Saturday, December 18, 2010


New thread.


Steve Chase said...

I think the servers are down in Denver, I can't get into any FWS site. They often do maintenance at quiet times around the holidays.

BEagle said...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the new thread.
Stay warm.

I will go call the others.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for coming in and writing your comment about the cam.
I was trying and trying to get the still up and of course could not.

So I came here to find out from the group and here you are lol telling me yourself. Stay warm and again Merry Christmas to you and your FAMILY and a Merry Christmas to ALL THE WORKERS AND GUARDS AT NCTC ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks BEagle for the call over.

Good Morning to the Momsters and Dadsters.

I am having "fun" but I can't say it was fun trying to buy a camera. At Best Buy the ones I was interested in they couldn't get electric to work anymore. So we couldn't go through how the camera worked. So it wasn't a happy experience. I had whittled it down to two. When they wouldn't open the boxes. I called Hagerstown and they were having same problem although they would open the boxes and they said the battery has charge enough for us to see how they worked. Well I let Martinsburg hear them telling me that and who the person in Hagerstown was. The boxes in Martinsburg were then opened. Camera and accessories were brought.

No I have not read comments. I wished I could speed read lol

BEagle said...

Well, there isn't much action on the postings at the moment. I just stopped in for a little bit.

The FWS usually does maintenance on the weekend I've noticed previously.

No still cam today! Well at least, until they are finished maintaining.

Does anyone see tracks on the nest?
There doesn't seem to be many on here this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

That is very sad news about the Panda Hedgie-Lynn...made me cry.

BEagle said...

There's DANA! Hi DANA. I just stopped in a minute.

My furnace is supposed to be completed this weekend. Yay!


BEagle said...

From reading back, it looks like there was confusion about the new thread.

As usual, people will figure it out.

BEagle said...

Will check the other nests and then get busy with the Christmas stuff now that my young man is here!

: )
: )
: )

BEagle said...

The TH and PH nests are down. The WE nest is up but very foggy this morn.

hedgie said...

Jim and guy just said 4-10" of rain for LA.......need an ark???

6-8 ft. of snow in the Sierras! Awful!

A seal named Neptune at the Toledo Zoo died this week. He was 36 and had actually worked with the Navy Seals, and was donated to Mystic, Conn. aquarium in '78. He went to the zoo in '99.

Oh, Beagle, so glad the furnace installation will be completed sooner rather than later!! Ah---warmth!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Glad your furnace will be done today BEagle!

Thanks for the new thread and update Steve!

Heading to the Dr now....not getting better so I SURRENDER! BBL

BEagle said...

Interesting story about the seal.
Is 36 a good life span?

BEagle said...

Yay Lynne. Get some antibiotics and knock that thing out.

BEagle said...

May be the PH nest cam just isn't awake yet!

The Victoria nest is really swaying with the wind.

I think it is the Duke nest that makes everyone seasick.

The Caltrans cam is not coming up for me.

BEagle said...

Come on one has said a word about my avatar.

BEagle said...

The Hornby nest isn't awake yet either.
They have a new blogging system. Pretty cool.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

how's that for a word!

OK, while I am waiting for Steve to finish primping...

Last night, he said he kept smelling SB. We turned on the light, checked the pillows, pulled all the sheets and blankets to check. Couldn't find anything.

This morning, he found a dead SB on the floor next to his side of the bed. Further investigation of pillow in the morning light revealed a small yellow squish mark that STUNK.

No one is safe....they are everywhere.

wvgal_dana said...

Somehow I posted on old thread...deleted it..will bring over.

Give me a chance PLEASE I haven't had even 1/2 cup of coffee yet. lol

Sissy I have read your comment about Brandon. Yes I still and will continue to whole him, his family and friends up in prayer.

Lynn-Hedgie Mai got kibble dipped peanut butter then frozen. I bet she enjoyed that. Do I have this right the peanut butter dipped kibble was then put inside
the kong. We use to put stuff inside the kong but I have never heard of kibble dipped in peanut butter and frozen. Nice that Lynne2has some very good doggie tips. Thanks Lynne2 ( :

Shirley only reading so far comments on this last thread. It sounds like the doctor re-set your nose. OUCH!!!

Jo read you comments about your daughters.

My feeling are the same for my daughter. When I look at her
I am amazed that God gave me such a beautiful person outside but more than that. Inside her attitude with others, how she treats them, her thoughts, her laughter, the way she looks at things and so so much that God brings out that I get to see. That
beautiful person that thinks so much good of others.
I had seen in before in her life but it has been so long since I have seen and been around her. I am thankful God is allowing me to re-see this young woman as she matures more and more.

BEagle said...

Heh Heh Heh.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle glad furnace is getting finished. ( :

Lynne2 sorry that you do have to head to doctor but I am glad you will get some antibiotics to kick that stuff.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning.. Sad about the cam being down but maybe that is for the best.
I mean we won't get so disappointed when we look and can't find our Royal Eagle Couple.

Dana - glad you got the camera you wanted but so sorry you had to make a threat to get it at the store location you wanted.

I see almost 8 stink bugs on here.
That is so funny lol

Mema Jo said...

Going back to read previous comments.

BEagle said...

The Window on Wildlife forum is very nice. It helps for updates for sure.

There's mention of the NBG eagles building another nest. May be that Belle and Lib are doing the same.

The OR nest had a climber there to work on the cam. He had a stuffed eagle with him. Funny.

Lynne2 said...

careful Jo, I think BEagle is really the Alien SB Queen cleverly disguised as an Eaglet Momster, come to infiltrate our world......

Uh, Steve is STILL not ready. Honesty, he takes longer to get ready to go out than anyone I have ever known.

ok here he for now!

BEagle said...

Our weather scan says that we will have temperatures above freezing this week. Well, during the day.

It will probably get better than that simply because my furnace will be working. You know.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle I did notice your avartar before you said anything about it.
I am trying to figure out my comment hee hee

BEagle said...

My son spends a lot of time in the bath getting his beard just so-so.

BEagle said...

I liked the pink stink bug!

wvgal_dana said...

I think for next Halloween Wanda should get a STINK BUG COSTUME to sale. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo you said on the blog, "I see 8 stink bugs on here". We need a BIGGER Jar for THESE 8 STINK BUGS cracking me up.

hedgie said...

Oh my....a year ago today we had the first of 3 blizzards!! SURE glad there is not a redux!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn sorry about Neptune that worked with the Navy Seals you said. I was wondering also is 36 a long life for a seal?

BEagle said...

Sorry to leave such good company but things are awaiting beginning with a late breakfast.

Will be praying for young Branden today and stay focused about what Jehovah Rapha can do, our God Who heals.

hedgie said...

Jo, not cam cam is okay. It's FWS sites that are down. But no nest action....:(

Dana, know what you mean about your daughter. I feel the same way about mine!

BEagle----SB has got to go!!!

Oh, poor Steve----and you probably couldn't smell as well as he could, right Lynne?? Glad you are seeing the doctor.

BEagle said...

Also, will be praying for our eagles, especially to show their beaks.

At first I thought to say so might be a little lame BUT...

We learn about who needs prayer by the blog with it's camaraderie because of Liberty and Belle.


BEagle said...

Eating breakfast and watching two eagles on cam 1 at Victoria and two eagles on cam 2.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn - I just assumed that both cams were down. Live feed is zoomed in, I think. No feetsie prints! :(

Dana - I so happy for you that your daughter is bringing the sunshine back to your life!

BEagle said...

Wait. Excuse me. The two cams at Victoria are focused on the same nest.

Just figured that out. It's snowing there.

BEagle said...

wvgal_dana said...

Most important part of going to Shepherdstown yesterday. We went down to the river. Oh my there are so many, many places where water IS NOT FROZEN. Even seen a heron fishing. So I do believe our eagles CAN GET FOOD FROM THE RIVER.

wvgal_dana said...

I do want to say about the commerical on the "live feed". My Ed did not have a boat. Just so when your hearing that name "Ed" so many times. I don't know if Mema Jo's Ed has a boat. I too liked the animated commericals.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Good to know, Dana. I really do not think it has been so cold that the river would freeze completely over this early in the season.

Isn't there a fish farm of some kind nearby where our eagles go, too? I remember hearing something about that.

Been working on updating my iPhone.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Dana. I don't think this Ed is yours or Jo's Ed. This is a foolish Ed.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Well I just had a touch of the Christmas Spirit.......
Next door neighbor - a young mother with 2 children - rang the doorbell
and handed me a box of home made cookies and a card. Was great when they all said 'Merry Christmas' and reminded me if I ever needed anything to be sure to let them know.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll put my eagle avatar back on after the Holiday ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Mema Jo now that is the Christmas spirit your neighbor and children did. Merry Christmas !!

Mema Jo said...

Going to break
I just have to get some things accomplished............


hedgie said...

Shirley, there is a federal fish research facility about 10 miles from road! Don't know whether they would go that far....unless the river was completely frozen over....????

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I just remember hearing that someone at a fish farm said, "those eagles are here all the time." That was quoted at the 2009 open house, as I recall. I remember it because I thought it was funny, as I had always thought of our eagles as fishing at the Potomac.

Of course, especially if it is 10 miles away, who could know which eagles might be at the fish farm?

But it is encouraging that Belle and Lib have been seen sitting in the sycamore.

hedgie said...

Jo, thoughtful neighbor, teaching her children right!

hedgie said...

Yep, Shirley, could very well be other eagles!!! Cool thought that there ARE more around.....could be offspring of Lib & Belle!!

stronghunter said...


Just put all of my numbers in my iPhone. Still have to do some figuring out, but it is going to be easier to use than my old phone. I never sent text messages on that old phone. It was just too complicated.

stronghunter said...

Surely could be their offspring, Lynn. Nice to think about. I am sure eagles appreciate fish farms.

Doubt the farms appreciate the eagles as much, though. But they are probably fun to watch.

Lynne2 said...

Great news to Urgent Care at 11:40. An hour later they told us to go home and they'll call us when it's time for the appt, it's that busy. So, home now, waiting for the call.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lynne. I hope you do not have to travel far to that place. But I would appreciate being able to wait at home. You really do not want to expose yourself to whatever diseases might be there.

Lynne2 said...

It's a 15 minute ride Shirl, and what about you...are you feeling better in the nose today?

BEagle said...

Squirrel on the nest.

BEagle said...

Not for long.

wvgal_dana said...

Squirrel in live feed can't find my tool to take a picture !!!!!!!!!

BEagle said...

That squirrel is no fear of being eaten.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Just heard a shot

BEagle said...

Gee whiz, Lynne. Do you have a store nearby that sells natural medicines?

Two squirrels roaming the nest. One looked right into the cam. Will this bring in eagle action?

BEagle said...

Look into your programs under accessories. That's where my snipping tool is.

BEagle said...

You can use the print screen button on the key board too. (i think)

wvgal_dana said...

Mine was always on one of my tool bars at top????

stronghunter said...

Not too bad, Lynne. Yes, my nose is better. I shall survive this.

BEagle said...

Go to your START button on the lower left of your tool bar at bottom.

Squirrels are gone.

stronghunter said...

Missed the squirrel action. Had to go up and check on vacuuming activity with Hunter and Kathryn. Beater bar has stopped working. Shucks. Don't know what is wrong.

BEagle said...

Did you find the snipping tool yet, Dana?

Unplug the vacuum and look underneath. There may be a string caught up in there somewhere.

stronghunter said...

I use the print screen button on the keyboard. Then I paste it into my IrfanView program and save it.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I looked at the beater bar. You can spin it manually. I wonder if the belt is broken or off. It is an new vacuum, so I have never done anything with the belt, but usually I can't spin the brush if the belt is properly attached.

NCSuzan said...

Dana, my snipping tool i saved to the quick launch toolbar in the lower left corner of the screen.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, check to see if the belt has broken.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I found it in programs but that is never where it was before. My snipping tool was always ontop on one of my toolbars!!!!! grrrrrrrr

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, if you can spin the bar the belt is broken. Unfortunately had experience there!

wvgal_dana said...

I'll bbiaw I am just discussed right now.

Take some time to get my shower I have tried to get earlier.


movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Hello Jim.

BEagle said...

I got my tree out to set up and decorate. It's not a biggie.

BEagle said...

The Decorah cam has been upgraded. Nice. The nest is covered over with snow. Looks like it's had visitors on it.

BEagle said...

The Still Image cam is back up.

hedgie said...

Dana, just click, hold and drag SnipIt to the bottom menu bar. That's where I keep mine.

New tree lights are LED----ugh! Don't know why I didn't notice that when I bought them. So now I am unstringing the 2 lines that are on the tree, and redoing it with just 200 bulbs. Guess it will do for a half tree.

hedgie said...

As you can see from the cam, clouds have rolled in. Temp holding at 38°---we're having a heatwave!!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to head out to Mass shortly. Will touch base when I return

Just thinking that If our eagles are
building a new nest, I wish we would know where so that we could watch an eagle's nest from the first stick up!
I remember Kent Island eagles took more than a year to build a new nest.
Just a thought!


BEagle said...

Mema Jo. I think my thoughts are going along the same line as yours.

Will NCTC be able to notice if B&L are re-establishing a new nest and

if it is close by, will they be able to move the cam at the place?

wvgal_dana said...

I took today off. I get tired easily. So I told daughter to go have some fun with her friends.

I needed a day's rest. hee hee

BEagle said...

I am a little heartbroken about the matter but nature is what it is. I know everyone else is upset about a potentially abandoned nest too.

It would come as a great relief to see some kind of activity...from the eagles, not the other critters.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is getting ready to go out with one of her girlfriends. I am going to stay home. Just did not feel like going out tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley what did the doctor do to you? Did he have to re-set nose?

hedgie said...

"How to Retrieve baby for check-up without getting chomped up by Mama"

Too cute! Zoo Madrid 11/29/10

BEagle said...

That is!
Just too cute!

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

BEagle, I very strongly suspect that even if NCTC folks found another nest, they would not move the cam this year. :(

It's too cold to be out and about anyway, Dana and Shirley!!!

stronghunter said...

He set my nose, Dana.

BEagle said...

Ok Hedgie.

The cold, hard facts. :(.....

Lynne2 said...

I'm back. And I am VERY sick. That Dr is such a buzz kill! I have extremely bad bacterial bronchitis. Bordering pneumonia. I could only blow a 300 on the breathing thingy. I got 2 nebulizer treatments while there. I have some to do at home. I have to take prednisone and azithromycin. I am to rest, and go back on Wed for a recheck. I am not allowed to go back to Irvine or resume normal activities until she checks me again on Wed. I am to be considered very contagious. After my treatments, she was still very unhappy with my breathing and with my breathing thingy results which after treatment was just a tad under 300. But I get the prize for the very worst cough most have ever heard in a human still walking!

Jo and BEagle, you guys missed the conversation yesterday on the blog about going to the nest area after the Holidays to see if a new nest can be spotted!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne. You take care of yourself.

Lynne2 said...

Oh I will! In fact, I am going to have some MEDICINAL chocolate chip cookies right now!

BEagle said...

I must have missed that conversation Lynne.

I will check back on yesterday to see what I missed.

(Do you remember about what time of day?)

Please get your rest and relaxation. Make it a priority.

Lynne2 said...

It was sometime around 9:30 but before 11 I think.

Lynne2 said...

I just feel really bad because EVERYONE said early in the week that I should go to the Dr and I had to be a hard head about it. Up until yesterday evening though, it was pretty much my routine yearly bout with bronchitis. But last night the cough was so much worse, and this morning I was wheezing so badly...Now because I didn't get on meds sooner, I have to miss work and babysitting next week. I really screwed up big time.

Lynne2 said...

You don't think Steve would end this blog if the birds don't return soon, do you????

Lynne2 said...

OH SHIRLEY guess what!!! I was SO thinking of you while I was having my treatment! There is a TV in the little treatment room and the Andy Griffith Show was on (anyone out there not yet familiar with how I want to live in Mayberry?) This particular episode was about Opie getting a D in math and explaining to his father that it was because he just didn't understand LONG DIVISION!!!!! And then there was poor Andy trying to explain it too him, and he just couldn't.....OMG it was so funny!

NCSuzan said...

Oh Lynne, I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Please be very careful and take care of yourself. That is nothing to play with.

Lynne2 said...

I will for sure....this was certainly a reality check!

And I am currently tired of cold, hard reality. And stinkbugs. SO, I am going to take my unicorn out for a spin around the moon....BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 Prayers in more understanding be pushed hard towards God. May HE place HIS healing hands on you and help the meds to work. Letting you NOT GET ANY SICKER but to cover you with HIS HEALING POWERS and lessen this
diagnois. Making you become better, and improving everyday. Amen

wvgal_dana said...

When I was down at the nest. Didn't get out of car. We did look around for another nest. Good oh me forgot her binoculars which didn't help in finding a nest just started. Still did not see anything any different as to be a new nest. Don't mean there isn't one.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I like the unicorn ride idea. I will join you on my Pegasus.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne......wish to goodness you had listened to us and gone to the Dr. sooner. You poor girl. THis is just awful. Did you WANT you in the hospital???? Sounds like some IV a/b's would be in order. Please, please take extra care and get over this pronto as Margy says!

Having trouble with AOL----can't get into my email. ARGH!!!!!

hedgie said...

SIL came with a load of wood. Brought in the new dog crate and put it together. So now I need to close up the playpen and lug it back to basement. Crate won't take up as much room, and Mai can't get out! And I won't have to be lifting her in and out---whew, maybe backache will ease!!

I did get the rest of her toenails clipped today----and didn't have to use Glo's towel method. Crazy pup wanted to eat the clippers!!

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOOO Shirl, then let's saddle up and RIDE!!! and on the way back, let's stop at Andy's house. I hear Aunt Bee has been baking up a storm for the Holidays and I sure have a hankerin' for some of her chocolate chip pecan cookies!

Lynne2 said...

well Lynn, be careful lugging all that stuff around! We don't need YOU to end up with a back problem!

yes, I wish I had listened sooner. I really am ashamed of myself.

hedgie said...

Dana wanted recipe for my Grams' cinnamon rolls, so typed it up. If anyone else wants it, let me know and I'll send it when email works!

hedgie said...

Duh.....meant to say did SHE (dr.) want you in the hospital-----know YOU didn't want to go. I always had to fight that notion myself!!

Lynne2 said...

well, I think I better be in much better shape on Wednesday or she may just do that! I'm a little afraid of her....LOL!

stronghunter said...

Just had to take off and look out the front door. Sirens going off big time in my neighborhood, then I saw Christmas lights go by. Santa on a Firetruck. They do it every year.

My camera wanted a battery charge, so I grabbed the iPhone; pics are not that good. I am still learning. Wish I'd done a video. I heard the little kids next door. Cool.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you had better listen to her, Lynne. It is important to take care of yourself.

Lynne2 said...

oh that's cool Shirley, I miss living where the firetrucks come with Santa!

hedgie said...

Did Hunter get to see the Santa firetruck, Shirley???

When we were househunting at the beach, we were on a cul-de-sac backing the sound. A fire truck was sitting at the end. A mom and little boy---maybe 3'ish---were sitting next to their mailbox. Fire truck comes up, blows the siren and then a FF jumped out and the little boy a childs' helmet!! Figured it was probably his birthday. Forgot to tell Candy and Jim that story!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh, Shirl----dusting of snow for you tonight!

stronghunter said...

Hunter is with his dad tonight, Lynn. But the truck does go through that neighborhood, too. Probably another night.

Oh, hadn't checked the weather. Snow. Really?

hedgie said...

That's what the guy on Ch. 4 said.

So iy's just you and the critters tonight, Shirley! Take advantage of the peace and quiet!

stronghunter said...

Checked Ch. 7 and did not find anything.

Funny, though, Ch. 7 says no white Christmas, though if you look at their 7-day forecast they are predicting about 3 inches on Christmas Eve.

hedgie said...

Now that the weather predictions have cut us out of the storm, tomorrow night is bell choir concert at church. So will be heading down to Christie's late afternoon. Shannon is going to fix Pizza casserole for dinner!!! That has sure turned out to be one of favorite menu items!!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, just the critters and me right now. Kathryn wanted to go shopping, and I was planning to join her, but then her girlfriend wanted to go, and I decided to stay home. Just didn't feel like venturing out tonight.

Lynne2 said...

just me and my critters tonight too, at least for a little while longer. Steve is at his Aunt's house for her annual Christmas party. His mom came in to town yesterday afternoon for it. But she has to leave early tomorrow to be at work at 1. So I don't get to see her this trip :(

mmmmmm. pizza casserole sound yummy!

BEagle said...

Pizza Casserole sounds good. We like it here too.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you just need to take it easy tonight, Lynne. Sorry you are missing a family event.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, epsecially because there is a good chance that we won't see my MIL until spring thaw now. We are really hoping for a Christmas weather miracle of snow in either our forecast or theirs for next weekend so we could pack up Rotten and Horrible and go spend Christmas with them. Steve's sisters in FLA wanted to drive up as well. A real family Christmas!

Costume Lady said...

I'm hopping on here before I get too sleepy to make anys sense.
First thing this morning, I had a good view of the nest and there were NO feetsies prints:(
Black powder gun still blasting away near here. Shooting near the nest is the only thing I can think of that would keep them away. The tree does not look rotten to me where the nest is situated...don't think that is a problem, yet.

Lynn, got your nice warmies. I'm so anxious to get that program started. Waiting till a room gets cleared out at the church (full of old computers!)
GG is sooo bad, she knows better. I told her the day before the snow that she shouldn't even think about shoveling snow, especially since I have no more of her pain meds! Can't get anymore til Tuesday. Dustin finished the shoveling:)

BEagle said...

Just checking.

Has everyone seen the Christmas light display set to Trans-Siberian music?

Mema Jo said...

Back from Mass and dinner--
Lynne, Next time we say Goooooooooo
you best better go to doc

You've come home with the full treatment! Sit back & take your meds.. By Wed the threat of a hospital stay will have vanished! And you will be well and can enjoy Christmas with all of us!

BEagle said...

If you haven't, check it out.

Lynne2 said...

yes ma'am. I will listen from now on.

BEagle, I think I've seen a video or two of them, but my friend Gail and her daughters have been to see them twice and they LOVED it! Pricey, they said, but well worth it and the drive...from here to DC once and to Philly the other time.

BEagle said...

This one is in Frisco.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Went to work today, then left to do some shopping. Should have it finished up tomorrow.

Got to get decorating around here!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry BEagle, misunderstood what you were asking...I checked it out. WHEW! That is some display!

BEagle said...

The guy that put that together knows his stuff.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad everyone enjoys the pizza casserole recipe! I'll have to tell my GF next time I see her.

I heard about the possibility of snow on Christmas.

Lynne, listen to the doctor! Take your meds and rest!

hedgie said...

Yes, BEagle, I love that light show!

Hey, hey, hey Paula!! Yes, get that decorating done!

My tree turned out good. I'm pleased with it, even though it's only a half! At least I didn't have to climb up on anything to decorate it.

Wanda, hope my tire tracks didn't make it harder for Dustin to shovel! Maybe you could enlist a neighbor to take GG's paper up to the stoop in the morning when it snows!

hedgie said...

Watching Holiday Affair. I swear, I don't think I've ever seen it. It is as old as I am!!!

hedgie said...

Sorry you are missing the gathering tonight, Lynne.....but hopefully you will be well enough and the weather behaves so that you can have the family Christmas in Terra Alta!

hedgie said...

Love that cleft in Robert Mitchum's chin!

Lynne2 said...

oh I hope you enjoy it Lynn! It's on again Christmas Eve morning and I hope I don't forget this time!

Have fun decorating Paula! We'll do ours tomorrow. Wanted to clean today first, but....

Mema Jo said...

BEagle, he sure does know his stuff!
You would need to be an electrician, musician, computer technician and
some one who loves Christmas and can
afford a BIG electric bill!
It was beautiful!!

hedgie said...

Janet Leigh was much prettier then than when she made Psycho. Good movie!

hedgie said...

Bath time here. BBL.

hedgie said...

Oh----forgot to mention: Can't believe the pointy undergarment---what a hoot!!! Can't imagine being THAT conical!!!

hedgie said...

Reminds me of auto fins!!!

hedgie said...

OMG----Ward Bond (wagonmaster on Wagon Train) is the conductor on the rail car at the end!!! Always liked him! Movie is over. TTFN!

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed the Christmas lights, BEagle.

NatureNut said...

Evening all my eagle buds!!!
Too bad otther FWS sites were down. Cams off all day????
Haven't read hardly anything yet, but saw Jo scolding Lynne about Drs. I assume L finally went!!!!Loving the beautiful avatars.
Altho it was quiet & mostly grey at Park today, had an enjoyable time. In fact it was HO HO HO!!!
Get your fix & see my pics!

NatureNut said...

Gotta finish din din.....

hedgie said...

Enjoyed your pics very much, Lowreeda!!!!! BTW: Have you been to Ledo's yet??? Same people????

hedgie said...

Got play pen closed up.....haven't attempted the trip down the stairs yet. If they weren't spiral, think I would just let slide!!

hedgie said...

Hope everything is okay with Judie....haven't heard from her today.

Glo is in Nashville for the night. Aiming for Atlanta tomorrow.

Hope Margy is napping after that 12 hr. shift! Carolyn got to spend some time with her.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Charlie or the Lady in the house next to his, brings GG's paper most mornings, to her door.
She does go out every day to get her mail. She looks forward to that part of her day. She sits for the longest time reading her mail:)

Costume Lady said...

There is a gentleman who is supposed to plow the driveway when we have a big snow. He did a fine job last year, hope he doesn't forget her!

BEagle said...

I like your pictures NNut. Coolness.
There are some people missing. Like Lolly Sissy Sharon BookWorm CLady...hope I didn't miss anyone.
My apologies if I did.

BEagle said...

Hedgie mentioned the others..

BEagle said...

Oh, there's CLady!

Lynne2 said...

Great pics Loretta!

I completely forgot to mention that on our way back from the Dr the first time, we saw a juvie red tail hawk on the side of the road! It was just sitting carrion or anything for it to be there. On a little embankment right near the sidewalk. It flew off when I rolled my window down. Can't help but wonder if it was the same one we saw on our walk. I know it's really unlikely, but it's only about 4 miles as the juvie flies from that place to where we saw it today!

Going to head to bed now. See you good folks in the AM! Prayers for all of you!

BEagle said...

Rest well Lynne2. You are in my prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Lynne - rest well and heal!

Loretta, the pics are great! You had
good hunting today!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

12/18 Bear cam update

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - it would be worth a phone call to the gentleman to see if he has GG on his schedule for this year's snow days.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, It is certainly more treacherous
getting a playpen down the spiral staircase than it was getting it up!
Get some help doing that, please, if you can.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, would be a good idea to see if GG is on his list...if I knew his name:) Neighbor will know!


magpie said...

Good Evening and also already nearly Good Night Eagle Pals..

Wanda, I remember that snowplowin' guy, seems his name might be Custer?? from Inwood ? I bet he'll be back around !

magpie said...

BEagle had slipped a comment in around midday that the still cam was back up....or somewhere in the pile of comments behind me

NatureNut said...

Gosh, it's getting late again!!Finished up in kitchen & was looking thru the on TV Guide & couldn't find the Holiday movie. We probably don't get that channel. 34th St. is on of course.
Hope I can do a little more inside decorating tomorrow. I'm sure I will have help of the 4-footed kind!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Lynne -
I am sorry you are so sick...
I went on a week's vacation once to a premiere hunting camp (as a non-hunting partner, I was...)
this place is known for its fantastic meals! By Wednesday I was at the hospital with bronchitis and near-pneumonia...could finally begin to eat some fine food Thursday evening
Woof !

Mema Jo said...

Margy - The live feed has been up all day..

magpie said...

Back when I was little I would search and search to find Alistair Cooke in A Christmas Carol...
we could usually only get it on a very fuzzy channel....I would love to find that this year !

Mema Jo said...

Loretta It sounds like you're going to put things up and the 4-footers will try to take them down!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has returned with many packages. We are tired. See you all tomorrow. Good night.

magpie said...

and it's way too late to start on Christmas to bed I go and will try to get an early start on that in the morning....

Prayers for wellness amongst all of us and our families and friends

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I forgot the date of the full moon
Margy can you help me out

It is very very bright tonight.

magpie said...

Yes I knew that Jo....was watching it a little before work, it was the Still Cam I couldn't get into, was going to take a picture of the Empty nest for the E-M album :(
Oh well, there is tomorrow

Good Night, now, dear friends xo

magpie said...

Dec 21 Jo
the same morning as the Total Lunar Eclipse ! ☺

and also the day of the winter solstice, when winter ACTUALLY begins

hedgie said...

Jo, full moon will be the 21st.

Hello to those coming in.....and goodnight to those signing out. Hope your day was good, that your rest is plentiful, and that tomorrow holds some fun.
Night-night from here. Prayers.

Mema Jo said...

I just watched the latest adventures of the Wright's Trail Cam on FB! I'm sure Wanda will also post on here..
There is a big surprise at the ending.

Mema Jo said...

Ok That means that the days start getting longer with daylight!

I think I better finish what I was doing on the kitchen table - I mean I can't see the table....

Mema Jo said...

Heading soon down the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All Needs
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Hi ll! Nite all! This has been such a wonderful weekend. Tonight we had Laurel and the boys, and Michael, Ashley and Zach here. Joey did not come, he has caught Laurel's bug! Anyway, it was just a fantastic time. The boys all loved seeing their great aunts and uncles. It was quiet a roar coming from here. Could you hear us? LOL Have not read the blog. Will try to catch up tomorrow afternoon. ((Hugs)) for a all and hope all is well and no one else has fallen!

magpie said...

up early
Good Morning !
looks like both Still Cam and Live Nest feed are not functional this morning....yet....

Best wishes for a good day


stronghunter said...

Live cam is sending static.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Thought I heard a roar coming from the direction of Texas, Lolly. Was that you all?

FuzzleMT said...

Hello to all and Merry Christmas!!
NEW THREAD and a note from Steve - he appears to be on top of cam prob. Steve, you are the best - thanks!

hedgie said...

New thread is up. Come on over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...