These two have really been bickering about the placement of sticks, this morning. Lib got in a few good pecks on Belle...don't see him doing that HP this morning. Maybe because she has all the eggs she can handle:)
It is my understading that we have all we are going to get for this season. We will take what we can get for now. If they start messing with electronics, we might lose our picture...don't want that to happen. IT IS WHAT IT IS;)
Clouds have rolled in----pretty day is gone. Heading out to run errands before it starts doing anything. Wish me luck----road sounds bad when I hear other vehicles on it. Grrrrr.
NCSuzan I am so very sorry to read about your loss. May God send His peace and comfort to all of you. I know sometimes life just doesn't make sense out of the small window through which we see. Its like a parade going by. God sees the whole parade. We see only tiny pieces at a time. We learn to trust Him with the rest.
Again, thank you all for your words of comfort. They really do help. Sounds like you are in for some icy weather. Please be careful. We`are supposed to only get rain.
Jack has just now gone out to look for Coleman fuel. We are beginning to be afraid that we can not keep our little greenhouse warm enough, so he wants to be ready to lite up the catalytic heater as well. The ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ptb-p0000000 ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemps they keep predicting keep getting lower and lower.
I just turned off the Lily cam and heard birds on our cam. That is good!
Okay, going to move around and get stuff done around here. I am beginning to think my back is aching from sitting here too much.
roflmbo Annie just sent you a personal message. She typed it all by herslf.
Grey Monday! Pray we don't get all that ice in AM.
Prayers also for Suzan's nephew & Iris' cousin and their families.
I've never seen a double decker nest before!Looks almost new. Hope egg laying waits for a few days. Don't know how things will work out if the basement is a pond!
Lolly, glad to hear you feel good enough to horse around! ☺
Margy - with what are you comparing your live feed timing ?
I returned from my many many errands. Now I am ready to settle in..
Thank you so very much Steve for the new thread - I can breath much better at 28 then 910... What do you think of the condition of our nest - handy work of Lib & Belle.. Pretty smart eagles - I've never seen the CO snow nest get new flooring like ours!!
Loretta about the pond you mentioned. Don't you remember all those news stations telling us about "Mother's giving birth in water". Belle may be doing the new eagle thing. Belle lays egg/egg hatches as it floats".
Jo - I looked on still cam, awhile back, and it was updating before the live feed was...what is happening is that my live feed seems to be hanging up, then when it starts going again everything is all herky jerky for a second or two
also I HEAR them coming and going on live feed at different times from when it is happening...sometimes before, sometimes after Have tried a couple of fixes...nothing has improved it yet right now I am going to C-Clean, reboot and start again
so when there was Belle, then Liberty arrived, then the still cam showed one, I looked at live feed and there were two....then it hung up, then I could not really tell which one had left, and if the other one had made a mad dash to another part of the nest
It's better than nothing, and I have often had problems with this computer and live feeds.... but it is just a wee bit frustrating at time ! ☺
I know that my live feed is ahead of my still cam... but then I am usually not looking at both unless I want a still cam pic. Hope your feeds straighten out soon.
Going to watch the 4:00 news then dinner (good ole grilled cheese)
I'm home and getting settled in. Bought Mai a great new toy which thrilled her immensely for 10 mins. before she decided that attacking me was more fun.
i am getting vvery hungry---missed lunch. Did my grocery run at Weis, so got myself a big salad! Can't wait to dig into it. They also had 4----ONLY 4!-----peanut butter cream donuts in the case. Yep, bought all 4!
Lynn, since you like peanut butter so much, have you ever tried peanut butter on sliced Granny Smith apple? So yummy! Hope Mai is behaving this afternoon. Oh, I know, feed her peanut butter and she won't be able to nip you!
Judie, been watching news and wondering the same thing about Shirley's acquaintances in Egypt. State Dept. is advising Americans to leave. 1000 left today & 1000 going TU.
Have been very busy the last couple of days keeping Emma entertained and busy. We were all set to get in the car and take her to a park for a while yesterday, then realized that it had started to rain! Rats. While she was playing with her tennis ball in the house, I found a lost tooth! It is one of her back teeth. First one I've found. She was about to eat it, I think, when I got it away from her. BTW, Lynne, thanks for the info about the halter. Seriously thinking of getting one of those!
Suzan, so very, very sorry for your family's loss! Prayers for all of you! He was SO young!
Have to go to the bank and the post office, but hope to be back after school tonight. Oh--
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MEGAN!!! Hope your day was a special one!
Dana, it was on FB but I don't remember what org posted it---maybe Audubon.
Judie, the tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich combo is a great one----and we probably all got used to it in elementary school!!! They also gave us PB&Honey sandwich with veggie soup! I don't like honey, so I don't fix that!
I'm back up and about.. I can't see snow flakes at the nest right now.. Almost ready to get those grilled cheese started - I bet Lynn has sampled those luscious peanut butter creme donuts. Think if the weather wasn't a threat that I would have a turkey dinner at Megan's and dessert at Lynn's!
Wow.....lots of DC area college students studying in Egypt----think they said 200 from either Georgetown or George Washington (where Prof Judie teaches). Only one from George Mason (where Shirley's Susan goes).
Condolences to those experiencing a personal loss.
We thought we'd go to the grocery store today to avoid the crowds. It was also sunny when we went in but boy did things change!
It got so crowded it was hard for me to maneuver the aisles with the motor cart and even Jim with a regular card had trouble. Until we finished and left the store it had turned bitter cold and cloudy.
That was my first outing for several weeks and was so looking forward to a pleasant trip - NOT!
Jim is grilling (outside) steaks and potatoes and I'm here watching an empty nest.
Sorry to hear about the sound. It would so nice to hear them coming and going, but it is what it is.
Who's having turkey? I love turkey - white meat only please.
Well, Jim's making alot of noise in the kitchen so better go see what mess he did or didn't make.
Hmmmm...I inhaled that salad! Very tasty! And enough left for tomorrow. SO much easier buying off the bar than buying all the ingredients and doing all the prep end up having half of it go bad!
Hmm ... I'm predicting an egg February 2. That's groundhog day and I'd rather see an eagle egg than that whistle pig. It'll be all over the news locally.
Diann -- I got on that falcon cam last year and it was so interesting to watch "city" birds. An entirely different nest setting. I'm loooking forward to this year. Thanks
Diann -- I got on that falcon cam last year and it was so interesting to watch "city" birds. An entirely different nest setting. I'm loooking forward to this year. Thanks
sUSAn - when it is time for banding the falcon chicks with the school kids in the room - You can really learn a lot watching that. They really take their time explaining things for the kids so it is easy to learn.
On FB - Megan had a pic of a turkey from the oven - it was so nice and browned! I asked what time and she said Whenever I got there! Nilla had a comment right under mine for Megan to save all the dark meat for her! Then I thought I would go to Lynn's to get a peanut filled donut - BUT she and Mai ate them all, I bet!
(you all know I am just joking around but that turkey was vooked just right)
Lynne, Fairly sure that my DSL will continue to work (via phonelines), but if electric goes out, so does modem!!!! Doesn't cable internet use a modem, too?
Spent the afternoon working with pictures on the computer and burning some to discs. Will do some more tomorrow.
Love the story of the two CA eagles. Thanks, Lynn.
They are now saying we will have a nice layer of ice and then 1 to 3 inches of snow. Lovely, just lovely and the temp predictions keep going down. After early morning hours we will not get above freezing until Saturday. Waaaa! I want to go back to wearing sandles and swimsuit like I did Saturday!
Lynn said that her phones should still work IF she loses power and I asked her to call one of us if that's the case.
Lynn by the way.... thanks for all your Nursing Help on here....If we have an ailment, you have some great information to pass along...and it is much appreciated...!
Now go enjoy those doughnuts for dessert
Panda Nap time here back later.... xo Hope all will be snug in their roosts soon if not already there...
Lynn, I don't remember about the cable. Maybe I am wrong remembering the internet still worked during a power outage. I'm technologically challenged! I have wireless with my Verizon Fios. But my phone works without electric, the one attached to the wall anyway.
Lynne, when I had dial-up, it WOULD have worked if I'd had a laptop w/ battery then!!! I always keep one corded regular phone just in case power goes out....cause cordless won't work then!
Back again! Fixed my doggie plate for lunch tomorrow. Guess I will get there sometime! They are saying the AM icy precip should be over at 9 or 10AM here. Guess it will depend on temp. If I go mostly main roads, they will have been treated. BOO Earlier I read white stuff was coming down already for lots pf you N & W of DC. And Lolly will get stuff , too!Most of the map but west coast was covered w/junk on TV weather! Glad Glo & Dex are hunkered down.
Jack and I just moved all plants from our small greenhouse to the garage. He said he could not sleep at night worrying about the plants. We have managed to keep it 20 degrees warmer than the outside temp. If it goes as low as they say 20 degrees would not be enough. It is not looking good for us. Now his back is hurting after moving the plants. He used our garden wagon to move them, but they had to be lift into the wagon.
Dinner over. A.M. in the P.M. followed by almond M&Ms. I know, I know. Not as good as PB doughnuts but better than nuthin. Maybe I can con some chocolate ice cream later.
Andy, do well at school tonight.
Shirley, sorry about George. Hope he's better soon.
MT nest. Lily & Co. sleeping. Headed to put my ankle up.
I watched THE FIRST 48 for the first time, this evening. Very interesting. I'm wondering how long they can make a suspect stay awake to get them to tell the truth? One black man was so exhausted, he confessed to shooting a woman after stealing her purse. Purse was cash and no credit cards! I think Judie watches that show. It is right up her alley:)
Back from the vets...will know more after bloodwork on Boo. His heart is enlarged, he has a nasty ear infection, and he got pain meds. Hope to know more from the bloodwork and urinalysis. Vet didn't think the wobbling was from the ear infection, so we'll see.
and guess what?? I got my original Facebook account back! Amazing! I disabled the other account that I had set up!
Went to GG's this afternoon and she said "guess what I have been doing all day?" She showed me that she had taken most of he lights off of her PERMANENT LIGHTS Christmas tree. She said "who on earth tied those lights in knots like that?" She was devastated when I told her that the tree came with permanent lights!
We had turkey for supper too...wings and the biggest necks you have ever seen! I ate 2 and was so full that I couldn't eat my tortellinis, which I love. I'll have them for breakfast...umm, maybe not...supper again and another turkey neck:)
Lynne, Boo has had a heart murmur since he was born...probably a grade 4-5 according to them. This could be the result of that. Didn't have any fluid in the lungs and not coughing.
The light snow and sleet that we had earlier was just a passing event. Looks like tomorrow night will be the biggie.
I told GG that there was a possibility of her losing her power during this ice storm. Told her to turn her firplace up high (she doesn't need electricity to run her fire logs) and sleep on the couch if she gets cold. Put a flashlight by her bed and one on the kitchen table. She said "don't you worry about me, I've been through power outages before, no big deal!" Oh, I forgot to draw her some water!!! Maybe she will think to do that.
It could be a long night here. I shut George in the laundry room because I do not want a mess all over the house. Flash was crying because he was worried about George.
Hope Jack's back feels better. And Kathryn. And George.
Sharon posted on FB about sudden back pain now radiating into hips. Hope she gets that checked out...strange.
Paula, I'm sorry about Boo's heart enlargement. Good that he has no fluid build up yet though. A grade 4/5 murmur is pretty significant. Has he put Boo on any meds for the heart yet?
Lynn, the enlargement of the heart is caused, usually, by dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.
Lolly, hope Jack's back is better by morning. Shar also is suffering with a back ache.....maybe they both should go get adjusted!
Wanda.....might have been better not to tell GG that the lights were permanent.....and then just replace the tree next year! Carolyn tried to do it because the lights wouldn't work this year----she gave up and just put strings of lights on over them!
Paula, good that there's not a sign of congestive heart failure. Grade 4-5 murmur sounds quite significant. Poor boy....
Wanda, how do you eat a turley neck?
Shirley, tell Flash to go to bed and stop worrying! George probably appreciates a chance to be alone!
I think I will not be babysitting tomorrow night. Steve is supposed to work until 9 or 10 and I am going to be REALLY P****D if they actually make them's for inventory and it can wait.
Hope no one else has to be out tomorrow PM.
Shirley, wonder what caused George's diarrhea? I FEEL YOUR PAIN! After having been through weeks of it with Brother (who I am happy to report has had normal BMs for FOUR DAYS!!!)
We had the exciting experience of seeing a launch once when we were in Florida. We drove as close as we could before it took off. The roar came over the land and was deafening, even though we were miles away. I cannot imagine how loud it is near the launch.
I guess we are relieved that our pair is not in the nest. Can't bear to see Belle sitting still in bad weather...............hope she holds that egg for awhile!
Paula, do a little online research before you talk to the vet tomorrow so you can arm yourself with questions! The lab results will probably be in early in the day unless the lab had already picked up before Boo's blood draw.
I'm with you Lynn! CROSS YOUR LEGS BELLE!
Seeing a shuttle launch in person would be so awesome!
Going to watch Harry's Law. Yes, I watch the First 48 but it's NOT MY FAULT! Blame Mema Jo. She's the one who got me interested.
Paula, I do hope Boo will be okay. I know you must be worried.
Shirley, I hope George will be okay also. Tell Susan hi and to feel better soon.
Wanda, just be happy if taking permanent lights of the tree is the worst thing GG does since crashing the car. lol She'll be okay even if the weather is bad.
Lynne2, hoping Steve won't have to work late if the weather is bad your way.
So, will be turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, confined in the laundry room, wandering in from school, or just plain wandering around in the dark. Pleasant dreams.
WHen Mom lived in FL, we had some great views of the launch....even though she was a good ways away---I think about 100 miles, if I remember correctly.
George had been trying to get the door open, but just got quiet. Problem is that I have clothes in the washer I need. I think I will just wait and dry my clothes early in the morning.
Maybe I won't need to. It is quite possible I will not have school or will have a late opening.
Wow, Lynne, you're an encyclopedia of veterinary science. So glad you're here.
You too, Lynn, but for people. Don't know what we'd do without you both.
Sorry to hear about the animal woes. My cats are now 6 yo and I know somewhere down the line they will be needing health care.
To Paula, Shirley, and anyone else dealing with a sick or injured animal. You have my prayers.
Poor Jack. I know back pain and hope it doesn't last too long. It's hard to believe Texas is experiencing such weather. I hope the plants are worth it. Take care you two.
Glo so glad you and Dex are safely home. Too bad you had to come home to this weather. Stay as warm as you can and think of GA.
Will be watching Harry's Law so I won't be back anymore tonight. Prayers for everyone's warmth and that power stays on.
Checking in on my iPod and lying in the bed. Back is hurting pretty bad. If not better tomorrow, I promise to get it checked. T-bird said she would come back from work to take me. Don't think I can drive like this.
think I might to have to check out that Shuttle shuffle to the launch pad, Lynn... oh boy the 24th....
Wanda..sounds like GG is prepared to be a pioneer... sorry to hear about the Christmas tree, bless GG's heart...she does not let grass grow under her feet, does she... holler if you need me for anything...I am off for the next few days !! I'll just ice skate on over there ☺
I guess I picked up quite a lot of info working in the vet business for 15 years! It's going to be so fun working in it again....I won't have direct contact with the animals, but I'll be writing up the charts on what I'm sure will be many interesting cases!
Thanks Margy for your offer to help GG if needed! I know I could count on you after your trek in snow up to your knees last year to check on her:) That was quite a day! I did tell her that if I couldn't get to her in case of emergency, that you would check on her and to not be alarmed if you rang her door bell. She still insists that she doesn't need help:)
Wanda I think just about all the family I know has been here...can't recall seeing Brandon though... find one of him with that handsome pal "Q" that we met last year ☺
don't have the word "warning"on our local Weather Channel yet... just "advisory" and "watch" we're getting a hard falling sleet right now, my Blazer is all covered up with plastic
roflmbo NOT going to tell Jack about your comments. Afraid he would agree with you! LOL
I have known for a long time I have a prize, but, hey, he does not need too much encouragement, I do have to live with him.
Laurel called and her school district has already cancelled school. It is 49 and a slight rain has started. The sleet and rain is starting in a few hours and the snow is right behind it.
Hope that Bro Cat stays better! Lynne, I don't usually watch Wheel. Margy, the shuttle at night is just lovely, isn't it???
Shar, glad you are going to dr. if not improved. Lolly, tell Jack to do the same.
Gonna say good night now....tub is beckoning. Weather report coming on....ugh. Glad to hear that days will get substantially longer on both ends! Thanks, Margy!
Margy, Carolyn is on her way now---driving. But she is prepared to stay at Veronica's if things are bad come morning. Thanks for asking. She's to call when she arrives at Central. Worrying about Christie for morning---she's supoposed to go to!!!
Goodnight time. Saw most of Harry's Law. Earlier in evenings we watch First 48 all the time. Now weather man is saying probably 80% of people around here should be OK in AM. Freezing stuff will mostly be N of route 66. We'll see! Sorry to hear of Jack & Sharon's backs and of course the beloved animals.If Boo has ear infection, why isn't that the dizziness cause? Hm. Hope poor George is better---& Flash will be happy!
Better get off to bed, (but I'm not sleepy!!!Had a little choc. ice cream, too!) Pleasant Fe4ather Dreams ;>)
1 – 200 of 239 Newer› Newest»Thanks Steve...Hope this new storm isn't too bad for our eagles!
Good morning Wanda! And, thank you Steve for the new thread. Understand they are working on the sound. Fantastic! Love the new cam!
These two have really been bickering about the placement of sticks, this morning. Lib got in a few good pecks on Belle...don't see him doing that HP this morning. Maybe because she has all the eggs she can handle:)
It is my understading that we have all we are going to get for this season. We will take what we can get for now. If they start messing with electronics, we might lose our picture...don't want that to happen. IT IS WHAT IT IS;)
Clouds have rolled in----pretty day is gone. Heading out to run errands before it starts doing anything. Wish me luck----road sounds bad when I hear other vehicles on it. Grrrrr.
NCSuzan I am so very sorry to read about your loss. May God send His peace and comfort to all of you. I know sometimes life just doesn't make sense out of the small window through which we see. Its like a parade going by. God sees the whole parade. We see only tiny pieces at a time. We learn to trust Him with the rest.
Again, thank you all for your words of comfort. They really do help. Sounds like you are in for some icy weather. Please be careful. We`are supposed to only get rain.
I think I heard a bluejay...
Yes, I have sound now too. I can hear crows, but the sound still clicks on and off, and has such a hum that I will just keep it turned down.
Jack has just now gone out to look for Coleman fuel. We are beginning to be afraid that we can not keep our little greenhouse warm enough, so he wants to be ready to lite up the catalytic heater as well. The ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ptb-p0000000 ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemps they keep predicting keep getting lower and lower.
I just turned off the Lily cam and heard birds on our cam. That is good!
Okay, going to move around and get stuff done around here. I am beginning to think my back is aching from sitting here too much.
roflmbo Annie just sent you a personal message. She typed it all by herslf.
Grey Monday! Pray we don't get all that ice in AM.
Prayers also for Suzan's nephew & Iris' cousin and their families.
I've never seen a double decker nest before!Looks almost new. Hope egg laying waits for a few days. Don't know how things will work out if the basement is a pond!
Lolly, glad to hear you feel good enough to horse around! ☺
C(°?°)3 Jim
Good afternoon everybody!
Eagle alert- both just flew in
Oh, I think Lib brought a fish, Belle grabbed it and he flew out-
Good afternoon everybody. They are so beautiful.!!
Whoops, my internet went wacko. Lib flew back into nest,Belle is eating fish in front of cam.
Lib flew out again.
Fish is gone, she is working on the nest cup.
Belle is trying out the egg cup!
Lib came back, both sitting in nest.
Norfolk eagle is squatting in the nestbowl with a "peckish" look in her eye. Could be about to lay her first egg of the season.
Official chat going on too.
C(°?°)3 Jim
Looks like the NBG eagle is having a bad feather day!
Bone-chillin' cold outside
Roads and stores are crowded...will be happy to read when Hedgie and anyone else traveling gets back to her roost
Nice words, Glo....
comforting, insightful
Good Afternoon and still Morning elsewhere Eagle Pals
enjoyed Annie's message Lolly !
Belle, just contemplating, what to do next !
Grateful for the New Thread, Steve...and nice open up picture to go with it !
Liberty has landed and Belle has bailed
my live feed is running about 10 seconds behind live action
therefore I am not really sure which eagle left and which stayed
Margy - with what are you comparing your live feed timing ?
I returned from my many many errands.
Now I am ready to settle in..
Thank you so very much Steve for the new thread - I can breath much better
at 28 then 910... What do you think of the condition of our nest - handy work of Lib & Belle.. Pretty smart eagles - I've never seen the CO snow
nest get new flooring like ours!!
not liking the forecast for tomorrow and tomorrow night....
Loretta about the pond you mentioned. Don't you remember all those news stations telling us about "Mother's giving birth in water". Belle may be doing the new eagle thing. Belle lays egg/egg hatches as it floats".
Jo -
I looked on still cam, awhile back, and it was updating before the live feed was...what is happening is that my live feed seems to be hanging up, then when it starts going again everything is all herky jerky for a second or two
also I HEAR them coming and going on live feed at different times from when it is happening...sometimes before, sometimes after
Have tried a couple of fixes...nothing has improved it yet
right now I am going to C-Clean, reboot and start again
so when there was Belle, then Liberty arrived, then the still cam showed one, I looked at live feed and there were two....then it hung up, then I could not really tell which one had left, and if the other one had made a mad dash to another part of the nest
It's better than nothing, and I have often had problems with this computer and live feeds....
but it is just a wee bit frustrating at time ! ☺
I know that my live feed is ahead of my still cam... but then I am usually not looking at both unless I want a still cam pic.
Hope your feeds straighten out soon.
Going to watch the 4:00 news
then dinner (good ole grilled cheese)
I'm home and getting settled in. Bought Mai a great new toy which thrilled her immensely for 10 mins. before she decided that attacking me was more fun.
glad you're home Lynn...
roads and stores are pretty crazy, huh ?
been an Eagle and sometimes two all afternoon pretty much
Good late afternoon.
Suzan, please accept my condolences on the family's loss. Prayers for healing being sent.
Lolly, thank Annie for her Monday morning greeting.
Will try to do some more catching up. Bizzy day with prep for class tomorrow. Also ticked because printer won't print what I did today. Grrrr!
Did get some eagle time. Saw both at times and one at other times. Beaking and furniture rearranging. Hope the bad weather will bypass the nest.
Snow sky here and 29º
Darth out doing errands. Tomorrow is busy with school and therapy. Will ask to do more practice with the cane.
nice little nest gifty things at BWE - pine sprig, a stick and a little cone or something
3 eggs in view right now ! and a parent switch
that 15 second refresh happens fast !!
odd if I go to BWO real fast and back to BWE I often the old picture, at both cams
so I got a pic
i am getting vvery hungry---missed lunch. Did my grocery run at Weis, so got myself a big salad!
Can't wait to dig into it. They also had 4----ONLY 4!-----peanut butter cream donuts in the case. Yep, bought all 4!
try it sometime...I have hit BWO three times, come back to BWE of the two adults and 3 eggs
Okay, Lynn, I see a Sugar Rush in your future
Hello Judie also
Beautiful picture at NBG. Male in nest female on limb. No egg yet.
Hedgie Lynn - are you expecting company???
I know you said you lost 10 lbs.....
My feet are going back up!
Hi Margy!
Lynn, since you like peanut butter so much, have you ever tried peanut butter on sliced Granny Smith apple? So yummy! Hope Mai is behaving this afternoon. Oh, I know, feed her peanut butter and she won't be able to nip you!
May have missed an update -- any final plans for Rebecca's mother leaving Egypt?
Hmmm! Grilled cheese? With tomato soup? A very good possibility! A favorite combo of mine.
Off to check the nest before taking a pill and heading to put my ankle up.
AWESOME!!! Check this out! Click on the little blue video link in the text, too! Jim and Andy------how about some FIRSTHAND photos????Eagle visits Zoo
Judie, been watching news and wondering the same thing about Shirley's acquaintances in Egypt.
State Dept. is advising Americans to leave. 1000 left today & 1000 going TU.
Eagle alert!
Lynn-Hedgie how did you find that one about the male eagle...could one!!
I sure hope that she gets with the Embassy and gets herself out of there. I think waiting on the trip person is the WRONG THING TO DO!!!
SHARON--there is a Netflix ad on tv and it has "Train doing some of Sister Sister".
What a cool story about the OC eagle. Just wish there were a way to get them together. Now THAT would be one terrific love story.
Have taken a pill so off to elevate my ankle. BBL
Hi, Everyone,
Have been very busy the last couple of days keeping Emma entertained and busy. We were all set to get in the car and take her to a park for a while yesterday, then realized that it had started to rain! Rats. While she was playing with her tennis ball in the house, I found a lost tooth! It is one of her back teeth. First one I've found. She was about to eat it, I think, when I got it away from her. BTW, Lynne, thanks for the info about the halter. Seriously thinking of getting one of those!
Suzan, so very, very sorry for your family's loss! Prayers for all of you! He was SO young!
Have to go to the bank and the post office, but hope to be back after school tonight. Oh--
Hope your day was a special one!
Later, alligators. Have to run--darn it!
Uh oh...snowing at the nest
snow starting at the nest :(
LOL, Judie, I ALWAYS put PB on my apples!!!!!
No company, Jo----just my sweet tooth!
Dana, it was on FB but I don't remember what org posted it---maybe Audubon.
Judie, the tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich combo is a great one----and we probably all got used to it in elementary school!!!
They also gave us PB&Honey sandwich with veggie soup! I don't like honey, so I don't fix that!
I'm back up and about.. I can't see snow flakes at the nest right now..
Almost ready to get those grilled cheese started - I bet Lynn has sampled
those luscious peanut butter creme donuts.
Think if the weather wasn't a threat that I would have a turkey dinner at Megan's and dessert at Lynn's!
2 on the nest. Hi All
Eagles Alert
Hi There! Nice to see you!
poof and poof!
Sleeting here now....:(
That was a fast gettaway!
Hi Jo. Don't you watch the Harrisburg perigrine falcons?
Already coming down here. Went out to cover dog ramp VERY VERY slippery!!
I see white stuff already here in the valley! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :(
No, Jo, no donut sampling yet!!
I think it's time to dig into the salad, though!
Hedgie, you were supposed to be eating a long time ago !
Will come after you with an eagle cane !!
sleet, snow and rain beats freezing rain hands down !
great way to start a new month...glad it's a short one !!!
hey there WVsUSAn! Good to see you again! We are on "EGG WATCH"! I think it may have been PA Nana (Diann) who watches the Harrisburg falcons.
Wow.....lots of DC area college students studying in Egypt----think they said 200 from either Georgetown or George Washington (where Prof Judie teaches). Only one from George Mason (where Shirley's Susan goes).
Hi everyone. Brrrrr....
Condolences to those experiencing a personal loss.
We thought we'd go to the grocery store today to avoid the crowds. It was also sunny when we went in but boy did things change!
It got so crowded it was hard for me to maneuver the aisles with the motor cart and even Jim with a regular card had trouble. Until we finished and left the store it had turned bitter cold and cloudy.
That was my first outing for several weeks and was so looking forward to a pleasant trip - NOT!
Jim is grilling (outside) steaks and potatoes and I'm here watching an empty nest.
Sorry to hear about the sound. It would so nice to hear them coming and going, but it is what it is.
Who's having turkey? I love turkey - white meat only please.
Well, Jim's making alot of noise in the kitchen so better go see what mess he did or didn't make.
Hmmmm...I inhaled that salad! Very tasty! And enough left for tomorrow. SO much easier buying off the bar than buying all the ingredients and doing all the prep end up having half of it go bad!
"Major Icing" predicted for us tomorrow into Weds......oh-oh......if I disappear, guess you'll know I lost power. :(
Hmm ... I'm predicting an egg February 2. That's groundhog day and I'd rather see an eagle egg than that whistle pig. It'll be all over the news locally.
Jim's doing okay so I'll check on the bears.
Diann, were you the one watching the Harrisburg falcon cam? WVsUSAn was on earlier asking who was....
same here Lynn. Miss having cable internet because at least then I could get online before the battery died!
Sorry I missed some conversation
Just finished eating....
sUSAn - Yes I watch the falcons at the Rachael Carson Bldg. A lot of us watch them. Is anything going on up there yet!
Diann, saw that Robyn had turkey cooking on FB....but then saw that she was at Outback, so.......come grab her bird!
Thanks Lynne. I do believe you are correct.
Diann -- I got on that falcon cam last year and it was so interesting to watch "city" birds. An entirely different nest setting. I'm loooking forward to this year. Thanks
Thanks Lynne. I do believe you are correct.
Diann -- I got on that falcon cam last year and it was so interesting to watch "city" birds. An entirely different nest setting. I'm loooking forward to this year. Thanks
Diann - You and Jim just made the grocery store in time! Don't know what this storm has in store for us - I hope it is a short one!
sUSAn - when it is time for banding the falcon chicks with the school kids in the room - You can really learn a lot watching that. They really take their time explaining things for the kids so it is easy to learn.
ooooops double shot.
I checked in on the falcons and saw one on the pole by the box.
I've been toggling mostly between our eagles and Ely watching Lily and family.
ANDY----when you check in....I have only found 3 of Mai's teeth....and all just small front ones; no canines or back teeth.
Mema Jo -- I watched the banding last year. VERY INTERESTING. So great to have the kids there for the experience and education.
On FB - Megan had a pic of a turkey from the oven - it was so nice and
browned! I asked what time and she said Whenever I got there! Nilla had a comment right under mine for Megan to save all the dark meat for her!
Then I thought I would go to Lynn's to get a peanut filled donut - BUT she and Mai ate them all, I bet!
(you all know I am just joking around
but that turkey was vooked just right)
Lynne, Fairly sure that my DSL will continue to work (via phonelines), but if electric goes out, so does modem!!!! Doesn't cable internet use a modem, too?
Getting dark at the nest and no eagle!
Spent the afternoon working with pictures on the computer and burning some to discs. Will do some more tomorrow.
Love the story of the two CA eagles. Thanks, Lynn.
They are now saying we will have a nice layer of ice and then 1 to 3 inches of snow. Lovely, just lovely and the temp predictions keep going down. After early morning hours we will not get above freezing until Saturday. Waaaa! I want to go back to wearing sandles and swimsuit like I did Saturday!
Beans and ham cooking for dinner and will vook some cornbread to go with it.
Just posted a picture on Eagle and Panda blog. Something I spotted on Saturday at Great Wolf Lodge.
Oops....Jo is RIGHT----I goofed....Megan had turkey ready!!!! NOT Robyn....who IS at Outback!
Yes, I watch the Harrisburg peregrine falcons. Haven't got a message that they've been spotted in hte nest area. Must check it out.
Right Diann - I always get an email when some action starts up on the
Falcon Ledge!
I know what Lynn is doing now:
Watching Jeopardy!
Lynn said that her phones should still work IF she loses power and I asked her to call one of us if that's the case.
Lynn by the way....
thanks for all your Nursing Help on here....If we have an ailment, you have some great information to pass along...and it is much appreciated...!
Now go enjoy those doughnuts for dessert
Panda Nap time here
back later....
xo Hope all will be snug in their roosts soon if not already there...
Empty nest. Going to go be domestic. Nice talking with you girls. Later
Going to check out some tv shows to pass away the evening.
Lynn, I don't remember about the cable. Maybe I am wrong remembering the internet still worked during a power outage. I'm technologically challenged! I have wireless with my Verizon Fios. But my phone works without electric, the one attached to the wall anyway.
Poor George has diarrhea tonight. That is unusual for him. I usually give him a stool softener every day, but will be skipping it tonight.
Haven't heard anything from Rebecca about her mother.
Cool picture, Lolly. And I like your Norfolk and NC pictures as well.
Kathryn fixed lava cake with ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert tonight. Oh my!!!
Lynne, when I had dial-up, it WOULD have worked if I'd had a laptop w/ battery then!!! I always keep one corded regular phone just in case power goes out....cause cordless won't work then!
Thanks, Margy. YOu're sweet. I TRY to help.
Wish we would hear something from Paula on outcome of Boo and Nugz vet visit.
I keep a corded phone for the same reason, Lynn. It is also convenient that it is the one phone you aren't going to misplace.
And the batteries won't run down.
Our network will not work without power. So, even with the laptop, I would not be able to use the Internet. I could use the computer, though.
Back again! Fixed my doggie plate for lunch tomorrow. Guess I will get there sometime! They are saying the AM icy precip should be over at 9 or 10AM here. Guess it will depend on temp. If I go mostly main roads, they will have been treated. BOO
Earlier I read white stuff was coming down already for lots pf you N & W of DC. And Lolly will get stuff , too!Most of the map but west coast was covered w/junk on TV weather! Glad Glo & Dex are hunkered down.
Jack and I just moved all plants from our small greenhouse to the garage. He said he could not sleep at night worrying about the plants. We have managed to keep it 20 degrees warmer than the outside temp. If it goes as low as they say 20 degrees would not be enough. It is not looking good for us. Now his back is hurting after moving the plants. He used our garden wagon to move them, but they had to be lift into the wagon.
Gotta unload dishwasher & definitely trying to see Harry's Law w/Cathy Bates at 10PM.
Dinner over. A.M. in the P.M. followed by almond M&Ms. I know, I know. Not as good as PB doughnuts but better than nuthin. Maybe I can con some chocolate ice cream later.
Andy, do well at school tonight.
Shirley, sorry about George. Hope he's better soon.
MT nest. Lily & Co. sleeping. Headed to put my ankle up.
Lolly, hope Jack will not be in too much discomfort. Heating pad, maybe?
Lowreeda, I'll be watching Harry's Law, also. Really like her character. Be careful and double-careful if you have to go to work tomorrow.
Shirley, that cake sounds decadent!!
Poor George. Hope he's okay.
How is Kat feeling???
Bear Report
I, too, am looking forward to Harry's Law.
Judie, AM in the PM is always good!!!
I watched THE FIRST 48 for the first time, this evening. Very interesting. I'm wondering how long they can make a suspect stay awake to get them to tell the truth? One black man was so exhausted, he confessed to shooting a woman after stealing her purse. Purse was cash and no credit cards!
I think Judie watches that show. It is right up her alley:)
Kathryn is still hacking away. She has all kinds of over the counter stuff to take.
She is now advising Susan on purchasing tires. Kathryn is our automotive expert.
I do not think I can stay up late enough to watch a 10:00 PM television program. You all enjoy it for me.
Kathryn is also giving Susan a hard time for going out and getting stranded the other night. Nothing like tough love from your sister.
Evening, all!
Back from the vets...will know more after bloodwork on Boo. His heart is enlarged, he has a nasty ear infection, and he got pain meds. Hope to know more from the bloodwork and urinalysis. Vet didn't think the wobbling was from the ear infection, so we'll see.
and guess what?? I got my original Facebook account back! Amazing! I disabled the other account that I had set up!
gotta get some food, I'm starving.
Went to GG's this afternoon and she said "guess what I have been doing all day?" She showed me that she had taken most of he lights off of her PERMANENT LIGHTS Christmas tree. She said "who on earth tied those lights in knots like that?" She was devastated when I told her that the tree came with permanent lights!
Paula, did vet say what he thought caused the heart enlargement? Hope the meds work fast for his eaars, and that bloodwork reveals only good results.
We had turkey for supper too...wings and the biggest necks you have ever seen! I ate 2 and was so full that I couldn't eat my tortellinis, which I love. I'll have them for breakfast...umm, maybe not...supper again and another turkey neck:)
Lynne, Boo has had a heart murmur since he was born...probably a grade 4-5 according to them. This could be the result of that. Didn't have any fluid in the lungs and not coughing.
Wanda...Oh no!
The light snow and sleet that we had earlier was just a passing event. Looks like tomorrow night will be the biggie.
Suzan, so sorry for the loss of your nephew.
I told GG that there was a possibility of her losing her power during this ice storm. Told her to turn her firplace up high (she doesn't need electricity to run her fire logs) and sleep on the couch if she gets cold. Put a flashlight by her bed and one on the kitchen table. She said "don't you worry about me, I've been through power outages before, no big deal!" Oh, I forgot to draw her some water!!! Maybe she will think to do that.
Prayers for the family, Suzan.
Shuttle is being moved to the launch pad.....launch isn't until 2/24. Lovely night at Cape Canaveral:
Shuttle Live
It could be a long night here. I shut George in the laundry room because I do not want a mess all over the house. Flash was crying because he was worried about George.
It takes 7 hrs. to move it from the building to the pad.
oh my goodness, poor GG!!
Hope Jack's back feels better.
And Kathryn.
And George.
Sharon posted on FB about sudden back pain now radiating into hips. Hope she gets that checked out...strange.
Paula, I'm sorry about Boo's heart enlargement. Good that he has no fluid build up yet though. A grade 4/5 murmur is pretty significant. Has he put Boo on any meds for the heart yet?
Lynn, the enlargement of the heart is caused, usually, by dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.
No, he hasn't.
Lolly, hope Jack's back is better by morning. Shar also is suffering with a back ache.....maybe they both should go get adjusted!
Wanda.....might have been better not to tell GG that the lights were permanent.....and then just replace the tree next year!
Carolyn tried to do it because the lights wouldn't work this year----she gave up and just put strings of lights on over them!
Paula, good that there's not a sign of congestive heart failure. Grade 4-5 murmur sounds quite significant. Poor boy....
Wanda, how do you eat a turley neck?
Shirley, tell Flash to go to bed and stop worrying! George probably appreciates a chance to be alone!
I think I will not be babysitting tomorrow night. Steve is supposed to work until 9 or 10 and I am going to be REALLY P****D if they actually make them's for inventory and it can wait.
Hope no one else has to be out tomorrow PM.
Shirley, wonder what caused George's diarrhea? I FEEL YOUR PAIN! After having been through weeks of it with Brother (who I am happy to report has had normal BMs for FOUR DAYS!!!)
The murmur has been at 4-5...the enlargement we believe is recent.
I'm sure he'll come up with a plan when he gets the lab results back. Has he had any exercise intolerance or lethargy at all?
Just ate a donut! Not as much PB cream as I like, but still very tasty.
He has been very active up until the last couple of days.
We had the exciting experience of seeing a launch once when we were in Florida. We drove as close as we could before it took off. The roar came over the land and was deafening, even though we were miles away. I cannot imagine how loud it is near the launch.
I guess we are relieved that our pair is not in the nest. Can't bear to see Belle sitting still in bad weather...............hope she holds that egg for awhile!
LYNN, you wouldn't believe how much meat there is on these eat them as if they were spare ribs:)
Had to tell GG about the lights because there were still some fastened to the tree...didn't want her to continue that arduous task unnecessarily;)
Paula, do a little online research before you talk to the vet tomorrow so you can arm yourself with questions! The lab results will probably be in early in the day unless the lab had already picked up before Boo's blood draw.
I'm with you Lynn! CROSS YOUR LEGS BELLE!
Seeing a shuttle launch in person would be so awesome!
Cam is looking bright enough tonight to afford a good look-see......too bad it can't be like that every night. :(
Precip has stopped again....for now.
MT nest.
Going to watch Harry's Law. Yes, I watch the First 48 but it's NOT MY FAULT! Blame Mema Jo. She's the one who got me interested.
Paula, I do hope Boo will be okay. I know you must be worried.
Shirley, I hope George will be okay also. Tell Susan hi and to feel better soon.
Wanda, just be happy if taking permanent lights of the tree is the worst thing GG does since crashing the car. lol She'll be okay even if the weather is bad.
Lynne2, hoping Steve won't have to work late if the weather is bad your way.
So, will be turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, confined in the laundry room, wandering in from school, or just plain wandering around in the dark. Pleasant dreams.
WHen Mom lived in FL, we had some great views of the launch....even though she was a good ways away---I think about 100 miles, if I remember correctly.
George had been trying to get the door open, but just got quiet. Problem is that I have clothes in the washer I need. I think I will just wait and dry my clothes early in the morning.
Maybe I won't need to. It is quite possible I will not have school or will have a late opening.
Wow, Lynne, you're an encyclopedia of veterinary science. So glad you're here.
You too, Lynn, but for people. Don't know what we'd do without you both.
Sorry to hear about the animal woes. My cats are now 6 yo and I know somewhere down the line they will be needing health care.
To Paula, Shirley, and anyone else dealing with a sick or injured animal. You have my prayers.
Poor Jack. I know back pain and hope it doesn't last too long. It's hard to believe Texas is experiencing such weather. I hope the plants are worth it. Take care you two.
Glo so glad you and Dex are safely home. Too bad you had to come home to this weather. Stay as warm as you can and think of GA.
Will be watching Harry's Law so I won't be back anymore tonight. Prayers for everyone's warmth and that power stays on.
Goodnight and God bless
Good night, Judie. It is such fun to have you back!
I will, Lynne. Results will be back on Wednesday.
hoping and praying that Boo will be okay...and that Nugz's bloodwork turns out to be okay
(( Hugs for the Three of You ♥ ))
and for George, recovery from the runs, and how sweet of be so concerned
also sorry to read of some back pain for Jack, hip pain for Sharon
and for other things here tugging at our heartstrings and putting us into worry
Lolly, Jack is one impressive man. Not all husbands would be unable to sleep because decorative plants might be killed by cold weather.
Lolly, Jack is one impressive man. Not all husbands would be unable to sleep because decorative plants might be killed by cold weather.
Double posted, but going to leave it be. Some things can be said twice.
Good night, Judie. If you have to go to school tomorrow, please be VERY careful!
Checking in on my iPod and lying in the bed. Back is hurting pretty bad. If not better tomorrow, I promise to get it checked. T-bird said she would come back from work to take me. Don't think I can drive like this.
think I might to have to check out that Shuttle shuffle to the launch pad, Lynn...
oh boy the 24th....
Wanda..sounds like GG is prepared to be a pioneer...
sorry to hear about the Christmas tree, bless GG's heart...she does not let grass grow under her feet, does she...
holler if you need me for anything...I am off for the next few days !! I'll just ice skate on over there ☺
It was worth repeating Lolly !
Sharon...what's up..could it be kidneys???
You know you got our prayers, woman!
Well, Shirley, I meant that comment for YOU I see...
you're right, keep it double posted, go triple it you want !!
that chocolate lava concoction sounds GREAT Shirley...
watching a neat show about Chautauaqa in Western New York...the original Chautauqua
(that's hard to type !)
that's the area my naturalist
friend in New York is in...
Good Night to anyone headed to bed soon....
Prayers for wellness, for people and pets,
and for comfort for those with loss and in mourning
back later on before my bedtime...
just a few hours of January left.
We are going to gain 61 minutes of daylight in February ☼
32 mins in the mornings
29 mins in the evenings ☺
and meteorological spring is just 29 days away!
I guess I picked up quite a lot of info working in the vet business for 15 years! It's going to be so fun working in it again....I won't have direct contact with the animals, but I'll be writing up the charts on what I'm sure will be many interesting cases!
whoops almost forgot about that link to NASA TV - here I go....
not to mention all of the dogs and cats with various issues that have owned me over the years!
Judie, sure hope you don't have to go out tomorrow....
Flash is a sweetie. He cries if Luna is barking to get in. Sometimes he makes you a little crazy, though.
Lynn, did you see on W of F that the Wheel Watcher HAWAII....won a trip to Cancun? LOL! I'd be hard pressed to leave Hawaii for Cancun!
Thanks for the good wishes, Margy.
Sharon, hope it feels better tomorrow, and if not, glad you are getting it checked out.
Lolly, hope your plants make it. Jack is the man!
Flash sounds like a very sensitive soul!
Yawning. Time to head upstairs. I hope George does not tear up the vinyl trying to dig under the door.
He is quiet now. He has a nice, soft cat bed in there.
Hope everyone and their pets have good nights.
Paula, I hope the lab reports are good. Lynne, glad that Brother Cat is better.
I am still waiting to hear from the Egyptian front. Hope things will calm down there.
I'm heading to bed too. Sure hope George is back to normal in the AM!
Good night and prayers for all! Please, anyone traveling out in the AM, be extra extra careful!
Yes, Lynne, glad to hear Brother Cat is doing better!
Thanks Margy for your offer to help GG if needed! I know I could count on you after your trek in snow up to your knees last year to check on her:) That was quite a day! I did tell her that if I couldn't get to her in case of emergency, that you would check on her and to not be alarmed if you rang her door bell. She still insists that she doesn't need help:)
10-4 Wanda!
Cool the family turns with these ☺
I think the Tryptophan in my turkey is working on me...I keep nodding off. Time for bed.
I think just about all the family I know has been here...can't recall seeing Brandon though...
find one of him with that handsome pal "Q" that we met last year ☺
Yep, Margy...I love this one. Donny says Jayden is reading to him:)
don't have the word "warning"on our local Weather Channel yet...
just "advisory" and "watch"
we're getting a hard falling sleet right now,
my Blazer is all covered up with plastic
100 million people nationwide will be affected by all the winter storm activity
funny Wanda..Jayden reading to Donnie !
Good Night to you and the Captain...
big barn fire, ten companies to assist in Jefferson Md, Frederick Co, followed by the report of seven
fire and rescue positions being cut :(
How is Carolyn getting to work tonight?
Just finished watching Harry's Law
News is on now
Just want to catch up with the weather
No precip here at this time......
To Judie - Yes I am guilty but I am
not remorseful... Can I still get
your pardon? lol
roflmbo NOT going to tell Jack about your comments. Afraid he would agree with you! LOL
I have known for a long time I have a prize, but, hey, he does not need too much encouragement, I do have to live with him.
Laurel called and her school district has already cancelled school. It is 49 and a slight rain has started. The sleet and rain is starting in a few hours and the snow is right behind it.
Temps will be falling fast.
ESPN has set up in Sundance Square in Ft Worth for the Super Bowl. They are going to have a rough week broadcasting.
Jack's back will be okay, we will both take muscle relaxers tonight.
Poor GG and she thought she was a doing a great thing. Bless her!
Hope that Bro Cat stays better!
Lynne, I don't usually watch Wheel.
Margy, the shuttle at night is just lovely, isn't it???
Shar, glad you are going to dr. if not improved.
Lolly, tell Jack to do the same.
Gonna say good night now....tub is beckoning. Weather report coming on....ugh. Glad to hear that days will get substantially longer on both ends! Thanks, Margy!
Prayers for all. Be safe!
They just said we are going to have thunder sleet and thunder snow.
We are sliding towards a SPLIT pretty soon
Thanks for the warning Margy! I have been getting lost on splits recently.
Margy, Carolyn is on her way now---driving. But she is prepared to stay at Veronica's if things are bad come morning. Thanks for asking. She's to call when she arrives at Central. Worrying about Christie for morning---she's supoposed to go to!!!
Caught up with all of your comments.
Sounds as though everyone will get their share of either rain, sleet or snow. Lolly gets the Thunder!
Thankful that our nest is MT
I think the BWE can stopped at 11pm
but looks as though an egg roll was happening.
Almost time to turn the calendars....
I am glad that Glo and Dex will be home to celebrate b-day that 1st day of Feb....
Time to hit the pillows and awaken to the trees covered with ice - It will be beautiful BUT dangerous.
Good night everyone & stay warm
Prayers being said for so so many of you and also your furry friends.
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Nite Jo!
Goodnight time.
Saw most of Harry's Law. Earlier in evenings we watch First 48 all the time. Now weather man is saying probably 80% of people around here should be OK in AM. Freezing stuff will mostly be N of route 66. We'll see!
Sorry to hear of Jack & Sharon's backs and of course the beloved animals.If Boo has ear infection, why isn't that the dizziness cause? Hm. Hope poor George is better---& Flash will be happy!
Better get off to bed, (but I'm not sleepy!!!Had a little choc. ice cream, too!)
Pleasant Fe4ather Dreams ;>)
Pleas erase the 4 & I just cut my nails!!
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