Wednesday, October 27, 2010


New thread.


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Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Shirley. I'll need all the luck I can get! I am improving some, though. If anyone in the class misses a homework problem, the teacher will do it on the board in class. It's helping.

Well, better get busy on it, while the coffee's kicking in. Once it's daylight here I'll have to start with leaf cleanup.

Hope you and George and the dogs have a nice morning! (Hope everyone else does, too!) Will BBL.

Ms Bookworm said...

Whooooo--guess I survived the split!
Hard to believe, at my age! Well, later, alligators!

Lynne2 said...

good blustery morning all!

Getting ready for babysitting shortly.

I have been noticing something interesting here over the last couple of weeks. There are squirrels, lots of them, daring to venture into the yards here and next door. In the 12 years that I have lived on this property, I have never seen such a thing! I have rarely seen them venture too far beyond the safety of the tree line surrounding us, but now those crazy things are coming almost up to the houses! So far, none on the feeders.

And this morning, I spotted my first Dark Eyed Junco at the Morning Glory feeder!


stronghunter said...

Kathryn sent me some pictures I took with her camera at OH. Going to try to find them now and see if I can upload a couple.

I managed to leave my camera battery in my charger at home, so having my camera did not do me much good.

stronghunter said...

I posted a few pictures. I did not get many since I didn't have an operational camera of my own.

In looking at the owl pic, I think I spy our Lynne2 at the opposite end taking a picture of her own. There are probably other Momsters you all might spot as well.

stronghunter said...

Got a haircut appointment at 12:00. Wanted a perm, but my regular hairdresser is on vacation. Shucks.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Read last night they finally diagnosed Sissy's problem! Hooray. Now for some treatment.

Successful nature story for the morning---was out and of course Shorty wanted his peanuts. Went w/coffee to sit at table on deck and saw a movement seemingly from off the roof. Thought it was another squirrel, but there was little bird upside down. Had evenly speckled belly, so probably a female house finch. Held it to keep it warm & then put it in sun next to garage. Saw it move a little, but out of sun. Went to move it & as I touched it, it flew to a tree!!!!!!!TY, St. Francis who is still on deck, but should be inside now.
Gotta get to work~~~~~

Lolly said...

Good morning! We are on the road again. Sing along! :). We are 623 miles from home. Hope to do more than 400 today and get home early in the day. One reason is Annie. She is going to be telling us what she thinks of us and we want her to get it out of her system before bedtime.:)

so happy Bev has been diagnosed and has a plan!

Have a great Friday!

hedgie said...

Morning all. Margy was right-----chilly and quite breezy here, and no sun yet. Was planning on blowing leaves today, but no point to that. So housecleaning, and then maybe tommorrow will be calm.

So very glad to tell you that Sissy IS being released this morning....and planning on going to her convention. Excellent!

Diann, glad you have had some better days. And Shirley, nice that you have a day off, and that the house is quiet and peaceful for a few hours!

Andy, your gardener should clean up those leaves!!!! YOu have enough on your plate already.

Dana, so glad that Nilla is going to be your taxi driver!

stronghunter said...

Just posted on my Facebook account some pictures Hunter took that Susan had posted there.

hedgie said...

Geesh----took me about 8 tries to get my post to publish. Dumb blogger cop.

One of my favorite actors passed away yesterday.....James MacArthur---the original Danno on Hawaii Five-O. His mom was the great Helen Hayes, the First Lady of American Theatre. She was a DC native, too.

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture from Kathryn's Facebook page of the owl in flight. Do not know why it is so small. It's also on my FB page.

hedgie said...

GOod pics, Shirley!

Mema Jo said...




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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...