Wednesday, October 27, 2010


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Well Hello There! Thanks for the Wed thread, Steve.

I'll call others over........

Mema Jo said...

Costume Lady said...
Did Megan tell anyone the name of the place that she wanted a donation to go to? I'm sending out checks to the groups today, and know nothing to even look up an address. Emailed her, but have not heard from her yet...guess she is at the pumpkin patch:)

Blogger Lolly said... On the road again. Rain starting out, but now just cloudy. What about Bev?

Blogger Mema Jo said...
Margie & Judie
Please send me a test email when you get a chance. I am having trouble getting the bear video through to you.

movin said...





Woke up this morning to winds blasting in from the desert ! Didn't see any warning of Santa Ana winds on the Weather Channel yesterday???! It was in the mid 60's this A.M., but one refresh later, it's over 75° and climbing.

Wonder what this weather event will become by the time it works its way East.

I heard there were extreme winds tearing through the Midwest and probably your areas by now. Haven't gotten any news from my Midwestern relatives yet. Maybe I'll phone if I don't see anything in the email.

Have a great day, everyone.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Giant Panda Birth Watch Update
Latest ultrasound shows excellent fetal development Ultrasound monitoring by the Zoo Atlanta Veterinary Team continues to reveal the rapidly growing fetus that will be female giant panda Lun Lun’s third cub.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I missed you Jim
Hi and Bye - don't blow away or get sand in your eyes!

hedgie said...

Jo, didn't the addresses I sent you work???

hedgie said...

Sent you another email, Jo......just in case I goofed last night!
I sent the video to both of them for you.

Getting ready to head out. Hope everyone has a good afternoon. BBL.

movin said...

K-26, the PH female, is repairing and building on her nest right now.

I noticed the whole thing looks straighter with the world than it did a couple of days ago. Don't know if Dr. Sharpe moved the camera at all, or if the eagles have leveled it out already.

The left side had seemed to slide away from the rest again after the nesting season last year, but they're getting it back in usable condition again now.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

The kinda undersized male eagle we have seen sometimes is at BWO nest again. He seems to be waiting and watching until something ... probably a female ... passes by, and then he's off for the day after her.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Phoebe, the Hummingbird, is making great progress on her new nest.

[:~D] Jim

floralgirl said...

Wanda, I answered your email, yes I was in the pumpkin patch:)
The name of the bird sanctuary is Trego Mountain Sanctuary this link is for their website.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn for sending it to them.
I think I have the correct emails now in my directory.

Mema Jo said...

No word yet from Sharon here or on FB

Hopefully we will hear something soon

movin said...

Any news on Bev ?? I didn't see anything up to date on FB.

[:~D] Jim

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all....

never did get storms last night but got about an inch and a half of rain. Just rained for about an hour and sun is out now. Tornado watch for us, points south, north and east of here. SO muggy!

have some chores to do. Not getting around too well today.

Lynne2 said...

very anxious to hear how Bev is doing.

Mema Jo said...

The 3 little owlets are braving a terrific lightning storm in their
Pot Plant. Momma has been there a couple of times with food.
It is reminding me of the violent storm that Spunky mustered through.

Mema Jo said...

Feet up for an hour - Alexis' Play Date


Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a very caring group there. Next time I find a Peacock in my garden, I will take him to Trego Mountain Rescuse!:)

I am now wondering if our donation should go to Friends of NCTC or specify the money for the camera fund. Otherwise, it goes to scholarship funds, etc. Do we want that. Wish we had discussed this before we voted.
What say you Momsters and Dadsters?
Cam Fund or Friends of NCTC?

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, you can specify that it's for the Eagle cam fund...

paula eagleholic said...

Yahoo is totally down? Can't get into anything!

Mema Jo said...

Was on FB chatting with Beverly.
Sharon took her laptop in
Stess test finished
GGD test tomorrow
Liquid diet but Not milkshakes!
Less chest pains....

Wow! Glad she is ok for the day

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - To Friends of NCTC
and Specify Eagle Cam Fund

paula eagleholic said...

From Sissy

Good afternoon FB friends and family! Many, many prayers going up for the Williams family! I love you guys so much!

I had the stress test this morning, no results yet. They are going to do the EGD tomorrow. They gave me Nexium iv a while ago and it helped some, so maybe it is my belly after all.

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe:
Good afternoon FB friends and family! Many, many prayers going up for the Williams family! I love you guys so much!

I had the stress test this morning, no results yet. They are going to do the EGD tomorrow. They gave me Nexium iv a while ago and it helped some, so maybe it is my belly after all.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as thought we got Sissy's message across, Paula! lol

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Thank you, Steve, for the Wednesday thread.

So glad to have news of Bev and that she has some relief. Will keep her in my thoughts.

Torrential downpour here this afternoon. Glad it seems to have moved on as I will have to leave to go to class soon.

Jo, enjoy your Alexis time.

Others, please have a nice late afternoon and evening.

stronghunter said...

Quite a day here. Sections downstairs flooded. I am upstairs, thank goodness. Classes had to be moved to other areas. One student told me that the gym floor is ruined. I have not investigated.

We really had a major downpour, though. Clouds have broken up now, but I see more in the distance.

stronghunter said...

Jo, thanks for bringing over Bev's message. I can't access Facebook from school.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Still on the road. Stopping about 5:30 or so. Have reservations at a campground that has cable. Go Rangers! Also wifi. I think it sounds like hiatal (sp?) hernia for Bev. I have one, but it is fine. Once though, years ago, I had severe chest pain.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jo for the advice on the NCTC donation...taking care of that now.

Lolly, I too, have a hiatal hernia and have taken Omeprazole (generic for many others, Nexium, Aciphex, etc. and a LOT cheaper) for years and very seldom have any problems. If I do get extremely upset or agitated, chest pains start! I hope that if Bev HAS TO HAVE something, that it will be the hernia. So easy to treat...l pill a day:)

Lolly said...

Yep, Nexium for me! Also, I know not to lie down after eating. Used to need my head elevated, but no more.

Mema Jo said...

Atlanta Panda Cam Update
Wednesday, October 27
We have been extremely fortunate to have Lun Lun continue to cooperate with ultrasound sessions. The fetus is growing rapidly and has a strong heartbeat. This morning the fetus measured 6.99 cm in length. Lun Lun is still spending most of her time sleeping, which is completely normal.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - so sorry about the damage at the school building.... I pray your home isn't flooded! Let us know...

We are heading out to capture Alexis!


Lynne2 said...

From Sharon via FB
Sharon Lea Crisco Farley Well, I have been at the hospital. Sissy is feeling some better after a shot of Nexium. They will do an EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back from school to eat a quick dinner, then head back again for English exam.

Glad to hear that Bev is feeling better. Bet it's a hernia or gallbladder. Hernia's easier to treat. Prayers continue!

Well, need to go chow down and hit the road running. Must also try to catch the Dean of Admissions and find out what classes I need to register for tomorrow. Think he's leaving town later tonight!

Will check back after I'm home from school tonight. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Still catching up, but just watched Space Station go by! So glad the sky was clear---of course, it was seen through a laceowrk of tree tops!!
Glad to hear of Bev results so far. I still suspect GB.

hedgie said...

Waiting for some paperwork to come through from realtor.

Shirley, flooding is bad enough but to ruin a gym floor is really sad. And expensive!

Lolly, where ARE you camping tonight??

My hiatal hernia has acted up twice this week---telling me that I ate just a bit too much. I now just use OTC acid-reducer, one a day. Insurance wouldn't pay for Nexium and the other things didn't seem to work well at all.

Lolly said...

Hi! We are stopped for tonight. We are at a KOA in TN, right where I 81 intersects I 40. We have over 900 miles to go to get home. We plan to take our time and get home mid day on Saturday. Do not like getting home late and in the dark. Have to back the trailer up the long drive way and that is NOT good in the dark.

Had a fabulous time at Chee and Rodney's. They have a farm with over 100 acres, a lot of it is woods and they lease the pasture land. They are on a hill top with unbelievable views. They bought a farm house that was built around 1830. What they did was build around the existing house. It is beautiful. Her studio is in the basement that has doors to the outside. Rodney has Parkinson's so they put in an elevator. They have one steer that is a pet, one dog, Hubble, a yellow lab that I fell in love with, three cats, all of which have different personalities. Harvey, a kitten, was my favorite. All have been rescue animals. They are just now thinking Harvey will make it, will not be blind, as suspected. I fell in love with Harvey. Boy, can he purr. He is also very fiesty and tried to play with 105 lb Hubble. LOL

They have seen bald eagles twice on their land and bears a couple of times, Once they saw a mom and three cubs. I think I want to trade homes with them,

Lolly said...

Going to prepare dinner and then watch the Texas Rangers. Wahoo!

hedgie said...

OMG----like 20 pages of stuff!!! Now Frank and Irene are coming here!! Had a yummy dinner at their house, but Frank's printer is down, so partee' has relocated! Later!

Mema Jo said...

Have a great evening, Lynn!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo, I think everything is okay here. Haven't seen any flooding problems.

It was in the older part of the school. Not sure where the water came from.

stronghunter said...

BBL--Need to work on grades. They are due by 7:00 AM tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Shirley - I bet someone didn't close the gym door tight... lol

Mema Jo said...

Alexis is headed home... she had a good time drawing pictures of people.
Tomorrow is her very first field trip with her kindergarten class - Pumpkin Patch and Catoctin Orchard - she is excited.

Mema Jo said...

Going into TV - only 1 show this evening at 9:00 - Criminal Minds..

Hope Judie and the police force are enjoying their class....

Lolly said...

Jacob's first field trip is Friday to a pumpkin patch. Laurel has a sub and is taking the day off to go with his class.

hedgie said...

Okay, actually 27 pages later.......too many to scan and email back for sure, so Frank and Irene are on their way in to Bill's store to fax the pack! Offer is on its' way. Fingers crossed!

Bet TN is pretty, Lolly! Lush bluegrass fields??? A liesurely trip is good....and sure can understand about backing the RV up your long drive!

wvgal_dana said...

I have a hiatal hernia for years now. Only time it acted up was when I went on that trip to Florida because I thought I had the over-eating problem. They had lots of beans beans beans lentils and it acted up. Forehead sweated and terrible chest pain straight and it was the hiatal hernia.
through the front of chest to back. They took me over to hospital and it was the hiatal hernia. No problems since.
I am just in prayers for Sissy and letting God figure it out.

I am scheduled for right knee scope surgery Nov. 17th Wednesday. They will mail time and papers because by then time could change many times. After this surgery Orthopedic surgeon will make more decisions on left foot and ankle. He said way it was set up was making things worse. So I am not wearing orthortics as of now.

I can get in pool 2 weeks after surgery. I am going to build that right knee back up and hopefully help the left knee, foot and ankle.

I go to eye doctor again about right eye tomorrow. Lord I pray he can help me.

Prayers for Sissy and family and friends.
Prayers for all those that need them.

wvgal_dana said...

Going to watch Criminal Minds
and get my feet up.

hedgie said...

Good Criminal Minds......but a bit gruesome, which seems normal for it anymore.

Good that you have some firm plans, Dana .Now you get everything lined up.

Sure are lots of us with hiatal hernias! Maybe it's age-related, LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula have you had a French Vanilla Coffee today?

wvgal_dana said...

Thought Paula was on.

Liked seeing him with his son on Criminal Minds tonight.

Mema Jo said...

It's Me Bear Den Update

Lynne2 said...


Just popping in to say goodnight. Fingers crossed Lynn!

Prayers for all....see you tomorrow sometime, it's Irvine day!

Judie said...

Seems as if most everyone is having a decent evening. Glad Dana is getting doctors all lined up. Sorry about the school flooding.

Hope Bev's test provides some conclusive information so treatment can begin. Will check as I can tomorrow for updates.

Police were fun but really are a bunch of live wires. This will be an interesting 8 weeks. Quite a mix -- university police, U.S. Marshal, transit police, plus others I can't remember.

Did not get to ride in a cop car.

Tired with class in the morning.

Turning my light out but leaving the night light on for others coming in.

hedgie said...

Judie, sounds like an interesting mixture in your class! Hope it goes well! Sleep tight. You, too, Lynne!

Mema Jo said...

Night Judie - I am heading down the hallway now. My eyes are just very heavy.
Lynn - Good Luck with OBX

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone (yes, that means you)
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Thanks for posting bear report! Just saw I came back.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy that I am catching up more. Got to see pictures in the two albums.

Gene tried to get me handcuffed!!!! TRULY LOL

Maybe tomorrow or next day I can get to some of the facebook pages.

Boy all that driving to Winchester to doctors. Then home then back up same day to catch Ed's nephew. My body is feeling it from head to toe. Although look how lucky I am. I'm not in a hospital like our poor BEV.....SISSY my thoughts and prayers are with you.

I'm heading to bed.

Prayers for those that need them; Bev (Sissy), Cindy (Jim), June, Carolyn's lose of friend, God you remember someone else lost a friend, Bessie (Newborne Daycare), Diann, principle, God the lady I met in front of Things To Remember that just got diagnosed with breast cancer and God you know the entire list from all of us. Nite

Lolly said...

Nite all! Ballgame not going too well. Grrrr! Heading to bed soon...I am ready! Up and outa here in the morn. Do not like these long days of traveling, but it is what it is! Once again knitting as we travel along.

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Goodnight Jo, Dana and Lolly. And goodnight to me, too!! See you in the morning. No one mentioned seeing our birds, so guess another day with no known visit. Maybe tomorrow!
Peace and prayers.

stronghunter said...

God bless and good night!

Grades are in the system. I had some problems with the connection. Need to get Will to check the system.

See you later!

PA Nana said...

Prayers and love for all eagle budies.
I'm too late for a coversation since everyone is turning in, but I'll catch up with you'all soon.

OH, before I forget again. Charlie saw his infectious disease doctor and they took out the antibiotic pic? and will test in about 2-3 weeks. He'll also need to have some fluid drained from his hip. Thanks for all the prayers. Don't give up yet. He still hass to have a final replacement of the hip.

God bless and prayers for all needs/wants.

Hope Bev get her results and a good prognosis.

Good night all

Costume Lady said...

My SMILE for the day...A man came to the shop on his motorcycle, with his daughter (about 8 or 9) riding on the back. He bought the daughter a cute little Hippie costume and a Santa Suit for himself for Christmas festivities. Had to leave the suit here because it was too bulky to carry on the motorcycle:)
Sold a $50 mask...gentleman ordered it and it just came in today...whew, didn't think it was going to get here on time. Don't want to get stuck with high-priced items like that!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, it's pretty late! Just got home from school about 10 minutes ago, and am trying to catch up on the blog.

Wanda, sounds like the costume shop had a good day. That's good!

Hi, Diann,
Don't worry, I'm still praying for Charlie. Sounds like the doctors are making some progress. Praying that he'll be comfortable until this is over and he has a nice new hip. Hope you are feeling well! Prayers for you, too, and ((HUGS))!

Glad you were able to get your grades into the system. So sorry to hear about the gym floor! OOooh--that's going to be expen$ive to fix!

Wishing the very best for you with the OBX property! Praying that you'll get it! Gosh, a lot of people nowadays have hiatal hernias!
Or is it just that they've always been around, but doctors didn't realize what they were? Hear a lot about them lately, for sure, though. Matter of fact, Hubby has one! If he's careful it doesn't cause trouble, though. Thank God!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am SOOOOO jealous that you got to visit such a beautiful place as Chee and Rodney's! Sounds like the place I've always dreamed of having, but never got! Their dog, cats, and steer sound wonderful, too. Harvey sounds like a real character! Glad you are not rushing to get home. I always hate to have to hurry. Hope you will stop and check out any interesting places you see. Prayers for a safe journey!

I'm praying for all those on your prayer list, too. Also that YOU will feel much better, very soon! Sounds like the doctors are working it out. God, please give them wisdom! ((HUGS)) for you and Little Man!

I bet you ARE tired, but sounds like you have some pretty interesting people in your class!
Sorry you didn't get a ride in a cop car, though. We had an exam in my English class tonight, and we're all having fits because the teacher decided to grade them himself, rather than have us switch papers and grade them in class. We won't know our grades until next Wednesday! It's good he's grading them, though, because when he does the grading, he gives partial credit for stuff that would be ALL wrong if just PART of it was incorrect.
Hope it means a higher grade for us!

Oh--guess what! I got a schedule of my classes for the next 2 quarters, and I'm ALMOST DONE!!! I have a Grammar & Usage (English 2) class for the next 2 quarters, a Professionalism/Career Management class for 1 quarter, and a Practice V class (Transcription practice)worth 5 units. Then the 2nd quarter I will have my Externship, which is worth 10 units.
Will tell more about that tomorrow.
Depending on how long that class takes to complete, I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am SOOOOO jealous that you got to visit such a beautiful place as Chee and Rodney's! Sounds like the place I've always dreamed of having, but never got! Their dog, cats, and steer sound wonderful, too. Harvey sounds like a real character! Glad you are not rushing to get home. I always hate to have to hurry. Hope you will stop and check out any interesting places you see. Prayers for a safe journey!

I'm praying for all those on your prayer list, too. Also that YOU will feel much better, very soon! Sounds like the doctors are working it out. God, please give them wisdom! ((HUGS)) for you and Little Man!

I bet you ARE tired, but sounds like you have some pretty interesting people in your class!
Sorry you didn't get a ride in a cop car, though. We had an exam in my English class tonight, and we're all having fits because the teacher decided to grade them himself, rather than have us switch papers and grade them in class. We won't know our grades until next Wednesday! It's good he's grading them, though, because when he does the grading, he gives partial credit for stuff that would be ALL wrong if just PART of it was incorrect.
Hope it means a higher grade for us!

Oh--guess what! I got a schedule of my classes for the next 2 quarters, and I'm ALMOST DONE!!! I have a Grammar & Usage (English 2) class for the next 2 quarters, a Professionalism/Career Management class for 1 quarter, and a Practice V class (Transcription practice)worth 5 units. Then the 2nd quarter I will have my Externship, which is worth 10 units.
Will tell more about that tomorrow.
Depending on how long that class takes to complete, I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am SOOOOO jealous that you got to visit such a beautiful place as Chee and Rodney's! Sounds like the place I've always dreamed of having, but never got! Their dog, cats, and steer sound wonderful, too. Harvey sounds like a real character! Glad you are not rushing to get home. I always hate to have to hurry. Hope you will stop and check out any interesting places you see. Prayers for a safe journey!

I'm praying for all those on your prayer list, too. Also that YOU will feel much better, very soon! Sounds like the doctors are working it out. God, please give them wisdom! ((HUGS)) for you and Little Man!

I bet you ARE tired, but sounds like you have some pretty interesting people in your class!
Sorry you didn't get a ride in a cop car, though. We had an exam in my English class tonight, and we're all having fits because the teacher decided to grade them himself, rather than have us switch papers and grade them in class. We won't know our grades until next Wednesday! It's good he's grading them, though, because when he does the grading, he gives partial credit for stuff that would be ALL wrong if just PART of it was incorrect.
Hope it means a higher grade for us!

Oh--guess what! I got a schedule of my classes for the next 2 quarters, and I'm ALMOST DONE!!! I have a Grammar & Usage (English 2) class for the next 2 quarters, a Professionalism/Career Management class for 1 quarter, and a Practice V class (Transcription practice)worth 5 units. Then the 2nd quarter I will have my Externship, which is worth 10 units.
Will tell more about that tomorrow.
Depending on how long that class takes to complete, I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, it's getting pretty late, and I'm TIRED. Since I have a busy day tomorrow, think I'll call it a night.

Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on so I (and others) could find my way in. I'm turning on the porch light. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope we all get a good night's sleep. Will talk to all of you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love every single one of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Just passing through. Have to post one more grade before 7:00 when the system will zap them up to put on report cards.

Judie said...

Off to school. Will catch up with everyone later this morning. Have a good one. Nest MT with not a clunk to be heard.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning....heading off to Irvine. Nest is empty :(

Have a great day everyone!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a quick hello and then we will be ...on the road again. Had a good nights sleep and ready to get back to my knitting.

Have a great day! And, to those who are feeling poorly....get better fast! And, to BEV, straighten up and fly right, Girl!!!! :) Love you and do not like you sick!!!!

Lolly said...

Slow morning! We are now on the road. Forgot to mention that when we were setting up the trailer in VA that I saw a piliated woodpecker flying right over us. He was making a racket that is why I looked up. Only second one I have ever seen. :)

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Morning all.
Had to chuckle.....Andy was so tired that she was stuttering badly!!!! LOL!
Sounds like a good schedule coming up for you, kiddo. Wow----it's ALMOST over for you!
Lolly, do you do any of the driving, or is that all up to Jack??
When we made the beach trip, I kept offering to drive, but Frank wouldn't let me: not sure if he doesn't like my driving or if because he likes my truck TOO much (he REALLY does!).

Great shop news, Wanda!! Of course, don't like hearing about a little one on a bike. :( BUT, we were young and stupid once, too, and did the same thing, so no room to talk! But traffic wasn't then what it is now. And we never went off back roads.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Beautiful outside!

I was reading back on the blog and thought, "Man I'll never get through this"! Then I saw it! Andy did it!
This double talk or triple talk makes me think that Andy is really getting ready to see that light at the end of the tunnel! Sooooooo Proud of all your
accomplishments, Andy!

Lolly said...

Reminds me of the time we told a man it was not advisable for his kindergarten son to ride his bike home alone. So Dad arrived on his motorcycle to take the boy home. As they rode my little student had hia arms outstretched, like "look ma, no hands!". Groan......!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Getting further away! Just entered central time zone.

Lolly said...

Back to my knitting! :)


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Gosh, I slept in for a bit after Hubby went to work, and it felt GOOD!
Lynn, I WAS tired last night! Sorry about the stutter (LOL), but the system got the hiccups, not me!
It dumped me out of Internet Explorer completely when it posted my "book." :o[ Took me a while to get back here, and I neglected to look back a bit, or I would've attempted to delete the extras. Don't know what causes all that, but it's annoying! Apologies once more.

Golly! Empty nest again this morning! Hope we get to at least hear some clunks sometime today.

Lolly, that's great that you got to see that woodpecker! They are amazing. I've never seen one, except in a TV documentary. Maybe someday.

Hope Lynne2 has a fun day at Irvine, and that Shirley and Judie have a good day at the schoolhouse.

Most of my schoolbooks are packed away in a storage container, but I DO need to find my school catalog, and look up what my Externship will involve. MTBR later!

Thinking about Bev again this morning, and hoping the doctors get some answers for her, and make some real progress toward getting her up and running again! Prayers to that effect! Sharon and family, prayers for you, too. This is no fun for you, either.
Nerve wracking! ((HUGS))

Well, have a bill or two to pay online, then need to tackle more Algebra homework. After that, need to get to school and finish my Practice 4 homework so I can turn it in today. Have to register for next quarter today, too. Then there's my Practice 4 class and my Algebra class tonight. Need to talk to my Practice 4 teacher and make sure that the class days/times on my copy of the class schedule are correct. (Odds are that they may not be!) She works a 40-hour week 8 to 5, so needs to know when she needs to be at school for evening classes. Don't know quite HOW she manages a schedule like that, but guess you do what you gotta do.

Will be back a little later to check in, when my brain freezes up on the subject of Algebra. I swear, after solving equations for about 30 minutes or so, all of a sudden it's as if the stuff is written in Mandarin Chinese, for all the sense it makes to me. Then I have to quit for a while and go back to it after resting my brain. Go figure!

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--here we go again! Those 2 deletes are mine. Got dumped again when posting, AND both times I deleted extra comments.
Sorry! :o[

Will be back later. Algebra calls!

Bob Quinn said...

Sorry I haven't been bye in a while and missed the Open House. Sounds like everyone had a great time. I was in Maine eating lobster last weekend. ☺

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful day...70° going up to 70° oh...I guess it's as good as it's gonna get:)
Multi Tasking...drying hair, doing makeup and blogging. Gene is manning the shop and I will soon be going in to GG's. Anxious to see if she was able to cook her new dinners. All the directions on the frozen dinners confuse her. "Put in a 1000 watt micro for 3:30 min. or a 800 watt micro for 5 min....stir veggies, cover and cook for 3 more mins.??????
Too much for her aged brain. So, I got her some dinners that you put in the micro for 5 mins. and that's all...not poking holes or turning or stiring...just 5 mins.
Bless her heart, she has ruined so many dinners by leaving them in 30minutes instead of 3 mins. Hope she hasn't cooked the new meals for 50 minutes!

In Memoriam

With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed last week Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey", died peacefully at age 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in. And then the trouble started.

Costume Lady said...

BOB, lobster in Maine is wonderful, but, Open House festivities are more fun! Really!
We did miss one to pick on:(

Costume Lady said...

Our Lolly was in Maine about a week and a half ago, eating Lobster:)

Bob Quinn said...

Yes Wanda, I missed you all too. And I can dish it out AND take being picked on. Was there an extra loud table this year like there was last year? ☺

Costume Lady said...


Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Will try to catch up later today.

With all the momster/dadster personal trials and tribulations of recent weeks, I need to share some positive news. Just found out heart tests indicated normal function! Had to ask if they had the correct patient. They did. Can't describe the relief. Huge exhale!

Thank you everyone for your support.

Judie said...

Um, actually Bob, all the tables were equally rowdy. Wonder we weren't evicted.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Oh, I didn't notice ANYONE being rowdy!;)

Bob Quinn said...

That's great new Judie!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob! I did miss you at Open House and dinner. A lot of new people there who would have enjoyed your company.
There is always next year.

Wanda - did you ever solve the mystery of last year as to who left the Harley Eagle for you?

No word on Bev over in FB yet.

Going in to vote early today. Avoid the crowds (?) on Election day.

Mema Jo said...

Let us know how GG made out Wanda.
You are a gem for making things simple for GG to do!

Bob Quinn said...

What Wanda, no one being rowdy? That must mean Megan and Sharon weren't there!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jo. I'd do anything for my Momma.
NEVER found out where that eagle came from...Halloween gobblins, I guess:)


Mema Jo said...

Little owls looking good this morning.
Here is the artical and also a link
to the voting of the smallest chick.
Tomorrow will be for the Middle Chick and then Saturday will be for the Oldest Chick.

Name the Chick

Mema Jo said...

Bob, they were both there BUT not at the same table! lol

Mema Jo said...

Judie Judie Judie
That is super fantastic news!
I bet you felt like kicking up your heels and dancing!

Mema Jo said...

Feet going up to get some energy to go Vote for these politicians...... I sure hope I have picked to Good Ones..


Mema Jo said...

All the little owls are at the pot: 2 on the ledge and 1 down in. All waiting for food to come in to them......

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone. What a beautiful day~~ revealing good news for Judie and hope to have some from Bev soon!

Watched most of World Series last night :>(, then caught up on blog really late.
Lolly, your travels in TN took you right past F's son, grands, and great-grands. They are off 40 in Cookeville, right in middle of state past the time change!So glad you saw a pileated!!If you hear "jungle sounds", it's probably them!
Andy, congrats that you're almost done! You have worked hard--we're proud of you!
???Was there a vote on raffle fund disbursement?? Musta missed it.

NatureNut said...

Bob, glad to hear from you! We missed you. See you followed Lolly to Maine for lobster! Yum, yum!!


Lolly said...

Fantastic news, Judie!!

Now we need good news about Bev'

So, that was the secret....keeping Sharon and Megan seperated! I must say I enjoyed OH much more than lobster! But, now if I could have a lobster roll instead of the dinners I did have, I would have been in heaven!

Lolly said...

Loweeda! Where were you? We discussed and voted!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie! Just popped in and saw your good news.

stronghunter said...

I have to deliver work for 2 of my Bl. 4 kids to in-school-suspension, our equivalent of jail. Only one is because of something that happened in my class.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

aLL !!


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Judie, what excellent news!!!! So relieved. Are you ready to dance??!!

Bob, we DID miss you! THe rowdiness was pale in comparison to your table last year with Judie and Mary Margaret! Just loved you all with the feathers in your hair. Laugh everytime I see those pics.
Glad you had a nice trip to Maine!

Loretta, how did you miss the vote??!!

Wanda, you take such good care of your momma!

I have good news on mother-front. Bills' told him that she is ready to give him her keys. Whew!! What a relief. Roads will be a bit safer now. He has to reset a carport post for about the 5th time at her rental villa. ARGH!

Lolly said...

Thinking of stopping early. Not seeing pretty color. That is sad!

hedgie said...

Time for a grocery run----ugh. I hate shopping! See all y'all later.

Mema Jo said...

About an hour ago on FB Bev said:
Still having a lot of pain, but we may have found the culprit, common bile duct stones. I haven't talked to doctor yet. Will let you know.

Mema Jo said...

Bev said :Don't have a gallbladder, got it out in 1983!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dropping in to see what's happening. Got sick of Algebra, so taking a short break.

Judie, that is FANTASTIC news!!!
Couldn't be happier for you!!!

No news about Bev yet, but hoping for more good news about her, too!

I'm hearing White Crowned Sparrows in the yard again today. They're ba-a-a-ack. Yard is such a disaster from the winds, I can hardly stand to look out there, though. MAJOR leaf cleanup needed.

Well, need to get back to work. Catch you later, alligators! :o]

NatureNut said...

Andy, hope you feel better!
Wow, Bev doesn't have a gallbladder. That sure threw our Dr. Momsters a curve. I've gotta study up on duct stones!Sure hope they are zeroing on the problem so she can get repaired!!

hedgie said...

I'm back!
Well, Sissy, that probably means that the stone slid into the duct during the GB surgery and has been living there all this time. What a nasty little culprit it has turned out to be. Can cause it needs to either pass, be dissolved by medication, be broken up by lithotripsy, or be removed surgically.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back again. Wow--a duct stone!
Wonder which course they'll want to take. It sure is causing problems!
Prayers for a speedy course of action!

I have to go to school and finish my transcription and get registered for next quarter. After that, back home for a quick dinner, then Algebra class. Will probably be back late tonight after I'm home for the night. Hope you get to see our eagles tonight! Will talk to you later. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Bye, Andy!

Just watched a squirrel devour a toadstool/mushroom in less than 5 mins. It was about 3" across...stem was about 3" long.....guess they know what's poisonous or not!

Blew leaves off deck---if breeze doesn't die down, it will be covered again in an hour! Temp is still 69° but breeze is a bit chilly.

NatureNut said...

Been in and out today enjoying the weather!Guess the last week and 1/2have spurred some flowers to continue blooming. Have some lantana flowers, butterfly bush & even the crabapple has a few flowers!!!

Doing laundry---some cord pants :>(

NatureNut said...

Shorty, the squirrel, must know the weather report. I always break up the peanuts so he'll eat some. Twice today he's snatched some whole ones to bury. Hope he doesn't run out of Post-its!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta I think I have a total of seven plus and all are hiding peanuts. I can't imagine with snow how they will ever find them.

Mema Jo said...

Going to keep an eye on our nest for a while. Getting breezy and chilling down.

Lolly said...

Can not get the blog with the computer. If a campground advertises they have wifi it should be useable!

Going to watch the game tonight and not be on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Wow, lots to comment on, hope I don't forget what I wanted to say.

Andy, glad to hear the next 2 sessions at school are all planned out...glad you are almost at the end of the road!


Lolly, are ya'll Lollygagging on the way home? :) Sounds like Chee has a beautiful place!

I didn't see any eagles this evening!

I guess that's good news for Bev, hope they can get rid of those little suckers soon so she can feel better, glad to hear it's not heart related!

Oh Bob we certainly did miss you! It was rowdy all around! Hope you enjoyed the trip and the lobsters!

Dana, glad you have the surgery scheduled, did you work out a ride? And sorry, but I don't do the french vanilla creamer! Plain creamer here, thank you.

I wonder how Shirley's school fared with all the water?

Haven't seen that blogger error in awhile (sshhhh)

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go find something for dinner, have no clue what I want...

hedgie said...

Perfect sighting of ISS!! The ONLY good part of leaves falling off the trees!!!

NatureNut said...

Was that the ISS???? Was just outside and saw bright white light moving toward East (NE) & no blinking that I could detect.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I missed it...didn't know it's ETA! Maybe tomorrow evening. Always think of Margy when I see that:)

Something that was not mentioned (that I know of) was that Paula gave everyone one of those beautiful eagle coffee mugs that keeps coffee hot forever or IRISH COFFEE cold forever;)
Dana bought a GIANT bouquet of fruit, some dipped in chocolate...mmmmm! She also gave us all some cute little magnets. Jo gave all the Momsters the cutest little soft. I placed mine on top of my desk along with my Beanie Baby Tiger...perfect decoration!
I'll have to name some of the other wonderful Raffle prizes that were donated. We know about the beautiful eagle that Lolly's Jack made and that Paula won. I told Paula that it had been all across the United States, so it was considered USED...she said it was "WELL TRAVELED":) We had such fun!
Forgive me if I forgot something or someone...I'm so tired!

Costume Lady said...

DANA...I may be the one your were thinking of, concerning the French Vanilla Decaf coffee. I drink that, which is in the can, along with Cafe Vienna or Cafe Mocha mixed half and half. MMMMMMMMMM

Costume Lady said...

GG did not fix her new dinners. I made her fix one while I was there and told her to just pop it in the Micro for 5 mins. She said "well, it says to cook it thoroughly and you can't cook something thoroughly in 5 mins.":) We had a little talk, which was interrupted by her 'failing' hearing aids. So, we put new batteries in them and finished our conversation. Hope she understands now, that 5 mins. IS THOROUGHLY. We had a great visit:) She is doing well!

Costume Lady said...

Karla and Denise are still at OBX, and last evening, Brandon and his friend, Andy joined them. The two young men love surf fishing.
Only me for Family Friday at GG's once again:(

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I just remembered something yummy at the dinner...... Sharon's
no cook goody. My sweet tooth was satisfied!

Lolly said...

LOL. Yes, we are "lollygagging"! We want to get home mid day or, better yet, late morning.

Wish I had a computer tonight!

Loved the fruit Dana brought. It was perfect after a heavy meal. However, have to complain......I did NOT get any of the choc covered fruit!!! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

I am here for only a little while. My 1:30pm eye appointment turned into me being there past 3:30. I finally got to eat something by 4pm.
The left eye plug fell out---no tears yet and hopefully none to start flowing.
The right eye I told him the pain is too much. Causes me not to see correctly to drive. Feels like someone has a string attached to eyeball and has been pulling it out since you put it in before July. The pain in the eye has been that long going on. I SAID TAKE IT OUT...we can see what happens. If it doesn't start leaking then I don't need it in. So far so good no leaking. Lord I ask you to not let either eye leak. Thank you for all your goodness in caring for my eyes.
Next new prescritpion was done too soon. Was trying to get it in before eye was dropped in October. It ends up that they didn't think it was too soon. But me being me it was too soon. They said I did not need eye exam until January. I said I have no eye insurance so go ahead and do it now. GLAD WE DID....glasses are not strong enough. So went and ordered new glasses. Hope that takes care of all these eye problems.

God continue to keep Sissy in your care. Provide the way to end this illness through your CARING ARMS.

hedgie said...

Yep, lots of good stuff all around at OH!!!!
Sharon, I want your recipe for the PB goody!!!!

Yes, Loretta---that was it. Here it moved from WSW to ENE....slick as a whistle!! Just remember to put in your zip code for proper time:
Satellite Tracker

wvgal_dana said...

lol maybe if they get my eyes, legs, feet, neck and back fixed. They can start working on my "mind" lol

So Wanda like the French Vanilla Coffee..

Thank everyone for things they gave in the raffles, their laughter and love and friendship.
The "just because gifts" like the mugs and etc.

You ALL ARE A WONDERFUL GROUP OF FRIENDS even if you can't make the Open House or Dinners.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh those BIG EAGLES THAT ARE THE COLOR OF GOLD with the red, white and blue on them. Thank you BOTH ( :

Iris thank you for the onion rings...I think Megan and me and others loved eating them. They were yummy.

I think I got to talk some to everyone this year and THAT IS A FIRST!! Happy Happy about it.

Our Dadsters are GREAT!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I thought I was a member of Friends of NCTC. After hearing some talk I went to their website.
I don't remember filling out the form. So NOW I AM A MEMBER ( :

NatureNut said...

Hi everyone before World Series.
Dana, I agree it was great to get to talk to many I haven't seen before (or had a long chat).
TY, Paula for the mugs!! And our big golden eagle is on the front door! Pooey on spiders or skeletons this year! Got big black cat in picture window & hang an inflated ghost in tree before trick or treat night.
Just had neat conversation w/daughter about 60's hairdos. At work, her dept. is dressing as characters from a TV show w/cast playing office/marketing people in NY from the 60's!!She also went online for ideas, went to Wallymart for hot pink press-on nails, dark stockings, etc. & said there was not ONE Halloween item there, just Xmas!!!! AARRGGHH

wvgal_dana said...

no link I have a nice, wonderful eagle momster that is taking me for Surgery Nov.17. I don't know the time or anything until the knee surgery date gets closer. ISN'T GOD JUST GREAT. AND THEY WON'T TAKE GAS MONEY OR ANY MONIES. So I am going after knee is better after surgery take them out to eat. THANK YOU GOD (: YOU ARE SUCH AN AWESOME GOD!! There is a song that in it they sing God is an Awesome God it is beautiful.

NatureNut said...

Jo, TY for the stuffed Eagles!!! I didn't know they were yours. I won't let the kitties play w/them! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Watching a CSI TV show and then
The Mentalist

Be back

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Long day at Irvine...but fun! OMG, there was a STINKBUG crawling up the side of the terrapin tank and one of the little fellas was trying to bite at it! It was really funny!

Dana, prayers for your eyes.

Judie, so glad the tests were all good! What a relief!

Lynn, HALLELUJAH on Bill's mother turning in her car keys!

Did anyone happen to see Oprah today? I saw this morning that the whole cast for The Sound of Music was going to be on for the 45th anniversary! Would love to have seen that! Hoping I can watch online.

Heading up early...body hurts. Hope everyone has a good night, and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

41 mins ago on FB from Bev:
Doctor is in surgery, still planning to do EGD tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers continue for our DEAR SWEET BEV (SISSY)

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, hope the eyes stay good!

Loretta, your daughter is talking about the show Mad Men!

Yes, there were lots of goodies given out! I think it was Wanda that gave out the mildweed seeds? I accidently left mine on the table, I hope someone else got it!

Wanda, how long has Karla been down there? Or has she been back and forth?

magpie said...


I found that little envelope of seeds right about where you were sitting...can send them to you...
guess you could say I was scrounging...

magpie said...

sure you all have probably heard :
freezing temps coming up within the next couple of days

Brrrrrrrrrrr !

hedgie said...

Commercial break.....
Dana, good luck with your eyes. And I can just imagine who your guardian momster angel(s) is/are!! That's wonderful.

All of our gifties WERE just great, weren't they? Thanks again!

magpie said...

have read all the comments, many good positive things going on...
wish I could say something about each and every one of the news bits here...
but the Night Bandit is lurking and I won't achieve that wish

Please know that I care!
and continue to pray for all good things ♥

magpie said...

medevac coming into City Hospital...

flew in from the North...

paula eagleholic said...

From Sissy

Back from EGD! I have a large hiatal hernia causing my pain. I am so grateful now to be moving towards the solution! Might get to go to convention after all! Keep praying!

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe Back from EGD!
I have a large hiatal hernia causing my pain. I am so grateful now to be moving towards the solution! Might get to go to convention after all! Keep praying!

3 min ago Bev/Sissy said on FB

Whoo Hoo

magpie said...

Thanks for the update Paula...
Sissy sounds relieved to know WHAT the problem is...have to say, glad this did not happen this time LAST WEEK !

Mema Jo said...

Paula, you and I have perfect timing.

magpie said...

and Jo too thanks

that's a good note to end the day on

Good Night everyone
Red Friday coming up once again

God Bless Us, Every One
xop ♥

hedgie said...

What a relief for Sissy t o have some answers.
Margy, hope you are doing okay.....guess it is your bedtime. Sleep tight!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

So many of you were thinking gall bladder (which we found out Sissy didn't have one anymore) and
good ole' hiatal hernia.

You all are good guessers!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, if you can put the seeds to use, do so!

Mema Jo said...

Bear News

paula eagleholic said...

Lots on here said hiatal hernia as well.

Mema Jo said...

I really didn't do all the Momsters justice - I meant to say that
you are all wonderful
Medical Diagnosist

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the warning, Margy. Time to cover up the maters again. Still getting some, found 3 out there tonight. I've been eating them just about every night!

NatureNut said...

Ball games a bummer---

Gonna shut down, now--
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers to all ;>)

hedgie said...

Well my fine, fowl friends, I am going to say goodnight, too. Oakland, MD may get snow showers in the morning (west of the Divide)----better them than us!!!! That probably means Lynne's MIL's area, too. Brrrrrr.
Prayers being said for all.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for all needs/wants
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

The Lions Sleep Tonight

I couldn't resist...... Night

Costume Lady said...

PAUL...I have more seed packets left. In addition to the milkweed seeds from NCTC, there are also blackberry lily seeds from there, as well. They are beautiful and bloomed all Summer long:)
Karla has been to OBX several times this Summer and Fall. She took Denise, her big sister to the beach for her birthday, just as she did last year. It's becoming a tradition. They have been there since last Thursday and will probably come home Sunday or Monday.

Need some sleep.


Costume Lady said...

....And yes, thanks to Sharon for her flaky dessert:)
Consisted of Corn Flakes, peanut butter and maybe syrup to hold them together. Very tasty!

wvgal_dana said...

JANET/NILLA is the special Eagle Momster that is taking me for surgery on Nov. 17th. I can not say enough about how proud I am to have an Eagle Momster flying me to and from surgery. I can not thank her enough for the relief to know my flight is scheduled. If your in EAGLE HANDS you are closer to GOD.

nite all
I fell asleep watching tv - didn't get to see much. Tomorrow will tell more about the right eye.

Prayers for our SISSY

Prayers for those that need them whether it be for classroom brats or wellness prayers or whatever kind is needed.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I made it home from school OK. Will be back later to say goodnight--gotta watch Grey's & PP!

AND gotta catch up on the blog!

PA Nana said...

Have agood night's sleep everyone. Until I got caught up most everyone is getting tucked in for the night so it's too late for much comment.

Judie, Judie, I'm so glad you got such a good test result. I know it can be nerve wracking until you know one way or the other. Glad your 'ticker' is fine.

Hope Sissy's test results will begin a quick resolution and she's back with us good as new.

Wanda, so glad GG is okay. She'll get the hang of microwave dinners with some repetition.

Andy, you are amazing! I couldn't keep up with a schedule like yours. I was outof high school for 17 years, married with 4 kids and just lost my job to the owner's son. Decided to give college a try to see if I could do it. One course, biology, was all I finished and I was happy with a B final. It's tough with a young family but at least I found out I could do it. Ended back in the insurance field for years. I had my licenses still active so it wasn't hard getting back into the groove.

Dana, hope you are going to get better soon. I'll be seeing a rheumatologist next month to see if he can help with the pain. I had a scope of my knee last year and it was a piece of cake. Prayers that yours will be as easy.

"Knock on wood" these past 2 days I haven't had as much pain and was able to move a bit easier. Even drove myself to the salon to get a haircut. Seems the more active I am during the day, til evening rolls around I have some pain. In time....

Lolly, I envy you your trip. Thanks for sharing with us. My baby sister lives in TN - Bartlett - works at the Methodist Hospital in Memphis. She's manager of the audiology dept.
I visited twice, once with my mother and once with our deaf sister. that was before all the trouble with flying and hijacking, etc. Doubt I'll ever fly again.
Your way sounds the safest. Hope your trip home is uneventful but enjoyable.
God bless us everyone.
Good night

Lynne2 said...

well, here I am.

Nest is empty.

the S word??? UGH!!! Steve was just saying how unusual it would be if Terra Alta didn't get it's first snow before Halloween! Looks like it may happen after all!

Glad Bev has an answer to her problem now! I was booted out of hospital the next day after ECG, bloodwork, chest rads and stress test were all OK and anything cardiac was ruled out. Was told that as I was admitted with Chest Pain, and no heart problem found, had to follow up on my own to find out what the problem was. SO I had all the other testing done over the next few weeks as an outpatient. So glad she was able to get it all done so fast!

Going back to bed....

Lynne2 said...

heehee...and no one even knew I was in the hospital except for my ex-boyfriend with whom I was still friends. I called him because I knew he'd take good care of the dogs for me. Was in and out in just over 24, with no one the wiser!

PA Nana said...

Lynne, glad you're okay now. I just came back for a minute. It's one of those I can't sleep nights.

I am going to try again..

God bless

magpie said...

Good Friday Morning Eagle Pals.
Hold onto your hats, it's breezy hereabouts today
I haven't seen any eagles...yet...this morning. We are due for a visit !

Was so very glad to read about Judie's good test results, that PaNana is feeling better, and that Dana has lined up an angel for her trip to the knee doc in November.

And all the other good reports here, including the GG reports.
Wanda, I loved the post about your mother taking care of you the day you were feeling pooky....such a blessing for you both to have each other.

Andrea, way to are really kicking butt in the academics!

Best wishes for everyone for a good day...
Safe travels for anyone on the road, including Lolly & Jack - homeward bound !

Maybe you will all see some Eagles and other special wildlife today...

Wear Red for the Military if you can....God Bless our Soldiers and their families

Headed to work soon
xo ♥

magpie said...

Good for you, you still have tomatoes!

Wanda and Gene...happy sales days
today and Saturday $ $ $ $

Happy Pumpkin Patching, Megan !

ttfn xo

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Had every intention of coming back and saying goodnight last night, but was ambushed by the sandman while sitting in front of the TV. Did manage to make it through "Grey's". Good thing I recorded PP--can watch it tonight or over the weekend some time.

Nest is still MT. Looks pretty windy there today! Speaking of windy, I have quite a project. Must bag up all the fallen leaves left by the winds we had. That ought to take a while!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

And it is a very good morning here. I have the day off. It's classified as a teacher work-at-home day, but I worked until about midnight night before last to get the grades in. I was really tired and went to bed at 8:30 last night.

We have a professional development day on Monday and a parent conference day on Tuesday.

Students have a really long weekend. They do not come back until Wednesday.

It turns out that the water did not damage the gym floor after all. There was some damage done to a wall, but nothing too severe they say. I hope that's correct. It looked bad to me, but I am no expert. They say it was a blocked drain, but I know how hard that rain was coming down. It rained very hard for a long time.

So happy to see the good news from Bev. Thank goodness there's a diagnosis and it's not heart-related.

Wow, Andy, you just keep a-going. Good to know you are near the finish line.

Ms Bookworm said...

Talked to my Practice 4 teacher last night, and the Externship I must do involves completing 320 hours of transcription, and 40 hours of transcription work at an outside source, probably an independent med. transcription agency in Garden Grove, CA, which isn't too far from home. My teacher said that some people elect to take 2 quarters to complete their externship because of the time involved. Hope I can do it in one quarter! We'll see.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley!
Glad to hear the gym floor survived after all. Hate to think of the cost to replace that! Glad you have some time off. Hope you don't have to spend all of it on stuff for school. With having to deal with those Block 4 kids, you've earned some R&R!

Ms Bookworm said...

Darn! Just tried to save a document in my laptop, and apparently all the memory is used up. Guess I'll have to go looking this weekend for some external memory, or buy a flash drive with a LOT of memory!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope your day at work is uneventful.
There was an accident at the driveway into my school last night. A guy in an SUV slowed down to turn into the driveway, and a woman in a car rear-ended him, sending his SUV into a stuccoed cinder block wall at the school entrance, and smashing the right front corner of the vehicle. The wall appeared to be totally undamaged! Traffic backed up for blocks, and nobody could enter or leave the school parking lot for over an hour! One major plus, though: nobody was seriously injured. Thank God! I heard it happen, and there was quite an impact.

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy, you are up bright and early this morning.

Ms Bookworm said...

How is Steve feeling? Know that he was feeling kinda puny, but I'm not caught up on the blog, and don't know if it was a 24-hour bug or what. Hoping he's feeling 100% by now, for sure!

stronghunter said...

A large grey cat is taking up the space I ususally use for my mouse. He has a way of doing that. The rascal.

stronghunter said...

Right chilly here this morning. It was cool in the house, and I just checked the thermostat to see that the AC was on. Time for heat. It was not too bad, but dropping into the upper 60's in the house this morning.

stronghunter said...

George's whole furry body is vibrating with purrs. I think he is pleased to have me (almost) to himself. It is just George and me and Luna and Flash, and the dogs cannot get onto the recliner.

Ms Bookworm said...

It sure is good to hear some GOOD medical news for some of our group!
That's fantastic that Dana has a ride now, too! Her transportation angel can expect abundant blessings for that!

Did you ever hear from your relatives in the Midwest? Hope they're OK, with all the crazy weather that has been happening there.

Well, better get busy. Have a TON of Algebra homework to do by Tuesday. Much of it is now long, involved word problems. We have to translate the info. into an equation, solve it, and check it to make sure it's correct, and show our work. The blog members may not see much of me this weekend! Need to clean up all those leaves before tonight, too. It's supposed to rain again.

Think I'll have another cup of coffee. Will check back when I take a break from Algebra. Have a great "red" Friday! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good luck on those algebra problems, Andy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley,
Awwww--George is glad you're home today! What a sweetie.

Yes, I'm up early as usual. I often go back to sleep for a while after Hubby is off to work, but I slept so soundly last night that I feel relatively awake this morning.

stronghunter said...

I hope the Halloween business is really good for Gene and Wanda today. The chill in the air feels appropriate, and the date is drawing near.

stronghunter said...

I am glad I am home, too.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...