Friday, January 28, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Yea! Really? Up to 40? I'll go for that!

I am all fixed up and ready to head out. Have several stores to go to. Jack has gone to lunch with friend.

See ya later, and poleeeeeze tell the snow to stop and right this instant!!!!

floralgirl said...

Weather Underground forecast for us -Saturday
Mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of snow. Highs in the mid 30s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.

floralgirl said...

The snow is finally starting to wind down here.

floralgirl said...

Eagle back with stick

Lolly said...

Just went outside before leaving. It is 66 and 64 in the house. May need to open the house to warm up.

Lots of flugg in the nest now. And do I see a wee bit of sunshine? Well, at least the snow has stopped.

Poof went the eagle.

Poof goes Lolly. Later Gators!

Donka Maria said...

Wanda, thanks for the call over. WOOHOO!

floralgirl said...

Both in nest-

floralgirl said...

Poof! one flew out- Belle, I think

Mema Jo said...

Watching both of our eagles in the nest
Lots more fluff is needed in order to dry out that snow!

I am back, of course, and I am so beautiful I can hardly stand myself!
ROFL..... I did get my short 'do' back
and it feels great and I look like Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Megan I really appreciate your weather updates! Helps me plan my day.

Hi Donna - Remarkable news concerning your pet! You get her a pink collar!!

Mema Jo said...

I am hoping that they get a collar on Hope so that we can track her........

Mema Jo said...

Son is visiting - BBILW

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, do not feel like a failure because you are not. But you do need help and the longer it takes to get someone over to help you the worse and harder it will be to fix. just concerned for you.

hedgie said...

Jo, you look like a cute little pixie when you get your do done short!! But I like your look even if it's a little shaggy!!!

Donna, good news to hear that your little fellow is doing well. I lost my doxie Cinnamon mid-Oct. They could offer nothing affordable for her deteriorated cervical discs and she was in so much pain. The meds (prednisone and pain) caused her GI bleeds, so they were not an option. So I made the decision to let her go. :(

Donka Maria said...

Mema Jo, I never thought about a pink collar for her, what a WONDERFUL suggestion. I am going to do just that.

Donka Maria said...

Oh Hedgie I'm so sorry. It's hard to let them be in so much pain. But you have to make those decisions out of love. I don't want to think about the day I have to make that decision for mine. I love her so. I guess we have to take comfort in knowing we gave them the best possible lives they deserved.

Donka Maria said...

Hedgie, I see that your Mai is giving you quite the challenge though. Be patient and I'm sure she will eventually turn out to be a very good girl.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just dropping in to say hello--must run to Wally World to do weekly shopping. Don't want you thinking I've forgotten you!

Have to run, because exterminator is coming this afternoon to put a couple rat traps back in the attic. MTBR...

Will be back once I'm back home.

wvgal_dana said...

Just got back in from opening the two dog ramps so Little Man can get to the ground. Of course, then need to make a path to the circle for bathroom privileges.

Got him out he made it down and back up.

Problem was I was down and couldn't get back up steps. Poor boy had to wait a good while up on porch. My back went out...finally with much much pain and struggle to lift each foot..God Bless me with all my calling on HIM..I reached the door.

You don't no how many mistakes was in this. Had to keep backspacing to get out errors. My back, legs, neck and hands are a mess, I am hunchback and my fingers are hunched too.

Just seen Little Man poor fellow still got his coat on. Mommy needs pain pill and body pillow.

Diann you know where I'm coming from.

later...say a prayer that my boy don't catch a cold from waiting in ice and snow for long time for his mommy thanks,


Mema Jo said...

Dana Take care, gal!

Was glad to see Judie as her 'old self'
on the other thread. So happy she is
joking around with us again! :)

floralgirl said...

Eagle alert!

floralgirl said...

Lots of fluff

floralgirl said...

Poof! off to get more

hedgie said...

And off again he/she goes! Fluff continues to accumulate! Snow has stopped here and it looks like there, too.

floralgirl said...

Back with a lot more. The snow has stopped here.

hedgie said...

Dana, sorry you are hurting. Why didn't the boy next door do all of that for you, too?? Don't worry....Little Man has fur and his coat. He won't get sick!

Mema Jo said...

I wonder where they are getting all that fluff with the snow covered ground.

Mema Jo said...

The egg well is NOT where they are placing the fluff BUT I bet that is where we see the egg(s)

hedgie said...

Haven't told you all.....168 acres behind me (goes clear out to main highway) recently sold to a local homeopathic chiropractor (no offense to any who uses him, but he is a screwball. He has a waist-length ponytail and long beard to boot). Last Th. I saw a dozer cutting a road in from Rt. 9. For 6 days I could hear it getting closer and closer. Called Bill who called his cousin who works in tax office and lives across from where the road started. The guy is logging it. So now today I can hear all the logigng equipmemt and big saws. Bill says the timber profits will pay for the land. I suppose when the economy and housing market picks up, he'll start selling lots. I gotta get out of here!

floralgirl said...

Probably from right along tree lines. The only place in our yard where bare ground is showing is under our hollies and evergreens.

hedgie said...

Jo, looks to me like they are raiding the farmers' hay bales!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - you need to head to the beach !!

stronghunter said...

I agree, Lynn. I think they are raiding the hay bales.

Mema Jo said...

I look out towards the back of our lot and the first thing was a Gold Course - hole 13. NOW fools want to build
large homes all around the one side
of that hole. The last one to be built will butt up against our property line and IF they start cutting down the tree row - I'm out of here.....

I'll meet you at the beach, Lynn

Mema Jo said...

lol Not a 'gold' course but a GOLF

Well it did turn into gold into someone's pocket......

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo.....if we pool our money, we can get an even bigger, better place than the one we're trying for! The secret, of course, is to sell BEFORE construction starts!

Have several friends whose homes are on edges of golf courses, holes, etc......BROKEN WINDOWS all the time!

Mema Jo said...

Looking at the nest... it is starting to scare me by thinking that an egg(s)
is going to be laid in fluff UNLESS
they are bringing the fluff in to melt the snow!
This is going to get interesting since there were about 10 inches of snow in that nest........

Mema Jo said...

I think that Lib just took off

Mema Jo said...

Need to take a break - Pizza Party this evening!


stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of our couple from this morning and another one from this afternoon showing how much stuff they have added in just a short while today.

I have forgotten how to post to the Momster's pictures. If someone wants to put mine there,it would be fine with me.

hedgie said...

Ted and Lucky bear cam is online!
Ted/Lucky cam

I can't get past the ad....maybe too many people watching already!

hedgie said...

Shirley, just go to Photos, open the 1/1/11-1/31/11 album and click Add Photos. Then it's just a browse window to find what you want on your puter. Easy!

hedgie said...

Heading out to do big least it's only a little and not 8"!

stronghunter said...

Unless I was supposed to do something else, the pictures should be posted on the Momster's Album. Thank you, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Psssst......contrary to whatever you might see/read (like on FB), Mattie will be 13 next month!!!
If you are wondering, email me!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back from my shopping trip, and all the groceries are put away. No sign of the exterminator yet. I heard some really LOUD clunks and scraping noises that sounded like they were from the recessed lighting "shelf" in the living room--right above my recliner! No traps in there that I know of, but Hubby had put a couple of BIG sticky traps in there--just in case. Sounded like something LARGE got one foot caught on a sticky trap and dragged it into the attic! This happened midday, so I don't think a raccoon would be on the roof THEN. Just want a couple of traps up there for insurance. Don't want a large rodent/critter dropping in on me! (The noise was SO loud, I must've jumped about 3 feet straight up!)

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers. It's been a long time since I've been on here.
God bless and all their efforts!! Seems to me that the fluff is just going to insulate the snow from melting when we get some warmer weather. There will have to be a LOT of fluff to insulate the eggs from the snow underneath. But...maybe they know what they are doing...

floralgirl said...

Eagle eating something in the nest.

Red said...

Someone is having a mid afternoon snack.

stronghunter said...

Hi Carol,

Don't think we have met. I'm Shirley. You were on here long before I even knew about this blog.

Happy to meet you.

Judie said...

Happy snow day, Steve. Thanks and stay safe and warm.

Hi Wanda!

Well, I guess Margie did, indeed, delete the incriminating evidence involving the snowman. I'll just use my vivid imagination.

Shirley, thank you for turning on the night light. I didn't have the energy.

Megan is right. The starlings were caged but at first I feared they would be released. Would prefer seeing the bank robber shot.

Did see Belle and Lib in the nest together, first ever seeing their HP, and some beaking, and some stick arranging. So nice to have electricity.

Hi Donka Marie. Such good news about Roxie. Sure hope that continues to be her situation.

Will watch 4pm news but last morning news was robber killed. Stupid robber to run around waving a gun at a gazillion cops.

Jo, you are always beauteous -- now just more beauteous than ever.

Dana, take care of yourself. Maybe you and Little Man should just snuggle up on the sofa and take a nap, okay?

Oh good grief. Lynn and Jo are thinking about the b__ch. Why not just move near Margie and you all can share the snowman's carrot.

floralgirl said...

The 'fluff' is good at melting the snow, it provides heat, and it's darker than the snow so when the sun finally shines it will warm it and help melt the snow. And here comes more fluff now!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, Shirley. Yes, I've been on this blog for several years. Haven't been very active for the past 2 years. I do check back in in January and follow the nest happenings til June - so that's why I'm here now. Been checking in occasionally for several weeks now, but have been monitoring the nest more closely since the snow cover in the nest. Any of us who have been involved for the past couple of years have been heartbroken by the effects of snow on this couple's efforts to raise a family.

magpie said...

Insomniac break here..

I have trouble with the live feed hanging up, then starting again is very choppy
I just updated the Adobe things...
any suggestions or is anyone else having problems?

I'd like to WATCH the two eagles now in real time not stop and start
Pls and Thanks when time allows

magpie said...

oh I did see that fly out though
Good Afternoon everyone


hedgie said...

Good job, Shirley!! Knew you could do it again!

Andy, hope there aren't any more rats, but better to be safe than sorry!

Judie, we don't want THAT carrot!!
Ha, ha----didn't have the energy to turn on the nightlight!! Good one!

Hi, Carol! Long time no see!!
Agree with you about the fluff keeping the snow from melting! In the old days, ice was wrapped in straw before it was put in storage!!

hedgie said...

Judie, you have mail!

magpie said...

good to see you Carol...
and everyone else I have been able to backtrack and see

Oh gosh, Dana...what a mess of a trip outside for you...hope you will be okay soon !

Lynn, first initial of last name on that homeopathic's not "B" is it ?

magpie said...

maybe more like psychopathic, if he is messing with the wild things there

hedgie said...

Speaking of melting.....not one single snow flake through all of this has remained on my salt licks!
Think they should make roads out of it!!! If it ever snows out on the Bonneville Salt Flats, bet it doesn't accumulate!

magpie said...

let you all watch your eagles now and will quit blabbing...

Judie, I will get with you on the story about the Snowman...

thanks folks for your encouragement and all...I just had second thoughts a little too late about it...could have worded things a little more delicately

stunning spectacular eagle !

Carol_in_WV said...

Yes, aren't those feathers beautiful, with the lighter color around their edges!

hedgie said...

I see on FB that Sharon is going to go see Train in Pittsburgh in August. They are performing at a Pirates game. Choo-choo!

Carol_in_WV said...

I wonder where they are getting the fluff from?

magpie said...

wishing like the rest of you that the Pair could toss out the snow that was atop the developing nest cup...
this seems new to the nesting from over the years that I have been watching...since 2006

floralgirl said...

Just hope they can keep finding more fluff cause it is an insulator and the only thing that will keep an egg dry on top of all that snow.

magpie said...

going to disappear now since the Eagle did....
Best wishes for a good, safe, warm and enjoyable Friday evening, everyone

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, it is B!!!!

hedgie said...

And don't know what to tell you about the cam hanging up....mine has been fine. Reboot maybe???

Mema Jo said...

The more I look at our nest the more I know we have the most intelligent eagle couple ever! They are really doing a spectacular job with the nest considering they don't have shovels!!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Was reading yesterday's posts trying to catch up.
Lynn, I didn't delete a post because of the snowman. I thought the whole idea was funny and wish a picture could have been posted.

Judie and others without power yesterday so glad things are getting back to normal. May we all stay on the "grid" throughout the rest of winter.

Lynn, sure hope Mai will soon be a good girl for you. We had a Samoyed that was very difficult to train. She just had a mind of her own and we weren't going to change her. I"m surprised that her Lab half isn't more agreeable. Son has had 2 and both were sweeties. Big but sweet.

Now to catch up on this page.... bbl

Mema Jo said...

BWE Egg rolling time

Lynne2 said...

wow, it that a nest or a HORSE STALL!!

Good afternoon everyone!

Oh Dana, I sure hope you are OK....

Donna, such good news about Roxie! I was wondering but was afraid to ask.

Mema Jo said...

You all know I love watching the Lions

especially when they are all in one den

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne - hope you had a productive day

I am heading out to the Pizza Party
for Alexis. We got snowed out Wed...


Lynne2 said...

oh Jo, LOVE the statement "so beautiful I can't stand myself". You are too funny!

Yes, I was at Irvine and there were no visitors today. So we got more done than usual!

Well, with order tickets piling up, delivery orders all over the floor, too few people to get the jobs done....Steve is now allowed not only to have his 4 hours a week back, but OT as well! WOOO HOO!

hedgie said...

Excellent news for Steve, Lynne!!

Diann, sorry....I thought it was yours. Now I wonder whose it was!!!

hedgie said...

Have fun at the Pizza Party, Jo. HUGS for Alexis from the Momsters!

floralgirl said...

Eagle back in nest-working on sticks

Lynne2 said...

AND....I now have another PT job! My vet/friend/mother of the kids I babysit on Tues. had a terrible cat bite a few months ago. Long story short, it was deep and into the nerves of her right hand. She's been having all kinds of treatments to try to rejuvenate the nerve so she won't,GOD FORBID, have to have the hand amputated. Anyway, she is unable to write, and she needs someone to write up her charts for her. The techs have been doing it, but they are very busy and it's time consuming, so she is hiring me to do it for her! I'll be there about 12 hours a week, and will still be babysitting. So that's a good thing to help us for now! I just hate that her serious problem is why I get the opportunity. I just feel awful for her....

PA Nana said...

Dana, I know exactly what you're talking about. Hope you can get the pain under control and L.M. is warm. You need to let him go out himself if possible. Take care.

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Lynne, so happy that something came along at just the right time. It's sad about your friend but you'll be helping her too.

Jo, is there someone who knows how to do a "shag" cut? I can't anyone around here and it's the best cut for my hair. Bet it looks great.

Poor Jim. He's been sleeping all afternoon. Now must wake him up for supper. Those 12 hour days are awful. It takes him 2-3 days to feel normal.

Well, time to wake up Rip Van Winkle.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is thrilled that the company is finally coming to their senses! Between that and my new assignment, we just may make the bills!

Lynne2 said...

need to take the doggies out....

Lynne2 said...

I cleared the snow off of my 2 lavender plants in the bed on the patio when I got home a couple of hours ago. The smell was strong and lovely! Even now, I can still smell it outside!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, great news on work for you and Steve. Hope your Vet friend has success, sounds like she's going thru h***

Diann, tell the stylist you want it layered all over....that's basically a shag haircut!

Nite lite just came on.

Margy, right click on the live feed. Check your settings for the display. Uncheck "enable hardware acceleration" and see if that helps.

Jo, have fun at the party.

I am going home to knock the snow off my leyland cyprus...they were still way bent over this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

OH my hope Dana has some pain pills.

Donka, glad to hear about your dog. Hope she stays in remission.

Carol, so good to see you on here!



paula eagleholic said...


Lolly said...

Good new about Steve's job, Lynne and your temp employment. Sorry for the lady!

ROFLMBO Lynn, you and I had the same idea about THAT carrot! Would not want it!

Wow! Lots more flugg has been added.

Eagle alert!

paula eagleholic said...

eAGLE IS LOOKING for the bowl they had a couple of days ago!

paula eagleholic said...



NatureNut said...

I will email Lynne, but to her and anyone else thinking of coming to Patuxent River Park tomorrow, it will be closed!Boss just called & said, NO POWER and wire down so he wants gate closed.In other words, "don't come in'!
And I just knocked myself out vacuuming whole house & I could have done some Sat. Oh well, will sleep late! Kitties were found w/flashlight under our bed. They are still there & older one doesn't usually care about vacuum.
I missed the nest activity & sure wish I could see if anything is going on yet at Park.

hedgie said...

Mits finally got her power back....after 46 hrs. Insane!

Lolly said...

Just took a peek at Ted and Lucky bear cam. They are sound asleep. Wish Lily was in such a nice den and we had that kind of view. ☺

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Mits. Hope she had a fireplace! But loosing food from the freezer is a big worry.

Lolly said...

High today was 75. While in the car it said 78. Normal is 55. Mid 70's again tomorrow. Have the back door open.

hedgie said...

Lynne, that is fantastic news, even tho' it's a shame about the vet......praying that she has some successful treatment. You have more mail.

Loretta, nice that you get a break.....the power situation down there blows my mind. Thought things were bad in rural areas but we have been very lucky.

Lolly said...

Sleet and freezing rain with some snow coming Tuesday. Enjoying the temp while we have it. Jack has been working on the landscape lighting.

hedgie said...

Thawed out some left-over chili...having that and a beer.
I really need something stronger....maybe later. Will explain after I eat.

Lynne2 said...

OH NO Loretta! That sucks! We were going to head down there...but we'll just plan for your next Saturday! Thanks for the heads up!

Just put 3 new posts on my blog.

I'm so glad we didn't loose power...although it's kinda scary to see how many trees on our road and still bent over power you never know. I know the crews must be having a heck of a time...they have to get the trees out of the way first, and they had problems accessing many areas.

NatureNut said...

I might be able to finally get a haircut! And I had planned on sttopping tomorro0w PM to get some Greek food at place near Park. So, it's no0t out of the way from hair place.Taa Daa. Sounds like a plan.

That sounds like a great dinner, Lynn! We have Hormel chili I think from the mass quantity shopper!

glo said...

Just signing in quickly to say HI from Carrollton GA. Tomorrow hopefully will be Clarksville TN. I am tired as can be BUT overall its been a good day :-). Hope everyone is doing well enough. Hope some more thawing occurs in that nest before egg time. Bless their hearts though I think I have ocme to accept the fact that snow is not a shock to Lib and Belle, its timing is a yearly challenge.

NatureNut said...

Sorry, Lynne. I didn't have any idea there was a problem. No communication, if you know what I mean. I asked if power comes on should we come in for 1/2 day & he said no, because heat has been off a long time.
You know me, it will be real tempting to go there and check nest, but guess I'll wait til TU!

NatureNut said...

Great to hear from you Glo!! Safe travels & you are probably going home to more snow than we have!!

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels Glo and Dex!

Maybe best we can't go tomorrow, I've been battling a bit of a cold and cough....NOT like the last cough! But being outside all day might not have been a good idea. Although I would have done it!


Lolly said...

Great to hear from you, Glo! Safe travels!

Lolly said...

Lynn, now I am worried! Eat and then explain, please!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Off to reheat quiche for dinner plus some steamed brocolli. Need to start diet again. Gained over our trip plus Christmas. Diet and excercise starts next week. Groan! Tomorrow going to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. Both grandkids families will be there. We are celebrating Zach's 5th birthday which is Feb 1.

NatureNut said...

Just looked at nest-can see it well. Lots of bedding over the snow!Hope spending the night doesn't happen yet--would be cold and maybe frozen tail feathers and bad for eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, Friends!

Have to get caught up...came home and fed the dogs...went out and knocked all the snow off my leland cyprus. Some were really bent. They should be able to spring back now. Some of the tops I couldn't reach, so I pushed the broom against the trunk and shook it. I even resorted to throwing the broom at the top of the tree! I know you're laughing, but it worked!

Of course, then the dogs wanted to play the snow! Too dark!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the very vivid picture, Paula. Not laughing!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, your weather sounds yummy. I see you are going to get a taste of winter soon enough!

Lolly said...

Yes, the last few days have been wonderful. We were able to finish the yard work that was so badly needed. Have another day and then rain and then Tuesday....yikes! Typical Texas weather.

Mema Jo said...

HEDGIE - Have you eaten yet? I'm waiting for you..............

Judie said...

Been reading through. Made my way downstairs for dinner AND back upstairs. Of course, chocolate ice cream provided the necessary energy boost.

Lots and lots of flugg today. Really glad to know that it acts as insulation. Two smart eagles.

Lynne2, so happy about Steve's job and your new other temp job. You two will be just fine.

Lolly, y'all have a great time tomorrow.

Hope Glo and Dex are getting lots of rest tonight and will have a safe drive tomorrow.

Lowreeda, enjoy a day off without having to vacuum.

Really feel for Mits. 46 hours is beyond ridiculous. Sure hope her home warms up quickly.

Off to rest a little. Incredible how much energy it takes to do what used to be so very effortless.

Judie said...

Um, Lynn? I'm also waiting and getting a little nervous.

Mema Jo said...

The Pizza Party went very well!
Alexis had a little gal friend, Katrina
They were a match for each other..
They were having an overnight at their
Aunt Susan's .... Everything was very enjoyable.

I am going into watch a taped
"Royal Pains" from last evening.


paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, forgot to tell you to have a great time tomorrow.

Lowreeda, glad you are getting a "snow" day of sorts!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a good nite for Alexis!

Lolly said...

Getting very concerned about Lynn. (((HUGS)) Lynn!

Lolly said...

When is the next snow expected at the nest? Belle and Lib did a great job today.

stronghunter said...

Paula, did you get your FB issues straightened out?

hedgie said...

Ate too much and between the chili and the beer, my tummy has not been feeling the best.
Well, the 2nd trainer who was supposed to come to day deferred to her boss....who wants to do an initial consultation at her business in Hagerstown area on the 8th. And I have made it clear that the problem is HERE, not when we are out. SO emailed the 1st one to see if she still has a spot open to come on TH., which is 5 days earlier than the 8th....but still far off enough that I don't know if I can hang in that long. I am a total emotional mess right now.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I think a little snow over the weekend. Then maybe a more significant one on Tuesday.

hedgie said...

Hi, GLo. Get a good sleep before hitting the road again.
Lolly, have fun at the water park party! Hope you don't get bad weather. Some areas here are supposed to get a little more snow tomorrow. And then something else coming early next week. ARGH.
Paula, how much of the upper snow fell on you???!! Can picture that scene!
Loretta, just relax now so that you can enjoy your visit for the weekend. Greek food sounds like a winner.

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub. Wish I could soak my head! I think bubble bath is definitely in order tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, hang in there, help is on the way. You can do it!

I hear a baby bear.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, no luck on getting FB account straightened out. Started a new one. Going to add friends slowly, don't wan't to draw unwanted attention! You are not supposed to have 2 accounts.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I did get some snow on me, but not too bad!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, wish i could be there to help you. Wish you would consider returning Mai to the rescuer. I don't think these trainers are going to give you enough time and intensive training to help you quickly enough.

paula eagleholic said...

Very funny, Shirley. I went to add you as a friend on FB....this was under your profession

Englsish Teacher


NCSuzan said...

You are not a failure. Mai just has a different temperment.

Lynne2 said...

it's a difficult situation Suz, but Lynn has lots of dog experience, enough to know when she needs some outside help. She wants to give Mai and herself every chance to make this work.

Lolly, sounds like a good time tomorrow and I hope you have fun even though I hate you and your stupid weather. LOL, you know I'm kidding, and JEALOUS!!

Glad the pizza party was fun Jo!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Paula. I will have to check that out!

stronghunter said...

Just accepted your friend request, by the way.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn was having trouble getting into her account, but it seems to be okay.

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, I hope what you say is true. She sounds so sad. By the way, congratulations on your new job.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the laugh, Paula.

Hurrah! Michael's birthday present arrived, so we can take it tomorrow to give to him.

You know how hard he is to buy for, well we got him a mailbox. Seriously! Okay, here they are in this million dollar mansion with no mailbox. For the longest time the mailman dropped the mail behind the wrought iron gate door that is in front of their door. Then the mailman put one of those plastic mail boxes on the ground in front of the door. Then he finally said "No mailbox, no mail delivery." Well, someone put up (half heartedly) this dinky mailbox. My son, bless him, is such a procrastinator!

This is a heavy, large, locking mailbox with their address on it. It looks great and will look appropriate on their house. Jack is figuring out how he will install it.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Suz!

Oh my, now stuck on watching Animal Hoarders on AP. I know better than to watch...

Judie said...

Lynn, you have mail.

Well, folks I hear the sandperson lurking outside the door. Time to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, soaking in bubbles, headed back the hallway after pizza, drying off from a cypress snow bath, dozing in the recliner, or just stumbling in after having gone 500 miles today. Sleep well and may tomorrow bring sunshine and lots of eagle visits.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I figured it was something like that. I know you do not want to give up on Mai, but I am beginning to think it best. It is taking so much out of you. Hate to see you so stressed!! Not to mention... injured!

magpie said...

Lots of ((( BIG HUGS )) being sent out Hedgie's way...
despite the difficulties she is having, she still keeps bouncing back with encouragement for all the rest of us....
You're one of a kind, Lynn, the Best Kind ♥
Prayers for a magical miracle that things will work out for you and Mai, Lynn

magpie said...

good news about your extra job. Lynne, but sorry about your friend's hand malady...
and glad to hear of Steve's (returned) added hours and options for overtime $ $ $

hedgie said...

Thanks again for all your support and love and understanding.
Suzan, sending her back is a last ditch option. They have the right to repossess or accept....but not sure of the logistics. The SharPei Rescue org is in Chesapeake, VA. If it comes down to that---which I pray it doesn't---I could schedule a respite trip to OBX and stop their on the way.

Be careful if going out, folks. Cars going into ditches around here like crazy.
Carolyn has been called in to work tonight for a 4 hr. stint at 4AM. It's her 2nd night off....but she's glad that they are calling her AND glad for the OT pay!

hedgie said...

2 wrecks back here across the highway on roads that lead to Derick's place. Sure hope he's not out.

magpie said...

Aaaah, a fun pizza party and a sleepover with a friend for Alexis, sound great Jo

and Aaaaah, Great Wolf Lodge...that will be deluxe, Lolly!
James has been to the one in Virginia, and still raves about it.
We want to see the pictures of that mailbox when it is installed.
Too funny, that story !

Wow lots to catch up with the posts posted while I was sleeping.

Good report, Paula..yes, I think we can picture your snowy adventure !
A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do to get things done!
THANK YOU for the live feed tip, you helped with that once before...I did the dis-enable...and will see how it looks in the morning

paula eagleholic said...

Kinda tired here...gonna hit the hay a little early.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Bear are 1 week old!

hedgie said...

That should be bearS!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope it helps, Margy. Have a good night at work.

magpie said...

All that Flugg in the nest makes for a darker view tonight

Okay then I will see Carolyn at 4 am... ☺

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy!!!!! I'm not all that, but you are sweet to say so!

hedgie said...

Lolly, love the mailbox story.

Ha....when Christie and Shannon bought their house, my aunt wanted to know what to send them for a housewarming gift. I told her they really needed a nice mailbox to hang next to the door----the one that was there had to have been 30 yrs. old and was u-g-l-y!!
She said I talked Christie out of getting one. Dear aunt (may she now RIP) never sent ANYTHING!

NatureNut said...

Nighty-night time.
Lolly, sounds like great fun for you tomorrow. I love the present!
I also took the broom to a tree branch today. Huge pine had one long, low branch touching the ground. Couldn't stand it anymore. The other side of tree dumped snow on my car that WAS clean!
Lynn, hang in there. What ever you decide is best, we'll support you.
For everyone hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

but holey moley she has to traverse the crazy roads now too !

Loretta.... best wishes for a great visit with your daughter Saturday, and I hope you get your "do"
sounds like Jo's turned out well, and Diann... I, too, have been hankering for that "shag" do for quite some time now...
hope your find the stylist to do it...
can understand about Jim's "recovery time" after 7 days of 12's - - brutal work shifts for sure, hope he bounces back soon

stronghunter said...

Hugs for you, Lynn.

Wonder if people with Mai's litter mates are having issues, too?

stronghunter said...

I have to head upstairs. Tired.

Will see you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

I asked the foster that, Shirley, but she didn't answer the question.

magpie said...

gotta get our (( Warm Hugs ))
all revved up for the
15th Annual MSP Polar Bear Plunge at Sandy Point State Park Saturday ...
Mits's family ....

Hope there will be some good television coverage of it...

and also (( Warm Travel Hugs )) sent your and Dex's way Glo

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, she DOES have to drive.
Praying that she doesn't have any trouble......

Lolly said...

Well, I have wrapped the mailbos and Zach's presents. Zach gets a Buzz Lightyear jet pack. Watch for him and Jacob flying over your house. We got Jacob one for Christmas and Zach loved it. Ah ha, what to get him was solved! Also got him BOB books. These are beginner reader books.

Hear a little bear squalling!

magpie said...

We haven't heard from BEagle this evening!
Hope you are doing okay, BE !!

Of the 55 counties in WV, all but four were on either closed, (most of them) or delayed school (only 8) this date....
pretty impressive

Lolly said...

I really must learn to proof read. LOL I just typed proff! Aghhhhhh!

magpie said...

okay then a MAILBOS !
Now I really want to see a picture !!

hedgie said...

Cam just timed out for me. Guess that's a hint. Gonna get me some chocolate cake and then hit the fleece!

Margy, you be careful! Have a good shift.

See you all in the morning.
Prayers for all for wellness, safety,happiness and peace.

magpie said...

feel like I am playing 52 pick-up with all the interesting and imformative posts tonight, but the time bandit has struck...gotta find the fairy.

Requiem for the Snowman tonight.
Failed to notice some strategically placed stick art...until I reviewed my photograph...

Prayers for our many needs, those in pain, with illness, with concerns pulling at our heartstrings...
and thanks as ever, for many gifts given.
God will be always

didn't mean to leave anyone out in my comments...know that I care

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

When the glorious mailbox is installed will take a picture!

Heading to the shower and pjs to get comfy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Worn out and sleepy....See you all in the morning.


Lolly said...

Forgot to mention....I am painting my toenails for tomorrow! LOL Heaven forbid I would go barefoot with out painting my toesies! ☺☺☺

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Sunshine♥

NCSuzan said...

Can hardly see in the nest it is sooo dark. Hope there is no activity in there tonight!

Mema Jo said...

I am very sleepy also - heading back the hall

Good Night and God Bless
Prayers for everyone of you
Hugs for everyone of you..♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

movin said...

Between the dark material the pair put in the nest heating up in the daylight and the 34° temp tonight, it appears the snow in the nest is melting much faster than I feared earlier. If it's sunny tomorrow, it should mostly disappear before the day is done.

I wonder if Lib-Belle are ready to start laying soon.

Big news at WE: it looks like K-01's other wing-bling broke off, so it's hard to tell Wray from Super Man now...not sure if the underside blings are still there. I looked but the light was very bad.

Good night, everybody.
Hope it's better weather tomorrow.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

From the Did You Know Department,
(pinch-hitting for Hedgie...)

there is a new vehicle (a "sport vehicle: - like a small SUV )
coming out from Fiat in 2012 -
called a Panda

do you think it will sell ? ☺

floralgirl said...

Sounds great, Jim, but that weather update beside the cam is often wrong. It says 34° right now, but it's actually 22°. Everything has frozen up and it's very icy out there now.

Nest is empty

Today's forecast
Cloudy. Occasional flurries in the morning...then a chance of snow in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 30s. Southwest winds around 5 mph...increasing to south 10 to 15 mph in the afternoon. Chance of snow 50 percent.

magpie said...

the royal Pair showed up almost at the very same time, nice soft landing onto the nest

magpie said...

well that was something else...

it was about 10 mns ago but I couldn't get on to post at the tme

H-P it was...

the pair was quite close to the large sycamore branch

magpie said...

oh all empty again now

nest is very beautiful

finland bright and sunny with a plop of dirty snow on the platform

floralgirl said...

Eagle is back in the nest. Belle maybe...

floralgirl said...

Now both in nest. A 'discussion' over the placement of fluff that was just brought in-

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...we drove by your house last night, in hopes of getting a photo of your snowMAN. Someone had destroyed it...wonder who? Would have stopped in, but I don't like to SURPRISE visit!

magpie said...

color is nice
not so much wash-out right now yet

magpie said...

Yah - Wanda -
someone/s knocked the snowman over

so now we have destruction of property, or homicide in the neighborhood !

I was a'sleepin probably

wow that sends me to see those eagles soar out and in

magpie said...

nice eagle perched at BWO too...

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

shift change coming up...
better sign off and wish everyone a good day

SPLIT not too far off, so be ready
xoxo ♥

floralgirl said...

Both are in the nest, Lib brought in another stick for the side.

floralgirl said...

Just one in nest now- maybe Lib, not sure, walked away for a little. Gonna run errands before it starts snowing again...

Judie said...

Good morning!

Eagle in nest a moment ago. Lovely. Will check again before I head back under the covers.

Ah, Shirley has a novel to write: Death of A Snowman or The Case of The Missing Exhibitionist.

Hope Lowreeda has a fun day today and Lolly, also.

Hope Margie and Carolyn get some sleep.

For all others venturing out tis a.m. be careful of snow and ice.


stronghunter said...

So, now it is snowmanicide. Well, goodness.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

More nestorations.

wvgal_dana said...

I've been here watching them fly in and out.

I thought they would have started by using their great talons to scrath out that snow and ice in the egg cup. Then bring in the fuff.

Well they have been doing this for longer than I've been watching since 2006. So I guess their instints tell them what to do.

Feeling better today than yeserday but still hard to move around and use hands. Just take more pain pills.

Lynn-Hedgie I have been sending prayers for you and Mai for a long time now. I don't want her knocking you down. She should by now understand "no" for trying to jump on you. I know all your feelings are getting all meshed together. Don't understand why they won't come to the house that grrs me. Turning your back is what instructors would say to do when she is doing something wrong but if she is jumping up that is NOT an option for you. You turn you back she jumps down your going.


I also don't understand why the Rescue can't tell you how the other dogs in the litter are doing. That doesn't sound right.

Pryers for you and Mai. You are not a failure. There a some unruling/determined characters in Mai for some reason. I too thought with Lab. Although they love to run they are great dogs. You have NOT FAILED!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Both eagles in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Lib off to the left

Just love all that straw/fluff in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...




paula eagleholic said...

Oh, nice left side entry by Lib. Don't know if he brought back more fluff or not, but they sure are digging away....ohh beaking! He is beaking at her!

paula eagleholic said...

He's up front with a stick and she is a spreading that fluff!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...