Monday, December 13, 2010


New thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve....
we are ready for a new thread

Any Eagle Action noted by anyone at NCTC? I don't think anyone on the blog has seen them since Friday, then one sighting, one eagle only
in the nest

movin said...


Good Morning again.


Thanks for the thread, Steve... And for the call over, Magpie.

The male was at the WE nest when I started this comment.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the holler over Magpie! Thanks for the new thread Steve!! I haven't seen an eagle since the sun came up and I have been looking!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morn'n Margy thanks for the call over.

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Jim I am sorry your "store where you brought your Christmas Cards closed down". For some reason when I read that I thought about a movie on tv I had seen. Called "The Little Shop Around The Corner".

Still have to find out where Mema Jo is hiding those GGD pictures Loretta seen.

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy we know you "love pandas". I'll never forget Jo's daughter giving you that white panda hat. You putting it on. It just cracked me up so. lol Who was it that thought to bring that for a raffle?

Sissy who is in the picture avatar with you and Sharon?

Glo good to see you checking in. What is your weather there like? Are you and Dex still going across the street each morning?

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!! How's the weather out there?? Need some cold air? I'd gladly share.

stronghunter said...

Got back from delivering Hunter to school this morning. I got him and his electronic game into the car, then asked if he had his book bag. Nope. Just the game, not the book bag. Goodness. That child.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That is Mattie's mom, Becky, Dana. She is our niece.

glo said...

Dana we just made it through a blizzard and now just dealing with the brutal cold. Dex and I will be heading south on Sat. Will be back in mid Feb sometime. Yes we still go to the neighbors every day.

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning to all!

Judie, your first shower! Hooray. When i was in the hospital for three weeks i could not shower. The first thing I did when i got home was head straight to the tub. What a glorious feeling. Makes you feel part of the human race again, doesn't it?

Lolly, a new British comedy? I love British comedy. Do you remember the name of the show?

Jo, sounds like Saturday night was filled with love. I am so happy that your family is back safely.

Shirley, how are you feeling? How long have the dr.'s keeping you out from work? Did you say that you got an iPhone? My daughter has one and loves it. Many apps are available. She even scans the bar code of items for her grocery list.

Will be back.

hedgie said...

Sharon posted on FB: I am sitting in the conference room of my internet provider working as my internet is still out.

Hey, next time our internet goes down, lets go to the providers' office and see if they are this amenable!!!!

stronghunter said...

Suzan, I have ordered it and expect it maybe by tomorrow. I will probably need Will to help me set it up. He's an expert at such things. He showed me the bar code scanner on his. Very nice.

Need to do a few things . . .

magpie said...

Good Morning and Afternoon Eagle Pals

Glo, sorry to hear it is brutally cold there...know that goes with your territory, but's gotta be rough !

Hi Sissy, good to see you check How is Granny Riffe doing these days? and yourself for that matter!

Hi Suzan.... please tell me its warmer where YOU are...

and hello to everyone else including JIM checking in!

Hope once again that the day can be a good one, one way or another

magpie said...

going to stay inside and pretend it is not cold and windy outside

I know about that forgetfulness, Shirley... James is about the same way, I was so grateful he remembered to turn in his picture order and book order money

got to start moving through the debris field here once again

will have the Still Cam, hoping and waiting for an Eagle to show up

magpie said...

Wow, lots of snow at the Snowman cam

glad you are seeing some eagles, Jim....

magpie said...

and Jim, I can commiserate about stationery stores not being around like they used to be...
we had one here in Martinsburg, Tavenner's - it was a wonderful family-owned business had excellent stationery products and fine gifts too

okay I better get crackin'

ttfn xoxo Love to Everyone xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey Magpie! Granny is doing pretty good. She seems to be settling in now. Bless her heart. As for me, I am doing just fine for now. No symptoms at all, so I am just gonna leave it alone till I get sick again. Maybe I won't!!! Sitting here watching it snow and the wind blowing my birds all over the place! They are hanging on to these feeders for dear life! How are ya'll doin?

magpie said...

okay Sissy, good to hear that...

please stay well, that last illness had us worried sick !
and I hope Granny is peaceful and comfortable

got to step away looms, home work that is...

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - I just returned and was so hoping to find this new thread!

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy I was guessing that was
Becky. You girls sure look alike!

Glo I remember you was going some-
where, sometime. South for you
and Dex this Saturday. I sure
hope it is warmer there. Prayers
for safe travels.

Hi NCSusan
What kind of weather you having?
I can't get warm!!

Oh No Mr.Bill Sharon's internet
is out. Ok how do you get to
FB if your internet is out?

Guess I'm still dumb about
some of these computer workings.

Oh Margy I remember Tavenner's.
It was a great, great store.
I had totally forgotten about
Tavenner's. Glad you mentioned
them. Did the visits make it
to Martinsburg or Hedgesville
wherever they are staying?

hedgie said...

Dana, Shar accesses Fb through her iphone or whatever she has. But she actaully has gone to the phone company office---or whatever the internet provider is there---and is working from there!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Suzan. Are you in the mountains? See where Dare Co. (and Candy!) got a skiff of snow again!

wvgal_dana said...

NC Susan do you have a facebook page. I just checked my friends list and you aren't on there. Now we can't have that.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Gosh, fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma, and didn't make it here last night! Sorry about that!

Just before dawn here, sneaked out an went to feed the bulldogs and let them outside. Emma was sleeping, and STILL was when I got home, although she woke up shortly after I got home.
Fed her breakfast, and she went potty shortly afterward, and she's been sleeping again--and snoring! Really zonked, I guess.

I wish I could send you guys back east some of the weather we're having in SoCal! Supposed to get to 79 here today.

Have gotten the kitchen cleaned up and the dishwasher started. Now need to attack the pile of laundry that's waiting for me.

Judie, I'm thrilled for you that you got to take a shower! Bet you feel SO much better! Boy, if you can get Darth trained to do the ironing too, you'll have it made!

I'm impressed with the really sharp, fantastic picture of our nest on the live cam! Sure looks cold and windy there today. Haven't seen an eagle yet, though. Hope we're going to have a night light there.

Well, better go put some wash into the washer and check on the dryer.

Hey, Sissy!!! Really good to see you here! Glad Granny Riffe is doing well. You need to check back with us more often! Miss you! Oops--dryer is calling my name. Will BBL! :o]

stronghunter said...

Frustration here.

I was in the middle of writing an e-mail to the HR person about my situation when she called me.

I told her that I need to have new glasses, and that I want to get them today because I cannot drive around to doctors' appointments in old, scratched glasses.

I also told her what the dentist wants to do, but she said that he must submit a plan of care and get it approved before he can do anything. I have already made two appointments to get my teeth taken care of.

I told her that my primary care doctor (the one they chose) wants me to see a plastic surgeon, and that I want to make an appointment today.

The bottom line is that she is saying it could take a couple of weeks for anything to happen. I am wondering if they expect me to go back to work during these two weeks, then make the appointments so that they fit around my work schedule.

I asked about just going through my regular insurance plan, but she does not think I should do that either. It will complicate things. I certainly do not want to get caught in the middle and be forced to pay everything out of my own pocket.

I have already done that with my prescriptions, and they have now reached about $100.00, more than that with the ice packs and such.

I said that I do not want to wait until my nose has to be re-broken to be set. She thinks that will have to be done anyway. I have not been told that by the doctor.

I hate to have to just sit here doing nothing and letting time go by while I am waiting when time is so important.

stronghunter said...

She said that people get frustrated with this process. Well, I guess so!

glo said...

oh Shirley what a mess. I am sure this is so very hard on top of just the physical stuff you are dealing with. Insurance and me do not do well these days as all. I want the old days when Drs did what needs to be done NOW and the Medical facilities submitted the claims through workmans comp and or your private insurance for you. There did used to be such a time until insurance companies started practicing medicine.

stronghunter said...

I know a teacher who got caught in the middle of a fight and got injured trying to protect a pregnant colleague and a student whom she thought was about to be killed.

I would call her actions heroic, but she did not file for WC. She even had to have surgery on her shoulder.

Her husband is a policeman, and he said that he thought her job was more dangerous than his.

NCSuzan said...

It is cold here! 35 degrees with wind at 24mph so wind chill is 27. Tonight temps down to 16 and wind chill 0 to-5. Lynn, I am about 300 miles due south of Lib and Belle's house!

stronghunter said...

On top of everything, I am trying to teach by proxy. I have to write lesson plans and try to figure out how to help my students without being there.

If I go in for one day, I mess up getting my sick leave covered by WC. It would be easier if I didn't care about doing my job.

The more frustrated I get, the more I realize I have to think about myself. I do have to take care of myself.

stronghunter said...

I have usually had pretty good luck dealing with insurance companies, but this has me stymied.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I am like Glo do not like fooling anymore with health insurance. At one time it was all ok until Oct. 9, 2009 hit. The bottom fell out.

Shirley just my opinion I wouldn't try mixing the WC with your medical. Could get everything all messed up. Then they would have you paying for any surgeries you are going to need. Those will not be cheap.

stronghunter said...

And I don't even get to talk with the insurance people myself. Somebody talks to them for me.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Dana, that is what I am coming to understand. I am in their hands and they will take their own sweet time doing anything.

stronghunter said...

And, along with all of the doctors, I have to jump through the hoops. Of course, I am bringing all of my students and their parents through the mess, too.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I hate to leave such good company, but my work day is done and I must go run the vacuum and other fun stuff such as that!

Dealing with insurance companies is one of the most frustrating things I know. Seems like the majority at our insurance have no common sense whatsoever!!! Good luck with that Shirley!

Catch ya'll later and will try not to stay gone so long from now on!!!!

stronghunter said...

You feel like they just want you to give up and go away. I expect they want me to decide I can live with a cooked nose and displaced teeth.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to visit all of my frustration on you fine folks. I should go to something useful. I wanted to get new glasses, but I will wait a little while and see what happens.

stronghunter said...

I will need to go to pick up papers to grade and deliver other things for my students this evening. I will either need to head out quickly before dark or get Kathryn to take me after dark when she's home.

stronghunter said...

Getting worked into a tizzy here. Must chill. BBL.

glo said...

Shirley Taking care of yourself IS taking care of your present and future students. That is in fact number 1.

magpie said...

hope that you get some small measure of comfort, being able to let it all out with us...
I am heartbroken for you over this...
so very sorry
prayers continue....

stronghunter said...

Good point, Glo.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley we are a group. Letting it out here is just where you are suppose too. I just get scared of you going out so much in this cold.
Can't someone bring papers to you and pick up the ones you have? Don't you dare feel like you shouldn't be able to talk about your feelings on here. ((((((((HUGS))))))))

magpie said...

Also Shirley:
I do hope that you are having your family take pictures of you in this condition...even though you might rather they not...but I think it is important in the light of all the things you have mentioned.

magpie said...

The nest looks somewhat organized but I do so want to see the Eagles there.....
we could ALL use the glory that would come with that

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I am so very sorry you are having such difficulty. By the time they allow you to see doctors you may be too healed in a bad way. What is wrong with our system?

stronghunter said...

Well, ice cream with caramel sauce helps. But it might make me fluffier.

I know Judie approves of ice cream, at least.

I asked Kathryn to take a picture the other day, but we never did get around to it.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I am reluctant to have pictures taken. I look a little better now.

movin said...

I'm back for a moment at least.

Both eagles at WE... One eagle at BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jack Hanna is on The Talk (CBS). Baby cheetah's---cute!!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I do agree Margy has a very smart idea about the pictures. You never know with this health may need those pictures.

Oh yes surely ice cream and with carameal sauce. It has to be part of your healing. Just like Judie's is.

Hi Jim you keeping up with those eagles. Thanks for the update.

Suzan our health system is now NUTS!

movin said...

Some 'bonding' going on at WE... and Wray didn't reject him this time.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Great Jim again thanks for the update on West End--so we had HP there.

movin said...

Has anyone seen Liberty-Belle since the new cam came back on-line??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Shirley, definitely do not use your own insurance! It always asks if an accident was work? Then they automatically deny the claim. I would ask your doctor to call the medical director at WC and get him to spur things along. Too bad you didn't take pics at the beginning. I should have reminded you of that.
And don't you dare feel bad about airing your frustrations to us! That is what we are all here for!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I am getting the impression I could end up paying for everything myself. Just because I have two insurance companies fighting.

stronghunter said...

I thought about pictures, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Just didn't do it.

stronghunter said...

Got an e-mail about my glasses. HR is working on it. Surely, they cannot expect me to drive to work without appropriate glasses.

Mema Jo said...

Jim Paula was watching the nest on 12/10 after the cam came up and got a pic of Belle in the nest. So,
yes they have been back.

wvgal_dana said...

From Steve Chase-The cam will work at night, we're working on figuring out the software to make it do so, so stay tuned.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Dana - most of us were worrying about that.

Shirley, I'm sure you still don't look that great - take the pics with the notation that it is x amount of days.
Take a pic of your broken glasses - your black eyes But like Lynn advised - take it all through WC.

Mema Jo said...

I had taken a cat nap this afternoon
My Christmas shopping is finished.. Last present (exchange) came from American Girl. It's a good feeling!

Wondering about Paula and Michael...
I red back but don't see anything I could have missed.

Mema Jo said...

This is from Aaron Kyle Lennox:
Hope for clear skies tonight and dress warm. Geminid meteor shower peaks, estimated ~120 meteors per hour! Look south around midnight towards the constellation Gemini, though they'll most likely be all over the sky.

hedgie said...

Jim, one eagle was seen later on Fri. Nothing since. Of course, with no light, they could have been after dark.

magpie said...

don't suppose the word
would have any effect would it?

I don' think I can try for the Geminids but thanks for the reminder, Jo
I don't think my cold can take the cold

NatureNut said...

Yippee I OO! Went to 2 shopping centers near my Dr. appt. in Greenbelt & got EVERYTHING, but one item that I will pick up TU near work!
Now I'm feeling like a Panda nap!!
Glad to see Panda Sissy was here.
Dear Shirley, so sorry you are having problems w/WC. Are they Stupid???Your physical needs should have been tended to ASAP.I hate it when Ins. Cos. think they're medical professionals!Don't worry~~we are on your side.☺

magpie said...

thanks for the info from Steve about the night light

great to get that update

way to go, Jo, all finished!
that's the spirit !

snow showers here off and on

NatureNut said...

Margy, I was thinking lawyer, too for Shirley. But that would probably mean more $$$.

Hope you get better quick!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Oh, Shirley, I'm so sorry the insurance companies are making such a mess for you! I absolutely hate all that red tape! Prayers that this will all get straightened out--and quickly, too! You go ahead and vent with us. We can take it! Don't want you all frustrated. I totally understand what you're going through, though.

Well, need to run to the UPS store and drop off a package--something we are returning to It's a flannel shirt that's totally mismarked. Says it's a XXL, but it's smaller than the XL I ordered of the exact same shirt! Yikes.

Will be back later. I have school tonight, so it may be kind of late.

NatureNut said...

Just checked on Friday's eagle visit. It was 4:24PM by the Still cam clock. I saved it from Paula's post.
OK, BIRDS,we're ready to see you!!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I've been reading about all the hullabaloo you've been going through and it makes me furious! Was there a crack or any mal-formed place in the sidewalk? If so...hire a lawyer immediately!
You could OWN that school!

I wonder why we are not seeing our Royal Pair? Only Paula saw them for a split second after the new cam was installed and nothing since?! They sould be more active at this time.
So the crew at NCTC are still trying to figure out how to give us light at night? Probably the same way they did before:)

magpie said...

have the the Live feed going now too, maybe we will HEAR something

HI Wanda!

magpie said...

I think Shirley had said there was an uneven place in the sidewalk, Wanda...sounds like a good point, I would get a picture of that sidewalk also !

stronghunter said...

Lawyer . . . I divorced one, so I do have a good one here in town who helped me weather that storm. She's Kathryn's lawyer right now. Her specialty is family law, but she has partners who specialize in other things.

I will sit on this for awhile and think.

There is an outside possibility there's a camera on that part of the schoolyard.

magpie said...

family from Florida should definitely be in the COLD zone now...
they are due to spend the night in Winchester VA then onto Wild and Wonderful WV Tuesday... if the traveling is going well

magpie said...

and if the school was smart, Shirley....they should have already repaired that place in the sidewalk...

okay, good luck cogitating on the matter

turn your live feed volume up, listen for the sweet sound of Eagles - maybe we shall hear them tonight
or at least geese or tundra swans or cardinals or anything !

stronghunter said...

Well, one bit of good news. My friend and dept. chair says that she has only three student proposals awaiting my approval. She will call me and we'll discuss them so I do not have to go out there.

Thank goodness for that.

stronghunter said...

But still no approval of my request for new glasses. Well, I cannot commute 30 miles to work without glasses. I guess I can just stay home and they can pay a sub.

stronghunter said...

Remember, I work at an institution that kicks a kid out of school for skipping school. I never thought that made sense, either. But they were doing that when I was in school. I remember a bunch of my classmates getting kicked out for that very reason.

Mema Jo said...

News Flash!
Macy's to create 1,200 jobs in Berkeley County

Macy's Inc. plans to open a fulfillment center in Berkeley County, near Martinsburg, W.Va., that will create approximately 1,200 new jobs, U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller announced Monday afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Excuse me but what is a 'fulfillment center'?

Mema Jo said...

Do you think they have zoomed in on the nest on the live feed?

Mema Jo said...

One more question - does anyone
have any 'sound' on the live feed?
I don't
Live feed looks like
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock....

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, I believe you have done all of us a great service by discussing your experience with WC protocals. We will be talking about your issues to our families, etc. who work and by educating them they will know what to expect and maybe find out more before they are injured and run into the same thing . This is hopefully going to turn out alright for you. Hang in there.

Mema Jo said...

I guess I chased everyone away.......

:( :{ :[

stronghunter said...

Warehousing and shipping?

stronghunter said...

I'm here, Jo.

magpie said...

Jo I have "sound" but it is more like a hum , and "white noise" - and it is cutting in and out briefly
am waiting to hear some wildlife sound of some sort
I think I hear a little birdy tweeting right now

that is good news about the Macy's WhateverItIs Fulfillment Center Jo....

NCSuzan said...

Please forgive me for not remembering who asked but yes I have a Facebook account but I am rarely on there.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you can't sue IF WC is paying the tab! I would still pursue the schools' property insurance angle, tho' in "settlement" for pain and suffering!

Jo, I think fulfillment center is just a fancy word for a warehouse/processing operation that fills and ships orders. Can't believe that it's coming here! May well be that it will go into the old GM plant!!! Largest building under roof in the state---at least it used to be. And I know that it is FAR from filled up with small rental operations.

stronghunter said...

Check it out, Suzan. Lots of us on there. We would like to be your friends.

wvgal_dana said...

NCSusan I had ask if you were on facebook. Need to find you and add you. ( :

Jo Paula would not say what Michael's surprise was and that it would be late when she came on tonight to tell us about it.

Thank you Aaron Lennox if I'm up (I might be).
I will check the skies to the South.

Margy are you saying you "have a cold" or that you are cold??????
I see you have given an update on the travelers from Florida.

Loretta great you have but 1 present to get.
Getting done early is great!!

Andy glad you dropped in. We are with you on that for Shirley's mess to get all straightened out...prayers.

I have had the "live feed" going and have not heard a bird nor a motorcyle (some nuts do ride in this cold), a car, a plane,
nor geese, only wind some and that should be louder???????? I am truly doubting that there is sound on the "live feed".JMO

Shirley I am glad you don't have to go in.
That prayer was answered ( :

WOW some jobs to open up in Berkeley County. That sure sounds good. Thanks for the info

Lynne2 said...

evening all....


Shirley that just SUCKS what you have to go through. Good grief. Feel free to vent any time!

Kind of a sad day at Irvine today. Tough decision being discussed regarding our blind RT hawk. MTBR

I've got some chores to do...BBL

stronghunter said...

Yep, Dana, she called. Two students tried to pass off something I'd already refused to approve. Didn't work this time, either. The third one got approval.

NatureNut said...

Have both cams up & now Live is much brighter than Still!?Duh
Live broke a record and stayed on for 35 seconds before restarting!
Haven't seen any birds :>(

hedgie said...

Suzan, you are right.....and folks who belong to a union usually have a union rep well-versed in WC! Of course, we occ. health nurses are, too. The biggest bugaboo is that every state has their own rules and regs!!!!

magpie said...

good point Loretta...I think it must not be a true view on live feed....

Mema Jo said...

Got my Birds & Blooms magazine today
Lynn - Your Christmas card is precious!

Received Christmas letter from our Church about Masses during the eve of
Christmas. One rule they set down is that "No saving" seats. If you have a
party of people, you will be seated once they are all present. That pleases me.

hedgie said...

Hmmmmm....current windchill is 10°.....really don't think I'm gonna stand out tonight looking for the Geminids. BRRRRR!

Mema Jo said...

No night light on still cam - black screen
I have movement on live cam but it is 5:26pm and here it is dark outside.

Somebody is fooling with us!

Dinner time


wvgal_dana said...

Got that right live feed shows it is "wind blowing the nest and branches". Shows it is nice an daylight out.....NOT TRUE

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, our windchill is 19. Going to be a very cold night.

wvgal_dana said...

My live feed just went to a night time sky.

hedgie said...

Well, guess Macy's is building their own.....

BEagle said...

Hello every body.

I enjoyed watching the action on the live cam a few minutes ago. Not the eagle kind though.
The nest was swaying in the wind but it was nice seeing it move around.

We haven't seen much of Belle or Lib since we went of DST it seems. They were showing up at daybreak. Weren't they?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, you've got mail!

BEagle said...

Just here briefly till my hot cocoa is finished.


movin said...

gOT to go, but thanks for the info on our pair, M. Jo, Hedgie. Good to hear someone has seen .Belle.

Great evening to you all.
Prayers for the healing of those who need it.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Called to help thread pipes!
Cocoa almost gone.

BBL : )

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone.

shirley, please don't drive before you get things straightened out. Should WC find out you're driving this could jeopardize your claim.
Maybe you could just ask a lawyer/friend if you have a chance.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound. The dogs had vet appointments this evening, so finally home and trying to get them settled.

Gotta grab some dinner and get caught up!

P.S. Who ordered the snow?!?

Mema Jo said...

Hurry up and eat, Paula so you can tell all of us what surprise you had for Michael. We really need some
'good' news to pep us all up!

BEagle said...

Yeah! No need for droopy blogs!!
: D

Lolly said...

I've got some good news. Laurel called while I was out and told me that they are coming the 23rd or the 24th for Christmas, The last several years they have come late Christmas morning. Michael and Ashley will also be here this year.....Party Time!!!! This is one happy Momma!

Lolly said...

OMG! The presents under the tree are going to be humongous! And, Christmas Eve I will have my whole family with me at church. Wahooo!

BEagle said...

Oh Wow. Great plans ahead Lolly.

My son is in his finals week and will be home for a good month this weekend!
We will start our Christmas cheer.

Where I come from, it's a miracle to have the whole family at Church at one time.

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy, glad to hear Granny Riffe is doing better!

Shirley, you sound pretty chipper. When are you going back to work? Love your poinsettia avatar. Glad Margy mentioned the pictures. I forgot to mention that the other day. Have Kathryn take some.

Thanks for the message from Steve, Dana, about the night light. good news!

I certainly thought we would see more of Lib and Belle Since Friday. Our nest has definitely been worked on while the cam was down.

Lolly, glad the kids will all be at your house at the same time! What fun!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly That will be a Most Wonderful

Our family will be gathering at Christmas eve Church (half of them) and then our daughter, Susan is treating all the family to dinner at a small restaurant in Middletown. She said that was our gift-
No food preps or clean ups! The whole family will be there! It will be very nice.

BEagle said...

That sounds just perfect Jo.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly, BEagle, Jo really sounds like a "family Christmas"....all together. ( :


paula eagleholic said...

OK, so here's the scoop on Michael's surprise.

When Michael woke up this morning, (finally!), I gave him a few minutes to get teeth brushed etc. So then he asks me if I am ready for breakfast (he was going to cook a big breakfast). I said, "We have a little errand to run first. Can you get dressed and come with me?" He says, "Sure". No questions asked.

We get in the car, and drive to this hotel that John and I stayed at for his graduation. I told him to wait a couple of minutes, I'd be right back.

I went into the hotel to pick up a small rental truck. I had pre-reserved it on the internet. They still had to do paperwork. It took like 15 minutes and they weren't done yet.

So I went out to the car, and told Michael it would be a couple more minutes. He says "What's going on?" So I reached in the back and gave him a present to open. It was a set of queen sheets! He opens it and says, "Queen sheets?" I said, "What do they go on?" He says a bed? OMG you got me a bed? Then he was trying to hug me in the car, it was really funny. He was soooo excited! He's been sleeping on a single air mattress since May!

I found out that one of our bedding vendors has their factory about 20 minutes from Michael, so I was able to buy one at cost for him for Christmas! He had jokingly asked for one, knowing he probably wouldn't get it!

So, we went and picked up the mattress and boxspring, got it up into his apartment. He cooked breakfast while I returned the rental truck.

It was funny, he couldn't figure out why I was at the hotel for an errand!

I ran out of time to be able to stay and help him get it set up, but I'm sure he's got it all done by now. I didn't get to ask him this evening, he is taking his GF out for her birthday, which is tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, Jo. Dinner sounds fantastic and when you say the whole family, you are talking about an army. LOL

Just learned that Michael and Ashley will also be here this Saturday. Wahoooo! They are such social butterflies that I was not sure they would make it to see the aunts and uncles. Lolly is feeling good! Wheeeeeeeeee!

Lolly said...

I may not be getting cards out til after Christmas. LOL

Lynne2 said...

OK just sat down to read, and here comes a STINKBUG flying at me and has now landed on my computer. GROOOOOOOOOSSSSS. Excuse me, I'll need to deal with it.....

paula eagleholic said...

After sleeping on Michael's air mattress for 2 nights (he slept on the sofa), I am so glad I got him that mattress. I don't know how he's been able to sleep on that thing. I didn't think it was very comfortable.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, dinner at Christmas sounds awesome!

Lolly, I may not get to my cards either!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - that was a very well planned surprise for Michael! Air mattresses can last only sooooo long - then the real thing is beautiful. You should be very pleased with yourself!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Lynne, how was the place on Saturday or Sunday that you went to? Got any more pics??

Lynne2 said...

The stinkbug has been eliminated. That brings my SBBC for today to 7. YUK.

Sounds like everyone's Christmas plans are coming together nicely!

What a great surprise for your son Paula! Bet he'll be sleeping like a king now!

Mema Jo said...

Well, I am checking out TV
I just might get my cards out this week

I know the Closer is to be on but not sure if anything else.


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I was so lucky that everything fell into place.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, I saw the leg glasses, but they wouldn't put wine in it, so I didn't get it! Can you believe that?

Mema Jo said...

Ch 38 9:00 The Closer (new)

That's it for me on TV ........

paula eagleholic said...

The confusion about the cam, was that it showed it on a map on one corner, and it was on the opposite corner

I couldn't even get to the link to it on my phone to find the proper description..and Michael couldn't either.

hedgie said...

BEagle.....thread pipes like for the furnace set-up??? Fun!

Oh, Lolly and Jo, such great plans for the holidays! Sounds like so much fun.

Paula, you did pull off a good one!! Really cool!! You are my kind of gal! I have always loved doing the big surprises, too! My mom made me promise to stop after the the birthday car----afraid she was going to have a heart attack! But I did do one more after that----before she moved to MO, she was there visiting my sister. I drove out and surprised them all! Thought my BIL was gonna have the heart attack that time when he opened the door!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Lynn, that's a good one! I like doing them when I can!

Judie said...

Here for a quick visit.

Hi Suzan, yes, thank you, it felt marvelous to get really clean. Bit of a project but well worth it. Going for #2 tomorrow.

Hi Shirley and Margy. Hi Glo, you and Dex take it easy in that nasty weather. Very,very windy here tonight. Wind chill down in teens. Hey, Sissy, just be cautious and stay healthy, please and hugs to Mrs. Riffe.

Shirley, what a mess of aggravation for you. Maybe some legal advice would be in order.

Paula, what a cool surprise for Michael. I know he is ever so happy and thankful.

BEagle, enjoy having your son home and sure hope he aced all the finals.

Lolly, glad the family will be together for Christmas. I know you are so excited.

Jo, what a nice way to treat the family for Christmas -- good food and no messy cleanup.

Got about 30 assignments graded plus some police papers. Finally had to return to bed. Will continue tomorrow.

Hi to all I overlooked. Getting tired.

Taken a pain pill so don't think I'll even begin to contemplate "a fulfillment center."


BEagle said...

Paula. That is a really nice gift. A mattress!

And what a great deal and so close. He'll sleep like a baby!

My son sleeps on an air mattress at school with an eggshell mattress cover to insulate, keeps the tootsie's warm.

But I know he still likes being home on occasion to sleep on his cushy mattress.

What a great gift!

Lynne2 said...

I have just been dive bombed by another frickin' STINKBUG.

Pics from Soldier's Delight on posted on my blog now.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I love surprising others like that. My son did that once to called and wanted me to have lunch - I was trying to beg off due to work load.
Walked in and there sat my son whom I hadn't see for some time. Yeah you feel like a heart attack at the time but afterwards it is such a good feeling.

Costume Lady said...

What wonderful, happy things I have just read! Lolly's getting her family for Christmas (wonder where they will all stay? Maybe Paula can ship them Michael's air mattress) Jo's daughter has a wonderful (although very expensive) idea for the family present...let's see now there's 5 kids, 8 ggrandkids, umpteen grandkids, spouses, etc. WOW!

Paula, I know Michael is enjoying his present...we have an airbed in the motor home and slept in it one night when we had more people than beds and the darn thing deflated in the middle of the night! Gene and I went back to sleep and slept all night on what little bit of air was left:)

Lynne2 said...

AGAIN I'VE BEEN DIVE BOMBED!!!! This is INSANE!! I'm going to take a shower....where I am sure there are more waiting for me, as usual.

wvgal_dana said...

Well it sounds like everyone has things all planned and set for Christmas eve or Christmas.

I don't know if I will get to cards or not. I did do the email one.

This prep today for tomorrow is getting to me. So I am off to the recliner.

Prayers for traveling and other needs and health.

NatureNut said...

Wind is so bad, it's blowing something that turns on spotlight!!! I dug out my flannel lined jeans for tomorrow!Got Panda hat too!

Good clash of a football game on--Ravens & Texans! They won't show the Viking/Detroit game til midnight!!! BOO
Lolly & Jo, what great Xmas family plans.
Paula, your surprise was perfect!!! Bet he's one happy camper tonight!
Gonna finish about 6 cards tonight, then can start wrapping.

magpie said...

It's beginning to SOUND a lot like Christmas on here....
some wonderful plans coming together

Great surprise, Paula...glad it all worked out, sounds like a stellar week-end for you and Michael

Nice to hear from Judie ☺

Stay warm's a challenge hereabouts

NatureNut said...

Had team wrong----It's Vikings vs. NY Giants...

magpie said...

Best wishes and strong prayers for your procedure on Tuesday, Dana
(( hugs ♥ ))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Heading to bed, just wanted to let you all know what Steve said about the cam:

The cam will work at night once we work out the new software.

That is great to know! Love and hugs across the miles. It is really nasty here tonight. So grateful for a nice, snug warm home!

hedgie said...

Heavy flurries blowing in the wind here. It is SO cold!! Just took my bath so feeling very toasty now, tho'.

hedgie said...

Dana, what time are you scheduled for tomorrow? I'm sure the prep is the worst part!

I think my favorite surprise for Mom was when Jessica was two weeks old. Mom's bro was throwing her 75th b-day party. Girls and I with Jess in arms drove down to FL. WHen Mom got to aunt and uncles' house, she made her sit on the sofa, close her eyes and hold out her arms. We all tiptoed out of the bedrooom and laid her first great-grandchild in her arms! She doesn't remember anything else about the party of 40 people!!

PA Nana said...

Lynne, love, love your pix. And I thought I was the only one who still has stinkbugs. You'd think with the frigid temps they'd be dead. Will they be here all winter? Ewwwwwwww...

Paula, you're a great mom. Surely Michael appreciates your thoughtfulness. What a surprise.

Lolly & Jo sounds like Christmas will be a family affair for you both.

Sorry, having a "senior moment" and forget who(m) else I wanted to address. I'll catch up later.

God bless

hedgie said...

THanks for sharing your pics, Lynne. Sounds like a really interesting place. Never heard of it before......or the term serpentine barren.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Sissy! Good to have you with us today-----about time, gal!

hedgie said...

I had one SB yesterday and one today. :(

hedgie said...

Diann, you have mail!

Lolly said...

Been watching Mariah Carey's Christmas special. I like her. I like her smile she has on her face while singing. Her eyes smile too.

Lolly said...

Wanda, we have two guest bedrooms. Also, the living room/dining room has a sofa sleeper. Then there is always the study where we can put air mattresses on the floor. Great for little boys. However, they will probably sleep on the sofa sleeper.

The not so comfortable is the double bed in the Michael guest bedroom. The Laurel guest bedroom has a queen bed. Good beds both of them but the double is too small, but the room is small. Michael always had a trundle bed and it was the right size room for him.

Paula, your surprise for Michael was fantastic.

Lynne2 said...

OK, one SB on my humidifier, one on bathroom ceiling, on on the door frame. I must insist that the President do something about this.

Steve just got home so I am off to fix him something to eat and then head to bed. Prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

It occurs to me that I haven't ever posted pics of our hike at SD a few weeks ago...will work on that later this week. Really cool place...very very rocky and the rocks have a sort of light green metallic tint to them.

hedgie said...

Watching Mariah Carey's Christmas special. Never knew it before but her mother Patricia Hickey, who is white, is a former mezzo-soprano New York City opera singer and a vocal coach."

hedgie said...

Lolly, can tell that the music is in her!! And she sure can let it out!! Have always enjoyed her singing..........and gosh, I've been listening to her for 20 yrs.!!

Lolly said...

It was a great show!

Judie said...

Back to say goodnight.

Dana, I am sure the procedure will go well tomorrow. The prep is the worst and that is all but over.

Lynn2, found three SB here this week. Grrrr!

Hi Lowreeda and Wanda.

Lynn, what's Ms. Mai up to tonight?

Have had to take another pain pill so am probably going to get sleepy in a few. Will be turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams for all.

stronghunter said...

Oh no, now the President is responsible for stink bug control. He will be so excited.

I have finished my lesson plan for tomorrow. I have included instructions about what to do in case of misbehaving students. I hope it helps.

I'll also notify the assistant principal. That should help some. I have just the punishment: Misbehaving students should be placed in a room full of stink bugs.

magpie said...

Good Night Judie and Lynne2 after Steve's dinner is done...and I'm not far behind you'uns

prayers for our needs, and for those around the planet in need
especially the homeless on a cold and lonely night

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Hunter had long division for homework again tonight. He would not allow the teenaged girl at the sitter's (sitter's daughter) to help him, though she loves math.

Hunter seems to think that a mere high school student could not do long division. Of course, he thought I couldn't, either.

He said that only his mother can do it. Kathryn was probably as thrilled as Obama was about stink bug control, but it went better, and Hunter says he is catching on. There is hope for long division in this household.

Kathryn would make a good 4th grade teacher. She is doing well.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful prayer, Margy.


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the article link, Lynn. Didn't know about serpentine barren at all.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Watched only 1 tv show and I am
so far behind on the blog.
Need few minutes to play catch up

Mema Jo said...

Well it sounds like most of us have very high winds... Megan said she was having 32mph wind gusts at her place.
No way am I going outside to see the action up in the southern sky. Hate to miss it But...........

BEagle said...

Well, I like the Vikings.

Love the stories. Hedgie, yours about the 75 year old getting her first great grandchild made my eyes water.

Well, Michael getting a mattress made my eyes water too.

I always get soppy at such sweet stories. I still weep when my son goes to school every year after summer break. He starts telling me what he's learned at school and I have to tell him to stop, I need a moment, till my tears stop.

Stronghunter. You are having a time of this accident. Prayers are going up for you that the paperwork gets done and necessities are accomplished as quickly as possible. Also, anything that can come about to soothe your anxieties about everything. Impatience can be an opposing force. And yes, take care of yourself and enjoy what you are able to do, enjoy the moment. It sounds like teaching by proxy may prove challenging, but a good way to learn interesting things about your profession.

Prayers for Dana and what she has to do this week, bless her sweet heart.

Always grand to hear from Judie and prayers for her continued improvement.

And Sissy, prayers for Granny.

And Hedgie, prayers for puppy.

And NCTC, prayers for proper applications and success with NICE NEW CAM!!

Prayers for all actually.

♥ Good night.

NatureNut said...

Dana, good wishes for you.
Balmer is doing a good job!
Lynne, love your pics and info on SD!
Getting late & most are hitting the hay.Hope all our injured/ill reserve feel much better.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

We have so many clouds, you couldn't see what's up in the sky!!

Say goodnight, Gracie!☺ ☺ ☺

stronghunter said...

Paula, if you remember, my children gave me a mattress and box springs for Mother's Day. I was overwhelmed. They thought that thirty years was enough time to sleep on a mattress.

Then, I got to return the favor when I got a mattress and box springs for Kathryn when she came to live with me and I had another old mattress on the bed she was using. We already knew what kind she liked!

I think about my children when I settle into my comfy bed. I am sure Michael will think about you, too.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lowreeda.....Goodnight, Gracie!

BEagle, glad you love the sappy stories, too!! We're all a bunch of softies!!

Mai is either plumb tuckered out this evening or not feeling well. She has been quite docile and low-key. Just went to I am going to also!

Andy---when you come in: where did Emma sleep while you were gone this morning?? And......rethink the hallway confinement until she is at least past the 1 yr. mark....if not, you might be replacing woodwork!!!1

Night-night. Sleep well, stay warm, and don't blow away. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta Your avatar is great!

I am thinking about closing down now
Try to catch the news

Thinking of you Dana

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for healing and happiness
Hugs for all ((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, that's neat about the mattress for Kathryn, Shirley :)

Good luck tomorrow, Dana!

Love the avatar, Lowreeda.

Lolly said...

Watched Castle and now watching the news. Jack is watching the STARS in the study. We plan to go out to look for meteors. We will have to bundle up!

stronghunter said...

Gee, I just thought of something. Wonder if the Christmas garland is blowing around on this windy night? It must be pretty tattered by now.

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't get to my pics tonight, but here's one as my avatar....Lego Santa from FAO Schwartz

paula eagleholic said...

Think it's a goner, Shirley!

How long are you going to be off work?

paula eagleholic said...

Oops, meant to put up the one with Michael and Lego Santa.

stronghunter said...

Yes. Like Lolly, I had a couple of spare rooms. I had put some old mattresses on the beds. They were probably more than 30 years old, but no one was using them long term. They came from my mother's house. The one in Kathryn's new room was the worst. Hunter is sleeping on the other one, but I think he really should have a twin bed in that room so he could have more floor space in there. That's another furniture re-arranging project for another day, though.

stronghunter said...

Don't know, Paula. I need glasses to drive there.

paula eagleholic said...

OK Shirley, wasn't sure. Hope they can get you some new ones soon. WC Insurance is a real PIA.

stronghunter said...

Andy, Lynn has a point. Puppies chew the strangest things.

stronghunter said...

Like the avatar, Paula.

stronghunter said...

We had a German shepherd that felled small trees with a single bite.

stronghunter said...

She would walk through the yard and, suddenly, CHOMP, another tree would tumble down.

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs now. I wish you all a good night. God bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Ruh Roh, uhaul place gonna have a fight tomorrow, they just emailed me a receipt with the wrong amount!

Hitting the hay ...

catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Watch out for the split!

Lolly said...

Good night to those turning in. We are going to be up for another hour or so. If I last, that is!

Costume Lady said...

Margy, speaking of the homeless on a cold and lonely night...Gene went looking for the family that was living in a tent near the railroad tracks, but could not find them. Either he didn't look in the right area or they have moved away. Gene and another church friend are going to look for them together on Thursday and take them some non-perishable food.
So sad to think of someone living in a tent in this cold, windy weather:(

I have browned my ground beef and seasoned it with my secret blend of spices...sauce is ready to go, salad is ready , just need to cook the pasta tomorrow. Gene is making an apple pie cobbler and will serve it with a scoop of ice cream. Garlic bread is sliced and ready to heat and eat:) It's going to be so cold, I hope that doesn't keep our guests away.
I messed up appointments...GG has an appt. to get her hair cut at 2 o'clock tomorrow, so I willl go into the church early and finish up everything before I leave to get her. Gene will have the pasta warter hot so that I can get that going as soon as I get back! Just don't know where my head was!
Someone else will have to make the problem there.


PA Nana said...

Getting my goodnights in and best wishes to Dana for her test tomorrow.

Getting sleepy myself so I'll shut this down and go to my chair.

Prayers for all needs and wants.
God bless

Lolly said...

Well, time has flown by...fell asleep. LOL Stars have gone into overtime, so we are not going out to look at the sky at this minute. Think I will go shower and be nice and warm to go out. LOL

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Wanda, sounds like you have it all under control.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been playing catch-up on the blog.

Emma slept in her crate this morning. She is just SO good about it! She goes in there with NO hesitation, and settles down within a minute or so. She often plays with a chew toy for a bit before falling asleep. We truly cannot believe how well-behaved she is! Yes, I have thought about her chewing some of the woodwork in the hall. DEFINITELY wouldn't leave her there right now--she's started teething, and her teeth are driving her crazy! Think I'll buy stock in Nylabone! She seems to enjoy listening to Christmas carols.

My Sis-in-law came over tonight (they got back home earlier today), and got to meet Emma. She just loves her! Can't believe how cute she is!

Prayers continue that your crazy WC mess gets straightened out, and pronto!

Prayers for your procedure tomorrow--and for a good report!

Well, I'm about ready for my keyboard airbag! Think I'd better call it a night, before Emma needs to go potty again. She's sleeping now, but you never know...

Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. I'm making sure that the porch light AND the Christmas lights are on. Prayers have been said for everyone--especially those needing healing. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep snug and warm tonight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...