Monday, March 05, 2012


New Week Thread.


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Linda said...

Wow....another lucky day for me!

Steve, thank you for the new thread!

I will go alert the others!!

Good Morning to all!

Linda said...

Bringing this from the old thread...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LYNN UPDATE: She said she is about the same and thanks for the love and prayers. She is going to try to eat now.

Monday, March 05, 2012 9:44:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Our new prediction: 4-6 inches of snow possible. We have a winter storm warning.

Sandi said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now back to me.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a brand, spankin' new thread for a brand, spankin' new week!

Thanks LINDA, for the call over!

Just checking in from school to see that it has been a boring morning at the nest - boring at the nest is GREAT!

Wishing safety for all who are getting/have gotten snow, if they need to be out on the roads.

SHARON, enjoy your LAST DAY as a 40 something!


Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Well, Linda you are a great thread alerter! Thanks for the fresh thread on a Monday morning.

Sharon thanks for Lynn update!
Praying for her comfort and strength to return.

You all realize that Tori could be going home in another 2 weeks max?
She sure is a miracle in action!

Sharon your birthday plans sound
fantastic - being with your son is going to be a great way to celebrate!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Delphia! Good to hear from you ♥

T-Bird said...

Well good morning again. Thanks Linda for the call over and thanks Steve for the new thread.

T-Bird said...

Mattie enjoys no school to Magpie.

Mema Jo said...

I think it will snow here soon....
I saw some very fine flakes coming down
They stopped but I bet they come again.
March can be a killer month as we
experienced before.......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

There had to have been a switch because Shep is there now..... I missed it!

magpie said...

Well Ain't This Swell !

Thanks for the new thread, Steve
Thanks for the call-over, Linda
yes - two days in a row! Well-done !!

Thanks Sharon, for the update on Lynn, we appreciate your being the Messenger all the way around... Prayers for Lynn ♥ and hoping will be a Good Day...

Okay ! Tuesday with Andrew and Kelsey, Sharon.....
Hmmm, I have a request for a song at that Concert !!! ☺ ♪ ♫

magpie said...

Well, T-Bird, I'm glad that Mattie is Glad !!

Hi Bird-Girl ☺

magpie said...

if you get that predicted snow, maybe all the Teachers and Students will be happy "down your way" too ☺

magpie said...

Tori possibly being home for Springtime? How wonderful that would be...!!

Thanks Jo for that bright spot of news ☼

magpie said...

looks like Shep and Belle pulled a fastie and no one seems to have posted about it...tsk tsk tsk

I think I heard Children in the background...or maybe it is birds or big people

magpie said...

I sure wasn't here to see it....

we'll have to be setting up 24-hour watches pretty soon...
Hoping for the best Hatching Season for Shep and Belle and the Royal Eggs

Bird Girl said...

It's a beautiful spring day in the Valley of the Sun!

Baby bird season has begun a couple of weeks early for my rescue group. We already have nine baby hummingbirds, and got our first nestling mourning doves the other day. Pretty soon we will be getting mockingbirds, starlings, grackles, and then everything else.

Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread.

Gracias, LINDA, for the call over!

SHIRLEY, I hope you don't get the full 6" of snow down there. I'm soooo sorry.

Lori O. said...

Hello JO & Delphia!

SHARON, so glad you're feeling better! Thanks for being the messanger for LYNN. It's so good to get those messages.

Lori O. said...

typos...URGH! ....send me to bed!

Lori O. said...

Hello MARGY! You're off today, right?
I loved hearing of you and James singing Christmas songs with your own words. Very sweet.

Sandi said...

It's snowing in Selbyville, DE! Well, I'll be! Don't think the kids have noticed it yet - when they do, all hell will break loose! They will be DONE for the day!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I know how that is, Sandi. Can you close the blinds or shades?

magpie said...

weather looking pretty dark and dreary at BWO
have not personally seen any creatures at either nest yet today

magpie said...

too funny Sandi...
let us know if all that breaks loose !

Well, Delphia...all your rehab work sounds so exciting...cannot even imagine the smallness of a baby hummingbird.
Bravo on your work!
The World of Wildlife is better for it....

Okay, Lori, get a good nap, I'm headed for one myself....

ttfn Eagle Pals....
Have a good day, as fun as it sounds like the Day Care Children are having...

Thinking of Lynn ♥


Bird Girl said...

Magpie...hatchling hummingbirds are the size of raisins! We use rolled-up baby socks as surrogate nests. Did you know that their beak is really short when they hatch? Otherwise, they wouldn't fit in the egg! :D

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I just saw some sunshine on the nest...hope it is headed this way.

Is anyone having trouble signing into the blog?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I did witness the changing of the guards. I saw Shep standing at the 6 o'clock position for a little bit and then Belle got off the eggs and he got on.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly emailed me, she can read the blog but it won't let her sign on.

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Wahooooo! I am back! I rebooted and here I am. That was so frustrating. Thanks Paula, tried your suggestions, then Jack said, have you rebooted. Duh!

stronghunter said...

You're on, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Lolly I thought we lost you down
in a deep deep hole! Glad you are here
because I didn't have any idea how to
rescue you! ♥

movin said...


Happy Monday and
New Week to u all.


Still very warm today in So Cal, but we're supposed to have rain tomorrow.

One of the Hummer chicks has fledged and the other looks close to ready too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

I had typed a long post, too. Tried to save it but rebooting, I lost it. Grrrr! And, an aging brain prevents me from remembering what all I had typed. Sigh.....
I am sure it was all VERY important.☺

Now it is time for me to start my day!

Lolly said...

LOL Jo! I was getting very very frustrated. I thought I was in a deep dark hole, too. Do not want that to happen again. LOL Jack is always telling me to reboot. LOL I always forget to try that.

Lolly said...

Oh, and Paula, I am glad I cleared my history. The ol' laptop is performing much faster. Thanks!☺

Bird Girl said...

I don't really like this new layout on Blogger, I wonder why they changed it?

Today I made a fresh batch of food for Pepper, and I'm working on updating a PowerPoint presentation for my rescue group. I think a nap will be happening too LOL

Bird Girl said...


Jewels said...

God morning eagle Pals.... I am so glad that it is a new week! Last week was awful!! I am taking Charlie to a DR appt today as he is so ill. Do not know what is wrong. He has vomited almost everyday and just can't eat. He is down almost 25 lbs or so... then will head over to see mom and do a few things for her. She is feeling like crap...just no energy, no strength and is so sore. Leisl doesn't get much lap time because mom says it hurts her stomach now. I don't see that as a good thing at all for more than just Leisl's sake. Keep praying Momsters and Dadsters...Much love to you all!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy happy you will be having James time after school. Love you two walking along singing Chrismas songs lol

Prayers for Janet/Nilla^j^

Candle lite for Lynn

Lolly glad you re-booted and got on. (:

Always good hearing good news about Tori♥

wvgal_dana said...

Jewels give Lynn an easy HUG for me.

I wish they would have done the Pet Scan.

Bird Girl said...

Shep rearranging the fluff

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the update, Jewels.

Love to you and your mother.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Raining at BWO

Welcome back Lolly. Sometimes the simplest solutions work!

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, Shep's doing a face plant...nope he's awake, LOL

Mema Jo said...

Jewels/Caro - give Mom lots of hugs and well wishes. Anxious to hear from you
when you come home. You have 2 days off
and here you are taking Charlie to the
Dr. I thought it was going to be
Mental Health days for you lol ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda that was great news about the
freezer money for the church's food
kitchen! When you and Gene set your
minds to something it really happens.
Now as for walking backwards on the
treadmill........ you gonna make
that happen, gal lol Love you ♥

Mema Jo said...

I do think (now) that Shep is a
little cutie pie ♥

Might take a break.....Street clothes
you know!

paula eagleholic said...

Poor Caro....she's got her hands full!

Lynn, hope you feel better today! Love you ♥

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.
Thank you, Steve.

Busy. Midterms and 100 papers to read/grade.

Sending healing wishes for Nilla (Janet). Hope the difficulty can be resolved with catherization.

Margy, so glad you had a good time with James.

Hard to realize how much progress Tori has made since the surgery. Suspect being at home will speed the recovery even more.

Sharon, thank you for the Lynn update. Hope you continue to feel better.

Shirley, please keep the white stuff down your way.

Lolly, welcome back. Was afeared you had been transported to the secret place.

Carolyn, hugs for you and your mom. Hoping Charlie will get some relief. This has been a difficult time for you and all the family. We do care so much.

Checked out Phoebe and Sansa fledged yesterday. YouTube video is available.

Shep doing his usual good job a minute or two ago. Almost time for hatching.

Savannah and Derek showed off their babe for a minute or two. Cute, of course.

Forget my request Shirley. White stuff falling down here.

Hoda said...

Thank you JEWELS for theupdate on LYNN.
Prayers ♥

Good morning/ Good afternoon everyoe.

WANDA congratulations on the freezer and what a great supportive group you have around you with fridge as a possibility also. What goes around comes around...I think recognition of your and the Captain's work has made a difference to raising the funds. BRAVO.
Good luck with the walking backwards today...

I'll post this and hope it gets through,thinking of the problems LOLLY had

Judie said...

Oops, I am so sorry I got caught up on other comments.

Wanda, congratulations on the funding for a new freezer for the soup kitchen. You and the Capt. are really an amazing team and we can't forget to thank Lori and Kate.

Hoda said...

JEWELS I hope CHARLIE'S health issue is also cleared today.

SHARON, Birthday Girl tomorrow, Thanks for the update on LYNN and I much appreciate it. Good luck driving in the snow and enjoy your time with Andrew and the concert tomorrow...♥

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Went outside, refilled the feeders, used a net on the bottom of the pond to clear out leaves and acorns. I have now come in to shed some is 70 and hot. Not to worry...I am putting on cooler clothes!☺

Jack and I are starting construction today of more flower beds. Our shade has ruled out lawn so now more terraces and shade flower beds. A lot of it will be mulched. Hope this works out!! Usually our plans do, but do not want more work!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Lolly it sounds like you are making more work with more beds..... More
beautiful flowers for Hawkwood Gardens!

Mema Jo said...

I wish Shep would stop playing/moving the sticks in front of him.
Looks breezy up in the Sycamore Palace

Lolly said...

Caroline aka Jewels, thanks for the update on your mom. Bless your heart, we are keeping you and Charlie in our prayers,too. You really have your hands and heart full right now. Hang in there, we are here for you!!!♥ Anytime you need to vent....come here!!! We have (((Hugs))) for you and your mom.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda happy the freezer funds came about.

Now praying for the fridge.

Wanda if you want to walk backwards. Ask God for HIS TIMING^j^. It will happen♥

wvgal_dana said...

Jewels you have so much on you right now. I know you have to have that "tired feeling". Prayers always for your Mother.

I pray that God helps them find out what is wrong with Charlie.

Here is a HUG ((((((((((JEWELS))))))))) for you and one for Lynn (((((((((LYNN/e))))))))))

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, have a spinning arrow, but live feed is still running!

I saw some snow flurries this morning!

magpie said...

snow squall here in Martinsburg, wonder if it is headed towards the nest

magpie said...

See the post from Jewels...
(( Hugs to you and the entire family.....♥ ))

and lots of prayers to go with that...

Wow a blizzard, really, here in Martinsburg

headed out, take care everyone
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Margy - you don't head out in a blizzard unless it is a matter of life or death .. or if you are going to work.

Mema Jo said...

Egg Roll
Switch - Belle is on duty now. ♥

Kay said...

Coming in just in time to see
Shep doing his devoted father best ! And, Here's Belle ! Changing places ! Beautiful duo !

JEWELS, thanks for the update on your precious Mom. Prayers continue for her, Charlie and you as well. What a rough few weeks you've had with their illnesses and the loss of Charlie's brother. Hope that dark cloud lifts soon, bringing renewed health and comfort.

DELPHIA, thanks for interesting hummingbird factoid ! Never gave the beak a thought, but makes sense !

LORI, you and Kate are angels and I'm sure WANDA, GENE and the folks at the "kitchen" agree !

LOLLY, glad the reboot worked--guess it's the first thing we should all try when these puters come up with a glitch.

DIANN, happy to "see" you and THELMA, so glad you and the kids are enjoying a snow day.

MARGY, thanks for telling us about your day with the Kidster. Smiling about your songfests !!!!

And, hello to all who've posted today. I've enjoyed catching up with you and your activities !


Mema Jo said...

Sandi - do you have the DE Electric
CO-OP as a provder? I like their
Beat the Peek efforts.

JudyEddy said...



and WANDA great news about the freezer,

and JEWEL thanks for keeping us informed about your sweet mom has she called the dr is the normal ???

and DWLPHIA size of a raisin that is sooo small and that their beaks grown that to cool I envy you and Loretta working so close to nature maybe one day when I retire I can do something around here I love going to the seabird sanctuary

SHARON as always thanks for keeping us informed about LYNN also

So glad all enjoyed today PPS I loved that one WOW is it windy at the nest

BENNY is sitting on my lap as I type he has become quite a lover now

JudyEddy said...

but its hard to type and pet at the same time PIA but I love it that he will jump up on my lap I still think he wants my chair

JudyEddy said...

It snowing sideways

JudyEddy said...

at the nest not in Fl did I forget to say that

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The snow has arrived at the nest. Crap!

JudyEddy said...

well its almost time for me to head back to work

Poor Belle in the snow I know they are use to it but I still don't like it

JudyEddy said...

My exact words SHARON

JudyEddy said...

YEAH it stopped snowing Now I need to leave see ya all after work Have a great day what left of it One and all

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, we had one of those snow showers here it's sunny here and at the nest

Linda said...



Linda said...


Linda said...


Red said...

Poof. Belle just left and the eggs are uncovered. Sure is nice to see all this happening.

Red said...

And she returned while I was typing.

Hoda said...

Shep is on eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Red, I just have to tell you that I don't know what you told our boy Shep but you certainly whipped him into shape. He has been excellent since you trained him! :)

Red said...

Sometimes a man to man talk helps. haha

Jewels said...

Hi there. Dr seems to think its his gall bladder, so we are now at the hospital for a ultrasound...and blood work. Two days off, who was I kidding?? Lol oh well, at least I am not at work dealing with others, I am helping my family that I feel I neglect so much of the time.
Alot of snow squalls. Like it like this because I know it won't last.
They just took him back. Wouldnt let me go back with him. Geesh!

Red said...

I didn't see the spot on his head. I do now. Thought it was Belle that returned.

Jewels said...

Thanks for all the prayers. I pray God answers them!!

Lori O. said...

RED, welcome back! How's the hip doing?

stronghunter said...

Sunny here, too, and the snow is mostly gone.

Red said...

Still some pain Lori but it's getting better each day.

stronghunter said...

Carolyn, you do have your hands full right now.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - Bennie is a Lap Cat! I love lap
cats - they are rare. Out of the two I have only 1 is half a lap cat - sometimes he is on my lap and at other times he is lying beside his brother.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jewels - Jenny (My Jenny) said she
would teach me to text message. I told her I may as well get up with the times.
Only concern I have is that my fingers
aren't as nimble as they once were - sometimes I hit 2 keys and of course the
wrong one shows up!

While you are sitting there waiting for
Charlie's exam you could be relaxing
with Yoga! I'll ask Hoda! Love you! ♥

Jewels said...

Awww Jo... Ur so special. I wish relaxing would help!! Texting on my touch screen sometimes gets me in hot water. It makes up words for me. Lol!! Charlie is back, asked to wait out here for the results. Hmmm waiting waiting...nothing is instant is it.

Lori O. said...

So glad you're headed in the right healing direction, RED!

JEWELS, thanks for jumping on and giving updates. They are really appreciated. We're always here for you and your family. I pray Charlie's results are good and quickly healed!

paula eagleholic said...

JO, don't worry about texting mistakes! Everyone makes them! Just watch out for auto-correct, LOL

Linda said...


Hoda said...

Shep flies off the cup from nine

Hoda said...

somone lands on the camera and vocalizing

Linda said...



Hoda said...

eggs uncovered.

Linda said...


Hoda said...

camera shakes not the mating movement though.
In comes Belle

Hoda said...

egg roll

Linda said...


Hoda said...

Belle facing six

Hoda said...

Good reporting LINDA!!! LOL we saw the same thing!!!

Hoda said...

Too early for a switch... I wonder if Shep will take night duty again? Will he have a short break?

JEWELS Praying for you and CHARLIE... Keep us posted with his test results. Gallbladder is no fun. I had mine removed.

Linda said...

Hi Hoda!! Nice reporting with you!!

CAROLYN - Praying for relief all the way around for you and the family. Hopefully you can get Charlie some answers for Charlie, get him home and settled so you can go be with Mom for a while.

I am sure you are good medicine for LYNN!! She loves her girls!!

Thoughts and prayers for LYNN always...

Linda said...

Okay, so I messed up my typing there, but you get the jest of what I'm sayin' right??

Mema Jo said...

Paula will do - I think that is what
Jenny mentioned - something auto..

Judie said...

Hi all,

Just heard on the news there was an earth quake in CA. Maybe Jim or Andy will give us an account.

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't seen anything on the BWO cam when I have had time to look,,,but it looks really green.

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! Missed the snow @ the nest - looks sunny but windy there now! About 20 minutes after the coaches canceled practices today - baseball, softball, and track - the snow stopped and the sun came out at school!

Glad to see that RED checked in and is feeling better each day! FYI, I fixed my first batch of biscuits and sausage gravy a couple of weeks ago (LYNN sent me the recipe) and it was a huge hit with hubby and son!! Good stuff - real comfort food!!

Great news WANDA on the freezer for the soup kitchen!

JUDY, thanks for clarifying that you were talking about it snowing at the nest, not in FL!! =D

JO, we're with Delmarva Power and they have NONE of the customer incentives that DE Co-op offers! I wish!

JEWELS, sorry to hear about Charlie - it has been one bad thing after another for you recently! Prayers for the whole family, especially for your mom! Sure was hoping she would feel well enough to check in with us today!

Jewels said...

Right Linda. That I do.... Thought we was done...charlie went out to car, I had to go back out and get him... Now they want to do a cat scan. Still waiting!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, that Del Co-op is good...I am with Delmarva power at the beach, too.

Around here, Potomac Edison has a free kit for account holders, light bulbs, shower head, power strip, water screens for faucets...all for free...great energy saver kit. Much better PR move than the $12 light bulbs they charged everyone for a couple of years back.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds. Been checking the nest now & then. Last time I looked, Shep was egg sitting. See Belle is back.Wonder if he eggsits more than other males, or we just know he's there from his spot?
Must have been Red's coaching! LOL
Glad to see you back on the Blog. Hope healing continues quickly.
See that Carolyn's Charlie may have gallbladder problems. I had that~~~if so, get it out!!!You feel so much better!
Prayers for Lynn aND Family

JudyEddy said...

Ok this is Angie..Judy's daughter mom I just hack in on your blog..I just wanted to tell the girls on this blog I am glad my mom found each and everyone of you I feel I know you guys as much as she does you all sound like wonderful peps. Also and I am glad you found my mom she is the greatest person I know. She is a wonderful mom.oma.friend anyone can have you guys / gals ate lucky to have her . Now that my moms head is swollen haha gotta go have a wonderful nite.I will pray for a little baby eagle to he born soon

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Angie, I sure like to hear daughters speak of their moms like you just did!
We all also know you and Jordyn is our

Take care and we will take care of your
mom - she is a special momster!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That wind had Belle fighting to stay off the eggs just now. Skeered the heck out of me.

DanaMo said...

We love your mom too Angie! ♥

Linda said...


Linda said...



Sandi said...

Missed Shep's arrival but it looks like he brought food in for his Belle??

Linda said...



Sandi said...

Belle is chowing down on something - good boy, Shep!!

stronghunter said...

Earthquake--I see a 4.0 in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I heard something on the news about this, too.

I guess 4.0 is not too bad.

I see some kind of bloody mess in our nest. Eagle dinner. Belle is chowing down.

Red said...

Did OC remove their blog below the cam picture? Just noticed it's missing.

Linda said...

I wonder what that was that Shep brought in... Still can't make out what it is. I looked long and red!

Belle is happy eating it!

stronghunter said...

Cloudy and windy here now. This has been a day.

Almost no snow left now.

Sandi said...

Maybe Shep figured that if he delivered food for Belle, she'd be full and wouldn't stick him with night duty?? =)

stronghunter said...

Whoa . . . I see some flakes blowing around.

Linda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Gosh, I slept in really late this morning (so did Miss Emma!), and it felt really good! Been playing "52 pick-up" every since, though.

Prayers (serious ones!) are constant for our Lynn!!! Praying now for Charlie & Carolyn, too.

Gotta run--Kubby is almost home from work, so gotta move my car so his will fit in the garage! Will check back in later tonight, after dinner. Love to all! :o]...Emma says, "WOOF, WOOF!"

Linda said...

And Poof Belle over 3

Sandi said...

RED, the OC forum is still there but it has been removed from the home page. Folks who want to see the posts have to click on the Forum link beneath the cam picture. A good idea, I think.

Hoda said...

Proud of Shep taking in duty and bringing in food. Poof Belle. Is Shep on night duty I wonder?

ANGIE great to hear you talk so well of our JUDYE...She has a heart of gold that one.

It scared me too SHARON!!! WOW strong wind...

Linda said...

So Shep will tend to the nest while Belle is out and about after her dinner!

Hoda said...

Snarf LINDA??? LOL Belle has to find another way of consuming her meals!!! LOL!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

A 4.0 in San Francisco is nothing unusual. If nothing falls off a shelf and breaks, everyone just kind of says, "Oh--whatever" and goes on with what they were doing.
Most folks there have knick-knacks stuck down with putty (almost like chewing gum), so most things stay put. It's about the same in the Los Angeles area, too. Guess we're just used to a little shake, rattle, and roll! :o]

Red said...

Thanks Sandi. I think I'll stay away from their forum though. I seem to stir up trouble when I go there. lol

Ms Bookworm said...

What REALLY worries me is tornados!
They are usually SO much more destructive, and at night, you can't tell where they are coming from. Such unharnessed power puts the fear of God in me! Guess it's just a matter of what you've had to get used to.

Red said...

Think I'll take a break and watch the local news on TV.

Later y'all!

Sandi said...

RED, I wasn't going to tell you but I heard a rumor that the OC folks ASKED to be moved off of the "front page" so you couldn't find them anymore!! =)

Angie, we love your mom almost as much as you do! You are welcome to "hack the blog" anytime!! But be careful, we can be addictive!!

ANDI, I've got this visual of massive amounts of sticky tack being purchased by Californians to keep things from falling off the shelves during an earthquake! Teachers love sticky tack, too!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi! Alcatraz tonight starts at 8 until 11:00. 2 hrs - don't know what the reason is but I bet it is good!

I had asked about DEC We have had them
at the summer home since the beginning
I was just commenting on their emails
to BEAT THE PEAK! Very unique idea

Jewels said...

Charlie had a enlarged spleen. They are admitting him. Phone is dead. Will update whwn I get home....:(

Mema Jo said...

Sharon YOU ONLY HAVE 5 hrs and 30 min
to be in the 40's

Mema Jo said...

CARO: Prayers for his recovery
Thankful he is being admitted & that they get him Good to Go! ♥

Sandi said...

JO, thanks for the heads-up on Alcatraz. Am I correct that it was pre-empted by the race last Monday, or did last week's episode air at a different time/on a different day?

I have seen print ads for DE Co-op - wish we could hook up with them but Delmarva Power is the name of the game here in South Bethany!

Poor JEWELS, so sorry to hear about Charlie! I have no idea what an enlarged spleen signifies - LYNN would be able to tell me!

Hoda said...

...and here is another situation where I say I MISS LYNN, I WISHED I could ask her what does it mean to have an enlarged spleen...I google it but it is not the same!!! Love you LYNN

Sandi said...

Off to the grocery store so I can be back in time for my now 8 o'clock show. Hope Belle gives Shep a break and returns before long - he's been such a devoted guy!

Sandi said...

HODA, I did the same thing - Googled enlarged spleen. But agree, it would be much nicer to ask LYNN.

JO, your taunting of Sharon is shameless! Hope you don't have a "big birthday" coming up soon - what goes around, comes around, girl!! =)

Hoda said...

For those who missed it, here is DeeWerms video of SHEP bringing in supper and the changing of the guard with Shep on for evening shift.
Remember SHEP is known as Smitty on the Hancock Foundation.
Shep brings in supper

NatureNut said...

Ah so! Jo has spilled the beans on Sharon's B'Day!!

Hoda said...

Belle comes in and there was a bit of vocalization...Shep Got off the cup and tried to take off and aborted the the attempt because of the wind and then tried again. Belle is on the eggs...

Hoda said...

Second try worked and Shep poofed.

DanaMo said...

So how do you read this sentence.

"We have a nest in Sheperdstown with an eagle pair and 2 eggs"

Do you pronounce the word a as a long a or "uh".

Sandi? Shirley? Lolly? I spent the day defending what I do to a parent of a new students that came into kindergarten in January.Now I'm hoping that our email conversation doesn't get ME in trouble, but really did feel that I had to defend myself. Geez...this is the kind of stuff that kills me with teaching.

hedgie said...

Hello my dear sweet friends. I sure do miss you. I still feel very rugged and lousy. But needed to say hi, and to ask for your prayers now for Charlie. He's just been admitted to hospital with enlarged spleen. He's been very sick for several obviously not all related to his brother's death. MTBD as more testing is done.

I hope I haven't missed any serious travails for any of you. Just know that I hold you all in prayer as I know you do me. Still don't have strength to sit at goodnight, dear ones. I love you.

hedgie said...

LOL, DMO---I don't think it matters one way or the other......but I probably would normally make it a short "a."

DanaMo said...

So glad to hear from you Lynn ♥
Rest and take care.

DanaMo said...

Actually it doesn't but the parent was not happy (I don't think) with the way I was teaching it. Apparently he has been taught the other way.

JudyEddy said...

RED good to here you are doing better

I sure wish we would hear that about MS LYNN Carolyn sorry to hear about the gallbladder possibility Loosing that much weight is not a good thing unless you are on a diet

JO texting is easy just I am slower because of my key pad is a reg phone not like a typewriter Angie and Carl were somewhere I think a concert and I was babysitting Jordyn years ago and I texted her and she was so shocked I figured it out It was after I had gotten my trac phone now I prefer texting instead of talking on phone You will get the hang of it I am sure

SANDI I hope we don't get any snow here LOL Well we did one year just flurries I had taken the kids to get their pictures at OlanMills and we picked a snowy background to remember the day

Got home and started the blog and I see my sweet kid has hacked me oh well if you give her the password is it hacking??????? and I have them in my email from that point on YEAH I love that girl sooo much

DanaMo said...

I asked everyone in the building and we all teach it the same way when teaching the "word" a. I'm hoping that by telling him all that he doesn't think I was being a smart a$$ but I felt like I had to defend myself and that's an awful position to be put into by a parent, it never turns out good!

DanaMo said...


JudyEddy said...

OH NO MY HEAD WON'T FIT THROUGH THE DOOR I AM STUCK IN THE DOOR JAM CALL THE PARAMEDIC LOL JUST KIDDING Thats my Pang Love her to death Now I can go to the eamil she was off work when she did this I don't want her to get in trouble Also she can't use her phone in the building that they have All metal we think has to do with it MY EMAIL BOX IS HAPPY LOL

NatureNut said...

Sorry to hear about Charlie's enlarged spleen. I assume more tests needed. Looks like it has many causes.

Last I looked, Shep was minding the eggs after bringing Belle road kill dinner! Yuck.

Hoda said...

YEAY LYNN posted on the blog!! HIP HIP HURRAH!!!
Thanks LYNN...soooooo wonderful to see you on here...

JudyEddy said...


NatureNut said...

Lynn, Blessings for you! Hope you're feeling much better ASAP!

Hoda said...

LORETTA, BELLE IS ON FOR NIGHT SHIFT. She took a short break and she came back and Shep poofed.

JudyEddy said...

thank you JO for the compliment and i am typing one handed again other is with benny

JudyEddy said...

Yeah he brought her food eww Linda red spaghetti We had that at Angies last night Carl is a good cook

JudyEddy said...

Love your thinking SADNI with the the night duty for shep and it must of worked

JudyEddy said...

HODA and DANAMO also thanks for the compliment I am still reading and in my email I am doing the happy dance read and delete read and delte so much easier that read and f5 Benny left and now he is back so I am gonna go pet him I will be back still have more to read only 40 to read

NatureNut said...

Just saw Belle back on the eggs. Guess she's taking the night shift.

Gotta eat~~~~

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Jewels, sorry to hear about Charlie's spleen! Hoping they fix him up soon!

Lynn, We love you and appreciate that you popped on to say Hi! We Miss You!

JudyEddy said...

Guess what I got up went to the couch and he jumped in my desk chair so thats what he was mewoing about he wanted my chair LOL ;^(

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Angie! Jump in anytime!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the eagle found by the Metro station in DC had to be euthanized :(

JudyEddy said...

SANDI to you also thanks for the compliment now it will take a crane to get my head out the door LOL

JudyEddy said...

Ok this is silly I am standing bending over my CAT BENNY to type who is on my chair who rules this I wonder

I am going to watch the news I will be back to finish reading I am at 6;13 on the bblog now 36 to read and most of those are mine LOL

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear about the DC eagle PAULA. Thanks for letting us know.

Judie said...

Yippee and more yippee! Lynn was here. Hey gal pal. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry about Charlie but think I remember that spleen is not a necessity. Hope he gets better soon and you even sooner.

Hoda, thank you for the video link. The latest copy of Emily Post is on the way to the nest with a postit marking "fish course."

Sharon, happy 39th again!

Off to digest dinner and watch Jeopardy.

Lolly said...

So, DanaMo, how do you teach it? I never had a problem with teaching it. I think most people would read it as "uh". It is sort of artificial to say long a. If a child, while reading, said a or uh, I would not correct them.

stronghunter said...

Oh, dear long "a" or "uh"? I would be asking the kindergarten teacher, not telling her.

I am not a reading teacher, so I do not have an answer.

If I were the parent, I would do the same thing.

I think I probably was taught to say the long "a" because when I heard a child (probably my own) say "uh", I thought--"Oh, that isn't what I expected but it makes sense."

I hope you do not worry over this too much, DanaMo. I think the parent is the one with the problem. And I think it is likely he will have more important things to ponder as his child grows up.

Lolly said...

Yes!!!!! Lynn, just seeing your name on here was a thrill. Love you, girl!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie!!

I have to go back and read Lynn's post!!

Hoda said...

JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE...We have a SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! LINDA reported Belle as SCARFING her food at supper time!!! Now what would Emily Post say? How are we going to tell Miss Belle not to scarf her food??? Do you see how serious a situation this is? LOL

Hoda said... is a bit worse than putting one's elbows on the table!!! Oh my I am distraught!!!

I am on my way to Yoga...maybe this will help me deal with this problem...


...and look at how lady like she is now...who would have thunk it???LOL

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie!!

I have to go back and read Lynn's post!!

Okay, I found it. So happy to see you on here, Lynn.

And, DanaMo, I would say "uh" now. That is why I think it makes sense, but I think either is fine when you are teaching a child.

This parent will find that there are lots of times when there is more than one correct answer. Geesh!

JudyEddy said...

OK am caught up and the cat is still on the chair and asleep I gently picked him up and put him on the couch I don't think that is what he wanted

SO HAPPY LYNN POPED IN YEAH JUST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WE WILL BE HERE WHEN YOU GET BETTER I know SHARON is letting you know we think of you as well as your fantastic daughter's and so sorry to hear about the enlarged spleen

I called Angie and read her you all email she giggled She was sitting at the bank and logged on then So she is going to try to hook me up with email daily YEAH that will be so nice

HODA You are a riot to funny gal have a good yoga lesson and I wish I had your energy can you send me some please

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I am gonna upload a video I took of the snow fluries this afternoon and a short one of this evening right when I got home BBL still watching the news toooo

grannyblt said...

Dana, i think when someone says 'a' nest it implies that there is only one.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...