
nite light on and the blue is gone
I think it was Paula that didn't want it used wasn't it from what I remember didn't she make that up???? or was it DANAWVGAL
Belle keeps looking back and forth back and forth
Thanks LYNNE2 and DANAMO! =)
He I wonder if the word HOME on the bottom of that page will give us the new day or new thread I should say We will find out tomorrow I hope it does work
that should have been HEY now He
I can't wait for the UPS man to show up this week with my goodies that I ordered for my surprise I got confirmation on the first order but not the second order I hope that doesn't mean anything just that I got the second order in later in the day Keep fingers crossed for me JO
I need to go get a shower Hope that there is new tv tonight so tired of reruns
DMO, I took a chance and unsubscribed myself. Then logged off and logged back onto the blog using the URL that you sent (the mobile version of the blog). The word subscribe was at the bottom of the page and I was able to subscribe and get comments in my inbox again! Wow - I love us!!
Wow, JudyE, your link called hope it works, tried to blow up computer! LOL I clicked on one of the days threads & a warning popped up that this was making computer run slow & could damage it! Comments??
I have returned from Dinner and
you all have split and left me....
Lynne Is today Steve's birthday?
Odd that is the link that DanaMo sent me and I did get a message saying the it would make the puter run slo and would make it unresponsive but we are just using it to get out email sent to us.
I will delete that link don't want to cause issues I had no issues with it once I clicked on the subscribe email OK
BWO cam is clear now. MT platform
I deleted the comment
Yes Jo, it is!
Odd almost 8 and we still can see the nest Belle looks like she is about to take one of those Panda naps
.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥
.♥ S T E V E ♀! ♥
Question I know dogs aren't suppose to eat chocolate but what about cats Jet keeps trying to get in a bag of candy I bought Dark Chocolate I put it up so she would leave it alone
ALL NEW TV ON TONIGHT YEAH OK NOW I DO NEED TO GO GET THAT SHOWER Good Wife is on and Desparte Housewives Which will I choose to watch ????
YES JudyE...it is toxic to cats as well! Cats don't have the ability to "taste" sweet things, unlike dogs. But that doesn't mean they won't try to eat it...some cats will try anything!
JUDY, I didn't get any warning message when I used the link that DMO sent. But, i don't like the layout of the mobile version, so I only plan to use it when there's a new thread that I need to subscribe to - otherwise, I'll use the web version of the blog that I always use.
Happy Birthday to our Dadster Steve
Wishing you a great year ahead for you
Thanks, I will pass along the birthday wishes, if ever he gets home from fishing!
He doesn't know it yet, but I have updated his facebook page. He is never on there, but I think it's time he is. He needs computer practice! Think I'll hook him up here, too!
I didn't get that warning at all!
heading for shower.
♪ ♫ Happy Birthday STEVE and MANY MANY MORE♫ ♪. LYNNE give him a big HUG from us
I will Hoda!
Belle was up and did an egg roll now facing eleven.
♪♫♫♪ Happy Birthday to Lynne's
Stubby ♪♫♫♪ Hope he has had a fantastic fishing trip!!
Hoda, on your video, I saw that when Shep took off, he knocked a piece of flugg onto the egg. I don't know if that is what people were seeing or not.
Happy birthday, Steve!!!
LYNNE2, Happy Birthday to Stubby and thanks for the beautiful card.
LYNN, love and hugs to you. Hope it's been a good day for you.
BELLE is settled in at 11.
LOLLY STUBBY might not be a good name LOL think about it LOL
Are we doing badges for Open House?? Please forward email as Gubby and I will need them, also. Great idea!!
JudyE ;-)
DMO - let's wait for some more suggestions and then just maybe
someone will repeat the one you are
thinking of........ ♥
Ok now you know where my mind is LOL
LYNNE 2 I sent a friends request to Steve on Facebook.
SHIRLEY good viewing you made...could be that for sure on the egg.
I promised CAROLANNE I would send recipes today so I will go do that now...
Susan, I am making buttons for everyone. As soon as Jo gives me the count I will make enough buttons for all.
Jo I wish I could remember what day we had that conversation and I would go back and read the messages.
God help my MIL....she is on the phone with Steve. His 2 sisters in FLA are, having problems. Say a prayer, please. She is packing now to head down.
Oh my God, it's REALLY bad....I'll fill you in later.
Good evening Momsters and Dadsters.
Yep, it's me checking in.
Had a rough start to the day after a horrible yesterday (and Fri. afternoon was rough in the COPD departmetn due to the ugly wind and having to walk too far), but this afternoon has been much better.
I even grilled steak on the grill for dinner...it got perfectly med. rare jsut as the gas ran out! ARGH!!!
Just want to say I love you all, and am thinking of you, and praying for each and every need.
Selfishly, I am hoping for a hatch tomrrow......it would be my Daddy's 93rd b-day......!!!!!
Groggy, now that it's almost time for The Good Wife...forgot to check to see if it's "on time" or not....sorry!
Hope to spend more time with you tomorrow. Think I'll try the chair at the PC and see if it's better for a skinny bony butt!!
Sleep well. Love you.
P.S. Hope you all enjoyed Carolyn's blog!!!!!
Oh dear, Lynne. Sorry that you are having to deal with a mess.
So glad to see you Lynn!!!! Glad you had a good afternoon. We love you ♥
Hi Lynn!!
Glad that you are better and able to cook a steak.
oh no...i'm hearing only one side of this. But I think Steve is going to Florida. This is BAD. Geez....
Tomorrow would be a fine hatchin' day.
but thank GOD for LYNN's good day and seeing her!
OH SWEET LYNN hope you feel better and we need to fatten that butt of yours up I will order you some berger cookies when you are ready just let me know OK So good to hear from you and GW is on at 9 and it new Gentle hugs for you and yes we read the blog it was wonderful you have two great daughters just remember the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ♥♥♥
Soooo, I'm driving past this pond in Morgan County and hear all this racket...and I listen, and it is a Chorus of Spring Peepers singing
Happy Birthday to Lynne's Steve !! So I just joined right on in with them....xoxo ☺ ♥
LYNN so glad you had a great day. Grilled and everything!!! Awesome :-D
LYNNE2, so sorry. Hope the fam gets things worked out. It's always something, huh. HUGS to ALL!
BELLE still resting at 11.
but I don't like the sound of this phone call !!
Am so sorry, Lynne....hope things will - eventually - be okay !
(( Hugs ♥ ))
well, clearly this is turning in to Steve's worst birthday. He is still on the phone, but getting ready to hang up. oh geez. I'll be back later...
Beautiful post from our Lynn♥
Wow, steak on the grill, that's Boss !! Hope the evening and night-time and so on like that will continue to be better and better...xoxo
and I surely hope a hatch on your
what would have been your
Daddy's 93rd birthday, occurs !
All right, Lynne, we'll be here for you both....♥♥
lovely story from Lolly on the dog in the flower bed rescue...
Heading into The Good Wife
Oh Lynne, sorry !
Don't know what Lynne is talking about, but sure hope the news isn't too bad!!
♪♫ Happy Birthday, Steve!! ♪♫
BELLE is grooming and up for an egg roll. Can't tell about eggs. Back down at 6
Megan's Rufous-sided hummingbird stayed through the middle part of February, and she surely hopes it will return !
Very unusual for these parts...
for that kind of hummer and for that long of a stay through the cold weather...
Yes, indeed~~
Happy to see an upbeat post from our Dear LYNN!! So happy you got to grill that steak and even better that the nausea is not an issue!!
Tomorrow would be a perfect day for our first hatch.....in honor of Lynn's Daddy's 93rd!
Keeping you in prayer, always, LYNN!
OK, I have had a briefing. Steve's sister Shari, a recovering alcoholic, went on a terrible bender where she works...a bar of all places, and due to her actions, is now in jail.
His sister Wendy is in the hospital and has apparently ODed on something. Not sure if meds for her Devic's disease, not sure if accidental. Her condition is critical.
Neither knows that the other is in trouble.
That's all I know except that there will be discussion later as to whether Steve will go to FLA with his mom.
Oh Lynne....this is serious on both counts, I am so sorry for ALL the family....
Prayers offered for recovery and safe travels, for whoever makes the trip to Florida....
And Prayers for the doctors and counselors also....
Prayers for all of you, Lynne.
That is a tough combination of events.
Oh My Gosh, LYNNE2, what terrible news. Hope both the sisters are OK. Safe travels to those that head to FL.
Talk about emotional extremes!
I was SO happy to read a post from LYNN saying she had a better day today! Even grilled a steak!!
And then to read LYNNE2's post about Steve's sisters - how scary for Steve and his mom!
I'm sending prayers and positive energy that LYNN can turn one good day into another and another!
And LYNNE2, prayers that things work out for both of Steve's sisters!
I'm off to hit the tub and then bed. Goodnight, my eagle friends! See you in the AM!
Oh, Lynne....such a difficult and sad situation all around.
Please tell Steve we are praying for an answer from God as to what he should do and praying for healing for both sisters.
Such a tragedy.
SOOOOOOO good to read you r post LYNN. THANK YOU.
I am glad you ate your steak and that the awful of yesterday and earlier today is improving towards the evening. I hope for a hatch tomorrow also to celebrate your Dad then. I think you have two awesome daughters and it is understandable look at who thier MOM is...♥ LYNN.
LYNNE 2...it is tough no question. I am sorry for Steve's family. It is upsetting and tough...this will sound cruel, remeber that people who are alcoholic make thier own drama and in the long run no one but themselves can rescue them. What would be the purpose of a trip to Florida? I would ask the same if it was my own sisters...Again GOD BLESS STEVE and his family, but he can not rescue them neither can his Mom!!!
PRAYERS come your way and STEVE'S way.
Good night. Prayers for all ♥
BELLE is still head up and resting at 6.
Step away from the blog to read and everything falls apart and I miss Lynn.
Lynn, fantastic about the steak. Eat up girl!!!!♥
Lynne, so so sorry about the news Steve has just received. Do they live close to each other? Single or married? Certainly can not offer advice. Is Steve's mom up to traveling and taking care of the situations?
I was craving a steak tonight, but settled for fish. Hmm, maybe tomorrow.
I'm passing the palace torch. Have some things to do before the sandman arrives. Peace to all and many sweet, restful dreams.
BELLE is resting at 4.
Okay, that was weird. I tried to post again but the blog would not respond. I could not even type. Got frustrated, went to fb, and when I came back all commments since around 6:30 were gone...vanished...nada!! So, I closed down, came back, and here is the blog. Grrrrrrr!
LYNNE2 so sorry about the family issues I know how alcohol and drugs can affect a family ( Been there)Its sad that all has to be affected by the bad choice of a few
Is hard on a family and only the persons that is affected can do anything about it the rest just has to sit and watch my heart goes out to you both and I wish you all the best
The change has to be made by the person that is doing the drugs and the alcohol and I know you all know this sometime tough love is the best
LOLLY has gremlims on her end of the blog so sorry LOLLY
Watched DH boy was it good they killed of one tonight only 5 more episodes to go
The little dog, that joined the church today (LOL) has been named. He is Jesus, pronounced the way the Spanish say it. They are going to call him "Chuy". Do not see how those two names are related, but I like them.
OK, we are waiting to hear back from Steve's mom who is calling the hospital. Shari called her from the pokey. She is NOT a priority at the moment. Yes Hoda, it's a tough situation. Shari has battle alcohol for a long, long time. Steve's mom being there for HER wouldn't happen.
But Wendy...she had a very bad car accident a few years back. Her leg was severely injured and took a long time to heal. The Dr had her on pain meds, and she got hooked, so she tried to get off on her own and got very sick. She sought help, and the help was to have her take methadone in the hope of weaning her off. It was a terrible process. Long story short, she was having other problems with pain, sight and imbalance and didn't know what was causing it. She was unable to work, was able to get medical assistance, went to several Drs and was finally diagnosed with Devic's disease. Similar to MS, and often misdiagnosed.
Anyway, with her being in FLA, we can only go by what she tells us. But Steve's mom has suspected that something was going on despite Wendy's Mother's intuition.
The man she has been dating is the one who called mom.
Never heard of that Chuy either LOLLY
MY son got hooked from a pain management Dr also just this past year and he was brave and locked himself in this room for two weeks and he said it was a living hell but he had to do it on his own I am so proud of him for doing that All these years we harped on him did no good we were always wrong and they have to want to do it and see it for themselves and I wish you the best of luck And my X was a alcoholic that is why I divorced him so I know how it is LYNNE I hope the best for the both of you and your family
Hooray For Our Gal Lynn!
Your message was so well received by all
Love you much and miss you more each day
Sounds like you need a tank of propane for those steaks as your appetite
increases. ♥
Egg roll!
Tough Love is just that: TOUGH.
It is so hard...to watch, want to help, and not be able to, or not think that you are. The entire family is affected, friends also. And these illnesses are of such a beastly nature.
You sure have my prayers, Lynne, for you and Steve and his family...including the two sisters...
Long road ahead.
(( Hugs ♥ ))
Belle is on the edge of the nest and looking at the eggs!
Doesn't it look like she is one the edge of the nest at 11
so so dark at the nest where is the moon
looks like she turned around now
I see tail feathers looks like her head is at 11 and tail to us
Lynne & Steve,
I pray you don't rush off too quickly -
Sleep on it and think it through again
tomorrow in the morning.
She is back on the eggs, but she was off of them and looking at them.?????????
You sure have a right to be proud, Judy...glad you son made it through to the other side
Belles seems to be settled down now from what I can see on the dark dark nest
I bought a WHOLE BOX of Oatmeal Creme Pies tonight... ☺
Moon is going to be awhile coming up enough to bring light to the nest :(
I don't even SEE it yet here
Back to reading. Prayers Lynne for Steve's sisters and that he makes the right decision. He needs to consider the time away from looking for a job.
appreciate all the nest news today and now, thanks Eagle Pals
I cannot see a thing but DARK and BLACK
I know Margy I tell him as often as I can that its good to have him back It was going on for at least 4 years that I know of and off course he always denied it The Dr was giving him presc for at least 4times what he should have been taking Pain Mgmt clinic now in Fl are under stricter control and its about time Fl was a big joke for awhile people were coming from all over other states now you have to have a Fl resident and the drug stores are all connected so multi pres have stopped OK enough of me ranting
OK to buy a whole box just don't eat at once like I would LOL
BWE is now on 60-second refresh and BWO on 30-second refresh in preparation for the return of Ospreys there
Are we going to have any kind of moon at all for the next couple of days so sad we won't see anything I wish we had night vision I guess like they say wish in one and and s---t in the other and see which fill faster that was my MOM saying LOL
for got to add wish in one hand the word hand
latest word is that Wendy is out of danger. They are treating it as a suicide attempt. I think they usually do in the case of an overdose. MTBR. Shari told my MIL, however, that she is SURE it was a suicide attempt. Nice. And why didn't she TELL anyone this if she suspected? Dingbat.
Still not sure if Steve will be going, but less likely if Wendy is out of danger. He's worried about his mom as much as his sister.
I was so tired earlier and not now I dislike that when that happens getting a second wind sucks big time off course eating the candy probably didn't help LOL
a dilemma
supposed to have a Colonscopy Tuesday,
so Monday and Tuesday..is all clear liquids and jello
so, do I eat all those pies NOW??
and of all impossibilities, I have a cold so I'm drowning myself in orange juice and then just apple juice Monday.
I've already had the bloodwork and gotten the time off from work..
hope I'm all better in the morning and can get this "Behind Me" LOL
yes Lolly, that is being taken into consideration as well. Not a great time for him to be away. But I can understand his wanting to be there. He is very devoted to his family.
it's getting complicated Lynne, but am glad Wendy is out of danger...as you say, More to Be Determined....
Geez, Margy...what a conundrum! Sure hope you beat the cold! EAT THE PIES!!
Sometimes, I just want to march on FLA and hit his sisters over the head with a 2 x 4.
I think I'll have one before midnight, Lynne...or maybe two ☺
"Being as how" some think maybe they saw a dark spot on one of the eggs....
I so rarely get any sickness so this is ridiculous...
Thanks for your Well Wishes...
JudyE, so glad your son was able to beat it. It's a lifetime struggle, one day at a time for sure.
I have seen too many friends and acquaintances deal with this. It makes me angry that Drs are so willing to prescribe pain meds.
Moon seems to rise half an hour later each night at least, add on to that the Daylight Savings time, AND it is waning smaller each night.
It's at 81% full now when it ever gets up....
so maybe in the middle of the night you can see something !
oh and by the way....not only did Steve see an EAGLE today, they also saw a MOURNING CLOAK!!!! ARRGGGGHHHHHHHH!
Eat the pies! Now!
I couldn't eat 2 in a row - the creme is too sweet!
And then go brush your teeth. lol
That's a double treat for Steve, Lynne...Both Beautiful species!
Lucky Him !
Okay Jo, I think one will be enough, and if I get the NO GO from the doc Monday, well, then, I'll just hog wild I guess ☺
Oh, Margy....
Don't you go getting sick!!
Maybe those oatmeal pies will do the trick!! Doesn't sound like your next few days will be too fun.
Hopefully a hatch will brighten your day!
Prayers for Wellness for YOU!
I got my vacation approved for the week of the 21st I put in for it In Jan and didn't look until today and now I still want to come up I need to do some serious thinking about that so on that note I think I should hit the bed although I am not sleepy My brain is think toooo much now I guess
OH LYNNE2 Doctor prescribed medication that hooks...I am so sorry to hear that and PRAYERS for both sisters...You and Steve have my respcet and I am sure what ever decision you make is going to be made from the heart and with common sense...You have my appreciation and my respect as this is another tough situation. I am glad Wendy is out of danger and I hope there is support fot the mental health situation that would lead her to attempted suicide...PRAYERS PRAYERS and MORE PRAYERS.
Thanks Linda, meanwhile I made up two double batches of Jello!
A Royal Hatch would brighten everyone's day for sure...
Going to be quiet now...
Thinking of Lynn♥ and still warmed be her wonderful post earlier
Prayers for Wellness and Recovery Amongst Us....
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
as if I will be up in the middle of the night LOL
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Lynne - My heart breaks of this news with Steve's sisters, as I know all too well about families and problems. Sometimes they just don't seem to end.
I know Steve probably wouldn't want to let his Mom go down there on his own. He is a good protective son!
There are rarely easy answers in these situations.
Will keep them all and YOU in prayer.
Very pleased for STEVE to see an eagle on his birthday...what a terrific sighting...
Belle tucked in facing eleven.
I, too, must be signing off for the night. I can't stay at this desk any longer. It has been a long day!
Prayers for all in this roost and beyond, and especially for LYNN ♥
Judy I really hope you find a way to get up here in April - I know how badly you want to........
Good night & Pleasant dreams to all
I am very sleepy and yawning all over the place... FacePlant time...
Hoda - would you please be the one to turn out the lights.... I know Lolly and Wanda may be lurking but they know where the back door is....
Ok, taking all into consideration, Steve will not be going to FLA. Mom will have her hubby with her, and if things God forbid take a turn for the worse, he will drive down. For now, since they don't know how long they will be gone, we'll need to head up to their house on the weekend to take care of stuff.
Going to bed now....
Prayers for all! will try to check in from work.
Good night and prayers for all
I will rest well knowing that Lynn had
a good afternoon. ♥
** (((HUGS FOR ALL))) **
Steve says to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and the Momster hugs!
Glad that you were able to come to a decision tonight, Lynne. Really tough situation. I think almost everybody has a family member or a friend with problems like Steve's sisters. Doesn't make it easier, though.
I will keep the night watch for a while yet JO...Maybe even stay up till LORI comes on.
LYNNE I hoppe you and STEVE can get some rest and sleep tonightSHIRLEY spoke very well in her last post and I could not have said it better. Thanks SHIRLEY.
Belle awake and facing eleven for at least 15 minutes now.Is she tenting? Is it raining? I see a larger section of her tail feathers, her wings are open.
Belle is standing over the cup and looking down...digging in the cup nowFacing tenI see two eggs.Now over the cup again facing eight.
Oh dear, Lynne...you must have a little black cloud over your head!
So sorry all this 'Family stuff' is happening. I don't see how anything can help those two sisters, at this time, except money for special care, and Steve can't even think about that right now:( Let Mom and Dad make the trip and make decisions for their daughters. God be with and Bless them~
Now, the thought of getting hooked on drugs just now, really hit home with me. Wonder how long one can take pain meds before getting hooked on them? I had been taking 4 percosets a day for 5 weeks then 2 a day for 1 week and starting today, I have just now taken my first for this day. If I get the hebby jebbies, what do I do? I know, I'll call the doctor who prescribed them. I think I'll be OK!
Having LYNN join in for a while was a few joyful moments. SHIRLEY, I wanted steak also, but we had fish instead (whiting), better for us:) Now I'm thinking LYNN can try to put some weight back on during the weekends, when she seems to have a better appetite. JEWELS, get her milkshakes and peanut butter ice cream:)
Bedtime for me, see you in the morning.
Love and Hugs and prayers for all♥
Whoa, almost 200 comments since I left....
Got a really weird screen when I tried to bring up the comment box...
Before I let the sandperson dump a bucket of sleep dust in my eyes:
Lynne, so very sorry for the difficult family medical issues. Let some time pass, gather sufficient information, then on to decisions that are best for you and Steve.
So, the sandperson is on the way to provide everyone a good night's sleep, even those who are contemplating eating an entire supply of cream pies. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.
Right under the gun...Happy Birthday to Lynne's Steve!
Sorry I haven't been available today to blog more, I twisted my back and have been in pain all day. Have a dr. apptmt tomorrow.
If I don't blog for a while you'll know why. Love you guys. ♥♥♥♥
Will someone please email me if there is a hatch? I'd appreciate a call.
Goodnight and God bless. Prayers for all, especially those in greatest need. ♥♥♥♥
Oh Diann hope you can find some relief.
Lynn, so sorry to hear about Steve's sisters.
Still pretty dark out, moon isn't up yet.
Nice to see Lynn on here!
I'd better get to bed!
(((Hugs for all)))♥
Moon is just barely pulling itself up off the Horizon...
while the rest of are getting Horizontal, most of us anyway
Good Night to anyone still up and about....
I'm headed to bed also...
xoxo ♥
Diann...hope you will not be gone from us long...
and that you get swift relief for the back pain,
and yes, I'll send you an email when there is a hatch....as soon as I know about it myself...
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