Friday, January 28, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Oh man is he telling her off. Lay off of my stick! He grabbed it with his talon, finally placed on the right!

kickngbird said...

I wish the audio was better - I think something got their attention, because they just stopped bickering over the stick and are just standing at attention. Wish we could hear. I bet some noise might give us a clue.

kickngbird said...

One left

paula eagleholic said...

Are you hearing anything KB? Don't thing we've had any sound since Weds?

paula eagleholic said...

Second one off to the right. Talons hit the stick on the way out.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back with a stick

hedgie said...

Been watching the comings and goings since 7:30....lots of action for sure.
No sound here still.

Thanks, Dana. It sure is an unsettling situation and I am a basket case.

Mits and Jay are heading for the Bay.....Polar Bear plunge. GO MAGGIE'S MOUNTIES!

Time to vacuum.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been watching our eagles as well as Lily, Hope and cubs while reading the paper. Saw two cubs a minute ago.

Poof goes the remaining eagle.

54 here presently and heading up to the 70's. Still going to be strange to dig out the ol swimsuit shortly. Laurel and I both were talking about being white! Yikes! Oh, well, going to be a really fun day with the kids and grandkids. Told Mits I would be thinking of them when we take the plunge. LOL A lot different, 84 around the indoor water park.

Eagle back with stick.

kickngbird said...

When I turned up my speaker a few days ago, I heard geese and a bluejay, but today I'm sure I only hear speaker noise - I was hoping it might be distant wind, but now that you say there's been no sound, I'm sure there's nothing coming through.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I don't know if there is enough fluff in our nest yet to
safely hold an egg but I'm sure Belle and Lib know.
Hi KB - good to see you again.
I really hope we don't see more flakes
but I know they are in the forecast.

NCSuzan said...

Feeding time at NCState. Chicks seem to be doing very well.

Lolly said...

Another big stick just brought in. Come on now, bring it more fluff!

kickngbird said...

Once the snow fell, they did a fantastic job of getting fluff in fast on top of it; they know what they're doing!

hedgie said...

Guess we could call the Sycamore Palace a two-story......or a double-decker, huh???

Mema Jo said...

I'm not certain if Maggie's Mounties plunge at 1:00 or 3:00. Brrrrrrrrrrr..
And then there are the Wonder Women
(granddaughters) team.

Best of everything to all plungers.
May they be greeted with hot towels as they come out of that water!

Mema Jo said...

Even call it a 'split level'

Lolly said...

Jack is in the kitchen stirring up a good breakfast. YUM! I am spoiled.

kickngbird said...

Do they WAX the floors in that SPLIT level?

Lolly said...

Color has improved on our cam. Will be interesting to see green leaves. Now if we could just get sound!!!


kickngbird said...


Lolly said...

LOL KB, probably so!

Eagle back with yet another stick for the two story.

Lolly said...

Two eagles, working on the furniture arrangement.

Lolly said...

Really having a tough time with that stick. Is that Lib?

kickngbird said...

That one stick is not going to fit in very easily...

wvgal_dana said...

They have made up their minds if this stuff isn't going to melt. We are building ontop. Belle says, "I got an egg to lay...can't keep holding this egg Liberty". So he came up with the idea "lets build ontop". Liberty is a "contractor"!! Belle is the "house and room decorator".

kickngbird said...

Peck! Kiss?

kickngbird said...

Can't hear that, but they're saying "stay out of our nest area!" to whoever flew over.

wvgal_dana said...

You can see they both are calling out just can't hear it.Something is up there flying around.

kickngbird said...

They're in a perfect defensive position, with one facing either direction. "I pity the fool" that would mess with THIS nest!

kickngbird said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well it is pain pill and panda nap time for me...that pill will knlock me out and their is WILD HP GOT HER FOR SURE SHE WAS TIPPED WAY FORWARD!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, saw that coming. HP! Ha, and I had Lib right. I might not tell them apart when only one is in the nest, but when they are together maybe I can.

wvgal_dana said...

He messed her hair do up!!!

kickngbird said...

Maybe that little peck was a prelude?

kickngbird said...

I was able to tell them apart for sure a couple minutes ago...

Lolly said...

Poof Lib!

Mema Jo said...

They really are being cautious - There must be something getting their attention.

hedgie said...

Hey, gang.....just made a great discovery. If you have cam on full view and want to catch a GREAT pic, you can get it without all of the other stuff on the page when you hit Print Screen. You get a much better capture! After PrtScr, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, Paint....then click on Paste and Save!!!! I will post the pic I got in the album....see what you think.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm....disappointing. Large in my photos folder, but small when uploaded. Go figure!

BEagle said...

"EEEEIYYYYEEE! I'm melting" said the snow.

Good morning Eagle Fans. It's busy for me today. Looks like Belle and Lib did a fine job of recarpeting!

BEagle said...

I am wondering how they will get the egg cup back in shape.

BEagle said...

The NC nest is not coming in for me. It's late and there are probably too many people on the stream at the moment.

BEagle said...

There's an eagle at TH nest studying the area of the egg cup. Not sure which eagle that one it though.

Mema Jo said...

Even though it is small it is very clear... Don't know what to tell you about making it larger.......

I need to take a break.... Need to balance out the checking account..
I want to see if there is any extra left for


Mema Jo said...

** Before I leave

GOod Morning BEagle

BEagle said...

Hi MemaJo.

BEagle said...

I think those pecks are eagle smooches.
: )

Aren't they the most beautiful birds?

BEagle said...

No doubt they will bring in more fluff and dry stuff if they can find it.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful view.

hedgie said...

Hi there, BEagle!

Well, if you double click to open the pic in the album and then select large on the next screen, it is bigger!

BEagle said...

Hope you are able to find enough for you MemaJo. lol

Why do others get more than I do? is often the question.

BEagle said...

Hi Hedgie.

BEagle said...

Hi StrongH!

BEagle said...

Is that Belle waiting for Libs return? Or vice versa?

BEagle said...

Now 81 and 82 are on the TH nest...nestorating.

BEagle said...

I see snow coming down at our nest.

BEagle said...

Belle is back.

BEagle said...

She is 'sticking.'

BEagle said...

Maybe that was Lib that just returned..lacy feathers.

BEagle said...

And off goes Belle. They are guarding the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle!!

stronghunter said...

Wonder what they are guarding against?

BEagle said...

Off goes Belle.

hedgie said...

It's doing IT again here...........ARGH!

Judie said...

Just got a nice glimpse of the bear cublets. Now hidden again.

One eagle then poof. Will look again in a minute.

Jo, hope you find lots of $$$$$ just for YOU!

Dana, hope the pain pill works. About to take another for myself. Seems as though the arthritis has worsened since my flight down the stairs.

Hip Hip Hurrahs for Maggie's Mounties and Wonder Women.

Back to check the nest.

Lolly said...

NO NO NO MORE SNOW! Here I am yelling no snow and it is 63 here. Just packed my swimsuit. We leave in about an hour.

Lolly said...

Hi Judie! Certainly will be happy for you when no more need for pain pills.

BEagle said...

I just noticed there is a 'thing' on the nest near the upper edge of the new carpet.

What is that?

It is said that the best thing for arthritic pain is exercise. Groan.

BEagle said...

Yes, there is snow coming down on our nest. Not much though. The nest needs an awning.

BEagle said...

Make that a see-through awning.

floralgirl said...

It's just a light patch of snow flurries passing over us, should be finished soon.

BEagle said...

Thank you FloralG. I need to hear that.

hedgie said...

Whatever the "thing" is in the front of the nest, it puts me in mind of a pussywillow!

I am going to take a snooze. BBL.

movin said...




Looks like things are thawing a bit in the nest. I wonder if they are ready to start laying yet.

It's brisk (for So Cal), but sunny this morning. Should be warm for the afternoon, but it was cold enough in here this morning that I did not want to get out of bed.. Hahahaha. Had to eat, etc., though.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

BEagle said...


The 'thing' I see looks like a small bird nesting at the upper edge of the new carpet. I know it not...that's just what it looks like. It's at about 12 o'clock to the cam.

movin said...

Interesting pics of immature eagle(s) at BWO, but from the markings and color of the beaks, they are different youngsters and of different ages...not two pictures of the same immature bird.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Eagle sitting in the nest at NBG.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in quickly to say good morning. Lynn, I am so sorry to hear that you've not gotten any help from those trainers yet! Prayers for you and Mai still going up from this roost!
We are going to take Emma to a park in nearby Fullerton that our next-door neighbor recommended. She is SOOO hyper today, and we need to wear her out a bit. Still looking for a puppy class in this area that works with our schedules. MTBR....

Gotta go get showered and ready to go. Will report back later.

Dana, prayers for you and Little Man, too. Hope you are feeling much better today--and Little Man, too!

So glad that you have a new job, but sorry to hear that your new boss is having such problems with her hand!
Prayers for her complete recovery!

OK, gotta run. Will BBL, with a full report. Hope you all have a good Saturday! If you have to go out, please be careful, and stay warm!
Glad to see so much flugg in the nest.
Smart eagles! God bless them! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Boy do I miss "Henry's All You Can Eat Seafood Resturant". Anyone know of something in Winchester, Martinsburg or Hagerstown?????

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew into the nest!

floralgirl said...

Here comes Lib with a stick. And of course they both want to place it, but he took it back from her.

floralgirl said...

Poof! he flew out to the left. One still in nest.

floralgirl said...

Back with a really large branch.

floralgirl said...

Belle flew out and came back with a very short stick.

wvgal_dana said...

I had to chuckle at the last stick brought into the nest. lol It was so little LOL

kickngbird said...

Big bird, little stick - she had her reasons... She looks quite a bit bigger than he does when they're close like this, doesn't she?

floralgirl said...

Yes, when they sit beside each other, you can she she is definitely bigger.

kickngbird said...

Lots of together time!

floralgirl said...


hedgie said...

From NC Lake Jordan site: instructions to tweak QuickTime to view:

Didn't work for me, but going to print it out and try again when I get on desktop puter.

floralgirl said...

There goes Lib to the right.

floralgirl said...

Right back with another stick, and Belle grabbed it away, then he took it back, then she insisted on placing it herself.

hedgie said...

BEagle, thought you were talking about the little oval shaped thing in the 5:30 position!

Hi, Jim! Hope you are warming up. Wish it would here, too.

Have fun at the dog park, Andy!!!!

floralgirl said...

There goes Belle off to the left. Lib is really looking around.

floralgirl said...

She came right back with a stick.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, they are really going at it today....back with a stick

floralgirl said...

There he goes to the left.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa's pic had me freaked out as to the NBG having 2 eggs - Lisa was just letting us know the size of the eggs...
No eggs at NBG to date.......
Love their cam with it's coloring...

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think I've ever seen the crib rails so high...must be going for 3 again ☺

Red said...

Howdy everyone. It's a nice sunny warm day in Alabama today. My wife is in Atlanta for a weekend company meeting and I'm eagle watching along with facebook games. Trying to stay out of trouble.

Mema Jo said...

Well the 1st plunge should be finished I don't see any news coverage yet...
2nd plunge is set for 3:00...

floralgirl said...

Another stick!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Red! Keep your eye on the nest, lots of activity today.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay for the Polar plungers!

paula eagleholic said...

Off he went to the left

BEagle said...

Maybe those high nest walls are to help keep snow out too.

BEagle said...

The 'thing' I was speaking of is right behind the top of Belle's head right now.

hedgie said... the NC cam up on desktop!! Now to get it on laptop!
So thankful that they provided that help!

hedgie said...

And now on laptop!!! Look at those pretty little eaglets!!

hedgie said...

Red, love your avatar!!!
Be a good fellow while the Mrs. is away!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie they are really growing fast. Hay get your butt out of my face please

wvgal_dana said...

Glad you are now able to watch on your laptop Hedgie. I couldn't understand all this time why you couldn't and could.Since our laptops are so similar.

BEagle said...

Those NC chicks have doubled in size!

hedgie said...

Still no email response from 1st found her phone number and called.....she answered and will call me back when she finishes the class she is teaching.

wvgal_dana said...

Saying a prayer Hedgie

NatureNut said...

Hello everyone! Just got on & what a lovely nest picture!!!!

Go Polar Plungers.

Went down road to get my do done & from there to here was about an hour of sun! Gone now.

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all! It's a Honey Do Day here! Been watching the eagles of an on. Getting ready to do Puddles' DO!

NatureNut said...

I see if that's Belle, she's on the 2nd floor! A couple weeks ago I noticed that one of our pair had longer white tail feathers showing & if that's an ID clue.?

hedgie said...

Dana, the crazy thing is that I got it up ONCE on each computer, and then never again.....until today! Who knows, when I turn it off today I may not get it tomorrow----and will have to go through the instructions all over again---PIA!!

wvgal_dana said...

That is crazy Hedige!

wvgal_dana said...

I could be wrong but I'm thinking if food is brought in. Then they are staying in the nest tonight. Maybe they are tired of snow covering what they bring in. So if they sit on it .. snow can't cover it.

wvgal_dana said...

By the way we now have a 3 story townhouse with parking. lol

Mema Jo said...

Off to Mass in my jeans
Prayers will be said.....


floralgirl said...

Think it was Lib, and he just flew out .mt nest

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew back in-moving fluff

BEagle said...

Belle is laying in the nest.

It might be time.

hedgie said...

See some big wushi in the NC nest. Guess it will be going down soon.
Eagle in our nest.

floralgirl said...

She's walking around the nest moving fluff, looks like she's trying to make the bowl deeper again.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at the cat on the ground..upper right..or dog...or deer!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib back

It's 2 deer, but can only see one now...feeding

paula eagleholic said...

See 2 again, right next to each other...upper right

floralgirl said...

I see those deer now. And there goes Belle.

hedgie said...

Little ones are getting their din-din at NC. So cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Deer wandered off

Belle split

hedgie said...

Whoever mentioned the egg pic that Lisa threw me for a loop, too!! LOL!

movin said...

Guess it's the light, but look how light colored the eagle at BWO appears.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

There goes Lib. Mt nest.

NatureNut said...

MT nest. I put my afternoon pic in album.
I tried NC State nest & still won't connect.Line back & forth under the Q. DUH

Lynn,are things the same w/Mai thinking you're a puppy, too? I'm sure you've tried everything, but how about the rolled up newspaper whacker. I've read you don't have to hit animals, but just whack something near them---they don't like the noise.

floralgirl said...

There's an eagle in the nest

floralgirl said...

Perched up on side of nest, all you can see is legs and feet.

floralgirl said...

Back down off side, moving fluff around nest cup.

floralgirl said...

Nite light just came on- kinda washed out and bright with the snowy background..
The sun has set, and it's getting fairly dark now.

floralgirl said...

Looking around and talking, I think. Man, I miss the sound.

floralgirl said...

Here comes Belle! both in nest now

NatureNut said...

Still in nest moving fluff.

I got to use my Dirt shovel this PM. Some packed icy places end of driveway & part of path to porrch wouldn't move w/ snow shovel, so I chopped them up!

floralgirl said...

Both moving fluff around.

NatureNut said...

1 Poof.

NatureNut said...

2 Poofed. Wonder if that's it for tonight?

floralgirl said...

Something has their attention, there goes Belle. and then Lib. Think they were calling out- pretty much dark here now, the snow makes it so much brighter though.

stronghunter said...


Camera (or my computer) is doing something strange. Blurred images when the eagles move.

glo said...

hi folks. Watched the pop up for a little while and saw our royal pair. They sure have been hauling in the fluff to put on that snow. Bless their hearts. Dex and I are 10 hours or so from home counting food and rest area stops. Hoping my next Blog will be from Home Base. trip going well but head hasn't felt so good today. Ate and took some medicine and feeling some better now.

hedgie said...

Hey, Glo, you are making good time.
Hope you feel 100% after a good nights sleep. Be careful.

Loretta, rolled up newspaper whacked agianst my hand or the table stopped being effective a long time ago. As did a whistle, and coins in a can. Today has been just barely better. But I guess if barely increases every day, it's progress.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Travelers! Hope you & Dex get a good night's rest. 10 is a lot, but know you want to get there. I think it's amazing you can do travelogue while on the road!

glo said...

Hedgie read back a little. Just want to send you a hug.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, I sure hope you get progress every day. I know you're fond of her---she has to behave!!

Got phone call from daughter at Reagan. She had her rental car already & has hit the road! We will have fun tonight!

hedgie said...

Shirley, tell Kat I answered her question on FB, please!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Glo!

Loretta, you gals will probably be up all night gabbing and laughing!! Bet Frank will hole up in the basement! What is your daughters' name, BTW??

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I sending travel prayers now I'll send for health. I know you will be relieved when you reach home.

Hedgie each step is one more stone crossing the creek.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
We're back home. We couldn't find the dog park (must've missed something in the directions), but went to Hillcrest Park in Fullerton. It's a big, open, grassy park. Emma got SOOOO excited, she urped up her breakfast in the car just as we got there. She was an absolute train wreck on the leash--went most everywhere literally on her hind legs--she pulls that hard! She had herself in a real state by the time we got back to the car, panting and nearly exhausted in appearance. When we got home, I gave her a little water, and put her in her crate to settle down. She recovered pretty quickly. Hubby and I went to the Petsmart in Fullerton, and found a puppy class starting on Wed., Feb. 9th! We are signed up! They had a class going on while we were there, with 3 dogs in it. They were doing well. I can't wait for Emma's class to start. Both Hubby and I can go to it, because I have Wednesdays off from school.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good--took a peek at the nest, and no new s___. Lots of flugg there, too. It looks like the crib rails are higher, too. That's always a good thing! Need to read back and see what's been happening. Will be back later--it will soon be time to make dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun, Loretta!

Andy, so glad you finally found a class!

NatureNut said...

Hi again. Daughter, Sherry, is here. We ate my Greek offerings I picked up this afternoon & when she took her suitcase downstairs, she found where the older cat, Binky, had been hiding. They got greetings done w/out incident. Sherry was her 1st Mommy!Don't know what's wrong w/that cat lately---she used to be the meet & greet cat.Little scaredy cat, Scooter, has been friendly!
We'll probably just chnill tonight. She has to leave Sun. afternoon for Charlottesville, VA. Done w/work on Wed., but may stay until TH if weather is bad.
Gonna show her the bears and new eagle nest pics.She has the bear link.

hedgie said...

Welcome "home", Sherry!!! What was on the Greek menu, Lowreeda??

Andy, sorry about the park fiasco. Hope that Emma recovers okay. Bet you all will sleep Hurray on finding the Petsmart class! Perfect timing!

hedgie said...

Part of my sentence disappeared!!

It was typed as: Bet you all will sleep really good tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

going to watch ice skating....bbl

Judie said...

Hi Glo, hope your head feels better in the a.m. and safe travels to home.

Lowreeda, nice you have Sherry home and will have to catch up time together. Enjoy!

Lynn, you and Mai are in my thoughts. I keep hoping for the best.

Andy, so glad you found a class with Emma that you and hubby can both attend with her. That should help with consistency.

MT nest so hoping Belle can hold off until less "iffy" weather.

The sandperson has arrived early again tonight. So will be turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed to the tub, up the stairs, to the recliner, or just lurking around in the dark. Pleasant dreams.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn saw your answer and told me about it, Lynn. Thanks. We will probably go to the pet store tomorrow.

I had a hankering for steak tonight, so we went in search of a restaurant. For some reason, everyone in Fredericksburg wants to eat out every weekend.

Stopped at one place and they said it would be an hour and 15 minute wait. It was already after 7:00, so we moved on. Finally ended up at Logan's. I enjoyed my steak, but we did not have time to go to the pet store.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

hedgie said...

See that Judie hobbled on to bed while I was in the tub. G'night, gal!

Shirley, that's the way restaurants are here, too. Makes you wonder where the recession went. Our Logans just opened late Oct. Been there once.....enjoyed the meal very much. It was a new one for me----had never heard of it before!
I'm sure the dogs can wait one more night.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is nursing an ugly cold and was ready to come home and take her medicines and crawl into bed.

It's not the dogs who are suffering. It's the people. Kathryn thought maybe she should buy a different kind of food. As she said, we might suffocate.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn got a message from Rus saying that Rebecca's mother is in Egypt, and they're worried. She was scheduled to fly out, but all flights have been canceled. Things are pretty rough there right now.

stronghunter said...

Gotta put sheets on my bed, so I am heading upstairs now. I will see you tomorrow.

Good night and God bless.

magpie said...

think I better hop on and Say Good Night....
have already missed a few folks..
Great, Loretta has her visit going with daughter Sherry
Glo and Dex are heading home and maybe already at THEIR Roost
The Eagles did a lot of Whoopie-Making through the day

magpie said...

got the news on, hoping to see some coverage of the Polar Bear Plunge from earlier....

magpie said...

sorry Kathryn is feeling poorly, Shirley, and hope that things work out okay for Rus's Rebecca's mother....

sorry I think I just missed you

magpie said...

Early Risers with clear skies...
think the waning crescent moon should be close to Venus in the morning, Look East...

hedgie said...

Prayers for Rebecca's mothers safety and exit from all that turmoil, Shirley.

Margy, Glo is stopped for the night. 10 hrs. on the road tomorrow to reach home.

magpie said...

sounded really neat Paula, seeing those deet on the nest site...

magpie said...

Ok, thanks Hedgie...she will be home for her birthday ☺

Thanks Jo
for the February Birthday always, every month, thank you...
AND I see you have our February E-M Eagle album all ready to go

just saw a little clip of the Polar Bear Plunge, on Fox 5 news ☺

magpie said...

I have the same situation with snipping photos off live feed,
they reproduce small on the E-M album...

yours turned out nicely, though

hedgie said...

Mai is asleep....and I am almost, too. Can barely keep my eyes open.
Talk to all of you fine, fowl friends tomorrow.
Margy, have a peaceful shift.
Prayers for all.

magpie said...

have a little trouble keeping up with posts and pictures while on these midnights...sometimes I can catch up overnight at work

saw Wanda much earlier this morning, guess I'll catch a late night post from work

time to start getting ready for work now

Hope everyone is snug in their roosts and Lolly at Great Wolf Lodge...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Good Night Hedgie and Mai Ying

Oh, the SPLIT will be here before too long...


Lynne2 said...

Oh Shirley, I saw on the news this morning the goings ons in Egypt. Very scary. Hope Rebecca's mother is able to leave SOON.

Andy, here is a link for the Sporn Harness, we have one for Daisy for when we go out on adventures because she tends to pull. I think I got mine at either Petco or Petsmart, but of course you can contact the company and see who has them. VERY effective! Pulling on the collar like that could damage her trachea and a regular harness won't stop her from pulling.
Sporn no pull harness for dogs

Looks like Lolly's area has the potential for some severe weather...keep your eyes to the skies Lolly!

Have fun with your daughter Loretta!

Hope you feel better in the AM Glo!

Lynne2 said...

Darn Andy, the link didn't work...

Lynne2 said...

here, copy and paste

Lynne2 said...

Heading for bed, goodnight and prayers for you all!

PA Nana said...

Goodnite all and God bless.

Costume Lady said...

Been shopping for groceries in Hagerstown. Groceries for the Soup Kitchen, for GG and for us. Save A Lot have to bag your own groceries. Good thing Gene was a worker in grocery store for so many years! I'm not very good at that yet!


Lolly said...

Hey, everybody we are home! Only Laurel's family is staying at the Lodge. The rest of us headed home after a party in the room to open birthday presents.

We had a ball! Great Wolf Lodge is something else!! I played with the boys in the wave pool, the lazy river and went down one partictular water slide twice!! It was several stories high, and as many as 4 or 5 could ride down together in this huge tube. It was fun! I screamed! It was more fun at night as it had colored flashing lights. What a trip! We ate pizza in the water park and then rather late went to the room to open presents. Laurel's family is staying the night and going swimming again in the morning. Their room has a "bunk house" in it for the boys. It had a bunk bed and a tv in their "room". They were so excited.

In the lobby at 9:00 they had story time and it "snowed". It really looked like snow falling. I know that thrills you! Anyway, is a very thrilling place for kids and families.

Lolly said...

First thing I did was check the nest and see that we do not have an eagle in the nest nor is it covered with snow.

Yes, we have bad weather coming at us, but tonight I walked to the car to get the presents and I was wet and in my swimsuit and I was NOT cold. It is presently in the mid 60's at this late hour. Wow!

Mema Jo said...

I am checking in before heading back the hallway. Lolly, You're not going to be able to get to sleep tonight with so many good times going thru your head. Sounds great!!

I am so thankful the nest is MT - should be in the 40's tomorrow so more melting.

Need to glance at some comments. Guess we are going to SPLIT

Lolly said...

Bear Update

Lolly said...

It is split time! See ya on the flip side!

Lolly said...
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Mema Jo said...

Loretta - aren't daughters great? !!

Prayers for Glo's return home

Good Night everyone - peaceful sleep
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

I seem to be having problems posting. It is me...not the blog.

Nite Jo! Yep, I'll be dreaming about water slides all night!

Lolly said...

Have been over on fb playing around. Can not believe that a couple more students have found me and asked to be friends on fb. From kindergarten to now is a long time! But very special that they ask to be friends.

Heading to bed now. I may be playing in the water in my dreams!

Sweat dreams!

Happy Birthday, Megan!!

Lolly said...

LOL You'll love that typo.

Sweet dreams!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...