Lots of up and down kind of reports here today. Surely praying for positive gains for all our loved ones here with health challenges...
Dana, I wish I could help with transportation too but am pretty tied into daytime work schedule... you really packed a punch into your Monday schedule.....happy you were able to share some of Ed's favorite things with a special person
Scope of right knee is not tomorrow-setting up a date for November to scope is what is going to happen tomorrow over the phone. Problem is I don't know what date someone could take me up to have it done. It is and in and out home same day.
Had my bath. Christie called five minutes ago....but time for The Good Wife, so she will call back after we both watch it. She is freezing out in MN. Snow and ice in forecast for tomorrow. Gales force winds today!
It is about time for the sandperson to tiptoe down the hall to capture me.
Dana, I am sorry you are having such difficulties. I hope the test can be scheduled for a convenient day. Are there any senior transportation services in your area. Maybe something provided by the city or a senior citizens center?
Shirley, glad the girl was removed from school but sorry to anticipate her name will appear in the news someday and not for being a Robin Hoodette.
Do feel all better now. Just needed fluid and lots of sleep. Will be home tomorrow until late afternoon when I leave to meet the police students. Next 8 weeks will be much busier.
The eagle injured at Dulles is in very good hands. Ed Clark is head of the rehab center where Shirley and I saw the 3 eagles released last year. They do amazing work.
Wishing Steve, Dana, Anne, and Mrs.Riffe, Jessie continued recovery. Special prayer for Bev's diagnosis and recovery.
Yikes! Sandperson has arrived. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Until tomorrow...
We want to be there for inspection. We will have carpet to tear out and vinyl to take up and we want to do painting before new flooring and carpeting is laid.
Thanks for the well wishes for Steve. He's feeling about the same, but he does have an appetite which is a good sign. Makes me nervous when he is under the weather.
Margy, what a mess for your coworker! Hope it's all straight now!
Shirley, love to have BLOCK 4 CAM in your class!
Lynn, so glad you talked to Norma. I printed out a pic of the group and mailed it to her today. Glad she is OK, and hope she isn't being untruthful. I sure miss her on the blog!
Dana, (((Hugs))) for you, it's clear you are missing Ed terribly. And I hope there is resolution to your health issues.
And Diann...so glad you had such a good day! I love those kind of days!
Heard about the tornado watch on my way home from babysitting...
Loretta, that sucks about the pigeon, but I'm not at all surprised the guy didn't want it back, as I mentioned to Lynn earlier.
Just an FYI....pigeons cannot eat sunflower seeds. They are not capable of breaking them open. Other seed, cracked corn, cereal they can eat. They also need a deep bowl to drink from as they "drink like a horse" beak full in and they suck it up, unlike other birds. Just in case Lynn's friend or anyone else finds a pigeon. I learned all of these things from my banded pigeons who came here and stayed for several months.
Just asked Chris about the cardiac enzymes and she said that even tho' the new processes are quite good for immediate indications of cardiac events, they still do the serial testing over a 48-72 hr. period because the enzymes can rise later.
Just checked the radar, the storms are coming! Hopefully will poop out a bit before they get here.
I think I'll head to bed now. I'm sure the storms, or Daisy hearing the thunder, will wake me later. Hope everyone stays safe! Good night and prayers for all!
Hi, Everyone, Just got home from school about 10 minutes ago. Have been trying to catch up on the blog.
Sorry to hear that Sissy is so very nauseated! Hope they can diagnose her tomorrow and fix what ails her! Lots of prayers for her, and her family!
Hope Jessie and Steve feel better in the morning, too.
Praying that the eagle hit by the plane will not have permanent eye damage! Ooh--poor thing must have quite an Excedrin headache! Glad it was taken to such a good rehab! Lots and lots of prayers for it, nevertheless!
Loretta, so sorry about the pigeon that didn't make it. What a heartbreak!
Lynne, thanks for the pigeon info--just in case I ever need to help one. Nice to know!
Gosh, you guys and gals back east, I hope there are no tornados anywhere near any of you! They really unnerve me, they are so very powerful and unpredictable. Worse yet, you can't see where they are coming from at night! Prayers for safety for all of you!
Had a Panda nap, now turning off most elec. stuff except auto-spotlights in case of raccoon visits!!! Andy, you're home from school. Hope algebra went OK. Don't be intimidated, sure you'll Ace it. Lynne, re: seed for pigeons--I neglected to mention that we bought shelled sunflower at pet store that rehabbers suggested. Ours didn't want to drink much, so I would wet the tip of his beak and then lift the bowl to him & then he sipped away.
Judie, Glad you got all the stuff they injected into you for the test out of your system. Bet you feel LOTS better! I got the 2 exams back from my Practice 4 class tonight (That I took last Thursday), and I got 100% on both of them!!! Thank God!!! And thanks to everyone here for the school prayers for me!
Dana, Sorry I don't live closer to you--I wish I could help with transportation! Is there a "Dial-a-Ride" service associated with the public transportation there? Hope you can work something out. Prayers for that, for sure!
Did pretty well on my Algebra homework. Only missed 3. Have a BUNCH of homework in that class again, too. Also have to go to school tomorrow and catch the Dean of Admissions before he leaves town tomorrow night, and find out what classes I'm supposed to register for on Thursday. While I'm there I need to finish my Practice 4 transcription homework for the week, too, and then come home and study for the English exam tomorrow night. Boy, never a dull moment!
Shirley, So glad that your Block 4 group is behaving better. Sorry to hear that one girl was removed. Hope she straightens out before she gets into worse trouble.
Well, it's getting kind of late, so think I'll call it a night. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. I'm turning on the porch light for late arrivers. Prayers have been said for all, with an emphasis on healing and safety and protection. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Prayers that we all will be able to get a good, restful night's sleep. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! ((HUGS))!! :o]
Strange thing happened to me this morning--as I was driving on a narrow 2-lane road in town, I came upon a traffic back-up. There was a car part-way off the road being circled by a small deer.
People were carefully driving around the car. When I went by, I put down my window and asked the young girl behind the wheel if she were okay. She assured me that she was. I did not want to stay in that spot because I was in the wrong lane on a curve, so I went on by.
I was relieved to see a vehicle with a yellow blinking light and another one with a blue blinking light arrive as I drove away. The deer was still circling the car.
Don't know if the young lady was a student on the way to school, but I could have supported her tardy excuse! She had a deer who wanted a mom circling her.
Yes, Andy, I hope the young lady who was removed from class gets straightened out, too. She is headed down the wrong road at present. But I would not want her to take others along with her, either.
Judie, the young lady isn't removed from school, just my class. She will go to a room equipped with computers and a supervisor where she will do assignments, but it will require her to be able to work independently because she will be doing the course the computer.
We have a retired gentleman who checks on their assignments, etc. He's a delightful man; I've worked with him before.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... It is a cloudy 65° right now and going up to a sunny/rainy 74°. I gave an erroneous forcast last night...don't know where I got thos figures, but they were wrong!
I forgot to tell you all that we ran into RED HAWK (Ellen) on one of our shuttle bus rides. If you will recall, she had some papers she was passing around about some land near Shepherdstown that her group was trying to keep from being developed. Anyway, she said to tell everyone 'hello'.
I, too, was sick yesterday morning, chills, cold sweat and throwing up. Must have been something in the air at NCTC with so many of us having ailments! I very seldom get sick (knock on wood), so when I finally got to GG's she asked why I was so late. When I told her, she said "oh you poor, sweetheart...sit down here and let me see what I can find to make you feel better!" It feel so good to be my age and have my Mother trying to make me feel better! That in itself made me feel better:) Came back home and relieved Gene from the shop and had quite a few sales while taking my turn. We are a little behind in our sales from this time last year...we had been running ahead all month:( Was hoping for a better month this season, last year was our worse ever! Well, I am feeling tip top this morning and ready to take on this day. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD ONE AND PRAYING THAT SISSY GET THROUGH HER STRESS TEST OK♥
Morning all. Weather better here. I put the backyard birdfeeders back out.The nuthatches were waiting for me. The mums in pots back outside after I get fully dressed--have sweats on over jammies.LOL Our eagles are mia for now. May be able to get out today to look for short-eared owls. Heard they were back. Hope everyone has a good day and all the medical problems are resolved.
Good Morning, Everyone! Hoping that Margy has a good day at work today.
Slept in a bit this morning, so glad I didn't miss much at the nest. Wish our eagles would make an appearance with a few clunks or calls, if not a nest landing.
Thanks, Judie! Hope your work for school goes quickly and smoothly.
Shirley, that certainly was an interesting traffic jam that slowed you down this morning! Wonder if you will see any news coverage of it. Poor little deer! Wonder what happened to its mom! It certainly is a good thing that the Block 4 girl who was removed from class won't have the opportunity to negatively influence any other students. Hope she wakes up before she totally ruins her life, though. What must she be thinking?! Hope the rest of them behave well for you today.
Bev is on my mind this morning. Prayers going up for her test today. Hope we hear something before too long!
Hoping, too, that nobody was affected by the winds back there. It's fairly windy here this morning (up to 35 mph), and supposed to get to 83 in my area. A huge "low" is on its way from the Northwest, though, due here by Friday, and supposed to bring more rain.
When I worked for the school system we labeled (figurativley of course)some students "newsworthy" meaning we knew we'd read about them in the paper--good or bad.
Certainly glad you're feeling better now, Wanda! Whatever that stuff is, hope nobody else gets it!
Lynn, know what you mean about the fallen leaves. It never fails! The gardener had our yard looking really spiffy yesterday--today it's COVERED with a couple of inches of leaves! Aargh! Is your next-door neighbor NUTS?! (Or is he a closet arsonist?) Hope there are no problems caused by his wacky behavior!
Good Wet Morning I didn't blow away throughout the night! I hope other areas are ok. Andy - you sure are doing good! Your brain is really up to snuff! Read all our am comments - want to go to FB and check on Bev/Sissy. I have an update from Mason and will bring it over in a minute.
Lynn, maybe the driver did hit the mama deer. She looked to have veered off the road onto the shoulder. I could not see if there was damage nor if there was a deer down. I had to look for oncoming traffic.
Andy, guess I never thought about you losing leaves on your deciduous trees...be glad you have a gardener to address the issue! What a pain. Of course, they are all wert here now, so nothing I can do until it dries up. BTW---congrts on your continuing excellent grades!
Whoa! October 26, 2010 Maryland natural resources officials say 27 bears were killed on the first day of this year’s black bear hunting season. State officials say the season lasts through Saturday, but hunting will be stopped once the quota of 65 to 90 bears is reached. The quota is five more than last year when hunters killed 68 bears. :(
Thanks, Lynn. Yes, that's the biggest problem with these huge trees. They don't lose all their leaves in the winter, but instead they lose them a little at a time, all year long. The ones that land on the roof end up on the ground when strong winds blow. As Margy would say, WOOF!
Well, guess I'd better get going on my Algebra homework. After that, gotta get presentable and head out to school. Have a good day! I'll check in a little later for updates on Bev. Praying that all goes well.
Did Megan tell anyone the name of the place that she wanted a donation to go to? I'm sending out checks to the groups today, and know nothing to even look up an address. Emailed her, but have not heard from her yet...guess she is at the pumpkin patch:)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 262 of 262OMG, Lynn. Only ONE Buddy autograph!!!!!That could break the bank. Why don't they make copies to sell???? (w/out holes of course)
They have call-in bids for Jackson-Barrett megabuck cars!(Fubby's never called) But why not a Buddy print??
Lots of up and down kind of reports here today.
Surely praying for positive gains for all our loved ones here with health challenges...
Dana, I wish I could help with transportation too but am pretty tied into daytime work schedule...
you really packed a punch into your Monday schedule.....happy you were able to share some of Ed's favorite things with a special person
Evening, all.
Thinking about Sissy and her family.
Lynn, can't they do that stuff via email??? Sign papers, scan and email back or fax back?
That Buddy autograph is cool!
Glad our eagles have been in and out!
Scope of right knee is not tomorrow-setting up a date for November to scope is what is going to happen tomorrow over the phone. Problem is I don't know what date someone could take me up to have it done. It is and in and out home same day.
Had my bath. Christie called five minutes ago....but time for The Good Wife, so she will call back after we both watch it. She is freezing out in MN. Snow and ice in forecast for tomorrow. Gales force winds today!
Oh, Dana, I know it's not tomorrow! But my schedule won't be my own for weeks if this thing goes through!
It is about time for the sandperson to tiptoe down the hall to capture me.
Dana, I am sorry you are having such difficulties. I hope the test can be scheduled for a convenient day. Are there any senior transportation services in your area. Maybe something provided by the city or a senior citizens center?
Shirley, glad the girl was removed from school but sorry to anticipate her name will appear in the news someday and not for being a Robin Hoodette.
Do feel all better now. Just needed fluid and lots of sleep. Will be home tomorrow until late afternoon when I leave to meet the police students. Next 8 weeks will be much busier.
The eagle injured at Dulles is in very good hands. Ed Clark is head of the rehab center where Shirley and I saw the 3 eagles released last year. They do amazing work.
Wishing Steve, Dana, Anne, and Mrs.Riffe, Jessie continued recovery. Special prayer for Bev's diagnosis and recovery.
Yikes! Sandperson has arrived. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Until tomorrow...
We want to be there for inspection. We will have carpet to tear out and vinyl to take up and we want to do painting before new flooring and carpeting is laid.
Starting to chill in front of TV, so if I konk out in loungechair, want to wish all Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for all w/health troubles
Good Night everyone...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
evening all...
Thanks for the well wishes for Steve. He's feeling about the same, but he does have an appetite which is a good sign. Makes me nervous when he is under the weather.
Margy, what a mess for your coworker! Hope it's all straight now!
Shirley, love to have BLOCK 4 CAM in your class!
Lynn, so glad you talked to Norma. I printed out a pic of the group and mailed it to her today. Glad she is OK, and hope she isn't being untruthful. I sure miss her on the blog!
Dana, (((Hugs))) for you, it's clear you are missing Ed terribly. And I hope there is resolution to your health issues.
And Diann...so glad you had such a good day! I love those kind of days!
Well, geesh, that was a pretty much a waste of an episode! What a dumb ending.
Rain started and then stopped.
Glad the Dulles eagle is in such good hands!
Heard about the tornado watch on my way home from babysitting...
Loretta, that sucks about the pigeon, but I'm not at all surprised the guy didn't want it back, as I mentioned to Lynn earlier.
Just an FYI....pigeons cannot eat sunflower seeds. They are not capable of breaking them open. Other seed, cracked corn, cereal they can eat. They also need a deep bowl to drink from as they "drink like a horse" beak full in and they suck it up, unlike other birds. Just in case Lynn's friend or anyone else finds a pigeon. I learned all of these things from my banded pigeons who came here and stayed for several months.
Just asked Chris about the cardiac enzymes and she said that even tho' the new processes are quite good for immediate indications of cardiac events, they still do the serial testing over a 48-72 hr. period because the enzymes can rise later.
Good night to all turned in already and those yet to call it a day. My turn, too! Don't blow away!!! Prayers for all.
Lynn - the ending was a quick way to settle it all.... a little disappointing but lots of little tidbits to ponder..
We had just a very few drops of rain..
Guess I'll wait until 3 am before I say that the tornado was a no show. I pray all are safe thru the night.
Here's praying for some results for Bev's problems!
Windy at nest now, but not enough to blow the spider webs away!!
I'm keeping up with everyone's ills. Aren't we a bunch? LOL Prayers for all. Night all.
Just checked the radar, the storms are coming! Hopefully will poop out a bit before they get here.
I think I'll head to bed now. I'm sure the storms, or Daisy hearing the thunder, will wake me later. Hope everyone stays safe! Good night and prayers for all!
Good Night Everyone
Lots of prayers being said for everyone
Hugs for everyone last one of you!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hey Lynne! Nice to see you! Hope you've had a chance to check out all the pictures from the weekend on Facebook or the Momster Album!
RAINING TO BEAT THE BAND, HERE. Wind is not blowing very much, but still on the look out for tornado!
70° right now...only 61° tomorrow.
Hi, Everyone,
Just got home from school about 10 minutes ago. Have been trying to catch up on the blog.
Sorry to hear that Sissy is so very nauseated! Hope they can diagnose her tomorrow and fix what ails her!
Lots of prayers for her, and her family!
Hope Jessie and Steve feel better in the morning, too.
Praying that the eagle hit by the plane will not have permanent eye damage! Ooh--poor thing must have quite an Excedrin headache! Glad it was taken to such a good rehab!
Lots and lots of prayers for it, nevertheless!
Loretta, so sorry about the pigeon that didn't make it. What a heartbreak!
Lynne, thanks for the pigeon info--just in case I ever need to help one. Nice to know!
Gosh, you guys and gals back east, I hope there are no tornados anywhere near any of you! They really unnerve me, they are so very powerful and unpredictable. Worse yet, you can't see where they are coming from at night! Prayers for safety for all of you!
Had a Panda nap, now turning off most elec. stuff except auto-spotlights in case of raccoon visits!!!
Andy, you're home from school. Hope algebra went OK. Don't be intimidated, sure you'll Ace it.
Lynne, re: seed for pigeons--I neglected to mention that we bought shelled sunflower at pet store that rehabbers suggested. Ours didn't want to drink much, so I would wet the tip of his beak and then lift the bowl to him & then he sipped away.
Glad you got all the stuff they injected into you for the test out of your system. Bet you feel LOTS better! I got the 2 exams back from my Practice 4 class tonight (That I took last Thursday), and I got 100% on both of them!!! Thank God!!! And thanks to everyone here for the school prayers for me!
Sorry I don't live closer to you--I wish I could help with transportation! Is there a "Dial-a-Ride" service associated with the public transportation there? Hope you can work something out. Prayers for that, for sure!
Did pretty well on my Algebra homework. Only missed 3. Have a BUNCH of homework in that class again, too. Also have to go to school tomorrow and catch the Dean of Admissions before he leaves town tomorrow night, and find out what classes I'm supposed to register for on Thursday. While I'm there I need to finish my Practice 4 transcription homework for the week, too, and then come home and study for the English exam tomorrow night. Boy, never a dull moment!
So glad that your Block 4 group is behaving better. Sorry to hear that one girl was removed. Hope she straightens out before she gets into worse trouble.
Well, it's getting kind of late, so think I'll call it a night. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. I'm turning on the porch light for late arrivers. Prayers have been said for all, with an emphasis on healing and safety and protection. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Prayers that we all will be able to get a good, restful night's sleep. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! ((HUGS))!! :o]
Good Morning and Good Day Eagle Pals....
I haven't seen nor heard the Eagles for the last hour, hear the wren, and heard a fire siren.
Glad to read that some are feeling better, sorry to read that many are feeling not so well....
prayers for all, including Sissy and her tests today
Got a 12-hour shift today, headed to work now...
Best wishes for a good day
Hope the storms have not presented a problem to anyone
Good morning!
Checked the nest - MT.
Andy, congratulations on the test grades. School is more difficult as an adult, I found, but more rewarding for those of us who are there voluntarily.
Margy, have a good day even if it is a long one.
Hope you have good news about the OBX house, Lynn.
8:00am and still nearly dark with rain. Going for coffee then will tackle material for tonight and tomorrow.
Good morning,
Strange thing happened to me this morning--as I was driving on a narrow 2-lane road in town, I came upon a traffic back-up. There was a car part-way off the road being circled by a small deer.
People were carefully driving around the car. When I went by, I put down my window and asked the young girl behind the wheel if she were okay. She assured me that she was. I did not want to stay in that spot because I was in the wrong lane on a curve, so I went on by.
I was relieved to see a vehicle with a yellow blinking light and another one with a blue blinking light arrive as I drove away. The deer was still circling the car.
It was really odd, almost like the deer thought the car was its mama.
Don't know if the young lady was a student on the way to school, but I could have supported her tardy excuse! She had a deer who wanted a mom circling her.
Yes, Andy, I hope the young lady who was removed from class gets straightened out, too. She is headed down the wrong road at present. But I would not want her to take others along with her, either.
Judie, the young lady isn't removed from school, just my class. She will go to a room equipped with computers and a supervisor where she will do assignments, but it will require her to be able to work independently because she will be doing the course the computer.
We have a retired gentleman who checks on their assignments, etc. He's a delightful man; I've worked with him before.
. . . on the computer.
But you are right; she could very well show in the newspaper on the wrong side of the law. I just have to hope that she won't.
Must get to work. BBL.
It is a cloudy 65° right now and going up to a sunny/rainy 74°.
I gave an erroneous forcast last night...don't know where I got thos figures, but they were wrong!
I forgot to tell you all that we ran into RED HAWK (Ellen) on one of our shuttle bus rides. If you will recall, she had some papers she was passing around about some land near Shepherdstown that her group was trying to keep from being developed. Anyway, she said to tell everyone 'hello'.
I, too, was sick yesterday morning, chills, cold sweat and throwing up. Must have been something in the air at NCTC with so many of us having ailments!
I very seldom get sick (knock on wood), so when I finally got to GG's she asked why I was so late. When I told her, she said "oh you poor, sweetheart...sit down here and let me see what I can find to make you feel better!" It feel so good to be my age and have my Mother trying to make me feel better! That in itself made me feel better:)
Came back home and relieved Gene from the shop and had quite a few sales while taking my turn.
We are a little behind in our sales from this time last year...we had been running ahead all month:( Was hoping for a better month this season, last year was our worse ever!
Well, I am feeling tip top this morning and ready to take on this day. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD ONE AND PRAYING THAT SISSY GET THROUGH HER STRESS TEST OK♥
Morning all. Weather better here. I put the backyard birdfeeders back out.The nuthatches were waiting for me. The mums in pots back outside after I get fully dressed--have sweats on over jammies.LOL Our eagles are mia for now. May be able to get out today to look for short-eared owls. Heard they were back. Hope everyone has a good day and all the medical problems are resolved.
Good Morning, Everyone!
Hoping that Margy has a good day at work today.
Slept in a bit this morning, so glad I didn't miss much at the nest.
Wish our eagles would make an appearance with a few clunks or calls, if not a nest landing.
Thanks, Judie! Hope your work for school goes quickly and smoothly.
Shirley, that certainly was an interesting traffic jam that slowed you down this morning! Wonder if you will see any news coverage of it. Poor little deer! Wonder what happened to its mom!
It certainly is a good thing that the Block 4 girl who was removed from class won't have the opportunity to negatively influence any other students. Hope she wakes up before she totally ruins her life, though. What must she be thinking?! Hope the rest of them behave well for you today.
Bev is on my mind this morning. Prayers going up for her test today. Hope we hear something before too long!
Hoping, too, that nobody was affected by the winds back there. It's fairly windy here this morning (up to 35 mph), and supposed to get to 83 in my area. A huge "low" is on its way from the Northwest, though, due here by Friday, and supposed to bring more rain.
When I worked for the school system we labeled (figurativley of course)some students "newsworthy" meaning we knew we'd read about them in the paper--good or bad.
Morning all. Gloomy start to the day here, but there was nothing severe during the night to my knowledge. LOTS of leaves down, tho'!
Shirely, very possible that the driver hit the mama deer and the young one was looking for her. ???
Judie, glad you are feeling better.
Hi, Lynne1! How's everything in PA?
Wanda, so sorry you were feeling puny, too. TG it was short-lived.
No report yet on Jess. Hope she got back to school!
Nitwit next door is burning again.....and using an accelerant that is causing explosions. At first I thought it was thunder!
Carolyn posted on FB that Jess is still sick....poor baby!
Certainly glad you're feeling better now, Wanda! Whatever that stuff is, hope nobody else gets it!
Lynn, know what you mean about the fallen leaves. It never fails! The gardener had our yard looking really spiffy yesterday--today it's COVERED with a couple of inches of leaves! Aargh!
Is your next-door neighbor NUTS?!
(Or is he a closet arsonist?) Hope there are no problems caused by his wacky behavior!
Sorry to hear that Jessie is still feeling puny. Hope the situation improves quickly! Prayers for her!
I have a bill I need to pay online.
Good Wet Morning I didn't blow away throughout the night! I hope other areas are ok.
Andy - you sure are doing good! Your brain is really up to snuff!
Read all our am comments - want to go to FB and check on Bev/Sissy.
I have an update from Mason and will bring it over in a minute.
Catalina Update
Mason's update
Loretta - I love your avatar for this fall season!
Lynn, maybe the driver did hit the mama deer. She looked to have veered off the road onto the shoulder. I could not see if there was damage nor if there was a deer down. I had to look for oncoming traffic.
Nothing new posted from or about Sissy, Jo.
Andy, guess I never thought about you losing leaves on your deciduous trees...be glad you have a gardener to address the issue! What a pain. Of course, they are all wert here now, so nothing I can do until it dries up. BTW---congrts on your continuing excellent grades!
On FB, Steve Chase commented about Open House that this was the biggest crowd ever
Shirley, what an interesting experience. I will just hope that somehow the little deer was just separated from its mom.
Lynn, sorry Jessie is still sick. Hoping for quick recovery.
Also sorry Wanda was not well but happy she's feeling better.
Surely would like an update on Bev. Soon!
Whoa! October 26, 2010
Maryland natural resources officials say 27 bears were killed on the first day of this year’s black bear hunting season.
State officials say the season lasts through Saturday, but hunting will be stopped once the quota of 65 to 90 bears is reached. The quota is five more than last year when hunters killed 68 bears. :(
News article
Thanks, Lynn.
Yes, that's the biggest problem with these huge trees. They don't lose all their leaves in the winter, but instead they lose them a little at a time, all year long. The ones that land on the roof end up on the ground when strong winds blow. As Margy would say, WOOF!
Sharon has an entry on FB made 2 hrs ago -- Heading to WV to see about my sis. Will check in when I get there.
Well, guess I'd better get going on my Algebra homework. After that, gotta get presentable and head out to school. Have a good day! I'll check in a little later for updates on Bev. Praying that all goes well.
Pouring rain here and more to come. Wow!
Did Megan tell anyone the name of the place that she wanted a donation to go to? I'm sending out checks to the groups today, and know nothing to even look up an address. Emailed her, but have not heard from her yet...guess she is at the pumpkin patch:)
On the road again. Rain starting out, but now just cloudy. What about Bev?
Margie & Judie
send me an test email when you get a chance. I am having trouble getting the bear video through to you.
I'll transfer last comments over
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