Friday, December 03, 2010


New thread.  Still on for Monday installation.


hedgie said...

Thanks, Steve. Called the others over.

hedgie said...

Don't know what was up with internet this AM, but it must have been widespread. Stopped at Bill's shop after breakfast, and it had been down there, but was thankfully back up.....still no update from puppy's fosters about the time in the AM.....maybe I'll just have to sleep on the sofa in my clothes!!

Lolly said...

Hi Lynn! Glad you are back up and running. Happy to receive your text this morning. Felt like you were not so far away1 LOL

Just ate two scrambled eggs rolled up in a yummy tortilla. Tasted good. Then discovered an error! I went to take Advil this morning and took my morning pills instead. Not supposed to take those without food. Explains my feeling of nausea when I had my coffee this morning. Senior moment! I really do not take Advil very often, so out of habit just took my regular pills. Duh!

Now going to work on the house and have two cherry cheesecakes to make. This was Laurel's request for her birthday. With Joey's family there need to make two. I have this fear of Faye passing on Laurel's birthday. Do not want a memory like that to be established on her day. Does that sound awful?
I sincerely hope not!


Costume Lady said...

Getting labor pains now, Lynn?:)

I think I told the story about our last dog, Missy. We wanted to breed her before spaying her, so we arranged to have my cousin's collie to stay with us when it was time. We put the two dogs on our deck and they seemed quite happy there, but Missy would not have anything physical to do with him. Without any success, we sent Mr. Collie home, with his tail between his legs!
Apparently, either before Mr Collie came here or after he went home, Missy found a male dog that was to her liking, without our knowing. Back then, people who lived in the country didn't tie up their dogs, they ran free and seemed to not be a problem. That was about 25 years ago.
One very cold evening, we called Missy to come into the house and when she didn't come right away, we went looking for her. We found her under Denise's bedroom deck giving birth to puppies. We carried her and the one puppy into the house and put her on a blanket down in the basement. She went on to have 4 puppies, and none of them looked alike. One pup, that we named Lady, looked like a full bred collie. They were adorable.
I have posted a few photos of them on my Just For Fun.

Mema Jo said...

Happy RED Friday to all! Glad you are back online, Lynn.
Suz is working from home today.

Really cold out there - looking for
snow flakes!

hedgie said...

Okay, in between doing little chores, I am caught up on the blog.

SO thankful to hear from Darth and Judie. Know exactly what she went through. My Christie passes out a lot----when she was little, it was after tooth extractions. As a teen, when I was changing the dressing after a toenail removal. She almost did it when she had her first dental filling a few months ago. Some people react that way to an adrenaline surge....and pain and fear of pain can cause a surge. All part of the fight or flight thing. All is well that ends well.....but I do think the nurse could have made things easier on Judie. If there was that much scabbing, she should have softened it with some hot compresses before attempting suture removal. Younger nurses just don't seem to know the tricks of the trade for patient comfort.
Poor Frank---I can imagine how your back feels. Suggestion #1----rent a second wheelchair to keep downstairs. #2--there should be a "handicapped" patient transport in the area----and insurance might pay for it.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I am praying for Faye's surgery and recovery.
NCSuzan - what's your temp down there today? It is really cold up here and there is a slight wind.

Going to get some late lunch!

hedgie said...

Lolly, glad you are doing better. Thanks for passing my word this morning! BTQIf all officers are out on calls, there is no one to “man” the facility. BBTW---you left the KOA too soon---they are showing a neat film tomorrow night: Wildwater: A Love Story---all about whitewater kayaking!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Suzan and everyone for being excited with and for me!!! Bet by this time tomorrow I will be napping with a sweet bundle on my lap!!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, gotta watch those meds! That was what caused my little episode a couple of mornings ago, too!

Praying for Faye.....a very serious situation, for sure. Pray for the best, but be prepared for the is very precarious.
I hope that Laurel CAN and WILL have a good birthday.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, it is about 47 right now with a high of 49. tonight 30. But Saturday 40% chance of rain/snow. Yuk!

NCSuzan said...

It is a beautiful day. Bright sun with only a few clouds.

hedgie said... much drama going on with the HS football championship game, isn't there???!!

NCSuzan said...

Hedgie, i do not keep up withHS football. As much as i love sports just never got involved in the HS games.

Mema Jo said...

Well Mr & Mrs Cardinal have been visiting my back deck! They always warn me that snow is coming!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon said flurries in Bedford VA

Lolly said...

Taking a moment. Been straightening. Are you all getting as many catalogs as I am getting in the mail? It is wild!

Einstein and Ellie have worked all morning on the nest. Yes, Lynn, it is a new nest. They have three nests in the area. Two in one tree. One day I saw one in one nest and the other eagle in the other. Like I said, it is a shaky marriage. LOL

Have posted another pic of them. As I was watching Thumper called out to Einstein. Einstein stopped working and looked up as I snapped the pic. I would be afraid of chasing the eagles away by talking to them.

hedgie said...'s snowing.....%$*&@~!
Big, splatty flakes.

Heading for basement to dust down there, and bring up the pack-n-play playpen.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Thank you Steve for the new thread and the call over, Lynn.

Ha, Lynn! This time tomorrow you'll be tromping around with a damp cloth and pp cleaner-upper! THEN YOU GET A NAP WITH THE LITTLE ONE. I am so very happy for you. Bet you hardly sleep a wink tonight.

It also looks as if Andy has a new baby named Emma. A spaniel? Looks really cute. We know two little ones who are very, very fortunate to have loving families.

I have a new Siamese kitty (plush variety) that Shirley sent along. Stays by my side day and night. If this had happened three years ago, I would have had two live up-close-and-personal critters glued to me. Just because I'm old it doesn't mean I can't pretend. Thanks, Shirley.

Yes, even as a child, every tooth extraction = fainting spell. Crime scenes are one thing -- my own blood and pain are quite another matter. Never realized I actually lost consciousness. Glad I remembered the date and where I was and my name.

Cold here 38º and gray sky.

Lolly, I am sending a wish and prayer for Faye and for all the family. Extraordinarily stressful time for all of you. Hope Jacob and Joseph are busily preoccupied with their own activities.

Sure hope the live cam will be up soon. I miss seeing the nest. Also don't get to watch NZ and other cams these days -- my blog family takes priority.

Okay, been sitting for a while so need to go back to bed to prop my foot up.

BBL to tend to the night light.

Mema Jo said...

The outside lights are being put up by Hubby....... I am getting excited for it to be dark and I can see them all

hedgie said...

Delivery time....between 7-8AM!!

Mema Jo said...

Judie you are always one step ahead of me (so to speak) At least I mean I miss being here at the same time you are. I was outside supervising where what lights
I am thrilled to hear of Shirley sending you a kitten. That is special.
Rest up - give that ankle a lot of TLC.

I am following suit - putting my feet up I was just out on an errand and
need to relax.

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you popped in!!!
So sweet of Shirley to send you a kitty!! And he/she won't pop your swaying balloon!!
Christie is popping in on her way back from Cumberland! Nice surprise.

Suzan, I don't follow HS sports much, but when the local is going to state, it get a bit exciting.....if the game ever gets played!!

stronghunter said...

Hi--Just did a quick scan of the blog and saw that Faye is scheduled for surgery sometime soon. Prayers for her.

I also read Frank and Judie's accounts of their adventures. Glad that trip is over for them.

Normal day here. Gossip that one of my Bl. 4 kids has been expelled. Too bad for him if it is true. He was expelled from a different school last year. Smart kid--at least he has the academic smarts, but he does not use them.

Another one was called to the office for various offenses. He may end up in alt. ed. A third one is likely going to be homeschooled because she has migraines. Sweet girl. I wish her well.

The attritrion rate is high in that class. As much as the aggrivate me, I hate to see them mess up or have problems.

Lolly said...

Jo, sent you another email!

Judie, so glad you popped in. A Siamese kitty! My favorite! Wish I had a real one! I really need to search out my pictures of our kitties, scan them and share. We raised 3 litters and sold them. We did this just for the kids to experience having a pet give birth. We really enjoyed it, but hated when the Siamese went into heat. That is awful!

Uh, oh, Lynn! You have to get up early. Wonder if they will be on time or late like the carpet cleaners.

stronghunter said...

Glad you enjoy the kitty, Judie.

stronghunter said...

So aggravated I can't spell aggravate.

Kids said they think that I tell them to look up words for themselves because I can't spell them myself. Sometimes they are right about that.

stronghunter said...

Headed home. I had to stay after to give some make-up quizzes.

NatureNut said...

Grey Afternoon! BOO
Glad to hear about Judie, but so sorry for the stitch problems.
Darth--have one of Judie's pills. It will "Perc" you right up!! ☺
Lolly, I've noticed several links for Ozark cam.One set is w/Hancock Foundation & that one seems to have cam that won't start. Other links that say Wildearth are OK.
Glad you're feeling better. So sorry about Faye's problems. I thought she was already out of the rehab & in another hosp.Prayers for her & your family.

On the home nature front---today was the first time this fall/winter to see Ms. Sapsucker!They are supposedly the only woodpeckers that do migrate.

movin said...

Hi, TGIF. Sometimes I'm glad about that, even though I haven't had a job for a couple of years. Hahaha.

Been up and down and all around today, but I guess I never got on here to say 'good morning' today; soooo...


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Just read back & see Lynn will be getting very early AM Xmas preseent!!
I will be at Park, so have to read all the hollering in the PM!!!!or I might hear it there!☺

movin said...

You might want to read the "China Trip Diary", Part I and II, on the S. Diego Panda site.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! You must have been out and about today! Hope your weather is good, and that you are feeling top-notch. won't hear screams----I don't want to scare the little gal!

Shirley, too bad about the girl with sad: she will miss out on so much of the school fun.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Loretta - you may have solved my problem of not being able to have the Ozark cam start for me. I will now try to go through Wildearth and see if it works.

magpie said...

Howdy Eagle Pals...

my internet was down this morning too, think I have caught up, but am just passing through briefly.

Lolly, prayers continue for this very difficult illness that Faye has

Judie, Wonderful to read all the news from you and Frank
Lynn !
Carolyn cannot believe you have not told us Miss Wrinkles' name!
I did NOT try to pry it out of her, but she was quite amused that you have not told all the Momsters and Dadsters yet !! ☺

magpie said...

another dramatic day for Shirley!
Wonder what your students are all about on their days off....glad for you it is Friday !

glad you're feeling better Lolly...
Happy Cooking...

going out with for a Christmas gathering and meal at local Chinese Restaurant tonight, with some fire department pals, will wear RED !

ttfn, best wishes for all...for a good evening and a great week-end.

Prayers....for all our needs...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the Friday Thread....AND the news that the new cam installation is still on for Monday !!

movin said...

rEALLY, Hedgie, the weather here in So Cal is in the "cain't make up its d.... mind" mode.

I just refreshed the weather channel, and it was 73° and low humidity before, but now it's become cloudier, the humidity is up to 61%, temperature fallen to 65°.

It doesn't say anything about rain or anything, so you figure out what's in our weather future today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Well, I got two cherry cheesecake pies made and then went out and mowed/mulched leaves. Did the far front and wore a mask. It is so dusty! Presently 68 and I wanted to get outside so badly.

Just talked with Laurel. Faye's surgery has been scheduled for Monday. Doctor said something about not being sure who was scheduled to work the weekend.????? I really am not impressed with this hospital. Also, they now say she has a cyst on her liver as well.

Lolly said...

Well, whatever Lynn names the new pup, she will be called Miss Wrinkles by a lot of us. LOL

stronghunter said...

I am now in my lovely recliner. I let out the dogs and fed all of the critters, then cleaned up what happened because Flash ate too fast. Oh my goodness.

Ordered pizza and some fried mushrooms and chicken wings. I am ready to sit back and relax.

stronghunter said...

I am guessing that my students could be aggravating their parents over the weekends. Heh, Heh.

I do have some very sweet kids, too.

I was very pleased with the progress my honors kids made with their research projects today. They have a topic that requires them to do some critical thinking and focusing; they seemed to be catching on.

They are writing about the ways the American Dream is expressed in the arts during the 20th Century. They have to select a decade and then find an aspect of the arts to explore within that decade.

Mema Jo said...

Harmless Bluster - Bear Center

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lolly I would be getting upset and concerned with the hospital myself.
They should be more certain of what that surgery is for and not wait until the day ahead and say that now there is a cyst on the liver........

Judie said...

Back for a quick visit before the Percocet kicks in.

Little Miss Wrinkles comes with tinkles
Little Miss Wrinkles will fill Lynn with twinkles

Margy, enjoy your Chinese Christmas dinner!

Shirley, it really is sad, and I can empathize, when you see the young ones take a path to nowhere. Enjoy your dinner and just spend tonight chillin'


Well, okay, I guess I have to settle for drugs. BBL

Judie said...

Darth just said that as soon as he takes a percocet he will "perk" up and be "cet" for the night...Groan!

Mema Jo said...

I had a phone call - I guess both Judie and Frank gonked out! lol
They both need the rest!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Oh Lolly, I don't think you are awful. I pray that if Faye's time on earth is to be finished soon, that it doesn't happen on Laurel's birthday. Prayers continue for everyone...such a difficult time.

Judie, how awful a time for you today! And I hope Darth isn't ailing in the back too much.

Loretta, a Sapsucker! I've never seen one!


Lynne2 said...

LOL LOL LOL!!!! Perks up and will be cet for the night....I LOVE IT!

Lynne2 said...

So check this out....Irvine is having a Holiday Party next week on Thurs for the staff, interns and volunteers. It's only for 2 hours, buffet, etc.
BUT...none of the volunteers under 21 are allowed to attend because they are serving some sort of alcohol! We have a LOT of volunteers from 16 to 20 who will be excluded! Now mind you, this place depends HEAVILY on ALL of it's volunteers. And if that isn't bad enough, the ones from the University who ARE over 21 have been UNINVITED!!! The reason being that since all of them are not 21 or over, it isn't fair to have some and not the others! How rude is that??? I am sorry, but I think that is just wrong. Why the heck is serving alcohol more important than including everyone? JMHO. I was going to go, but won't now. I feel pretty strongly about that. Our volunteers work their butts off and deserve to be there.

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening to everyone.

Prayers continue for you and Judie
Frank I read your comment and
thank you for all you wrote. I
just know you could feel Judie's
pain. Please be CAREFUL WITH THAT
WHEELCHAIR. Don't need you in the
hospital. Thank you so much for
keeping us up to date on Judie.
You are doing a wonderful job.

Lolly so sorry about Fay. I guess
the doctors have no choice now but
to get that cyst out. Praying for
Joey and Laurel and you and Joey's other family members.

Lynn glad you got your internet
back. You would think they would
have called today to tell you what
time to except them....TOMORROW!! (

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 2 shows tonight....

wvgal_dana said...

Snow flakes out there today.

Had to have help from my almost 85 yr old mother. To help me get my grocies today. I couldn't push the cart around. Had to ride the motorcart. I don't know how I would have gotten through without her help. Crazy seems like I should be helping her.

OH BOY! OH BOY! Early morning delivery
at Lynn's-Hedgie's house...with a puppy
that has wrinkles. ( : Lynn I know you
are so so excited.

Everyone is getting animals. Judie got
a kitty from Shirley. Awww Shirley that
was nice. I know Judie will just love it.

Shirley that need a "school for kids that
can't behave in regular school". We have one
and if they still have the same teacher. He
doesn't put up with crap!! They know when
when they hit HIS SCHOOL they better get
it together. It is like "their last chance".

Loretta there won't be screams. Their will
be "tears of happiness".

Margy have a good time tonight out with
friends for dinner. You don't get enough
of that.

Lolly what is this about now a cyst on

Judie your still funny with all that
pain and surgery. Plus all the mess
with getting to the drs and the
stitches being removed. To say your
comment at 6:48pm that Darth said.
Lynne they should not have alcohol. How
unappreciative they are that by doing this
all these people that have volunteered hours
and hours of their time. Caring for the health
and care of these animals. For them to leave
them out to me is a disgrace!!!! I am even sorry about this word (pissed)!!! :(
Lynne are they on Oak Canyon Dr.?

hedgie said...

ROFL---Judie and Frank are in rare form tonight!!!! Hope you both sleep well tonight and wake up feeling MUCH better! And you are a poet, too, Judie!!

That cheesecake sure WOULD taste good here, too, Lolly!
Monday seems like a long way off for the surgery.

paula eagleholic said...

glad Monday is still in the picture!

How is everyone?

gotta get caught up

stronghunter said...


I see Frank and Judie are on a roll tonight. Maybe they are both sound asleep by now, though.

stronghunter said...

Hope they can get to the bottom of the migraine problem for my student. She has missed so much time from school. I don't really understand why her parents have waited so long to investigate options.

wvgal_dana said...

With both Judie and Darth taking that pain pill. They will probably be doing "wheelies with the wheelchair". LOL

stronghunter said...

Wheelies with a wheelchair. . . when Kathryn was in ninth grade, she broke her leg, and I rented a wheelchair for her to use to get around school.

I had several ninth grade classes, and the kids would give me updates on what Kathryn was doing. At one point, they were telling me that she was doing wheelies in the gym.

I know that one of her friends pushed the chair to the top of a ramp and turned it loose sending Kathryn flying through a doorway. The way I remember it, the door was closed until she hit it.

I guess it was a good thing that she survived the wheelchair experience.

And I know exactly what Darth means about the challenges of carrying a wheelchair around. I got my share of bruises hauling it around and pulling it out of the car trunk.

stronghunter said...

Dana, alt. ed. (alternative education) is the school for kids that can't behave in regular school.

When that kid got called to the office, I knew why. He skipped both science class and English class this week on top of some other things. It really is not smart to skip your last class of the day and then come back in the building after school is over. He walked right by me. I even spoke to him, then I reported him.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is watching "The Polar Express" for the second time tonight. He's been munching on ice cream and Oreos.

NCSuzan said...

That weather system is moving quickly! The weather man is saying rain mixed with snow and no accumulation. Just a slushy mess.
Lynne2 I am sorry about the underage volunteers. Sort of dampens the reason for the season, doesn't it? Hedgie, your enthusiasm is contagious. I am very excited for you.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll have some cheesecake!

Lynne, they should have all the volunteers there.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, all caught up now.

Lolly, hoping for the best outcome for Faye. I too, hope that tomorrow is uneventful in that respect and Laurel can enjoy her day.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I see the snow is heading for you, Suzan. Looks like we might get a little bit.

Kathryn said she saw some snow today. I didn't see any, and I really think I would have heard if a single flake had fallen.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go do some paperwork....bbl

paula eagleholic said...

Suzan, you are getting the snow they were calling for up here!

NCSuzan said...

Paula, I really think we are not looking at any accumulation. Maybe a dusting. At least I hope so!

Judie said...

Hi all,

Well, fell asleep after practicing my wheelies. Am slam wore out. Besides, Darth wants some chair time and he doesn't mean wheelchair but recliner. I know who to call if I need some wheelie instructions.

Lynne, I do think the party was poorly planned. After all, the volunteers, regardless of age, should be included and made to feel appreciated. Young people need to be appreciated more than a few adults need a glass of alcohol -- jmho.

Hi NCSuzan. Hope your weather stays clear.

Paula, if you make it to Lolly's please save a small sliver -- no, large slice -- of cherry cheesecake for me. It's going to take me a few days to get to Dallas in my new chariot. Hope the weather, and the percocet, hold out.

Hi Dana, glad you were able to get through the shopping and have your Mom able to help. Congratulations to you both.

It's about time for the sandperson to capture me to make me put the boot back on and get some sleep. I hate the boot!

Turning off my light but will leave the night light on for others coming in, those stumbling around in the dark, or the person who will be up pacing all night waiting for Miss Wrinkles to arrive.

Sleep well everyone and thank you all so much for the loving support.

hedgie said...

Lynne, your anger is justified....and not going is very supportive. It's not right....hope someone tells them off.

Hey, hey, Paula......always loved that song! What's happening with you and yours? All well, I hope!

Shirley, I was so lucky----only broken bones my kids ever had was Christie breaking her clavicle when she fell out of her new "big kid" bed!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, how unfair and how foolish to exclude the underage volunteers. They need to do everything possible to encourage young people to participate and then they need to appreciate them.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, we got through many years with no broken bones, but then Rus and Kathryn each suffered a broken leg within the same school year. Rus started the year with a broken leg, and Kathryn ended it with one.

Will broke his arm some years later.

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie. Hope tomorrow is an even better day! Where's the closest Cheesecake Factory?? Tysons II?? Maybe Darth will go pick one up for you tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Rest well, Judie and Frank. I am about to go in search of the sandperson myself.

I will see you tomorrow.

Good night

hedgie said...

Margy, are you home from your dinner out? Hope you had lots of yummies!

Mema Jo said...

My TV programs are over.... I need to catch up with you all......

Lolly said...

Jack and I finished decorating the tree. Was going to load a pic onto facebook but my phone won't download facebook.????

Anyway, I am plumb tuckered out! Think it is going to be an early night for me.

I think I could make a deal with Judie. I could send her some cheesecake and she could send me a percocet! I could use some percs!

Well, was going to head to the shower, but Jack is fixing me a ginless G&T. So, does that make it just a T?

Lynne, I am in total agreement with you on the Christmas party. That is quite unbelievable! Usually organizations like that are bending over backwards to thank their volunteers. That just is not right!

Lynne2 said...

I got lost with Steve watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, it was good!

I'm hoping they'll re-think the party thing fast. I'm hearing some very negative responses to this issue.

Lynn, are you going to get any sleep tonight or are you too excited!

Heading to bed. Steve has to work tomorrow for a couple of hours in the AM. Of course, they made sure he won't go over his allotted time for the week.

Talked to MIL earlier tonight...they have been having snow and wind for a couple of days now, and snow in forecast every day for the next several! They have just a couple of inches on the ground but roads very icy. Sure wish they didn't have to spend another winter there.

Good night everyone, prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Jo, were you able to get to Ozarks through Wildearth?

Mema Jo said...

Glad to have seen Judie here for awhile.
It is really really cold out there.
NCSuzan - hope that not too much slush remains in the morning.
Dana - It is good that your Mom can still help you. Bless her!
Wanda - hope family night went well. I am always anxious to see if you post any pics of the Little Guy! 1 yr old!
Time sure does fly........

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I get through but on either of the systems it just won't bring on the
advertising and have the cam start.
I get though to the other cams on
Wild Earth and they come up for me....
Not the Ozark.... I need to investigate!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Hey's all good here. Working on estate paperwork, more to do on Sunday...I was going to do it last weekend, but then ended up going in to work when the computer broke! Have to get stuff done for the attorney, have another filing before Christmas. Hoping to pretty much wrap things up in the next 60-90 days...

Gonna have a fudgsicle and hit the hay, gotta work tomorrow.

Catch ya'll later!

Mema Jo said...

I can imagine how you are feeling Lynn.
You will wake up to pure joy! Do you have a meeting place or are they bringing her to your house?

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad to see you on here twice in one day! Hope the Perks help you rest!

Ooops, forgot my

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Back the hallway I go
2 Tylenol (don't have perc) I have some
aching muscles Yippee! Exercise is working.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for many
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynn- Sweet dreams of little Miss Wrinkles.

magpie said...

Nighty Night to all...

Always heart-warming to read about our family things on here, the bonding, caring, and helping out things

Kinda tired, have had a cattiwampus sleeping schedule the last few days

Had a nice evening out with friends, new and old

Yes, Jo...Cold is Right!
Paula, hope all paperwork lines up just right for you, wish you had tomorrow off from work

Pillows and blankies downright hollering for some attention...

taking some handfuls of prayers with me more night, just one more night, oh that reminds me of a song too...Enjoy your Morning Grace....

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

hedgie said...

Just had to call 911! Was getting ready to take some stuff out to the garage when I heard a very loud gunshot---sound like a high-powered rifle. Scary. Needless to say....not going out of the house now.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all you sleepyheads. I doubt that I will get much sleep. Puppy is being delivered here....and the home inspection will be done at that time. Think I am white-glove ready!

NatureNut said...

Been busy going around in circles!!
Hope Lynn can get some sleep tonight! yip, yip! ☺
Bet Judie & Frank are dreaming away. Judie's probably seeing cheescakes float by!
Lynne, I agree w/the no alcohol party and ALL invited. If it's only 2 hours, the drinkers can go out later!(might put Ms. Sap. on tomorrow)
When reading of Margy's Chinese Xmas dinner, could only think of final scene in Christmas Story movie. Need to know if she got a duck!!!! LOL
Gotta shut down, work in AM. I wanna see a bird!!!
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Good Health to All ;>)

hedgie said...

Christie had lunch up in Cumberland today with her Shannon's friend who works with the gal who brought the educstional eagle to OH 2 yrs. ago. Christie showed her a pic of a large bird that she took on a playhouse at a friends' in McLean,VA---it's a red-shouldered hawk! If I can tweak it on the PC tomorrow, I'll post it.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, Lynn! I thought hunting was over at sunset! Stay inside! Hope it wasn't a whacky neighbor!

hedgie said...

Loretta, I suspect it door. If not, it was a poacher. Yep---no hunting after dark....and no gunfire within 500 ft. of a buuilding......

Lolly said...

That is scary, Lynn! Stay inside!

LOL Last time we had a home visit/inspection was when we adopted Michael 42 years ago.

Well, I will be sleeping when you get that pup....have fun!

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and bed. I am too pooped to pop!

Nite all! Sweet dreams! Can hardly wait to hear from you tomorrow, Lynn! So happy for you!
Lucky Miss Wrinkles!

hedgie said...

God night, Lolly. Feel better and better!! Tree is pretty---what I could see of it!

Gonna give this puter a rest! Sweet dreams for all....I am pooped, too, but think I'm too keyed up to sleep. Think I'll go ahead and take my bath a bit later....know Carolyn will call when she gets off work at MN to find out wth was going on---can't tell her anymore than what I told the dispatcher who took my call.
Prayers for all.

Costume Lady said...

Family time together this evening was super! Had a family member from Gene's side of the family visit with us. Jayden loved her:)

A collage of photos are on Just For Fun.

Hope Lynn can sleep well, tonight:)


wvgal_dana said...

Woke up in recliner. So off to bed with me.

Prayers for many that need them.

Hedgie-Lynn when I awake you will already have a doggie with wrinkles. I can just see you excitement now. Hope you are able to get a little sleep.

Don't like that some idiot is shooting off at that hour.

Lynne I do have it in my prayers that Irvine will recognize and have ALL volunteers invited to the party.

Off I go cause Little Man is doing circles. He wants his night time treat in order to hit the hay. lol

Night sweet dreams to everyone.
AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^ ^j^

hedgie said...

I'm ready and waiting!!! Got about 3 hrs. sleep.....don't know why I'm so nervous...just excitement, I guess!
Good PUPPY morning!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals, and special Good Morning wishes to you Lynn....

You and Miss Wrinkles, you take a looong Panda/Puppy/Mommy nap later

Nice cold morning for your little lass to come to her squeaky clean shiny sparkly warm home

hedgie said...

Just got a call....they are about 2 miles out! Later, gators!

magpie said...

Snow at Finland Water, two eagles at BWO
cold here but clear....

Best wishes for a good day, play, work, relax, heal....

headed out here soon myself
decorating the office today for Christmas....
hope we are not busy!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (Early) Morning, Everyone!

Oh, Lynn! Is Miss Wrinkles there yet?!!? I'm SOOO excited for you!!!
LOL--have to laugh--the only reason I'm on the blog right now is because Emma had to make a potty run! Bless her heart, she actually decided to go on a "piddle pad" instead of going outside. I'm grateful, because I have nightmares about her (and me!) meeting up with one of our raccoons late at night! She hasn't had a rabies shot yet, and neither have I!
Then there's the whole coyotes in the neighborhood issue. I know a cute little Springer Spaniel who will be a COMPLETELY INDOOR dog, unless closely accompanied by her Mom or Dad, or BOTH! Matter of fact, if we ever build a dog run, it will be one with chain link over the TOP, too! Would just rather have the little rascal in the house, though, and solve the whole problem.

Oh--speaking of rabies shots, we have a vet appt. at 9:40 a.m. our time, so the new gal in town can get checked out, and get to meet our favorite vet!
We have been going to Dr. Pannier for literally decades, and she is very special.

magpie said...

I do believe I can hear the squeals of delight coming from out Hedgesville way !

Hope Normabyrd has her pompom ready to shake and rattle today, the WVU Mountaineers play today

okay, out the door to the 911 world now

xoxo ☺ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

What a treat to have comments from both Darth AND Judie on here! Hope that they are BOTH pain free right now, and sleeping in this morning!
That sounded like a good idea, to rent a second wheelchair so there's one upstairs AND downstairs! Sure don't need Darth taking any tumbles trying to transport a wheelchair!

Glad to hear that Lolly is feeling better--hope that is a continuing trend!

Shirley, boy, you sure have had a school week--hope that the girl with migraines can get on the road to recovery and return to regular school. Would be a shame for her to have to do home schooling and miss out on so much. Hope the students who have misbehaved will rethink the whole situation and come up with a whole new attitude, too. I'll be saying a lot of prayers for all of them. BTW, that's really neat that you sent a Siamese kitty to Judie!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to try to get some more sleep. A certain little puppy has SO much energy, that I need to try to find some too, just to keep up with her! (You should've seen her running [full-speed] around in circles last night after her dinner!)
She is jet propelled!!! And yet, she can be very calm and sweet just a few minutes later, if she's in someone's lap.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope you have a relatively uneventful day at work. You have had a really varied schedule lately--don't know how you manage! ((HUGS))!

Have been praying for Faye, and her situation. Hoping for good results from the surgery on Monday. Prayers for her WHOLE family, too--talk about a stressful situation!

I'm with you on the situation with the under-age volunteers! Can't believe that a bunch of so-called adults can't forgo the alcohol for one evening, and show some appreciation for a bunch of hard-working, dedicated young volunteers!
Shame on them! (And to think that the young volunteers that ARE old enough to drink alcohol were UNinvited--that's just criminal!)

Well, need to get a bit more sleep, if possible. Will be back later today. Have a fantastic Saturday! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter and Kathryn are off to take scrap metal to the scrap metal place--it's a perk of working in a body shop. She takes some of the smaller metal pieces and sells them--wheels and other things.

Bad news last night. Rus has been laid off. His last day at work is Christmas Eve. He said he was so busy working that he did not even have time to attend the meeting he was supposed to attend to tell him about the layoff.

He believes that the management does not appreciate nor understand what computer techs do, and he is the whole department. I guess they will find out what he does when he's not there anymore.

He said he already has three possible job offers, so he's hoping it will not be long before he's employed again, but this is a real downer right before Christmas and just after buying a house.

Lynne, I really hope the people at your place rethink seriously what they are doing.

Not only are they excluding the very people they should be encouraging, they are sending one horrible message about the need for alcohol to people who surely need to know that there are plenty of ways to enjoy an event without it. My gosh. I could get on my soapbox.

stronghunter said...

I am eagerly awaiting word from Lynn about the new arrival.

Costume Lady said...

27° and sunny, here in Nestville, only going up to 39°. Brrrr!
I would think that, by now, Lynn is being loved all over by Miss Wrinkles. How wonderful that she was delivered so early in the morning...Lynn won't have to be on pins and needles all day!

Come on Lynn, we need a name and an up to date photo:)

stronghunter said...

Siamese kitties . . . Many years ago I had a friend who got one. We could always hear her kitty talking when we were on the phone with her, and I would swear that sometimes I heard it when I drove or walked by her apartment.

hedgie said...

Hi gang. I am back.....puppy is sleeping soundly. What a darling little girl she is....a bit timid, but to be expected in a new environment with a new mom. She's beautiful!! All legs at this point. I am so in love!!!

Ta-da....drum roll....and her name is MAI YING. (Pronounced My)
In Chinese, Mai means OCEAN and Ying means EAGLE! Appropriate, yes??!!

Costume Lady said...

Congratulations Lynn! Beautiful name. We need to have a party or something so that we can all see her!

hedgie said...

Sounds like a fun idea, Wanda! She can get smothered with Momster love!!!
Carolyn got a real kick out of the fact that I hadn't told you all the name....she started to tell Margy, but Margy hushed her!!!

stronghunter said...

Loved your new pictures, Wanda. Jayden is such a little cutie.

Costume Lady said...

Don't get carried away loving her, Lynn, and forget to take pictures doing all those cute things that puppies do:)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Shirley...he has given us a lot of joy over this past year:)

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow, Lynn came in while I was looking at pictures and composing my message. Mai Ying. What a lovely name, and so appropriate.

hedgie said...

OMG, locals: Vic Shockey passed away Th. He was only 65.....wonder what happened? Anyone heard anything?
Also old Vernon Beckman...he was owner of a kennel and trained dogs....we took Shang to him for training and he was nasty, mean and cruel; that was a short-lived arrangement.

hedgie said...

Gotta tell you...I knocked myself out for nothing when it came to the "inspection" part. Yeah, fall housecleaning needed doing and now it's done, BUT...I wouldn't have needed to fret so much about everything if I had known that they weren't doing a white-glove. They never even wanted to see the basement or the bedroom!

hedgie said...

Oh....the foster dad is a career submariner....25 yrs. Stationed at Norfolk. I thanked him for his service! He is hoping to retire next year.

stronghunter said...

Would not have thought that you would have to be white-glove clean to keep a puppy, Lynn, but now you have your fall housecleaning done.

stronghunter said...

I am craving bacon and eggs for breakfast. I think Hunter and Kathryn will get something while they are out, maybe McDonald's or some such thing. I think I will head to the kitchen. Of course, I have re-learned how to cook with dogs underfoot.

But, I do have a trick. When I need the critters out of the way, I scatter tiny pieces of dry cat food all over a room. All critters head for the food and it's a hunt that takes a little while. They do find every scrap, though.

Well, Kathryn and Hunter just returned. That was a quick trip.

Lynne2 said...

CONGRATS LYNN!!! LOVE the name!!! You sure are going to have fun with her and I can't wait to see pictures!

What is the foster who is a submariner's name? My friend Donna has a son who is one also, and he is based out of Norfolk too!

Hirley, I am so sorry about Russ being laid off....OMG, and right at Christmas time too. How awful. I am sure he can get unemployment if he can't get a new job right away, but I hope he does.I was very discouraged to see the job and unemployment reports released yesterday. Not very good news at all.

Lynne2 said...

I have to tell you, it was only 26 this morning when I took the dogs for a walk, and a run in the field. But it felt SO good and invigorating! No breeze so far, although tomorrow will be windy. Saw a Piliated Woodpcker on the ground under a tree pecking for food, but as soon as he saw us he flew back up making all kinds of a racket!

Lynn, did you ever find anything out about the close range gunshot?

hedgie said...

I had been informed by a local "inspector' that SHE does white-glovre....maybe she was joshing!

Didn't get this guys rank but his name is Wessen...good looking, too!!

Shirley, I had that breakfast out yesterday, but it still sounds good to me!! Smart idea about scattering the food around!

Lynne, never heard anything about the shot---cops sped through with spotlights on sides of road, but nothing else...duh!

hedgie said...

Gonna go get a little shut-eye while Mai sleeps. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

have a good nap Lynn!

Heading to store. BBL

stronghunter said...

Well, they brought back some cinnamon crumb biscuits and hash browns from Hardees. They were nice and warm, so I just ate that.

Mema Jo said...

My feet just hit the floor and here I am Mai Ying Love it!
Lynn I didn't even open my Advent calendar first! Bless you and little Mai Ying!

Going to get coffee BBL

stronghunter said...

I bought some Rotary Club tickets for a pancake breakfast at the Baptist Church today. It lasts until 5:00 PM. I almost forgot. We will do that for lunch. Too bad you guys are so far away. I have an extra ticket because Will can't join us.

Maybe Hunter can take a friend. They have entertainment and Santa visits. I have not done this before, so I don't know any more, but it is the 25th annual event, so it has been going on for awhile.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends.

I see Hedgie-Lynn's wait for her puppy is over. She is sleeping and what a beautiful name. Mai Ying,
"Ocean Eagle". Lynn is getting some shut eye for when Mai wakes up.

25 yrs a sub guy WOW ... Yep Lynn you did the great thing of
"thanking him for him service". Such great people we have to serve our country.

Margie heading out to work. I hope
it isn't busy so you can get up
the Christmas decorations.

Andy coyotes and raccoons. I too
would want Emma to be an inside

Yep Norma will be watching that
game you can bet on that WVU
Moountaineers. Ed would have been

Shirley I do pray that the girl
that has migraines. Can get help
for them so she can return to school and be with friends in regular school situation. Now the boy I can only pray he has a change of attitude.

Oh Shirley I am so so sorry that
they have laid Russ off. No time
is a good time for that to happen.
Prayers being said that one of
the others hire him right away.
That for some reason he finds
it to be a better employer.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I checked out the pictures on your blog of Jayden. He is so cute and precious. I know he just takes your heart away and Gene'e and Gee Gee's too.

Lynne I have prayed that something will hit those at Irvine. Changing their minds to invite all volunteers to the party. I know you are just so bad about it. It does send such a bad outlook in many directions. They should be busting with joy because of having all those volunteers to want them at this party. I pray for you too because I know this has been a blow to you.

Wow Mom will be sad to hear about Vic Shockey passing.

The idea of another wheel chair so Darth doesn't have to lug that one up and down the stairs is a GREAT idea.

Oh Shirley that would be good for Huner to take a friend since Santa will be there.

I see Mema Jo has joined us to find out the new puppies name. Like the rest of Mai Ying
has such a ring to it..beautiful name.

Prayers continue for Faye and family.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry to hear about Rus, but happy to hear about other prospects!

Mai Ying...beautiful name for a beautiful puppy. So perfect!

NCSuzan said...

Mai Ying! That is a fantastic name. I am so happy for you to have her in your life. Paula, you and Jo called it asbout the weather. Everytime I check our percentages increase. Now instead of no accumulation, 1/2 to 1 inch is predicted. Hope everyone else is off to a good start today.

wvgal_dana said...

The Vic Shockey that is in the paper that passed. I don't believe is the Vic Shockey well known around Martinsburg. He would be around my Mom's age. I think he goes/or did (if still alive) to my friends church. I'll have to check.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes the Vic Shockey that was very well known around Martinsburg. Past away 3 or 4 years ago. He is my Mom's age. There is a Armony around New York Ave. which was once just a vacate lot. They played all the time on that lot. I'd have to ask Mom when she gets home how long ago actually Vic passed. His relatives do go to my friends church. So the Shockey in the paper is not the one well known around Martinsburg. Still may be someone Lynn-Hedgie knew.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Ahhh, Lynn has her baby...little Miss Wrinkles named Mai Ying. Love the name. Mai is going to be so spoiled! Now, where are the pictures? LOL We are waiting!

Yea! Woke up feeling 100% this morning. Ready to take on the world! And, so far so good...Jack is not sick yet! Yea!!!!!!!!!!

Preparing food this morning to cook up at Laurel's. Do not know who will be there to eat. They are taking turns at the hospital. Poor Laurel...she said this is her worst birthday ever! Yes, it probably is, Just think...38 years ago I had a sweet baby girl. Remember that day well! I need to tell you some day about our miracle baby. She wasn't supposed to be. She is our unprobable baby!

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, i owe you an apology for not responding to your comment on my photos. From the left, is my daughter's father, my daughter, Stacy, her husband, Rob, and me! It is the only pic Stacy has of her dad and me. He left when she was 6 mos. old. A major alcoholic. Yes, very casual affair, right next to the Aquarium in Manteo. About 100 people, we had a blast.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Faye and all her family..
Prayers for Russ - his company will really miss his presence once he is gone. Praying an excellent new opportunity presents itself for him.
Prayers for your old knee to hold up and keep you going, Dana.

Praying for All of you to keep in Good Health and Excellent Christmas Spirits.

1 more day and a wake up and New Cam
installed - I pray. Lib & Belle have been away from our viewing TOO LONG.

For everyone - I pray that any of your concerns will be offered up to the Lord - He is in control!

Mema Jo said...

Off to get lunch and street clothes....

Love you all!


Costume Lady said...

No apology necessary, NCSsuzan:)
I love outdoor weddings...I got married in January, so, no outdoor wedding for me:(

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Love your winter scene, Wanda.....

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone!

Congratulations, Lynn. Mai Ying is a beautiful name. Enjoy the first of many, many joyful days together.

Shirley, I am sorry about Russ and do hope he will find a better job quickly.

Lolly, I hope Laurel will still be able to find a rainbow on her birth day. Wish her the best from all of us.

Need to get back into bed. Will check in later today or early tonight.

hedgie said...

Hi again. Nap was short. Phone call from Chris. Those lucky bum kids are heading for NY. Friends of theirs have tickets for the Giants game and invited them to join in...2nd row in the GIANTS end-zone (the other couple are Giant fans). Chris and Shannon will be in SKINS garb!

So glad everyone likes the name Mai Ying! We have been out successfully. More exploring. Playing with toys.....drank a little, would not eat except a little puppy snoozing again. Lunch time for me.

Lolly, glad you feel good! Please wish Laurel a happy b-day from me:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAUREL!! You're the apple of your mama's eye!

Shirley, sorry to hear about Rus' job situation. I remember what it felt like getting laid off right at Christmas when I was in college.
Hope his prospects pan out.
Oh, love pancake breakfasts---lots of them around here. Really good fundraisers!

Judie, on a scale of 1-10, how's the pain today?

Jo, are your muscles sore??

Mema Jo said...

Not really, Lynn. Believe me that I have been hitting every muscle I have.
I really feel well. After first 2 times my wrists ached! Okay now.

It's sunny out here now...
Hubby's opossum didn't come up to feed last evening... Concerned but I said she probably had babies...

Mema Jo said...

Now for the shower and street clothes.
I love lounging on a Saturday!


hedgie said...

Dana, isn't old Vic's son named Vic and running the company? Assumed it was him....????

Suzan, nice pics. Good that your daughters' father is in her life---yes??

Lynne2 said...

Mai Ying, Mai Ying
What a beautiful ring!

Jo, where are you exercising? Must have missed that post.

SORRY SHIRLEY...not Hirley....oops, saw that when I was reading back!

Hope Emma is having a good vet visit, she should be there about now!

Glad you are back to 100% Lolly! But I am sorry that Laurel is having the worst birthday ever :(

So many things are going so well...2 new puppies, Jo's kin coming home, Dana's daughter will be here soon, I have a job (more or less!), Anne is doing better now. Maybe we'll just get a miracle with Faye, too!

Lynne2 said...

oh yes, and the NEW CAM ON MONDAY!!!! I will be relieved to finally see our birds again! I sure hope all is well with them.

hedgie said...

Oh my gracious....forgot to tell y' out the album with the pics of my first Pei's (to show the rescue/foster folks) and the pics of the opossums we hand-raised were in there. Will post them later, too!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly glad you are feeling better and can go help Laurel. Glad Jack hasn't caught anything.

Hope Laurel fines a way to have a Happy Birthday.

Hedgie-Lynn I don't know I thought Vic only had a daughter. Last time Mom talked to him. He said to her, "Well now I only have a daughter and granddaughter". That was after his wife died.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Well, we are home from the vet's, and she says little Emma is just perfect in every possible way! She got her second set of immunizations, and a de-wormer, and we found out that she weighs 8 lbs. 2 oz. Everyone there just LOVES her! Can't say I blame them.

I am SOOOOO happy for you! LOVE the name Mai Ying! It could not be more perfect!! I bet you are in puppy heaven! Hope you manage to get more sleep later today. I think I'm gonna need a nap later too.

Oh, we felt so sorry for a lady who came in to the vet's office while we were in the reception area. She had very recently lost her dog, and was there to pick up the ashes. My heart just went out to her! Hope she is able to find another puppy to love and care for.

Ms Bookworm said...

I was so pleasantly surprised at the vet's. They gave Emma 1/2 of a baby aspirin so she wouldn't be sore from the shots, and they trimmed her nails for free, too! They are all very nice there.

Lolly, so sorry that Laurel is having such a rough day today. Please tell her HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me. Hope the day turns out better than she expected!

Shirley, so sorry to hear that Rus was laid off, especially at this time of year. Praying that he gets a new and even better job for Christmas! It's really rotten that his employers didn't seem to appreciate him. Their loss, for sure!

Well, time for little Emma to eat again. Will check back in later. Oh, looks like it might actually rain here today! One of those Calif. days where the weather can't quite make up its mind, but the air feels really heavy with moisture. BBL. :o]

hedgie said...

Another short nap for me with Mai on my lap/chest after another successful potty outing! She ate a few bites of food, played a bit and now is back to sleep. Puppies need lots of sleep---I had forgotten how much!

movin said...


GooD MorninG

fOR a SaturdAY

tO yOu aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Andy, I will be making the vet trek sometime towards the end of next week. She, too, will be ready for round 2 of her injections. Not sure, but think I felt a little umbilical hernia---can't remember if that lump is normal post-partum or not! Will find out at visit.

Dana, friend Frank says this Vic Shockey and his dad (former sheriff---never knew that) were the auto lot Shockeys, not the ones who own Shockey Company. My bad!

Lynne2 said...

Andy, so glad the vet visit went well! The creep I used to work for would never give a baby aspirin, and he'd vaccinate for EVERYTHING at once. People would call the next day so upset because the pups, mostly toy breeds, would be sick and so sore. He has a contract with a puppy selling store, where the puppies all came from MO puppy mills. He does health checks at the store when they come in, and then when the people buy pups, they MUST take the puppy to HIM for the first 20 days to have a valid health guarantee on the pup from the store. His prices are outrageous, and I think he figured he better suck everyone for as much as he could during those first 30 days. I hated working for him. So many puppies, so many stupid people buying them, so much was terrible. We got so many complaints about him, he has the beside manner of Scrooge, except if you happen to be a young pretty woman, then we'd see a total personality change.

Anyway, I did meet a few very nice people, and saved more than one puppy from being resold because these people would totally buy on impulse with no idea what they were gettting into. Most had never even had a dog before. I spent many hours on the phone with distressed owners. Much time on the internet and talking and emailing behaviorists, and really helped a lot of them through the rough first few months with their pups.

SO, please feel free to ask me if you have any questions, Lynn and Andy!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim you have mail.

Lynn-Hedgie no reason to say your bad. When I finally found the page, which took me awhile. I thought it was the same thing. Until I started remember things Mom had told me about Vic.

Sounds like Mai Ying is doing the puppy stuff. They do rest a lot when young. Are you going to call her Mai or Mai Ying? Good potty stops for outside. Good girl (:
How is she letting you know she has to go?

Lolly said...

Dinner is ready to go to Laurel's to cook. Prepared Rolled Flank steak, Laurel's favorite. It is a time consuming dish to prepare and then Jack grills it. Taking pasta and salad to go with it.

Talked with Laurel and she sounded okay. She is looking forward to our getting there. She is cleaning house today but says she refuses to buy groceries on her birthday. LOL

So, we are heading out soon. Sounds like all is going well with Mai. Lynn, do you have a fenced yard or do you have to watch her carefully? Really do have to go now. (((hugs)) to all and will pass on prayers and birthday wishes to Laurel.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, umbilical hernias are usually congenital, not usually dangerous (although they can be in some cases), and can and should be repaired which is usually done when pup is spayed or neutered. If it is a hernia, it could also just be from a delayed closure. The vet will put your mind at ease! Just keep a finger to the area, so to speak, to make sure it isn't getting bigger between now and the scheduled visit. If so, then try to be seen sooner.

Lynne2 said...

Have fun Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Puddles, aka MUD Puddle, has just had a bath. Now I am off to clean the bathroom! I think tomorrow I will give her a buzz cut. I have a sweater for her to use if it's really cold out. She was just a mess already and just had a bath a week and a half ago. You cannot believe the debris and dirt that comes off of her!

Lynne2 said...

Poor Steve. He was told he'd be working only for a couple of hours this morning, but he is still at work! Good news is that he is now not only getting a full 40 hours, but OT as well!

NCSuzan said...

It's snowing :( .

Lynne2 said...

are you supposed to get much Suz?

Lynne2 said...

OMG OMG OMG people guess what!!!! I JUST SAW THE EAGLE IN A TREE IN THE YARD!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went out to get something from the truck and he was in the tree at the end of the yard and flew off! SO, 34 degrees, in my t-shirt, and my slippers, I go running down the driveway after him! He flew way off, and now my neighbors KNOW I'm crazy!!! I wonder if he had his sights set on the birds at my feeder?

Lynne2 said...

I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Puppies Puppies Puppies... I love to hear you all talking about them.
I am cleaned up and ready - Ready to go to Mass. Afterwards I sure would like for hubby to find a comfy chair that he loves - Good old Navy blue would do the trick!
We'll see what is to be....

Going to say lots of prayers at mass tonight. I bet you all start to feel much better and problems start to fad away by the time I finish.
I have God Power!!! lol I was going to say girl Power but I took it all the way up!


wvgal_dana said...

I like you got "God Power" Jo.

Hope Ed finds his comfty chair.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I think for sure he was there to be a Good Omen for you and Steve.
You know like OT pay!!!!
I am soooooooo jealous !!! and Happy
for you. Merry Christmas ♥

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your snow Suzan!!! I forewarned you so you best have your boots and shovel by the door! lol

Suzan Tell me how close Fayeville NC
is to where you are AND suggest a
brand of cell phone for your area.
Kids need to get phones when back in the states....

I'll catch your answer upon return.

NCSuzan said...

Lynne2, we are maybe only to get an inch to 1 1/2 inches.

Jo, did you not get my e-mail about the phones? My address has changed. I think Fayetteville is onlyabout two hours from here but I will check and let you know.
My daughter has an iPhone which she will carry until death! my son in law is getting one also. i have just a plain phone but it has the full keyboard on it. makes it easier to text. and we have AT&T as carrier. Used to be Cingular which was better.

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, an eagle? in your very own yard? I am so excited for you!!

I just posted one very sad pic of snow. You will see how little has accumulated so far. I am glad it is not sticking to the roads.

Hedgie, as long as my daughter makes the phone call he is in her life. With my health declining it would be nice for him to step up to the plate. my daughter is grown but has a sensitive heart and could benefit from a hug now and then from him.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back again to check in. Emma has gone out, peed and pooped. She came in, drank a fair amount of water, and is now going back to sleep.

It still hasn't rained here. Maybe it won't--we have days when they say it's SUPPOSED to rain, but it never does. MTBR....

Our next-door neighbors came and met Emma, and they think she's adorable. They have a German shepherd named Izzy. The vet says to keep Emma away from other dogs and from places like dog parks, hiking trails, and places where lots of dogs congregate until she is 4 months old and has had all of her shots--and they have had time to work.

Think I'm going to go spend some time with Miss Emma--she's like Velcro once she's in your lap! Will BBL. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lynne,
Do you know how I would get Emma certified as a Therapy dog once she's grown? She really seems to have the personality for it, and she LOVES people, and other dogs. She is just a really calm, level-headed sort of dog. Well, I'll check back in a little while.

stronghunter said...


We went to the pancake dinner, but tonight is the Christmas parade in town, and we could not get a parking spot anywhere near the church, so Kathryn found a spot to sit for awhile in the car and Hunter and I made a quick run into the church and asked for "to go" boxes.

They were happy to accommodate us.

Susan is now here napping on the sofa.

stronghunter said...


wvgal_dana said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! Lynne I believe like Jo that eagle was an omen of GOOD LUCK. Steve is working 40hrs and Overtime !!!!!

Oh how wonderful right in your very own backyard....dang now I am

Susan yes it would be good for her,
even though she is married. It is good to have both in your life. Although if he is still drinking. Then it could cause a terrible burden on your daughter. Being around them (drinkers) can bring a lot of problems. They don't take responsibility for what they have done or do. Your daughter could start feeling, "Oh if he just wasn't drinking". or "If I was just different maybe he wouldn't drink". Hopefully he has quit and remains that way so your daughter and he can have a quality of time or phone calls together.

hedgie said...

So far Mai isn't asking to go out. I just do it whenever she wakes up. She's even done a poop shoot. Ate a little bit, but not drinking much. She's wimped out again and snoozing away. We both napped for almost an hour a little while ago.

Keep the snow, Suzan! Candy says that Josh called and it was snowing at Bragg, Jo!! One of the OBX FB links says they are supposed to get some, too.

Shirley, bet those pannekuchens (sp?) (as my Scottish Grandpop called them) were SO good!

Dana, thanks for helping me get straight on Vic.

Lynne, as I said on FB, CONGRATS on seeing your very own neighborhood eagle!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh Andy, that would be great if she would be a therapy dog! People benefit SO much from pet visits!

I'll email you in a bit with some tips. In the mean time, you can check with your vet's office to see if there is an organization. Also, we have Pets on Wheels here (which I did with my first collie) but i don't know if they are national. And the local hospitals and nursing homes may know as well.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I'm sure we'll be calling on your expertise a lot! Thanks for info about hernia.
Glad that Steve got in some extra hours! Couldn't happen at a better time.....except he missed seeing the eagle!

hedgie said...

Pondering about where to put my creche....usually put it on what used to be a woodstove hearth....but this little miss is tall enough that her nose would knock over the figurines. I have the old bisque AVON creche set. Very fragile. Guess I'll put it on top of the bookcase and figure out somewhere else to put what I usually put there! Puppy-proofing takes planning!

hedgie said...

Finally getting around to watching "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" that I had taped way back in Oct. Ceil said it was so good......hope it's not a weeper. As tired as I am, I might not be able to stop if I start!

Andy, the therapy dog idea is a good one! Hope Emma keeps that kind of personality.

Belated hello to Jim!!!

Judie said...

Um, well, about 2 to 3 unless I remain absolutely still and quiet.

It is just so much fun to read all the puppy news. What fun for Lynn and Andy.

S__w? Oh no! Suzan, please, keep the s__w away from me. I don't really even like chilly.

Lynne2, glad Steve had lots of work hours today. Every bit helps.

Lolly, hope everyone has a nice dinner for Laurel's birthday. At least a temporary respite from the stress.

Jo, many thanks for the prayers -- hope I was included, thank you so much.

Shirley, never would have thought to ask for carryout at a church dinner. lol

Okay, finished exams and now need to go put my foot up.


stronghunter said...

Christmas decorating is going to change around here, too, Lynn.

We were talking about where to put the Christmas tree this year. Kathryn thinks the living room will work better than the family room because Flash would just love to chew up the ornaments and open the gifts.

Kathryn usually puts the zapper mat by the tree at her house, but we're using the mats (hers and mine) in other places now--to keep pets out of the living room and off the sofa, and those things are expensive.

The living room is a bit small for everyone on Christmas Day, but we will solve that problem when the time comes.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie!

stronghunter said...

Two to three?

Pain level?

Had to think for a minute about that one.

Hope it is soon at zero.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn thought of the carry-out idea. This was a Rotary Club thing. I guess they are pretty well organized since they have had 25 years of experience.

They took a few minutes to round up another carryout box, but they were very much up to it.

NatureNut said...

Got electric???
New Thread!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...