Friday, December 24, 2010


New thread.


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I have been checking the nest off and on this morning, NO VISITORS:(

Costume Lady said...

To some of you who have been on here longer than I...has this ever happened before? (no show and then, show up later?)

Costume Lady said...

I had to giggle at Andrea telling of Emma's antics, last night. Sounds like a fun, frisky friend:)
Read back to her comments last night.

Costume Lady said...

Perhaps we will be watching BWE this winter, if their new cam is LIVE...I can't handle that 20 or 30 second watching grass grow:)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda and all other Eagle Friends coming over to the new thread. Plus those coming in here.

Wanda since I have been here; no they are usually fixing up the nest.

I just pray and pray they return to us. So we can enjoy our Liberty and Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

Steve as I mentioned on the other thread. Sorry you caught this virus. Hoping and praying you start feeling better very soon. Includling that no others in your family get it.


I appreciate all they are doing and do and try to do to get us this cam in good working order.

Costume Lady said...

I have to vook my turkey today...I think it is thawed out now...need to check and make sure. I do have plenty of time. I always use thoe baking bags and the vooking time is cut nearly in half! Bird comes out juicy and nice and browned!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo Wishing you, Dex and your family also a Merry Christmas Eve day and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS (:

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

2 eagles at BWO, they are hoping to get the eagle cam running today.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, BWE will still be the 20 second cam.

paula eagleholic said...

They are replacing theirs because it broke.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Dana...
Just wish someone at NCTC would give us somekind of a report on any sightings of our Royal pair!

Costume Lady said...

Well, there go my plans for watching BWE regularly:(
Still watch occaionally, love that area and Lisa! Thanks Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Mmmm, co-worker gave me a big cinnabon roll this morning....mmmm

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Christmas Eve Morning, Wanda, Paula, and Dana!

Up fairly early here--little Miss Emma had to go potty, so no rest for the weary. (I am NOT complaining! It is so unbelievably fantastic to have a cute little fur person in the house again, that I would brave an Arctic blizzard for her--ANY time of the day or night!)

We are supposed to have a day of NO RAIN (!) and sunshine today. It's 45 here right now, expected high is 67.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Andy!

Love hearing about Emma, bet she is just a sweetie!

Glad your weather is clearing up!

Ms Bookworm said...

Ooh, Paula! Cinnabon!!! I am SOOOO jealous!!! Can't really do Cinnabon any more--too disastrous to my blood sugar--but will enjoy it vicariously with you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm hoping that Belle and Lib are having a good morning. Hope that someone at NCTC will spot them, and let us know about it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oboy, I could sure use some coffee and some breakfast! Will be back in a little while. Have a good morning meanwhile, everyone! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--please check your e-mail today. I sent an e-Christmas card to the momsters and dadsters that's supposed to be delivered today. Ran out of cards, AND time to do them! Had to send the card to my Yahoo mail address, then forward it to the group. Hope the link to pick it up works!

grannyblt said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Andy and Paula.

Yummy Paula, I know it is not the same but I have these Cinnabon by Kellogg's 6 in a box each one is 1.3oz. They only have 13 g sugar so I can have one now and again. Sometimes I warm them up. Andy you might want to check grocery store and read side of box.

grannyblt said...

Thanks to all of you for the cards via snail mail. I haven't done cards or much Christmas this year. Mom spent her 89th birthday in the hospital w/pneumonia and then to extended care. She wasn't especially cooperative there and this week was moved to a nursing home for more therapy. The good news is that they think her stay will be short and she can return home.
I've checked the new cam several times, but no sightings. I hope Lib and Belle haven't signed a lease on new digs just when the old nest has been remodeled--well--sort of.
Happy New Year to all of you and thanks for your friendship.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link
Lynne2 Holiday Affair that you want to watch is coming on soon!!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I just read (must have read too fast and missed it) where Anne is doing very well. Prayers Oh thank God for prayers. What a wonderful Christmas present for you Margy ( :

Mema Jo said...

Good morning all! I won't be here much today as there is a birthday party at noon and then mass and later a family celebration.

I sure hope I can keep up with the schedule.

Love you all and I am wishing and praying that you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year

wvgal_dana said...

I was wondering Eaglet_Momsters and Dadsters. Since we have had a special time set to pray. Sometimes for people. Do you think we could set a "special time to pray for Liberty and Belle to come HOME TO THE NEST"?

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Enjoy your day MEMA JO...and Blessings to you and your wonderful family♥

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne-Grannyblt I am sorry your Mother was so sick. Sounds like they feel she will be coming home soon. That sounds good ( :
You have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and your family too.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda why don't we send an email through the Momster group that 12 noon we are praying for Liberty and Belle to return to the nest?

I will be praying at that time thank you ((((((HUGS))))))

wvgal_dana said...

Andy it was a beautiful card, I had fun with it...almost missed the one click lol


FuzzleMT said...

12:00 special prayer time for Liberty and Belle - I'm there!
I will include those who visit the "Blog" known and unknown.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for responding FuzzleMa:)

Costume Lady said...

OK< DANA, Go For It!

hedgie said...

Got lost! Thought I had scared you all away!!!

Bringing over:

Good Christmas Eve morning to all. Papers are read, fire is built up, 2nd load of laundry is in the dryer......getting ready to start making the cinnamon rolls.

Diann.....hope the drafts chase the SB's away!

Nice pics, Lynne!

Margy---have a nice evening with James and crew!

Shirley, hope the vacuum cleaner does a super job!

Andy, Emma isn't as big as Mai. She weighs 16# as of yesterday morning on my scales!! Too bad the heron nest came down. Bet it did make a mess!

Friday, December 24, 2010 9:44:00 AM

Dough is rising!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010 11:07:00

Fridge is cleaned, space made for leftovers!!!

hedgie said...

Is nest rocking or is it the cam?? Seasick!!

hedgie said...

Noon it is!

Irene and Lynne1----good to see you both! Lynne, so sorry about your Mom. I am thankful everyday that mine is so healthy!!! Don't think she has even had a head cold in 10 yrs.! She is 91 1/2!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok FuzzleMa 12 noon prayer time all around the world for Liberty and Belle to come home to the NEST.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

I have to bear the cold and go out. My Mother will never tell me what she wants for Christmas. I watch all year long. Oh I know I can get her a gift certificate.
She mentioned on the phone this AM about a pair of pants. Described them but had to take back way too long. I am going to the store to look at them. See if they can be taken up. If not then see if I can find something similar in another store in petite.



stronghunter said...

Prayers for Belle, Lib, and all of God's creatures.

hedgie said...

For the child in all of us:

Tracking Santa

NatureNut said...

Happy, Happy Xmas Eve!!

Just caught the end of Holiday Affair. Didn't know if we got that channel, but found it.I couldn't believe that was Janet Leigh!!Fubby said I get 1/2 of the new TV, so he will allow me the time for my one soap & not change the channel!!!!Merry Xmas!
I'm also curious about Belle & Lib's supposed absence. Maybe we can get permission for a vigil!!
Gonna vake==BBL

Lynne2 said...


But I've said one now!

We were giving the dogs their baths. Now I have to go clean the bathrooom.

Lynne2 said...

I am seriously going Eagle hunting after the Holidays if no one from NCTC can give us some details and they don't make an appearance.

I remembered Holiday Affair was on and I taped it!

Fuzz, are they predicting your area to get nailed by the snowstorm later this weekend?

BEagle said...

My prayers for B&L were at 12:00 and earlier even.

Got to scoot.

Oh....sorry.....HELLO everyone.

BEagle said...

My "other" got a phone call. will be the hero of many with the serious eagle statement.

Go girl.

Scooting now!

Lynne2 said...

well, I really wish SOMEONE at NCTC could let us know what they are doing....they are THERE after all. But we don't have a source to inform us, that we know of. I mean, Steve said the have been seen, as did the guard when Dana was there....BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm beginning to wonder if the birds here know something about the weather that we don't yet. I filled my kitchen window feeder at 8am, and it's EMPTY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE cam is back on! Looks like they got it higher above the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWE, think it brought lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Both at BWE, gosh they look small. Will be hard to spot a cracking egg, I think!

Lolly said...

Oh this is fun. No electricity. Going to turn the computer off now. We have been tracking Santa, but need to save the computer battery

hedgie said...

Rolls are made, in the pans and raising again before baking! Oh, my aching back!! 1 dozen pans!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, that's awful! Of all times! Hope it's back on in a hurry!

BWE DOES seem more distant.....hopefully they can adjust.

hedgie said...

I still don't understand why there is such a difference in our still and live cam images----still is darker and is bright and colorless.

hedgie said...

First round of rolls baking....smelling delightful. Mai was so patiently good in the crate while I made the dough and then again when I was making the rolls! Now she is being a pill!!! She loves the music on the stereo, is perturbed by the noise of the dishwasher, and the smells are a definite attraction!

Costume Lady said...

While reading my email, I came across something funny that reminded me of us, yesterday when we were talking about Lynn having mushroom and was wondering if Mai ate them, if they would make her hallucinate. Read on:

Did 'Shrooms Send Santa And His Reindeer Flying?
Long ago, shamans -- and reindeer -- in the Far East were known to eat red and white mushrooms. And then hallucinate. A Harvard biologist asks, is it possible this is the source of the "jolly" man in the red and white suit and his "flying" reindeer?

hedgie said...

ROFL, Wanda! Could be! Who knows??

movin said...





I see BWE has the new camera up and there is an eagle in the nest.

Has anyone seen Liberty-Belle?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jim! No, no one has seen them. Hope you are dried out by now!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon all...... I am dressed up & heading to Mass. Need to go early due to the overcrowding of the holiday.
Meeting son and daughter and their families at Mass. Then the other daughters and the grandchildren at our dinner. Glorious day! It's the eve of our dear Saviors birth.

Talk with you later - have a beautiful evening!

movin said...

wELL, Lynne, I'm pretty dry already, but I guess a lot of folks are still dealing with the slides and floods around California.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Hello, Gentleman Jim! Do you remember which singer was called that? Jim Reeves. My Dad's favorite! What a voice and what soul he put into a song!!
How's everything in your neck of the woods today?? Are you heading for your sisters' tomorrow??

hedgie said...

Jim, my friend in Highlands just missed the damage of a mudslide. It got the street behind her!

movin said...

Hedgie, I think someone...grandma maybe...loved Jim Rieeves too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

See you all later. Got to get busy. There are 0 more days until Christmas.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse.

"But why?", they asked, as they moved off.

"Because," he said," I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer."

NatureNut said...

Fruit nut breads are vaking. Gotta turn them around soon as oven is hotter in the back!

What wonderful news for Margy about Anne!! Will keep up the prayers for all!

NatureNut said...

That's a good one, Lynne! ☺

hedgie said...

Yuck, yuck, Lynne!!!!

Kitchen cleaned up as much as it's going to be for today. Putting pies off until tomorrow since won't be eating until Sunday. THEN will really spiff it up!

Almost finished dusting. It sure doesn't feel like a Friday, does it?

Don't know what to do about din-din. Will have usual Eve fare tomorrow evening when Christie is here.....steamed shrimp, hot crab dip, slaw, and she wants homemade french fries rather than Salt&Vinegar chips with the shrimp.

Gotta do a manicure touch-up, curl the hair and take a bath and then hope for a nap after Jeopardy. Will have to leave for church at 10:30.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Lynn! I've been staring at MT nest until I have to check oven, Sounds like you are lucky to get an Xtra day!!
I'm making oyster stew for tonight. We try to have that each Xmas Eve.
Gotta do nails, too!Last on my list!
Back to nest.....

hedgie said...

Darlin' Loretta-----you may have my share of your oyster stew!!!!
I'd rather NOT have the extra day.....most of Christmas day will be very lonely. Christie is going to her dad's first, so it will probably be 6'ish befor eshe gets here. :( Have never had a Christmas like this before. I'm a bit depressed.

Ever stop to think that we have a bunch of amazing cooks in our group???!!!!

BEagle said...


Two eagles on the BWE nest.

Lynne2 said...

alrighty then, I am sitting here waiting for eagles.....

Lynne2 said...

does anyone know if BWE is going to a live feed this year once eggs are laid?

hedgie said...

No, Lynne, not according to Paula. It will still be a 20 second refresh.

Lolly has POWER back!! Just in time to start vooking again, no doubt!

hedgie said...

Ceil's Jim is picking up young Jim and Jennifer at the airport!! She is a VERY happy momster!!

Lynne2 said...

well, 20 is better than 40...

SO glad Looly's power is back on!

BEagle said...

It looks like NNut has joined the ranks of vakers.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn sorry about your Christmas day being different this year. So Christie will arrive around 6ish. Then you two will be together until Sunday when you all will celebrate Christmas. Is that right?

Lynne2 said...

well, darkness at the nest.....

NCSuzan said...

Merry Christmas Eve! Sounds like everybody has things under control. If only our eagles would show up. I wish for everyone visions of sugarplums dancing in your heads and hearts full of wonder. Joy to the world!

Lynn, I am sorry you feel depressed. As moms we do so much for our children and making holidays perfect no matter how old they are. It does make for a lonely day if noone is there but when she comes it will be like a hurricane of activity and then you may be glad for the downtime you had. Hug little Mai for me on this, her first Christmas.

BEagle said...




...and if we see our eagles tomorrow with jingle bells on, I would not be surprised

God Bless all you all.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. No eagles yet! I'm getting very worried that they are not coming back. boo hoo

If I am not dreaming, I saw 2 eagles at BWE. Turned away and back and they were gone.

Margy, great to hear about Anne. May your time at work be without much anguish.

Lynne, Lynne, lol

Was able to visit daddy today. He's really my step-father, but he's my daddy. He'll be 88 next month and still lives alone. My younger sister comes and cleans for him every week or so and my brother-in-law helps him with his bills. My Jim and son help with yard work. He's very much loved.

My baby sister is expected to visit daddy next week. Dr. Smith and her family live outside Memphis and visit about twice a year. Still can't think of her as Dr. They're leaving TN on Sunday. please help me pray for a safe trip. Her daughter just graduated from college and I am anxious to see them.

All the vooking and vaking .... must really smell good at your nests.

If I don't get back later please have a blessed Christmas. You're all in my prayers.

NatureNut said...

OK, Lynn, I';ll eat your share. Celery & onions are simmering in oleo (plasticLOL), so almost ready for the o's.
Don't feel bad on Xmas, sleep late, play w/puppy, maybe visit someone close by,take a field trip & go watch the nest!!!!


hedgie said...

Thanks for all encouragement.
Dana, it's now up in the air whether Chris will spend the night or not. She probably will as long as her MIL will go feed the dog and the pellet stove!

Suzan, will hug Mai when she next awakens!

Diann, don't think you had mentioned before that your Dad was still with you! How very special. I always miss mine, but especially at this time of year. He LOVED Christmas! And a Dr. sister!! So glad you are getting a chance to see so many family members!

For those who may not get a chance to check back in.....Merriest of Christmases to you. May the presence of the Christ Child in your life give you peace. Check your Momster mail again!!!!!

Lolly said...

I am not going to have much chance to get back on. We leave for church soon. We got our electricity back. It was off for several hours. Everyone is here now and it is a mad house. Will have to catch up on the blog later. Hope all is well.


Costume Lady said...

House is smelling like Thanksgiving here. I have a turkey in the oven, along with dressing and Capt. Gene vaked 30 pepperoni rolls. No pies, cakes or cookies. I will make a fruit salad in the place of loves fruit salad:)
GG used to make the most wonderful nut rolls and poppy seed rolls for Christmas, pies and always a coconut cake for Dad. He always managed to talk her into giving him a slice before dinner was served. I can hear him now, "Hey, hon, how about a cup of coffee to go with this cake?"

hedgie said...

Christmas always evokes such sweet memories, doesn't it, Wanda?? Nostalgia reigns.......

Oh, yes, goes without repeating that you all mean the world to me. I love you all more than you know. You honestly saved me when you let me join this wonderful group!! Missing some who have stepped back......Mits, Ceil, Norma, Suzanne, etc. And missing Judie and her wonderful wit while she copes with her recovery!

stronghunter said...

Just wanted to stop in for a moment to say hello and send good wishes to everyone. God bless.

Susan is not here yet. It's Kathryn, Hunter and me. And, of course the critters.

Still much to do.

I will check back later.

stronghunter said...

Smells good here. I've been burning a Christmas candle all day and Kathryn baked cookies and pumpkin cake.

stronghunter said...


wvgal_dana said...

Diann will pray about traveling from Tn on Sunday.
Diann did you get the "praying for our Eagles prayer time each day at noon".

Hedgie-Lynn I will be alone tomorrow. My dearest love is gone and daughter is back in Colorado. I don't feel sorry for myself.
I am content just knowing Ed is within my HEART and that my daughter is safe. Sadly far away again :(
I do have the memories that daughter when she was here 15-22nd made with me. Although I didn't get
to see her and be with her ALL THE TIME SHE WAS HERE I STILL HAD TIME WITH HER TO MAKE NEW MEMORIES. Memories of Christmas past fill my mind. Remembering all the excitement of "Daddy, Mommy
get up it's CHRISTMAS". So I pray for you that you can just hold on until your Christie gets there
tomorrow and the Sunday will be even more filled with joys and Christmas laughter. I know dear Lynn it is a different Christmas than you ever had. You can do this in just knowing you and your girls will be together shortly.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn the card is BEAUTIFUL!!! Got me crying.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana. You won't be with your Mom tomorrow??

PA Nana said...

Dana, yes got the prayer message.

Lynn, for us this will be a different Christmas too. We had ours on Monday when everyone was here, so the actual day will be a depressive one for me too. We can commiserate tomorrow.

Sometimes wish my baby sister was a MD but she's an Au.D. Doesn't matter, still love her.

Planning to watch Mass on tv tonight.

... later

wvgal_dana said...

No she is with me at Thanksgiving and with my Brother and his wife on Christmas.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann since you already had your Christmas. It still leaves a little void on Christmas Day. My prayers are with you and anyone else that won't be having Christmas on Christmas Day. I just pray you already had Christmas with friends or family or you will be. May God place HIS loving arms around you at this time of the year. FOR YOU ARE "NOT ALONE" !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Going to get my legs up. Haven't done that all day.
I will try to check back in.

Loving and caring thoughts for everyone on this night before the SPECIAL DAY - OUR SAVIORS BIRTH TOMORROW.

NatureNut said...

FYI~~~~Ralphie & Randy in Xmas Story is on TBS now!!!!Think it will be a 24 hour, at least, marathon.
And now that I left that room, I hear football!!!!!

Merry Xmas Eve and Xmas & the Whole Next Year!!! Love you all!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going to call it a night. Plans could change for tomorrow. I might be coming down with a cold. So I'll be a Christmas nurse to Little Man and myself.



Prayers for those that need them. Met a lady today that is a grandmother to 3 children. Her son and his wife divorced I think 5 years ago. He pays child support regularly on time. Has spent much money with lawyers. He hasn't gotten to see his kids nor has his mMom seen her grandchildren during this 5 years. His ex lives somewhere in Maryland. Sad (: He keeps fighting to get to see them. I ask her if there was abuse she said no they just grew apart. Whenever it is his turn to see or have the children. She always leaves and isn't there. I know it sounds as if the courts should have already done something. But please remember there are cases that fall through the cracks.

I gave her a hug today and told her I would pray for her. That God knew who she was. Dear Lord you do know this lady and her son. Wow wouldn't that be a Christmas Miracle if he got to see his children and she her grandchildren on Christmas this year. Lord I'm putting this in your LOVING HANDS. Amen

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Back from a very nice dinner and evening with ex MIL, son, dil and grandkids.

Got the dough a risin'.

Haven't caught up on blog, gotta do that and wrap a couple more presents.

paula eagleholic said...

And Merry Christmas Eve!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, this will be a different Christmas for me one will be here until around 4pm tomorrow. I plan to use the time prior by getting dinner ready, picking up, shower, etc.

hedgie said...

Peanut Butter "fudge" made---check! Bath---check. Make-up---check. Clothes on---check. Mai in bed---check! Gott a get fire stoked, take out trash and then I'm heading to church. Just about 4 miles down the road. When I get back it will be Christmas!!!!

hedgie said...

P.S. Dana, chase that cold away!
Paula, my dinner will be Sunday. Glad you get to do yours on the right day!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go do some more wrapping...

Ooops, meant to post that awhile ago!

PA Nana said...

Goodnight friends.

God bless!

magpie said...

Hello, Good Evening Eagle Friends

sounds like a busy day, lots of cookin' going on.

Lovely Christmas lights up and down the roads...

Neighbor friend has the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims, in both black and white, AND colorized version, I will be borrowing that over the holidays.

Loretta, I used to have oyster stew on Christmas Eve too...for many years....don't have my stewin' partner anymore :(

I had a lovely time with James and his Shepherdstown kin and friends....

Best wishes for Peace and Joy,
thanks to all of you for your precious friendship

Hope you find magic and miracles all throughout Christmas Day and every day thereafter

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am heading to bed but first I wanted to come in and wish you all the Merriest Christmas ever - it is almost here.
This evening was special and family really enjoyed themselves. It was really wonderful!

Talk with you all tomorrow - right now my head is nodding.

Good Night All and Prayers for All
Hugs to you my friends ((hugs)) ♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

It is officially Christmas!

Wishing my blog family a wonderful Christmas! Love you all ♥

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Vooking is all done, kitchen is clean, gifts under the tree. Now, Santa will have to wait til the fireplace cools down before he can enter:) Anxious to be with the family tomorrow. All except poor Jillian...she is on duty from 6 this evening until 6 am Sunday. I told her I would send some food over with her mother for all the rescuers and firefighters.


Judie said...

Wishing the very merriest Christmas day to my blog family and their loved ones and to Steve, his family, and all the NCTC folks. Sending a Christmas prayer for Liberty and Belle and Lily and Hope. Love to all!

Will return soon.

hedgie said...

Merry Christmas!!
WOnderful church service.....but long, and the heat shut off (on a timer) at 11:45.....brrrr! Cute little OLD country Presby church! Nice folks, but small crowd--only 14 including the minister.
Judie -----so glad you checked in!!
Wanda, sorry Jillian is pulling such a l-o-n-g shift!
Margy, glad you had a fun evening!
Hope work is peaceful tomorrow for you and Carolyn!

Good night/morning, dear ones!

hedgie said...

P.S. LOL----Santa just left Fredericksburg! Hope Hunter has been good!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Oh, my, it's been busy today! Yes, we DO have a great bunch of vookers and vakers here! Look out, Food Channel and Cooking Channel! You ain't seen nuthin' yet!

Well, since it's officially Christmas back East,



Wish we could be with you in Texas, but you know we are there in our hearts!

Lynn, try not to be sad on Christmas Day. Mai will be a big help in that department. I'm sure that's one of the reasons that God brought her to you--you are NOT alone! I know that Emma has certainly filled a void for us. She seems to be even MORE affectionate today, if that's possible! There seems to be no end to all the little puppy kisses! Know that I'll be thinking of you, and wishing I could be there to give you a (((HUGE CHRISTMAS HUG)))!! Gosh, you, and everyone else here on the blog are not "just friends," but you have all become FAMILY!!! Will be thinking of ALL of you on our Lord's Birthday--can you feel the LOVE?

Our oldest granddaughter Jay called us Christmas Eve morning to talk, and she was busy doing a LOT of gift wrapping~~little Sierra, our GGD, was helping with some of it. Thank GOD that little one is feeling better (she has had a cold)! Friday night she actually slept for 16 hours straight!!! No WONDER she feels much better! It was SO good to talk to her on the phone! She is very excited, and said she was going to be sure to put out cookies and milk for Santa, too. That little cutie has SUCH an enthusiasm for life!

Ms Bookworm said...

What a special treat to hear from you!
Hope you are feeling more chipper with each hour that passes! Love you, and here's a big (((CHRISTMAS HUG))) for both you, and for Darth, too! Can't wait to hear what Master Chef Darth is vooking up for Christmas dinner! :o] With all the jokes he's been cracking us up with, he should have his own vooking show--it would HAVE to be a hit!

Will be thinking of you! (((HUGE HUG))) for you, too, lady! It's so cool that you have Little Man to keep you company and give you puppy kisses!
(Give him a big (((HUG))) from me!) Not to mention the fact that I'm sure that Ed is looking down and keeping his eye on you, and sending you his love.

Oh, before I forget, our granddaugter Jay just moved into a lovely new loft apartment that's literally only ONE MINUTE away from her work, if she drives. She is planning on getting a bike, so she can ride it to work and save on gas. One of the tenants there was moving out, and paid Jay to clean her apartment for her so she would get the cleaning deposit back.
She told Jay that she was deliberately leaving lots of stuff behind, and Jay was welcome to take ANYTHING she wanted! Long story short, Jay now has a new bed from Ikea worth $600, and a new full set of dishes!! She okayed that with the gal that moved out. Checked, because she could hardly believe anyone would leave such nice stuff behind! Ahhh, the Christmas Spirit!

Lynne2 said...

Merry Christmas!

Wow, our evening didn't really go as planned, and I didn't get a chance to get back here as I had hoped. But more on that later.....

Judie, so glad you checked in, we miss you and are praying for you!

Margy, I'm so glad you got the movie to watch!!!

Dana, nice what you did for that lady! And I hope you really are NOT catching cold.

Prayers for a safe trip for your sister, Diann, and very happy that you got to see your dad today!

Loretta...I watched A Christmas Story for the first time! I saw parts of it last year. It was really adorable!

Wow, Lynn....only 14 people! I'd just love a little church like that to go too!

I know that many of you won't be having your usual Christmas Day routines this year. Our own plans will possibly be changed as well. But I'm glad everyone has had, or will have Christmases with loved ones, even if a bit off schedule!

On this Holy Night, somewhere deep inside, I almost still believe in Santa, and that the animals can talk! I think about God's greatest gift to us, the greatest miracle, especially on this night.

I love you guys and I am so happy to have found you! I wish you all Peace and Love, and a very Merry Christmas!

See you in the daylight hours....

Ms Bookworm said...

The Lord is really looking out for our Jay--she was saying that she really doesn't need to turn on the heat in her new apartment. The loft bedroom is right above the kitchen, and when she cooks (or is it vooks!), the heat from it rises, and heats the loft nicely! There are ceiling fans throughout the place, so it will most likely be fine in the summer, too.
Thank you, Jesus!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, have a few things that need last-minute wrapping (LOVE gift bags!), so better go now. Wishing you all a BEAUTIFUL Christmas! Will try to check back later in the day.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to our Belle and Lib, too! Miss you two--how about a nice CHRISTMAS VISIT?

Will remember to pray at noon every day, but have been praying whenever it comes to mind, too.

Okay, later you gals and guys. Love all of you! :o]

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy, what a day! SO happy for Jay!

You know, you, Lynn and I will be having First Christams" with our doggies this year! We have decided to break some rules in the morning and allow them up on the bed for a PJ party, and they will share in our egg and sausage breakfast with us! Not too much, though...don't need any sick tummies!

Ms Bookworm said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to Steve and his family, and to all the folks at NCTC, too!

Well, am going to make sure the night light, porch light, and Christmas lights are on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled, with a special clearance for Santa. Sweet dreams of sugar plums, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you all! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne!
Wow, what a good idea! Love the thought of including the pup(s) in a pajama party! Give your Daisy and Puddles Emma's special wishes for a Merry Christmas, too! Well, gotta go finish wrapping. Will check in with you in the morning hours! :o]

magpie said...

Merry Christmas, Precious Pals

Eagle sitting in the nest at BWE...

Thinking of all of you with special thoughts and love on this,
the Day that the Lord has made

Looks like some of us including our North Carolina pals might have a White Christmas !

Best wishes for your Best Christmas Ever, with big doses of peace and joy

xo ♥

magpie said...

ISS makes its evening rounds starting tonight!
Hope you can wave a Merry Christmas wish to the International Space Station Crew as they sail past....

magpie said...

It's beginning to be a White Christmas here in Martinsburg...

Snow Flurries !!

Merry, Blessed Christmas, Friends.

off to work I go

xoxoxo ♥

hedgie said...


No eagles in our nest. Sure was hoping! As you can see, it is s--wing......argh!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Didn't get back on here last night. It was very busy here last night with lots of gift-wrapping.

I see the snow falling on the nest and have read the forecast for tomorrow...five inches.

stronghunter said...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

stronghunter said...

Snowing here.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Christmas Morning the Day of Our Saviors Birth.

I am watching the snow falling and pray it won't be a lot. The birds are hungry at the feeder. Very much activity going on there.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today or whatever day you are having your CHRISTMAS.
Because I think of those that won't be having any Christmas. Yes if we all stop and think. Even though there are many, many places that gift presents to children and feed the hungry. We know there still are those that go without. We also know that for some people this time of year becomes depressing for them. I ask God in my prayers last night and then again this Christmas morning when I woke. To bring some peace and joy, happiness, warmth, clothing, food, a friend, or give them the strength to make it another day.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Happy Birthday JESUS!


it's snowing here....UGH

I'm conflicted. And there is a Winter Storm Watch for tomorrow. UGH

The nest looks beautiful with the snow falling....but wow, I sure was hopeful to see our birds there, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Andy's daughter Jen and contragulations on her new apartment. Andy Little Man doesn't give doggie kisses. All he has to do is look at me with those loving
eyes of his and I'm over there giving him what he loves most---his ears rubbed. His affection
is through laying close to you on the couch and allowing you the joy of touching him. lol

Glad you got a Christmas call from your oldest granddaughter and that Sierra your GGD is so up beat about Christmas. How old is she?
Children just seem to help make you know there is truth in the Lord.

Lynne I too like to believe that God has something to do with Santa. I like what you wrote and I feel at this time of year God does allow magic in the air for animals.

Sorry Jillian's shift is going to be a long one Wanda. Nice you will be taking her and others some Christmas food. I sure they will enjoy it.

Margy I pray your shift is peaceful but with this snow and how people drive. I'll just pray about it. So glad you enjoy your day yesterday.

Hedgie sounds like a nice little church you went to. God Bless you and give you PEACE while you wait to have your Christmas Dinner.

Judie glad you checked in last night. I'm wondering what Darth will be cooking sorry vooking up today?

Diann so glad you got to see your Dad. Prayers for travel for your sister.

Margy, Diann, Shirley and others I love looking at your avatars.

Paula glad you had a special dinner and evening with your ex MIL, son, dil and grandkids. Enjoy your late Christmas Day dinner.

Mema Jo I'm just not sure what all your plans are. If you still have a house full. Then I guess this morning is filled with lots of talk and laughter. I don't remember what day you all were being taken out to eat. If it has happened. I know it was a joyful time.

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning and Merry Christmas!Yes, they are calling for falling white stuff this afternoon, night and tomorrow. Yuck!

Hope everyone has a special day whether you are with family or lying on the couch watching the tube. Just try not to eat yourself into a coma!!

Maybe we will all have two special visitors today!

wvgal_dana said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS LIBETY AND BELLE. I have been going over and over in my mind. The wonders of enjoyment you both have given us through your eaglets you have raised in that nest we see the falling snow laying. I recall so many memories and how we would say, "look how they take care of their babies". Almost better than some people take care of their kids. I recall the antics of some of the eaglets. The pecking and beaking that you both did with each other. May God take care of you-Liberty and Belle. Wherever you may be. It is in God's precious HANDS.

grannyblt said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone.

Snowing here in wester PA also.

Lynne2 said...

Merry Christmas Lynne1 !

Costume Lady said...


It is snowing here in Nestville, beautiful fluffy flakes now...they had been just little spittles. It is a perfect Christmas morning...snowing, gently, fire in the fireplace lovely gifts and the anticipation to be with family this afternoon.
Christmas Blessings and love to all of you!♥

Lynne2 said...

Sounds just beautiful Wanda! The snow falling definitely adds ambiance to the morning!

Lynne2 said...

Yes Dana, there are many in need and I say a pray for them too.

SUZ! I saw you are getting some careful today!

wvgal_dana said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS LYNNE-GRANNYBLT. I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

Morning again Lynne2 and Wanda.

Lynne2 how did the doggies Christmas breakfast in bed go?

Wanda so is everyone coming to your house this afternoon? I know Jillian won't be there I read the comment.

paula eagleholic said...

Merry Christmas, Friends!

Yes, we have some snow falling here as well! Hope it stays light today for those traveling.

Wonderful sentiments Dana. We have to remember there are those less fortunate than us.

Lynne2 said...

Doggie Pajama Party was hilarious! Had the cam all ready but the dang batteries were dead so no pics.

Well get some for sausage and egg breakfast!

Looks like our snow amount predictions have gone from 5" to 6-10" for tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO Lynne2 hope they are wrong about those amounts of snow!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm living right now in the wrong area: Colorado where my daughter lives
Today Dec 25 49°
Dec 26 - 51°
Dec 27 - 44°
Dec 28 - 48°
Dec 29 - 45°

wvgal_dana said...

What nest either is getting or got a new cam at BW?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, BWE got a new cam.

Mema Jo said...

Greetings on this beautiful Christmas morning.. The light snow we are receiving now makes the day special.
Can't stay long.. Second group is about
to be here - The great grandkids group! WHoo HOo.

So wanted to see Lib & Belle to wish them well. Maybe later.

Need to prepare for company.. Enjoy the SNOW.

paula eagleholic said...

gotta go vook!

stronghunter said...

Time to vook here, too.

glo said...


wvgal_dana said...

I am getting confused between Hancock Discussion Forum and the NEW Window on Wildlife? Can someone explain what cams go to which?

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Christmas Morning!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS!! Thank you for all you have done for everyone, everywhere!


Hope everyone here has a mightily blessed Christmas Day! Oops--Hubby just got home from Starbucks with a latte treat for me! Need to make breakfast, so will be vooking in the kitchen for a bit. Will check in a little later. It's not snowing here, but is foggy! Love you! BBL.... :o]

wvgal_dana said...

The snow has melted in our eagles nest.

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Andy, birthday greetings to your daughter Jen!!! What a great day to be born!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...