Friday, December 10, 2010


First snow of the season.  We are working right now with the crane.   More soon.

update:  The cam is being mounted now.  The difference in quality is extraordinary.

Update 2

Many thanks to John, Keith, Karin, Clayton, Rob, Doug, Ryan and Nu for their efforts today. 


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 269 of 269
stronghunter said...

Ouch! A blister in your mouth.

paula eagleholic said...

Even worst, Shirley, your wrists.

Lynn, we are here for you!

stronghunter said...

And I did the split with no harm done to me.

paula eagleholic said...

Whee, didn't see that split coming!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I have got to get some stuff together, didn't get much done last night! BBIALW

stronghunter said...

Yes, I had thought of that, Paula. There just isn't any body part we would want to choose for injury. We like all of our parts working well.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, a tank is being constructed in my living room. We will soon need to dedicate a room to Legos. They have to be away from the dogs, too. It is good to have off-limits rooms.

stronghunter said...

Susan got Hunter a huge Lego castle set for his birthday. It is all over the dining room table. It is just as well to put that table to use. I am all for it.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn!! You can talk, complain, whine, bitch, whatever...any time you want. You usually are so up and when you are down we want to be here for you.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, you know we are here for you! BAD PUPPY.

Paula, hope you don't have too much trouble tomorrow getting the dogs to the kennel!

OK, sister friends, I have a mental block, need some help.

There is an old black and white Christmas movie and I can't remember the name or who was in it, although I'm thinking Cary Grant? It was about a widow with a son, she was engaged to a guy, met another guy....there was a train set involved somehow, and a dinner with her fiancee and her late husband's parents and the new guy showed up. Ring a bell?

Lolly said...

Shirley, (((hugs))) for you, too!

My goodness, I have been loading you all down with a ton of sadness and you have been wonderful with the prayers and encouragement.

Lolly said...

And, my, aren't we all fluffy. Though I really do NOT see where Paula can get by saying she is fluffy! Good grief, Lady!! LOL

Lolly said...

Nope, Lynne! No help here. I never remember the names of movies!

stronghunter said...

Have you heard that the Westboro Church people are planning a protest at Elizabeth Edwards' funeral?

Lynne2 said...

oh well, thanks Lolly....hopefully it will ring a bell withe someone!

Lynne2 said...


Lolly said...

I had fun a little while ago. The boys like their hooded towels. Joseph has a frog and Jacob a duck. Well, those towels are old and Joseph looks a little funny using his. His long skinny legs! I bought Jacob a new one for Christmas, a monster! And, I bought three towels and made one for Joseph. I think he is going to love it!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I guess you are going to have to wear long sleeve shirts and gloves and heavy sock and long pants for protection...
I guess she is a spunky little gal!
I can giggle but then I don't need to
discipline her. I'm glad she still gives kisses!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly.

I appreciate being able to complain, too. We all need that at times.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I bet Andrea will know the name of that movie!

Lynne2 said...

you are right Jo.....ANDY WHERE ARE YOU?

paula eagleholic said...

Someone should slap those Westboro people! Ooops, did I really say that? Ummm, yes!

Lolly, I do have more fluff than I used to as well!

Lynne, I haven't ever seen the movie you described, sorry.

stronghunter said...

They are out to enrage people, so they can take advantage.

They protested at the churches here in Fredericksburg and that is what we were told. They want to make you do something, so they can sue you.

Lolly said...

Just when I think I am through shopping, I think of something else. I just did a little shopping since my last post. Oh, I do like shopping on the internet. Remembered that Laurel needed a new shower curtain in the boys bath. Found what I wanted, bought it, and should have it Tuesday. Can not beat that!

stronghunter said...

I will be doing some Internet shopping, too, Lolly. And Susan has already started making offers to pick up things at Tyson's Mall where she works.

stronghunter said...

I am going to go check on the tank construction and then get myself and Hunter up to bed. It is late. Good night, friends.

Lolly said...

Nite, Shirley. Hope your wake, looking and feeling better tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Off with prayers for all that need them.

Hedgie-Lynn we are always here for you. It is good Mai is getting some engery. Sorry it is costing you your Christmas tree. Maybe in another room. At least she is being more activity.

Night Prayers for All safe travels and rest and re-cope.

paula eagleholic said...

OK,I think this is the cam we are going to be in front of near times square on Sunday evening, after the show...probably between 7 and 8 or so

Times square cam

It's a couple of blocks before it.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! The street of NYC are alive!
Hope one of us sees you and Michael on the NYC cam Sunday!

I am going to call it quits.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to everyone
I am so thankful for this day
Prayers for everyone
Hugs to everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Everyone take care of yourselves

paula eagleholic said...

Aren't they busy, Jo? Get some sleep, and have a wonderful dinner tomorrow!

NatureNut said...

Read all the action stories I missed. Had a big Panda nap after a snack kind of dinner. No work tomorrow, was planning to finish cards tonight! DUH May stay up & do them if I can get ungroggy!LOL

Dear Friends with injuries and other problems----you can share away w/everyone & let off some steam. It's good to let it out & we are good listeners!! ♥
Hope Shirley, Judie, Lynn's blister & everyone else has a healing, restful sleep.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

PA Nana said...

I'm in late as usual, but with prayers for all needs and wants.

Bad weather is in the offing and I'm in pain. I'd rather be fluffy than achy (though I have a lot of fluff and could share if needed).

God bless all.

Lolly said...

Paula, we need to know what color you will have on. Also, you need to tell us where you will stand. We will be looking for you!

What show are you going to see?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, we are going to see the rockettes at 5pm at Radio city music hall, then the tree at Rockefeller, then down on to Times Square...hmm might be like after 8pm.

It is supposed to rain, so I think I will have on my dark blue jacket, it's water proof and lined, and wearing black pants.

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, hope you can take something to ease the aches.

We'll stand where ever we can find a spot!

paula eagleholic said...

I put the link on my FB page, so I could find it later!

Ok, about done for tonight. Catch ya'll sometime tomorrow, will check in, or out, LOL before I leave work.

Hope we get to see some eagles in the morning!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, I loved the tree! I think it is magical! It twinkles! I remember, you told us. I think I told you to get a drink in one of their fancy glasses. You are going to have so much fun! Maybe the rain will turn to snow. ha!

Lolly said...

I do believe I am headed to the shower and bed myself.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, gonna have a leg drink, Lolly.

See ya tomorrow!

Costume Lady said...

I had forgotten about the Mother-Son trip to New York, Paula. Sounds like Lolly and Michael's trip. I am reminded that Mothers and Sons can have good times together. I don't have a son to go to New York with, but I could take my two daughters. Don't think they would want to see the Rockettes, probably would drag me to see the Chippendale Dancers!;)
I was almost a Rockette, just couldn't get my leg up high enough:(
Had a great Family Friday...GG was exceptionally well tonight. She stayed up until we left at 8 o'clock...stood at the open door and waved goodbye to all of us:)
I have a video of her feeding Jayden. And yes, he did like my BBQ ribs:) We were surprised by my son-in-law, who stopped in on his way home from work. He is most always too late to join us, so that was a treat!
I do hope all our sisters with boo boos rest well and feel better tomorrow.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I sure am getting here late--so late, it's actually early!

Hubby and I had SOOO much fun with Emma tonight. After we got home from putting the bulldogs in for the night, and finishing some shopping at Trader Joe's, we turned her loose in the entry hall and tossed her pink fuzzy slipper chew toy for her. She went crazy, running around in circles, tossing the slipper and catching it, growling little puppy growls and chewing the slipper--she had a blast! Then she got hold of part of a tabloid-sized newspaper (from the town where our desert house is), and had fun running around with it, and chewing it up. After that, I sat with her in my lap, and she played with her toys and chewed like crazy on her chicken-flavored Nylabone. She does chew fingers, but I have done what Lynne suggested (high-pitched yipe) from the very beginning, and she immediately goes into "kiss and make up" mode, and quits biting. I have, once or twice, had to discipline her like her mom would, by taking her snout in my hand and giving her a slight shake while saying "NO BITE." She understood what I meant right away, and stopped biting, and acted apologetic as all get out.

Ms Bookworm said...

We don't really have a room to put Emma in either. She is totally crate trained, though, and feels safe and snug in there. When we can't be watching her, she stays happily in the crate. She really has never fussed for more than a few seconds when we have put her in there. We really can't believe what a good girl she is! It's totally possible that Emma is just more mellow than Mai personality-wise. She was one of the more calm and mellow pups in the litter. I hope you can work out a way to have the Christmas tree AND little Mai! Hubby and I just decided not to go there this year, and we have a little tree on top of our entertainment center. Next year, Emma should be much easier to handle with a tree.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, it really IS late, so I'd better try to get some sleep. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light!
I'm making sure the porch light is on.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those in need of healing tonight. Sleep well and snugly, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight! Love each and every one of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning all Eagle Pals and assorted puppies dogs kitten and cats.
Hope everyone has had a restful sleep.

Lynn, I especially hope that things look better for you in the Morning Light....and that your fingers, wrists, ankles and feet will be okay....
Paula Happy Trails to New York, and best wishes for a great time, and good weather!


magpie said...

also hoping and praying for a good day for Judie and Shirley, and all our Momsters and Dadsters with ailments, aches, pains, and owies

and also, Jo.....
Thinking of the fun in store for you this evening with the Family Meal at your place....will be lovely, fun, and glorious I know

magpie said...

Oh great, daylight is arriving at the nest ! Hope to see some action !

magpie said...

live and still cam both up
live feed starts and stops like it did for the rest of you on Friday

more snow in Finland

and ISS makes its morning rounds this week but too cloudy here for a view this morning here :(

magpie said...


Enjoy your day with the trip to Soldier's Field...hope you find some rapture with the raptors !!

magpie said...

I hope you are up and about getting a peek at the new nest cam view
Sure Miss You... !!
Hope your wreath and greenery sales are going well !

magpie said...

Great report on the Friday Night Fun...will check the video tonight ☺
wonderful to hear that GG is doing well

magpie said...

the still cam has a greenish tint to it
live feed view looks normal

magpie said...

time for me to leave for work
no eagle sightings for me this morning :(
Hope the rest of you see some action !!

Best Wishes for a Good Day
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I slept well last night--must have been because of all of your kind wishes. I still look frightful, though.

Paula, have a fun trip to New York. I've not been there for awhile. Last time was when we took Hunter to see the Statue of Liberty when he was in kindergarten.

Kathryn, Hunter, and Tom were there again since then.

I'm watching the nest and wondering what is with the circling arrow that keeps showing up. The cam seems to be very good. It still seems like colors don't show up really well. It's not the colorful season, though.

Maybe the arrow has something to do with the periods of uptime and downtime.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning Eagle Friends.

I have both still and live cams up. Yes I am getting that circling arrow. So don't know if that means the live cam is actually working or not.

I have to catch up on AM comments.

So here I go to read.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Dana.

Enjoy reading back. I will return later.

wvgal_dana said...

I had a whole thing wrote on my notepad and walked away came back to finish on comments. Poof it all vanished in a flash.

Shirley although I know you have to be in pain and terrible. How did you manage to still go out to take care of those bulldogs?? Couldn't someone else have done it?

Lynn you are not a whiner, bitcher, or complainer. You are a part of us and if you need to let off some steam your allowed with us. We are here for you, we love you lady (:

I see Lynne2 is still heading out to the nature reserve. Dress warm and have fun. Enjoy the eagle and other creatures.

Yes it is terrible that group (they aren't even worth me putting their name in print) are going to
picket Elizabeth Edward's funeral. They also picketed a militiary man killed his home and then his funeral. My prayers are God know these people and in HIS hands I put this terrible kind of thing.

hedgie said...

Good morning, sweet friends. Thanks for all sympathy, support and suggestions. I am feeling a little better this morning. At least blister has popped. Mai has been relatively good....I found a heavy formica board to go over top of playpen, but it's not quite wide enough...she got out immediately after the first time. Readjusted position---hoping it won't fall in on her if she jumps up too hard. Yikes! Heading for PetSmart this afternoon to get a second crate for up here. Will also look to see if they have any kind of fencing I can put around tree. My house is a completely open floor plan. No way to isolate a room. What doorways there are are like 6 ft. wide!

Lolly said...


COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Dana!
Andy here. It's me and Hubby who are about to go feed the bulldogs for my Sis-in-law. Leaving in a couple of minutes.

Emma has already had her breakfast and gone outside successfully. She's snoozing in her crate right now. Decided to sleep in a bit.

Will check back later--gotta run.
Have a great Saturday morning! :o]

hedgie said...

Hope everyone else is feeling better today.
No eagle sighting from here, either.

Hm----just had a thought.....I do have a square table in the basement....I could set it up and just put the top half of the tree on it......hmmmmm.....might work! Definitely need to pursue that idea....

hedgie said...

Paula, hope your trip to NY is scads of fun!!

Wanda, we remember your dance picture when you were young....didn't know you continued until your adult years---did you truly go to NY and try-out for the Rockettes? How cool!

I am just sick about the Westboro plans for Eliz. Edwards funeral.....they have no shame. Surely hope that some other group comes and drowns them out with something appropriate.

stronghunter said...

Dana, Andy takes care of the bulldogs; we have basset hounds, and I do have others around to take care of them.

I am not really in pain now. Some aches from time to time, but pain meds make me drowsy, and I am finding that I do not need to be drowsy during the day. That is a good thing. It means I am getting better.

stronghunter said...

Westboro gets its thrills from the publicity and from making others angry. What a mess. I hope they can be kept back.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a plan for your tree, Lynn.

I need to work on putting out our decorations. The tree is up, but that is it so far. The problem is that we have so much stuff sitting around. It is hard to find a place for everything, and we can't decorate until we get things tidier or no one would see the decorations amongst the clutter.

Maybe I should approach it one room at a time. A plan is needed.

stronghunter said...


Oh, there is a new thread.

I am heading over there with copies of my latest comments.

See you on the NEW THREAD.


Lolly said...

Okay, guys, quit ignoring the fact I said


long ago and come on over! :)

Costume Lady said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 269 of 269   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...