Monday, December 20, 2010


John is working on the cam.  Our new batteries drained over the weekend...  Should be back up after lunch.

New thread.


Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve! Hope you are all ready for Christmas! I'll go grab the gang from the other thread...have a good one!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the thread and info, Steve. And thanks for the call-over Lynne.

From the other thread:

Blogger stronghunter said...

Well, Hunter came back downstairs and apologized for being rude awhile ago.

There's hope for the kid yet:). (He had refused to drink any milk with the sweet roll and then said a lot of silly things until I was really provoked with him.)

I waited him out, and he apologized on his own, thank goodness.

Then he started talking about Santa. Maybe he got worried.

Monday, December 20, 2010 10:01:00 AM

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and the info. I'll be glad when the cam
is functioning properly so that I can
check on the Royal Couple that seem to have flown the coop!
Steve are there any recent sightings at the nest or nest tree

Good Morning Friends.... Need to read back but sure am glad to see you Lynne and Shirley. Sometimes being silent is the best way to assert an idea into the behavior of our grandkids.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Steve....have you or anyone seen anything recently?????????

Morning JO!

Shirley, glad he apologized on his own!

Lynne2 said...

brought over.....

Eclipse event Eastern Standard Time

Partial eclipse begins 1:33 am
Total eclipse begins 2:41 am
Mid-eclipse 3:17 am
Total eclipse ends 3:53 am
Partial eclipse ends 5:01 am

The moon will be pretty high in the sky and easily seen, hopefully from INSIDE through a window!

Lynne2 said...

Winter Solstice, toatal lunar eclipse, what better magical time for our birds to return to the nest!

Lynne2 said...

OK, I am heading outside to rake leaves out from under the bushes in the flower bed out front.......NOT!!!!! LOL! Just kidding! Want to do a few things in here, where it's warm! BBL

hedgie said...

Not good for batteries to drain so fast!!!

I listened to this drama on the scanner this morning. Berkeley Co. deputies got ahead of this jerk to warn traffic in front......

Crazy Trucker

hedgie said...

Love that song, too----and, believe it or not-----I do love macadamia nuts, without the choco! Only three nuts I like: macas, peanuts and cashews!

Shirley, glad that Hunter made the apology without being prompted. Maturing for sure!

hedgie said...

It's a magical time of year, Lynne.....just think of the Christmas miracle!!

hedgie said...

Macau gets a pair of Pandas!

China Gifts Pandas

Lynne2 said...

Just stumble upon this Fla nest saga...

Anclote Eagle Nest

Ancloate Eagle Nest Part 2 of the saga

The Return! (beautiful video)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Boy, did I sleep in this morning! Yea! 58 here and sun is shining. No snow, no ice, but also no rain! Burn bans are going into effect.

Lynne, you had me there for a quick second! You better stay in!

Shirley, when is your last day of school? Laurel and the boys last day was last Friday. Thank goodness she has this week to prepare for Christmas. And, you can not teach a thing this close to Christmas. Childrens brains have turned to mush! LOL

Lolly said...

Just checked and cam is not back up. I wanna see our eagles!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends.

Sorry didn't drop in for 2 days right eye has been dripping water.
Saturday I just rested eye. Daughter stopped by and visited. I just couldn't see nothing but a blur. Last night we went to an Asian Resturant I ate sushi for first time. Daughter helped me pick what to eat cause she doesn't eat the raw sushi. Lots of fun. It was her childhood friend and his wife, daugher and boyfriend and me.
LOL Brandon (daughter's childhood friend) was teasing me and said you should try at least one raw shushi and he laughed. The one was good had tofu, other vegs. and one very thin slice of salmon uncooked. I don't even like salmon. Tasted good...Daughter said, "well Mom you now let Brandon introduce you to raw sushi". Only ate the one piece you mostly taste the tofu.

I'm still going to the Aquarium two eyes or ONE EYE. Trip is today, taking my wheel chair.

Sorry can't stay on the glare bothers my eyes even with sunglasses on in here.

Prayers for those that need them. I am praying everyone in here is doing better.

Well when they get here off to make "memories" ( :

Lolly said...

Lynne, I need some help. Could not find the video. Very interesting about the nest. In Texas they built a parking area where drivers could pull off to see the eagles. That might be a good trip for Jack and me next month. We went too late last year.

Lynne2 said...



Lynne2 said...

sorry about that!

Lolly said...

You are forgiven. :) Will now go watch the video.

wvgal_dana said...

I was in Saturday with drippy eye.
Then around 9pm it got worse. So I just sat in dark resting.

Sunday I rested not watching here, tv or anything so I could go out with them last night.

Except for this dang eye I was so many new and happy memories. Plus talking about the old things we all did. Like Brandon putting on a size 15 mens shoe at Gab's in Winchester. He looked so funny walking around in them...they were telling me over the phone that year. I could hear them laughing in the store.


Anyone travel may God watch over and take care of you.

Ok need to brush teeth so I will be ready.

Lolly said...

Thanks Lynne! Tried to find info on those eagles. I guess they have returned and built a new nest.

hedgie said...

Pretty cool stuff, Lynne!!!

Hi Lolly and Dana. Yuck---I'll never try raw sushi---of course, I don't even like fish cooked! So no way raw! I have eatenn cooked kinds with crab....not anything I would order for a meal, that's for sure.

We e nded up eating out last evening. Christie had kitchen tied up with cookie baking too long for Shannon to cook dinner. Had a new appetizer at Glory Days: crab-stuffed jalapeno's. They were delicious!

Have fun at the Aquarium, Dana! Assuming you mean Baltimore???

Lolly said...

Good morning, Lynn. How is little Mai this morning. Oh, how I would love to cuddle her!

Lolly said...

I received a Christmas card that is so precious. I am going to have to scan it and share it with all of you. The couple in Virginia that we visited after the open house sent the card. It is one they created with Hubble their dog. I tried to dognap Hubble but at 112 pounds he was hard to hide. :)

Lolly said...

I really need to get busy, but I have so enjoyed my sleep in and my morning with coffee and peace. This weekend was wonderful, but I do enjoy my down time.

Lolly said...

Have a great day! I'll be peeking in.

Judie.....where are you?

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hunter and I had an experience on the way to his school. I came around a curve in the road and saw a Minnieland bus sitting crosswise on the street, which seemed really odd. Then I saw an overturned car on the side of the road. It looked like the bus had just t-boned the car and knocked it over. I pulled off the road and watched a woman climb out through the car window.

I was grabbing for my cell phone and trying to figure out how to use it to call 911. There were children on the bus, and, it was hard to tell, but there seemed to be an endless number of children climbing out of the car that was lying there on its side.

I managed to make the 911 call, and, as far as I could tell, I was the first one to get through to them. I think we just barely missed the accident because the bus backed up, then pulled forward like the driver wasn't sure what to do. I'm really thankful we weren't any closer to the actual crash.

Usually a 911 person asks me for my identification, etc., but this time they were intent on the other details. I think I sent an urgent message when I said there were lots of children involved. I had to get out and look at the street signs to be sure I got the right location.

Hunter even saw one of his friends get off the bus. (It was encouraging that people were climbing out of the vehicles and walking around.) One baby was crying, but everyone else was calm and seemed okay. I offered the warmth of my car, but then someone drove cross-country and parked closer. A few people got into that vehicle.

It was comforting to hear sirens, but, interestingly, I saw a newspaper vehicle arrive before the first ambulance even showed up. They must have been nearby and listening to police dispatches.

After bunches of emergency vehicles got there, I decided I needed to get out of the way, so I took Hunter on to school. Everything happened so fast that I don't think he was even late to school, though he definitely has an excuse if he was.

Prayers that everyone was okay. I did not see any signs of serious injuries.

Before I left, a woman had stopped who said she worked at Minnieland and another Minnieland bus came along. One thing the 911 person asked for was the name of the daycare and if there was a phone number on the side of the bus. There was, so I guess they called the daycare people.

Hunter commented that if the bus knocked the car over, it must have hit it really hard. Most likely. I wonder if the icy roads had anything to do with it. I am afraid a lot of people are going to be very sore for awhile.

I am glad I was able to figure out my new iPhone.

stronghunter said...

My last day is Wednesday, Lolly. Not what I would prefer.

hedgie said...

Lunch with Carolyn and then groceries. She is one of her moods.....Charlie is being an arse. Thrills!!! Bye!

stronghunter said...

Hope things go well for you, Carolyn, and Charlie, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Headed for the street clothes - foot doc to see this afternoon then to exercises with Jenny.
I will stay warm......


Mema Jo said...

Just checking - both cams still down

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

I apologize for my absence and any concern. I seem to have reached an emotional downturn as a result of six weeks of pain and helplessness combined with final grades and students emailed complaints.

I just need to step back, or lie down, and regain a more positive perspective.

Meanwhile, will be hopeful that Belle and Lib will return.

I'll be back when I feel better and have positive comments.

Lynne2 said...

oh Shirley, my gosh! What a terrible thing to drive up on....thank God people were moving about on their own and prayers that there are no serious injuries.

Dana, hope you have a good time today!

Lynn....hope you have a good time too, and Carolyn's mood improves!

stronghunter said...

Judie, so relieved to hear from you. You know that we care.

I understand how hard it must be to try to do your job when you are in pain and having to take care of yourself.

I'm bracing myself for some reaction to my absence and my students' needs, too.

Lynne2 said...

oh Judie, thanks for checking in. I'm not surprised at your mental state at much to deal with. But you hang in there and you know you have us to whine to if you need us! We love you!!!

stronghunter said...

I just got a message that I have to give out grade reports before Christmas break. Yeah. Not want I wanted to do.

glo said...

stopping in to say Hi. I am now in GA, I did check on eagle info a couple of times traveling and learned the cam was down so I guess we are pretty much all in the same boat. Weather here is lovely. I am tired from trip so may or may not get Dex out for a stroll today but definitely by tomorrow. He will be delighted to see that stroller come out of the trunk. He made the trip very well. He loves to ride.

movin said...


Good MondaY MoRNING.


The Hummingbird is active, building her nest now.

They still call her Phoebe, but I think she might be a younger bird with different markings this season.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Get some rest Glo, you and Dex will have plenty of time for strolling! Glad you had a safe trip! Thanks for checking in!

Lynne2 said...

hey Jim! Is it soggy there today?

stronghunter said...

I gave Hunter his ADHD pill a little late this morning, but it's a good thing he got it. I expect he will be a bit wound up at school today.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Glo.

Glad you made it. I hope you enjoy the milder climate.

movin said...

Hey, Lynne.
Yes, it's a bit soggy this A.M. in So Cal from the last few days' rain, but you should see what's bearing down on us now on the weather map.

It's supposed to hit hard this afternoon.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Jim. I took a look at the weather map earlier. Yikes!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Haven't read all the posts yet, but have a few things I wanted to add.

Lynne, I hope you are feeling better or at least listening to the doctor's orders.

Thanks to Steve and the "gang" at NCTC for taking care of this business with the cam. Now, we just need eagles.

HELP!! Our new neighbors just invited us to go with their church group to a smorgasbord tomorrow. It was such a wonderful gesture but before we agreed, told them we were expecting Mike, Teresa and Max today and she said bring them along. She was even told to invite fellow employees.

My dilemna is, though very generous
I'm not used to people being so kind to us. Is there someway to reciprocate? TIA

Mema Jo said...

Cub are outside romping

They really could use someone manning the yard cam for more coverage

Lynne2 said...

yeah Jim, I think that storm coming to you is heading here for Christmas day in the form of snow. I have never seen all of the major local and national weather people on the same page about a weather event so far in advance. Only thing left to figure out is how much snow.

Thank you Hawaii!

Lynne2 said...

Diann, just say Thank you and GO HAVE FUN! You could send a Thank you note, a box of cookies, or even make a donation to the church that is sponsoring it if you like. But just accept the offer and don't worry about it!

stronghunter said...

I am sure you will find a way, Diann. I hope you enjoy the event.

Lolly said...

Okay, this is a stange thing to complain about, but I am complaining. The weather is too nice! It is now 67 and still going up. I have my yeast dough rising for the Christmas coffee cakes and I do not have a fire or warm place for the dough to rise. Doing laundry so have placed the bowls of dough on the dryer. I remember one Christmas I put the rolls out to rise in a car parked in the sun. Might have to do that today!

Yea! Glad Judie checked in. Judie, we understand perfectly well. Just know that we love you and here for you...anytime. ((Hugs))

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly.

Hope you get your dough to rise. Hmmm, yep. That is a strange thing to complain about. Love you, anyway.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to get busy. BBL.

PA Nana said...

Lynne, love the video. Great way to get an eagle fix.

Glo, glad you arrived safely and hope you and Dex have a great holiday.

Shirley, wow! Glad you were able to help at the accident scene. Must have been a scary thing to ocme upon. P.S. Glad Hunter came to his senses.

Judie, don't apologize, just check in once in a while. We're here for you.

Lynn, that was some crazy trucker. Makes me worry about Mike going back out on the road. He was a trucker for many years and can't find another kind of work, so back out he goes.

Thanks for the feedback on the smorgasbord. I'll think of something.

Still waiting for Max. Teresa going to be so disappointed (or angry) we didn't put up any decorations or a tree. I'm feeling like Judie and have the "holiday blues." Chris baked the cookies and Jim wrapped the gifts.


magpie said...

maybe Theresa can help with the decorations, Diann... so happy you are getting Christmas company

you can always, pray with the group, that is one of the best gifts on the market ♥

magpie said...

How good to hear from Judie....
(( hugs Judie ♥ ))

some of us might be in the same boat for different reasons....but we'll help pull each other along !

magpie said...


right place at the right time with that glad you were just a few seconds probably, behind the event....
I'm sure all this made quite an impression on Hunter....
Good Job, you helped get the emergency response initiated !
Proud of you...

magpie said...

from a big family, we are all scattered about now, been a long time since any of us could really get together for Christmas...
not even sure when or how I will see the grandson...lots going on at this end....

I am part way done with Christmas cards, heard that Tuesday is the last day to get them out with a hope they would reach their destination....not even sure that is accurate information
so, some might be late

but you know where my heart is ♥

magpie said...

I would totally love to see part of the totally lunar eclipse overnight...depends a bit on "old man almost-winter" and being busy at work would take care of sleep loss I guess...

Jim and our West Coasters:
sure hope the rain does not present any difficult problems....
and thanks for the hummingbird nest updates, as always !

magpie said...

with modern technology and GPS actions, we could quite easily find your home with our Eagle Canes:

magpie said...

Yakkity sax here, hence my moniker.

My 93 year old shopping pal's son's wife died late last week, visitation is tonight, which I will attend. She liked the color pink: her husband has obtained a pink casket for her burial, and, he bought a new pink shirt for the visitation and funeral. God Bless these lovely people...


magpie said...

James informed me last night, that he knows the scoop on Santa Claus...

he turned 11 Friday

I asked him to please keep things a secret from his younger pals...

time for a nap, see you lovely people and maybe a restored nest cam later on

Hope the day is going well, and if not, hope it starts to, Pronto!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

wonder about that trucker...maybe he had an illness, like a diabetic event...prayers for his situation and all the folks he terrorized on the interstate....glad no one seems to have gotten hurt


Lynne2 said...

aw Margy, so sorry about your pal loosing her daughter in law.

I'm behaving! I sort of don't have a doesn't take much to get the coughing started and the shortness of breath besides.

Lynne2 said...

I was wondering the same thing about the trucker Margy....I guess MTBR

magpie said...

oh goodie, I am not alone...
I know it is hard to keep a good woman down...but we appreciate your taking care of our friend (i.e. YOU) this way...
Love you...


magpie said...

the couple I mentioned, were about to celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary, second marriage for each, she was young 70's

okay, better find the pillows for awhile

Lolly said...

Love your threat, Margy!

Just got a pkg delivered that was very welcome. Michael's present from us came broken. Grrr! However, they have made good and we have received a replacement part. It is a fireplace wood holder that also holds the fire tools. This is for their patio fireplace. Hurrah! We can now give him a present that is not broken!

Also, I have loved my moose pjs so much that I ordered Laurel some. They came fine! Jack said for me to order myself some more. So, I ordered "bear" pjs this time. Well, they sent the wrong top. I emailed them promptly. They said to keep the short sleeve top and they are sending the correct top fast. Their response was fast and so nice, very apologetic. I let them know how much I appreciated doing business with them.

I think it is so easy to get the blues at Christmas. But, we all need to remember the Reason for the Season. God has blessed us with so much and yes, our lives come with set backs. We are a good support for each other. (((Hugs))).

Lolly said...

Dough is rising on the dryer. :) Now to go prepare the cherries, pecans, raisins, and cinnamon and sugar to be ready to roll out, fill, roll up, slice, braid, and bake. :) I love baking! I especially like working with yeast dough.


paula eagleholic said...

Hey our cam is up!

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone!
Well this day is partly shot!Drs. office squeezed me in to take care of infected cyst. OWW. I did maintenace on it yesterday & was up til 3 AM until I took 1/2 Vicodin I had from the dentist!Got antibiotis now. Hooray!
As soon as I got home, saw the hawk on the back fence. Shorty was about 2-3 ft. from it!! Hawk opened his wings, then Shorty lunged at it & hawk flew away!!!Shorty jumped up in a tree (not a good idea, I don't think),but he soon came over for peanuts!!
An exciting thing I learned at Drs. is what his daughter is doing. They all love birds & she started college in NY in a business program. She mentioned loving wildlife once at office so I gave her info on the Park & to speak w/our naturalist, Greg. She ended up doing volunteer work for him, changed her major, got a doctorate & has been mostly in ME w/ the puffins & out West w/bird projects.She is right now going to take 10 whooping cranes from Pax Reasearch Fed. facility in Laurel back to Lousianna for reintroduction! I love it!!!

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from Foot doc and exercise AND so happy to see our
cam is up/running. NOW Lib & Belle please come home!...

I need to read comments made while I was away

magpie said...

Hallelujah! about the cam, opened up that first, then the comments, thanks Paula !
and Thanks, Steve, NCTC, and John....

now please may our dreams and hopes come true


magpie said...

I have the live feed but no sound...or else I am deaf ..
sure could use a new ad besides the Sta Bil ad, I can hear that one !

Lolly said...

I now have 8 braided coffee cakes rising. The first rising did well on the dryer but now that I have 8 cookie sheets spread out, where do I put them? Have 4 in the oven, 2 on the dryer and 2 on the table. Those on the table will rise really slowly.

Now to go make beds with the clean sheets. But first gotta open the cam and check it out. Thanks Steve!

magpie said...

well if the Royal Pair is working on another nest somewhere, they could go stick-shopping at the old nest

magpie said...

man oh man Lolly, your house is going to have some fantastic fragrances when these yeast rolls go in the oven !!

wish we didn't live so far away from you ☺

Lolly said...

Now we are all addicted to staring at an empty nest and praying. Yes, there is no sound. We did gave a slight hiss but now nothing.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, put the ones on the table on top of the stove, so they get the heat from the oven :)

paula eagleholic said...

And sorry, no sympathy for your 67°, lol

Lolly said...

I wish you did not live so far away, too. In no time at all it is going to be smelling fantastic! Love the smell of bread baking!

magpie said...

latest weather channel report shows mainly clear skies for the night and overnight...

oh that would be great for the Lunar Eclipse over night ☺

Lolly said...

scroll down to Joseph video

This is just a test to see if those not on facebook can get to the video.

magpie said...

How great, Glo and Dex have arrived at their destination.....

a new roost for six weeks ☺

Lolly said...

Yes, this works!

Margy click on the blue thingy. It will take you to my fb page. Scroll down just a little to see the Joseph video. I am so proud. I wanted you to see.

magpie said...

so the Vikings and Bears are going to play in the Open Air Stadium...and it is snowing like crazy at Minneapolis

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Glad to see the live cam is working again! Now if only Belle and Lib would make an appearance!

Sure can't blame you for feeling kind of "down"--you have been through SO MUCH lately! But please, just get on the blog and whine away! We can take it, and will try our best to cheer you up! (((HUGE HUGS)))!!! Am hoping that the antibiotics are working, and that your infection is getting better.
More prayers for your rapid improvement, and for many blessings for you! Give my best to Darth, too!
He has done a wonderful job of keeping in touch with all of us when you were unable to do so!

Proud of you for your rapid response to the school bus accident--especially with a new and unfamiliar cell phone! Nice job! Certainly am glad that there appeared to be no serious injuries. Scary situation!

Hope you are making this a day of rest for yourself! No heroics allowed! Wrap up in a warm throw, and drink hot chocolate and tea with honey, and pamper yourself!

Sounds like you had a fun family and sushi experience! Prayers that your troublesome eye with behave itself and improve rapidly!

Well, gotta go study more for my English exam tonight. Have a test tomorrow night on the legal and ethical side of medical transcription, too. Hoping, though, that MY mind hasn't quite turned to mush yet! Will be back later, after I'm home from school tonight. Take care, all who are traveling or going out on errands, etc.! Prayers for your protection! BBL... :o]

stronghunter said...

Back from the dentist. Not as traumatic as the visit to the nose doc, thank goodness.

Still need to call the orthopedic doctor, but one thing at a time. Golly, lots of my parts need attention.

magpie said...

I so very much appreciate your attention to me.....I could not get signed in, will try later...since I don't have an account none of my sign in efforts worked........

Shirley, glad things went okay
Loretta....sure hope you feel better soon, cyst Ouch!

magpie said...

time for me to get ready for Visitation...don't have one pink thing to wear except a sweater in the laundry -to - do basket :(

see you folks later, have a good evening.....please

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I think I will wear MY favorite color, yellow

maybe a pink scarf...

stronghunter said...

You all might not have thought my response was so rapid if you'd seen and heard me this morning. . . "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Hunter. Look at that. Oh my gosh, I have to call 911. Oh. that's not what I meant to call. How do I do this? Oh, finally. That's it. What street is this? Um, um, Hunter, I'm getting out of the car."

Hunter did very well, though.

I want to see if there's anything in the news about it. Really want to know if everyone was okay.

stronghunter said...

Pink scarf sounds like a good plan, Margy.

magpie said...

thanks Shirley...It's my Susan Korman cancer awareness scarf, chenille...
it's a go, with the yellow sweater..

sounds like you did wonderfully this morning....funtion in the face of crisis and panic...

headed out now, I think the nearly-full moon should be up in places where the low East horizon is clear

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Moonie is out here, but a little shrouded in clouds at the moment

probably has a name like the Cold Yule Moon, and a few others, I failed to check that and didn't call out to Megan for it either

floralgirl said...

Haha Margy, I wouldn't forget ya- it's the cold moon, or the bitter moon, or dare I say, the snow moon.

Guess no one has seen the eagles in the nest yet- live cam runs on and off here today, but it should be dark there now, so not sure about that...

hedgie said...

Wow, I have missed a lot of action on here!

Judie, so glad to hear from you....please don't let being down get you down. We are here for you even if you aren't up to wit and quip!!! We love you and just want you well and feeling like our Judie!

Lolly, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you in the temp department!!! I turn the oven on 250 and set my pans on the open door to raise my rolls.

Diann, nice offer from your neighbor! Enjoy. And have fun with Max!

Margy, Bill's mom had picked out a pink casket, too, and it had rose bud decor (her name was Rosetta). Sorry for your friends' loss.

Friends of mine lost their 39 y.o. grandson over the weekend. He had a traumatic brain injury from a wreck 15 yrs. ago....had been in a personal care home...had a stroke and did not survive.

hedgie said...

Loretta, OUCH!!! Been there, done that! Know how you felt!

Shirley, glad that you were a few seconds behind the accident. SOunds like you did a great job! Hope no serious injuries.

Margy, you can read the CAD when you go back to work......officers also wondered if there was a medical situation. Just don't see how he could have kept it on the road for 30+ miles if that was the case, though. Anxious to see whole story!

hedgie said...

Still have groceries to carry down to the basement. Guess I better get to it.

Lolly said...

Oh, sorry Margy, I tried!

Lynn, the open oven door works if you have a couple of pans, but if you have 8 cookie sheets it does not work too well. However, the first of the cakes are going in the oven right now.

It got up into the mid 70's today. We opened the doors and windows and turned on the ceiling fan. Not like last year when we drove to church Christmas Eve on ice. Just watched the news and saw cars and people struggling with ice. Yikes!

hedgie said...

Everything put away and fire is started! Whew---I'm beat!

hedgie said...

Lolly, I do 12 pans of rolls, so have to do some juggling myself! I have a double oven, so can usually raise about 8 at one time.

Lolly said...

Wish I had a double oven! However, I do have a large oven and make do. Half way through with the baking, 4 are cooling, 2 baking and 2 still rising. It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!

Mema Jo said...

Closer is on at 9:00 Part 1 :(

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad you were finally able to figure out how to call for help for the accident!

Dana, sorry your eye is watering again. Hope you could still enjoy the day.

Margy, comes a day when the kids figure out Santa...hope James doesn't tell :)

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, you can hop on here anytime and complain and whine. This is a great place to let off steam with a group of VERY supportive people!

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone :) I'm making my occasional appearance, just peeking in to see how y'all are doing!

Question: Does our new nest camera have night vision? I was just looking at it, and I -think- I see the nest, but it's mostly just black. I saw that there was a battery issue, maybe that's what's going on?

Wishing everyone a great holiday season, and a safe New Year's!

stronghunter said...

No night vision yet, BG.

Lynne2 said...

Really pretty view of the moonlit nest!

Lynne2 said...

I think I can hear the wind at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

must be partly cloudy there, the nest appears and then disappears! Clear as a bell here....hope it stays that way for the eclipse! I won't be setting the alarm or anything, but I never fail to wake up at some point between 1 and 3am.

Shirley, good luck going back to school tomorrow! Glad you only have a couple of days before break.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Finished decorating dining room table, did some laundry,wrapping, had a sandwich, & now it will be shampoo time! Want to get to bed a little early~~~already have alarm set for 2:30. After that, will have to get up for real at 6:30. Tomorrow is our big Division luncheon, so have to be spiffier than usual!! LOL

Dear Judie, don't despair. I sometimes get down & I haven't gone thru all the trauma you have. I've learned over the years, it ALWAYS gets better!
Margy, sorry about your friend's loss. And prayers for the Riffe cousin & family & all others in need.
Lolly, what a baker! I haven't got to that yet & a few other things!!

paula eagleholic said...

I too can see the nest with the snow and the full moon....but I don't hear a peep.

paula eagleholic said...

did you notice that they moved last years updates on the OUtdoor Channel page under our nest to a clicklable link?

Also, there is a place to sign in and post a comment.

Lynne2 said...

I saw that Paula.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

The pink casket was pretty, more like a light colored mauve, or orchid color

Lynn, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend's grandson....
so sad... for 15 years it sounds like

magpie said...

Thanks Megan !
I knew you would come through for all of us on the Full Moon name

saw the eclipse of Feb 2008 straight through....might not be able to watch much of this one, have to work tomorrow.

Lolly thanks for the video effort...thing is somehow I am "on Facebook" but nothing is there...FB sent me an email about how to sign I will get to that...just a little later, have to get crackin' on a few things here

xox ttfn, all

stronghunter said...

Good night. Need to head upstairs. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Shirley, what did the dentist say? And an orthopedist for?????

hedgie said...

Loretta, enjoy your luncheon tomorrow!

Margy, sleep well in your two segments......hope the clouds blow away completely!!

movin said...


Good Night, Everyone.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Tomorrow we will see Liberty and Belle!

hedgie said...

Mai was a bad puppy today. While I was brushing my teeth this morning, she was using hers on a carved wooden duck in the sunroom. Found her before she did TOO much damage, but was just looking at it and think I will have to use a little wood putty before I paint it. :(
She was also very rambunctious this evening and found that she could jump up on the sofa.....gotta put a stop to that! So no more lap time during Jeopardy!

Mema Jo said...

Promise ?

Mema Jo said...

Look at the Live Feed now Sharon...
Moon light and no eagles!

hedgie said...

Think positive thoughts, Shar!! Good attitude....thanks for reminding me.

Goodnight, California Jim. Stay dry!!!

PA Nana said...

Hi again.

Sharon you are very optimistic. I like that.

Well, the gang made it to PA. Max had us in "stitches." He sang "jingle bells" for me and wrestled with his pop-pop until he couldn't go anymore. He was so tired he was silly. Love his gibberish though he can make some very good sentences. Mom finally calmed him down enough to go to sleep but he gets up at 5:30-6:00 she tells me - ugh!!! Guess I better get some sleep too.

Sleep well and prayers for all needs and wants.
God bless!

magpie said...

try as I might to see moonlight on the nest...everything is as dark as can be for me :(
glad you folks are seeing it though!

Hi Sharon...

Hi everyone else....

Wow, that Mai Ying is a frisky little lass isn't she Lynn !!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your company Diann. Max is going to make it real Christmasy for you. He'll perk you up!

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

Just a quick note.

Sharon...I am with you!!!
Lynne....Love that video!!!
Judie....This thing will pass!!!
Dana.....Prayers for clear eyes!!!

Still no furnace. Is this the
Year of the Snail?

On my way to get some beauty sleep which I desperately need.

With care, consideration and most of all, prayer for all you all.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, thanks for telling us about the nest. Hurried there and can see it!!!

Certainly like Sharon's positive attitude and now look forward to tomorrow. :)

NatureNut said...

Well, looks like Da Bears are going to town. Of course Bret Favre is out.Looks FREEZING there!

Yay, Shar! I think you could be right!The Solstice should bring them in for a visit. But they don't have to get real busy for almost a month!
BTW, while I was out today, Park Dir. called. I returned call--he was gone, but Stephanie, one of our naturalists, said he wanted to know the cam that I watch!!!She told him NCTC. The 'puter techie people are fixing some stuff there, so maybe he wants to find out more about live cams!!!!!
Will try to get a few winks before red moon! Later~~

Mema Jo said...

Mai Mai Mai !!
Lynn when does Mai start school ???
I bet she is so darn cute and you love her sooooooo much that it is difficult to discipline her.

paula eagleholic said...

Got 1/2 the ornaments on the tree, rest will have to wait til tomorrow, have an early morning breakfast,,,yum!

Mema Jo said...

We really need to beef up our prayers for Brandon. We've done really well so far... just need to keep him healing

Mema Jo said...

Paula you should have placed the tree in a corner and then only decorate the front & sides of it - you would be finished!

hedgie said...

I can't see anything on the cam, either, Margy!

Jo, school doesn't start until April! Which is also when she can be spayed! We are starting on some training here's going slowly!!!

Mema Jo said...

This is the time schedule that Lynne
gave us.....

Eclipse event Eastern Standard Time

Partial eclipse begins 1:33 am
Total eclipse begins 2:41 am
Mid-eclipse 3:17 am
Total eclipse ends 3:53 am
Partial eclipse ends 5:01 am

The moon will be pretty high in the sky and easily seen, hopefully from INSIDE through a window!

Thanks Lynne.

NatureNut said...

Put a pic of nest on blog. If it's not too awful, I'll put in E_M album later!
Taa Daa ☺

magpie said...

Ok Loretta, I can make out a wee bit of lightness on there...thanks!

Okay everyone if you have Eagle Mugs...use them in the morning, and Wednesday, and Thursday....and so on

Clever plan, Jo....I have done that before ! ☺

Better say Good Night, Happy Eclipse Watching for any of us that can do some of that, sure wish I didn't have to work in the morning

Prayers for Brandon...and for all the needs amongst us

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Loretta. Full moon on the snowy nest! Just missing some eagles.

Mema Jo said...

News is on...... I am heading to the pillows.

Good Night Friends
Prayers for you and yours
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Carolyn saw my half-tree today.....she thinks it looks better than the whole tree did!! It's cute, but it is definitely lacking in stature!!!!

Fire is stoked. Mai has been out. As soon as the news ends, I'm calling it a day! Sleep well, and stay warm----especially if you go out to see the eclipse!!
Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Just checked and in order for me to see the eclipse I would need to go
out on the side porch.. It is so high straight up. I was hoping I could see it from inside - I may not get to watch now. :(

magpie said...

well it will continue to head West Jo.... maybe...just will move into a better least for part of it

I'm trying to work my way to the horizontal position...better try harder I guess !!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm home from school now. YAY! Thank God, I got an A on my English test! Thanks, to those of you who prayed school prayers for me!

Sorry for your friend's loss. Please pass along my condolences.

Sorry for your friends' loss of their grandson, too. It's really tough to lose someone around the holidays.
Hope you are able to salvage the carved wooden duck! Honestly, Emma chews on anything she can get her mouth around right now, too! Trying to discourage her about Hubby's suede slippers with the sheepskin lining. NOT a good choice for her!

Am going to have to try to get Emma a real, honest-to-goodness yellow rain slicker! She (and I) got pretty well- soaked several times today on our trips outside. Wet feet are easy to fix, but I DON'T like it when the rest of her gets really wet. Poor thing! Had to dry her off well with a towel and put our small space heater where it would warm her crate inside--and her, too! Oh, speaking of Emma, she's calling me right now. Will go pay some attention to her (once she's quiet for a bit), and will be back here to say goodnight a little later. Will go out and try to see the moon, but it's raining like crazy, so not sure it will be visible. I'll let you know. BBL! :o]

Lynne2 said...

REALLY? I woke up NOW??? UGH! Guess I'll have a big ole glass of iced tea and hope I have a wee hour wake up in another couple of hours so I can see the dang eclipse!!!, maybe your peeps ARE interested in getting a cam! Tell them to hurry hurry hurry!

Lynne2 said...

Geesh Andy, the weather out there is FRIGHTFUL. Worse yet to come tomorrow and Wednesday, so I hear. Please stay safe.

You too Jim!!

Lolly said...

Nite all! I am falling on my face. Whoops! Sorry Shirley! Let me say I am falling asleep. Heading to the shower and then to bed.

Sweet dreams! Prayers for peace within all hearts. (((hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

I can see the snowy nest, too. Please, please let there be eagles there, tomorrow!

So, Diann, you are going to have a child at your house on Christmas morning...what fun!
We are hoping Jayden's parents will let Karla bring him over here for a few hours (he's the only present I want!:)
Got all gifts except for Capt. Gene. I also bought some STA-BIL for poor ED;) Maybe we won't have to see that commercial after he gets his gift:)LOL

Sounds like our Momster Puppies are acting like they are quite at home now and comfortable with their new Mommies:)
GG's doctor visit today was good. All her blood work results were in and all is A-OK! Blood pressure is good, weight is holding steady and...she can walk faster than I!
She does have an abdominal aneurysm and gallstones, but doc says she IS NOT a candidate for surgery! We have known of these conditions for several years now, but it was good to have a second opinion.

Sorry that Gentleman Jim and Andrea are having so much rain.
Maybe Andrea can tell us how much.
BUT, LOLLY, no sorrow for you, girl!

I do hope Judie gets over her post-op blues...that is common, dear girl! Sometimes it takes a while, but THIS TOO SHALL PASS, I promise!

Lynne if you keep on keeping on, you should be well by Christmas!

Doesn't look like I'm going to get my cards out in time for Christmas. I've been doing GG's and that is most important to me. I have promised her that I will do for her, whatever she cannot do!


kickngbird said...

Judie -

I think you may have overlooked my post to you a few days ago.

I was sorry to see you joined the broken ankle/had to have it surgically put back together club.

I generally post here only when there are eagle happenings (for privacy reasons - having had a bad experience related to someone searching me out - I don't do facebook or give a lot of personal info that makes me easy to identify).

I broke my ankle less than 5 years ago, and found great comfort in a broken ankle blog that, sadly, is no longer online. I have 8 screws and a plate still in my ankle.

On the blog, we learned that depressed mood is part of this - you become disabled, dependent, frustrated, stir crazy, and very aware of how fragile you truly are. Not to mention the pain and discomfort you're dealing with!

But it's important to catch these moods before they take hold and stick around for days on end. Depression-busting measures are called for. Do what works for you: funny movies or TV, puzzles, upbeat music, crafts, prayer, etc. Don't watch the news (it's mostly depressing). Do talk to cheerful people.

And what really worked for me was counting my blessings every day. I'm married to a veteran and I thought of the young men who came back from Iraq or Afghanistan with one or both ankles missing; at least I still HAD an ankle, and it would heal - maybe not good as new, but I'd be able to walk on it, and it would be my own flesh and blood (with some metal buried inside, but it wouldn't be totally artificial).

Get some bicycle gloves - they really help the heel of your hand when you use a wheelchair or crutches. Also a grabber tool is great for around the house. Tell yourself, "this too shall pass." It IS time limited. It seems like forever, but it's just a few weeks out of your life. They can do wonderful things with these ankle surgeries!

magpie said...

IT has begun

The eclipse that is

will get back up in a little while to watch some more

Skywatchers are in heaven right about now

magpie said...

Wow..back up again..
couldn't find the moon!
First it was the clouds..THEN I's because its not easy to find all covered up with the earth's shadow...
clouds have moved away, very astounding to see the Moon this way,
its there all right but like someone turned a 100-watt bulb into a 5 watt bulb

magpie said...

it's complete...
will get back up at 3:50 to watch when earth's shadow starts to move away at 3:53..
my camera cannot even begin to capture this

Lynne2 said...

Hi K'bird! So nice of you to offer those words of encouragement for Judie! Wish you could join us more often, and sure wish we had more eagle activity right about now too....

Wanda, glad GG's bloodwork was good!

Hi Margy....isn't it BEAUTIFUL! The color is so pretty and now there are SO MANY STARS visible I can hardly believe it!

Lynne2 said...

Ok, heading back for a nap....hopefully will wake up in time to see the ending....just been poking my head out with binos. SOOOOO close to being able to just look out the closed window, but not close enough! But I can see those stars with the window closed!

Lynne2 said...

Looking at the weather map....lots of clouds heading in. Figure I wait a up a little longer and poke my head out again as the shadow begins to move off of the moon, which is starting now.

Was checking out some live feeds, but many are useless because the cams are in cloudy or rainy areas :( I guess a lot of the country will miss this due to weather.

magpie said...

I missed the last checkpoint Lynne, think I slept through my alarm....when I did wake up, around 0445, the moon was behind the clouds here...
so glad you could see some of it, and thanks so much for that time-line, it really helped !!

NatureNut said...

A few so-so moon pics.
Back for 40 winks!

magpie said...

but I can see the full Cold Moon Bitter Moon, Snow Moon, in and out of the clouds now
very spectacular
Last few hours of Autumn...
winter solstice officially occurs this afternoon at 6:38 pm Eastern time

magpie said...

Whoa, check out Finland Water Nest...things getting frozen up there

magpie said...

neat pictures, Loretta, especially the last two

magpie said...


that is dear, your helping GG get her cards out ♥

nice to see kickngbird stopping by for a visit on here too...☺

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day, everyone...

headed to work soon, will peek at the nest while getting Eagles....


Lynne2 said...

Margy, I went back to bed and never got up again til 6! And Steve had already been up, dressed and had the animals fed! I must have really zonked out....that NEVER happens!

Have a good day at work!

Lynne2 said...

No eagles yet. They are probably sleeping in after watching the eclipse! But maybe later......!!

Lynne2 said...

Our 3 local weather people have upped the chance of snow for Christmas to 60-75% respectively. UGH. No one speculating on how much just yet.

Think I go lay back down for a while. Not feeling a whole lot better overall yet, but the cough has really calmed down. BBL

Lynne2 said...

Don't over do at school today SHirley!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, I love that you have kept your sense of humor, even though you don't feel well:) Now, go back to bed and sleep well!

Costume Lady said...

K-Bird...I do hope Judie reads your comments to her. Many of us don't know about the POST-OP depression that can set in after any kind of surgery. It hit me like a ton of bricks! It was completely unexpected...never heard of it. I couldn't wait til bedtime so I could take my Pain Pill, which put me in a happy place and a restful night's sleep.
I really missed those pills when they were all gone, but, by then, my BLUES were gone and I was able to be myself, again.
Such good advice from you and thank you for taking the time to reassure Judie that she will get better and that what she is feeling is not abnormal♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my...I just looked at Loretta's photos of the eclipse and they are AMAZING! Thanks, dear girl, for sharing that event with us who didn't get to see it♥

Costume Lady said...

I do hope Margy isn't busy at work today...she is probably running on fumes, after being up and down so much last night:) Or, maybe 'BUSY' is what she needs to keep awake;)

hedgie said...

Morning all!
I was up at 3, but done in by 4....saw some of the majesty, but not all. And it sure was cold out there!!! Mai did not understand why I kept going out and in and out again!
Kickngbird, great advice for our Judie. Hoping she perks up real soon. I, too, know how difficult it is, especially at this time of year, to be "crippled" up with a bum limb. Luckily, I was out of my cast in time to get ready for Christmas, but it was still uncomfortable and I felt very unstable.

hedgie said...

Yes, Loretta's pics are great!! And she even took the time to upload them for us!!!!

Lynne, keep on sleeping!!

Wanda, so sweet of you to take care of GG's cards for her.

hedgie said...

The big truck mess yesterday was apparently due to the driver being under the influence of drugs. PA state police had to use a taser and a police dog to get him out of the truck. 42 charges against him in PA. I'm sure there will be plenty more in WV and MD.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I will take the time to look at the pictures of the eclipse as soon as I can. Thanks, Loretta. I was up once during the night and took a look at the moon, but it was too early. I would not be able to function today if I'd stayed up.

Spent a good part of my planning listening to a mom who's stressing about her daughter's grades.

Geesh! I spent all of that time writing a test the sub did not give. And I need to spend time working on the research papers, not the test.

Sub kept three girls after class to talk about their bad behavior. She made them sign their names to a paper. One kid signed her name as "Wendy." Odd, but I have no Wendy in any class. But the one I suspect has a mother named Wendy. Hmmm.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Shirley, I just know there is a SPECIAL place in heaven for school teachers, but not sure if WENDY will have a place. Whoever she really is, needs to change her ways to go anywhere in life or in heaven;)

movin said...


GooD MORninG, aLL

iN EAGleLanD.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I am a bit ticked is Carolyn. Input from our teachers, please: Jessica's science teacher told the class that they could get 50 extra points if they filmed the eclipse from beginning to end. #1: even sophomores should be in bed at that time of night. #2: not everyone owns or has access to a camcorder---including Jess! Irks my soul to no end.

hedgie said...

Jim, you are up and about mighty early!!! Preparing your boat???

BTW---forgot to congratulate Andy on her excellent grade again!!!
And Andy.....try using the blow dryer on Emma!!! It's warming as well as drying!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! 58 and sun is shining once again. Woke up around 2 and went outside in my nightie, looked up, saw the eclipse and went back to bed. Went back to sleep fast! LOL had great thoughts to pass of to our Judie. Thanks!

Wanda, good to hear the report on GG. She is doing so well.

My cards will make it out sometime next week, I hope. Have put then on the back burner. Loosing that week in December really set me back.

Grocery shopping today. Plan on getting out soon. Then more baking and food preparation. Need to make pumpkin rolls today for the neighbors today as well as cornbread for the dressing. I have a list on what I need to do each day.

Lolly said... your avatar as well as your pictures. Good job!

movin said...

Hahaha. I probably should be building an ark...and this is not an El Nino year, we weren't expecting a lot of rain.

It's been raining all night, some noise woke me up early and I couldn't get back to sleep yet.

They're predicting fairly heavy rain again today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...