Monday, October 18, 2010


New Week thread.


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hedgie said...

I'll call the crew over.

hedgie said...

Well, morning did not go as planned. Cinnie isn't doing well, but vet wanted me to bring her home as a trail run and to give her a night at home if it's to be her last. If not better by morning, back we go. Shannon came and dug the grave a little while ago. She is worse than she was---having motor control issues with her hind legs. So sad.....

magpie said...

Thanks for the call over Lynn, and Thanks, Steve for the new thread...

Hedgie...we're with you and Cinnie...

Wanda...prayers for Cody and his family and Karla and Jillian...

magpie said...

some late posts on old from Wanda about some dear family friends of her daughter and granddaughter...and that Sharon talked with Dana

hedgie said...

Just read back on last thread. Thanks to all for the comforting words, prayers and cyber hugs. It is never easy.

But so sorry to hear about little Cody---aching for his family. Any idea what happened, Wanda? Prayers.

Margy, Anne sure is a strong lady. Many prayers answered...and more miracles coming, I'm sure.

Judie said...

Oh my. A day of not good news.

Lynn, so devastating for you. Please know we are with you in friendship and support. Wishing peace for Cinnamon.

Prayers for Cody and family and friends.

Sorry also that Dana is having some family issue(s) and hope for resolution and her return to the blog.

magpie said...

Am headed out the door for a few hours....

whoever can remember the last actual sighting or sound of the eagles either calling out or clunking, could you post it....will send the info along to Steve when I get back
the last pic in the album is from morning of Oct 9 Sat both eagles..


Lynn....thank you....
prayers to all for peace and comfort, wellness for all

xo ttfn

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just checking back in quickly.

Golly, what happened with Cody? Glad they were able to revive him, but very concerned about the comment that they had to suction blood before they could airlift him. (Suction blood from where?!)Prayers for the whole situation, for sure! Prayers too, for Wanda, and for the whole family.

Lynn, so very sorry that Cinnie's back end is not cooperating. Hoping it comforts her that you brought her home to familiar surroundings. Prayers continue for her--and for you! Such a heart-wrenching situation! ((Hugs)) Wish I could be there with you. :o{

Ms Bookworm said...

Glad to hear that Sharon talked to Dana. Hope Dana's family issue(s) will be resolved soon. Prayers for the situation!

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all....

Lynn, I'm glad you have Cinny home today, and you never know, it could do her wonders being there instead of at the vet. In any case, whatever the outcome, I'm sure it will do you both good to spend this day with each other.

Margy, so glad yo had a good visit with Anne. Hopefully the ups and downs will be mostly UPs very soon!

WOW, could it be almost 10 days since anyone has seen our birds?? Is this a bad thing?

Prayers for Cody and family, sounds so very serious....

hedgie said...

Thank you all again. I have her in her favorite place on the sofa, and sitting with her often.

NatureNut said...

Nice weather today. Hello Everyone.
Margy, so glad your sister is responding.
Lynn, so sorry about Cinny's problems. It's so heartbreaking with our little furry babies--you have our thoughts and support.
Prayers go to Karla's friends~~little Cody.At first I thought it was an auto accident, but something must have happened at home.?

movin said...

I was going to wish you "good morning" much earlier, but I was interrupted by news of a family member, who has contracted "Sepsis". Last report indicated she is doing some better though.


Good Day to all of you.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Jim, so sorry about your family member. Prayer for a very quick recovery.

Mema Jo said...

I pray you can be near to Cinnie & keep her comfortable, Lynn. You have given Cinnie a good life.

Thanks Sharon for touching base with Dana. I'll try to reach her closer to Friday.

Wanda, prayers for little Cody and family. Please keep us posted. How old is Cody?

Eye exam went well - Doc was really wanting to keep track of the pressure on the eye and the cataracts that are small. Go back in April - new glass lens not needed now. I can see clearly........da da da da......

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Back again.

I've checked back, and Megan posted on Wed., 10/13, 6:52 am: "Hear an eagle calling out. Sounds like one is up in the tree above the cam."

The night before, Tues., 10/12,
10:09 pm, Loretta/NatureNut posted:
"Earlier, around 6:30 when I had cam up, I did hear lots of clunks as it was getting darker. Maybe our Faves are roosting in the tree."

So, it's been 5 days since we've heard our eagles. Megan actually heard one (or both?) calling out.
Last sighting was apparently the morning of Saturday, 10/9.

Sure hope they both show up soon! Do NOT want to have to worry about them!

Mema Jo said...

Jim very sorry to hear of the family member with sepsis. I had to read about it since that is a new one to me.
Prayers for her and the family.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I see where you said the Cody was 5 yrs old.

Ms Bookworm said...

Mema Jo,
Glad your eye appt. went well!

Golly, Jim, sorry to hear that your family member has sepsis! Hope and pray that she improves very quickly!

Lynn, I bet Cinnie is so glad to be back home on her favorite sofa! She must feel very relieved. Prayers continue, and my heart goes out to you.

Ms Bookworm said...

Darn--have an errand to run. Will BBL.

Lynne2 said...

So, 5 days since sound last heard and 9 since a sighting. Hmmmmm....

thanks for checking on that for us Andy!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Lynn, my heart is aching for you and Cinnie. Give lots of love this evening!

We are here at Mystic, Conn. We went to a cider mill. Very interesting. Then we went to a winery. Surprisingly, we found some good wine and enjoyed the tasting. Now we are enjoying the evening and doing the laundry. More fun!

We have two days here to explore and enjoy. It is beautiful country side and wonderful rock walls all over. Love it!

Need to read back on the blog to catch up. Sounds like a lot of prayers are needed!

Lolly said...

Okay, read back. Prayers for Cody. Wonder what happened? Prayers also for friends and family.

Lynne2 said...

hi Lolly! yes, a lot of prayers are needed today...Cinny, Lynnellen, Cody, Anne, Dana, Jim's friend with the sepsis. UGH.

Glad you are enjoying Mystic! There have been no earthquakes in Conn. lately!

Lolly said...

LOL Conn will probably have an earthquake tonight!

Lolly said...

Margy, so glad that Anne knew you and called you buy name. I know that was a very warm feeling. Prayers continue for her improvement.

Lolly said...

by name NOT Buy! LOL

movin said...

Yes, it is my cousin Cindy, recent arthroscopic surgery on knee, fell while walking tearing a stitch. First aid apparently wasn't enough, woke up in pain the next night, developed high fever AND high blood sugar and resisted going to the doctor.

Finally, and thankfully, her relatives, who she's living with now, made her go to the hospital, which no doubt saved her life.

My sister, who talked to her yesterday just before they operated and just an hour ago, said she sounds so much better now it's like a miracle. They cleaned out knee thoroughly and are pumping her full of antibiotics. Doctors are revising the prognosis steadily.

Thanks for your prayers. Together with ours, I'm sure it made the difference.

I think she's come through it.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

wow Jim, thank God she got to the hospital at the relatives urgings. Serious stuff.

Mema Jo said...

Well Jim, those power prayers for Cindy really did work fast. I am so
thankful we are asked to pray for illnesses and sickness... even depression that some go through.
Thanks so much Jim for keeping us updated........ I think your cousin Cindy has sent you some very good emails that you forward to us.

hedgie said...

Still having trouble with email----just don't know what the heck is going on. Close out and go back in, get one task accomplished and then can't get it to do anything. ARGH!

Lolly said...

Wow, Jim, glad Cindy is doing better, That is really scary!

hedgie said...

Jim, such great news about Cindy. Momster prayers are powerful, you know! We won't take all the credit, but we KNOW the Lord listens to us!

Cinnamon won't let me pick her up. I lifted her whole bed-thing down to floor, hoping she would just walk out of it. No go. She hasn't been out since we got home at 11:20. Just gave her a pain pill in peanut butter and some water, so maybe in half-an-hour or so she'll be in less pain. She's breaking my heart.

Mema Jo said...

Momsters/Dadsters:The info gathered as to the last sighting or hearings of our Regal Couple should NOT cause concern. As I remember over the past 5
seasons these are their general habits. Usually at Open House they are sighted. Cause they are looking for us....... lol
They don't have wingblings, so I can't tell if they are the pair of eagles being seen fishing or flying overhead in the area BUT I pray they are well and have been around and about the Potomac. I'm saying that I don't believe there is any cause for alarm.......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Our still cam is on the correct date and ticking about 12 min slower than real time.......

NatureNut said...

C'mon Birdies!!! I should be doing dinner, but I'm watching instead!!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the encouraging words Jo! I'm sure this is usual behavior, but still, it's kind of nerve bending when we don't see them for so long.

Oh Lynn, I'm so sorry. I know how hard this is, as if you remember, a similar situation with Raven just last Dec. I'm sure your heart is breaking and mine is breaking for you. I was so very much hoping for a miracle. Just know that there is no greater comfort for Cinny than to be with you.

hedgie said...

Aha!! My dinner got her up!! Of course I'll share.

Mema Jo said...

I agree Lynne that it would be sooooo
considerate of anyone seeing our eagles above the nest area and telling us about it.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lynn, that is so touching!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I haven't been on blog. Thank all of you for prayers and I do still need them terribly. God knows the situation and my heart break.

Prayers for Lynn's dear Cinn. I do so know how that is way Brittany was too. Very painful to watch your pet decline. May God's arms surround you Lynn.


No I don't ride with my mother. I don't trust her driving. That is why I would go to house each day to check on her health (even though I didn't feel like driving) and also to drive her places. A lot of seeing us together was always me driving, was along just in case like driving to Winchester something happened. But I would have called Triple A or a friend up that way. She did drive twice down the back roads to my place. THAT WON'T BE HAPPENING ANYMORE!!! GOD knows the situation and I can only PLACE IT IN HIS HANDS. If I don't I will become depressed and more upset than what I already am. God will take care of checking on me and so will my daughter.

Praising God for HIS healing hands that are touching Anne and bringing some more comfort to Margy and family.

For Cody and everyone connected with him. May God works HIS marvelous medical leadership with the doctors and nurses taking care of him.

Lolly and Jack I am so glad you are enjoying your trip.

Jo and Ed you are so right. So many fun times can be had just between the two of you sitting in the same room. xxxooo

Lynne2 said...

oh, people food, the ultimate dog motivator!!

OK, so if there is no online sightings by Saturday, everyone go spread out around NCTC and call out "IT'S ME EAGLES" and see if that works!

Lynne2 said...

DANA!!!! ((((HUGS)))) and prayers!

NatureNut said...

Hear some smaller birds chirping in the tree, but no BIG ones.

Read back awhile ago and am sending prayers for Jim's relative!!! ♥

Gotta do din din~~~~

Mema Jo said...

Well Dana - you are a woman of her word! You're here! Such a good feeling to have you with us.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

'nother one!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching our nest and it is getting so dark and also with Spidey's web- I can't see much.... AND
you know I can see cause the Ophthalmologist told me so.

Lynne2 said...

someone's here......come on eagle show yourself!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Clunk away up there!

NatureNut said...

So good to hear from you< Dana!!!! God Bless ☺ ♥

BIG clunks at nest!!! No view, tho. Rats!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

camera shakin' clunk that time! maybe a take off?

Mema Jo said...

I am laughing so hard to think we were just talking about not having heard the Clunking....... I think they heard
us............... lol

Lynne2 said...

quiet now....DANG! No eagle sounds so I guess we can't be SURE it's one of our birds, but I'll just bet it was!

Lynne2 said...

They are messing with us JO!

Mema Jo said...

They sure are, Lynne!

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe I'll check in tomorrow evening.

Take care and may God hear all your prayers and bring comfort.

Lynne2 said...

bye Dana....

hedgie said...

Okay, we even went out----albeit only onto the deck----carpet be damned at this point. It's indoor/outdoor and rain will clean it. I put her bed on the floor and she got back into it by herself. And mommy tucked her in with a blankie.

BTW----Robyn and Tori lost their kitty during the night. She passed peacefully. (((HUGS))) to them.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne. Yes, do remember Raven.

hedgie said...

Glad you checked in, Dana. Missed you at the meeting yesterday, too. Hope your woes/ills resolve quickly.

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

I am sitting here on the edge of the recliner. Guess I should crawl all the way in.

Dogs are happily sleeping. They should be. I was almost home when Kathryn called to say that Hunter had left the door open and George and both dogs had escaped. She had retrieved George out of a thorn bush.

As I arrived at the house, I saw that Luna had been captured and that Hunter, Kathryn, and the neighborhood kids were hunting for Flash.

I took Luna out on a leash figuring that Flash would come to her. Kathryn went out driving around the neighborhood and it was Kathryn who found the little rascal. I think they have had their walk for the evening.

Lynne2 said...

wow Shirley, thank GOD everyone has been rounded up and is safe....that could have turned out badly!

stronghunter said...

Sorry to learn that Cinnie is still not doing well, Lynn. Special doggie prayers.

Prayers for Cody, Karla and Jillian.

Also for Jim's cousin Cindy.

Good to know the eyes are working well, Jo.

Nice to hear from Dana.

It is so nice to hear that Anne is better, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynne, I am happy that all of the critters are safe and at home.

Lucky wasn't able to join the great escape, thank goodness. He is shut in Kathryn's room. It was enough to have to deal with three escaped pets.

stronghunter said...

I have many papers to grade, but my mind has quit for the day. I really cannot read essays now.

Mema Jo said...

I am glad that George was found so quickly and unharmed, Shirley. Guess that goes to show George he can't run with the Big Dogs!

I am thinking that Hunter learned the lesson about closing the doors after him.

All is well that ends well

stronghunter said...

Didn't find Daisy out there, though, Lynne. I am sure she would have loved to have been on the lam with Luna, Flash, and George. And how about your Freakshow in a Fur Jumpsuit kitty? He could have hopped into the bramble bush with George.

stronghunter said...

The door does not really catch the way it should. I guess that is another thing to add to the to-do list.

Lynne2 said...

oh it would have been like HEAVEN for Daisy and Freakshow!!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get some things in order on this table... then I may watch a show around 9:00.

I am watching the 3 little owls.. Momma has been in twice this evening..
Can't tell if she delivers food and if she does can't tell who gets it. It is better watching little eaglets and being able to see the feedings.
The owl links are on the previous thread....

stronghunter said...

Got to school this morning to find out that we were about to have two classes in my room at the same time for testing. My kids ended up getting shunted to another room, which was fine with me. I had to go take care of another class because we are not allowed to test our own kids.

Two of my students didn't take their tests today. They went to their Block 1 class and nobody told them to go take the test, so they didn't. They are kids. they need to be told what to do. At least they came and told me.

They weren't the only kids who missed the test. I am sure it'll be on the announcements tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Going to stretch out and close my eyes. I may see you later. I may not.

Lynne2 said...

have a good night Shirley!

paula eagleholic said...

Now how cool is this!

Wedding Day Eagle Release

Judie said...

Oh my, so much happening so quickly tonight.

Jim, so very glad that Cindy seems to be on the road to quick recovery. Prayers for her.

Lynn, don't know more to say except I hope with all my heart that you know we all care deeply. I am so very sad for you.

Dana, you are the bright spot today. So happy to see you return. Can't remember but hope you will be with us this weekend. I want so much to meet you.

Clunking sounds are good sounds! Unless Boris has learned to clunk and fool us.

Jo, happy your eye exam was a good one.

Wanda, Darth and I may seek out a costume shop on Friday afternoon. Got any suggestions?


Lynne2 said...

You know, the skeleton didn't go to the prom because he had no body to take.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, I got a NOT FOUND ERROR 404 when I clicked on your link.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, so sorry to hear that Cinnie is not doing well. (((Hugs)))

paula eagleholic said...

Well, maybe it will work if I include the website in my link! Thanks, Lynne :)

Wedding day Eagle release

Lynne2 said...

think I'll go get my shower. Steve had to do the evening run because one of the drivers had an accident. Not sure if in a company truck or his own vehicle. Hurt back and leg is all Steve knows, but with the SKELETON crew they have there is NO BODY (LOL!!!!) else to do it.

Lynne2 said...

what a great story Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

No Body, Lynne? Har har

paula eagleholic said...

Good to see you, Dana.

Margy, glad to hear Anne recognized you, hoping for more improvement!

Lolly said...

Do not know what to say about Lynne and her body, huh? Oh, Lynne, that is BAD!

Shirley glad you got all the animals rounded up!

Lynn, glad Cinnie got up for a little human food.

Watching the Rangers! Home run! Wahoo!

Well, I am going to be at the nest Thursday. I am certain Belle and Lib will be there to greet me!

Lolly said...

I could not go to Paula's link either. Got thrown off the internet!

Lynne2 said...

ah, I got a million of them.....LOL!

Lolly said...

Laurel just texted me the boy's school pictures. I have such cute grandsons!

Today is Joseph's 10th birthday! We called and sang to him a little while ago. Gave him presents before we left, but also sent him a "Cool as a Moose" tee shirt. LOL

Lolly said...

Oh noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

and I'll be sharing with you til Halloween! And then....on to THANKSGIVING!!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Joseph!

Lynne2 said...

wow wind has just picked up at the nest...

Lynne2 said...

Eagle fact....did you know that you can identify a Bald Eagle by the way it comes it's feathers all over to one side?

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a little more info on the couple in the bald eagle wedding release.

More Info

paula eagleholic said...

Going to watch The Event....bbl

Judie said...

Happy birthday, Joseph. You are one very lucky one man.

This has been a day of concern and worry for so many. May all who have troubles rest easily and quietly. May tomorrow be a better day for all in need.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, you all must have been going crazy looking for all the pets. Scary!
Cool article and vidoe, Paula.
Lolly, did you do the museum and aquarium in Mystic? Take the tour of the sub?
Thanks, Judie and everyone, for your love and sweetness.

Lynne2 said...

OK I'm starting to get worried. Steve isn't home yet, and hasn't called. No answer on the cell. I hope he didn't leave it sitting in his car. He never carries with him on his person, but makes a point of taking it when he's on the road. He should have been back by now.

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie. Have a good day at the big schoolhouse tomorrow.

Happy b-day to Joseph!

Lynne2 said...

OK, he just called from work, he's back at the warehouse and getting ready to leave to come home. WHEW! Forgot to take the cell phone with him. DUH.

Lolly said...

We just got here this afternoon, Lynn. Going to spend the next two days here. I would like to see the sub.

Lynne2 said...

Going to say my goodnights...prayers for you all, especially Cinny, Lynn, Cindy, Dana, Anne and Cody.

hedgie said...

Hmmmm, Lynne......don't panic.

Lolly said...

I got to the article on the bride and groom this time, Paula. Very interesting! They added their own special touch to their wedding. cool!

And as for how to tell a "bald" eagle.....groan......!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

What sub, Lolly and Lynn??

magpie said...

Checking in kind of late, lots to read up on

Thanks for all the info on the bird clunking and sounds from last week, will send Steve a little email about it and maybe he will have something to report on any sightings amongst the NCTC folks....I agree, not to worry..they might be slipping in and out when we don't have our Eagle Eyes glued to the cams

magpie said...

Lynn, glad to hear of some bright warm moments with little Cinnie...

good to see our Dana on here...
always good when a Momster or Dadster can check in....there are some others sure would like to see and read from on here...

sorry to read that Robyn and Tori's kitty has died, crossing the Rainbow Bridge now

hedgie said...

Glad things turned out just fine, Lynne!!! Goodnight.

hedgie said...

Paula, there is an old WWII submarine open for tours in Mystic. Watch your head!!! It is SO cramped......nothing like the subs of the modern Navy!

magpie said...

and Jim's cousin Cindy with the sepsis...
that's what almost took my sister last week..very dangerous condition for anyone to endure

yes, the helpful, comforting....what else, and Who Else... do we have sometimes to lean on?

magpie said...

way behind on checking links and pictures...
better sign off for now,
and Good Night to those heading for the pillows

Glad your Steve is okay, Lynne...
always a worry about a loved one not able to be contacted

Best wishes for a good sleep, that it restores each and every one of our hopes for a new tomorrow

God Bless Us, Every One...with many grateful prayers ...
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh neat, Lynn.

Margy, that is why I was so worried for your sister. Sepsis is very dangerous.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I have a question...I got a phone call from GG Saturday (can't remember what time, maybe mid day) telling me that there was a bad wreck nearby and the traffic was at a standstill. Do you know what happened?

Shirley asked how Gene knew the snake eggs belonged to a Black Snake. Well, Gene has seen them down here before with the parent lying on them. Black snaked are the only snakes in our vicinity that lay eggs. The rest of our creepy crawlers are live-bearers.

Lolly said...

The sub that is here is the first nuclear sub.

Think I am going to go shower and get comfy. Still Rangers up by 2. Go Rangers!

Night all. Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Wanda... not sure about any bad wrecks...might have been a fender bender...but with the Apple Harvest Parade activities, many streets were closed off and that led to some delays on the interstate on and off ramps...and therefore also maybe on Old Mill Rd...

There was a fairly serious accident on the Rt 9E bypass near Baker Heights...around 12:30 or so one injury and a lot of guardrail buggered up, but that is the only one I was aware of....hope that helps

magpie said...

Oh by the way Jo
Glad your eyeballs are in good shape for this important week-end coming up !

now I really am signing off

Prayers for wellness and peace...
xoxo (( hugs, everyone ))

Costume Lady said...

Margie, that is probably the explanation for all the cars. GG just assumed there must be a bad accident somewhere to have that many cars stuck in traffic:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Checking back in after dinner and a bit of TV.

Prayers and ((Hugs)) for Robyn and Tori in the loss of their kitty.

Lynn, glad that Cinnie was able to move herself around a bit. People food IS the ultimate motivator! Bless her heart. ((More Hugs))!
Prayers continue for Cinnie and for you!

Prayers for Cody, Karla & Jillian, and the whole family.

Jim, prayers for your cousin Cindy.
So glad that she's doing better! ((Hugs))!!

Margy, prayers continue for Anne, for you, and for the whole family!
((Hugs)) for you, too!

Dana, so very glad to see you here tonight! I don't know about your situation, but our God certainly does. Sometimes our prayers are more effective when WE know less--we have to just trust God for our needs. Lifting up your situation, and hope things get better real soon! Have been missing you! ((Hugs))!!!

Shirley, no WONDER you're so tired tonight! I am so thankful that all 3 escapees are home, and safe! Hope George is OK and not full of brambles.

Lolly, please relay HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY wishes to Joseph for me!

Lynne, I remember what you went through with Raven, too. That was really rough. ((Hugs))
Love the corny jokes, and am very glad to hear that Steve is OK!

Certainly glad that we heard some big clunks from our eagles! God bless and keep them!

paula eagleholic said...

OH, more interesting Lolly. Enjoy the tour.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna turn in for tonight, catch ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Mema Jo and Margy,
I'm not worried about our eagles. We are still hearing them. It's still a little early for any serious nestorations. I think they're just messing with us! Do wish Boris would quit with the webs, already, though! Sure makes it difficult to see if anyone drops in.

Ms Bookworm said...

When I was in high school my family went to San Diego and took a tour of a non-nuclear WWII submarine. Boy, you would have to be a midget to not knock your brains out on overhead pipes and stuff! VERY confined spaces. Good thing nobody was claustrophobic!

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in......I'm not too far behind you. Prayers for all. Thanks for all the great support. Pleasant dreams.

Costume Lady said...

Little Cody was born with a condition that requires daily cleaning out of his airway tubes. He was with his dad yesterday and he forgot to do the cleaning. We are assuming that is the reason for the near death today. He actually died twice, that we know of. Won't know anything more til tomorrow.

I was happy to learn that Jillian was able to carry out her duties, before she "lost it". She loves her work and I wouldn't want to see her get released because she couldn't handle a situation!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, need to go clean up the kitchen a bit. Will be back later to say goodnight.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--thanks for the update, Wanda.
Scary situation, for sure. Prayers that Cody will be OK. Prayers for you and the whole family, too! Boy, it's been quite a day here, hasn't it?!

Costume Lady said...

Karla came over to GG's today and helped me looks and smells so good. Try Mr. Clean with Febreeze in the purple bottle...ahhh, smells so fresh and pleasing! GG got down on the floor and cleaned out under her sink. Threw away tons of stuff that I wasn't sure what to do with. Good job, GG:)
Haven't enjoyed cleaning so much in a looong time:)

I am done here for the day...


Costume Lady said...

Yes, Andy, it has been quite a day. Momma said there'd be days like this!

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, getting late! Wonder how many weeks it will take before I can see an eagle near nest at Park????Probably not til leaves disappear--duh!Well, have camera, will travel even if I have to punch in late!! Birds are more important!

Prayers for all our folks and pets who need them & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Still cam now looks as though it is on the right time...

I agree with Judie that this has been an upsetting day of sorts but we all made it through with help from friends.

Sooooo glad you are my friends.

Mema Jo said...

Turning 10 is very important - Happy Birthday Joseph. Lolly they seem so grown up - I'll soon know when Samantha turns 10 in Dec - she is a little lady. Time keeps ticking away.

Going back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for all of you and your loved ones - critters also
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

ok 14 minutes left to wish dear Joseph a Happy 10th! Though I guess in Texas, he has one hour and 14 minutes left...
It is indeed a landmark birthday...the first "decade"
or "0" birthday as Lolly might say...
I sure remember when I turned 10 - felt like I was really "on my way."

medevac taking someone from City Hospital to some important hospital somewhere else...prayers for that matter whatever it is...

Nighty Night all....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm back to say goodnight. Lots of prayers going up for so many needs!

Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. I'm turning on the porch light for those coming in late. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone has a restful, peaceful night's sleep. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone and God Bless each and every one of you and your families.

magpie said...

Good West Virginia Rainy Morning, Eagle Pals...
watching and listening, hear some birds but not eagles.
BWO has an eagle

Best wishes for a good day
headed to work soon

Andy: Thanks for the synopsis of the Eagle sighings and sounds.

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

sightings and sounds, that is.

Had the largest slug scrolling across the patio pavement this morning, he made his way into one of my flower boxes

okay bye for now

magpie said...

Oh it's a beautiful nest, spidey strands and all...
I'm sure we'll see some action soon ☺ one of these mornings or evenings....

Prayers for our precious needs....

ttfn xo xo

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Margy!

I hear a wren singing away at the nest!

Thinking of Lynn and Cinny this morning and hoping for the miracle...

Just got Steve off to work and the dogs walked and fed. THink I'll go hit the heating pad for a little while.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy and Lynne,

Decided to check out the nest instead of going back to sleep this morning. I just got Hubby off to work about 40 minutes ago. The nest looks great, but empty at the moment. Spidey sure has been busy!
Guess he's decorating for Halloween.

How big was that slug, Margy? Hope he doesn't chew up too many of your flowers!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm still hoping for a miracle for Cinnie, too. Hope she and Lynn both had a good night.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Andy! Wow, your hubby sure goes to work early!!! What does he do?

I hear a robin at the nest now.

OK, forgot to start laundry first, now I'm off to the heating pad.

Lynne2 said...

Rain has stopped here and fog has rolled in.

Forcast for Shepherdstown, via NOAA:

Friday: Sunny, with a high near 59.

Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 37.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 67.

Saturday Night: A chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 44. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

Sunday: A chance of rain. Partly sunny, with a high near 68. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We are off to see what adventures today holds.

Margy....where is your scareslug???? Get it out! Get it out!

45 here this morning and going up into the low 60's going to be a great day.

Thank you for the birthday wishes for my Joseph. Wish you knew him, he is a sweetheart! All the little girls love him. lol Since he was really little, Momma's and little girls have been lining him up for marriage. LOL Told him last night...."three more years and you are a teenager". He puts the phone on speaker phone...I heard his Momma scream in the background. LOL However, I LOVED my teenagers and I hope Laurel and Joey are blessed with great teens, too. Do NOT allow sulkiness!!!!!

Have a great day! Hope it is a much better day. Prayers for little Cody, for Lynn and Cinnie and those in need.

Three more days!!!!

Lolly said...

Great weather report for this weekend! Wahoooooo!

Ms Bookworm said...

He works for Fender Musical Instruments in Ontario, CA at their big (over 800,000 sq. ft.) distribution facility. Works a very early shift, but gets home usually by 3 pm. Has some advantages, but the big disadvantage is apparent when the morning alarm goes off. LOL :oD

Ms Bookworm said...

Out here we are expecting a high in the upper 60s, clouds, rain, and thunderstorms throughout the day. I'm wondering whether our gardeners will be able to do their thing with the yard today. Guess I'll unlock the back gate and hope for the best.

Do you guys back east still have any hummers? Our Anna's hummers are still here. Daddy hummer was cracking me up yesterday. He kept hovering around the hanging birdseed feeders, checking out the birds feeding there. He's very territorial, to say the least.

Ms Bookworm said...

Heard a crow near our nest a few minutes ago. HOPE to hear an eagle there! Have the sound up pretty high, just in case.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynne, one of the guys that Hubby works with figured out that their huge warehouse would hold over 300 2,600-sq.-ft. homes! It's a 1/4 mile walk from one end of the building to the other. Keeps Hubby in shape if he doesn't depend on their golf cart to get there!

Ms Bookworm said...

Need to go put in some laundry and straighten up the house a bit. Will keep the sound up high on the nest cam, and come running if we hear anything like clunks or eagle calls.

Prayers for everyone, for a better day today. BBIALW. :o]

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy, that is BIG!!! No doubt it keeps him in shape! Same with Steve's job...he is on the move 70% of his work day at least, if not more. Walking, lifting, carrying....I know that is keeping him lean. I know I have said it before, but I have NEVER seen ANYONE eat so much (except a growing and active teenager) and stay so trim. I find that quite annoying....LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Have fun today Lolly!

Andy, my last hummer sighting was Sept 29. I checked the Journey South maps and one was reported in, of all places, SHEPHERDSTOWN on Sunday! (Now what about EAGLE sightings?!?!)

Here is the link to all the maps, you can figure it out from there. I love this site! I've reported both my monarch and hummer sightings and it's cool to see where the concentrations are now...
Journey South Maps

Costume Lady said...


I do hope Margy took care of that SLUGGO before she left for work. A little salt on him will do the trick:) They can make a plant look like swiss chees in a short amount of time! Don't know which I dislike most...slugs or groundhogs?

No wonder Andy has to get up so early, Hubby works in Canada...looong drive:)

Lynne, excellent day time temps for this weekend's activities...wish you and Steve were coming:(

I won't be on here very much today. Gene will be busy with Soup Kitchen and I will tend the shop.
IT (One of our helpers makes this
dish, with pasta, smoked
sausage, sauce, etc.)

Speaking of appetites...on Family Fridays, Dustin (16) and Brandon (23), eat like SUMO wrestlers, but they, both, always save some for me...I'm always the last to eat:)
Love to see them enjoy my cooking!
Now, we have Jayden starting to eat Grandma Tiger's cooking. Karla grinds or chops it up and he says, Ummm between bites:)
Oh, my...I have 15 minutes to get ready...BBL

movin said...


GooD Morning

tO yoU aLL.


[:~D] Jim

movin said...

We are getting some rain ... mostly light so far ... and perhaps some T-Storms here in So Cal.

[:~D] Jim

Lynne2 said...

morning Jim! we had a little thunderstorm here last night....late in the year for that in these parts, but not unheard of.

Lynne2 said...

wow sounds like Raven near the nest!

Lynne2 said...

Just looking in momster album of this time last year....WHOLE lot more activity with our birds daily then.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

FYI, I perused the Hancock forum....Lib and Belle were in the nest early Saturday morning and on Sunday evening as well :)

Lynne2 said...

good to know! we're slacking on our watch! OR....maybe they were busier and more present this time last year because they knew winter was going to be bad and they had to get nestorations done fast. And this year, maybe winter is not going to be so bad, so they are taking some extra time to relax. YEAH!! That's it!!! We are going to have a milder winter!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll go with that, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

OR....maybe they are spending a LOT of time fishing and resting to build up fat for a BAD winter.....eewwww, I like my fist idea better!

No word from Lynn this morning. I'm so afraid that means that Cinny wasn't much improved over night and this morning.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne & Paula,

I've been thinking about Lynn and Cinnie too. Hope no news is good news. Still praying.

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, I hope you guys have a milder winter this year! Last year was brutal.

Ms Bookworm said...

Jim, if you're still there, any word today about Cindy yet?

hedgie said...

Hello. Just finished burying my baby. Had a rough night. She had a GI bleed and didn't make it to the I have some remaining stains to clean on the carpet. She is at peace, pain-free, and mommy is a mess.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, I'm SO sorry.....((((HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

OH Lynn, I am so sorry ... got tears in my eyes. Sending hugs your way. At least there is no more pain for her. That doesn't help the pain in your heart...we are here for you.

hedgie said...

Thank you, gals. It means so much to have you thinking about us and sending your cyber hugs.
Keep trying to take a nap, but everytime I close my eyes, the tears start again.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lynn,

((HUGS)) I am SO sorry too! Wish I could hug you in person! At least poor Cinnie is in a wonderful place now, pain free. I'm sure she was happy to go while at home, instead of at the vet's. I know she appreciated all you did for her. You were a VERY good Mom to her! Prayers for your poor broken heart! :o{

Mema Jo said...

Bless you Lynn for doing what was best for Cinnamon. ((Hugs)) ♥

Judie said...

Lynn, my heart is breaking for you. You were a loving mom. Cinnamon is at peace. You gave her a wonderful life.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh Lynn, I am so heartbroken over Cinnie! I love you!! I am so, so sorry!!

Great big (((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What a sad day...

Lynne2 said...

Hope you are able to get some sleep Lynn....I sure am glad I got to meet her in person last month. She was quite a character!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I reckon my Mattie is moving in with her Mommy and Daddy! I am really having a hard time with it, can't stop crying, just all to pieces.

glo said...

Sending my love your way Lynn. I too am crying for your loss. I am glad Cinnie could come home and spend a little time with you. She had a wonderful well loved life indeed. The tears are those of love and warm memories I am sure. I pray they will warm your heart. Get some rest. Cinnie is at peace now at a very real place I am sure called Rainbow Bridge. She will meet you there later but wants you to feel the comfort of her love now.

Lynne2 said...

Much sadness here today. I think it's a good thing that we will all be together on Saturday for some fun!

Steve and I WILL be there! We made some extra money mowing this past weekend, and he will get several hours of OT this week too! We won't be staying for the dinner, but we will be there at NCTC!

Mema Jo said...

Great News Lynne! You will really enjoy it.

Lynne2 said...

I am REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY happy we are coming!!

Heading out shortly for babysitting.

May no get back this evening so have a good one everybody.

Ms Bookworm said...

That is great news! You and Steve will have so much fun!

Whoa, it just started raining SOOOO hard here! Hear some rumbles, too, so think I'll shut down for a while and go study Algebra some more (yippee!).

Oh, hi, Glo!
Haven't "seen" you here in quite a while! VERY good to see you!

Yikes, it's POURING! BBL. :o]

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, SO very glad we will get to have you with us Saturday!!!
Thanks to you all for your loving words.

Here I am asking for more prayers. Please ask for relief and strength for Brookeann. She graduated w/ Carolyn, and my girls have known her for a long time. She has fought a long, hard cancer battle. Is now on Hospice with probably only a week or so to live. Only 38 yrs. old.

Mema Jo said...

Cancer is so damn cruel............

Mema Jo said...

I today received message from my friend about Meghan for whom I had requested your prayers....
Meghan starts heavy chemo this el has b hospital 5 days each time. Ur prayers r being felt by her family who r living moment by moment. Hope to replace knee rather than amputate. Thnk ur friends.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break
Kristen was here all morning with me

Feet Up

hedgie said...

More prayers for Meghan, Jo. Hope the replacement is successful, and that she tolerates the chemo well.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Home from the school house and will be scanning the newspaper and t.v. news before heading for the kitchen.

I think it is a very, very good thing that so many of us can be together this weekend. Fun and laughter and new memories will be so welcome.

Have been trying to educate Darth about the bloggers -- finally just told him to introduce himself as Darth and he'll get the hang of things.

Told him there would be some other men but lots of women -- maybe 50 (tee hee). He screeched "50 women?" I commented "in your dreams, dude."

Don't worry ladies. He's harmless.

Prayers for Brookeann.

Judie said...

Prayers for Meghan, also.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm back for a bit. Quit raining here for now.

Lynn, prayers for Brookeann, AND for
her family, and your girls.

Prayers, too, Jo, for Meghan and her family (Mary, Ann, Sara & Paul).

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Judie,
You're right. The Open House is going to be lots of fun, and should generate many, many happy memories. It will indeed be welcome after the week we're having!
I'm sure Darth will fit right in, too. Tell him not to worry. Sure wish it were possible for me to be there, and Hubby too! No chance till I've graduated from school, though. Have some fun for me!

Better go now. Must go to school a bit early today to finish up my transcription homework and solve a few more Algebra problems before the test tonight. Please say a few school prayers for me! Thanks in advance. Will check in later, after I'm home from school. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Andy, you KNOW you will do fine with the algebra!!! And we, too, wish you could be here this weekend!
LOL, Judie, bet you scared poor Darth to death with 50 women!!

hedgie said...

Frost warning for our area tonight. Down into the 30's....I hate it!! But, hey--maybe it will kill off the rest of the stinkbugs!

Leaves are finally starting to get some color----what's left of them!! Many trees are already empty.

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals....

Lynn, I am sorry to learn that Cinnamon has died, Carolyn told me when she came to work tonight....

Prayers for Meghann, and Brookeann, hoping to hear how little Cody is doing tonight, maybe after soup kitchen Wanda might post an update

Okay , clunker just made a noise...

good investigative report Paula from the Hancock Forum....
wahoo ! A sighting over the weekend after all !

and oh boy, I will get to meet Steve, Lynne, AND Darth !

magpie said...

hoping that Andrea does well (as she always does...) at school tonight

magpie said...

hoping to hear our Jim's cousin is doing also..and maybe, Dana will pop on again ☺

by the way Hedgie...the tree colors from here to Berkeley Springs are great !

magpie said...

oh dear think the night light is coming on now at our nest

magpie said...

Full Moon on the 22nd by the way...that's Friday !

you all keep you eyes and hineys ready for the Split....not too far off

magpie said...

wow hear all those geese....then heard the fluttering of feathers or wings

magpie said...


movin said...

I'm terribly sorry to hear that Hedgie's little dog, Cinnamon, passed away...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

by the time I could post there was only one...still one I think it is Belle

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 354   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...