Monday, October 25, 2010


New week, new thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Wonder if the Open House preparations delayed the installation of our new cam? I know it takes time, but we are SOOO ANXIOUS!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve! Had a great time at open house and very glad to meet you! So looking forward to the new cam!

Have fun at lunch Dana, hope pool exercise goes well and that Little Man will be fine today.

Oh Lolly, STINGBUG! NOW your visit is complete!

Have a situation on my sunporch. While posting last post, heard commotion. Wren got in somehow. Brother was chasing. Couldn't get him or the wren to fly out the door. He grabbed it,, then I grabbed him. Was able to release wren. Booted Brother outside. Wren very stunned but hopping and flying just enough that I couldn't catch it. Left door closed so cat won't get back in, hoping wren is calming down and can be flying on it's way very soon. I was a mess.

I just posted a whole bunch of pictures in the Dinner Album! Just the dinner ones though...will get to the others soon.Have fun at lunch Dana, hope pool exercise goes well and that Little Man will be fine today.

Oh Lolly, STINGBUG! NOW your visit is complete!

Have a situation on my sunporch. While posting last post, heard commotion. Wren got in somehow. Brother was chasing. Couldn't get him or the wren to fly out the door. He grabbed it,, then I grabbed him. Was able to release wren. Booted Brother outside. Wren very stunned but hopping and flying just enough that I couldn't catch it. Left door closed so cat won't get back in, hoping wren is calming down and can be flying on it's way very soon. I was a mess.

I just posted a whole bunch of pictures in the Dinner Album! Just the dinner ones though...will get to the others soon.

Costume Lady said...

With all the sightings last evening and this morning of our Royal Couple, makes me think they were checking things out, to make sure all those visitors at NCTC didn't mess around with their nest:)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals
Thanks for the New Thread Steve, and Wanda for the Alert..

Glad to hear Bev is up and running!

Happy Trails, Lolly and Jack...

Lynne - checked your pictures, they are GREAT. You got some wonderful people pictures !!

Avatar: one of the building blocks of the Sycamore Palace

magpie said...

Wanda - hope your sales will be booming this week $ $ $

magpie said...

thinking about Judie and the testing, Shirley with Block 4 coming up,
Dana for her trip to Winchester and Little Man...

and ALL of you, that this is and will be a good day for you'uns

xoxo work to do here
ttfn ♥

Lolly said...

Okay, play the music......"On the road again....."

Talk with you all in a few days! grey alert!

hedgie said...

Have fun, Lolly, and be safe! Did you read my last post to you on the old thread???

Lynne, so sorry you had that trauma so early in the day. Yikes. Hope the little wren is okay.

Margy, Carolyn is at Brookeann's funeral service.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
Safe journey Lolly and Jack!
Thanks Lynne for posting all those great weekend pics in the momster album
Thinking of Judie and hope she will soon be home from testing.
Shirley, don't be too hard on Block 4 BUT give them the devil (not that it's going to sink in but keep trying)
Dana - have a good day and I want to say a special thank you for the "Eagles Edible" It was the perfect gift to all of us!
Margy are you back on night shift?

Mema Jo said...

I am anxious for the new cam hook up.
Steve mentioned that we will be able to
zoom in and that will be great as we check out the cracks in the eggs!

Mema Jo said...

Stink Bugs in TX........ I wonder how
that ever happened!
Hope Lolly knows about the detergent water killing method!
Oh! Just thought that maybe the armadillos will eat
them instead of the bulbs! lol

magpie said...

Hi More Eagle Morning Pals...

Jo -
am on dayshift through the end of the year....working Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day...
grateful to have a job, some years I have had ALL those days OFF

magpie said...

I was thinking of Carolyn, you, and all the family, Lynn...
Brookeann, so young, so sad

hedgie said...

Good pics, Lynne! See that Crunch DID get Doris a motorized cart! So glad----know that made it much easier for her.

Lynne2 said...

OK, the wren is OK and has finally gotten out the door. He flew up under the truck which is the closest hiding place near the porch door. He looks OK and I hope he IS ok. I'll check under there later.

All of my pics are now in both albums! Geesh, there was so much I missed. We left the cafeteria and headed to the Battson Show and passed all the display booths on the way thinking we'd get back to see them all after. But then after the show we got to talking to people and then watched the Talon BIrds of Prey, looked around inside the building and all the booths were dismantled when we walked back! We didn't realize how late it was!

I sure got a lot of pics though! I tried to get everyone at least a couple of times!

Wind really picking up here, clouds rolling in.

magpie said...

More Wonderful Pictures, Lynne2!
You have outdone yourself!

Really brings the fun and wonder right here into our homes....

Bravo to all the have all achieved this in a super way ☺

NatureNut said...

Lynne, great pictures!I didn't take too many this year as have seen Battson & Talons before & never really used cam I brought indoors! Gotta study.

Feeling too tired to do much, but as they say, "better do something even if it's wrong!"
Think I'll watch Eagle DVD!Gotta do discs on 'puter, as player isn't hooked up!We had to get a box w/Fios & only one shelf on TV cabinet! DUH

magpie said...

time for a quick Panda nap then a hike up the road...turns out James did NOT go away over the week-end, I just found that out :(
so I 'll go get a kid fix this afternoon

Okay Loretta, don't study too hard !

Continued best wishes and prayers for all of our needs, and Thanks again, all, for your continued prayers for my sister Anne...she is improving somewhat, still in hospital, they cannot knock out the infection !

xoxox (( hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Clouds have rolled in, wind is blowing.....rain getting closer.
Got my Wanda seeds planted---put them on Cinnamons' grave. Hope she will have Butterfly visitors next year.

hedgie said...

Wanda and Suz said okay to plant them now and they will "stratify" naturally.

Lolly said...

We are getting a few sprinkles. I sent out a letter this morn to family and friends. The following was our sons smart ass reply. "Saw a mocking bird in a bush this morning. It was grey and had wings, strikingly similar to one I saw last week". LOL. Now you know what I have to deal with.

Lynne2 said...

ROFLMA off Lolly!!!!! That's too funny!!!

That's exactly what I figured to do with my seeds, Lynn. The seeds of plants that re-seed themselves in nature, I deduced, are better planted now as they would be naturally! Going to do the same with my morning glories.

Oh Margy, that's terrible that James ended up not going would have been so nice for you to bring him on Saturday :( Would love to have met him!

Mema Jo said...

Daughter Kristen just called and said that their cam captured another pic
of the bear last night. Could he be
hunting for a den - she said Not in the
spring house she hoped! I won't have the video until tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

The E_M albums are blossoming with beautiful photos. Jenny, after work today, will also add hers!

Putting my feet up early today for a very short time.......

Lynne2 said...

I'm hearing raindrops in the nest now.

Just looked back to see my very first post, it was on Wed. May 20th at 11:59, and I was just LYNNE then. Jo, then Lynn, were the first to welcome me, and Margy was the first to refer to me as Lynne 2. Next day, I made it official!

hedgie said...

Lolly, slap that man silly! MOCKING you like that is unacceptable.

Lynne, aren't you glad you took the leap and joined us???!!!!

hedgie said...

Sprinkling here now.

Mema Jo said...

You gotta love this-
Most of us are posting pic from Open House at NCTC..... Well........
There is a page of NCTC
>b> National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) Oh My! lol

hedgie said...

And now sun is back out!!

movin said...


GooD mORNINg, aLL ..

Great week to you.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Eagle with white "necklace" is on the box at BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!
Checking back in to say hello. Went and took a panda nap earlier. Just needed a bit more sleep.

Lynne, wow, what a trauma with the poor wren! Glad it seems to be OK and has made an escape! Bet your nerves are shot!

Checked the nest cam, and boy, is it windy today! It rained here all last night, and the sun is supposed to come out. More rain expected later this week. Our lawn is such a pretty bright green! It's loving this rainy weather.

Lynn, my condolences to Carolyn and you, and to Brookeann's family. She was SO young!

Looked up Chee Ricketts on Google. My, she's really a good artist! Like her work.

Glad to hear from Bev. Good thing you're going to the doctor on Wednesday! You're sounding like yourself, but won't hurt to get checked out. Take care!

Thinking about Judie all morning, too. Hope things are going well.
Can't wait to hear from her!

Well, need to get busy and do more Algebra homework, and study for Wed. English exam. Will be back later to check in. Have a good afternoon! :o]

hedgie said...

When it was raining, it smelled like spring. Now that it isn't, it smells like fall. Wind has picked up again, and it is getting darker...temp has dropped to 67°.

Costume Lady said...

It did rain a little here too, but it doesn't smell like Fall or Spring...smells like fishing worms:)

I'm taking my break from the shop and don't have time to look at all of every one's Open House photos...want to do it leisurely and enjoy reliving our fun time!

I hope Judie's Chemical Stress Test goes better than GG's did.
Of course, Judie is a lot younger than GG, so that may make a difference. Wonder if she will know anything today or will she have to wait forever to get her results?

Judie said...

Hello everyone,

Have read comments on this thread. Sad day for Carolyn and Lynn but optimism prevails in the planting of seeds for Spring.

Hope Lolly and Jack have begun a safe trip home and hope Dana had a good session this morning and Little Man is okay.

Hope the Costume Shop makes big $ this week. Sure is a cool place.

Andy, get that algebra done, study the problems, then you'll be ready for the test.

Hi Jim.

Lynne2, glad the wren was saved.

Dana, Jo is correct. The edible eagle arrangement was perfect, beautiful, and DElicious.

hedgie said...

Hey, Jude......oops, mean did the stress test goes???? Any side-effects?

Judie said...

First test cancelled as techie called in sick. Rescheduled Wed. afternoon. Went to the nuclear stress test office. Five hours later, and 17 hours with only water, I escaped. Then made my way to the office for fasting blood lab.

The nuclear test was not a good experience. Nausea, lightheaded, deep red flushing, stomach cramps. Not unusual symptoms but they are not pleasant. The stomach cramps and intestinal issues are still with me.

On top of all that, I got an email from the Director of the Police Science program reminding me my first class meets on Wed. night. Had forgotten all about it.

Executive decision: canceled tomorrow's class, hoping sleep will help, will prepare a syllabus and class notes for Wed. night.

I think I would rather have tackled Shirley's Block 4 students.

Judie said...

Oh, results in "a few days."

hedgie said...

Added a few pics to the dinner album, but they aren't any different from others!

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie, so sorry that it had those effects on you. They warned my SIL about all of them, but the flushing was the only one he had. Please feel better fast. Wise decision to chill tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Pouring here now!

Posted an interesting pic on my Lair. Got it from a wikipedia article, as the one in the Ocracoke newspaper is just B&W.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, to answer your earlier question, YES I AM!!! It was interesting looking back at all those names of bloggers past, too, that haven't been back in a long while. Maybe some will return when it gets a little more exciting at the nest!

Uh, very good pun by the way!

I have contacted the Texas Department of the Environment to alert them of pending STINKBUG infestation.

Judie, so sorry you not only had to reschedule part of your testing but that what you had done was so uncomfortable. But better to have to deal with that than NOT in the greater scheme of things for your health. Glad you are going to take it easy tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

mabe two!

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hear Lib and Belle talking to each other!

Mema Jo said...

Praying for very good results, Judie
Sorry you had the after affects! I had chills and shakes with mine. Thank goodness that was all - The test was approving me for surgery & anesthesia.
You've had a knock down drag out day!
Glad you can rest tomorrow....

Lynne2 said...

oh no, I don't hear them anymore :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was listening! I walked into the living room to watch TV and heard them talking.

I sent a note on Eaglet Momsters mail about Sissy being back in the ER. They just got her back into a room and I will post more when I know more.

Mema Jo said...

We have finished dinner but earlier this afternoon we had a disturbing event similar to Lynne's wren.......
We were in separate rooms when BANG We both jumped up from what we were doing and I ran into the front room where Ed was. It was a BIG
Bird that flew into our picture window and Ed said it was about a 3 foot wing span. We have not been able to find an injured bird (hawk-Owl) on our property and there are only a few little feathers smudged on the window. There are a lot of trees on the property's boundaries that he could have flown into. Mainly my fault due to raising the blind and wham the bird didn't realize it.

Mema Jo said...

Oh My! Almost 6:45pm...... Keep looking.

Lynne2 said...

OH NO SHARON! I haven't checked that email lately. Damn, I sure wish her Dr would have had her come right in today......more prayers going up.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon for letting us know...
I am praying for her..........

Lynne2 said...

I hear clunking

Mema Jo said...

They are messing with us and messing with the mic......... That is more than a clunk.......... lol

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like they are delivering lumber

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Shar.....what in the world is our gal trying to do?? Had she already eaten? Maybe it's a hiatal hernia, or even gallbladder can cause chest pain.......will be anxiously waiting for more news.

hedgie said...

Wow, bad tornados outside of Dallas yesterday. What a mess. Glad that Lolly and Jack are away from home, and hoping it wasn't anywhere near Laurels'.

hedgie said...

Jo, so glad it wasn't Halloween night! No ghost birds allowed. I guess no carcass means that the big bird was not injured.

Mema Jo said...

That is what I want to believe, Lynn.
We had an owl out back on the property border but I hadn't seen him so far this year.

I am so concerned as I know all of you are about Sissy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Golly, prayers and more prayers for Bev! Glad she's in the hospital. Hope they keep her till they find out what's going on! Anxiously awaiting an update! Prayers for Sharon and the whole family!

Wow, Mema Jo! Glad that whatever big bird hit your window is apparently OK! Glad your window's OK, too. Scary!

Judie, so sorry you had such a bad time with the test today! Hope that a good night's sleep and rest tomorrow will do the trick.

Oh, golly--gotta go. Dinner is ready now. Will be back after dinner to see how Bev is doing.

NatureNut said...

Have had the cam on & heard clunking too around 6:30!!!

Sorry to hear Sissy is ill again. Just could be gallbladder attacks. Hope she gets all the tests she needs.
So sorry, Judie, you didn't have all your tests and have side effects, too. BOO Don't think I've had a chemical stress, just the treadmill. Had a reaction once to 5 hr. chemo infusion to lower calcium level & that evening I was so chilled, was shaking. Didn't need that again, thank goodness. Eventually had 2 bad parathyroids removed that were causing the high CA levels.

Mema Jo said...

I think the clunking has stopped and that our couple are very comfy on the branch. Perhaps later they will drop on down into the nest.

I want to check on the owls and lion cubs.........


Mema Jo said...

Momma owl just flew in to the Pot Plant

NatureNut said...

Success! Both cats had heads spinning up in the air. Discovered TWO stinkbugs that landed on kitchen light. They are now outside!

Mema Jo said...

The little owls are learning to "do it themselves" - tearing up their dinner.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, how awful! I'm sure it's OK though if you couldn't find it. The big birds are tough!

I think I'm going to go chill for a while. I'm so worried about Bev. Will check back later to see if there is any news.....

NatureNut said...

Think that baby owl is gonna get indigestion! Mom didn't cut up the food in small pieces!

Gotta go cut up mine ☺ BBL

Costume Lady said...

We had a Hoot Owl calling out for nearly an hour a few nights to hear them!

Judie said...

Jo,, I also had chills. They had to cover me with a blanket which I kept on throughout the remainder of the test. Was still cold when I got home -- had to put on a heavy sweatshirt (75º outside). The worst has been the intestinal issues. Had to delay the last part until I could stay under the camera for 20 minutes.

Thank you all for your support. Means the world to me.

Concerned for Bev. Hope there is a positive update later.

Jo, I think Big Bird is okay. Just stunned itself. Probably saw its reflection and attacked a competitor.

Lowreeda, sorry about the stinkbugs. Had some at the Comfort Inn, on the ceiling, was afraid gravity would send them down on me in the night -- yikes!

Checked the baby owls but no action. Was before mom showed up with dinner. Maybe tomorrow.

Going to rest for a bit. BBL

Mema Jo said...

The blog that is kept is very informative and there are some good pics that help you get a better view of things.

hedgie said...

Don't forget to catch my blog post.

Mema Jo said...

So very anxious to hear about Bev. Prayers for Tom and all the family.
Must be so hard for Sharon not knowing whether to travel now or wait due to travel would be in the opposite direction. Prayers Prayers Prayers

Judie said...

Hoping the Lolly & Jack nest was not affected by the tornado.

Very tired tonight. Will be turning my light off in a few. Will leave the night light on for others coming in. Prayers for Bev and family. Wishing everyone a good night's sleep. Until tomorrow...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Still don't know anything. They gave her 3 nitroglycerins but she is still having the chest pain. Blood work was normal again but the ER doc is really busy they said and hasn't been back in there for a while. Will post more when I know more. Love you guys!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you have had a very exhausting day - Hit the Sack.

Sharon just said No Word yet.

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

More prayers for Sissy. Hope to get some good news soon.

Judie, sorry the tests were so trying. I would not wish my Bl. 4 class on you for anything. You would need to bring one of your cop buddies.

Have been scanning the blog quickly, so please forgive me if I have overlooked something.

I managed to put together the report I needed for tomorrow's meeting with my supervisor. She wants to meet at 8:00 AM and has another meeting at 8:15.

She said she figures we can cover everything in 10 minutes so she can get to her next meeting. I think that's a good thing. (We all have to meet with supervisors at the beginning of the year to set up our annual goals. She's been out sick, so we are just now meeting.)

stronghunter said...

I want to add my word of appreciation to Dana for the delicious fruit arrangement. I brought some grapes and strawberries home and had them for lunch today.

stronghunter said...

Block 4 was very quiet today while I was reading to them, so I kept reading for awhile. But they are in eleventh grade. At some point, they really must read for themselves.

One girl wrote on her test that she "wasn't allowed to study at all" for the test. She is asking for a re-take.

This test was on material we have been studying all semester and they had a two-weeks notice there would be a test. I am at a loss as to how she was prevented from studying.

stronghunter said...

My best guess is that she decided she needed to study when my sub was passing out the test and wasn't allowed to study at that point.

hedgie said...

The fact that the nitro didn't help would lead me to believe that it is not cardiac.
Judie, don't blame you one bit for hitting the hay. Rest well, and wake up feeling 100%.
Shirley, bet that fruit from Dana's fantastic basket really hit the spot again today! Good luck with your meeting in the morning.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I would tell that young lady "tough, Cookie!" What an absurd excuse.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, once again I want to say how wonderful it is for you to bring your daughters and Hunter to the OH. I can see Hunter growing and becoming quite the young man - even if he doesn't close doors tight! It was so good to see Kathryn and Suzie!

stronghunter said...

Yep, Lynn. Her answers indicate that she did not even read the test. She wrote all of the answers in alphabetical order throughout the test. Not a sign of someone doing his or her best. She got 20%.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kind words, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Susan is about to get her degree and is actually thinking of leaving the retail business and is considering some type of wildlife management.

She has always loved animals and has volunteered at the National Zoo, of course. I would love to see her do something like that.

stronghunter said...

We will just have to see.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Have to go upstairs for the evening. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

hedgie said...

Well, as much as I would like to see Jennifer Gret win DWTS, looks like Brandy might be the one.
Heading for tub. BBL.

hedgie said...

Shirley.....hope Suzi CAN do something she loves!

hedgie said...

Shirley.....hope Suzi CAN do something she loves!

Mema Jo said...

Get to the tub as fast as you can - it will help you not to stutter and repeat yourself

Mema Jo said...

Sharon said on FB:
They are keeping Sis for observation and then doing a stress test tomorrow. Will let you know when I do. Thanks everybody.

Prayers for all!

NatureNut said...

Hope we hear more about Bev tonight. Call those Docs & tell them to give her a scan!!!!--gallbladder, hernia, etc.

Hope Judie gets all the rest she needs.
Shirley, sounds like it won't be easy to whip that group into shape.You should be thanked for trying!
Gotta go do my do for work in AM~~~

hedgie said...

Well, sounds smart to keep Sissy in the hospital for observation, and to get that stress test done. Guessing it's still Bluefield. Remember when Granny was there, they had online cards to send. Going to look!

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Friends....

Sure hoping that Judie and Sissy both feel better in the morning, and that Dana is doing okay also...
don't think she has reported back to us this evening

Foliage Colors between here and Berkeley Springs are some of the most spectacular I have seen in years....

very exciting about the bear sighting at your daughter's, Jo...

Prayers for many many things being said, and prayers of thanks for wonderful gifts given also

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

No luck....can't find that feature anywhere on their site now. Darn!

hedgie said...

That Hope is a wee bit selfish....Mama needs to toughen up a bit and let that girl know who's boss!

Good night, Margy and everyone else turning in. I won't be far behind...just waiting for the weather report!
Prayers............and peace.

Mema Jo said...

Let me know if you find it Lynn.
I was thinking when I sent cards to
Sharon but that was down in VA at the
University Hospital.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is my day with Kristen.. so
I best get to bed and get some sleep.

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for everyone, especially Bev and her family.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just checking in to see how Bev and Judie are doing. I wonder if Bev has gallbladder trouble. Seems odd that nitro didn't take care of the pain.
Glad they're keeping her for observation. Prayers and more prayers, for sure--for Bev, and for Tom, Sharon, and the whole family!

Judie, sounds like you need lots of rest! What a miserable test! Glad you have tomorrow to take it easy.

Shirley, your Block 4 group needs to get with the program! Sorry they are being such a pain! Glad they behaved a little better today.
Hope your meeting with your supervisor goes well tomorrow.

If your Susan can find something that she truly loves to do, that would be so wonderful!

Lynn, thanks for the bear report!

Margie, still praying for Anne. Grateful that she is still improving, and hope the infection is controlled soon.
Bet the leaves back there are beautiful!

Haven't seen Dana here tonight. Hope both she and Little Man are doing well. Prayers!

Well, think I'll turn on the porch light for those arriving late. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. Prayers said for everyone for so many needs. Thanks for prayers answered!

The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and have sweet dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

We didn't have very much rain in this part of Berkeley County and it turned out to be a beautiful day.
Had customers parked every which way in the driveway and the yard (don't like that...leaves ruts in the grass). Best day, so far, for sales:)
Almost asleep here...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Much to do, so I will be brief.

My principal is having surgery today. He has a problem with his neck. I'm sure he would appreciate prayers. His name is Jeff Dietz. A good man.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Judie and Bev.

Lori O. said...

There's an adult in the nest this morning - big and bright as day!

The best way to start a day - though mine started hours ago :)

I hope all my wonderful eagle friends are happy and healthy.

Wanda, that's a darling avatar.

Lynne2 said...

Eagle just landed in nest.....

Lynne2 said...


floralgirl said...

I was just gonna say that:) both in nest that is...

Lori O. said...

Hey Lynne 2

Aren't they gorgeous - especially when they're together. Like old friends.

Lori O. said...

Morning Meghan.

Beautiful sunflower. Saw lots of those in August in South Dakota - huge fields of them. It was so pretty.

floralgirl said...

Hi Lori and Lynne:)
Sunflowers are one of my very favorite flowers.

floralgirl said...

And there they both go! mt nest.

Lynne2 said...

one poof two poof

Lynne2 said...

Hi Meagan!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Lori, long time no see!

Lori O. said...

Ya, now no see Lib or Belle! lol


How's the group doing?

Lynne2 said...

good Lori...check out our pics from Open House this past weekend on the momsters yahoo album!

Lynne2 said...

I hear a Red Shouldered Hawk nearby the nest.

Got a pic from this morning, putting in now....

Lynne2 said...

the time on the cam is really wacko!

Judie said...

Good morning!

Missed our royal pair, of course. Have to admit I was still sleeping.

I do feel better this morning. Just a matter of getting all that "stuff" injected out of my body, I guess.

I am on my way to get coffee and then begin my frantic prep for the police tomorrow night.

Shirley, I guess your meeting is over and hope it went well. Also hope your principle will have successful surgery.

If I remember correctly, heart attack is indicated by an enzyme produced that is evident in blood work. Sounds more like gallbladder, I hope.

Wanda, glad you had a good day at the shop. May it continue through the week.


Lynne2 said...

Morning Judie! Glad you are feeling better!

Your are right, the enzyme is creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and it would indicate a heart attack has occurred. It's good that here EKG and CPK were fine! That wouldn't preclude a problem with blockages, however. I am very relieved to know that she spent the night and a stress test is on the menu for today. I've said it before (and been there done that) that heart problems in women often present very differently than in men. My problem turned out to be a hiatal hernia (very small, but very mighty in it's activity!), and my friend Wendy is a been there done that gal as well...hers turned out to be her gallbladder. SO hopefully, that's all it is in Bev as well.

Hope we hear from Dana this morning!

wvgal_dana said...

I am here wrote a large comment disappeared.

Drove to Winchester to set in on 2nd half of arthritis class. The went to nice lunch with pool friend. This was great until finished lunch was in car to start home. (was tired hurt yes did take WalMart Tylenol dr said to use). I got a call from Ed's nephew that drives tractor trailer. He was suppose to be in Winchester area next week. Wanted to meet up, take him for eats and give him some things I knew he would like of Ed's. BIG MESS!!! He would be in Winchester yesterday by 5pm or 6pm it was then 1pm.
So we set up where drop off was so I could pick him up. I headed towards Martinsburg and HOME to take care of Little Man and get items. DROVE BACK (lord was I tired and hurting) to Winchester. Finally found him back in backwoods of Winchester. You would never think a nice furniture store would be back there. We went to supper. He loved it Golden Corral and helped him find tomorrow (today) drop off. Back to truck and then gave him the items. Wanted to wait till then because they talked several times every day on phone (very close). He was so surprised at the things I had for him.
Now 9pm and I am driving home with prayers that God would get me back to Little Man safely. GOD DID JUST THAT.

I missed my doctors appt. here is Martinsburg. It was yesterday lol re-schedule.

GUESS WHAT???? Today I have to be Lord help me in Winchester for 3:45pm different doctors appointment.
This driving is killing me. Maybe I have to re-name myself Miss Daisy and find a driver LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Shirley prayers for Jeff.

Lynne you sure have exciting mornings. Done booted a cat and helping to rescue a wren.
That is our gal!!

Prayers for Carolyn and other friends and family members of Brookanne.

I read the comments about the can't get the infection out of Margy's sister Anne's body.
LORD you know this group our prayers warriors for you. I ask you to enter Anne's body and
remove that infection. Making it so the doctors say, "I can't explain it we didn't do anything
different. We don't know why the infection has gone, it like was there then not." Giving you
GOD the praises ahead of time and thanking you FATHER for removing the infection from Anne. Amen.

Prayers for Judie's stress test today.

Lynn-Hedgie love where you planted the seeds.

Prayers for Bev don't know what it is yet. Need to read more comments.

wvgal_dana said...

If Wanda and Suz said ok to plant
maybe I will take mine to the back
and put them in the ground also.

What a "stinkbug" in Texas. That
is a stinkbug conspearasea. I wonder(remember Mork and Mindy)?? if the stickbug reports through Morks kind of talk back to its leaders of the type of countryside of Texas. OH NO MR BILL TEXAS IS BEING INVADED!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Margy about James. He would have had a blast. You'll be catching up with him. Like you said and have fun time.

Well Margy since it gets dark early. Now you working days. I guess we won't be traveling the back roads to back creek
to seek out those eagles we talked about doing.

Jo what area is the bear in. Not Hedgesville is it?

Jo last year or the year before Steve was upset because of typing in NCTC could bring that site up. He truly felt they could
have named it something else.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Yes I wanted to ask some "where was our NORMA" for Saturday?????

Has anyone heard??

Still trying to read comments have gone to Sundays. Maybe I will find something out about Norma and Bev.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh and yes "only our JUDIE would get a police car to taxi her around" NCTC LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Cracking up at Jay almost needing CPR from Ceil chocking him with his binoculars..funny but maybe not for Jay.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow really a scary time for everyone in the car with Sissy. For her also I am sure.

Still reading comments....Hunter lol wore part of his costume home LOVE are great and he is always so good.

hedgie said...

Morning all. On and off sun here...leaves have finally started to look pretty----and they are falling like crazy. 61°.

Dana, glad your long day worked out for you yesterday.
It was Mits who tried to choke Jay. Ceil wasn't at the game.
Some cardiac enzymes don't indicate heart attack until 48-72 hrs. later, unless testing processes have changed. Need to ask Christie about that.

Anyone know anything about banded pigeons? Like how to find out who they belong to? Friend of a friend has one visiting her garage for several days.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn maybe put in Journal Junction about banned pigeon; if someone is missing one.

Lynn is your grill gas or charcoal?

wvgal_dana said...

WOW I am telling you God is with our GROUP!! How neat is that about Wanda calling and saying stay till then. Wanda you followed God speaking to you and Jack and Lolly got to see our Liberty and Belle.

Thanks again God and thanks Wanda for listening to HIM.

Maybe all that "PANDA HAT" excitment finally settled in on Sissy. PLEASE SISSY FOLLOW UP AT HOME WITH DOCTOR.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, Sissy is in the hospital in Bluefield now. She is waiting for them to take her for a stress test.

Lynne2 said...

Dana, good to see you...what a full plate you have!

Lynn, Lost Pigeon Info
Is she able to approach the pigeon? Very likely that if its a racing bird, they won't want it back. Pigeons who can't find their way home are useless to them. I've had several show up here. They do really well on their own, especially if it's reluctant to be handled.

Off to do some errands....

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning - Kristen and I are enjoying each others' company. John did capture the bear again on a video up at their residence of Big Pool. He has a very beautiful coat of fur. Jenny will probably get it on FB - or I'll get into a good email for all.

Hello Lori! Hope all is well! Lots of pics on FB from this past weekend. Lorie, Chloe is flying home from Germany Dec 10. Maybe you will get to meet her one day!

I need to publish our November b-days:
Nov 1 Andrea Young aka Miss Bookworm
Nov 11 Suzan Bell
I will send out Momster email with addresses

Prayers for Sissy/Bev Going over to FB for any updates.

Shirley, prayers for Jeff for successful surgery and quick recovery.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - I was just going over to FB to find you. I know you will keep us posted. Prayers {^} I forgot how to make an Angel but I know they are there watching over Sissy.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Bev (Sissy) Lord as she is preparing to have a stress test. God be with her and her family and friends and this extended family GROUP THE EAGLET-MOMSTERS/DADSTERS.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne!!! Will forward the info. Dana, I don't think it's around here.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes please remember Margy (I don't know why)but can't get facebook. So please bring updates on Sissy over here too. Plus pictures see if need another album can be put on our photo page. If need be just name it "fun and special pictures from Open House". Just an idea because not everyone can get to each of your facebook pages and I'm sure they would love to see all beautiful and fun pictures taken.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I use to make them all the time. Now I too have forgotten.

I'll check my old notepad.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula on my 2nd cup of French Vanilla International Decaf/art.sweetner. yummy

Lynne2 said...

OK trying to print a picture on my won't work. Can't for the life of me figure out why. Put in regular paper, comes out all stupid and OH GUESS WHAT, here comes a STINKBUG. FOUR altogether. Now my printer smells like STINKBUGS.


hedgie said...

Dana, forgot to answer your question----I have a gas grill. Why?

hedgie said...

Sounds to me like the stinkbugs have messed up your printer, Lynne. I'm convinced they messed up my Westminster Chime Ocracoke clock!

Dana, Margy can get to FB okay, but just doesn't have time to pursue it and worries about things messing up her puter again. She doesn't open many links anymore because of it.

wvgal_dana said...

I had a small gas grill hated grilling in summer too hot for me. Love grilling in winter. I would put a couple of charcoal pieces in for that charcoal favor.

wvgal_dana said...

I never seem to have time for blog, facebook (have 2 different ones (1)eagle group (2nd) family, then the two email boxes. I'm always letting something go. Even worse with cam watching.

wvgal_dana said...

Well now I need to go
(1) dr appt 3:45 but I think something has happened to the right orthotic. So I need to see if can see Barry before drs appt.

It has right side of back killing me.

I keep telling myself it could be worse all of this health stuff. I"M SURE IT COULD BE TOO. So I'm am still lucky.

hope to be bl


hedgie said...

Drive carefully, Dana!

hedgie said... Jessie got sick at school this morning. Poor kid. Carolyn had to go pick her up. She just woke up and is sipping some Sprite. Hope it's not anything serious---she can't afford to miss classes. She is not the most industrious student. :(

hedgie said...

Sharon just posted on FB "No stress test until tomorrow" but no explanation as to why! Grrrr....

Lynne2 said...

that's crazy about the stress test. Good grief.

No doubt the stinkbugs ruined your clock Lynnellen. Printer is OK now that I have removed them. Hope Jessie feels better fast! Steve stayed home today, too. Sour stomach, headache, general aches.

hedgie said...

Hope Steve feels better fast, too, Lynne.

Got a very nice sympathy card from the Vets' office today. Tears again. Message says:
"Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were besdie you...I loved you so---'twas Heaven here with you."

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kinda late. Slept in this morning, and it felt SO good!

Shirley, prayers for your principal, Jeff Dietz. Hope his neck surgery is successful.

Prayers for Bev. Wonder if they postponed her stress test because they suspect either gallbladder or a hiatal hernia. Prayers for Sharon, Tom, and family, too.

Dana, good to have you here on the blog again! Missed you! Prayers for you, with your crazy schedule!
Hope your orthotics get permanently straightened out so they don't make you hurt more! Wish you good news at your appt. today!

Glad that Lori, Lynne2, and Megan all got to see our eagles this morning! Reassuring to know that they are still around.

Prayers for Judie! Glad you slept well, and are feeling better today.
Pray that your preparation for tomorrow goes well. Once that is done, please take it easy today, and don't overdo!

Lynn, prayers for Jessie, that she will feel better very soon, and for Carolyn. (BTW, don't know whether I mentioned it or not, but glad you planted those seeds on Cinnie's grave. Should be beautiful in the spring!)

Well, need to go finish my Algebra work, and get going to school to do my Practice 4 transcription. Have that Algebra class tonight, too. Never a dull moment! Will try to check back today before dinnertime.
Prayers for everyone. Have a good afternoon! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Prayers that Steve will feel 100% very soon, too! Glad you got the stinkbugs out of your printer! Ewwww!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gotta go get myself presentable. Got kinda grungy getting the back patio swept up. Later, alligators!

Judie said...

Stress test may have been delayed because there are certain "do not" things for 24 hours if it's a chemical test. No caffeine, no chocolate, no aspirin, no medications, etc. Just wishing for quick resolution.

Lynn, sorry the stinkbugs may have attacked your computer. Cold weather coming so maybe SB will disappear. Also hope Jessie just has a 24hr bug.

Dana, hope you can see the orthotics guy and that you have a good dr appt.

Jo, glad you are having a nice day with Kristen.

Okay, back to crime stuff for the cops.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Andy!

Lynn, boy, that would surely make me cry! Nice of them to send a card.

I must say, the leaves around here are finally beautiful!! Have been for the last 2 days. Guess the lack of rain and then lack of frost caused late changing this year.

Heading out to babysit some cute books from the library to read to the kids this evening.

have a good afternoon/evening everyone!

Judie said...

Lynne2, give Steve our best and hope he feels better quickly.

Andy, good luck on the test tonight. Another A of course!

Okay, no more pretending to be Margy. Out of here.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, that was a most beautiful verse on the card about Cinnamon.

I had the little owls up and there is a different camera view... I thought the cam was down but then I see 1 in the Pot and 2 on the floor. The one little one is going all over the place and does go out of camera view. I guess it is Teeny up in the pot.

hedgie said...

Judie, SB's got into Lynne's printer. I suspect they got into my clock! I blew it out with compressed air, but still won;t run. May nned to try using the leaf blower on it!!!

Andy, good luck in class tonight! Guess they'll go over your 309 problems from over the weekend, huh?!

Mema Jo said...

My feet are up for an hour.


hedgie said...

Winds are starting....hope they blow the clouds away so that ISS will be visible tonight! 7:53PM here.

Knucklehead next door just went wanting back into the woods in camo w/ bow and arrow......sure hope "my" deer are hunkered down hiding.

movin said...

Well, fOLKS,
Good day to you.

Couldn't sleep last night much,
Could sleep most of the morning,
so .... [:~D]

I feel some better now though.

How's your week going??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jim, glad you did get some sleep even if it was during the wrong hours. Week is recuperative after the big weekend! But Sissy haas ended up in the we are concerned.

movin said...

Hi, Hedgie. Has Sissy returned to the hospital .. I hope not??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Yes, Jim, she went back last night with same symptoms as Sunday night. They kept her....some tests run; stress test tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Cutest piece on the news of the older litter of lion cubs being given their swim test!!! Awwwwww!

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Back to my post time - supper time.

Wow, the OH pics are great. I recognized those I met in June and saw some new ones I only "see" on the blog. Hope to get to meet them all some day.

This morning I felt the best I've felt in months! I walked the yard around the house and was greeted by 2 chickadees, a tufted titmouse and a nuthatch! Of course 2 crazy squirrels. ☺☺ They are so funny but they are hard on the birdseed.

Prayers going out for Bev. I'll try to get back later, but this is Tuesday ... best night of tv, right Jo?

God bless everyone and prayers for those in need.

Mema Jo said...

It sure is Terrific Tuesday Tv Time I really look forward to themas you do. I have days like you did today when you don't have one hurt in your entire body. Love It!

Mema Jo said...

The Zoo's swimming lessons are also on a video on FB that Helen brought over. The last little gal didn't look like she wanted to quit.
With these 4 and then 3 more to come - the yard should be a good play yard and fun to watch.

Mema Jo said...

The winds have just cleared all the leaves off of the deck! Whoo Hoo

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dinner's history, now back to school for Algebra class. Will check in when I get back home. Gotta run. Later! :o]

Lolly said...

Hi all! Scanned the blog just enough to learn Bev is still having problems.

We are still here in VA. Having a great visit. They have seen eagles as well as bears on their farm. Just my luck not to see anything! Oh, well! Went for a hike in the woods this morning and then wine tasting this afternoon, LOL Riding around in a convertable with the top down. Crazy seniors!!! Their home is beautiful but the view has me in heaven.

On the road again in the morning.

(((Hugs))) to all!

Mema Jo said...

Have fun Lolly

See you later Andy.

Heading into TV World.......

Try to make it back during a commercial or two.......

magpie said...

Howdy Eagle Pals...
Rough weather in many parts of the country, hoping that all be well with our Momsters and Dadsters in all our Eagle corners.
North Dakota is getting snow!
and also parts of Minnesota....
Lynn...wonder if Christie will see any of the white stuff

Too cloudy here for ISS tonight, but Thursday looks like good watching and a bright flyover

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Sounds like great fun, Lolly and Jack !
You will enjoy seeing all the Open House pics when you get settled in front of a computer for that, lots of nice ones of you both in there

Mema Jo said...

Update from Wildlife Center of VA on eagle that was hit at Dulles

magpie said...

I'd a seen those eagles this morning, BUT I had to leave early to drop car off for winterizing.
Co-worker lined up to pick me up, got stopped for expired registration.....then with his Hispanic name, was confused with someone else locally, with some not so good things on the other person's he was detained, I had to line up another ride, and we were BOTH late for work. At least he didn't get arrested, but has a lot to take care of to get his situation straightened out.
Crazy, the timing of it all

Mema Jo said...

Glad you were there to help your co worker get things started to be straightened out.

I am now headed to TV.....

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

I see there is still concern about Bev. Hope we get an "all is well" message soon.

Haven't gotten any further word about our principal, Jeff Dietz, yet.

My meeting this morning went very well. Thanks for the good wishes, Judie. It lasted longer that originally planned, but that was okay. I think the other meeting was called off because of the principal's surgery.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope Steve and Jessica feel better.
Prayers for Grannyblts son.

Stress on for Wed. 27th for Bev I think I have that right. Prayers being said for her, Tom, Mattie, Sharon, Justin, Thelma and
other family members and friends. I do truly believe Bev is in God's hands and HE knows what to do for her and is guiding the doctors
and nurses. Although waiting is terrible.

Seen Orthopaedic dr/surgeon today. Right knee has to be scopied. Will know more on that tomorrow after 9AM. Some how I have to find
someone to drive me up and wait on me and bring me home. In and out surgery. No family to do this. Boy makes me miss Ed even more. How we did for each other.
As far as the orthotic for the left foot. I need to re-talk with dr tomorrow. I had my mind on surgery and how to get there and home.
I did not catch what he said about the orthotic. For some reason it seems as though he said it
was making things worse. Need to be rebuilt a different way. So I'll ask to talk to nurse tomorrow.
To see what and when he wants that done.

Again sure did help having Ed with me to help remember and ask questions. Maybe I better start taking a tape recorder to doctor visits. lol

hedgie said...

Report from Sharon: Sissy is now supernauseated and se has a horrible headache, possibly all due to the nitroglycerin paste they had on her. They have removed it. I spoke with the nurse and they said all of results so far were good. Will do the stress test in the morning. They are supposed to give her different medicine for the nausea as the Zofran didn't work. Please continue to pray and I will keep you updated.

hedgie said...

Talked to Norma. Family issues prevented her from joining us. Said she missed us something awful. :( She guarantees that her health is fine.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Just read Lolly's still in bear country.You'll have to keep saying, "it's me, bear!!", Lolly!

Sorry to hear no new news on Bev.
Sorry Steve is not feeling well, nor Lynn's GD.
BTW, a young racing pigeon landed in our yard 2-3 summers ago.We put down pile of sunflower seeds & water in yard near house. Went online & got the racing assoc.Also found a rehabber in NC who gave tips.Some people gave me names of local clubs. Called a man nearby & he said "take it to the animal shelter"!!!!!It spent one night in yard & second under a car where I saw in almost darkness that it was sitting in pile of feathers!Thought an animal got it, but that happens when they are under stress.Brought it in & recorded band #. Owner was elderly man & said, "if it doesn't fly, it's of no use to me!!" AARRGGHH! He lived near Baltimore & I was willing to travel 1/2, so at least someone in the club might take it to a vet.
Bird was first year and had flown from near Mt. Airy! Wore itself out.Fed & watered it in basement container, but it got weaker each day and passed one AM. I cried--it was so beautiful. The assoc. people said they would probably report that club leader w/the BAD dog pound advice & I get a B'Day email from them every year!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy that is crazy about the guy you was going to ride with.

stronghunter said...

Tornado watch here.

Snow in North Dakota.

hedgie said...

ALERT!!!! Wind warning for Berkeley Co.

hedgie said...

Margy, haven't talked to Christie yet this evening to find out if snowing. They usually have a very late dinner out there---8 our time is when they meet. She did say last night that someone mentioned flurries in the forecast!

Dana, I would offer to take you up, etc., but we will be making the offer on the house tomorrow and pretty much have to be free to make a quick run down to the beach ona moments' notice if things fall into place, so can't make plans. What about someone from your church?

hedgie said...

Saw my big red toad under the patio light earlier---not as fat as he was during the summer. Hope he gets back into his hibernation hole before the temps drop later in the week.

hedgie said...

That's a terribly sad story about the pigeon, Lowreeda.
BTW----have you been to YOUR new and improved Ledo's yet?

hedgie said...

Sure hope the newest injured eagle at the Wildlife Center heals and is able to be returned to the wild. Thanks for the link, Jo.

NatureNut said...

Just saw where there was new news on Bev. So sorry she is sick---if all her tests seem OK, why are they giving nitroglycerin??????Wish we could ask Sharon if they have given her gallbladder scan.That can make you nauseas!

Hope Judie is feeling A OK tomorrow.
Read about Lynne's printer SBs!!! Amazing! Little while ago younger kitty was doing that head roll toward the ceiling & I found one near kitchen ceiling light again!
Dana, sorry you are having those health problems and pray they help you feel better soon.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, your poor co-worker was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. Argh!

NatureNut said...

Have not been to Ledos yet.Done some phone orders w/gal who spoke perfect English, so I do have to stop by & see if some of the old gang is there!

hedgie said...

Here's another Buddy report:
Buddy's Autograph!

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs.

Block 4 was better today. I read as long as I could manage to. At one point, I looked up and they were grinning and I knew something was up. It turned out that a boy had fallen asleep and his snoring was bothering kids who were trying to listen. One of the kids went over and woke him up.

I think most of them like this book.

One girl was removed permanently from the class. She will have to take a computer course for her credit. She's the one who once had a security officer backed up against the wall. She kept walking out of my class or taking excessively long restroom breaks.

NatureNut said...

Jo, Thx so much for finding the eagle story! No fractures!? I hope the eyes will be OK.
Now, we know who Ed Clark is, don't we?

I was going to ask about rain up nest way. Thue weather said band of rain from up there will be hitting us around 12M, and chance of tornados.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...