Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Another cold windy day.  New thread.


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magpie said...

and not one blog post too soon!

Yes Wanda I can make it...or have someone take me....

my collection is mostly Mooses...

Wanda, I will package up those glass and porcelain shoes for when Jillian has room to display them...

magpie said...

glad to read that Lynne is starting to come out of the sick woods...but watch out for relapses!
We're going to hound you, Lynne !

still no word for Dana....

Costume Lady said...

LOL...I vook, but I don't bake!
Capt. Gene just got home, really dragging tail;) Brought home a beautiful country ham, all cooked, sliced and broth saved for me to make something fabulous with! Where are the fresh green beans? Maybe ham and dumplings? Not for a while, doing a turkey tomorrow
Ham...$56.00, Oh my, Mr. Bill...don't know how much Capt. Gene was paid, but he will tell me when he winds down!

magpie said...

love the birthstone and jewelry reports

JO, busy busy busy...

Great to hear from Red, and hope to see Crunch Bob sneak in too before Christmas

magpie said...

almost glad I am scheduled to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...folks are getting sick at the office, at least I can't get called in, I will already BE there

sounds good Wanda...except that the Captain is probably slam wore out !

magpie said...

I have packaged up many things over the years, have lots of packing material, and transfile and other boxes, Wanda
this is a serious offer !

magpie said...

oh cats...would love to have one or two someday
but my first case of bronchitis came from exposure to my "brand new" somewhat long-haired cat....
haven't owned one since :(
and had to give that one away

magpie said...

Hoping that the deluge subsides in California for Jim and Andrea...
AND, that we don't get a big snowfall Sunday and Monday...those are my days off and I sort of had, what you call...plans

but nothing to do to change these things

ttfn have to do some things here
More Christmas cards!

magpie said...

I would also love to have a dog.

Lynne2 said...

I am done vooking and eating and I must say, I am SMOKIN' throught Jeopardy this evening....WOO HOO!

paula eagleholic said...

I vook and bake....when I feel like it!

Great joke, Darth! Hugs to you and Judie.

Heading up to friends this evening for a drink and some hor de'voures...did I spell that right?

nope it's Hors d'œuvre

hedgie said...

I hope I smoke thru' it, too, Lynne-----comes on at 7:30 on DC station.

Lolly said...

No, SBs here. Thank goodness, do not want to vook with sb's!

Woo woo! They are saying the rain in Calif. is headed this way. I told Andy to bottle it....apparently she did!

Lolly said...

We get the rain and then it hits you, but turns "white" for you. Sorry!

Lolly said...

Just call it "orders", Paula. That covers it! LOL Thanks to Jacob for helping us pronounce it, LOL

stronghunter said...

Wheel of Fortune on right now. Jeopardy is at 7:30.

Lynne2 said...

well, I pretty much bombed on Double Jeopardy....

Lolly said...

Need to get up and thaw some pork chops for Jack to grill, but I had a glass of wine and I am so totally relaxed! Nope, going to get up. Need to move. Need to vook dinner!

hedgie said...

Hi Margy! Bye Paula!
Wanda, hope that ham is extra-special good!!!!!
Time for Jeopardy here. BBL.

NatureNut said...

For those experiencing eagle deprivation, get some kicks & a fix on my blogspot ;>D

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Eagle Friends

Looks like I have a lot of comments to catch up on.

Daughter will call when she lands in Colorado or when she gets at her house.

What a wonderful time of doing things together. I seen her smiling face and hugged her. I needed to hear the sound of her voice and see her face at the same time in person. What a joy, oh what precious, precious feelings I have to carry inside of me.

I'll have to try and catch up little by little. Praying I will find everyone doing well. As I read the blog.

I will tell you she had her ski coat and they about "FROZE HERE"!!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula that sounds like a fun time you'll be having or are having by now.

wvgal_dana said...

Last night went to the Festival of Light off of I270. Paula had told me about them and I believe she went there last year.

Glad my daughter has that GPS type thing on her phone. No problems. It was fun. Paula we brought the crazy glasses to look through. lol They about drove me bonkers. You put them on and look at the Christmas Lights during the drive through.

Afterwards before getting back onto I-70 she found a Cracker Barrel. Mema Jo I got the Sampler. I wanted to try that meat loaf you are always talking about. Food was YUMMY!!!

hedgie said...

I did pretty good, too, Lynne!
But sure had to fight to stay awake!! I swear my sofa has the opposite of catnip in it!!

magpie said...

wonderful to hear from you Dana.... glad that you and your daughter and her friends, had such lovely times

hedgie said...

Glad you had a great visit, Dana!! Pics, please!!!! We still have never seen one of Rashida!!!

hedgie said...

Thank you, Loretta.....beautiful! We are living vicariously through you this month! And Glo, before she left!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Checking back in here with a rainfall report. On the news tonight they said that Anaheim has gotten 8.03 inches of rainfall since last Thursday! It's NOT raining here right now, believe it or not! Supposed to dry up a bit now, but more is expected to hit us on late Friday and the weekend. Seriously going to look for a raincoat for Emma, so she doesn't get too wet. She is not fond of the hair dryer. Will have to gradually get her used to it, though. She will need a bath once in a while, and it's no fun to have a battle over it.

Hubby has gone to get his hair cut, and to a Dr. appt. with the podiatrist. He has bone spurs on his foot, on the outside of his little toes where they attach to your foot. That joint is SO painful at times, he can't stand to put a shoe on. Last doctor he saw for it said it was "just a corn." The podiatrist he had when we were covered by different insurance said "bone spurs." Wanted to do surgery. I personally think that the "bean counters" with our current insurance are involved, and don't want him to have surgery. MTBR.

Well, better go feed Emma her dinner.
Will be back later to say goodnight.

Need to figure out what to vook for dinner, too, before Hubby gets home.

Dana, so incredibly happy for you! It's wonderful to have such warm memories, isn't it?!

Darth, ROFLMBO!! Love the bear joke!
Thanks for taking such good care of our Judie! (((HUGS))) to both of you!
Please tell Judie how much we love and miss her!

Wanda, we are ordering a Honey-Baked ham for Christmas Day. I agree with you--YUM!!!

Lynne, PLEASE take care, and don't overdo, no matter WHAT the doctor says! My Hubby has gone through countless relapses by trying to resume his normal schedule too soon!
Hope that Steve is better--he had better not overdo, either!

Well, better run. Emma will be hungry! BBL. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Checking back in here with a rainfall report. On the news tonight they said that Anaheim has gotten 8.03 inches of rainfall since last Thursday! It's NOT raining here right now, believe it or not! Supposed to dry up a bit now, but more is expected to hit us on late Friday and the weekend. Seriously going to look for a raincoat for Emma, so she doesn't get too wet. She is not fond of the hair dryer. Will have to gradually get her used to it, though. She will need a bath once in a while, and it's no fun to have a battle over it.

Hubby has gone to get his hair cut, and to a Dr. appt. with the podiatrist. He has bone spurs on his foot, on the outside of his little toes where they attach to your foot. That joint is SO painful at times, he can't stand to put a shoe on. Last doctor he saw for it said it was "just a corn." The podiatrist he had when we were covered by different insurance said "bone spurs." Wanted to do surgery. I personally think that the "bean counters" with our current insurance are involved, and don't want him to have surgery. MTBR.

Well, better go feed Emma her dinner.
Will be back later to say goodnight.

Need to figure out what to vook for dinner, too, before Hubby gets home.

Dana, so incredibly happy for you! It's wonderful to have such warm memories, isn't it?!

Darth, ROFLMBO!! Love the bear joke!
Thanks for taking such good care of our Judie! (((HUGS))) to both of you!
Please tell Judie how much we love and miss her!

Wanda, we are ordering a Honey-Baked ham for Christmas Day. I agree with you--YUM!!!

Lynne, PLEASE take care, and don't overdo, no matter WHAT the doctor says! My Hubby has gone through countless relapses by trying to resume his normal schedule too soon!
Hope that Steve is better--he had better not overdo, either!

Well, better run. Emma will be hungry! BBL. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

I'll have pictures but heaven knows when I'll get to them.

My daughter noticed as I did. Little Man wet in the house. He doesn't do that. She felt he might have an infection or being old might be having urinary incontinence. Called vet had to catch pee sample. Took it in today they said they would call me tomorrow. Just got off I-81 at my exit and Vet called he has a urinary infection. Made the turn right back onto I-81 and picked up the 10 day meds. Then Jan 3rd I do another catch pee sample. If that shows clear good. Next step is since when he had his teeth cleaned. His kidney enzymes were up. She wants to do another one of those blood workups. So we will do as Vet says and take it by her instructions.

wvgal_dana said...

tee hee Andy with a double print comment that means you had 16.06" of rain LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn hope your knee is better.
Do you think you aggravatived
it by going up and down. For
wood stove? Glad to hear Mai
is doing well on the leash.

Lynne and Steve still are not over that yet. If they are near over. Like you all say "don't ovder do".

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Yes I must tell you all. We went again down by the river. Egret was fishing. Lots of water NOT FROZEN.

Daughter spotted some minnows up on the edge on ice. She went over and of course had to save them. She couldn't let them die on the ice near the edge of the river. "Go little fishy go" lol

Lynne2 said...

Glad the rain has stopped, for now, Andy! Hope hubby's feet can be relieved.

Dana, so glad to hear from you. Sorry about LMs UTI, but the antibiotics will clear it up in no time. Sounds like you had a GREAT time with your daughter...look forward to pictures!

Lynn, your sofa must be stuffed with catNAP!

wvgal_dana said...

Good to read Christine and them got their housing assignment. That takes a load of worry off.

Glo and Dex are in Georgia. Watch Dex catch himself a "Georgia peach". hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

If I win the lottery I'm paying for my girl to not have a College bill to pay off. If she gets in this spring.

Then I have lots of Eagle Friends that need things. Plus other people and some wildlife and dogs and cats. Including a shelter where "families can stay together".

wvgal_dana said...

Why do you all thing Lynn's sofa is stuffed with catnip?

wvgal_dana said...

Andy sorry your not getting a holiday break. Yuck dead rat..yea be glad it was cold up there...no sniff sniff.

Lynne and Steve you two have to not kiss until you get rid of this. You are just shifting it from one to the other and back again. NOT STOP THAT!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

The Aquarium was great!!!! We have a blast at the dolphin show. No did not go near the lower level. Daughter and her boyfriend was great about the wheel chair. He was so very polite and nice. I like him a good talker. Not you ask a question and answer yes and end of talk.
When I had called they said when it closed but said if you are in here by five you can stay till 6pm. Someone on that end of phone was "WRONG". Security had to get us out of there LOL and then he got himself and us lost ....we cracked up.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Ceil that Octopus was awesome!!!

There was a lady explaining the body of the octopus. How they mate and what they mate with. She had the knowledge that is for sure. It was truley NEAT! PINK

Lynne2 said...

aw shucks, guess I'll have to take down the mistletoe!

Dana, years ago I took a continuing ed course for Vet Assistant. We got a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium. I got to hold an octopus! It was a pink one also!

wvgal_dana said...

Then from the Aquarium they pushed me (we were freezing) but still having fun. Pushed me all the way down to where all the shops use to be. Sad they are changing all that. The shops before inside where they make the fudge was real nice. Almost empty in there now.

So were traveled back by "flying wheelchair" to the Cheesecake Factory. That is where we ate. All those cheesecakes. No took food home plus our entire big slice of cheesecake.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh neat Lynne the last one she said was a "white one". They don't live that long. If I remember she said 5 years. Does that sound right to anyone?

BEagle said...

Hello Folks.

Lynne and Steve can kiss if only to share a cough drop.

DARTH. The "Out of the Mouth of Babes" article was a big hit. My Bible study laughed hard and long on that one. Thank you.

My son and I will celebrate Christmas next week. I will still vook on the 25th though.

Lynne2 said...

Careful you aren't vooking with stinkbugs BEagle!

Heading for the hot shower and some hot chocolate...for medicinal purposes, of course.

wvgal_dana said...

The male dies after mating.
Then the female dies around the time the eggs hatch....that seems awlful sad for both of them.

BEagle said...

I have an interview for a better position next week. That is why I was writing the other evening.

Putting my work experience on paper is migrainiful.

Hopefully it will communicate well what I am able to do.

WOW. That porch picture is awesome Bookworm. Sheeezzz.

BEagle said...

The SBs might add a nice flavor to stuffing!

wvgal_dana said...

I is going to the recliner. Will be in tomorrow to try and catch up more.

Prayers for those that need them which sounds like quite a few!!!

Prayers for anyones animal that may be sick.


BEagle said...

Milk causes mucus in the system. It's not so bad making hot cocoa with CoffeeMate.

hedgie said...

Dana, went through that with Cinnamon, too, a couple of years ago. Her labs were okay except for the infection. But diminishing kidney function is not unusual in older pets. Hope Little Man responds well to the a/b's.

Andy is stuttering!
Just saw a video clip from son of my BFF in Highlands, CA----mudslide on street behind theirs.....what a mess! Ugly, slimy stuff looks like lava!

BEagle said...

Fenugrek tea will clear mucus out of the system.

wvgal_dana said...

I can see why my daughter was freezing: I'll take the below written Colorado temps

Martinsburg TEMPS
Tonight 22
Tomorrow Us 36 Partly sunny and windy lo 20
Friday 24th 35 Times of clouds and sun lo 20
Sat. 25th 33 Some sun, then clouds COLD lo 20
Sun 26th 32 Mostly cloudy, snow possible lo 18


Tonight 22 Denver
Tomorrow Denver 43 showers of rain and snow lo 22
Friday 24th 44 Brilliant Sunshine lo 22
Sat 25th 49 Abundant sunshine lo 25
Sun 26th 50 Partly sunny and mild lo 23

wvgal_dana said...

^j^ ^j^ Angles On All Your Pillows

magpie said...

Good luck with your job prospect, BEagle....
migrainiful...good word !

I have not had many dairy products for the last week...but I need the calcium!
But not the extra mucus...
but now I can finally start thinking about yogurt, milk, and Ice Cream ! Cold is disappearing, thank goodness and thanks for all of you prayers and well wishes, friends.

magpie said...

Great reporting, Dana, sounds like a wonderful visit you have had

Best wishes for Little Man's recovery

magpie said...

daggone the cold winter wind has picked up big time hereabouts

bbl time for food

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Just wanted to stop by and catch up.

Max, Teresa & Mike left this am and it's now quiet. He is so funny and loves his pop pop. He was a bit cranky at the dinner last evening, but all in all we had a good time. We got to exchange gifts and all our kids were here at one time - a very unusual event.

Loved the bear story Darth. LOL
Love & prayers for Judie's recovery.

Dana, what a wonderful visit for you.

Lolly I'm looking for a good vook. Are you available?

Santa, are you on here? All I want for Christmas is to see our eagles back home.

Loretta, until the above happens thanks for the "fix" with your pix.

Wow! It's windy out there! Guess I have lotsa pain 'cuz there's bad weather on the horizon. Yikes! Maybe, just maybe Lynn, we'll see some of that s@#%. You know, that 4-letter bad word. Hope not!

Prayers for all needs and wants.
Goodnight for now. God bless!

magpie said...

'Night, Diann...happy to hear of your happy family time

prayers that you will feel more comfortable in the morning

Just realized that I am realllllly tired, think I will turn in now, and get up a little earlier in the morning to do a few more cards

Good Night friends...hope all is well in all our Eagle Corners

Thanks Darth for checking in!
Your posts are precious !
Love to you and Judie both...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

BEagle, good luck on the job application! Hope you get what you want! What kind of work do you do?

Diann, so glad you had an early Christmas with the whole family!
Now you can chill out!

Dana, glad the aquarium was a worthwhile trip. Ceil had said that the female octopus died a couple of weeks ago. Short life span for sure. Can't remember what she said her name was.

Margy, glad you feel better. Just hope you don't relapse in the germ factory!!!

hedgie said...

Yep, BEagle you are right.....milk products seem to make the mucous SO thick and it just clings to the throat! Yuck!

BEagle said...

Hi Magpie.

When I get stuffy I try to pull back on my milk products. Yogurt and kefir are good for you with their good bacteria. Lot of water and fenugrek tea and psyllium colon cleanser.

Clears a lot of gunk out so the system can heal.

Watch the fenugrek tea though. It's an aphrodisiac. : )

BEagle said...

I sure like to drink milk with hot wings.

....and a chocolate peanut butter brownie.

BEagle said...

Nice letter to Santa Nana!!!

BEagle said...

Thanks for the well wishes on a new job prospect. I need a change in scenery as well as a new challenge.

More $ (ding ding)

stronghunter said...

Good night. God bless. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Rus just called to tell me that he's at the negotiating point on a new job offer.

stronghunter said...

The HR lady at work e-mailed to report that the sidewalk is fixed and she wanted me to see if it's okay. I responded that I would look at it, but I am just a sidewalk victim, not an expert.

They've ground down sections so that it looks even now--in several places. That looks okay to me.

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching TV for the past hour. I am really exhausted from all the running. BUT I sure had a great time.

I'm not going to last as late as I normally do..

Good Night and Prayers for all
Dana you sure should have great memories!
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Bills paid for 1st of month... :( Hate that job!

Mai is settled down---for first half of night, at least!

Wind is fierce....reminds me of a nursery poem:
The North wind doth blow and we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then, poor thing?
He'll sit in a barn and keep himself warm
and hide his head under his wing, poor thing.

WHo saw a robin recently?? Lynne?

Lolly said...

I may have all my cards addressed. Wahoo!

Sorry, this vook is vooked out and not available!

You know what.......I MISS JUDIE!! Judie, we love you and miss you! Hurry up and come back! You can moan and groan all you want!

I really really think I have only one more present to wrap. It is a biggie and I am waiting for Laurel to help. I mean a really really biggie for Jack.

Lolly said...

I don't know about that, Shirley. I consider you an expert. You did examine it at very close range.

Judie said...

Hi, Darth here:

CAN YOU BEAR IT? A minister, tired of tending to the needs and demands of his flock Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, decided to "play hooky". One Sunday he loaded his squirrel rifle and headed out on a hike. He intended to walk through the woods totally alone, and just plink at any squirrels that might present themselves.

Towards late afternoon, the preacher was walking back home along an old logging road. He had long since exhausted his ammunition and had incidently not hit one squirrel. He was feeling relaxed and refreshed. On turning a corner, however, he came face to face with one very large bear. This bear was huge, and he was eyeing the preacher as if he were one bear size bite.

The preacher dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "Oh Lord!", he said, "have mercy on me, a sinner. I have done wrong. But if I could ask just one thing of you, Lord: Lord, please make this bear a Christian!"

"I know", he continued, in his best hellfire voice, "that I was wrong to abandon my flock today. To think ill of those you have put in my charge. But please Lord: make this bear a Christian!"

At this point the preacher hears an strange thump. He lifts his eyes to see the mighty bear on HIS knees in the dirt. His massive paws came together in prayerful attitude, and the great beast bowed his head. Then the bear spoke: "Oh Lord: bless this meal we are about to receive............."

Darth gone.

NatureNut said...

Gotta go downstairs to see TV news!It's usually called a rec room, but upstairs are the wreck rooms!!
Decorated mantle for 1st time w/lighted garland, & greens and holly are in the little mirror box.
Kitties loved the garland!!! Hope they can't touch it now that it's up.Tomorrow I might have to get a couple things at grocery & then I will vook!!

So, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Do ya wanna hear a real ewwie stink bug story? I took out my contacts and put them in this contraption that you then put into a small medicine like vial with solution. Of course, I hadn't put my glasses on yet. So I started to fill up the vial with solution. There was a stink bug in the vial! Scared the crap outta me! EEEWWW!

I flushed the little b-----d.

paula eagleholic said...

ROFL....good one Darth!

hedgie said...

Oh, Darth! Another good groaner!! Thanks for entertaining us in Judie's absence. And please give her a big hug from us!!!
We might have to start calling you Bear instead of Darth!!!

Loretta, did you get the new TV all set-up??? Isn't it funny how some men just can't figure out such things??!!

Saying my goodnights now, too. Prayers for all....and peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, glad you had such a great time at the aquarium and the Christmas light show. They didn't have the glasses when I went. Are you talking about 3d glasses?

Speaking of dogs and AB, I have to put Nugz on one...had crytals in urine and elevated liver levels...need AB for 3 weeks and then a recheck.

Vet wanted to make sure he was getting enough water, I told her emphatically yes. But maybe he didn't get enough when he stayed at the vets 2 weeks ago, he raced for the water bowl as soon as he got home...

Had nice wine and "order" tonight, gotta get stuff done tomorrow night...heading to ex MIL for Christmas eve with John and kids.

Packing it in for tonight, see ya;ll tomorrow.

and Diane, I agree, I want Santa to bring us our eagles

Hugs to all ♥

BEagle said...

All good Christians bears say grace!
Hah Hah Hah ho de ho de ho. Very good. Thanks Darth.

With a smile I say goodnight.
Prayers for all you all.

BEagle said...

What split. I don't want to miss a split!!!!!

BEagle said...

Did I do the split?????

BEagle said...

I can't tell. I am getting lost.

Lolly said...

Groannnnnnnnnnnnn! Darth has been hitting the eggnog! LOL

Glad you had good orders, Paula! :)

I want to wish everyone a very happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve! I am heading to the shower and then bed.

Nite all! May sugar plums dance in your heads! :)

BEagle said...


Nite Nite

PA Nana said...

Nite BEagle & Lolly.
And Paula, if you're still here.

Maybe tomorrow?

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I do recall you making it to GG's last winter when we couldn't get out of our diveway. You waded in snow up to your knees, bless your heart!
Thanks for the offer of packing up my baby shoes...I do believe I will store them in GG's basement. A few more boxes won't matter:)

Gene bought $78 worth of groceries, including the ham and Arnie didn't charge for them AND gave him some cash! It was a good deal for both Gene and Arnie!

I'm happy for Dana and the great time she had with her daughter. The festival of lights sounded like fun, with 3D glasses:)

I do believe I got all my cards and GG's addressed and all but 2 put in the mail today. I ran out of stamps, so those two cards will be late:(
Gifts all wrapped and sitting around our little 4ft tree. I am a happy camper. Now, all I have to do is vook a turkey:)

Darth, thanks for the chuckles. We all love a good joke on here!
Hugs for you and what's her name!


Lynne2 said...

well, konked out early, now wide awake!

Really windy outside now. Cam still not working, of course.

Shirley, how nice they asked your opinion on the sidewalk, and glad they got it fixed! Hope the negotiations for Rus go well!

BEagle, good luck on your inteview! How exciting...what kind of work is it?

DARTH.....UGH!!!!!! Our funny man!

Diann, so glad you had such a great time with the family! Bet Max was a true joy to have! Any pictures?

Lynn, yes, I had robins! Like that poem! I had my "croupy baby" shower and it was wonderful!! They are the best part of my days here lately! I had croup when I was very young. I "lived" in makeshift tent of sheets completely covering my bed and a little table with a vaporizer! I don't remember about being sick, but I remember my special tent bed!

Paula, OMG, how AWFUL about the STINKBUG!!!! It's shameless how they show up in the most crazy places like that! First your shoe, now this.....UGH!

Well, I sure hope we get some word about our Eagles when we get our new thread. And I hope the cam gets fixed so we can see them come home for Christmas!

I'm heading back to bed, or maybe some TV since I am WIDE AWAKE! Anxious to see weather analysis in the AM. Good night/morning, and prayers for you all!

Lynne2 said...

hmmmm...no late night check in from "Lake Andy"...hope there are no problems out there.

magpie said...

Good Thursday Morning, Eagle Friends

Hope today is a good one, with time for rest, healing, relaxation and enjoyment of the season

Cold and Windy here...

Time for work...soon...
Take Care, all
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

If you want to see cold, check out Finland Water Nest !

magpie said...

looks like an eagle has arrived at BWO with some chow !
A nice cold fish I think

Hoping that all teachers and students are on holiday time now ☺

okay, time to go


hedgie said...

Morning greetings!

Paula---yuck....SB in your contact vial---not good. I just foound another one in the sunroom.

BEagle---splits come every 200 comments....you were safe the last time!!! Just wait til you are th eone who DOES hit the split----do we have a surprise for you!!

Still no working cam.....

Wanda, sounds like the Capt. made out really well on that deal!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad the sidewalk has been repaired...too bad it wasn't done BEFORE you got injured. Hope Rus is successful in his new job endeavors, too.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

Happy to report that I feel almost human again this morning finally!! WOO HOO!

Eagle at BWO

Lynne2 said...

Looks like current weather analysis have the big storm tracking east now and off the coast, which will reduce chances of major snow. YEAH! Hope it stays on that path! Still a little early to call for sure though....

hedgie said...

It's flurrying here. Wind is awful.

hedgie said...

Glad you are feeling better, Lynne. Stay indoors out of the wind!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Did you know that a basset hound could operate a zipper?

I brought my bag home last night and made sure that I zipped it up when I took my computer out. But when I came downstairs this morning, my bag was unzipped on one side and a student's paper was sticking out.

I remember that I had (note the past tense, "had") a bagel and a brownie in the bag. I found the empty baggie that once contained the bagel. No sign of the brownie so far.

Thanks for the laugh, Darth. Tell Judie that we are thinking of her.

Checked the live cam. It is not working.

stronghunter said...

Take care, Lynne. Glad you are recovering. Hope Steve is doing better, too.

Paula, yuck! Stinkbugs have no respect for anything.

Nose doctor appointment again today. Hunter gets to go with me again.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy, Finland water cam does look very cold.

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning Eagle Friends.

I don't have a lot of time.

Need to go pay my lot rent before they close today for Christmas Holiday.

I also have to go to where my daughter was staying. Only thing she left there. Of course, is her
dress I got her to wear for either
Christmas party or New Years party. Their friend in the service is coming home from the "badlands". They are throwing him a welcome home party.
Wouldn't you know it..that she left it behind. Her friend's wife (which is also her friend) wanted to see her in it.

Little Man has eaten and 1/2 hr later I have given him his medication. For the bladder infection. I just pray that after that clears up. When she does the emzemy blood test for his kidneys. Like vet did before that they will not be worse than what they were before. Oh well that is off into January. So will put in God's loving HANDS.

Prayers for those that need them.

Judie I am praying you get much better very SOON.

ok got to go bbl still need to catch up on comments

Have I told "you all lately how much I love this group"? I DO!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lynne, so glad you are feeling far more human!

Shirley, good luck to Rus. You have a smart dog or two there.

I emailed Steve about the cam this morning.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley!! Those hounds and their many talents!

oh Dana, such a shame your daughter left the dress! Hope you can get it to her in time for New Years at least!

Man, the wind is really kicking here! I do have to run to Walmart shortly, though.

Just posted some Daisy and Puddles pics on my blog....

Lynne2 said...

Oh Paula, I sure hope he has some news about the eagles, too.

hedgie said...

Shirley, those dogs are super smart!! At least they ate food and not a student paper!1

I caught Mai trying to eat a dehydrated toadstool that she found in yard----ugh! WOnder if it would have poisoned her or made her have hallucinations???!!!

Dana, too bad Rashida forgot her dress. If you mail today, she should have it for New Years.

Paula, did you think to ask Steve about the infrared, too??

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, do you have anymore of those TOADSTOOLS?;)

Costume Lady said...

Don't think I told of the time that I was fixing some of GG's liquid pain meds in the little vials. (forgive me if I did, or just ignore me!:) I spilled some out of the bottle and didn't want GG to know it (I want her to think that I know what I am doing!), so, I slurped it up before she could notice. About 20 min. later, I was higher than a kite. Wonder why it doesn't do that to GG? Or maybe it does and she just doesn't know it:)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just time for a quick hello and then time to get busy. 46 this morning and gloomy. Rain starts tomorrow. High Christmas day in the mid 40's. Maybe we can have a fire!

Lynne, so glad you are feeling better. Wahoo!

Expecting Laurel and the boys today. Probably this afternoon. Gotta get busy. Today is pie making day. Gonna Vook some more!

Joey comes tomorrow with Bosco and Michael and family arrive as well.
Annie will be bent out of shape with Bosco here. Poor Annie. Every Christmas she spends under or on our bed. No venturing out for her, not with EVIL Bosco in the house. LOL

Have a great day everyone! I'll peek in occasionally.

Costume Lady said...

I think Steve said they had infrared, just didn't know how to activate it. I recall telling him (inadvertently)to activate it the same way they did the old one. Maybe I P----- him off;)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, was it last Christmas or maybe another time that Bosco ran into a skunk?
I need to vook my turkey today, but it is still frozen...man, I didn't plan on that right! DUH!
I guess I can vook it tomorrow...really doesn't matter, except, I wanted some for supper tonight and the rest for Christmas sandwiches along with the country ham. We have a sort of picnic meal on Christmas day for those who can't be here at a specific time.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG &

HappY ChristmaS SeaSoN,



I think the "Hawaiian Express" has finally passed through So Cal and is on its way east.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! It's getting closer to that magical moment. I so hope everyone has a Blessed Christmas.

Cold out there - too cold to snow
I just hope it waits until everyone gets where they want to be.

I will be going with family to Mass at 4:00pm Christmas Eve. Christmas Masses are always so crowded - this year the church said NO saving seats. Suggested that you get your family with you so as to be seated together.
I like that - I hated having any harsh feeling towards anyone at any time..especially the 'seat savers' but I really think it is unfair to save an entire pew when others are standing.

I don't think I have any last minute things to do.. I just remembered that I wanted to go to the Pet Store.. 2 well deserving cats are in this house.

Mema Jo said...

That Hawaiian Express should be aka the Polar Express........

hedgie said...

Wanda, gotta watch that slurping!!!! There probably are still more frozen 'rooms out there----why???

hedgie said...

Jim, hope the sun is warm and bright and dries you out!!!!

floralgirl said...

Hahaha, I think Lynn, it's cause Wanda wants to take a shroom trip for Christmas!
I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday!
I see the cam is down, so I guess we still have not seen the eagles in the nest, right?

hedgie said...

You got that right, Megan!! About the eagles!
Wanda would be a hoot on a "trip", wouldn't she????
Hope you have a great Christmas,too!!!

hedgie said...

BBIALW! Short trip to make.

Lynne2 said...

Geez, can't leave you guys alone for a minute.....while Jim is busy drying out, Lynn is searching for mushrooms and Wanda is slurping her mother's narcotics. My, my. Well, Jo will pray for all of our souls at mass!

floralgirl said...

Yes, I suppose she would be a hoot:)
Tried to read back so it seems like we aren't sure what's going on with the cam. Hope it comes back online soon.

movin said...

hAVE you noticed that Atlanta has a new cam feed?? It's showing all the time, and all you have to do is click on the arrow. It's much easier to get it to show, and you can zoom in a little or a lot.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


Back from nose doc. He says I should have not been wearing my glasses because they will push my nose back down. He took tape and attached my glasses to my forehead. Lovely. I decided to come straight home.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Jim.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I need a picture of that one
I imagine you felt conspicuous to say the least. Hope you don't need to blow
your nose or sneeze - I never knew you
would need to go through all this gal!

Taking a break - BBILW

stronghunter said...

Had a student once who tried to convince me that "shrooms" were what you put on your pizza.

He was in the same class as the kid who came to class all excited because he had just gotten a new roach clip.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I made a lunch of scrambled eggs and waffle fries. Hunter was plenty hungry because he did not get any breakfast. That is what happens when you make grandma late for an appointment because you don't get up when you are told to.

paula eagleholic said...

Update from Steve -

Paula, the new cam is drawing more amperage than the old one, so John
needs to add another battery to the poet system . He should have it back
online today. Please let the folks know that he is doing the best he can
in addition to his normal duties.

Thanks for update, Steve, and thanks John for all your hard work!!

stronghunter said...

I came out of the exam room to find Hunter stretched out on a row of chairs in the waiting room watching television. He had his head through the arm rest of one of the chairs and his feet propped on another arm rest.

It took a little while for him to get his head out of the arm rest. A couple of senior citizens watched along with me, then the woman commented that she wasn't sure he was going to be able to get out.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve, for the update, and thanks, Paula, for passing it along.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I would have made a pair with me wearing my glasses taped to my forehead and Hunter wearing a chair.

stronghunter said...

And, of course, thanks to John for all of his efforts.

Merry Christmas to everyone at NCTC!

stronghunter said...

Kid yesterday asked me if his ear looked red. Said his girlfriend tried to pierce it.

stronghunter said...

You just never know what might happen next at an American high school.

movin said...

Thanks, John, for all the hard work with the cam system.

And thanks to Steve and Paula for the info.

I wonder if anyone has a first person sighting of Liberty-Belle on or around the nest.
Well, I've got to take care of business. Talk more later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula, and Steve for the update. And thanks to John for working on it.
Hoping to see it back online with an eagle or two in the nest.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLELY, I have a wonderful photo of your nose before the accident if you want to show it to the doctor...tell him you wont settle for less! Cute little nose
On Just For Fun.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, thanks, Wanda. I will keep this picture in mind if I need it.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, if a doctor taped my glasses to my forehead, I would look for a new doctor;)
You and Hunter are our chuckles for the day:)

stronghunter said...

Live cam is back up. A little snow is visible, and it is windy. No eagles, though.

stronghunter said...

He did it to keep the glasses from resting on my nose, Wanda. He said he could put a splint on my nose, but I said no.

hedgie said...

I'm back.
I see that Shirley and Hunter just CAN'T stay out of trouble! :)
Stupid dr.----how does he expect you to see without your glasses? Do you have contacts, Shirley??

Jim, hope your business activity is short and sweet. Of course, now that your rain has stopped, you are probably glad to get out and about!

Good to see cam back up! Hope we have a night-light, too! Now for an eagle visit, p=l=e=a=s=e!!!!!

stronghunter said...

I do have contacts. But I would have to use reading glasses to read. I will just hang around home as much as possible and let others do errands for me.

My second pair of new glasses is ready, but I did not go get them yet. Thought I would just come home for right now.

Doc agreed that my glasses are very light, but I do know I've hit them a few times and it hurts my nose when I do that.

I am doing this without glasses. I can manage, but would not want to drive.

Mema Jo said...

Exciting to see the nest again.. More exciting if 2 eagles were in it!
I am still hoping.........

Off to my baking...


stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yea, the cam is back on.

Can ya'll hear any sound?

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, as if you have not been humiliated enough, trying to seerk medical help, black eyes, new glasses, the doctor tapes your glasses to your froehead. What a good spirit of tolerance you have.

I have mono vision contacts. In one eye I see up close and the other I see distance. I LOVE them. Ask your eye dr. if they would be right for you.

Pauls, thank you for doing what each of us wanted to do.

Lynne, YAY for you feeling better.

NCSuzan said...

Going to make some chocolate fudge!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Everyone!!

Mema Jo said...

I don't think I have any sound on Live Feed. I think I would be hearing the wind - but I don't.

floralgirl said...

Nope, no cam sound here either.

Mema Jo said...

NCSuzan if you make Peanut butter fudge, I'll come see you or expect some shipped to me by UPS! lol

Mema Jo said...

Cakes are in the oven.....
Should soon start to smell spicy in
the house!

stronghunter said...

Back again. I had to take Hunter for a doctor's appointment. He has to see the doctor every three months to get his ADHD medication. It is a new doctor and they had no record that I was allowed to take him there, but, fortunately, Kathryn called them while I was waiting, so I was able to have him seen. However, Kathryn had to come in and sign a permission slip before we left.

Yeah, I've had plenty of contact with the medical community in the past few weeks.

This morning, my nose doctor asked me if I was okay and if I'd had nightmares as a result of my last trip to see him. I told him I was fine and asked him if he'd had nightmares. We go back quite a few years. After he finished taping my glasses, he showed me his glasses and we discussed them.

I do keep looking for eagles in that nest. It would be nice to know that HP is going on somewhere else.

hedgie said...

Had last minute company! My beach pals, Frank and Irene, came to meet Mai! Santa came with them---Frank has grown a beard!! They brought me a lovely lighthouse bird feeder, and a beach chair! Lots of wishing on our part at this stage....our offer expired over a week ago and we never heard a single word. Can't even get the realtor to answer our emails. ARGH! Price on house has been dropped again, too.....so our offer was NOT out of the ballpark. Just don't understand it.

hedgie said...

Cakes and candy....oh, my. Gaining weight just reading about it all.
Nope, no cam sound here, either.

stronghunter said...

I'm not getting sound, either.

Mema Jo said...

I am staring at the nest
IF an eagle or two would fly in
I would almost have a heart attack !

hedgie said...

I think Candy had one! Josh came home earlier than expected! She is one happy mama!!!

NatureNut said...

Finally got to check in to nest watch :>( Kinda MT.
Gonna have to start watching at different times of the day for maybe some visits.

hedgie said...

Much darker here than at nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is darkening now.

Mema Jo said...

Nest cam OFF.........

NCSuzan said...

Jo, my daughter makes the best peanut butter fudge around. She has not, so far, made any this year. All I made was chocolate fudge and a rum cake. They look good. Hope they taste good!

Mema Jo said...

I am sure they will Suzan - I only made the Pumpkin Cakes. They look like
they turned out well. Family loves them

hedgie said...

I love peanut butter fudge......my ex was the fudge-maker.....have never tried it myself. Maybe I should!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening friends.

I come on and what do I see at the first few comments at the bottom. FOOD!! Oh sounds so so good peanut butter fudge.

I can remember when my sister and I would put our money together. There was a store on Main Street-Queen St. Martinsburg. Made the best peanut butter fudge. She and I would get three pieces and split them. YUMMY!!

Mema Jo said...

Helen advised me that Savannah and Derek are courting again and the cam is on. Carolina Raptor Center NC

Save the link

NCSuzan said...

I was so happy with how the cake turned out that I posted a photo on suzans snaps. Is that not silly?

Lynne2 said...

oh Shirley, I don't know what to say....LOL! Or cry? you poor thing! But I got some funny pictures in my nmind....(((HUGS))

SUZ, FUDGE! My favorite food category!

Lynn, I'm so sorry about the beach house situation...that sucks, and so does your realtor. Makes no sense about the offer, but for him to not return your emails sounds fishy.

OK people, guess what!!! I saw a juvie eagle flying over the bridge of the reservoir on my way back from Walmart!!!! OMG! So glad no one was right behind me....I am dangerous when I spot an eagle!! My second eagle in just a couple of weeks!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOO Merry Christmas!

Now that the cam is back up, I look forward to a sighting of our own Royal Pair!

Lynne2 said...

Looks very tasty Suz....how about a fudge picture! LOL! Not silly at all....you want silly, check out my crazy dogs on my blog!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, I don't make fudge like I used to make it. This recipe never fails. It uses confectioners sugar, cocoa, butter. Heat on stove until blended, add nuts and voila! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Those stovetop fudge recipes are really good!

Lynne, whoo hoo for you on sighting the juvie eagle! Loved the silly dog pics!

Lynn, I cannot believe your realtor hasn't contacted you. Very unprofessional. Maybe try a different realtor?

made my last grocery stop, now gotta get some stuff done around here!

hedgie said...

Not silly at all, Suzan!!! Cake is lovely! I want rum cake!
Looked up a recipe for PB fudge. IT said to pour out into 8x8 DISH. I don't have anything that size except a metal pan. Should I just use a glass pie plate? I am VERY tempted to make some tonight!!

hedgie said...

The realtor is a she.....and she even knows that I used to be an agent! She even had the nerve to send us Christmas cards after not returning calls or answering emails. Frank is going to call the listing company, and then we will go from there.

Lynne2 said...

I want fudge.

Lynne2 said...

Suz, you getting some snow for Christmas?

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, the weather people are forecasting snow for Christmas. The percentages have varied but not the snow! We will see.

I would use a glass dish for fundge or line a metal pan with was paper. Would not want the metal to impart an unwanted flavor to my chocolate!!

Lynn, I thought there was a time limit on when you recieved a response on an offer. Do you think they are holding out for multiple offers? Makes me mad they are doing that to you.

paula eagleholic said...

Most people would either reject or counteroffer. Can't believe you didn't hear ANYTHING!

wvgal_dana said...

I don't like flannel sheets but I'll have to look at the fleece sheets.

Shirley Wednesday was your last day ( :

Terrible about Highland, California.

Hi Red nice to see you in here. Merry Christmas to you too. Glad you and the Mrs. are getting lots of vistors over the Holidays.

Margy glad your cold is leaving ( :

I think sugar plumbs are dancing in Darths head lol We luv you Darth...

Shirley praying Russ gets that job.
Glad they fixed that sidewalk.

Wanda so funny about slurring the spilt medicine and getting higher than a kit lol

Trying to imagine you with glasses taped to your forehead Shirley.

Mema Jo I love the birthday present for her. Especially at her age.

Darth your jokes are a cheerful lift ( :

Paula thanks for sharing the update Steve gave and thanks John. Praying for the cam and our eagles.

Lynn sorry your realtor isn't doing the job they should be doing. You make an offer they
should get back to you about what the seller says. Good that Frank is going to call the listing company. I don't think they would
be happy with this realtor doing this.

Hey Candy has Josh home...Mommies need to see their babies no matter how old they are!!!

Got daughters dress sent off to her. We are mind readers. She text Jessica to find when would
be a good time this morning to pick up dress. Jessica said "laughing your Mom just pulled up".
She might get it Friday more than likely Monday. That's ok she will wear it for New Years.


Lolly said...

I am too pooped to pop! Three pies and then we did sugar cookies after Laurel and the boys arrived. Taking a breather before starting dinner. Ahhhh....leftovers from last weekend.

hedgie said...

THe house is a foreclosure. Offer was good for 45 days. Bank wanted to hold until end of Nov. --we assume in hopes of higher offer. There was one other offer in the same time as ours. Then three weeks ago price was dropped. Go figure. Very unprofessional all the way around.

wvgal_dana said...

I know I have a lot of emails to catch up on. If won't be tonight. I am now going to the recliner.

Went to Martinsburg Mall to check to see if tag was put on one of the Christmas trees. One from Raschida and one from me. They were not up there. Should have been. Probabl up tomorrow but don't know if I want to go out tomorrow.

Prayers for those that need them and even those that don't realize that a prayer can help.


hedgie said...

Lolly, vooking will do that to you!!!

Lynne, so glad you saw another eagle!! You and Loretta are the only ones!

NCSuzan said...

ahhhhh, so the bank is in control. seems the realtor would have called and checked why no one heard from the bank.

hedgie said...

Right, Suzan......

Phone calls this evening....and Mai are keeping me busy. Fudge is gonna have to wait! I am running out of steam.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey ya'll, is this the calender that Margy talks about or a different one???

Bald Eagle makes cover!!

hedgie said...

Yes, Paula, that's the one.

Lynne2 said...

No Darth stories tonight....allow me to fill in-

A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger."

Costume Lady said...

Ohhhhh, Lynne:)

hedgie said...

Oh, no.....short and to the point, too!!

Mai is sitting here mesmerized by the sound of the coffemaker brewing tea! Duh!

stronghunter said...

On my taped glasses--Kathryn said that I should offer to post a picture on Facebook in return for your credit card numbers or debit card numbers in an e-mail sent to me.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of coffee makers...GG didn't have a cup of coffee today because her coffee maker is dead! It completely threw her routine off for taking her pills. I put her morning pills beside her coffee maker and she takes them along with her coffee, so, this morning, no coffee, no pills! Got her straightened out and went to Wal-Mart for a new coffee maker. BIG MISTAKE! It was the parking lot and store from HELL! I had to park way over near the end of the store where they put the mulch and paving stones in the Spring. The wind was blowing so hard that it blew my scarf off of my head and darn near blew my coat off! I bought her two coffee makers, one to use now and another in case of emergency;) This is the third coffee maker that I have bought her this year...don't know what on earth she does to them?!
I got the new one set up for morning and her pills placed on the counter, along with her cup and spoon...got ready to leave (it was 6 o'clock by then) and she wanted me to set down and have a cup of coffee with her..."No mom, it's your bedtime"..."Oh, that doesn't matter, I can go to bed anytime"..."But mom, I'm tired and hungry"..."Oh, I'll bet Gene is worried to death as to where you are!" "OK, go home quickly, so he will know you are OK, but be careful, it is dark outside!"
"Good night mom, I love you".

Costume Lady said...

That is too funny, Shirley:)

stronghunter said...

Actually, I removed the tape while we were in Wegmans this evening. I was having quite a bit of trouble. My glasses are bifocals and when you lift them up, I am looking through the wrong section. I will just avoid wearing them as much as possible.

paula eagleholic said...

Too funny, Lynn!


stronghunter said...

ROFL, Wanda!!

stronghunter said...

Almost split time, folks!

stronghunter said...

Wanda, we drove by Wal-Mart tonight and kept right on going to Target for a vacuum cleaner.

We decided we need one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs with all the animal hair around here, and since I can't get the original one apart to replace the belt, it seemed that tonight was a good time to buy the second machine.

I have no idea what might have happened to the book that came with the first vacuum. Will put it together not long before Kathryn and Hunter moved in here and everything got turned upside down.

Will have to try to get the info online, but am too tired to do that tonight.

magpie said...

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...
don't fret about another split...

There is a NEW THREAD !! ☺

stronghunter said...

Ever try to disassemble a vacuum cleaner when you can't see what you are doing because you aren't supposed to wear glasses?

BEagle said...

Is this a split?

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 411   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...