Friday, March 16, 2012


New thread.


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BEagle said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning. Hope everyone is enjoying St. Patrick's Day.

I see both parents are at the nest.

Harbinger said...

Has Shep fed the babies at all? Every time I see them being fed, it's Belle who's feeding them. I've seen him come in and move a few sticks around and then leave a few times, but never any attempt or even interest in feeding. I know it's not fair to compare him to Lib, but it does seem that Lib was a much better dad.

stronghunter said...

Hard to type with kitty demanding attention.

magpie said...

Oh Duh Split

sounds wonderful Paula

Yay Hedgie !!
Go Hedgesville Eagles
Go Shepherdstown NCTC Eagles
but don't GO in quite the same way

Martinsburg Bulldogs lost a close one :(

xo ttfn x♥

stronghunter said...

I have not seen Shep do any feeding, Harb.

Kitty keeps butting my hand.

Lolly said...

Good morning! HAPPY ST.PATRICKS DAY! Are you a wearin the green?

Not too many posts to read to catch up this morning. That is good. I did see Andy's post. So, I am hoping I do see her next Friday. Sounds like they are having a wonderful time! And, I wonder what botanical garden they are going too. The one in Ft. Worth is used all the time for portraits, but that is propabably too far away for them.

Lolly said...

Shep has proven himself to be an excellent day, except for actually feeding the babes. Maybe he will learn yet!!

Lolly said...

It is 64 and just beautiful. Jack is sitting on the patio and reading the paper. Not sure I want to head out there or not.

Lynne2 said...

Top o' the mornin' to ya!

Lynne2 said...

Happy St. Paddy's day to the McMomsters, O'Belle and McShep, and the Wee Bobbles!

Lynne2 said...

An Irish Blessing for you all:

May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

BEagle said...

Love the poem. Thanks!

Belle is up and over the chicks, not ON them.

paula eagleholic said...

I am outside looking at an eagle in a tree next door :)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and a pretty heron out front...just did a touch and go

grannyblt said...

And a Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you. I married a man whose great grandfather came from County Cork Ireland, so that makes me Irish!!

Glad to hear that Charlie is somewhat improved. Hope they can do surgery soon.

Off to watch the live camera.

BEagle said...

My mother was 50% Irish.

BEagle said...

Gee Paula. Is it a Bald Eagle?

Lynne2 said...

Diann, my own great grandmother hails from County Cork!

BEagle said...

I guess it's not Bald, you probably woulda said so.

BEagle said...

Belle is now on the chickies and facing 2 ish

Lynne2 said...

Mother and Daddy Bluebird were busy FLUGGING the nest box this morning! And I FINALLY got a look at the crazy Phoebe that I've been hearing all the time but hadn't seen yet!

O'Lolly, I sure hope you and Andy can get together!

Lynne2 said...

changed my avatar to the Claddagh, it is the Irish symbol of Love, Loyalty and Friendship...things that certainly abound here!!!

Lynne2 said...

Harbingerdc....Shep's doing pretty well, but no doubt has much to learn!

stronghunter said...

:) Lynne, I like your new avatar.

Lynne2 said...

if you haven't done so yet, mosey on over to Wandas FB page and check out Gene's My First Car thing!

Lynne2 said...

my feed has been running for 54 minutes!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just talked to Nila's sister and she is the same. They love the facility she is in.

Mattie, Justin and I are going to the lake to spend the night with Sissy and Tom at their paradise. I am going eagle hunting on the boat today. :)

Sandi said...

Shep just arrived with flugg - no fish! =( Belle took off immediately! Let's see what happens! C'mon Shep, you can do this! No, settling on the chicklets!

Sandi said...

One baby peeking out!

Lolly said...

Get some good shots while hunting....with your camera!!!

Lib in...and doing what he does best, keeping the babes warm.

Sharon, so happy they love the hospice facility. They need that comfort.

Lolly said...

No relatives from County Cork, BUT I have been there!

Sandi said...

Chicklet is picking at the flugg in front of him/her! SO cute!! Shep is panting - the sun must be warm. Still cloudy and cool here.

Lolly said...

I was going to share my favorite poem with you by putting it here, but instead go to this link to read it...beautiful picture! The first time I heard this poem was in Ireland, and quoted to me by our tour guide with his Irish brogue.

Out In The Fields With God

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, YOU HAVE BEEN THERE?????? I'm now wearing JEALOUSY GREEN!!!


Lynne2 said...

that IS beautiful Lolly!

Oh, BTW, I'm tying with and Irish brogue today, so I hope you don't have too much trouble understanding me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Butterfly just flew over Shep. Beautiful.

glo said...

argh sorry signing in from old computer. If I am doing this wrong just tell me. Anyway everyone enjoy your weekend. Dad will feed before this weekend is over. Ummm Hmmmm :-)

Lynne2 said...

HILARIOUS!! Bobblebert just popped out from under McShep! Too cute!

Sandi said...

GLO, wasn't able to comment on your sunrise photo on FB (I guess b/c we're not friends), but it is MAGNIFICENT!!

Sandi said...

SHARON, I saw that butterfly - so did Shep! LYNNE, did you see it to identify it. To me, it was a white butterfly.

Costume Lady said...

LYNNE, I thought I noticed a slight accent to your comments, this morning:)

Shep is so funny...he can't keep #1 from poking her head out, so he covers her with fluff! Gotta love him:)

glo said...

Shep is a great fisherman and also seems to take "Baby Sitting" pretty literally. :-)

Lynne2 said...

it is just GORGEOUS here today! I have an ambitious weekend scheduled. One of my projects is to replace the screen that Joker tore up last fall. This should be interesting! I want to get the spring wreath for Carolyn done, weed the front garden, steam clean the rug.

Lynne2 said...

I missed the butterfly, but my guess would be a Cabbage White. They are EVERYWHERE!! And one of the first to emerge in the spring. As are Mourning Cloaks. They are a browninsh/coppery color with white edges on the wings. Oh, yes, another project....find a Mourning Cloak and get a picture!

Lynne2 said...

I hear a Mockingbird at the nest

Lynne2 said...

OK, I'm off to Home Depot.....

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning

May your troubles be less,
your blessings be more,
and nothing but happiness
come through your door

Lolly said...

Yes, we went to Ireland. Our first trip after retirement. Also, the only tour we have ever been on as we usually just GO. LOL We went to the west of Ireland, a magical trip to say the least!

I am heading out! Too nice a day to stay in!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I am going to start collecting a nickel from you whenever you slip
and call Shep - LIB. I do it in my mind
a lot!!!

I am just hoping that Shep doesn't put
flugg in the little peepers face.

Mema Jo said...

Shep is repositioning...

Those 2 little ones don't make it an easy chore........

Mema Jo said...

Wiggle Wiggle
Ok for rolling eggs but I bet
the little ones think that someone
is shaking their home...... lol

Mema Jo said...

It should be getting very warm up at
the nest. I think most of you are
outside enjoying the sunshine.

Shep is still sitting over those
2 little bobble heads!

BEagle said...

Sweet little poem MemaJo.

So Shep is manning the nest, facing that big hunk of fish-u-i.

Mema Jo said...

Shep is trying to catch flies !

BEagle said...

Shep must have something sticky on his beak. Things get stuck to his beak and he keeps shaking his head. Just like he shook that fly that landed on his head. It was almost as big as his dot.

BEagle said...

He's up and moving around the egg cup and precariously moved around and is facing the 9 position.

BEagle said...

He keeps lifting those feathers in between his shoulders. I never noticed that before.

NatureNut said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Have3 to get my big pot out soon and start simmering that corned beef. (We are only Irish for today)
Hope this jumps all the Splits!

Lynne2 said...

back from Home Depot and GROSSery store. Grabbing a bite to eat before I take on the screen.

DanaMo said...

Those fish have got to smell!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi BEagle - I have just been in and out
today - No feeding from Shep...
Not too good at catching those flies...
He opens his wings for air circulation
I would think. Little bobble head may
just sneak out!

Hoping that Belle comes in soon for a
feeding....... I have no fear that
these little ones will grow up no matter which parent feeds them.. Shep should be good for teaching them all at fishing school!

DanaMo said...

I've been working on the house for hours, how I wish I could say it was "clean". Still so much to do!The first floor is close, maybe I'll save the second floor til tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, I just LOVE the avatar!! How did you do that?

Oh yeah, DanaMO, it is stinky, no doubt!

DanaMo said...

Time for something to eat for ME!☺

Robyn said...

Haven't had a chance to watch until now, I guess Shep still hasn't figured out how to feed them

Mema Jo said...

DMO I don't really know if an eagle
can smell! Might need to find an
answer to that one.....
Hope your day has gone well
What time last evening did you get the
call for pick up from Adam?

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Robyn on Tori's
accomplishment in PT this morning!

DanaMo said...

Thankfully Jo he got a ride ☺

Mema Jo said...

No Robyn Shep hasn't feed them - he has
been too busy trying to catch the
flies......... lol

Lynne2 said...

Most birds do NOT have a great sense of smell. Good thing!

McShep is hilarious snapping at the flies!

Mema Jo said...

I typed one too many e's

He has not FED them......

Lynne2 said...

Saw the post on FB Robyn, good for TORI!!!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break......... BBL

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon all O's & Mc's. Happy St. Parick's Day to all.

Married an Irishman who's great-grandparents, from both sides, hail from County Donegal. Oh, to be so lucky to visit the land of 40greens. Slainte!

PA Nana said...


Lynne2 said...

My live feed has now been running for 3.5 hours!

Robyn said...

I am not with Tori at the moment but she says her feet are not as sore and she had a good pt session.

Sandi said...

Birds have no sense of time, just like they have no sense of smell. But the humans who watch them have a very acute sense of time and this human knows that Belle has been gone for over 2 hours and these chicklets haven't been fed since she left!

Dear Belle, You probably assumed that Shep would feed the babies while you're gone. You DO know what happens when you ASSUME, don't you??

Sandi said...

LYNNE, my live feed has been running for 7 hr and 20 minutes without stopping. Of course, that is the Jewish curse (as my friend Karen would say) and it will now stop!

Lynne2 said...

wish me luck....time to deal with screen replacement! I'm sure this will take all day.....LOL!

PA Nana said...

Lolly, just loved that poem. Must continue to catch up.

Wanda, loved Gene's car story. So cute.

bbl ♥♥♥♥

glo said...

Obviously Red needs to have another talk with Shep :-) Or maybe he will step up to the plate now I hope I hope

Costume Lady said...

Glad you liked it, was fun creating it:)

glo said...

nope it didn't happen yet

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagles eat carrion. They ain't studying the smell.

floralgirl said...

Good grief, he is just clueless about feeding, he went right to the fish and looked at it, then he looked at the chicks, then he just sits on them again. They looked ready to eat!

Sandi said...

Calling Miss Belle ... calling Miss Belle!! Come feed your hungry babies 'cause daddy sure ain't!

PA Nana said...

Think I've caught up now and am famished! Must take some nourishment.

It's hard to tear myself away from here.... must eat, must eat.


p.s. Wanda, should be ready for a race in a few weeks/months.☺♥☺♥

floralgirl said...

Finally, Belle is back!

Sandi said...

Thanks God, Belle is back!

magpie said...

It worked Sandi
she is THERE

Sandi said...


Lori O. said...

Eaglets being fed again.

DanaMo said...

I don't see the second one moving! Did he/she already pass back out?

magpie said...

I don't either DanaMo, and no I did not see it get fed but I am at work and might have missed it

NatureNut said...

Finally see chicks. Belle is feeding older and baby looke3d asleeep, but just wiggled awake!!!!!

floralgirl said...

Both were up and moving, and both got food:)

magpie said...

but I think I saw it just move a little

magpie said...

Thanks Megan...
that's reassuring !!

DanaMo said...

oh good!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Belle is providing good shade for the plotzed-out wee ones!

Mema Jo said...

Checking in...

Geula said...

good afternoon all!

Geula said...

How are the eaglets doing? I hope that all is going well. so there are 2 bobbleheads, nice!

I supposed they're called big one and small one. lol

Costume Lady said...

When Belle came in and relieved Shep, she sat, looking at her chicklets for a while, then uncovered a small fish and began feeding, probably #1. #2 barely moved the whole time Belle feed #1. It ate til I thought it would burst, then laid down and went to sleep. Belle covered up the fish that she was feeding #1 from with flugg. Then she sat for a very long long that I thought something was wrong with #2. Finally, it woke up and bobbled it's head around and Belle decided it was time to feed #2. She came around to the other side of the
bowl/cup, looked at the BIG fish remains, then, began to eat a bit of it...then, she feed #2, but not nearly as much as she did #1. #1 must be her favorite. She then settled down on both babies and made me feel satisfied!

Costume Lady said...

GEULA, the chicks are only one day apart in hatching, so they are pretty much like twins!

Geula said...

I thought I changed my pic...

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Thanks for the report WANDA!

Bell up feeding the chicks again...

I believe I see both moving and eaiting, which is good

I, too, was worried that the younger one wasn't getting enough. It is hard to see because is blocking the cup, but I think they are both moving in the cup and towards the food!!

R E L I E F !

Lynne2 said...

Just looked at them, they look like little masked bandits!

Linda said...

Oh Good....they both look good.

Belle has moved over to about 12 position and while she was walking around the nest, you could see them!

Just precious!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon.

I see Belle is at the nest.

Linda said...

Okay, back to work for me!!

What a beautiful day outside!! I opened my window in my office so I could hear the birds!!

Saw my first Robbin up here two days ago!!! Now my front yard is full of them!!

Linda said...


Loretta and I have the same Avatar!!

That is confusing......

I'll have to look for another!

Geula said...

only one day?I thought it was supposed to be more...2 or 3. well, let's just hope that #2 gets to eat a lot and grow. Remember how we always worried about those wee eaglets. Like Jewish mothers: Eat, Eat, my child!

Lynne2 said...

Hi there Geula!!!

Wanda, pretty avatar!

SCREEN IS DONE, and back in the window! Didn't take too long and was pretty easy to do!

stronghunter said...

Belle seems to be watching something.

Lynne2 said...

I had a gorgeous RS hawk outside screaming and swooping at something! Camera? Well, by the time I got it, he was soaring pretty high. DUH.

AND, I have my first Towhee singing out there right now!

Lynne2 said...

Do you know why you should never iron and Shamrock?

Costume Lady said...

Geula, egg #1 was late hatching and egg #2 was a bit early, thus, the closeness in age:)

Costume Lady said...

Good job, LYNNE! GG used to be good at doing things like replacing a screen...not her daughter:(

stronghunter said...

I am still having sound problems. I contacted Dell and after an hour talking to some guy in India, I was told that I needed to sign up for their software warranty, which is $199 for a year.

I told him that I would speak with my son first. He is a network engineer. The guy went on about how we had spent an hour together online already and so on and what if my son could not fix it, then I would have to spend another hour online, etc. I felt like he was putting a heck of a lot of pressure on me, which always makes me suspicious, so I said no.

We will see.

Costume Lady said...

Why is that, Lynne?

Lynne2 said...

well, because......


Lynne2 said...

Dang. 5 hrs and 21 mins and my feed just stopped. BOOOOOO

Lori O. said...

LOL, Lynne!

Lori O. said...

I shouldn't press anything. I always burn what I'm trying to iron. :)

Lynne2 said...

Hey Lori....Bill Worthington on your station. Do you happen to know if he used to be at WCBM Baltimore?

Lynne2 said...

Belle playing fly catch game now! I wonder if it will occur to them that they should remove the rotting fish? LOL!

Lynne2 said...

she' looking up at something

Jewels said...

Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts for Charlie. They mean the world to us!! Charlie is feeling much better and his color is better than yesterday too. His white blood cell count was a 18 yesterday and is a 5 today. So the three antibiotics he is being given around the clock are kicking some butt!! His eyes look normal and do not have the deer caught in headlight look. yea!! Catheter is out. Hope for positive results on his own!!
love to all!

hedgie said...

Check out my blog, please! Frank and Irene got me this at a sale yetserday! It is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Great news Carolyn!

Mema Jo said...

Just back - Belle has opened the front
door and giving the kids some fresh air

Lynne - You know that the RTH didn't
get the Towhee if he is out there
singing away.

Your joke was enjoyable - especially for St Paddy's day..

I need to read some more

hedgie said...

White cell count being in the THOUSANDS!

Lynne2 said...

wee ones uncovered and clearly popped from feasting!

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Great Up-to-the-minute news about Charlie.... You can breathe a little
more freely

Jewels said...

Yes, I guess I should have added that about the white blood cell count, Mom. sorry!! That picture is gorgeous!! Where will you put it???

Mema Jo said...

Lynn that is a very special Eagle gift.
Really really beautiful.. ♥

Judie said...

Hmmm. I see Shirley has had an encounter with Peggy. Sorry Shirley. Will can help you for less $.

Belle and the babes are sunning themselves. How pretty they are. Think I'll send a copy of What To Do After Baby Arrives" for Shep to read. I'll put a post it note on the feeding chapter.

Only 20 more papers to go. Eyes are crossed. Giving up for a while.

Lynn, the sun catcher is just gorgeous. Frank and Irene have good taste in sun catchers and in choice of friend.


hedgie said...

Lynne, love the Claddagh avatar!!!

Lynne2 said...

what was that about? Missed it, was in the other room

Lynne2 said...

Belle took off, I saw that much, lots of squealing brought me running.

Mema Jo said...

Jewels - Charlie should be feeling
quite a bit more comfortable!

I am going to get ready to head to 5:00
Mass - All of you will get some prayers

I'll return and just maybe Shep will do
a feeding..... ♥

Lynne2 said...

wee ones all alone

Sandi said...

JEWELS, great news about Charlie! What a relief that must be for you! Any idea when the GB surgery will be?

LYNNE, yay on the screen!

LYNN, good to see you! Beautiful suncatcher - have you decided where to hang it?

I see 2 sleepy chicklets, Belle just poofed. I'm glad people have seen her feed them well cause it looks like dad is comin back on duty!

And there he is!

Lynne2 said...

Shep in

Lynne2 said...

looking up and around

Lori O. said...

Lynne, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill was at a Baltimore station before. I think he lives near Ellicott City.

Lynne2 said...

still looking

Lynne2 said...

settling over wee ones, one stretched up to him!

Lynne2 said...

but still looking up and around

Linda said...

CAROLYN - Happy to hear Charlie is improving!!

Beautiful picture, Lynn. Hope you're feeling okay today.

Would love to see KAY stop in today. She must really be fighting some big time pain. ♥

Sandi said...

And Shep is "baby sitting" as GLO would say!

Linda said...

Wonder what Shep is looking up at? He is going to get a neck ache!

Lynne2 said...

he is really keeping the Eagle Eye on smoething!

stronghunter said...

He is panting. Warm day.

He looks very alert.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie. Peggy seemed kind of impatient with me.

Sandi said...

SHIRLEY, if you wanted patience from Peggy, all you had to do was give a credit card number and authorize a charge of $199! Obviously, patience sometimes comes with a price tag!

stronghunter said...

Yes. I called Rus. Peggy wanted to talk to Rus, but he in in NC at an RC Airplane competition of some kind and was very busy.

I can feed him a good dinner for some tech help. Lot less than $199 and much more pleasant.

stronghunter said...

Peggy lectured me about how I have to maintain my computer just as I have to maintain my car, etc., etc. Okay, I can do maintenance, but I want to find out what the deal is first.

Linda said...

Yeah, well tell Peggy that even cars come with a bumper to bumper warranty for at LEAST three years!!

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

No way to hang the suncatcher. It's propped up in a window in the sunroom now.

OMG....watching The Patty Duke Show! Oldie but goodie! Frankie Avalon was on last one, and now Troy Donahue! Now THEY were hunks!!!!!

Linda said...

Poof Shep

Empty Nest...........

Sandi said...

Shep just poofed! 2 sets of little black eyes looking up and heads abobbling!

Linda said...

MT nest..... 5 minutes..

I hope someone is in the attic!

Linda said...

Poop Shoot!!

Sandi said...

Looks like eaglet 1 has def. learned how to pick on eaglet 2 and eaglet 2 has learned how to "lay low." One is getting good at sitting more upright w/out falling over! Very alert and looking around!

Linda said...

Still MT nest...

7 minutes and counting...

Sandi said...

Shep is back!

Linda said...

Shep Returns

Sandi said...

He's rollin' em and tuckin em under!

Sandi said...

LYNN, I bought a stained glass panel for an elongated octagonal window that had a wooden frame but nothing for hanging. I bought 2 very small eye hooks and screwed them into the top of the frame and tied fishing line to each of the screw eyes. Then screwed another small screw eye into the wood of the window frame so I could hang the panel in the window. Would that work? It was super easy to do.

glo said...

I think Belle re assured us today that she knows she needs to show up for lunch feeding right now for her young.

Jewels said...

Amazing what meds do when to a person!!No date on the GB surgery yet. He has to be better from the pneumonia first. I imagine the Dr will give him a date soon enough. His Dr here thinks the pneumonia was from possibly aspirating some of his vomit when he was so sick. So that makes sense, but no symptoms for well over a week, close to two weeks is strange.

Lynne2 said...

sorry about your computer woes Shirley. Hope Rus can help soon!

Another screen fixed, and watched last weeks Army Wives. One more screen to fix (these only need new spline in the bottom halves due to Joker pushing them out). Not moving as quickly as I had hoped to be today.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lynn, the Patty Duke Show! Wish I could be watching that! Used to love that show!

Lynne2 said...

I'm so habby to have a new screen in the living room window..the scent of the Hyacinths is wafting in on the breeze!

DanaMo said...

Wonderful nap, now to clean upstairs~

Lynne2 said...

SO MANY stinkbugs hiding in the crevasses when I took the kitchen window screen out. Had to go get the SPECIAL swimming pool!

Lynne2 said...

Geesh, i think Bobbles are even bigger than they were this morning! Just look at those little masked bandtits!

Sandi said...

Shep is up and eating! let's see if he feeds those babies!

Lynne2 said...

just look at the one in back stretching so tall!

Lynne2 said...

The littlest one will be doing that tomorrow, he'll be a day older and a day stronger!

Lynne2 said...

right now though, he seems to want to wriggle over to Shep and get a bite. COME ON SHEP!

hedgie said...

Sandi, sunroom is all metal. Don't want to try to screw anything into the framework of it.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

and he's back!

Sandi said...

Shep poofed and then immediately came back. He has eaten but hasn't fed the babies! Poof again!

Lynne2 said...

and POOFED again

DanaMo said...

BTW...I just recovered some more of my money in the backyard! Now maybe I have all the pieces and I can tape them together.

Sandi said...

Beak cleaning in the tree. babies alone. Big camera shake. Shep is back!

Lynne2 said...

looks like MOMMA is home!

Lynne2 said...

I's Bella

Sandi said...

Is it Shep? Facing away.

Sandi said...

It's Shep - saw the spot!

Lynne2 said...

Nope, it's Shep again!

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...