Sunday, December 26, 2010


New thread, and they're back...


magpie said...

Oh, Thank you, Steve....this way everyone gets a peek !

God Bless You !


floralgirl said...

Awesome! Thanks for the pic Margy and Steve!

magpie said...

If I had had to report for work at 8 am I seriously think I would have called off LATE !

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!


magpie said...

it is another Christmas present to see you here....☺ ♥

magpie said...

And Good Morning, Lynne and Stronghunter/Shirley!

floralgirl said...

You are too kind, Margy:)
Checking out the radar, and snow forecasts for here. Hoping we are going to miss the bulk of the storm as they have forecast.

Costume Lady said...

I Love your photo of the two love birds, Margy!
I posted, I think, the last two photos before they flew off on WILD AND WONDERFUL. They didn't do very much moving around when I was watching, but Lynn thought there was Hanky Panky:)

magpie said...

your pictures are GREAT...nice and colorful...mine are a little dull in color

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Megan, it is good to have you back. Maybe, now that wreath making is over, you'll join us more often:) Hope your sales were good.

magpie said...

Looks like a woodpecker hole in one of the sycamore branches at about 2 o'clock of the cam view....
and once in awhile I see a sycamore ball blowing in the breeze on the live feed

Megan: It's the Eaglet Momsters (and Dadsters) Company I keep ! ♥

hoping the snow bypasses us too...
lots of folks will be traveling today...

magpie said...

going to disappear for awhile...

Enjoy your day, Precious Pals

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

What a treat for the early birds!!

paula eagleholic said...

Michael made it home safely, he is still snoozing.

Looking at the nest from yesterday to today, you can tell our pair visited. Things are nice and tidy.

magpie said...

Oh Yay! Paula ! Hope Michael's trip is good, coming and going

I think I am stuck to the chair neck and back...
LOL I don't care !


stronghunter said...

Brought over my last comment on the old thread.

I thought I saw an eagle feather in the nest, just blowing in the breeze.

Blogger stronghunter said...

I hear Kathryn upstairs showering. She said she wanted to leave about 9:00 this morning, so I had better head upstairs and get dressed.

I will check back later.

I see there is not much more snow on the ground than there was last night, just a light covering--a bit more than a dusting, I guess. Some on the street, though. But I think we have more here than they do west of here.

If I don't get back before tonight, you all keep a watch over the eagles for me.

Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:54:00 AM

magpie said...

oh, I see Michael has arrived at Mom's Roost...Wonderful!

sometimes nothing quite so endearing as a sleeping child ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nice article, and nice words from you Margy...but I wouldn't expect anything less ♥

magpie said...

at first the eagles just crouched in the nest, then slowly but surely they started picking and fussing, then in came a stick or two...then some beaking....

okay, moving away from here now...

Safe Travel wishes, Shirley and Kathryn

magpie said...

thanks Paula...

paula eagleholic said...

Thank ya'll so much for the pics, for those of us who were still sleeping!

Safe travels, Shirley.

Not a flake of snow here ....yet.

Costume Lady said...


And in case someone needs to go to the hospital because of an emergency on Christmas, there are people to answer the phone at Berkeley County Central Dispatch, the county's 911 emergency communications center.

Shift Supervisor Margaret Hoogland was working her normal schedule Saturday, she said.

"We take responsibility for our schedule - we take it how it comes," the 22-year veteran of Central Dispatch said. "If we want off, then someone else has to work, so we work our normal schedules."

Her normal schedule is Tuesday through Saturday and Christmas just happened to be on a Saturday this year.

The emergency telecommunication workers at Central Dispatch are a tight-knit group because they work so closely together, Hoogland explained, and that carries over to the holidays.

"We usually bring in something for Christmas, like homemade fudge," she said. "Mary Foster always brings in lasagna every year, whether she's working or not. It's a tradition, very special."

Foster, also a shift supervisor, was not working Saturday, but she brought her co-workers a big casserole of lasagna, as usual, Hoogland said.

She added that this is a stressful time of year for everyone, and the telecommunicators have to keep their cool with the public and the people they work with at other agencies.

"We try to be more jolly, try to help others feel better, try to spread a little cheer," she said.

Hoogland actually sounded grateful to be able to work on the holiday - considering the alternative.

"We have secure jobs, good jobs, with benefits," she said. "We're not worried about cutbacks. I'm very appreciative.'

Hoogland also lauded her boss, Mary Kackley, director of the 911 center, for her support.

"She's a considerate, capable leader, who wants us to be our best," Hoogland emphasized.

paula eagleholic said...

They have downgraded the snow now, occasional snow showers, maybe 1-2 inches.

Costume Lady said...

Having children's Christmas program at church this morning. I love this...wish you could all join us:)
Have a blessed Sunday♥

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Hi Eagle Folks.

Thank you Steve, for the new thread. I sure hope you are feeling well. Thank you for the picture of Belle and Lib too!

It looks like they are discussing something.

Going back to Magpies post earlier this morning.

Costume Lady said...

I think THANKS for the NEW THREAD PHOTO goes to our MARGY. She was the first to see our Royal Couple this morning!

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda...I thought I was sending Steve two pics, one from 0720 and the one on the new thread post at 0728 - I sent him the same 0728 picture twice ! LOL

Lynn and I were neck and neck...probably saw them at the same time just couldn't function properly for a few moments ☺

The Children's Christmas Program...sounds wonderful and I bet it will be ♥

Good Morning to the Captain also..
and more Morning Eagle Pals

going for morning prayer, back later...xoxo

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy sent the pic to Steve.

Nice article from The Journal! Margy, 2nd shift had the famous chicken and waffles......not sure how they fix the chicken, but apparently it is a fave and Andy does homemade waffles.
LOL....Mom and sis made lasagna, too, for their Christmas dinner......seems weird to me!!

Travel safely, Shirley and Kat.
Most recent map shows 0" for here! I like that!

Michael will wake up hungry, Mom Paula!!!! Start vooking again!

BEagle said...

Great pictures of the eagles Magpie.
And several snapshots too. Thank you, thank you.

Glad you woke up Dana. She requested the prayer time for the eagles.

Funny, it's hard to type and take pictures and post when you are excited!!

BEagle said...

Hedgie. Glad you got to see the eagles too. You lucky dog you.

I hope you get Mai to stop nipping. How's the lip?

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley what do you have to go out for? Is it a doctors appointment?
Prayers for safe travel.

hedgie said...

Swollen and keeps bleeding every time I move my face, BEagle! Thanks!!! Never got an email from you so that I can send the WAX story!!

wvgal_dana said...

I am so "thankful for that phone call" from Margy. ( :

Good Morning BEagle ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie so sorry Mai gave you that nip. You know she didn't mean it. Of course, you will teach her that she shouldn't do that.

Mema Jo said...

What a glorious day it is! I just wonder where they took their vacation. So happy happy they are back and so thankful we have Margy's Picture Proof for all that Prayer Power can accomplish! Now I can say that this is the bestest present to me!

Good Morning All!
I am headed to Mass and prayers of thankfulness will be said!

BEagle said...

Looks like Fuzzle saw them and CLady. Thanks for the pics CLady.

Dana I am shedding a few myself.

Everything will come together for me shortly. I am preoccupied with a few things right now.

I really like the name Irene.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Lynne, gonna start on breakfast soon.

We are going to head up to John and Ajay's later in the day.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so hot roast beef sandwiches with gravy and mashed taters for tonights dinner.

Ajay is wondering where she is going to put all the toys that the kids got...

BEagle said...

We have had a good deal of snow here in the capitol city.

Snow is still coming down but very lightly now.

Have a good time Paula. Gianni looks like a "Skins" fan. Cute.

wvgal_dana said...

Snow everywhere at BWE & BWO.

Mema Jo said...

Steve has placed this morning's picture on FB so everyone over there
will get the message.

BEagle said...

Ahhhh. I hear sounds of the salt truck.

BEagle said...

I see the snow on the BW nests.

Two adults on the WE nest. One just flew off.

hedgie said...

Flurrying lightly here.....hope that is ALL it does!
Bird is in the roaster!

hedgie said...

BEagle, how much snow do you have?
Know they showed Beckley on the map as getting it...didn't realize it reached you!

glo said...

Oh wow I have chills. What a beautiful site to open up the new thread to. Ok Dear Royal Pair we have missed you and anxious to see you two get down to work. Happy New Year :-)

BEagle said...

Looks like three inches out there. We are supposed to get one to two today.

wvgal_dana said...

If you click on my name-go to My Blogs-the one saying "Nest Of Liberty and Belle" click there then go to bottom of page and click "older post" once and star with picture (so you can see pictures in order). Start with the one "Last view of nest with old cam" then "View from New Cam But Where Are The Eagles", Next is "Prayer", Next "They Still Have Not Returned", hit the back button and go to bottom of page start back up page, viewing each picture back up to top of page they will be in order that way ENJOY OUR EAGLES GAVE US A CHRISTMAS PRESENT

BEagle said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is like the most awesome picture I have ever seen in my life!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now THAT, my friends is a sight for sore eyes!! What a Christmas present!! Thank you God!!!! Good morning everyone!!! I am so happy!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had not given up on our lovely couple! Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle!

hedgie said...

Time to shut down and start setting the table. Gotta stow this puter to do that! Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday. Will check back in later this evening.
I leave you with two thoughts:
We are SO lucky that Belle and Lib have decided to stay put in this nest.......and secondly.....GO SKINS!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, have a wonderful day with the family!

No snow here!! Sigh of relief!

Finished breakfast, working on dinner!

Trying to get some of my pics done today, too.

I'll have to check out the snow at BW

NatureNut said...

Happy, Happy Sunday!!!!
What a present~~They're Back!!!
Thank you Margy & Steve!! ☺

Margy, love the Journal article. Thx for posting, Wanda.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Xmas. We got home late last night from great dinner at stepson's ham & turkey breast. They did a lot of vooking!I took a couple things.

We are having some flurries---not hardly landing, but salt trucks from Co. garage are going up the road.Friends moving items to new NC home are snowed in.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have enough snow here for the whole state and more coming for the afternoon, 6-12 inches on top of the 8-10 we already have on the ground!! Trying not to be a hater today and just enjoy the beauty of it. We are in safe and snug and so is our family. So I will try not to fuss about the weather today!! I cannot wait to see Lib and Belle with my own eyes!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday afternoon!!

magpie said...

Aaaah the Southern Delegation has checked in ! ☺
And I hope to see Tbird on here sometime today also, and Buddy ♥

And Hello more Eagle Pals...

Sure hope we all get to see the Real Royal Things again today, and tomorrow, and so on and so on !

magpie said...

so some are lucky with a little snow, and some not so lucky, with a lot of snow

magpie said...

That's a neat pictorial journey, Dana !!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Below is the update on Brandon his dad put on CaringBridge earlier today. Bless this sweet family's hearts.

Christmas day was quiet but good. We had a small tree lit up in his room in ICU. After he ate a liquid diet breakfast and moved to sit in the recliner, we all had a short time of prayer and thankfulness and then opened a couple of gifts. He slept after that for several hours. We enjoyed having loved ones come by for a visit, but he slept through most of it. He got up later to walk a few steps here in his room and move his arms and legs a bit. Any exertion causes him labored breathing and needing more oxygen, and he was tired after moving and slept some more.
Today his xrays looked about the same as the day before, but with slight improvement in his right lung. He was given more platelets again yesterday, but he didn't need any today. So far he hasn't gotten out of bed, but we anticipate he will. Also, he gets to eat solid food today, and he's been eagerly waiting for this! All for now. We just wanted to give you a "progress report" and ask you to continue your prayers for his healing.

magpie said...

Beautiful Brandon news, Sissy, Thank You, and my prayers continue

time to shake a leg here and head out for awhile

Take Care everyone, and may you all find peaceful reflection on many blessings in your lives

xoxox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for healing will continue for sure for Brandon and peace for his

wvgal_dana said...

Good to see Sissy and Sharon hop on board the Eagle cam.

Isn't it just so exciting ( :

Lynn your about to enjoy your Christmas Day. Hoping you find laughter and peace in just knowing you are together. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Good news about Brandon Sissy prayers continue.

Mema Jo what is up with you and all the kids? Are you just relaxing or are there more plans?

Thanks Margy for taking the journey with our eagles on my blog.
Couldn't have been done without you. Safe travels in your day.

I am about to lay down. This cold is getting better but I'm very tired now. I do miss having a dinner with my Mom. Well she and I will catch up. Don't want to give her this stuff. I have a regula doctors appt. tomorrow so he'll check me out.

Watch for the eagles those that are here. Don't know how long I'll sleep.

BEagle said...

Thanks for the update on Brandon's improvement. That is very good news and prayers will continue for sure.

Go Skins!! I am getting the game this time.

BEagle said...

Ooohhhh. Incomplete pass.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did everyone have a Merry Christmas? I did! :-)

NCSuzan said...

Good Afternoon everyone. It is absolutely fantabulous that the Eagles are back.

We here in the south have, gotta say it, snow. And not just a little bit. I think we have seven inches here and they are calling for more this afternoon. Posted a few pics on Snaps.

Lynn, don't let Mai get away with nipping you. That has to hurt.

BEagle said...

I missed actually "seeing" it...

But I did see the rerun of the somersault touchdown.

17-10 Skins.

wvgal_dana said...

Susan I checked out your pictures.

Thank you for posting.

NatureNut said...


Lolly said...

I have just one important thing to say Wahooooooooo!!

wvgal_dana said...

yhooooooooo SKINS DID IT!!!

Lolly said...

Actually, I do have more to say but I am sooooo excited about Belle and Lib. Saw the info on facebook.

Have been busy all day. I was up early with all three boys while Jack and their parents slept. Then we played games and had more fun. Michael, Ashley and Zacharoo left just a little while ago. Laurel is now napping and I am thinking of taking one.

magpie said...

Sharon, beautiful avatar...was wondering if your "little one" was home for the holidays ?

Megan been meaning to tell you: Yours is lovely, also !
I recognize your handiwork !

Good Afternoon Happy Redskins Fans..and everyone else !

Oh, Suzan, lots of snow there !

magpie said...

there was an eagle making feetsie prints at BWE just a few minutes ago

now gone

Dana golly neds, another cold amongst us, hope it takes a hike, Pronto !!

magpie said...

we have a little more daylight here ....keep your peepers peeled on the Royal Nest

BEagle said...

Lolly...I know you are saying Wahoooo for Belle and Lib rather than the Skins.

Yay for the Skins.
Wahooooo for the eagles. Royal Eagles that is.

: )

magpie said...

Guess Lynn's Lair is filled with happy family now ☺

So sorry, Lynn, about your Fat Lip, sure you are still beautiful though..that was some Tough Love from Mai ! Hope it heals quickly

BEagle said...

I will keep my eyeballs honed.

I guess we won't get night vision with this new cam.

magpie said...

Hi BEagle... yes, I think we WILL have night vision it's computer software thing they are working on

bet the Capitol City looks beautiful.... !

magpie said...

the wind is picking up here, did not really notice it on live feed, and of course no sound so cannot hear it either

I mentioned to Steve about that, but I think I have to say something to Outdoor Channel..Paula knows how to do that successfully ☺

magpie said...

Sounds like Lolly had a lovely morning, and GAVE a lovely morning to the sleeping adults

wvgal_dana said...

I think we will have the night vision and sound once they get all hooked up.

magpie said...

Hi Dana...
your avatar is cute as a button too !

Hey, get some might have some early morning Nest watching to do ☺

magpie said...

BWE looks like an avatar in itself, very beautiful !

still watching nest but cannot see much
have some things to do
ttfn xoxox

stronghunter said...

Hello, everyone,

We are back at home, and just in time. We made it before dark and just as the snow started to cover the roads.

We had a nice visit with Tom's family in Luray.

Kathryn and Hunter are rushing around picking up a bit and doing laundry. I am in my recliner having a glass of eggnog.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Hoooray!! They're back. I'm jumping for joy here!!!Thanks Steve!

Hope everyone is safe out in the s@#&*. We have a dusting so far but haven't seen a weather report yet today.

Have to catch up ... bbl

magpie said...

Welcome Home Shirley Kathryn and Hunter
Hello Diann !

wvgal_dana said...

lol on me Shirley I was thinking you had gone to a drs. appt. later I realized it is Sunday. Luray you say...while my daughter was here her childhood friend and wife took her and her boyfriend to Luray Caverns.

Hello there Diann glad you stopped in. If you read post there is one about clicking on my name and how to see a journey of our eagles today.

Lolly said...

I am back...I fell asleep. I was getting soo sleepy. Jack has built a nice fire and it so nice. It was 26 here this morning. It was the coldest we have had so far and it has stayed cold all day...with sunshine.

Lolly said...

Now, gotta go again. Game time again.

wvgal_dana said...

I know lots are probably on facebook. I'm just too tired to get there.

Another day tomorrow of rest and maybe when I go to dr. Tuesday he won't have to give me anything.

So glad Shirley you made it home. Before things got too bad outside. Hope you had an enjoyable visit.

magpie said...

you can tell it is snowing at Blackwater, can see a few little zings of snowflakes on the still cams, mostly at the Osprey platform

ttfn next door lady visit on the schedule

magpie said...

yes Dana...germs HATE rest ☺
Zap Them !!

wvgal_dana said...

Just drank some Gatorade and I'm heading for the couch and my body pillow. That is if Little Man will share with me lol

I am tired, hate trying to catch up on blog tomorrow but that is what it is.

Pleasant dreams to all those when they hit their pillows tonight.
We have been Blessed by our eagle visit and the call so I could see them. I'm taking that call as a Christmas Present little Miss (:

^j^ ^j^ Angels On Your Pillows

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I had a great Christmas with my sister and family, plus a total of 4 Marines, most of whom attend my s & b-i-law's church, were with us this year.

I hope you all had good Christmas's too, and I hope God blesses you all in the New Year.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Well Hurray for the Skins and
Hurray for the Ravens!

This Tues is the day that the Ft Bragg Gang should be traveling to NC. Hope by then that the roads are clean for them. With the presents from Christmas and some furniture items here they'll need to rent a Uhaul.

movin said...

It's great to see Steve's picture of Liberty-Belle, and I'm very sure they'll be using this nest again now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim - Very happy to hear about how you spent Christmas. It sounds great.
Jim, how about our Lib & Belle showing up this morning in the nest! Whoo Hoo!

magpie said...

Oh Jim - what a blessed and heartwarming time you must have had....♥

Jo -
will be praying for good traveling roads and weather...and that the Germany Gang likes their new Stateside Roost !!!

NatureNut said...

Back from ballgames again! Bears won, Ravens won as well as Skins.

Jim, what a wonderful Xmas get together! Sounds similar to a couple WWII reunions that 2 of my uncles attend--Flying Tigers & Pearl Harbor Survivors. Boy, have we heard some stories.

Love NCSuzan's snow pics. We might have 1/2 " now!

hedgie said...

Hello. I'm back to say---I survived the festivities!! We had a wonderful afternoon/evening. Gotta say that my dinner was one of my best ever.....or maybe because I didn't try to do TOO much, it was easier and not as hectic for me! Thanks to Mits' advice, I used Bob Evan's mashed taters, so they saved me a ton of time----and everyone loved them---even Christie!!! Shannon fell in love with Mai (who wouldn't??!!!) and we got her nails trimmed again. She is one pooped pup now, tho'! Lots of nice gifts exchanged, and lots of hugs and joking!
Our meal started out right on time, and the SKINS WON for us!!!!
Great day from beginning until almost the end......I am still doing kitchen clean-up---waiting for d/w to finsih first load!

MARGY: CHI is on red-alert: EVERYTHING being diverted due to "sewer problem"-----UGH!

hedgie said...

Jim, what a generous way to spend Christmas!! Hope you regaled the Marines with your own stories!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I am very happy for you and Mai and your family. It sounds like a wonderful get together. You can have
pleasant dreams tonight.

Any progress with the NC Realtor?

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo. Frank is calling the listing agent tomorrow.

magpie said...

Sounds wonderful Lynn, your family get-together!
Well-deserved for you, that things went so well...

Wooof !!! about the City Hospital diversion....what a nasty problem it sounds like it is

Both BWE and BWO are "stuck" at 1845 hours...Lisa had stated on the site that there could be some problems with the weather and the refresh rates

Lolly said...

Sounds like everyone has had a great Christmas. It has been just great here. It is very pleasant here this evening with just Laurel and the boys....more calm. Joey went home...he was getting sick, sounds like a bad cold. Laurel is dreading getting sick herself.

We have a nice fire going, Jacob is bathing and Joseph is playing here on the floor quietly.

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly. Doesn't it feel good to unwind??
Time for me to head for the sofa (with the catnAp) in it!!!! Need to put MY feet up!

Lolly said...

Yes, you love it when they come and you love it when they go. Boys are in bed now. We are watching the STARS play.

Laurel and I vacuumed before supper. She and the boys leave in the morning. Then we are going to Denton Tues. I am going to help Laurel with going through things at Fayes house. She does not want to do it alone.

NatureNut said...

Finally got to check email & thought I'd come back and I see Lynn's activities are over.
Congrats on your wonderful family Xmas!!Sounds perfect.

Think I'll get some left-overs! Nibbled from fresh fruit basket & then wasn't hungry!
If I konk out & don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! I've been resting and watching movies and napping all day.

I sure wish someone had been here video taping me as I was catching up on the blog this morning and read the post.....I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I cried for joy! Thanks so much for posting the pics Margy and Lynn and Wanda...and Dana, I love your time line photos!

Love the article Margy!

Sounds like everyone had a good day...Jim with his family and the Marines, Lynn and her "belated" Christmas ( I sure hope your lip is better! ), Paula's son getting here safely and so glad Shirley and Co. had no problems in travel today. I hope the visit went well.

Saw Suz's snow....whew! Got some pics from my Step sister in law Charleen in Ga (just outside of Atlanta) of their snow too!

Dana...sure hope you kick your cold!

stronghunter said...

Our visit went very well, Lynne. Tom's mother even found a gift for me on very short notice. Not that I expected or needed one, but it was thoughtful of her. I got a chance to thank her for calling Kathryn to assure her that she was invited. It's a hard time for everyone.

Lynne2 said...

oh I'm so glad Shirley, and that was very thoughtful of Tom's mother, too! I wish things didn't have to be so hard. But I'm glad that everyone is getting along during this time. I know it's being nosey and I probably shouldn't ask...but I'm there any chance things can be worked out?

stronghunter said...

It does not look that way, Lynne. It breaks my heart, but it does not look hopeful.

magpie said...

nice avatar Shirley, looks like Santa arrived !

Happy to hear that things went okay
(( hugs for you ♥ ))

Lynne2 said...

aw, Shirley, I'm so sorry. Hugs and prayers for all of you.

stronghunter said...

The room was so full of gifts that there wasn't room for people. We had to open them in the family room. Santa was good.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

well, time for me to hit the pillows. Hopefully we'll be getting a morning visit from the EAGLES tomorrow! Hope everyone has a good night, and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

A windy, snowy winter night here. Good night to be sitting by the fire.

Lolly said...

Not snowing here but it is quite cold and we are enjoying the fire.

Laurel and Jack are reading, but I do not have a good book going at this time. Sigh.....

hedgie said...

Had a little nap. Rest of dishes done. THink I'll put china away tomorrow....don't want to risk dropping anything!

SO blustery and cold outside. Brrrr. But no snow, thank goodness!

magpie said...

Headed for the pillows....

Sending up prayers for those in need...

Happy that so many seemed to have had a good Christmas....
and special thoughts for those who might have had some tough times

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Good to hear that everyone is tucked in safely at home, and that some down-time is happening. Holidays are so hectic---and we all overdo it.
Lynne, hope your rib area is feeling better...???
Shirley, so sorry that things are looking so glum for the kids.
Lolly, rest your eyes!!! Watch the fire----it will hypnotize you!
Do you still use your Kindle?? What kind of books do you like?

For those not on FB---the snow followed Glo south!!

Mema Jo said...

I just finished a TV program with hubby
It is so cold - I need to jump into bed and cover my head..........
Hoping someone catches our Royal Couple tomorrow morning.. Don't want today's visit to be a one time deal.
Talk with you all tomorrow

Good Night & Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Miss you Judie! ♥

hedgie said...

Good night to all.
Mai has been asleep since the kids left.....she will need to go out and eat.....hope it doesn't rev her up again! Sure hoping for another glorious nest sight in the AM!!
To those returning to work tomorrow, have a good one!
Prayers and peace.

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, love my kindle, just have not read much lately. I plan to get back to working on my slides now that the holidays are past and will also get back to reading. I like to read a variety of books. The last book I read was The Help.

stronghunter said...

Spent the evening watching television with Kathryn. We watched a movie version of the Dean Koontz novel Intensity. We liked the book better.

Then I watched the ending of The Sound of Music. Of course, I've seen that story many times, both on the screen and on stage. It was one of my favorites many years ago. Hunter is interested in World War II history, and we explained that the movie is based on something that really happened during WWII.

Looked up the von Trapp family and found out they have a FB page--the great grandchildren of Maria and Georg, that is.

PA Nana said...

It's getting late and some are already going to their pillows, so I'll head to my recliner and cover up. This old house has many drafts.

Prayers for all needs/wants.
God bless you all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Diann. Sleep well.

Lolly said...

Well, I am about to fall facewaord onto my laptop. All of a sudden I am sooooo sleepy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lolly. I am ready for sleep, too. It was a long day. I am going to enjoy having this week off.

paula eagleholic said...

Late night here too....had nice evening with my kids and grandkids....boy has the wind picked up! Had some snow flurries.

Home and dogs are fed...about time for bed. Heading into work at lunchtime tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

A lot of good times reported by us yesterday and today. It has been a wonderful Christmas and seeing Lib and Belle was the ICING ON THE CAKE!
I can hardly wait to get up in the morning, around 7am, to see if our Love Birds come again! Shhhhh, don't let them know we will be watching:)


Costume Lady said...

Pulling a MARGY...
Missing Judie and Darth and hoping they had a pleasant Christmas...and that Frank's roast turned out well:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here pretty late again tonight. WAHOOOO!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!
I see that the eagles are BACK!!!!
What a wonderful belated Christmas present! Thank you, GOD, for answering our prayers!!! Thanks to Margy, Lynn, Wanda, and Dana for the BEEYOOTIFUL pictures! Oh, what a relief to see Belle and Lib again!

We have had a busy day here. We went shopping at Wal-Mart this morning, then had to go to Petco to get another bag of dog food. In the process, we got 2 lovely stainless steel dog dishes for Emma. I found her a Christmas tee shirt that's green, with a big red bow design--makes her look like the Christmas gift that she is! Very cute. Got a new squeaky chew toy for her, too. She is one spoiled pup! She's being really good, though.
Glad your family get-together was so nice! Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all!
Sorry to hear of your fat lip! Emma managed to practically pierce one of Hubby's ear lobes a few days ago. It's healed up pretty well now, but was rather painful at the time. Gotta say, though, in Emma's defense, that as SOON as she heard Hubby yipe, she started giving lots of kisses to make it better.
Sounds like your clan had a really nice Christmas. Sorry to hear that there's not much chance of a reconciliation. Prayers being said about that!
Did the bassets help open presents, and did George park himself in one of the boxes?
We went and took care of the bulldogs today. We're babysitting them until New Year's Day.
Before I forget, it's great to see that Megan, Sharon, Sissy, and BEagle were here! Good to "see" you gals!

Well, getting pretty tired. Think I'll go veg in front of the TV and wait for Emma to wake up and want to go out.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--wonderful Brandon report! Prayers for him continue!
Margy, good newspaper article about your work, too!

Judie and Darth,
Hope you two had a really nice Christmas, and spent the day today just being lazy! Miss you, Judie!

Okay, I've made sure the night light is on. Also the porch light and the Christmas lights. (What the heck, let's keep them on until New Year's!)
Prayers have been said for everyone.
Sleep tight, everybody, with sweet eagle dreams! I'll be back in the morning, looking for Belle and Lib.
You folks too, of course!
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

It is most definitely windy at the Sycamore Palace

hoping it is not too windy for some nestorating Eagles

Best wishes for a good day.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Can't believe I'm the first one here this morning! Good morning, everyone!
Daylight at the nest reveals that it's empty for now. The Royal Pair must be out looking for breakfast.

I should be, too, so won't be able to stay here for long, but just had to take a look. Need to get presentable and go feed the bulldogs pretty early today--the exterminator is coming out between 7 am and noon to check the attic rat traps. The supervisor's coming today. New guy who came out last week couldn't find all of the traps. I have to go feed the "girls" and be back here by 7:00.

Hope all of you slept as well as I did. It felt really good to sleep so deeply! Ready to hit the road running now!

Hubby had to go back to work today. I hope he has a nice day at work. Not sure whether it will be very busy for him or not. The shipping crew has been working overtime with 2-1/2 x pay to get orders out before year's end. Yikes, at that pay rate I'd be coming in too!

Ooh--looks cold and windy at the nest in the light of morning. Brrrr! Well, I'd better get a move on. No rest for the weary today! Not this morning, anyway. Emma's not awake yet, so now's my chance to do hair and makeup, so I don't frighten small children in my travels this morning!
Will check back in later, once I'm back home. Hope someone spots our favorite eagle couple soon! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy!
You posted while I was writing mine!
Good Morning!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Are you working today? I think you said that you were--have a nice, quiet, uneventful day today! :o]

Costume Lady said...

ALL ...
It is cold and windy here in Nestville; 25° going up to 30° with snow flurries. We lucked out this time with the snow situation, nothing more than a spritz, while just a bit to the east there is snow, and down in Bluefield, where Sissy lives, there was something like 6 inches with more to come, when she reported in yesterday.
Hopefully, our Love Birds will visit their nest inbetween wind gusts, although there is not much of a lull. It is almost a constant wind.

Costume Lady said...

My internet was acting up and wouldn't let me post, so I copied what I had typed and then internet went out completely for about 15 mins. When it came back on, I pasted what I had copied but left off..GOOD MORNING, SO, GOOD MORNING MARGY, ANDREA AND ALL:)

magpie said...

Good Morning Wanda,
and Andy....☺ ☺

Fantastic avatar, Wanda.....just great !

No, Andy I am not working today...

..working on watching the nest!

Costume Lady said...

I just noticed Andrea's avatar...sooo cute! I'd say her daddy loves her:)
My avatar is Jayden loving his soft bear that Aunt Neisy gave him. Anytime he sees a soft, fuzzy animal (alive or stuffed), he stops and rubs his face on it.

magpie said...

BWO and BWE not up and running this morning...stuck on 18:45 from yesterday...Lisa had thought the weather might interrupt the cam views :(

magpie said...

How did Jillian's work shifts go, Wanda?

Amazing, and wonderful... how quickly she got so very involved with the Rescue Squad..she will get an award for Rookie of the Year !

Costume Lady said...

Hey Margy, enjoy your day off. I do hope our pair makes an appearance for our viewing enjoyment!

magpie said...

Me Too ! Not so sure I would want to land on cold, high, windy nest...
maybe they are hunkered down in some low branches....waiting on sunshine and diminished winds !

Costume Lady said...

I haven't heard from her for a while. Last I heard was of her live saving efforts on the elderly woman and being caught driving an ambulance in her PJ bottoms:)

Costume Lady said...

Jill did tell me that she was out on a call and the firemen didn't have enough help, so she dragged out a hose and got it hooked up ad ready. I don't believe she operated it, she has no training in that department.

magpie said...

By the way
Gene and Wanda....
James was dee-lighted with his Christmas card, as was I with mine!

We shall see that a thank-you card gets your way....

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

when I lived in Hedgesville 1/10 mi from the fire station, I would lay my running clothes out near the bathroom...when the pager went off, away I went...
always had a hair scrunchie, and peppermints !

magpie said...

PJ bottoms LOL

sure her efforts were appreciated on both the ambulance, AND fire call.

I did a lot of hose-dragging but not much on interior fire-fighting, left that to the REAL professionals
brush and car fires, I did those.
mostly was just another fanny to be counted to get the truck out with required number of persons

two medevacs in the last hour in and out of City Hospital :(

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to a very WINDY Monday morning to all Eagle Pals. Morning Margy, Andy and Wanda. Nest is showing that it is very windy.

I've caught up on comments:

Shirley I am sorry that is sounds like for Kathryn won't be able to get the problems worked out. Still keeping it in prayer. I know she and you will keep Hunters interest as first thought. Shirley that was so nice of Tom's Mother. I know you wanted things to work out (((HUGS))).

Lynn-Hedgie I am so glad Christmas turned out so very well for you. MERRY CHRISTMAS LADY ( :
I am sure they ALL LOVED MAI !! (:

I can't believe the Hospitals problems.
Last I was in, my nurse said my insurance won't keep me but the one night". It was after the one night she was telling me this. I said, "that is great let me go". Bathroom right in room and they made us use these stinky pottys. All rooms stunk!!!! I thought I
was in the 1800's!!!

Jo I'll be praying for safe travels for the USA GANG as they head for NC and (I like how Margy put it "their new Stateside Roost").

Jim it sounds like a wonderful family Christmas and friendly Marine buddies to top it off. Semper Fi

Loretta hit those left over gals ( :

Lolly sorry Joey is coming down with a cold.
I sure hope Laurel doesn't get it or the boys.
Hope you find a good book with your Kindle.

OH NO MR. BILL snow followed Glo to Georgia!!
That is exactly what happened when we moved down there. The very day we hit snow did too.

Hi Diann yes you get here late sometimes. I see Shirley commented after you arrived. Diann cover
up from those drafts dear. New avatar I see....

Paula and her red snowman has arrived. Glad you had a nice time and why wouldn't you with your
special family ( : If there is snow on your roads when your heading in to work at lunch time be careful.

Wanda that is a precious avatar!!! ( : ( :

Praying Darth (Frank) and Judie had a delicious roast too. Be glad to hear from either one of them.

Andy glad to hear your check in too. Oh why shouldn't you be spoiling Emma. Well Lynn got the fat lip and your hubby a fat ear from puppies.

I think of the sweet comments from Norma-I miss her so!!

Lynne what did you do that your rib hurts?

Hope I haven't missed anyone if so it was not intentional.

Bluefield gang is snowed in with all that snow and getting more.

I don't want only light coverings of snow. Can't dig out anymore.

I do believe my Little Man is getting better with the antibiotics for the bladder infection. I also think because he is older he is starting to have incontinence. Vet will address that when he goes back. He and I had a bad night. Up at after 3 them after 5am.

Costume Lady said...

I'm glad James liked his card...thought he'd enjoy a little extra something at Christmas-time. A trip to the thrift store might be in order for him. I have taken all my grandchildren to the thrift store to buy books with their gifts of money and as you know, you can get a lot of books there for a few dollars:) That taught them the love of books and they are in their 20's now, but still love to read. (except for Dustin, he, of course is 16).

magpie said...

Good Morning Dana....hoping that you AND Little Man will continue to improve

computer hanging up takes a long time to post going to let it rest awhile while watching the nest......

Paula enjoy your morning time with Michael, and hope your second half of day at work goes well

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

James loves books Wanda....!
Great idea, am sure GoodWill is in our future !


Costume Lady said...

Sounds like an accident somewhere nearby:(
I hope City Hospital got their problem straightened out!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. I didn't have to hear what to use to store my boat motor this morning! :-)

hedgie said...

Good morning my fine, fowl friends.
Have been checking cam since Mai got me up at 7 (for the 3rd time!) and haven't seen our resident pair.
Wind is SO awful they would probably get blown right out of nest! I'm sure they are hunkered down someplace safe and secure.

Had to drive out to chase trashcan. Today was is now rechained to a tree! Forecast is calling for 40's in a day or two and 50's by the weekend----HEATWAVE!!

BWE/O cams still down.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Sharon...I gave POOR ED some STA-BIL for Christmas, maybe that's why he's not on this morning;)
Do you have snow in Bedford?

Costume Lady said...

Dana, I do hope the anti-biotics do the trick for Little Man. Hate to see an animal suffering:(

Costume Lady said...

Morning Lynn:)
We heard last night that it would be in the 50's Saturday, so we plan to stack our firewood then.
We had a cord delivered and the gentleman dropped it in the wrong place, in front of the house instead of under the deck:(

hedgie said...

Want to see snow at Ocean City??
OC Cams
Mits is NOT there!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sharon lol about the commerical. How is your weather where you are?

Wanda you was either being kind to Ed but more likely I think you was being kind to us on the blog. By giving Ed his Christmas present to store his boat properly. LOL

Little Man isn't in any pain from the bladder infection Wanda. He has been on antibotics long enough just has to finish them. I think he was having a little incontinence before bladder infection. Why we were up was because as badly as I feel about it. He got under my feet and I stepped on his right paw. OUCH! I woke up and seen him sitting up on couch as if in pain. So I gave him th 1/4 pill pill he is allowed to have. Then I stayed up 2 hrs. with him until he fell asleep. This morning he is walking just fine--thank you God. I felt so terrible about hurting that little fellow. It was all an accident. He wanted more treat and he is limited. I thought he went in room next thing I heard was a yelp. He ate just fine and is now under covers sleeping.

hedgie said...

Wanda, sorry about the wood fiasco. Whrn I buy wood, I always make it clear that it must be stacked in a particular location---and pay extra! Charlie has been good the last two years and I haven't had to buy from anyone. He repays me little cash loans with wood.
Let stove go out yesterday as house would have been too hot with ovens and bodies! Was too tired to rebuild last on the agenda for this morning for sure.

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell y'all---I got two very special eagle gifts from my kids....will take photos and post later! I also got a new pressure cooker from "old" one that they gave me a few years ago turned out to be defective----but didn't know it until I'd had it a couple of years. Finally figured it out---duh! There was a part of the locking edge broken off----actually it looked like it hadn't ever been there! It leaked terribly, and took forever to get pressure up--and sometimes never did!

hedgie said...

How very strange----had to put in password, etc. again---and I never left the page!

magpie said...

I had to do a C-cleaner clean up, reload Java, and do a restart...things running zippy now

Sounds nice, Lynn
will look forward to pictures

Remember the old pressure cookers, that went zit zit zit zit zit zit

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

See our nest is really swaying in the breeze!

Was checking out the traffic cams for Michael, looks like roads are clear for him to head home. His GF in NJ got 18" of snow!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, Margy, my Mom had one of those....worked great tho!

magpie said...

finishing up paperwork for new Will and Power of Attorney, signing off on all that today.
Favorite Family lawyer died in Aug 2009, and things have changed in what I want done...
going to Charles Town WV soon for all that

wow, upstairs neighbors, was a Mom and her 8 yoa daughter...going through a separation from Dad...Good News!
They are reconciling, will be buying a house, so they will have a New Roost ♥ ☺
and things will be quiet once again upstairs soon

Merry Christmas !

Best wishes for a good day for all, for safe travels and work, home play, family, and
that Wellness Swells !

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

Paula that is good news for Michael's travel ☺
Wow, lots of snow in New Jersey !

I was so young I cannot remember what Mother was making! ☺

ttfn xox

Costume Lady said...

I can remember my grandmother canning pork in the pressure cooker. It had the most wonderful flavor! Pressure cooker always scared me...I heard horror stories of them blowing up!

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning! I dont think Lib and Belle could land in that nest. It is moving in the wind too much! LOL!

Sounds like the holiday was good for everyone. I truly enjoyed mine.

A pressure pot is an important tool. Being a single parent and working two jobs, I could come home, pop a chicken in the pot and we would have a meal in no time. My daughter is just learning how convenient one can be!

Jo, I hear that some of the roads south are not good. Please tell your family to check out the highways before they head this way.

Costume Lady said...

How did your family like your hot roast beef sandwiches, Paula?
That is one of my favorite meals in the slow cooker. I'll bet Gianni loves mashed potatoes:)

Costume Lady said...

I was reading a while back that turkeys cannot fly in high winds (didn't know a turkey could fly!), so, if that is the case, I'm sure eagles can't either. It is still 25° here and very windy, but the gusts are not as fierce. So, if the winds have calmed by dinner time, maybe Lib and Belle will come and check things out.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, the hot roast beef sandwiches were consumed to the last bite! All the kids like mashed taters!

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know why I stayed home this morning, LOL. Michael is still sleeping :)

Nugz is up in the hallway whining at his door!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of the wind, I had one small bag of wrapping paper and such that I put out last night with the larger bag, when we got home, it was nowhere to be found! Blew away somewhere!

Lolly said...

Hey guys! Hate to interrupt the conversation but

......NEW THREAD....
........NEW THREAD........

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Hope it was a bag of used wrappings you had put out for the trash, Paula.

I couldn't put a bag outdoors here and expect to find it again, either.

With their big ears, the bassets might fly away this morning.

stronghunter said...

Going to the

new thread, thread, thread!!!

hedgie said...

A huge eddy of wind just scared the poop right back into Mai!!!! Sorry---just too funny not to share. She ran like the wind, too!! Poor pup.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm back home from feeding the bulldogs, and have taken Emma out to go potty. Waiting now for the exterminator guy to get here. Hope he shows up early! Hate having to wait half the day for someone to get here. Oh, well, will go call Sears to make appts. for all our appliances to get checked out (Washer, dryer, dishwasher, and refrigerator). Will probably need 3 seperate appts. They all seem to specialize in what they will fix. We have the extended contracts on all of those things, and I'm not sure it's worth it, but may as well get what we pay for. Better call now, before they get swamped. BBIALW!
Oh, Margy--I'm SO glad you have today off! That's great! Make the most of it!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...