Friday, March 30, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks, I'll go get everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy TGIF!! Have a great day!!

JudyEddy said...

helloo new thread and thanks steve

hedgie said...

Good morning on this cloudy, sprinkly Fri.
Couldn't get on old thread.......better luck here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Babes are alone.

hedgie said...


CANNOT believe that Isla has made it back another year. WOWSERS!!!!!!! What a gal. Know how thrilled Chrissy must be!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Isla has had multiple HPs this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Hedgie. Fancy meeting you here! :)

hedgie said...

Chicks alone so must not be raining there.

Megan, a trip to your place sounds cool!!

Sandi said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and thanks to Sharon for the call over!

Morning Lynn! Hope today is a great one for you!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! OK, now I am getting mad, not just green with jealousy!!! Road trip to Megans!!! No way, Jose!!!!

Actually that sounds fantabulous!! Go, have fun, buy plants....and think just a wee bit of me.☺

Have not seen an adult since I got on, but I heard them in the attic.

Lolly said... the squirrel pic...I think he was finding acorns. That is a basket I have not planted yet.

Lolly said...

Thrilled for Chrissy that she has her Lady back one more year. Wow!

Going to read the paper now.

Lolly said...

Morning Lynn! Hope you had a good night and truly hoping you have another good day. Two days in a row would be wonderful!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of calling out...someone is in the attic

stronghunter said...

I heard the calling and came right over to see what is going on.

magpie said...

it's sprinkling here in Martinsburg

I just heard, I think
Shep's almost big boy voice

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

to ALL of You ☺

stronghunter said...

Babies look to be dozing in the nest while whatever drama is going on takes place elsewhere.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Margy!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lynn! Good to see you on here today.

stronghunter said...

Babies are moving around a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents in the nest

stronghunter said...

Both parents at nest now.

stronghunter said...

Greenery there, too. Did they just bring it in?

stronghunter said...

Trying to make a pot of coffee. I say trying because I forgot the water, so I have a very empty and very hot pot to deal with.

Fresh flugg just brought in.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks covered in Fluff ☺

Judie said...

Good morning,

Looks like Belle is doing her best to keep watch over the kidlets. Missed the drama but happy all is quiet.

Hi Megan. Nice to see you stopped by.

Hi Lynn. Hope you're feeling good today.

Isla has indeed returned to a warm and "cozy" welcome. Can't discriminate the males but her breakfast has been interrupted several times.

Off to begin some work on the final exam for the wannabe adults. Four more weeks and eight classes.

Kay, I am sorry your pain is so bad. Wish I had a recommendation or cure to suggest. Call the doctor.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Paper read, listened to an eagle call. Wonder what all that was about.

hedgie said...

Kay, sorry you are feeling worse, so please call the dr. :( Feel better fast!

Judie, keep counting: 8-7-6. etc.!!!

Margy ,sounded like you all were b-u-s-y for a little while. Hope it;s calmed down.

Oh, Lolly, I've forgotten the POT....would much rather have forgotten the water!!!!

Lolly said...

Video on fb of Tori walking!

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn, I was trying to figure out your comment. Then it dawned on me....think you meant that comment to Shirley!

I have forgotten the water in the past. I prepare my coffee pot every night, so if Jack gets up before me, all he has to do is press a button, same for me. Coffee is ready in no time!

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning - Sprinkles here off and on. I'm late and I need
to go back a thread and then over to
FB. My boys brought in the items for
my half bath. They say they will start
it Monday. I have made arrangements with
Jenny to have sleep overs during this
time - fumes get to me.

Good to see all of you here
Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread!

Happy to hear about Isla's return!

Lynne2 said...

OMG!!!!! ISLA IS BACK??????

stronghunter said...

As long as you remember soon enough, forgetting the water is not too bad. Sometimes, I have forgotten the coffee grounds and then ended up with a pot of hot water.

paula eagleholic said...

Biggie got that poop shoot over the fish and over the rails at 6 ☺

Mema Jo said...

Happy about the invite from Megan for
our noon - 4:30 activities. I will
include it with the suggestions

Sandi I will also post here on the blog

Lynn had sent out the original But now
we really need a final headcount

Mema Jo said...

I love how the eaglets are darkening
Soon they will be little gray fluffballs

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time

OUr parents are doing a good job of keeping those chicks in the cup the last couple of days...they won't be able to much longer!

stronghunter said...

Time to build up the crib rails.

Mema Jo said...

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam
Great news! Today we are heading to the lake to install the 2012 LIVE Loon Cam! With the earliest ice out on record, the loons are back and the season is near. Get ready loon lovers! Check out Larry's Loon Blog for more information...

Mema Jo said...

Mega Millions
record jackpot climbs to


stronghunter said...

Have you bought your card???

I joined the group at Kathryn's work. I think it is the first time I have actually done this.

I think someone might have bought one for me once at some point.

stronghunter said...

Love the loon cam.

Lolly said...

When you win, Shirley, remember you know me! LOL

Yes, love the loon cam. Saw that info on fb and gave a cheer!

Every time I look at our little peaglets they are sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

Keeping updated on Mason

Lolly said...

Time to walk....groan, I wanna go outside. whine.......

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just handed me 5 tickets
I have never won on this Lotto BUT I
sure would like this one and YES I
would remember us all!

Don't think my Mason LINK worked
Trying again

Mason's Update

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.

So glad ISLA is back.AMAZING descrbes it well. I wish her a good nesting season.

LORI...I was not livid last night about my own interests in the buget. I was not cut and my Canadian Old Age Security cheque will come in along with my Canada pension in 18 I am OK. It is the lower income brackets that are not and that is why I was livid...the formula does not work for them...we also lose the penny, our smallest currency is going to be the nickle!!!I could go on but will follow the blog rule...THANKS.

Do you know who is the adult eagle in the nest right now? Only the lower left view is visible...strange angle...

A visit to MEGAN'S for the gathering how awesome is that!!! I wished I was going to be there...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I saw that about the Canadian penny. They are trying to get rid of the US penny as well...costs 2.6 cents to produce a penny!

paula eagleholic said...

The chicks are really lazing around today....I think it's chilly and damp out there...we had some sprinkles...

Hoda said...

I lost the live feed.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me too Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I have lost it, too.

Lolly said...

What is going on? Lost cam while walking!!!!

stronghunter said...

Brought up the still cam, but it is a mess. I can see the nest, but there is lots of interference.

Lolly said...

I get no respect! Annie is sitting on my arm, trying to keep me from typing.

movin said...


Good MorninG, fOLKS.


Weather in So Cal is overcast and below 60°, but it is predicted to get into the mid 60's. We'll see.

My still cam didn't work this a.m. when I opened it, and now my live feed has gone away too.??!

Some Channel Island chicks are hatching recently and continuing in case you haven't been following them.

Have a good weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I am not blogging much today to give my back/shoulder a break. It was really bad last night and that was why I went to bed so early more than being sleepy. So excuse what I miss!! Love you all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Live feed gone, still cam showing 3/27. Crap.

magpie said...

well you have probably seen this, not sure what time it was put on the site

We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like George, Lolly.

Hoda said...

I am off to yoga and errands today. I will start the process of renewing my passport today so will go to the Federal Government Client Services office...
I hope you all have a GREAT rest of the day and I will check back in when I return.

hedgie said...

I have lost the live cam, and nothing work! Anyone else? ARGH! Rebooted and all that.

Forgot to tell you that Chris brought the loveliest hyacinth yesterday---5 HUGE blooms, and my whole house smells wonderful!

I saw my first Mayfly today--how strange is that?

stronghunter said...

Me too, Lynn. And some others.

stronghunter said...

Me too: Lost the cam, that is.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

there is a notice on the OC page that the cam is down, sorry for the inconvenience and no ETA on return to service

Nope, you are not alone, Lynn


JudyEddy said...

I WANT MY CAM remember the song I want my MTV Just woke up I did it again fell asleep with her but she is still napping

PAULA I mailed out the article and some laminate in case you want to laminate it

JANET √ in the mail ;^}

paula eagleholic said...

Found this note under the live feed, in case this hasn't been posted

We apologize for the inconvenience. The EagleCam is presently offline. We do not have an ETA on a resolution. Thank you for your patience.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, guess we are on top of that notice, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Sure hope it's not Comcast and their Friday afternoon issues...

paula eagleholic said...

And I did email Steve the other day about the still cam...he acknowledged that it was down...

hedgie said...

Well, glad it's them and not us, but hope it's fixed before the day is out! Thanks.

magpie said...

oboy. that would or could make for a nestless week-end and some restless Momsters, Paula...

have been watching some eagles at BWE
two before one there now

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

and thanks Paual, saw that you had done that
about the still cam

okay everyone have a nice afternoon evening and week-end

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Margy - The cherry blossom stamp is
exceptional - Thank you for the card.

An eagle in the BWE nest

An Osprey in the BWO nest...

Mema Jo said...

We think that 2 eaglets is difficult
to sit on - How about 3 over on the
Alcoa cam.

Big Red is on her 3 eggs - She is a beautiful RTH

DanaMo said...

OMG seriously no cam?????

Sandi said...

4PM vet appointment with Bandit. Details to follow, or, as y'all say - MTBR!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, calling all Eaglet Momster Angels - We need to pray for our T-Bird. She is going through some struggles right now and needs all the prayers she can get. I hesitate to share this but I also do not want to deprive her of the power of the Eaglet Momster prayers. She is in the Pavilion which is a mental health facility here in Bluefield. I know she would love some cards from whoever can send them. You can send them here and I will make sure she gets them. Not sure how long she will be there but I am going to say maybe a week or so.

magpie said...

thank you for bringing this to us have my
prayers, hugs, warmth, love, and positive thoughts being sent your and T-Bird's way
xo ♥

magpie said...

and have Sandi and Bandit on my mind and prayers for good outcome also...
will be watching for updates

time to leave this computer
will find you all from home in a few hours


Kay said...

SHARON, this Eagle Momster assures you she is holding T-Bird in her heart, thoughts and prayers ! May the folks at The Pavilion help her through this time of need. I love her sense of humor, wonderfully logical way of looking at things and her ability to say so much with just a few well chosen words ! Will light a candle for her, too.

LYNN, I empathize with you. Who knew blogging and visits with our beloved Eagle Buds, Belle, Shep and the kiddies could take so much energy ?! I'm going to have to nap soon. I now have an appt. for another injection on Wednesday, April 11th. The hope is it will piggyback on the 1st one and bring the relief I need in order to travel on the 20th. She says she rarely has to give the third injection so I'm hoping my bod will cooperate with that program !

DanaMo said...

Oh Sharon! Thanks for letting us know. Prayers going her way!

paula eagleholic said...

Still no live feed :(

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on Tbird, Sharon. She is in my prayers!

Lynne2 said...

Shar, got an addy?

^%#)(**&@^^$# cam

&#(#)(*$^^#*# work

Kay said...

Doggone it, I know we all hate it when the cam goes kaput ! Something is wrong with the candle site, too. I've lit one for LYNN and one for THELMA---they show up sometimes, but are missing sometimes. Arrrgggghhhh.

Praying for dear little Bandit !

BBL, time for a nap. zzzzzzz......

Sandi said...

Sharon, Thelma is in my prayers as of this minute! Whatever is going on, we're here for her ... and for you! Too much on your plate lately!

Need to do some Google searching about our news from the vet and then I'll post. BBL!

JudyEddy said...

I am jonesen for a eagle fix!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Sending healing thoughts to Thelma

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the road in a few minutes...will check in later.

Have a good evening...hope somehow our cam comes back on.

movin said...

My cams and feeds are down still too.

WE obviously has two hatchlings now, as she is busy feeding both of them right now.

I think the BWO pair are interesting to watch. They're both in the nest now.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

grannyblt said...

Evening eagle buds. No cam and I coudn't post on the old thread this morning. I've been pretty busy the last while and will be until mid April, but I do check in and read the blog most days, so I think I've caught the gist of our lives, and of course our eaglets.

grannyblt said...

Forgot to mention that I saw two pairs of osprey at Shenango Reservoir ealier this week. The nesting platforms are visible from the road, but you aren't able to see in the nests.

Hoda said...

PRAYERS go up for THELMA. God Bless you and Keep you Thelma and you are not alone...

Thanks SHARON for letting us know.

Still no cam and it is a perfect day for mishaps today...all the other ones got fixed including the most panicky one...I had my Passport application form in my yoga bag to go to the Canada Services office and have them check it. I had done it twice yesterday to make sure it is perfect. Well it got SOAKED ...see through soaked with a CAPITAL S!!! I checked my old passport and it was were the pictures. I asked for another form and sat and redid it and then a gov't bureaucrat came out to help me and it was all OK and the government accepted my application and they are going to currier it to Ottawa and all is indeed well...
Except we do not have a feed.

13 inches of snow on the hill overnight and torrential rains in town, no kiddin' it is pouring rain and I had my coat but not my hoodie and did I get soaked so did my yoga mat bag.

Safe travels PAULA.

LYNN I hope it is a relaxing day for you and what a terrific present that Chrisitie gave you.Good on her.

Lynne2 said...

OH Hoda, that's awful! But at least it's resolved, but whew!

I am SO glad to be home! It's nice and QUIET gosh, so busy and noisy at work today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - There will be great anticipation concerning our nest until
the cam comes on again.

Prayers are being said for my friend, Thelma. Every morning on FB she had her
cheery Hello..

I am spoiled from these past Warm days -
I am downright chilled today! Don't like
it much ♥

Lolly said...

Yard work over for the day. Dinner in our tummies and I get on and see.....still no cam. Do not like this!!!!!!

Prayers for sure for T-Bird!!! Thelma, we love you....(((hugs)))!

stronghunter said...

Prayers and good wishes for Thelma this evening.

Kathryn and Hunter are off to a pot luck dinner.

Hunter Story:

He mentioned this morning that his shoes were too tight, but by afternoon he wanted nothing to do with shoe shopping.

But he was so pleased with himself when we bought his shoes in the men's department for the first time that he was prancing all around the store in the new shoes. Size 8--bigger than mine. He was delighted.

Lynne2 said...

Sad that our cam is down...hopefully all is well at the nest! I just peeked in on the MIGHTY ISLA, Lady of the Loch, Phenomenon of Nature!

Also have the Heron cam up. One is sitting on the egg. LOVE the bird sound coming from there!

Lynne2 said...

LOL SHirley, I sure hope you are journaling all of this!

Lynne2 said...

Just changed to the Timeline on FB, and I think I love it!


Sandi said...

Called the vet around the middle of last week to make an appointment to talk with him about Bandit's change of temperament the past few months. We have been trying to tell ourselves he's better but the reality is he only "seems" better b/c we have changed our behavior - we basically just leave him alone in his room from evening time on, other than to take him outside before we go to bed. In the past few weeks, he has come very close to biting all 3 of the adults in the house - always at night time, and has continued to be very aggressive toward Bella to the point that we never leave them in the same room together.

Denny and I both went for the appointment. The vet drew blood and is going to run some tests but his preliminary diagnosis is something called "sundowner's syndrome," which is associated with dementia. He is recommending that we put Bandit on Hill's Science b/d, which sometimes helps with cognitive function in older dogs (he has to order it so we won't get it until Tuesday). He also named several meds that may help (Anapryl was NOT one of them, but I just can't recall the names). Finally, he cautioned us that, in the few cases of this that he has seen, nothing has really helped once a dog starts to become aggressive like Bandit is becoming.

He didn't sound very encouraging at all, but said it's certainly worth a try. It was a very difficult office visit for us. It's just so hard to even think about having a physically healthy dog put down.

I'm still trying to absorb it all b/c I assumed that there would be a medicine that the vet could prescribe to "fix him." Just having a hard time wrapping my head around it all.

stronghunter said...

Really tough situation, Sandi. I hope that the food change and/or medication will help.

We love our fur children very much. It is hard for everyone when they have problems.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

(((((BIG HUGS)))))) Sandi! Let's keep the faith and I am sending positive energy your way and Bandit's way!

stronghunter said...

He was so proud and excited when his mom got home.

He measured his shoes against hers and they are bigger than Mom's shoes, too.

Lynne2 said...

aw Sandi, so sorry about Bandit. It sure would be nice if there were a magic pill. Is one of the meds maybe the generic Anipryl, selegiline? And did the vet give any indication that, once on the medication and food, how soon any improvement would be seen, and when maximum improvement would be expected?

Sandi said...

Shirley, funny Hunter story! At least he's a boy - big feet aren't a big deal!

Lynne2, I think maybe selegiline was one of the meds he said. He told us to expect it to take about 3-4 weeks to start noticing a difference, if there will be one.

Lynne2 said...

It's worth a shot Sandi!

CarolAnne said...

Evening all!
What's a person to do without a cam?

Sandi, in people, Sundowners is sometimes improved with the use of those special lights that imitate sunshine. Maybe keeping that type of light on near Bandit might help too.

So excited for Hoda and her upcoming trip. :o)

Prayers for Thelma and as always for Lynn and Kay, plus asking God's blessing on all of us!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I think Hunter was full of
himself with the new shoes. I can
picture him now. Bet he'll be looking
at everyones' feet at the pot luck. lol

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I sure wish like you that there was a fix-up pill for Bandit. I
have not ever run across symptoms like
that but it sure sounds like the Vet
called it right. Love him in the
daylight hours. ♥

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi I am so sorry for you and Denny. What an awful situation. We once had to give a dog away, to the SPCA and we cried for weeks. We only had him two years and we always thought we could "fix" him. I hope you can get something worked out. ♥

Hoda said...

OH SANDI...I hope things improve with the medication. HUGS♥

Mema Jo said...





Mema Jo said...


Sandi said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Jo!! Woohoo!!!

Lynne2 said...

yay!!! Thanks Jo!

Hoda said...

Thank you JO for the heads up!!! So very good to see it back.

DanaMo said...

Oh yay! Let me open another window!

hedgie said...

Lots of prayers going up for our dear Thelma. Poor girl has had such a rough time. :(

Sandi, hope Bandit is ok. Haven't read past Hoda's soaked post of 7:12.

Hoda, sounds like you are getting all set for your trip. Know you wish it was tomorrow!!!!

Back is much better w/o the puter time today.

Kay, hope your next injection completely breaks the pain cycle!!!

Judie said...

Sharon, so sorry that Thelma is having some troubles and pray she will get through this successfully.

Sandi, so sorry about Bandit's change in behavior. Sundowner's is a term used for human dementia related to demonstrations of aggression which coincide with the onset of darkness. No one knows why this happens with humans. Hope the changes will help.

Paula, have a safe trip and a lovely weekend.

Hoda, what a mess of a day for you. Once you get that passport, you need to make an eagle flight to the East coast for a nice, relaxing visit. There are yoga places here, too, you know.

Shirley, t'would be young Hunter is becoming manly, indeed. Too cool. Hope your shoulder is better tonight.

Yes, Shar, Isla, well her boy toy, was quite busy this morning. So funny, as she just keeps on eating while he does his thing. Well, maybe after all these years....

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch CSI:NY

Hope Lynn can watch Blue Bloods

CarolAnne said...

Thinking of those who get aches & pains when spending too much time at the blog. We need a computer geek to write a program that will change the text to speech, so the blog can be "listened" to.

Now how's that for an idea.
(I suppose somewhere thats been done already - always a day late & a dollar sort) lol

Judie said...

Now, time to retire and prepare for tomorrow.

Will be with the police in the morning and will check in when I get home.

Restful sleep for all. The sandperson is on the way!

CarolAnne said...

make that short, not sort

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

LYNN I have to find a way to calm down about the trip. Doing the practical things is good for me and I am running out of practical things to do...My American family laughed at me when I thought maybe it is a bit too early to start packing!!! YOUR CAROLYN remarked that it is a tad bit early and maybe I should not live out of a suit case for the next almost three months!!!LOL!!!

I went to the pharmacy to see if I could find three ounce containers of tooth paste and hand cream...etc as the airlines only allowes such small measurments for saftery reasons...I will be entering a totally different world when I get on the plane. I am a bit uncomfortable with stories of personal checks and I hope the xray will do just fine with me and that I do not trigger their concern in any way. I do understand though that they are just doing their jobs.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

JUDYE JO brought it to our attention at 8:24 PM EDT...she was the first one to see it and alerted us all on the blog and then by email.THANKS JO LOVE YA!!!

Lolly said...

Have been on fb catching up. Going to read this evening. Want to finish reading Hunger Games so we can see the movie.

Sandi, so sorry about Bandit. Do hope his condition will improve.

Tomorrow I will not be on much. We are going to Denton for a 10:00 AM baseball game. (Jacob's) Then we are staying up there to go to Joseph's Honor Choir program. They make up a choir with children from all the elementaries. He will be there all morning as that is the first time they put all the kids together and then they sing at 3. I imagine we will be home early evening.

Going to read now....I'll be back!

hedgie said...

Okay,see what Sandi has posted, and feel so bad for you all. Sometimes we have to make have to make the difficuult decisions and I've been there. Shang had leukemia but the aggressivenss with her symptoms were similar and I had to do it because I was sick then and going through chemo and couldn't deal with danger of the bites causing infection. Hope the meds and food help. Prayers......

hedgie said...

I'm heading for the pillows, but great to hear that the cam is back!

See you all tomorrow. God Bless us everyone.

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals...
Thanks for the Cam is Up news...and the Moon is out and Shining News....

Caring and Sharing with all of you the situations with Thelma, Bandit, and all our other pet and people pals....
Praying for good outcomes for all...

Hello there Lynn, always a pleasure ♥

Judie, "going to be with the police in the morning." We must hear more about this !!

(( Evening Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Amazing about those shoes and Hunter, Shirley,
you bring many a smile to us with these adventuresome times with the grandson

Lolly, sounds like a razzle dazzle kind of a day coming up for you and the family also !

magpie said...

got the Easter things out to decorate our perpetual treee at the office, tomorrow...getting a late start...
but it's worth a try
now let's hope others bring in the candy !!


did I say (( Hugs ♥ ))? would like to add a few more out there for all of you...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I have to say I am thrilled we have our cam back. I was afraid it would be gone for the weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks everybody for your kind words for T-Bird. I will be sure to pass them along.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I received a lovely "Mother of the Groom" book in the mail today. I love it and I love you Magpie! You are a peach!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I just left you a message on Facebook! :)

Sandi said...

Sharon, Hope that book doesn't say, "Shut up, show up, and wear beige!" I told my future daughter-in-law that I don't know how to shut up and I DON'T do beige! ;)

Thanks all for the kind words and thoughts about Bandit. As Lynne2 said, it's worth a shot! By mid-June, our house becomes a revolving door of company coming and going and I figure we'll know by then whether he's on an upward swing or a downward spiral.

Lolly, the children's choir sounds wonderful!! Not a baseball fan, but if my grandson was playing, I'm sure I would think that was wonderful too!

Lynn, hope tomorrow is another good day for you!

Kay, hope you can hang in there til the 11th - that's still a long time to wait!

Shirley, does this mean Hunter is officially a Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot??)

Goodnight all - I'll see everyone in the AM! Tomorrow is the last day of March - can you believe it??

magpie said...

Your posts pack a punch!
thinking of you as you face the next phase of Bandit's treatments

Sleep Sweetly xo

magpie said...

I see you received the lovely "Mother of the Groom"
book, but we need to
move the quotation marks
it should really be entitled
"Lovely Mother of the Groom"
xo ♥ Hope you enjoy it...☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me and Mattie are working on her science project, making a lava lamp!

magpie said...

Sounds great!
Hi Mattie !
what color will the lava lamp "stuff" be?

Hoda said...

In my mind's eye I can see Hunter walking tall and proud with his man size shoes and what a delight it all is...Thanks for sharing this story SHIRLEY....if you or JO win the 640 million dollar lottery remember to take us all out to

magpie said...

sharing your excitement
and wow you are still in Wintertime there for sure...
so sorry about the wet paperwork earlier, but happy that you had some nice help getting things squared away

Hoda said...

Belle was up and about and moved around for a while and went to the launch pad and then returned to the cup and she is now tucked in facing one.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your day tomorrow, Lolly

Sandi, I love what you said about
"Big Foot" for Hunter! I hope you meet him - I keep seeing him in his dress
shirt & tie - So handsome!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Mattie! Remember last year when
you and your girl friends won the
Science Fair project.

Good luck with the lava lamp.
Is it purple or pink? ♥

magpie said...

Pals, I am hopelessly
behind on some things,
it's been a busy week for me.
So many comments of interest
and caring and sharing.
Wish I could say more, more often
but then again,
I try to maintain
the "speed limit." It's so good
to see folks on here, even
if they just pass through
with a couple of posts ♥

Please know that I care

on that note, it's bedtime!

Prayers for wellness,
for all...our loved ones, people and pets alike....

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I have little faith in being a big winner - but I have lots of HOPE.

I would be up to see you in a flash!
And a large group of Momsters would be
with me.......

I am very excited about your trip - I sure wish I could get up there to meet you.

Hoda said...

Robyn has an awesome video on Facebook with TORI walking...incredible truly incredible.

Hoda said...

Wouldn't that be exciting JO to win and then come up to British Columbia. That would be most exciting indeed. Hope is good...♥

Lynne2 said...

When I win the MegaMillions tonight, my life, and the lives of everyone I love, will be changed forever.

paula eagleholic said...

Eveing alml

I'm alittle late checking in...had some major excitement right before we got to the house....there is a lmong windy road thru the marshy area a couple of miles before yhou get to my house...and as soon as we got to it you culd see a huge fire....had me really worried...looked very close tol my house...but as we got closer, you could see it wasn't my house...we thought maybe out on the as we pulled in yhou could finally see that the fire is across the river on "eal =sland

My neighbor arrived about 5 minutes after me and she called me...she had the same thoughts about her house being on fire

We think theyare doing a controlled burn in the marsh....and if they were'nt that is what is going on now

So a little exciting upon arrive...nice here tonight...some clouds now and again and a few sp
Rinkles too

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry for all the typos but I think you can read that....will try to get caught up now

Lynne2 said...

good grief Paula! Bet that was scary!

Lynne2 said...

Better get to bed now. Eagle quest in the AM if it's not raining too hard. Going across the street, too, to see about vultures. Must check the bluebird nest, too!

Good night and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Glad you and Nick are at Paradise
and that all is well. ENJOY!

Mema Jo said...


Hoda said...

I am glad you made a safe trip PAULA and that you and NICK are fine. Sorry about the scare.

LYNNE enjoy your day tomorrow and let us know what you see.

LOLLY it sounds like it will be enjoyable to spend time with Laurel and her family and see those wonderful grandsons of yours.
I hope it all goes well.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Favorite quote of the week - It's what you do next that counts. Blue Bloods

Hoda said...

What colour the lava lamp SHARON and MATTIE and how is it coming along. Very good quote.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy to hear the cam is back on!

Good luck tomorrow Lynne....hope you see the eagles

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She used hot pink food coloring for the lava lamp, Hoda.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Mattie Hot Pink Lava sounds
like a Winner to me.

No Lotto numbers in this house.
Jenny said she won $3.00 lol
I hope that whoever wins has a very
big heart.......

I think I am going to bed...

Mema Jo said...

Good night everyone and God Bless you and yours

Prayers for my friends and others in need that I may not even know..
Love to Lynn and Thelma and Kay
Praying for your healing...
** (((HUGS TO ALL))) **

Tori - take a walk on the wild side!
So very proud of your progress

Hoda said...

It sounds like a winner to me SHARON...Tell MATTIE I wish her well with her science display at the fair.

Hoda said...

Is that lightning I see at the nest? I saw it flash bright twice tonight...Belle is tucked in, not tenting.

JO sorry about the lottery ticket. Maybe next time...

paula eagleholic said... sorry to hear about Bandit...I truly hope the meds will help hurts so much when our pets are sick

Sharon, please give Thelma a big hug from me when you see her...I'm thinking of her and hope she can get some lasting help

Lolly said...

Nite all! Sweet dreams! My book is gooooood!

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't checked my tickets yet will do it in the morning..and yes I will share :)

Time to hit the hay...

(((Hugs for all)))

Hoda said...

I do not want to be an alarmist, but I do not think Belle is tucked in over the cup area...there was another lightning experience ans she is not on the cup....PAULA what do you think? Anyone?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda she is at about 11 o'clock but I can see the babies in the bup

Hoda said...

Thank you SHARON so I am seeing right...I hope she goes back to the bup before the thunder showers...

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, it isn't raining yet, here, near the nest, but you can be assured that Belle will put her
umbrella up and out as soon as the drops of rain starts:)

GG was better today and was able to enjoy our Family Friday along with all of us. Jayden does call her GG now, but he also calls me that:)


Hoda said...

Thank you WANDA. I think so too...

Good night.


DanaMo said...

Good morning! Slept in!

Sandi said...

Good morning to all AM Momsters!

Thelma, I miss you and your humor in the morning! Prayers for you!! Git good fast (how's my spelling and grammar)?

Lynn, hoping for a great day for you today!

Kay, hope your hip gives you an OK day - does weather affect your bursitis?

Lynne, good luck today in your pursuit of all wild flying things, from butterflies to eagles!! BTW, has Steve had any luck with work - any leads?

Wanda, happy to hear that GG had a good day yesterday!

Hoda, sorry about your passport mishap but it sounds like all's well that ends well.

Headed over to FB to check out the vid of Tori walking!


magpie said...

G'Mornin' Y'All...

That's my Southern talk
for T-Bird ♥

I got the idea from Sandi ! ☺

thinking Hard this morning of Lynn♥ Kay♥ T-Bird♥ and Bandit♥
and all of you Precious Pals


magpie said...

Best Wishes on a Totally Eagle-y to Steve and Lynne

Whoo, what a scary sight Paula had approaching the Paradise, GLAD all was OK !

Love Wanda's Late night post about Family Friday Fun....Okay, Wanda, we'll call you GG-2

magpie said...

Is it Belle on the nest?

a little soggy looking
Babies frisky,
about to get some
but right now
they are getting
some tail !

magpie said...

oh there's a clue
Spot on Head
Make that soggy Shep in the nest

Go ahead, Shep, you can give the kids some chow !

DanaMo said...

WOW Paula definitely scary. Like that sinking feeling when you pull onto your block and there are fire trucks or hearing sirens when the kids first get their drivers license.
Very glad all is well in Paradise.
Wondering if we are going to open the pool this weekend. That was the plan, but there is so much to do! Need to get the awning up as well and start cleaning the yard.
Might take a ride over to the nest. I have to take Annemarie over to Williamsport this morning and figure if I'm all the way out there might as well take a ride.

magpie said...

That's a good idea, DanaMo!

Babies alone now

I'm watching but also getting ready for work....

xo Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One !

magpie said...


is coming up, get ready to JUMP pretty soon

DanaMo said...

aw...sleeping in on a Saturday morning.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I work 830 to 530 this week except tomorrow 7-4 which is inventory day

JudyEddy said...

some one is in attic

Sandi said...

DanaMo, is your pool heated (I would assume so if you're opening so soon).

Paula, what a scare last night upon arrival! Enjoy Paradise - hope you stay dry today (supposed to be warm but maybe wet).

OK, the Roberts Hummer Cafe is officially open for the 2012 season! All 3 feeders are hung.

Sharon, can Thelma blog with us from the Pavilion? I can't think of any better form of therapy!

JudyEddy said...

I dislike the babies being alone I know someone is in attic but doen't they know of all the terible things that can happen They need to get their butt down in the nest now

JudyEddy said...

I looked at the Richmond nest yesterday and boy is their nest clean compared to this one LOL I made a comment on the chat but never saw it show up odd A friend at work is on that nest chat

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...