Friday, January 28, 2011


New thread.


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floralgirl said...

I hope you didn't leave Buddy in charge!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Buphals is in charge so hopefully they have slept all the time.

magpie said...

Always nice to end the day with friends...
Paula, hope Boo's doctor finds a non-serious diagnosis for his maladies...

Going to be a slobberfest when you and Thelma get home, Sharon!

Going to check out early, little sleep today, but no work tonight

Prayers for all our needs, and grateful prayers for
many gifts given...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Loretta, I am sure your daughter didn't try to take Route 3 all the way to Charlottesville. You need to get on 29 in Culpeper.

Just finished checking a stack of papers and entering them in my gradebook. More to do, though. Ready to start my 11th graders on The Crucible. Need to get the materials together during my planning time.

glo said...

Well I am done vooking and I guess now I am supposed to lock at the screen and tilk the scree and join in on the egg watch. After I shower and sleep through the movie I am recording :-). Catch ya all tomorrow.

hedgie said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I guess I need to get back on the job proofreading, huh? LOL.

Judie said...

Well, watching the valentine movie only because it's Betty White. Do so admire her. Wonder if SHE has arthritis?

Hi Sharon and TBird. Happy dog kisses.

Shirley, happy paper grading.

Tomorrow I will be contemplating an assignment asking what could be done to stop events such as Tucson. Students won't like it -- have to think for a change.

So, MT nest. I believe we could detect white feathers if they were there. Well, maybe I just need to tilk my screem and loop from a different ankle.

Will be turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, into the recliner, or just stumbling in. Pleasant dreams.

hedgie said...

ROFL, not.........Margy, one of my ruined sweatshirts has that dog sentiment on it. It should say that some also destroy clothing and skin.
Frogs, huh??? Wonder, wonder who.....

Jo, don't find that the movie is repeating.....too bad----it is awfully good!

stronghunter said...

With two basset hounds, I know all about slobbery dogs. The water dish always has a few puddles around it.

Mema Jo said...

I am back from the conclusion of Downton Abbey. I'll check out any schedule for the movie and keep in mind that Glo is recording......

Friends of Blackwater NWR
Since we're a couple weeks away from possible hatching, we decided to extend our cam operation times to 3am-11pm.

stronghunter said...

Rebecca said: My mom called my brother earlier today and the tour company is saying everything is fine and no need to worry. The tour company does not have the best interests of the tourists in mind. I plan on calling the number that my mom called my brother from in a few hours. I am going to tell her she needs to contact the embassy and follow their guidelines. Evacuations are starting tomorrow morning for American citizens.

Lolly said...

Okay, wipe away your tears and catch up on the blog!

NatureNut said...

Saw all of Lost Valentine. It was really good. Betty White's amazing.

Probably won't be up much longer, so Pleasant Feather Dreams & prayers to fix all aches, pains, & illnesses ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, Rebecca is being very wise in her thinking. Hope her mom listens.

I am heading to bed -------

Good night and pleasant dreams
Prayers for everyone's well being
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Great movie!!

Good news from BWO: cam hrs. being extended to 3am-11pm!!

Lolly said...

Just listened to our weather. Mild day tomorrow, then thunderstorms, then ice. Lovely just lovely.

stronghunter said...

Rebecca is very smart and is knowledgeable in foreign relations.

Lolly said...

Nite Jo and to all those turning in. Getting ready to have a cup of tea. Yes, the movie was great.
Betty White is amazing.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I think we all prefer snow to ice.

stronghunter said...

Sorry I missed the movie. I like Betty White, too.

paula eagleholic said...

I have wiped away my tears...watched the last hour...good movie!

hedgie said...

Jo, I have it on the DVR.
Good night to all gone and going....heading for tub shortly.
Rest well. Prayers and peace.

stronghunter said...

Heading upstairs. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Artic front arrives after midnight tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Below 0...wind chill. Hard to take after our 70's weather. We will have to keep an eye on Sutton. They are expecting a blizzard. Poor eagles. The eggs are due to hatch! That other OK nest on the Sutton cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, poor eagles!

Stay warm, Lolly.

Hitting the hay, catch ya'lll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

BEagle said...

I believe that Betty White should get an Oscar.

I literally burst out sobbing.

Good night.
Prayers for you. ♥

Lolly said...

No eagle in the nest. Heading to the shower and then to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

BEagle, I am not a sobber, although I do get teary eyed at times...but when Betty White walked up to the coffin, tears flooded my cheek (I think I saw the Capt. wipe a tear, also). At 89, she is a wonderful actress!

No egg tonight. We would appreciate it, Lord, if you would keep her busy building more onto the nest the rest of this week;)


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Still dark out.

Cannot see anything at the nest. We are hearing that there could be flurries or freezing rain here today.

floralgirl said...

17° here now, nest is empty
Here's the weather forecast for the nest for today/tomorrow-
Partly sunny this morning...then cloudy with a slight chance of sleet this afternoon. Highs in the upper 20s. East winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 20 percent.

Cloudy. Snow or sleet likely in the evening...then sleet or freezing rain and snow after midnight. Ice accumulation around a trace. Lows in the lower 20s. East winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 90 percent.

Sleet and snow likely in the morning. Freezing rain likely. Snow and sleet accumulation up to 1 inch possible. Ice accumulation of a tenth to one quarter of an inch. Highs in the lower 30s. Southeast winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 70 percent.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just arrived, working on nest cup

floralgirl said...

Belle just flew in, both in nest.

BEagle said...


Belle in center, Lib just flew out.

BEagle said... the right.

floralgirl said...

Back with a large tree branch

floralgirl said...

both flew out

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I seem to be on EST so up early enough to say Good morning before i head over for coffee and dog treats. Then off to the gas station and grocery to prepare for quite the snow and wind "unfortunately " event coming our way tomorrow and wed. storm won't bother me too much IF we keep our power and IF I can find someplace for my little dog with those short legs to agree to go potty with his belly in the snow :-(. we will work it out one inch at a time.
Pop up is popped and now time to get dressed warmly and make that grocery list.

NCSuzan said...

Glo, so glad you made it back safely and just in time for the storm too.Please be careful out there.

NCSuzan said...

I would like to humbly ask for prayers for my sister, Sandra. Her oldest son, my nephew, was headed home the other evening, ran a stop sign and crashed into a house. Dead at the scene. Preliminary autopsy report is that he had a heart attack. He leaves behind a four year old daughter, a devastated mother. He was 28. Thank you.

floralgirl said...

Suzan, that is just awful, he was so young. Keeping them in my thoughts.

The sun is shining here now, you can see it on cam.

NCSuzan said...

Thank you Floragirl. It is good to see sunshine!

magpie said...

Dear Suzan
I am so very sorry about your nephew...prayers, of course
for you and all the family
(( hugs ♥ ))

NCSuzan said...

Thank you magpie for your kind words.

magpie said...

We're here for you Suzan...
share as you can...
does your sister live close by to you?

magpie said...

two small black birds at BWO picking at what the big eagle just left behind
not sure what the birds are

NCSuzan said...

No, my sister lives in Maine but her son lived in Greensboro.

magpie said...

stunning morning here abouts.
hope someone besides me saw the Crescent Moon and the planet Venus before sunrise...
Moon goes "New" Wed night, will disappear algotether but will start out all over again in the West later in the week

Lynne2 said...

oh SUZ, I'm am so incredibly devastating. (((HUGS))) and prayers for your sister and you and the family.

magpie said...

algotether, new word

magpie said...

Suzan...that is a long ways apart from each other...
keep us posted on what's going you will most likely be seeing her in the days to come ?

Lynne2 said...

wow Margy, that's some new word you got there! We are going to have tom make a "Blogtionary" for all these new words!

I missed the moon and Venus this morning but saw them either Friday or Saturday at sunrise. The sunrise itself was gorgeous, too. Wish I could have gotten a picture.

NCSuzan said...

I am not well enough to travel so don't know if I will see her or not.

NCSuzan said...

Thank you everyone for your concern. It's always sad to lose a young person. It just doesn't seem right. but this to will pass.

NCSuzan said...

Yes, that little sliver of moon was gorgeous. And venus looked light someone had polished her. Very shiny!

Lynne2 said...

I'm bringing this over from FB for those who know Iris but are not on there...this is her cousin Angie...

Iris F Reily
My dear, sweet cousin has been fighting ovarian cancer for the past 4 years and has been a very strong amazing woman through it all but she isn't doing too well now i am asking for your prayers for her and her family...dear lord please wrap your loving arms around her and her family and help them through this trying time....

Costume Lady said...

Suzan, so sorry for your family's loss. 28 and a 4 yr. old child is just one of those things that makes us wonder why it had to tragic.
Prayers for that family and Iris's family.
I'm 100% with what NILLA said on facebook...50+ years of research and billions of dollars donated to help find a cure, and it hasn't happened yet! If a cure was found and they let the public know, those donations would stop and the Oncologists would be out of a job, as well as some of the Big Drug companies. Just saying...

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, I've been wondering why you are not a Veterinarian? You know the answer to most questions about cats and dogs, and have so many wonderful suggestions to our Momster sisters. I think you made Paula feel better last night, when you told her that an ear infection could make a dog wobbly:) Bless you for being our friend and sister♥

Costume Lady said...

Our eagles are back.

Costume Lady said...

Only Lib there now, moving a few sticks.

Costume Lady said...

That might have been both working on more sticks.
I cannot tell one from the other with this new cam view, until I see them head on...or HP. Haven't seen that at all this year...always at the wrong place at the wrong time:)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...lost internet for awhile there...came back on to see eagles, more Eagle Watching friends,
and also a prayer request for Iris's cousin Angie...thank you all for sharing this information with us...

May our prayers and love circle around our friends and their families and bring comfort and peace...and healing

heading out, date with the tax lady and then with my 93 yoa shopping pal

Like your idea Lynne, a Blogtionary...and agree with your sentiments about our Lynne 100& Wanda !
ttfn Best Wishes for a Good MONDAY
xo ♥

magpie said...

100 %
oh brother just added to the Blogtionary

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lovely sunshine today! I'll take it!

Boo still seems to be feeling better. I have an appt at the vets for both dogs at 6:30 this evening.

Gotta get some work done...later!

paula eagleholic said...

Lovely eagle in the nest!

floralgirl said...

Now both!

paula eagleholic said...

Comment on OUtdoor channel page by OUtdoor channel

Hi all - Thanks for your interest in EagleCam. We have been having intermittent audio problems. We're still working on that. Regarding night viewing, with this year's camera, the night vision is as good as it will get. Sorry. Keep watching and keep commenting. Have fun!

stronghunter said...

Our eagles have really accomplished quite something here. Imagine how it would be if we had to build a residence for ourselves using only crooked sticks and whatever we could find, not to mention we had to carry the materials in our mouths.

Red said...

Good morning Y'all. Lots of repairs going on in the nest this morning. Another mild day in Bama then the cold stuff returns later this week.

kickngbird said...

What they accomplish is awe inspiring. That's one of the reasons it's so easy to forget what you're supposed to be doing and watch them instead!

kickngbird said...

Both took off

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - grateful for some sunshine before the storm.
Glo - very happy you are safely home with Dex and back in your routine

Suzan - Prayers for your family - heartaches never cease.. Just wish at times that 'death' had some pre-warning. Not that it would make the loss any easier but that shock that stops you cold would be eliminated. Prayers for all..

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping to find a new thread.
It will come soon..........

Need to run out and take care of some


hedgie said...

Morning all. Doesn't seem appropriate to say good morning, despite blue sky and sun.
Suzan, SO very sorry for your entire family and especially for your sister and her grandchild. Life can be so unfair.
And Iris, prayers that Angie can beat the beast.

I DID see the pretty moon and Venus in the early hour before dawn, thanks to Mai!

I had a really long talk with God last night about Mai.....but He must have been busy dealing with the really important things.
The 1st trainer is not available this week, so going with her recommended #2---I will have to drive to Hagerstown a week from today.

Paula, how was Boo this morning? Glad you have the apptmt.
Yes, Margy and Wanda, Lynne is SO knowledgeable. She SHOULD be a vet!

hedgie said...

Don't know if I can watch that movie a second time----but Carolyn missed it, so will be coming some day to watch it on my DVR. I, too, love Betty White.....won't be an Oscar for a TV movie, but definitely an Emmy, I'm sure! Heard that she won a Screen Actors' Guild award last night for the comedt show she's currently in.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Great to see the sunshine on the nest, and what a nest it is!

Suzan, you definitely have our prayers for your sister, the family, and you. Such a tragedy! He was so young to have a heart attack.

I am not feeling sick this morning. Did take a Mucinex last night and more Advil. We will see what develops. My voice is still a little hoarse. (Neigh!!!)

floralgirl said...

Eagle alert

hedgie said...

Egg cup is taking on more definition.
Not a very satisfactory report from Outdoor regarding the light....:(

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you are feeling better! Keep it up, please?!

Red said...

Here's a joke for all you mind readers..........

floralgirl said...

Eagle just took off, was only watching out of the corner of my eye- I swear it looked like a squirrel tale in her talons.

wvgal_dana said...

How do you come into the blog and say Good Morning when tragedy strikes our friends.

Suzan sorry for the families lost. Prayers for your sister Sandra, you (including your health making it worse), his blessed 4 year old daughter and any other family
members and friends and relatives.
Such a terrible lose.

Prayers for Iris cousin Angie and Iris and their families.
Is Angie the one that lives here in Shepherdstown?
That Iris stayed with when she came in for Open House?

Well then they do need prayers for fixing the sound on the live feed. Thanks Paula for posting the Outdoor Channel comment. Does seem like Steve said no fix for night light until after they fledge.

Prayers for Boo even though he is feeling better. Hope Vet can figure out a mild fix for him. Paula you be careful out there if we or your area is going to get ice.

I too think Lynne would make a good vet. I know she got the job helping the vet friend. Of course, she is happy but sad due to the ladies hand.

Glo get those grocies and needs in before it starts coming down. Same doggie problem for bathroom here too. So I know where you are coming from

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Although Megan your squirrel tale might be different than my squirrel tale (: I am kidding with of all people make the most mispelt words an incorrect english.

floralgirl said...

Yeah well it was a tale about a squirrel tail..

hedgie said...

Just put a pic on my Lair.......Christie had a visitor when she got home last night!!

hedgie said...

Dana, Iris' cousin in Harpers Ferry is Barb.

Lolly said...

Christie got a good pic. Left a comment. My security word was "mishint". Had to read it twice!

hedgie said...

Red, you are repeating yourself!!!! Saw where you put it on FB, and then Sissy did, too! ROFL!

NCSuzan said...

Oh, but Dana it is a good morning. Life does goes on. We take our knocks and lean on friends and make the most out of every day we have. So yes, it is a very good morning!

floralgirl said...

Belle just came back, both in nest.

Lolly said...

Our eagle is really watching something. Maybe the other flying around?

Two eagles now!

Lolly said...

Sitting and looking at each other, a little beaking, and now work on the royal palace.

Red said...

Hedgie, Good ones are worth repeating. lol

Lolly said...

Just peeked in on the Sequoyah, OK eagle. I really will not be able to watch it when the bad weather hits.

Lolly said...

Belle is working on the egg cup, LOib look like he is about to take off.

Lolly said...

Belle remains in the nest and once again really watching something. Yep, Lib back with a stick.

Lolly said...

Argument over the placement of the stick. Think they need marital counseling.

Lolly said...

LOL They are so funny!

Costume Lady said...

We won't reach 1,000...NEW THREAD,
COME ON OVER*********************

Lolly said...




hedgie said...

Clouds have rolled in----pretty day is gone. Heading out to run errands before it starts doing anything. Wish me luck----road sounds bad when I hear other vehicles on it. Grrrrr.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...