Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Fresh thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!!

We have been seeing the eagles in the nest the last couple of days.

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve and Paula!

Trying to get things done around the house while keeping an eye on the nest.

NatureNut said...

Thanks for new thread, Steve & Paula for hollering!!
Brought this over from old thread;

NatureNut said...
Wow, see some earlybirds saw our pair!!Thx for pics in E_M album!!!
Tried to read some comments---
Congrats to BirdGirl for upcoming family reunion. How wonderful!

Sissy, great hawk pics---I left a way to ID it under pics. Only you can tell by size.Compare w/surroundings.

Dana, yes, I saw the eagle talon spin! But not sure if juvie or adult---they were so far away. Naturalist said use binoculars! I didn't take them w/me to window 'cuz I didn't know I'd see anything! I will now.
BTW, my boss at Park told me to watch for young raccoons!!They are getting at one large, low birdfeeder that isn't squirrel proof anymore!!!

Well, hope I get to watch nest this PM---gotta get busy ☺ ♥

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:47:00 PM

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread and info that there was one! :-)

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - It was getting hard to breathe on the previous thread.
Thanks Paula for the call over.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sore throat, head hurting . . . generally feeling like doodie!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - what year of college is Andrew attending now?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, Andrew is in his 4th year but his projected graduation date is Fall 2012. He is talking now about going to law school after that so MTBR!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like Andrew has a great plan.
I know how proud you are of him. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I got that doodie crap too.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and Paula for the call over.

See Jo's comment about the USA Bunch at Bragg has housing. A little small but Christine is appreciative of having housing as soon as they arrived.

Judie Judie Judie came in...ok lady you can do this 4 to 6 weeks therapy for walking. WOW WOW So sorry for the pain you are in. Judie it is happening you are moving closer and closer to walking. ( : Continued prayers for you and Frank (Darth).

Wanda 25 people at the Soup Kitchen !!!!! Going good it sounds like ( :

Yes that Sheetz store at Kearneysville was always BUSY. Hard to get in and out of. Due to all the traffic going in and out of the store...very busy store.

Lolly hope you find someone for estate sells. If not maybe try an auctioneer. I know Laurel appreciates your help.

I am now caught up !! Whew

Sharon that would be nice to have a lawyer around. I know you are proud of Andrew.

wvgal_dana said...

no a link Sharon don't let that go too long. Mine started with a headache, sore throat and I started working on it right away. Used Chloraseptic for sore throat and Mucinex (not DM wasn't coughing), no fever and doctor still said after that I needed the antibiotic. SO PLEASE DON'T GO TOO LONG !!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hello all! I finally got away from Facebook for awhile to find where this was located. I see that the eagles have been in the nest lately. Can't wait to see them start getting their nest together for the new season.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, James just came into the room. Is now ready to head out. I am about to go stir crazy sitting in this house. I'll check back.

hedgie said...

Delphia, what a marvelous story! Two real miracles for you!! Can't wait to hear all about your grand reunion!!! Congratulations!!

hedgie said...

Candy, go out and have some fun!!
Cabin fever can really get you down!

Well, Miss Mai did what I was afraid she WOULD do. She tried to eat a lightbulb off the tree. SCARY! Had just shooed her away from it AGAIN when I saw she was chewing on something. Opened her mouth and found half a bulb. Luckily the other half was still in the socket and not her tummy. Didn't see any blood in her mouth, thankfully.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn that would be scary. Hope Mai is ok. Tell her she can't be Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer like that.

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...

My delete

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...
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hedgie said...

ALL of the 100+ dogs and puppies have been placed either in foster or adoptive homes!!!! How is that for a rapid response and outpouring of love and concern???!!

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...

Glo's video of Liberty and Belle in nest Dec 28 2010

wvgal_dana said...


paula eagleholic said...

Cam update from Steve -

He was unaware that there were sound issues, but he is now.

The nightlite is a different story. It sucks....well Steve said they were disappointed in its function. It pretty much doesn't (from what we have seen), but the trade off is the ability to zoom in on the nest in HD.

I certainly appreciate all the extra effort by NCTC to bring us a high def cam.

On another note, I am heading home to crawl under the covers....later.

Mema Jo said...

Paula & Sharon - Hoping it doesn't stay with you for too long! Feel better soon!

Lolly said...

Paula, thanks for the info from Steve. Sorry you are down and out. That is no fun! Go home, tuck your self in and try to sleep it away!

Lolly said...

Thanks to Glo for the video and thanks to Dana for posting the link to the video. What a beautiful sight!

I am busy in my kitchen cleaning and throwing away. LOL Yesterday convinced me to keep it cleaned out. LOL Told Laurel and she thanked me!

hedgie said...

Lolly, LOL----I did some of that with Bill's help when I thought I was going to die. Especially in the basement. You'd never know it now!!!

Paula, so sorry you are feeling puny. Hope you wake up much better.
Did Steve mean that there WON'T be an infrared light????????? Sorry, I'd rather have it than HD. I don't see that the HD makes anything look any different on the puter.

wvgal_dana said...

Atlanta panda cub is all alone and so cute.

Link to see Panda Cub at Atlanta

wvgal_dana said...

We have just got to have infrared !!!!!! IT IS A MUST!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sounded like the zoom is taking the place of the infrared. I vote for the night light - but afraid we don't have a voice since it's all technical. :(

hedgie said...

Well, jmho, but I think the light is a must. Without that we are missing out on close to 12 hrs. of viewing time. And we all know that a lot of things happen at night.

wvgal_dana said...

Plus they will be doing the zooming....I truly thought he said we would have the night light.

I have to leave this is making me cry.bbl

hedgie said...

Got this message from Chrissy's Frank:


Hope you have had a peaceful Christmas.

Chris is quite ill with the Flu/Virus she has and has not able to get on line.

Please pass our good wishes and parayers to you all for a better 2011

Best wishes Frank

Our poor friend across the pond just can't catch a break. :(

hedgie said...

AZ cub still all by his lonesome!! So cute!

hedgie said...

My bad....make that close to 14 hrs. of darkness now!

movin said...

Male eagle on BWO.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

A wee bit of warm up (low 40's) and there are gnats and other insects flying around outside!! Unreal.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting ready to head out to dinner with hubby, Alexis and her dad.

Heard Christine and their HHG get delivered tomorrow. Today they enrolled Samantha in her new school.
Anxious for pictures later of their new home.


magpie said...

Looks like the "Franks" amongst us are taking care of keeping us informed on our Ladies...
so sorry to hear that Chrissy is under the weather !

thanks for that update Lynn

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals...I saw your picture, Lynn on the E-M album, first place I check these days, well I mean, after bringing up the nest cam ! ☺

magpie said...

I took a pic of the empty nest awhilie ago, to compare with Dana's of Dec 10, and mine of Dec 24 - on the E-M album just to see how things are moving along

magpie said...

BWE nest looks great, nice pine sprigs in it

there is one eagle at BWO

magpie said...

nice to see Carolinabeachmom Candy show up today ☺

sorry to read Sharon and Paula have the yuckies - hopoe you both feel better soon...

sounds like hard work, Lolly, sure you are the best person to help Laurel with Faye's things ♥

Lynn, at least you don't have to wait for anything to come out the other end of Mai !

floralgirl said...

EAGLE just flew in

Mema Jo said...


At least Lib is here

floralgirl said...

NOw both in our nest

magpie said...

Yes, Megan
Show Time !

Mema Jo said...

Hello Megan - so glad to share this moment with you. I have been missing them.

Lolly said...

Wahooooo! I am here watching!

floralgirl said...

I have missed seeing them too.

BEagle said...

Those birdies are busy!

Lolly said...

Well, it is our turn Megan to see them!!!

Mema Jo said...

Really being busy..

Hi Margy - they are keeping their normal schedule

BEagle said...

Sorry to hear about the doodies. Feel better soon ladies.

Which one is her and which is him?

Lynne2 said...

Just got home.....WOOOO HOOO now that's a sight for sore eyes!

Mema Jo said...


PA Nana said...


magpie said...

nest looks a little soggy

they pair seems so peaceful

BEagle said...

And dag nabbit, the night vision is lousy.

Off goes one.

Lynne2 said...

whew I made it just in time...

Lynne2 said...

I don't seem to have color....

Lynne2 said...

and I don't really care!

BEagle said...

Off goes the other.

I have the same feelings about this new cam. I would rather have the night vision than the HD.

But I do like the position of the new cam.

Mema Jo said...

The larger of the two is Belle
Belle is 9 x's out of 10 in the front
Closest to us
Lib is 9 x's out of 10 in the rear
Farthest from us

BEagle said...

I think they were digging out the egg cup a little.

Lolly said...

IMHO it seems that they are only half heartedly doing nestorations.

PA Nana said...

Just peeked in in time; guess that's it for today. What a sight for sore eyes.

Hi everyone.

magpie said...

It is nice to be joined at the eyeballs with you folks watching....
that was a nice visit

I was kind of watching for
some H-P they seemed so cooperative and gentle today

Lolly said...

The picture is very clear but are you getting any color. It still seems black and white to me. I also miss the sound.

BEagle said...

Please pray for my friend at work. Her modular home burned down the day after Christmas.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening everyone! Haven't had time to read back...hope all is well!

I hope we are getting night vision. I thought I read somewhere past that we are. Maybe they are still tweaking.

magpie said...

Huge disappointment about no night vision

restoration of sound to live feed will be nice when it happens

Mema Jo said...

No color on either cam.

floralgirl said...

No night vision means we will miss so much.

Mema Jo said...

*** Read Paul's comment from Steve at 2:41 pm .......

Mema Jo said...
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magpie said...

I had color on still cam but it has a greenish tinge to it

will post a few pictures on the album...

BEagle said...

Lynne. When you read back a little you will see that we may have no night vision. Blah.

BEagle said...

Have a good time MemaJo!

magpie said...

oh BEagle, so sorry to hear that, and yes, will pray for your friend...hoping that no one was hurt

bbl also

Lynne2 said...

trying to read back....

LOL about the TP Lynn!!! Oh yeah, she's going to be hoot for sure!

Nice to see Lori and Phyrfly back!

BEagle said...

My friend was not there when it happened.

Her husband was there and is okay

Lynne2 said...

oh no...Flash and TP too! YIKES!

BEagle said...

Magpie, what does H-P mean?

Lynne2 said...

Oh no Paula, just read you aren't feeling well. I hope it GOES AWAY!!!!!!

UGH, more rain for Jim and Andy. Dislike.

magpie said...

Ok BEagle glad no injuries

H-P equals Hanky Panky ♥ ♥

pics are up, (in the E-M album) one pretty neat one on first arrival, you can see orange feetsies on a couple of the pics also

Glad so many could see the Royal Pair

Best wishes for a good evening

Lolly said...

BEagle.....HP stands for Hanky Panky! :)

Lynne2 said...

Dana, hope your antibiotic does the trick.

SO glad to hear that Norma is doing well...I sure miss her, too!

Lolly said...

BEagle...prayers for you friend. How horrible! Hope they had insurance.

Lolly said...

Look at it this infared no spidey! Blah!

LOL I was walking past the laptop with an arm load of clean clothes when I saw the eagles! I exclaimed OMG! and the clothes are in the middle of the floor. Guess I better go pick them up. I was so surprised, so used to seeing an empty nest.

BEagle said...

Hanky Panky? Oh-h-h-h. I was close. My guess was horse play. : )

My friend had insurance but only up to the depreciable value. :(

She also had her grandchildrens Christmas gifts in her car for delivering. Good. Her minister offered an empty home until they get matters under control.

Lynne2 said...

oh BEagle, how horrible about your friend's home. Prayers for sure. Hope everyone is OK. Well, in as much as they can be mentally after such a thing happening.

I got the post about the night vision. UGH. Well, maybe they'll work it out. Can't wait to hear sound again!

BEagle said...

It's so exciting to see the eagles on the nest, it's hard to do anything normal, especially typing.

BEagle said...

That's a great point.....there will be no monster spidey and there's always the hope that technical people can improve the night vision.

hedgie said...

Missed them. Was doing some pup training and then a trip out----she let me know that she needed to go! Progress!

Will need to go look at pics....certainly no color to show orange feet on live cam. :(
Still makes no sense to me.

Glad so many got to see the visit. So, breakfast and dinner today!!

BEagle, so sorry about your friends' home. My eldest lost their first home the 2nd year they were married, Easter Sunday night...they were out of town. She was 6 mos. pregnant. I praised the Lord that they weren't home. Point of origin was on other side of wall from head of their bed.
So blessed that he wasn't hurt....hope they have good insurance.

paula eagleholic said...

Right now we would be missing out on 12 hours, but the eagles aren't in the nest at night anyhow. Towards summertime, we would only miss 8 hours or so. NCTC did not plan on not having night vision! So it is what it is.

We could miss an egg laying or a hatch. From what I understand, there will not be night vision.

I am just hoping that the eagles use the nest this year. I hope the activity we have seen in the last couple of days is in earnest.

Going back to bed, only got up to check work email.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I missed that visit:( Saw a good one this morning:)
I am with the majority of you...HD means very little to me! Really don't see a difference from old cam. WE NEED NIGHT VISION!

Costume Lady said...

I forget what was wrong with our old cam...anyone remember (besides Spidey).

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle sorry about your friends home so glad she nor her husband were injured. I will add them on the prayer list and you too. I know it has saddened you.

paula eagleholic said...

Yeah, Wanda, it broke.

wvgal_dana said...

I am glad you all got to see the eagles. It is good we are still keeping the prayer vigil for Liberty and Belle. I am starting to think we need to add to this prayer noon vigil that night vision is given to us!!!!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

Apparently from Steve's comments the night vision feature isn't very good on this cam. Something they must've discovered after installing it. So that's that, cause this is the cam we will have this season.

hedgie said...

BEagle, that WAS lucky that the car had the gifts in it. Hmmm...that insurance doesn't sound very glad the minister was able to get them into another house quickly.
Here the Red Cross puts people up in a hotel for a couple of nights. That helps, too, and the hotel is usually very catering and amenable.

hedgie said...

I miss Norma, too....but just don't know why she can't just type in the blog address and be back in business. Maybe we need a field trip to Romney!!

magpie said...

I'm with the rest of you on this sentiment:

It is blessed that Belle and Liberty seem to be making this their Roost for at least one more season...hope they will be safe and sound and will produce a number of frisky and healthy eaglets this year....

guess I have to admit I have gotten spoiled over the years ...

xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I guess we are spoiled. We had sound (sometimes) and Night Lite (most of the time, along with Spidey). This new cam is like being given a new car with no horn or headlights!

hedgie said...

Think I must be going color blind....don't see orange feetsies, Margy!!!

magpie said...

can't see any orange on the E-M pics?
oh dear....did you make them big?

yeah, kinda like blind man's bluff Wanda...
we won't miss Boris though will we !

headed out to play Santa for a little while, still will have a few Santa visits to make after this...might not catch up until after January 1, 2011 !

Be back later on
Take care, all


BEagle said...

Hedgie, Red Cross put them up for three nights. Tonight will be the third night.

I think they need to take the minister up on his offer. An empty home is an answer to prayer if you ask me.

Then they need to just get back to work to get their minds off the travesty of it all. Work is therapeutic.

Thanks for the prayers.

BEagle said...

As for the cam and night vision...they just might discover what the problem is and wallah.....fixed.

I don't see why the eagles would go any where else to nest. Is there something that says they build more than one nest in their eagle lives?

I guess I need to do a little research.

wvgal_dana said...

Well my friends I need to go lay down again. Doctor said I need to get more rest during the day while I'm sick.

I did get a call from him today and he was thrilled with my blood work for my sugar and cholestrol.
The sugar is not just for the day it is the over so long a time. It was GREAT he said. I even got a higher than between this #'er and that #'er. Then on the cholestrol again it was GREAT. The good was higher than the level allowed. So my doctor (who loved Ed) said, "Well Ed isn't going to be getting you up there with him on this". I said, "No he'll just have to hold his LOVES spot in Heaven".

So I'm tired I going to lay on the couch on my body pillow.

Prayers for those that need them.

God Bless All OF YOU.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh daughter is going to be cold tonight 0° and snow, tomorrow 15° lo -4° and snow.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

There's an eagle on the Hornby nest. Or rather, on the cam.

BEagle said...

Also an eagle on the West End nest getting ruffled in the wind there.

Mema Jo said...

January Birthdays/Anniversaries

Jan 2 Wanda & Gene 52 year anniversary
Jan 6 Lynne Soper
Jan 9 Lolly Ellis
Jan 16 Chrissy Beahan
Jan 22 Gwen Furse
Jan 30 Megan Webber

Let me know with an email if your name should be on this list!
Thanks Mema Jo ♥

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo!

NatureNut said...

Thx so much everyone for nest pics. I missed them.
Sorry to hear poor Chrissy is sick again :>( and how awful for your friends, BEagle. Prayers for all & Sharon, Paula & Dana---get done w/the yuckies!

Got scanner running, so might take an hour to post! BBL

Judie said...

Good late evening, everyone.

Was tired today and did some prep for Spring semester. I have to return on Jan. 11.

Paula, I hope you're feeling better by tonight. Rest as much as you can.

Also, Lynne2 and Steve, I hope you both are feeling better. Maybe a delayed anniversary celebration?

And, Dana, just be sure to take all the antibiotics. Feel better soon. How's Little Man?

Diann, please enjoy the visit with your baby sister.

Hi Lori and Phyrfly Dana.

Judie said...

Good late evening, again.

Lynn, had to laugh about Mai and the t.p. Every cat who has ever owned me has held multiple t.p. parades accompanied by a storm of confetti. Still snickering.

Suzan, we have a walker as you describe. I suspect it will be put to use in a few weeks. Right now I am using the lift-and-step with training wheels.

Delphia, I think it is beyond wonderful that you will be reunited with your sister and both your families will have time together. A true blessing for all.

Mema Jo said...

Judie you are making me happy just like the eagles did today with their visit! I sure do miss you and hope as the days go on I will hear more from your! Take care! ♥

Judie said...

Good late evening, yet again.

I am trying to catch up and will finish doing that tomorrow.

Lynn, Mai and the t.p. episode reminded me: A woman who attends a craft club in MD arrived early and was sitting in her car. A woman was walking her dog nearby. The dog stopped to take care of business. The woman dutifully picked up the poop in a plastic bag. Then, she pulled out some t.p. and wiped the dog's butt. Sure wish that was on UTube. True story, by the way.

Okay, I am feeling tired so will be turning my light off. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, picking up t.p., or just wandering around in the dark. Until tomorrow...

Judie said...

Oh, doing a Margy -- just one the news that Anaheim had some serious storm weather. I hope we hear from Andy tonight. Prayer she isn't affected.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Judie, good to see you! Eagles were back twice today!

I'm heading for bed...good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Bear update! The new bear den cam goes up tomorrow. Whoopeeee!

Bear update

Lolly said...

Hi Judie Bye Judie!

Yes, I like the TP episode, too. I have had TP torn to shreds,and pulled all over the place by cats. Lynns turn! :)

Mema Jo said...

Great news about the Bear cam. Hope it works out!

hedgie said...

Thanks for brightening our evening, Judie!!!! Well, the TP issue continued inasmuch as shhe kept going back for more which I prevented. But it was such a hassle that I took the roll off and put it up on a towel bar!!! Did not like closing the door because the doorknob is too close to the doorframe on the outside and I was barking my knuckles every time I opened it!!

And in line with your story---my sister keeps baby wipes by the door and wipes off her dogs buttinsky after she has done her duty! And when Cinnamon had her UTI a couple of years ago, vet told me to clean her with Tucks pads every time!!
Just like having a baby around, isn't it??!!

Judie, HOW are you going to manage getting around on campus? Will Darth go and push you in the wheelchair??

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Judie, glad you could make it on. My fever has finally broken, I feel half human :)

I had to LOL at Mai and the TP, too.

Letting the dogs out for their last run, then hitting the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Paula, glad your fever has broken and you are feeling a wee bit better. Now get back to bed and remember to drink water!

stronghunter said...

Paula, so happy you are feeling better.

Great to hear from Judie again. You sound so much better.

Yeah, I hope things are okay in California. They have had enough rain, already.

I have been going around with the workman's comp people again today. Maybe it will work out tomorrow. I hope so. Many phone calls today.

Susan leaves for Ecuador on Monday. She found out today that she has a double ear infection. Good that she got to the doctor. Flying and staying at the high altitude where she is going would have been very painful. I hope she gets it cured quickly.

Don't know why she is suddenly getting ear infections.

stronghunter said...

Bought a small boneless rib roast for tomorrow. I kept thinking about how good they taste when Darth described vooking one. I hope it turns out almost as good as his.

stronghunter said...

Spending this week at home with Hunter has been interesting.

He spent today trying to convince me that I should agree that he should have the battlefield video game that Santa would not bring to him. He has a way of "casually" mentioning all of his ideas.

Costume Lady said...

It was good to hear from Judie...she does sound more like herself.
Personally, I think she needs a BOY TOY to help her get around school. Not that Darth wouldn't do a good job, but, we know he needs some rest;)

I'm going to bed before I get into trouble!


stronghunter said...

Ready to head upstairs. I hope our California friends are doing well tonight.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I'm doing a beef roast in the crock pot tomorrow, also. Lots of red skin potatoes, baby carrots, sweet onions, celery.
It should be done by the time my GG visit is done:) Ummmm!

hedgie said...

Paula, thank goodness you are feeling a bit better. But still get sleep and drink fluids if you can!

Shirley, how long will Suzy be gone?? What a great opportunity for her. Bet it's summer down there, isn't it? Hope her ear infection clears up fast before the flight!

My BFF in CA posted that she is safe behind sandbags and jersey walls in Highland. It is raining...and I'm sure she is holding her breath. Scary.

Gonna say my goodnights now. I think Mai is ready for bed. I'll catch the news and head for mine, too!

Prayers for wellness and all other needs. Peace.

Well, gang,

stronghunter said...

Sounds delicious, Wanda.

We needed to get away from turkey and dressing. I ordered out last night, but really wanted to vook something today and tomorrow--while I have a little bit of time. We had shrimp with waffle fries and squash tonight.

Kathryn had bought an Angel Food order, and it included five pounds of waffle fries. That is a heck of a lot of waffle fries. Wish I could ship some to you all.

stronghunter said...

Susan will only be gone for two weeks--GMU's winter break time. It is summer there, but the altitude is so high that it is not really hot, so I am told. They have year-round springtime, I have heard.

stronghunter said...

One thing that concerns me is that she has to change planes in Columbia. I am not sure how long she will be there, but she does not plan to leave the airport. She does have one traveling companion--another student from GMU who is on the same trip.

stronghunter said...

Good night, all. I will see you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

My day has finished - here's to another one! I had a call from NC and all is fine! HHG tomorrow!

Good night all
Prayers for all those not feeling up to par
Hugs to all Especially you Mai!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Time for sleep. I've been coughing and sneezing a good bit today and so is Chris.

He's already in bed so it's now my time to go to my recliner.

Sleep well everyone. Catch up with you tomorrow. God bless.

magpie said...

daggone I think I missed just about everyone...

like your avatar Wanda! I recognize that beautiful face....but have to ask, when is this picture from ?

magpie said...

okay Paula is feeling better, Sharon hasn't said, and Dana got a good report from the doc but needs much more rest
and Jo got a call from the Bragg Bunch!
Mai has been a rascal but having a blast...
and Shirley .... has had a Shirley week
The Angel Food program rocks! glad to hear that Kathryn is participating in that !

magpie said...

and many of us saw the Eagles today - some of you, twice!
and we
can go to the E-M album to see them again or, if you missed seeing them either visit today

And Jo has our January album all ready and rarin' to go
Thanks for that Jo, and all the birthday and anniversary news !

Good to hear from Judie, a few times this evening !

Delphia/Bird Girl ...a heartwarming event coming up for you...beautiful!

Better say Good Night while I might still catch a few night owls...

Prayers for wellness,
Hope sleep is sweet
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, Wanda! You are going to be in big touble with Darth! Shame on you! LOL (but, what a cool idea!)

I am heading to the shower and bed. Up tomorrow and heading to Denton again. Watch for eagles for me! And, hopefully the bear cam will be up tomorrow evening.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Phew! It has been a BUSY day today!
Had SOOOOO much rain today! When I went over to take care of the bulldogs, I found that the awning over the deck (where they usually spend their day during the cooler months) was filled up with rainwater, and had busted its seams! Got a broom and tried to get rid of the water from below, which resulted in getting drenched in a huge waterfall!
Got the job done, but was NO FUN! The awning just filled up with rainwater again as the day wore on, too. Have a feeling it's pretty much history! Left the bullies in the laundry room with the space heater on low. Checked on them at noon, and let them out to go potty (rather, nearly had to drop-kick them out the door!). Had NO trouble getting them to come back in! LOL :oD

Ms Bookworm said...

Their igloo doghouse got rain inside, so will have my work cut out for me if its not raining tomorrow. Will have to dry it out and replace their bedding, not to mention dealing with the rainwater in the awning! Must be 50 gallons or more up there! YIKES!!!
Got a call from my Sis-in-law, who is at Lake Tahoe, and pretty much snowed in. They dug their truck out today, just in case they wanted/needed to go somewhere, and sure enough, that triggered another snowstorm. Looks beautiful, like a winter wonderland, but I just hope they are able to get home safely on New Year's Day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Sounds like Mai has cabin fever! Emma has been crazy today, too. I closed all the doors in our long hall, and she had a blast, running from one end to the other, making full-speed hairpin turns, and playing with her mini tennis ball! She has been really good about going outside in the rain. She really doesn't care for wearing a doggy coat now, but her fur is still too thin to really keep her warm enough. Low of about 42 here today, hi of about 55, and with a COLD, Arctic wind! Have to put on her quilted coat when we're going outside, then take it off once we're back inside. She's figured out how to get out of it, and I don't want her to get tangled up in it and hurt herself.

Ms Bookworm said...

I need to catch up on the blog happenings, but did notice that the eagles have been back again (YAHOO!!!), and that a few people are fighting off colds/flu/creeping crud. Sorry you gals are feeling so poorly, and prayers are being said for you! See, too, that Chrissy is fighting some miserable, yucky bug again! Prayers for her, too, and hopes that she improves RAPIDLY!
So good to see that you've made it back to us!! It's a sure thing that Darth has been taking VERY good care of you! Prayers for your P/T to work wonders for you. Gosh, a January 11th return to the big schoolhouse! You go, girl!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'll call it a day. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light! The porch light and the Christmas lights are on. The eye-scanner security (with a special clearance for Judie!) and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Hope everyone sleeps snug and warm in their beds, and I will be back tomorrow to chat. Hubby has the rest of the week off! And--thanks be to GOD, he has successfully fought off some nasty bug that tried to settle in. He had a fever for a while, but it's gone now, along with the body aches and general yucky feeling. Sleep tight,everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lynne2 said...

wee hours wandering.....CAM IS CATTYWAMPUS!!!! NOOOOOOOO this can't be! Hope it's fixed by AM visit!!!

oh Andy, I'm SOOOOOO sorry but I had to laugh at the mental picture I had of you and the awning and the waterfall!!! What a mess! I sure hope the rain stops soon!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, I may have the plug-in for windows Media Player that will allow you to see the cubs, etc. On the right hand side of this page you will see a box. There is a small pic in the middle and underneath it says this will allow you to view 99% of video content. This will not harm your computer and it might help you to view some of the things you are missing. Just copy and paste the URL.....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning beautiful folks! My live feed is down this morning but morning has not broken on the Sycamore Palace yet.

magpie said...

Good Morning Sissy...same here...waiting on some signs of daylight at the Still Cam

BWE is all kooky looking too - was blue screen now is RED !

If your skies are clear, check out Crescent Moon and Venus pretty close together, and will be even closer Friday morning

magpie said...

BWE is changing from blue to red on the refreshes....

pretty colors !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Magpie. Yeah, mine is doing the same thing.

magpie said...

guess "we" (NCTC) is not the only place having camera problems !

it's frosty here now but no precipitation or wind, Thank Goodness!

Yesterday was a magnificent December day, especially since we had some Eagle Action

will be watching the nest while getting ready for work...if I don't make it back:

Best wishes for a Good Day Everyone....
hope all the ailments take a big hike today !

xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Have a great day Magpie! I actually got my car out yesterday from under a foot of snow for the first time in a week. Thank God for Tom's Avalanche!!! It is supposed to be up to 45 today and 56 tomorrow! Might have to break out that bikini!!! LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm here but live is all lines

Still is dark still

magpie said...

i just noticed the time on the still cam :(

it is at 8:19 pm

WAH !!!

magpie said...

Morning Dana

Repeating for all others:

the time on our still cam is
8:19 pm Dec 29


wvgal_dana said...

My eyes especially right one is acting up. Lord will this removal of cataract ever give me back my good vision.

Well good morniing Eagle Friends.

On the way to the computer Little Man has already had an accident during the night. So I need to find out what has happened.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

BUMMER!! :((((((

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I kept sitting here thinking we should see dawn breaking and wondering why it wasn't! DUH!!

magpie said...

I'll send an email to Steve to let him know about both live and still

headed out now...

Sissy if you break out the bikini be sure to take a pic and post !

Hope your eyes improve, and Little Man continues to get better, Dana


Costume Lady said...

I got up out of a warm bed for THIS!?

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, this photo of GG (my avatar) was taken Christmas day.
She looked and felt good:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I posted that pic of the hawk on my feeder on the the Facebook Birds Out Back page. People have been debating all evening if it was a Cooper's hawk or a sharp-shinned hawk. I am sticking with Cooper's hawk, but honestly it is hard to tell. If ya'll have time, I put it in Sissy's pics on the blog. Tell me what you think. It was certainly a beautiful bird.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I have already seen the beautiful hawk and that is a good picture and I gave what I thought before. I'm no bird expert though.

lol if we have nothing else to do.



I never thought I would be this disappointed in the live cam no night vision and not a regular picture. Plus no sound and we need night vision. I prayed and prayed before this cam was put up. That is would work well with night vision and sound and picture. I guess I ask for too much. In this life without my Ed to be here to talk too.This is more depressing than loosing Ed. I am sorry I needed to vent about the cam.I am shedding more tears over not getting to see the eagles at night and no sound and the live feed being bad. Than I think I have shed this many tears in years.Again I am sorry needed to vent.

hedgie said...

Good (?) morning..... no cam :(

Don't know where my goodnight post went last night----I posted one, but it must be floating around in cyberspace. Anyway, it wished all a restful night with prayers for wellness. Hope they worked and all are feeling better today.

Thanks, Suzan, for that link. Dwnloaded it----sure hope it helps with my cam dilemmas!

Lori O. said...

Dana -

it's always more difficult to be happy with a cloudy sky and NO birds.

I've been roaming all over the net this morning to get my fix and found I really enjoyed seeing the captive eagles at the Carolina Raptor Center.

Costume Lady said...

I emailed STEVE this morning and this is the reply that I got:

I am out of the office from Mon 12/23/2010 until Mon 01/03/2011.

I will not be able to see and/or respond to email until August 23 or after.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn if that one does not work i will search til we find one that does. It worked for me so i had hope for you!

Costume Lady said...

I don't think the part about Aug.23 was meant to be on there:)

Costume Lady said...

If the batteries ran down after one weekend of use (last week) and it has been on the fritz at least may be a USED camera. Hope we haven't inherited someone else's problems!

Lolly said...

Good morning! My live feed is working. Hope yours is as well!

59 presently and headed up into the 70's today. I find it amusing that my petunia in the planter on the front of the house is still alive and blooming. Jack and I call it "the plant that will not die".

We are heading back to Denton. Today it is Faye's garage that we tackle. Also, we are going in the truck and help move some things to Laurel's. Joey is supposed to be checking on people who handle estate sales. Laurel and I do not want to do a garage sale. There is too much!!! However, Joey is such a procrastinator. Grrrrr!

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Doing nestorations!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now that, my friends, is a sight for sore eyes!

Lolly said...

Glad you are here Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sissy is watching too! :)

Lolly said...

Yea! They are just so wonderful to see!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lib loves his roost, don't he! Love them, love this!!!

hedgie said...

Good to see the live feed and our EAGLES!!!!!

Still cam is still stuck on last evenings blackness.

Lolly said...

One poofed!

hedgie said...

Wanda, Steve DID answer Paula's mail yesterday, so.......maybe she sent it to his private address.

Suzan, I'll let you know if I have better luck with cams!!!! TY!

Lolly said...

Second one back. May have brought in a stick.

hedgie said...

How much you wanna bet that Belle will relocate the stick that Lib just placed? LOL!

hedgie said...

She took off......

Lolly said...

One poofed again!

Lolly said...

Second one back with "stuff" in talons!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Let the fluff begin.

hedgie said...

Oh, now she's ready for grasses....good----much more comfortable than logs!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is great! They are really working in earnest now! Fluff and all!!!

Lolly said...

Another poof! Wow, so happy to see them working!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...