Wednesday, December 08, 2010


New thread.  Got the crane coming in on Friday for the cam install.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon and Thank You Steve for the new thread and the good information about the crane.

All of us miss seeing the eagles and hope that the new cam works well.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


Thanks, Steve. Looking forward to seeing the Liberty-Belle duo again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn - True True
I am just so excited and I can't hide it

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim!

Mema Jo said...

Feet Up.... I exercised real well...

Lynne2 said...

from old blog OH NO!!!!!!!

Blogger Cyrus said...

Hi everyone, Shirley's son Rus here. Mom was at the school this morning, tripped on the sidewalk, fell and hit her head. She will be OK, thank goodness. :)

She broke her nose and got some scrapes on her face. Kathryn just picked her up from the hospital and took her home.

I spoke with her on the phone not too long ago. She's probably home by now. I am at my office in D.C. now but plan on heading down to the 'burg tonight with my fiancee to see her.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010 12:49:00 PM

Lynne2 said...

Poor Shriley! I sure hope she is able to check in later.

Unknown said...

Thanks Lynne, found the new thread. :)

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, how long after Mai eats is she tossing her cookies? Has it been every time recently?

Lynne2 said...

you are welcome Rus....nice to meet you but not under these circumstances for sure.

Lynne2 said...

If you talk to her again before you go there tonight, please give her our love and tell her how sorry we are that she is having a CATTIWAMPUS day!

movin said...

GOOD morning, M. Jo, Lynne2.





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jim!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Golly!
Just checked back after taking care of Emma and paying a bill online.

OH, SHIRLEY! So very sorry that you tripped and fell, especially on your Birthday! What a bummer! Very glad to hear that you will be OK, but golly, what a way to spend your special day! Hope your nose isn't too painful. Hope they gave you something to take for that. Many thanks to Rus for letting us know what happened!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gotta go now. Have some homework to do, and a couple of quick errands. Will be back later to check in. :o]

Lynne2 said...

Well, there is water leaking from under the washer/dryer. UGH. Now I am afraid that the pressure of the water trying to get out and being blocked by ice has damaged something and hopefully NOT my washer. The washer is working just fine. Once the last load is done we'll move it out and see what the problem is. Steve is home early today and I'll bet he'll wish he was still at work!!

movin said...

lUN lun is leaving her baby boy alone more now that he can regulate his body temp better...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


I am back home and in my recliner. I was quite surprised to see that you were talking with Rus.

I'm relaxing with a dose of percocet flowing through my veins.

Kathryn and Will are here with me, and Susan is on the way. And, as you have already been told, it seems that Rus is planning to come down this evening.

I rearranged my teeth. Everything is still there, and they are not loose, but they are definitely not in the same place.

They are trying to get workman's comp for me. I don't know if it will work, but I did trip over an uneven place in the sidewalk.

Also destroyed my glasses. They aren't broken, but they are badly scratched.

I knew it was going to be bad when my face bounced off the sidewalk. I really kissed the concrete.

Didn't expect to spend my birthday morning in an ambulance and the emergency room.

I can tell you that I was very relieved when someone noticed me lying on the ground. It was so cold this morning that my spilled coffee had frozen long before they took me away.

Man, my face is an ugly mess.

My students have scored a movie for today and tomorrow. Thank goodness, my department chair was able to grab the movie right away and she has lessons to go with it, even a quiz.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley! I just can't say how badly I felt when Russ gave us the news! No way in heaven's name should you have received this at anytime let alone your birthday! Sounds as though everyone, family and staff, picked right up for you. You're going to hear it from Hunter- the football hero.
I bet he asks if you were wearing your helmet and tooth guard! Please take care of yourself - it has to feel horrible.. ((hugs))

paula eagleholic said...

Sounding better and better Steve.

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Shirley.....that is NOT the kind of birthday we wished for you! Rus, thanks for letting us know!!!! Our poor, poor momster.....she is going to be so sore......what is it with momsters not being to stay upright???!!!!
Prayers and all well wishes.

hedgie said...

Shirley, if not workers' comp, then the school should have insurance to cover it for accidents on premises.....but if VA WC is like WV, once you are on the property in a work capacity, you are covered. Hope the hospital went ahead and filed it on WC.
You gals with your percs running through your veins are sure going to need eagle canes!!
Glad that the whole family is rallying around---of course, I'm sure that was planned for the b-day anyway! Hope your teeth aren't really misaligned, kiddo!!
Can you call optomotrist and ask them to go ahead and grind you new lenses? Or do you have a spare pair of glasses? Trying to see through scratched ones will only make the headache worse.

magpie said...

I am so very sorry to read of this mishap, Shirley ....hoping the hospital was very thorough examining all your important the ambulance crew had you all immobilized a precaution for spinal injury.
Dear one, prayers for a seamless recovery
(( hugs ♥ )) but none that would make you hurt any more than you are, gentle loving hugs

Special thanks to Cyrus-Rus for getting the news to us, he is a whiz at this bloggy thing !

You and Judie - the perky twins

magpie said...

maybe, just maybe, Shirley you will be home all day Friday and can enjoy watching the upcoming developments with the hoped-for
cam installation

and I know for a fact in my heart that each and every one of your students is going to miss you...

magpie said...

I think I saw a juvenile bald eagle soaring towards the Potomac River earlier today while driving in Morgan County...too bad I had to drive and not see it more carefully

hedgie said...

Lynne, Mai didn't vomit after last nights' meal. This morning it was about 2-3 hrs. after eating. I'm only giving her between 1/3 and 1/2 cup. Feeding instructions say daily total should be 1 2/3 C. She is funny---food-water-food-water.
She did just eat a little kibble about an hour ago, but that's the first this the morning episode (which was digested).

stronghunter said...

Margy, I do expect to be home this week. I am going to have to take it easy for awhile. I am also going to have some appointments. I will have to wait to find out about the workman's comp first, though. I will have to see the physicians they tell me to see.

I have contact lenses I can use. I just prefer the glasses. Those glasses cost about $600.00 because of all of the features I had on them, but it has been at least a year since I got them.

magpie said...

wish we were not so far away from you and Judie, Shirley...

Please get some good rest, or at least try to....and let others help you in every little way...

I am going to take a little panda nap, with some handfuls of prayers too


Judie said...

Good grief! Shirley, when you read this, we are all so very sorry about your fall this morning. Course, I could be cynical and say you, like me, will do anything to chill out with percocet and get out of grading papers.

Seriously, I am truly sorry and hope you will heal quickly. Know you are relieved that the students were taken care of. Please rest and heal.

Please thank Rus for letting us know what happened.

Lynne, I know where you can send a deceased washer -- no one will ever find it.

Going to take my afternoon percocet and get back into bed.

hedgie said...

Jim, SD cub is so cute!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, sounds like just a busted hose!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, WC will cover the glasses, too!!

Margy, where were you when you saw the juvie?? On River Rd.??

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, our poor Shirley! I'm so sorry for what happened to you! Hope the PERCS help!

Lynne2 said...

Oh Shirley you poor thing. I hope the pain meds are working well. Let everyone else take care of YOU for the next few days!

Lynn, strange that so much time goes by between eating and vomiting. Hmmmm. That's a good amount of food she is getting at each sitting. I have never gone by what the bag says...usually WAY too much!

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, what a day you have had. And it's your birthday too. I am soooo very sorry about your fall. But relieved that your injuries are not more serious. Please listen to all dr. orders


NCSuzan said...

Lynne2, hope your leak is easily repaired. There is noting worse than cold weather and a water issue.

Hedgie, poor Mai. I know you will do the best thing for her. Ahhh, the puppy years. It really is like having a small child.

Jo, just two days for your family to arrive? Know you are on pins and needles. Bet they are also!

stronghunter said...

Goodness, I tried use the computer to request a substitute for tomorrow and Friday, and the system wouldn't let me. It has already been done.

The secretary who arranges for substitutes saw me while I was sitting on the sidewalk. I guess she decided that there was no way I was going to be at work this week. Maybe she was told to do it. Anyway, I am taken care of.

hedgie said...

Good, Shirley. One less thing for you to worry about!

Lynne, 1/3 cup doesn't seem like much to me for a 14 l'ber.....?????? Is it?
Foster mom said she put down 3 cups for 6 pups....she didn't really know how much who ate.... :(

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, is she eating it fast? Bet the puppies had a sibling that was a hog and now little Mai doesn't know all the food is for her!

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, That is so nice that your class has been taken care of. One less thing for you to do for a change.

hedgie said...

Suzan, she's not really wolfing it....she takes a few pieces out of the dish and carries them to the carpet and eats them one at a time....then goes back for some more.

Judie said...

Shirley, so happy the substitute was arranged for you. Indeed, one less detail to resolve. I sure hope you and George can snuggle down in the recliner (or bed) and get some rest. Indeed, let others do for you for a few days.

Home alone! I am off in my wheelchair to fill my glass with water then back to bed. Darth should be home in about an hour. Think I'll hit him up for some ice cream.


paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad the sub has already been arranged.

And Happy birthday, one to remember for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

I have been out shopping and am now at famous Dave's getting some catfish for dinner

NCSuzan said...

Maybe it is just some nervousness and excitement. My dog was a casual eater also. Drove me nuts. lol

Costume Lady said...

I found this on my granddaughter's facebook page:

Dear Mr. Pringles, I am no longer a child anymore. I cannot fit my arm inside your tube of deliciouness . Fix that!

That was a few weeks, I found this:

Jillian Wright
Dear Mr. Chapstick, two structure fires less than 12 hours apart in the freezing wind and through it all u were my faithful friend..thank you ...that is all

Remember, she is a volunteer with the Berryville Fire Dept. and drives the ambulance. I had to laugh at the thought of her driving down the road to a fire, eating Pringles and smearing Chapstick on her lips:)
This was my chuckle for the day!

magpie said...

Whoo, Jillian is really getting her sea legs isn't she Wanda !

Bravo for her service to her community !! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

rare event here,
I cooked.

pork chops
sweet potato

apple sauce

turned out pretty nice and I was starving !

magpie said...

but don't panic I didn't cook the milk or the applesauce :)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my dear Shirley...what have you done to that cute little nose?
I do hope the break hasn't changed the looks of it...Oh my gosh, Wanda, how shallow of you!! My bad!
You know we will all still love you even if you do have a crooked nose...why we might even take up a collection to have it fixed!
Seriously, I am relieved it is just a broken nose, even though I'm sure it is painful. Russ's coment started out by telling us that you fell and hit your head...I was expecting him to tell us you had a skull fracture...Thank God it wasn't that.
Prayers from here that you will heal quickly and have plenty of percoset to see you through!;)♥

magpie said...

hope some of you saw the Baby Moon....Loretta saw it when it was infant last night
it has an early bedtime when it is so young
already gone beddy-bye on the East Coast

magpie said...

I was between Fairfax St (which goes to the hospital)
and about 1.5 mi east of the town
and the possible-Eagle was headed west towards the Potomac / Hancock

NatureNut said...

Hooray, Hooray! De Crane, De Crane!!! Thank you Steve!


Evening Everyone. Stopped at Lowes for gift card & ended up w/2 other presents!!May not be on too much tonight. Gotta finish cards.Go to work tomorrow, as have dental appt. Fri. Hope I can do some shopping!

magpie said...

and I do NOT have the entire week off but four days in a row has nearly been heaven

well when one cooks, one has dishes to do

back later

Hoping that the evening is a good one, especially under the circumstances for Judie and Shirley

xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Hey Margy, sweet potatoes here, also...chicken and salad. I could make a meal off of sweet potatoes (baked, that is).
Smoke alarm going off downstairs. Must be smoke going downstairs fireplace from the one up here..MTBR

magpie said...

don't hesitate to call 911 to have it checked out Wanda !

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene says it just needs new batteries and is letting us know...what a smart device!:)

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I think 1/3 of a cup 3x a day is plenty for now. One more feeding won't hurt if she'll eat it. I'm a bit perplexed by why she is vomiting so long after eating, especially is she isn't gulping it all down. Still think stress is a factor. The fact that she moves away from the food bowl with a few pieces at a time is probably what she did when the other pups were around, so she could eat alone! Like Suz said, she doesn't get it yet that it's ALL HERS! I'm sure the vet will make you feel better after she's had her exam and you can talk to him about the food.

Costume Lady said...

Could Baby Mai have worms?

Costume Lady said...

Loretta...too cute with The Crane. We are so excited, aren't we?

NatureNut said...

Just read the part about taking a spill! Hope you feel better and heal up soon!Take those percacets and relax! Prayers for you! ♥

magpie said...

Loretta your avatar is stunning !!

okay Wanda, good news, no fire trucks needed....

magpie said...

sure you all have noticed the BWE is on the fritz too
mention of a possible broken PC cable

NatureNut said...

Wanda, was that the kind of crane you were asking about last night??
Think this one is the more endangered whooping crane that they raise at Patuxent Research Ctr. in Laurel. It's Federal, Dept. of Interior facility. They feed chicks using a big crane glove thru an opening in their enclosure so they won't imprint on people.

NatureNut said...

Margy is today still a day off?
How exciting that you saw an eagle!

NatureNut said...

Gotta eat~~~~

stronghunter said...

My children just sang to me and gave me a birthday cake. It tasted very good.

They told me to sleep sitting up, I think I will sleep in the recliner tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening All Eagle Friends.

First time I have been at laptop all day. Just had 2 days where I am just pooped.

I have sent around a Momster email to all. Of compare a 2006 picture and a 2010 picture both taken during NCTC Open House. Hope you get a kick out of it.

Prayers for those that need them.

I have to get my legs up.

Maybe will be back in if not I will see you all tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Took another pain pill and I'm now zoning out. Rus and Rebecca are supposed to be here at 9:00, but we need to get Hunter settled into bed before they arrive. It would be nice for him to see them, but the child needs to go to bed. He was up too late last night.

Funny thing about the long division last night. I think the main reason Hunter was so frustrated is that it's the first time he has been challenged with a math assignment. He usually just whizzes through his work. He needs to face a few challenges.

stronghunter said...

BBL--Maybe. I am really sleepy.

hedgie said...

That sounds like a good idea, could still have some bleeding and you don't want it going down your throat. Don't blow until you have been bloodless for 8 hrs!!! Glad the cake hit the spot!

I'm with you ,Wanda---baked sweet potatoes can be on my plate any day!! Margy, your dinner sounds good----and you CAN warm applesauce; add some cinnamon and yum!!

Lowreeda, like your crane avatar!! Is that a wishful thinking, hoping kind of good luck thing for Friday???

hedgie said...

Okay, Lynne.....1/3 c servings three times a day until further notice! Yep, Suzan probably did hit that on the head----she had to protect her share!!!
BTW---bm's are fine. Nope, Wanda, no worms. She had the full puppy worming course.

magpie said...

Lynn -
I did warm up the applesauce, and it already had cinnamon in it ☺

My mother used to make THE best applesauce, it was alway pink!
guess that was from the skins.
Back in the Foley Food Mill days....

Best wishes Shirley for all good things....
and the remaining hours of a very unexpectedly memorable birthday !

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, I would still check with the vet since she is not doing this at every meal. She is probably ok, just being a puppy but still better safe than sorry. If they could only talk to us.......

hedgie said...

Judie, got your ice cream yet?? Shirley, did you have any with your cake? I am planning on a bowlful tonight! I/C makes almost anything feel better!

Margy, if I get up to B.S., I'll drive through there, too and see if I get lucky!

hedgie said...

Definitely, Suzan. Her apptmt. is tomorrow afternoon. Bet she will be a bit sluggish tomorrow evening---if the shots act on her the way they did on all my other dogs. Will ask him about the aspirin though. Don't want the baby to hurt or run a fever.

Margy, sorry your time off has run out. Back to the salt mines. :(

Wanda, Jillian is very insightful!

Judie said...

What a banner day! Shirley's on drugs, Margy cooked, applesauce is now pink, and Wanda & Gene have sparks flying.

Hi Dana. Nice OH pictures. Enjoyed. I'll get to the email question as soon as I can.

Slept through the baby moon. Will try to look out tonight before sleep.

I'm joining Shirley. Going to take my drug and try to sleep.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams.

Judie said...

Oh, just turned the light back on to do a Margy -- yes, I did have ice cream, chocolate.

Good night everyone. Light going off.

hedgie said...

Judie, moonie is already gone! Sleep tight!!!

Jo, are you watching Criminal Minds? Is it the security guard??

hedgie said...

My applesauce was pink, too, when I made it with a sieve contraption (skins on while cooking). Otherwise, peeled apples did not , so yes, it is the red skins!!!
Of course, I remember my Grams using Cinnamon Red Hots in applesauce sometimes---was that ever good!!! And RED!

magpie said...

Oh, Ice Cream....
I had to stop buying it, was consuming too many sugar grams...but I think I could really use some, soon !

oh, having to watch the clock now because the Night Bandit is lurking and with work looming I have to pay heed

Jo: At the Country Inn at Berkeley Springs, two life-size Nutcracker soldiers standing guard at the entrance...will work on getting a good photograph, they are stunning !

think I will sign off now,
and say Best wishes and prayers for all good things, especially, healing and serenity

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

oh see that last post,, cinnamon red hots that sounds really good...

the sieve thing, is what I was referring to as Foley Food Mill...

ok, done pulling a "Judie"
Good Night, All

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy. Never heard of a Foley Food Mill. Mine was shaped like a pan with a strainer in the bottom and a turn-crank and blade that kind of just mushed the apples!! Is that what yours was??

Just finished my bath. Mai will be awake shortly and ready to go out. Hopefully she will be less playful and ready to go back to sleep by the time the news is over.

Don't know what has happened to Jo.....hope her excitement hasn't gotten the best of her!!

Rest well, all.....and healing for all afflicted. Everyone----please be careful!!! Watch where you walk! And bundle up----coldest night yet ahead tonight hereabouts---teens!!! See y'all in the AM.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad you enjoyed the cake! Did you get to see Russ and Rebecca?

Lolly said...

OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh Noooooooo! Mr Bill! Shirley, Shirley, Shirley! You just got jealous of Judie getting all the percs. Is that it?

Seriously, I am sooo sorry. I could not believe it when I saw Rus' post. What a way to celebrate you birthday!

Mema Jo said...

I did watch Criminal Minds and then
Law & Order Special Victims Unit.. Both were very good.

We had picked up Alexis from the School bus at 3:00 and brought her up here for the evening--- That's were I got lost! Play time....... lol

I realize that when I wake up in the morning I will be able to say ONE MORE TIME... that's why I am going
to bed now.

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Night, all.

Gentle Hugs to all ♥

PA Nana said...

Hello everyone and goodnight.
Happy birthday Shirley! Sorry you had to take that path to a day off. Heal fast.
God bless.

stronghunter said...

Rus and Rebecca left a little while ago. It was a very late visit. They are trying to rent a room and had to show it to someone this evening. They still had on their work clothes. They'll be very tired by the time they get home.

Susan has headed back, too. She has homework to do for a class that meets tomorrow.

I'm getting an ugly black eye now. I think I might have two by tomorrow.

Lolly said...

The day went well. The service was nice, the meal following was very good. Then went back to the house and I helped Laurel put food away, as they sent tons of food home with her.

Well, I just woke up! LOL, not only did I fall asleep but fell asleep with a post typed but not posted.

NCSuzan said...

Dear Lynne2 and Shirley! I was trying to load another pic on my site when i saw your comments. Yes, that nest is in Edgecombe co. Before we moved here it was maybe 20 minutes away now it is about 1 1/2 hours away. There is an Eagle in the nest but she is hard to see. The nest is very close to the road and easy to see if driving by. When going home and we go through Tyrrell co.(to DARE co.) there is an eagle there and several times has flown low over the highway in front of my daughter. Seeing one "in person" changed it for was love!

Costume Lady said...

I have done that too, Lolly, only didn't fall asleep...just walked away without sending post. By the time I realized what I had done, always too late to send...the subject was closed and chatter was about something else:)
Glad the day went time for family to heal.

Shirley, sorry about the black eyes, but that was inevitable...just wear you sunglasses if you have to go out. Also, make-up can do wonders. Try a concealer. Sleep well((Hugs))


Lolly said...

Shirley, I fell at school one time. It was after school, Jack had stopped by to help me load some stuff into the car. We were leaving, walking down the hall, when I slipped. I pitched forward and hit my head on the edge on an open door. OMG! It was awful...blood every where! Jack ran and got a cloth and ice. I sat there and called the first grade teachers. They were in their rooms working, Had no idea I had fallen, I said I needed help, they looked out of their rooms and panicked! Jack took me to the hospital where I got stitches. Neeless to say I looked awful the next day. I had a beautiful blackeye! School paid for all!

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, glad the service was nice. Hope there was some healing for those that were grieving. that is a terrible story about you fall. Hitting your head on a door? Glad your injuries were not worse. Hope you are able to get back to sleep. You are overtireed I bet.

Lolly said...

Headed to a hot shower and bed. I think I shall fall asleep fast!

Lynn, in answer to a much earlier post. Yes, it is hard for them to be working so hard on Fayes house. It is just that Letha is from N. Carolina and will be leaving this weekend. Anything that is not done now will be left to Laurel and Joey. Too, too, too much for them to deal with alone. As it is, I will probably be helping Laurel the week after Christmas. Will and Christy will be leaving tomorrow and they are doing nothing to help go through stuff.

Okay, off to bed. Night all! Sweet dreams! Prayers for all on percocet and those who are not but wish they were! :) (((hugs)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here kind of late tonight. Have just been outside and back with Emma. She is so supercharged today, it is just a hoot! Wish I could bottle and sell that puppy energy--I'd be a millionaire!

Hope Mai is doing better with the upchucking issue. Gosh, Emma weighed 8# 2 oz. on last Saturday at the vet's, and she downs nearly 3/4 cup of food, 3 to 4 times a day! She drinks a LOT of water, but don't give her any from 1 hour before to 1 hour after a meal. That kibble expands a lot when it soaks up water. She also eats a broken-up dog cookie in the afternoon, before dinnertime. She's beginning to sound like a real little piggy! She has grown noticeably taller in the last week, though, and she has filled out nicely. When we first got her you could feel her ribs a little more than you should have. She is definitely not fat, but feels just right to me now. I simply cannot believe how frisky she is! As much and as fast as she runs around in circles, it's a wonder she's gained any weight at all!

Ms Bookworm said...

The vet says I have to wait until she's 16 weeks old to take her to a dog park or to the hiking trails, where she will be exposed to all kinds of dogs. That gives the vaccinations time to protect her. But boy, just wait! I'll either be in the best shape of my life, or I'll keel over of exhaustion trying to keep up with her! Here's a new picture I took tonight while she was playing in Hubby's lap.

Ms Bookworm said...

I imagine you are in dreamland now, but am sending a very careful ((HUG)) your way. So sorry you are developing a black eye (hopefully not two!). Am mightily impressed by the way the school has stepped in and taken care of a substitute for you, and everything. Just rest up and keep taking those pain meds, and hopefully you will mend quickly! Many prayers being said for you from this roost!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks to Judie, the night light is on. It sure comes in handy when Emma has to go! I'm making sure the porch light is on. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sweet dreams, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning
Eagle Friends

temperatures in the teens here, no wind, hence...vehicle windows all frosted up

nice new picture of Emma on your avatar, Andy

we could all use some of that puppy energy these days for sure

just remember, the black eye/s might be ugly, but NOT YOU !

Hope you are feeling okay this morning when you are up and about

thanks for the day's report, hope that the days to come will go okay for everyone


magpie said...

our Momster Candy and Jim are in Dare County!

magpie said...

and a Big
Happy Birthday to our Momster Cindi in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia ! xo ♥

Hope it is a wonderful day from start to finish, Cindi

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, Cindi.

stronghunter said...

Got to organize a lesson plan for today. Be back soon.

magpie said...

Hope that lesson planning goes okay, Shirley...
and I hope there are many happy naps in your future today

Best wishes for a good day, everyone

headed out to work now, once the windshield gets defrosted and scraped

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Lesson plans are done. I am now going to relax for awhile.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! I think I have been transported to the was 12.6 out there when I walke the dogs at 7:30! 12.9 now. Yesterday, it only got to 33 and that was for about an hour and half. Looking forward to the big 45 on's going to feel WONDERFUL!

Happy Birthday to our Cindi!

Shirley, how are you feeling this morning? Did you get much rest last night?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, anxious to hear how Mai is doing with the eating and hopefully lack of vomiting since yesterday. Hopefully she is keeping it down and you can increase the amount each time by a little, or add on additional feeding. She'll need more food as she is growing, but yurping it back up isn't going to help! I still think stress. But you'll be seeing the vet today so I'm sure he recommend some things.

Lynne2 said...

I saw a pair of hawks on our walk this morning. They were flying right at eye level on the other side of a stand of trees, so I am not sure if they were Red Tail or Red Shoulder because I just couldn't get a good look. I haven't heard the Red Shoulder, or see him, in several days. Also had a small flock of Robins yesterday. Bet they wish they were much further south this morning! Although it's pretty cold there, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning on this cold Thursday to ALL my Eagles Friends.

Mema Jo only 1 more day!!!!!!!!
I am so so happy for you.

I have to go read comments.

I'm just took my pills and having my coffee.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lord I start out reading comments only to find Shirley fell yesterday at school hit her head and broke her nose. Shirley I am so very sorry (tears).
I pray you will heal very soon and that they gave you something for pain. I am just so very hurt that
you was hurt.

I will go back to read comments. I hope I don't read anymore bad things have happened.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Happy Birthday, Cindi! Enjoy every moment.

Shirley, nice you got your lesson plans finished and can rest today. Please take it easy. Not to worry about the black eye(s) -- mine were lovely!

Margy, have a quiet day at work.

Good morning, Suzan.

Andy, enjoy the fun with Emma. At least it isn't really cold like it is for Lynne and and Lynn2 taking their pups out.

Lolly, help as you can but don't neglect yourself, please. Your Joseph and Jacob need you happy and healthy.

Good morning, Jo. One more wake-up before the joyous reunion begins. Yippee!

Well, I think I am headed back to the bed for a little while. Then need to begin more grading.

wvgal_dana said...

Now I find Lynne has a leak. Maybe a frozen pipe burst. I am glad Steve is home. Maybe he wished he wasn't but I am for this problem.
Will find out more as I read.

I am almost afraid to read this blog.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Dana, Hi Judie!

Dana, not sure what happened but the water looked to be coming in behind the dryer from under the floor or possibly from the leak we discovered in the cold water pipe behind the washer that just pooled behind the dryer. MTBR. Landlord did not come to check on it last night. The plumbing and fittings are very old. May need to be replace now.

I know what you mean about being afraid to look at the blob, I'm getting the same feeling! You know that saying about things happening in Three's......hopefully that won't hold true here and no one else will fall down and go boom!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim for the information about our baby panda. I call him "Ling Ling" for right now. He is being left alone a lot more you said.

Oh Shirley is on telling about her fall.
Yes that definately was no way to spend your Birthday Shirley. When I sent the card I didn't mean for you to have that kind of day!!! Oh my your teeth and your glasses also. I feel so terrible for you.
No a ride is an ambulance is not a "special birthday surprise" I wanted as a Birthday present
for you. I hope the pain medicine helps.
So glad that Kathryn, Will, Susan, and Russ is on his way. Your children care so much about you. I am glad Russ came on and told us. Tell him thank you. Saying special Prayers for you shirley.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley glad they already at school took care of a sub for you. I hope the school insurance will
pay for your glasses and anything else you need. Let the kids help you at home. You REST!!!
Praying you get WC.

Hedgie-Lynn hope Mai's tummy gets straightened out.
Oh like babies those puppy years.

I see Judie is getting in and out of that wheelchair pretty good. At least it sounds like it. Yes Judie hope you got your ice cream last night. Hope you are feeling
better too. Keeping you in prayers also.

Wanda sounds like Jillian found her calling. Love what she wrote on facebook you told us about. Sure
gives one a chuckle.

Margy glad you got to see an eagle. All I seem to see when driving at tv's.

Loretta for you denal appoointment today. Norma would tell you to just "pinch your arm" lol

hedgie said...

Morning all! Sure is a cold one. Brrrr.


Shirley, hope you were able to get back to sleep after you did the lesson plan. Sorry about the bruising, but that can almost always be counted on when glasses are on a face!!

Jo, hope you can sleep in tomorrow to rest up for the evening festivities! Hope today passes fast for you!

Andy, great pic of Emma!! She's a beauty!

Lynne, Suzan and Andy: Mai seems to be doing okay. No more vomiting, eating her food okay now....keeping fingers crossed!!

Lolly, glad that the memorial went well. Didn't realize that Letha lived all the way back here!

Gotta go put more wood on the fire....neverending job now!

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning!
One more wake up - I am starting to get more and more anxious as each hour passes. Christine said this on FB as to their time 6 hrs ago: Less than 24 hours and we will be on the way to the airport. Guess I better get those last min things done, which would require a shower.

Now My Red Friday will be complete when that crane comes rolling up to the sycamore. Love you avatar Loretta

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy birthday Momster
Cindi ! Wishing you a special day and a good year ahead ♪♪♫♪♪

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Snow-flurrying here, in full sun. Looks like diamonds floating in the air! Mai is still asleep....WOW! I should have gone back to bed!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...