On the good news side, my cousin Cindy is doing so well, they have her sitting up in a chair much of the day and she's been eating very well...said she hadn't eaten for four days because of the infection and fever.
She had also gotten so dehydrated that her kidneys were about shut down, but that's all back in the good range now.
She might go home in the next day or two, and she seems to be totally back amongst us.
just one clunk a long time before they lighted into the nest, Loretta...then their feetsies were making crunchy noises on the nest...could hear them fly out one by one....heavenly sounds!
Loretta...believe it or not, the asters that I photographed that were on my aster avater...were actually pink like the ones on yours....but they turned blue when I took their pictures...have had that happen before with other color things
I have also seen the little periwinkle colored ones along the roadside also here
Well, I saw an MT nest today at Park--both AM & PM. Could be the timing is wrong when/if they do visit. However in AM, I heard and tthen saw a really neat bird. Gotta see after dinner if pics are OK.Other than that, was a quiet day especially after the 60 elem. kids left! They were broken up into groups & some spent time in the VC meeting room for a program. In afternoon I heard a loud POW & saw a flash of light from that room!!Had turned the big lights off after students left, but thought maybe a small spot blew out. No broken bulbs, but melting plastic smell from the closet w/all the wiring, phone, 'puter electronics! No smoke. Someone called Park electrician and phone workers who should have gotten there after work. BBL - din din
Lynn, (((((((Hugs))))))!!! I am so sorry about Cinnamon. It is good though that there is no more pain. Reaching out and loving a new pet will surely help.
So glad an eagle was seen tonight. Cool! We are going to have to get up and out early Thursday. We have a long drive and I want to get to the nest Thursday.
Lynne, so glad you are coming Saturday! Great! Judie, tell Darth, Jack has been before but he really does not know folks. He is really patient to bring me to this from so far away. And, he made "It" when I made a request! Bless him!
Looking forward to seeing Father Capt Gene and hoping for an Eagle Talon!!!!:) Or a poop shoot! I do hope Father Gene wears his proper attire! LOL
Just learned on fb that Laurel's MIL (Faye)is out of the hospital and at their house. (PLEASE say a prayer for Laurel!) This will NOT be easy for her!
We spent the whole day at Mystic Seaport. It was very interesting. We thoroughly enjoyed it, but boy am I pooped. I guess the most interesting thing was going about the Charles W. Morgan whaling ship. It is the only remaining wood whaling ship and is being restored. Fascinating! We talked to one man who told us that when it is restored in three years, they hope to sail it out past Cape Cod and then on to apologize to the whales. I liked that!
It was a good day at the shop and a good evening at the Soup Kitchen 16 guests, not as many as we would like, but theys acomin'...we'll get all the hungry people there one day:)
Update on Cody:
Karla Wright Adams: I just talked to Beanie and she said Cody's lungs are fine and that he had a viral "something" that restricted his breathing. I assume they are doing the scope to check everything out and be sure there are no other problems. I read everyones coments to her and she was very touched and teary. She sends thanks and hello's to everyone. Bless his little heart, I know he was really frightened, as was his parents and friends. Thank you all for prayers♥
Thanks Lolly and Loretta. Feeling your support, too. With so many of you bolstering me, I feel like I'm floating-----might be the lack of sleep and the beer I had for dinner, LOL, but I'll stick with all y'all!!!
Dear Lynn...I think we all shed some tears with you today. We know how much you loved Cinny and that you will love again. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we love you♥♥
Not sure what he wants, Wanda. For some reason he does not like to trick or treat and is unnerved by some scary costumes, etc. He wasn't sure he wanted to dress up, then decided he would. I'm guessing not too scary, but as soon as I say it, he will change his mind.
He would not walk on the same side of the street as a scary Halloween house last year. He and Susan walked on the other side of the street. A funny thing happened when another little boy came along and she asked him if he wanted to join them and he said yes, so she kept the two boys safe from the Halloween monsters.
I am sure he will grow out of this before long. Meanwhile, there is something refreshing about a bit of childish innocence. Even football players have a soft side.
Andy, I know you have already headed off for school but sending good wishes for yet another successful test. Seems we can't expect any less of you -- you really are an exceptional student.
Jim, any word on Cindy? Maybe I missed an update today.
Am tired tonight so will be turning my light off soon.
Will leave the night light on for others coming in such as Andy from school, anyone headed to the tub, to the recliner, back the hallway, or just seeking peace and quiet and comfort. Until tomorrow...
Finally got a new phone after delaying it for so long....battery in other phone wouldn't hold a charge and phone was too old to get a battery! Finally stopped at the Verizon store and got a touch screen phone with a slide out keyboard. Trying to read the teeny tiny print in the book so I can use the phone!
Ended up the phone was free after a mail in rebate...also got the bluetooth wireless so I can use it hands free.
Watching the Rangers! Have showered and into comfy lounging outfit...my Maine Moose pjs. LOL
Faye, Laurel's MIL, is still not eating and when she does eat anything it is not approriate. It should be a low fat diet due to the pancreatitis. So, please prayers for her to realize that she needs to make a life style change. She is not a good patient, so prayers for Laurel to be patient.
Lolly, good luck to your Rangers! I'm so jealous~~~Moose PJs!!!
My thoughts and prayers for Laurel & her MIL.Sounds like a difficult situation.
Wow, Paula, sounds like you've got one of those "tiny techies"!!!Tried to use my phone today & it was dead. It had been charged and then in my purse for week or so---never used it! Could be shot battery, too.
Margy, that's strange about the "blue asters". I've had trouble taking pics of periwinkle things, sort of like grape hyacinths. They turn blue, blue. I think it's dessert time--maybe lemon merangue pie ☺~~~
Thanks, grannyblt. Loretta, my head is bobbing, so will check your pics tomorrow. What an emotional day. Thanks for all your love, my dear Momsters and Dadster. Lolly, sure don't envy Laurel having to put up with a non-compliant MIL. At least she's at school for a good part of the day! Paula, have fun with your new phone. Good night, dear ones. I am ready to sleep for a week......nope, can't do that! I'd miss OH!!! Prayers for all, and thanks for yours.
Paula I also got the 2nd email of information - thank you.
So much is happening - I will need to congratulate Hunter this weekend on his football success. I remember as a youngster having a house I wouldn't go near on Halloween night. Also my children had a house that they loved to visit for treats and Ms Randall loved to decorate and have her witch costume - the kids still talk about her.
Hi, Everyone, I just got home from school. Am hoping I did OK on the Algebra test. Some of it seemed easier than other parts. Thanks for your school prayers and good wishes!
Thank God our eagles have made an appearance! As I said before, I think the rascals are messing with us! Really thankful that they are back, though. Loretta, sorry you missed them. I did too!
Jim, that's wonderful news about your cousin Cindy! Prayers for continued improvement! Thank God!
Lolly, glad to hear that Faye has improved enough to go home, but prayers for Laurel. Hope it isn't too hard on Laurel & family. Also hope that Faye will comply with the new diet. Lifestyle changes aren't always so easy, but sometimes noncompliance is not an option!
Wanda, thank you for the update on Cody! Thrilled that he is doing so well! Boy, was THAT a scary situation! Couldn't be happier that the little guy is fine! Thank God! Glad that the soup kitchen was a success again, and that you had a good day at the costume shop!
Shirley, be sure to congratulate Hunter for me on the undefeated season! That's quite an accomplishment! You must be SOOO proud! Hope you do well at your bridge game tomorrow night, too.
Paula, glad you found such a nice new phone! What a deal! Bet you'll really enjoy it.
Margy, sorry your mums didn't do well this year. Hope you'll have some that do better next year.
Lynn, haven't been able to stop thinking of you all day. Praying now that when the time is right you will find the perfect new companion. Hope you are able to rest well tonight. ((HUGS))!!
Well, now that I have written such a book, I think I will call it a day. My brain is weary tonight!
Prayers have been said for everyone, for so many needs. Thanks, Judie, for turning on the night light. I'm turning the porch light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Wow! A few of you were blessed this morning with our eagles presence. That is fantastic! We slept a little late for that. Also, have not been bringing the cam up much. When using the hotspots and wifi they ask you to now use up too much. Plus, sharing with Jack. :)
Not sure what we are going to be doing today. Guess we will find out as we venture out.
Lynn, had to laugh at your comment concerning Laurel. I told her the same thing...be thankful she was at school all day. Not only does her MIL not comply with her food, she moans, whimpers, sighs and does not do good grooming. She is 67 and Laurel says she is looking 90. I have always had a problem with her in that she is lazy. When she comes to Laurel's she does not lift a finger. Grrrr! So, I am sure she has Laurel waiting on her and Laurel does NOT need that. Laurel is a very sweet person and I am sure she is waiting on her and being a great care giver. (On top of teaching, cleaning, caring for the boys, caring out the garbage, mowing the yard, grocery shopping, and on and on!) Grrrr! Excuse me!
It is still very dark and cloudy for So Cal with a 70% chance of rain and T-storms for another day.
A couple of people I talked to in N San Diego areas said they've been getting steadily heavier rains, while we have been getting more drizzle with only a few heavier showers....
So glad that Margy, Megan, and Sissy got to see Belle and Lib this morning! They're b-a-a-a-a-ck!
Judie, I did sleep soundly last night, but got busy as soon as Hubby left for work, and the house is straightened up and 2 loads of wash finished and put away, and another load in the washer now. Amazing what caffeine will do for ya! Do plan on a panda nap later, though. Nice nap weather here today. Cool and cloudy, with 50% chance of more rain! Some places hereabouts got 2" of the wet stuff yesterday! I'm loving it! Must say, I have more energy when the weather is cool. BTW, I hope you're right about the Algebra grade!
Noticed this morning that our Daddy Anna's hummer is bugged that I have our sprinklers turned off. He usually takes a morning shower in them! He was trying to take a bath on the water-soaked leaves of our tallest rose bush. Plan B, apparently.
Wondering whether to unlock our gate for the gardener. Way too much rain yesterday for him to mow. Still pretty wet today. Guess I'll just wait and see if he shows up.
Morning all. Had a great nights' rest. Feeling so much better today. Still sad, but not blubbering. Lolly, okay to gripe to us----sounds as if Joey may be a chip off the old block, if Laurel is doing all those chores! Andy and Jim, sure that you all are thankful for the damp weather. Looking like we will be getting some more, too....it can't be enough, either! Glad that our eagles are hanging out again. They must have taken a little vacation!
Good Morning - So happy about the sightings of the eagles. News concerning Blackwater's eagles from Helen is that their eagles have been bonding and both seen in the nest resting. Use the link from the Africam to watch BWE nest since our normal link won't open until December. Lisa does have pics of that on the BWE page under the news. Eagle is on the BWO platform.
Hi, Lynn, Oh, gosh, I know what you mean. We lost our Molly (German Shepherd/Chow/Goldie mix) going on 4 years ago, and every time I pull the car into the garage I still halfway expect to see her grinning and wagging when Hubby opens the kitchen door. She always seemed to know I was almost home, and would come to greet me. ((Hugs))!!
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE... Lynn, your dropped ice cube brought back memories of GG's kitty, Buddy. He just wandered into her life from under a shrub right after my Dad died. We think he had a part in sending him to her to keep her company:) Anyway, when Gene was fixing us something to drink, of course ice cubes would drop onto the floor and Buddy knew that...he would sit there and wait until one did drop...played with it until there was nothing was left:) Glad you had a good night's rest.
Took GG on a short shopping trip to Penny's. She needed some knee high stockings. She was ready to take off in her car and go by herself! (car is disabled), she doesn't know that yet! She found what she was looking for and then we went back home. Tired her out and she was ready for a nap. She needs to get out more often, but she is not often willing to go.
May I brag just a little on my granddaughter, Jillian? I don't often mention her...her life is so busy, she holds down 3 jobs and is a volunteer with the Enders Berryville Fire Dept. I commented about her being First Responder to a Family Friend, yesterday. Well, apparently she did a fine job with the little boy before she lost it and called her MOMMY:) FACEBOOK ACCOUNT:
Carman Levi Dodge I have a friend that volunteers at the Clarke County fire station and I am proud to know her, she helped save a little boys life this week. Jillian you are amazing, Yesterday at 3:23pm via Mobile Web · Comment ·LikeUnlike
4 people like this.. Dwain Sturgill Damn right she is! 22 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Karla Wright Adams Yep yep!! I must say I am proud to be her momma!! 18 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Write a comment....
I'm back with my ggd who will some day make me proud... well she already has a couple of times. She just asked me to take her to the store because her daddy's b-day is next month and she needs a card.
evening all! busy day here. On my way to do disaster repair on the bathroom post Puddles bath.
Lynn, so glad you are feeling a little better today!
Just read on FB Beverly Crisco Riffe Lord have mercy. Taking Tom's mom back to the hospital. They think it is her gallbladder. She has been having trouble for a while and they are going to try to treat it with antibiotics but anticipate that she may have to have surgery. Hate to ask, but more prayers please! Bless her heart. Will let ya'll know more when we do.
Wanda, glad GG had a little time out to shop. Also, very proud of Jillian and am so grateful for her volunteer work to help others. Please give her extra hugs next time you see her.
Lynn, still sad for you but am glad you have gotten some things accomplished today. Cyber hug until Friday.
Margy, yes, I am going to read something different tonight -- a crime novel! How different is that?
So sorry about Mrs. Riffe. I do wish her a speedy and complete recovery. Cannot imagine all she's been through the past few weeks.
Good evening! We had yet another fun day. First we went and toured the Nautilus, first nuclear sub. It was fascinating. Then we went to downtown Mystic, found a bench in the harbor to sit and eat our lunch. (cheese and apples). Saw Mystic Pizza! Then we went to Stonington. Toured the old lighthouse and museum and then toured the Capt. Palmer house. Loved that! After that we came on home to a beautiful sunset. Watched the Rangers loose....blah!
We have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow. Heading to Harper's Ferry. Know where that is? LOL I was wanting to go to the nest but we probbly won't make it. But, we could go Friday before our 7:30 dinner.
Lolly, that's quite a long haul to make in one day!! I don't remember seeing Mystic Pizza----didn't know it REALLY existed!! Your other adventures sound familiar....gee, it's been 25 yrs. ago!
Margy, double Hi Hello right back to James! What a cutie!
Checking in and seems like a lot of prayers are needed and some praises to GOD.
Lynn I'm so sorry about Cinnamon. My heart just ached for Lynn but I know God wanted Cinnamon home with Lynn. Lynn in Cinnamon's most precious time of need you gave her closest of your love and helped her find her peace. I do keep you in my prayers because it does take awhile after she took her walk to wait for you at Rainbow Bridge.
Prayers for Meghan and for Brookeann and both their families and friends.
Glad Jim's Cindy is doing better. Prayers also for Cody. God please carry my prayers for all I have said I would pray for. In your MIGHTY HANDS may you receive all prayers from everyone.
Prayers that Faye will take responsibility for her food. Laurel is so special and needs rest and prayers.
Wow more prayers for Mrs.Riffe and family.
I don't know but God does what is going on with Mattie and HE has her in HIS CARE.
I am trying to re-arrange more of what has happened in my life right now. It is hard when you felt if anything happened later in life to your Mother's health. I would have gone in and stayed there and gotten someone to help me with her. This has NOT COME ABOUT -- HER HEALTH IS GOOD. Just something has happened to make me have to take a tearful hard step back. God knows for now that is all I can say. Other than I STILL LOVE HER SHE IS MY MOTHER...
Also the pool classes are messing my stenosis up badly. I need the type of class I did in Winchester. I went there today and sit in on the class taking notes of what we did. I want to try to go back up there Monday to do the same. As it is our other Instructor. Then maybe at the pool during the time you can so whatever you want to do. I can set up a therapy plan of exercise that I did in Winchester.
Lynn and Steve I am glad you are coming to Open House.
Just made some apple crisp and Jack and I had a sinful dessert with ice cream. Usually do NOT eat a dessert but bought this apple crisp mix at a cider mill. OMG! It was sooooo good!
Going to say good night now. Think we should get to bed and get an early start. Long haul tomorrow. Should be interesting though.
Just gotta stop by and say Good Evening before my eyes close!!! Worked late and we didn't see a ray of sun until about 4:30 PM! I wanted to get a pic of our lovely maple by the pond, but hope it will look better on Fri.
Prayers for Granny Riffe & hope others continue to improve. Dana, sure hope you can get your helpful swim routine going soon! Shirley, congrats to Hunter & his team!!! ☺ Lolly, can't believe you'll be in Harpers Ferry tomorrow!!!!!! Andy, I'm sure you'll get an A for Algebra!!!! For everyone hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Speaking of that, I watched baby owls last night--5 AM their time & larger chick on right was wingercizing to beat the band!!
Just talked with Laurel. Faye is no better. She is not eating and they are just having to ride her to get her to drink. She is not bathing! I told Laurel she is going to have to get assertive tomorrow and tell her to bathe! Joey said he thinks she is depressed. Sounds like it.
Anyway, that is tonights report. "It" is ready to get on to WV! See you in 2 days!
Good Night Lynne...I do want some seeds...morning glory please...
Sorry to have missed Dana when she was on... sounds like a tough time for you right now Dana...sure hope you can be at Open House and put it all out of your mind for a little while (( hugs )) by the way, it was NOT ME you passed on Lakeview Drive Saturday....there are a lot of white blazers around here !
Lolly - don't you think Faye needs help mentally - seriously she is showing so many signs. Joey saying she is depressed and then not keeping up personal care such as grooming or bathing. Hope Joey realizes her needs are beyond what family members can give her and seeks help.
I left on her cell my version Of HAPPY BIRTHDAY she loved it.
She wanted for some reason an orange cake with not sweet white icing. She talked about she would have to bake one sometime.Her boyfriend made great brownie points by finding a bakery to bake one for him. She was SUPRISED!!! We talked again later tonight.
I thank all of you for the warming comments you have given me during this heart wrenching time with my Mother. I do feel your hugs and cares so much thank you.
Hi, Everyone, I just dragged in from school a little while ago. Trying to catch up here. We stayed till the bitter end in my English class. Lots to cover, and an exam next Wednesday. Yikes!
Oh, golly! Prayers for Granny Riffe! Hope they're making her comfortable, and hope she doesn't need surgery again. Hang in there, Bev and Sharon and family!
Dana, it's great to "see" you here! Have really missed you! Prayers for your situation with your Mom, and hopes that it will all work out well shortly. Hope you can get started on the water therapy that you did before that worked so well. Prayers for that, too. ((HUGS))!! Please wish Rochelle a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me.
Margy, I saw the moon on the way home from school, and it looked nice and spooky for the fast-approaching Halloween! Kept trying to hide behind a big fluffy cloud. As soon as I saw it, I thought of you!
Lynn, Glad you're getting caught up on rest. Hope you sleep tight tonight. Thanks for the bear report.
A big high 5 to Jillian! What a great job you did with Cody! Wanda, no wonder you are so proud of her.
Prayers continue for everyone. Been a busy prayer week for our group, hasn't it? Good thing that God is able to handle it all.
Sounds like Lolly and Jack had a fun day today!
Boy, I'm getting pretty tired! I am not sure whether Judie turned on the night light. Didn't read back too far. Wonder if the sandperson sneaked up on her! Will turn on the porch light and the night light for those coming in late. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep soundly, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
FROM OUR SISTER IN LAW THIS MORNING. They didn't take Granny to the ER last night. The nurses said it was the same as it has been. No inflammation or pain and the doctor said there was nothing they could do for her at this time except surgery and he did not recommend this as she is still recovering from the last surgery. She has had this gallbladder disease for years.
So that is a good thing! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Thanks for all the prayers!
Happy Birthday to a wonderful man today! Tom Riffe is double nickels--55!! Woohoo!
Good morning everyone! Two more days till we are headed your way! We will not make it to dinner Friday night. We won't be able to leave here till probably 4:30 or 4 and it is a 5 hour trip. See you Saturday morning though for sure!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful gathering this weekend.
Prayers for all.
Add my son to the list of gall bladder--pancreas problems. They did exploratory surgery last week, but couldn't remove the gall bladder because of infection and adhesions and scarring from previous injuries. Pancreas is in bad shape too and he may have to have it removed too. He says that pancreatic pain is the very worst.
Ha Ha just read "John" warning who the heck is john should I even open this email but of course that last name kept hitting me. Then I remembered the discussion on blog. John for "Jack".
Jack no taking off of clothes, no loss of virginity, noeErotic lustfulness, or dry mouth although BIG MOUTH....maybe you have hit the nail with the hammer of what has become of the MOTHER I HAD: drinking Margaritas. Thanks it gave me a laugh...which Of course I am needing. ty Dadster Jack
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 354 of 354was.....she or he just flew out....I got one picture only.....
Probably the best solace for a lost pet is to buy or adopt another one soon.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
and back again, one...
computer freezing up on me
Hi Jim !
did you see the eagles ?
well gone again, shucks...
was a long time waiting on these rascals to show up at night again!
Ah, NUTS!!! I had cam on and went to look at baby owls & missed them....AARRGGHH
Moon is directly up overhead from Jupiter...overnight they might get closer...or then again, maybe farther apart
On the good news side, my cousin Cindy is doing so well, they have her sitting up in a chair much of the day and she's been eating very well...said she hadn't eaten for four days because of the infection and fever.
She had also gotten so dehydrated that her kidneys were about shut down, but that's all back in the good range now.
She might go home in the next day or two, and she seems to be totally back amongst us.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
So sorry, Lynn, for the loss. :>(
Altho it's painful for us, it ends their pain.
just one clunk a long time before they lighted into the nest, Loretta...then their feetsies were making crunchy noises on the nest...could hear them fly out one by one....heavenly sounds!
Great news Jim !!
Wow, Jim!! That is so great about your cousin!!! Thank God!!
I do believe that Hedgie will tell us that she will get another pooch, I talked with her just a bit Monday night....she was just not sure when yet...
Loretta...believe it or not, the asters that I photographed that were on my aster avater...were actually pink like the ones on yours....but they turned blue when I took their pictures...have had that happen before with other color things
I have also seen the little periwinkle colored ones along the roadside also here
I posted my evening picture in the album...it is picture #21...
there's two in the nest but hard to see the second one
got to do a few things around here now
best wishes for a good late afternoon and evening
ttfn xox
Well, I saw an MT nest today at Park--both AM & PM. Could be the timing is wrong when/if they do visit. However in AM, I heard and tthen saw a really neat bird. Gotta see after dinner if pics are OK.Other than that, was a quiet day especially after the 60 elem. kids left! They were broken up into groups & some spent time in the VC meeting room for a program.
In afternoon I heard a loud POW & saw a flash of light from that room!!Had turned the big lights off after students left, but thought maybe a small spot blew out. No broken bulbs, but melting plastic smell from the closet w/all the wiring, phone, 'puter electronics! No smoke. Someone called Park electrician and phone workers who should have gotten there after work.
BBL - din din
Thank you, Jim and Margy for your sympathies.
Glad to hear that we had a visit from our lovely birds!
Hi all! Has been a long day.
Lynn, (((((((Hugs))))))!!! I am so sorry about Cinnamon. It is good though that there is no more pain. Reaching out and loving a new pet will surely help.
So glad an eagle was seen tonight. Cool! We are going to have to get up and out early Thursday. We have a long drive and I want to get to the nest Thursday.
Lynne, so glad you are coming Saturday! Great! Judie, tell Darth, Jack has been before but he really does not know folks. He is really patient to bring me to this from so far away. And, he made "It" when I made a request! Bless him!
Looking forward to seeing Father Capt Gene and hoping for an Eagle Talon!!!!:) Or a poop shoot! I do hope Father Gene wears his proper attire! LOL
Just learned on fb that Laurel's MIL (Faye)is out of the hospital and at their house. (PLEASE say a prayer for Laurel!) This will NOT be easy for her!
We spent the whole day at Mystic Seaport. It was very interesting. We thoroughly enjoyed it, but boy am I pooped. I guess the most interesting thing was going about the Charles W. Morgan whaling ship. It is the only remaining wood whaling ship and is being restored. Fascinating! We talked to one man who told us that when it is restored in three years, they hope to sail it out past Cape Cod and then on to apologize to the whales. I liked that!
I just returned from quick trip to WalMart.. I am headed in to Chn 9 for my Tues TV !
BB in between commercials...
** just read - Great News Jim!
IF Lynn gets another dog it will need to be able to travel and play in the sand!
Jim, you are right. I'll wait a couple of weeks before I start watching the rescue and adoption sites. Hope I find the perfect new 4-legged friend.
It was a good day at the shop and a good evening at the Soup Kitchen 16 guests, not as many as we would like, but theys acomin'...we'll get all the hungry people there one day:)
Update on Cody:
Karla Wright Adams: I just talked to Beanie and she said Cody's lungs are fine and that he had a viral "something" that restricted his breathing. I assume they are doing the scope to check everything out and be sure there are no other problems. I read everyones coments to her and she was very touched and teary. She sends thanks and hello's to everyone.
Bless his little heart, I know he was really frightened, as was his parents and friends.
Thank you all for prayers♥
Wonderful news about Cindy, Jim!!
Thanks Lolly and Loretta. Feeling your support, too. With so many of you bolstering me, I feel like I'm floating-----might be the lack of sleep and the beer I had for dinner, LOL, but I'll stick with all y'all!!!
EARLY Bear report:
Dear Lynn...I think we all shed some tears with you today. We know how much you loved Cinny and that you will love again. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we love you♥♥
I got a new phone...catch y'all later from home
Thanks, Wanda! I love your love. Makes me feel much better.
Good evening,
I just did a quick scan of the blog.
Lynn, I am so sorry about Cinnie. Prayers for you this evening.
Wanda, Kathryn and I are wondering if we might be able to take Hunter to the costume shop this weekend. He needs a costume.
Hope Cody continues to improve rapidly, Wanda.
So happy to read your good news, Jim.
Hunter's football team finished the season undefeated. It has been exciting for the boys. And for the parents and coaches as well.
Not to mention grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
Going to have to head upstairs. I am weary.
Tomorrow is another testing day, then I have bridge tomorrow evening.
Blessings to everyone out there.
Good night!
Congratulations to Hunter, and all his teammates and coaches and loyal fans Shirley !
Thanks for the updates on Cody, Wanda... sounds encouraging, what a close call he had...and so blessed that Jillian could be part of the rescue team ♥
Scare Slug is on sentinal duty tonight..big sluggie actually ended up in HIS flower box this morning
my mums have done really poorly this year, don't think sluggie could do any more damage
to them :(
Thanks, Lynn.
Good night.
Thanks, Shirley. Congrats to Hunter and his team. Have a good day tomorrow, and hope you win your bridge game!
Shirley, hope I haven't missed you yet...You certainly may come to the shop. Any idea what Hunter would like to dress as?
Meant to say thanks to Margy, but thanks to Lynn as well. Really have to go now.
Not sure what he wants, Wanda. For some reason he does not like to trick or treat and is unnerved by some scary costumes, etc. He wasn't sure he wanted to dress up, then decided he would. I'm guessing not too scary, but as soon as I say it, he will change his mind.
He would not walk on the same side of the street as a scary Halloween house last year. He and Susan walked on the other side of the street. A funny thing happened when another little boy came along and she asked him if he wanted to join them and he said yes, so she kept the two boys safe from the Halloween monsters.
I am sure he will grow out of this before long. Meanwhile, there is something refreshing about a bit of childish innocence. Even football players have a soft side.
And thanks!
Headed for the pillows here, going to read for awhile
Prayers for wellness, comfort, peace
Special thoughts going out to you tonight, Lynn....
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Back for a moment.
Andy, I know you have already headed off for school but sending good wishes for yet another successful test. Seems we can't expect any less of you -- you really are an exceptional student.
Jim, any word on Cindy? Maybe I missed an update today.
Am tired tonight so will be turning my light off soon.
Will leave the night light on for others coming in such as Andy from school, anyone headed to the tub, to the recliner, back the hallway, or just seeking peace and quiet and comfort. Until tomorrow...
Soory to hear about Cinnamon. It sure is hard to loose a pet. We had a dashund when i was a girl that had lots of back problems.
Evening, all!
Finally got a new phone after delaying it for so long....battery in other phone wouldn't hold a charge and phone was too old to get a battery! Finally stopped at the Verizon store and got a touch screen phone with a slide out keyboard. Trying to read the teeny tiny print in the book so I can use the phone!
Ended up the phone was free after a mail in rebate...also got the bluetooth wireless so I can use it hands free.
Will have to catch up on the blog later...
OK, Kids! Got some pictures on. Today's 2 pics are not great---very dark and cloudy, just short of rain.Then there are a few other randoms after that.
BTW, a Blogger announcement appeared that picture loader, etc. will be "disabled for maintenance" Wed.!!! I think it was 5 PM PST, but not sure.
Watching the Rangers! Have showered and into comfy lounging outfit...my Maine Moose pjs. LOL
Faye, Laurel's MIL, is still not eating and when she does eat anything it is not approriate. It should be a low fat diet due to the pancreatitis. So, please prayers for her to realize that she needs to make a life style change. She is not a good patient, so prayers for Laurel to be patient.
Sounds like a good deal on the phone, Paula.
I guess that tomorrow we will go looking for the sub. See how it compares to my own personal lil sub.
Lolly, good luck to your Rangers!
I'm so jealous~~~Moose PJs!!!
My thoughts and prayers for Laurel & her MIL.Sounds like a difficult situation.
Wow, Paula, sounds like you've got one of those "tiny techies"!!!Tried to use my phone today & it was dead. It had been charged and then in my purse for week or so---never used it! Could be shot battery, too.
Margy, that's strange about the "blue asters". I've had trouble taking pics of periwinkle things, sort of like grape hyacinths. They turn blue, blue.
I think it's dessert time--maybe lemon merangue pie ☺~~~
Jo, sent you an email
Good to hear about the improvement in your cousin, Jim
Glad we had an eagle or two in the nest tonight
Lynn, glad to hear that you are going to get another dog. I had to do the same thing...couldn't stand life without a dog around.
Just finished my 3 Tues TV shows. I liked them all. I do need to read over this thread and check out pic Margy put in the album.
I got the email - thanks Paula
Let me know the results after contact
Paula, what did you tell me was going into the buildings across the intersection from your work place?
Thanks, grannyblt.
Loretta, my head is bobbing, so will check your pics tomorrow. What an emotional day. Thanks for all your love, my dear Momsters and Dadster.
Lolly, sure don't envy Laurel having to put up with a non-compliant MIL. At least she's at school for a good part of the day!
Paula, have fun with your new phone.
Good night, dear ones. I am ready to sleep for a week......nope, can't do that! I'd miss OH!!!
Prayers for all, and thanks for yours.
Paula I also got the 2nd email of information - thank you.
So much is happening - I will need to congratulate Hunter this weekend on his football success. I remember as a youngster having a house I wouldn't go near on Halloween night. Also my children had a house that they loved to visit for treats and Ms Randall loved to decorate and have her witch costume - the kids still talk about her.
Lolly I will say prayers for Faye - it is so hard to change but when it is for health reasons - how can you not?
I'll give you a wake up call Lynn!
Jo, it is Lowe's, Wegmans, a bank, Marshall's (I think), and I don't know what else.
Loretta you have done it once again with your pictures. You get the best subjects.....
Ok, done playing with the phone tonight, gotta get up early for a meeting at work.
See ya'll tomorrow!
Hugs to all ♥
Judie - you sure we can call Frank, Darth?
Getting very very anxious for OH
For now, it is back the hallway...
Prayers for peaceful sleep for all.
Good Night.... Hugs ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I am done for the day...
Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school. Am hoping I did OK on the Algebra test.
Some of it seemed easier than other parts. Thanks for your school prayers and good wishes!
Thank God our eagles have made an appearance! As I said before, I think the rascals are messing with us! Really thankful that they are back, though. Loretta, sorry you missed them. I did too!
Jim, that's wonderful news about your cousin Cindy! Prayers for continued improvement! Thank God!
Lolly, glad to hear that Faye has improved enough to go home, but prayers for Laurel. Hope it isn't too hard on Laurel & family. Also hope that Faye will comply with the new diet. Lifestyle changes aren't always so easy, but sometimes noncompliance is not an option!
Wanda, thank you for the update on Cody! Thrilled that he is doing so well! Boy, was THAT a scary situation! Couldn't be happier that the little guy is fine! Thank God! Glad that the soup kitchen was a success again, and that you had a good day at the costume shop!
Shirley, be sure to congratulate Hunter for me on the undefeated season! That's quite an accomplishment! You must be SOOO proud! Hope you do well at your bridge game tomorrow night, too.
Paula, glad you found such a nice new phone! What a deal! Bet you'll really enjoy it.
Margy, sorry your mums didn't do well this year. Hope you'll have some that do better next year.
Lynn, haven't been able to stop thinking of you all day. Praying now that when the time is right you will find the perfect new companion.
Hope you are able to rest well tonight. ((HUGS))!!
Well, now that I have written such a book, I think I will call it a day. My brain is weary tonight!
Prayers have been said for everyone, for so many needs. Thanks, Judie, for turning on the night light. I'm turning the porch light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Two Morning Eagles...Our Nest !!
Both eagles in the nest now!
Thanks Magpie! What a sight for sore eyes!!!
Good morning everyone!
And now there are none! :(
And there they go!
and poof again
Best wishes for a good day, everyone...
Wow! A few of you were blessed this morning with our eagles presence. That is fantastic! We slept a little late for that. Also, have not been bringing the cam up much. When using the hotspots and wifi they ask you to now use up too much. Plus, sharing with Jack. :)
Not sure what we are going to be doing today. Guess we will find out as we venture out.
Must say that we enjoyed the TX Rangers game last night. This is a first for them and very exciting. Everyone at home is going wild! Fun! Fun! Fun!
Lynn, had to laugh at your comment concerning Laurel. I told her the same thing...be thankful she was at school all day. Not only does her MIL not comply with her food, she moans, whimpers, sighs and does not do good grooming. She is 67 and Laurel says she is looking 90. I have always had a problem with her in that she is lazy. When she comes to Laurel's she does not lift a finger. Grrrr! So, I am sure she has Laurel waiting on her and Laurel does NOT need that. Laurel is a very sweet person and I am sure she is waiting on her and being a great care giver. (On top of teaching, cleaning, caring for the boys, caring out the garbage, mowing the yard, grocery shopping, and on and on!) Grrrr! Excuse me!
Jim, very good news about Cindy. Wish her continued recovery.
Wanda, glad the soup kitchen had customers AND that Cody is improving.
Congratulations to Hunter and his football team.
Wishing Laurel peace and tranquility during her MIL ordeal.
Andy, hope you get some rest today. I think another A is headed your way.
Yes, Jo. I actually told him to introduce himself as Darth and everyone will know who he is.
Paula, enjoy the new phone.
It is still very dark and cloudy for So Cal with a 70% chance of rain and T-storms for another day.
A couple of people I talked to in N San Diego areas said they've been getting steadily heavier rains, while we have been getting more drizzle with only a few heavier showers....
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Eagle pair on BWO box.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Good Morning, Everyone!
So glad that Margy, Megan, and Sissy got to see Belle and Lib this morning! They're b-a-a-a-a-ck!
Judie, I did sleep soundly last night, but got busy as soon as Hubby left for work, and the house is straightened up and 2 loads of wash finished and put away, and another load in the washer now.
Amazing what caffeine will do for ya! Do plan on a panda nap later, though. Nice nap weather here today. Cool and cloudy, with 50% chance of more rain! Some places hereabouts got 2" of the wet stuff yesterday! I'm loving it! Must say, I have more energy when the weather is cool. BTW, I hope you're right about the Algebra grade!
Noticed this morning that our Daddy Anna's hummer is bugged that I have our sprinklers turned off. He usually takes a morning shower in them! He was trying to take a bath on the water-soaked leaves of our tallest rose bush. Plan B, apparently.
Wondering whether to unlock our gate for the gardener. Way too much rain yesterday for him to mow. Still pretty wet today. Guess I'll just wait and see if he shows up.
Morning all. Had a great nights' rest. Feeling so much better today. Still sad, but not blubbering.
Lolly, okay to gripe to us----sounds as if Joey may be a chip off the old block, if Laurel is doing all those chores!
Andy and Jim, sure that you all are thankful for the damp weather. Looking like we will be getting some more, too....it can't be enough, either!
Glad that our eagles are hanging out again. They must have taken a little vacation!
Good Morning - So happy about the sightings of the eagles. News concerning Blackwater's eagles from Helen is that their eagles have been bonding and both seen in the nest resting. Use the link from the Africam to watch BWE nest since our normal link won't open until December. Lisa does have pics of that on the BWE page under the news.
Eagle is on the BWO platform.
It was 37° when I got up this morning....has only gone up to 47° so far. Really smells like fall out there. Some weak sunshine finally coming out.
I haven't turned on any heat - YET -
Tempted to do so.
Lunch time already
I have McCutcheons Apple Butter and
cottage cheese after half of a ham sandwich.
Oh-oh.....dropped an ice cube, and started to call for Cinnamon. She LOVED ice cubes. :(
Oh My! Lynn, lots of those kind of things will be happening! Seems like silly little things bring back the good memories........♥
Hi, Lynn,
Oh, gosh, I know what you mean. We lost our Molly (German Shepherd/Chow/Goldie mix) going on 4 years ago, and every time I pull the car into the garage I still halfway expect to see her grinning and wagging when Hubby opens the kitchen door. She always seemed to know I was almost home, and would come to greet me. ((Hugs))!!
Need make myself presentable and go pick up some Rx refills. Will check back later. :o]
I don't know if it has been mentioned... Atlanta zoo is on Panda "birth watch" now. Check the article out.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Lion cubs are growing! I see one on Cam 6C - he is sleeping.
Owls are getting fed this time of evening.
Yes, Jim Lun Lun Birth Watch 2010
Crossing my fingers!
Update for Atlanta Zoo on Lun Lun
Lion cubs at play
Hope they are still on Cam 7 WF
If not check out the other cams
Seems like the little cubs scooted right out of there as soon as I went back to look after making the link.
Keep trying - you'll catch them.
Feet up for an hour 'cause it is
Alexis evening.......
Huh! Seems as if the only thing I can see today is my reading on domestic violence. Missed the eagles, the lion cubs, the baby owls.
Seems those who are around have been doing okay. Me too.
Jo, have fun with Alexis.
Dreary overcast sprinkly day here. Might be a good night for spaghetti.
Lynn, your dropped ice cube brought back memories of GG's kitty, Buddy. He just wandered into her life from under a shrub right after my Dad died. We think he had a part in sending him to her to keep her company:) Anyway, when Gene was fixing us something to drink, of course ice cubes would drop onto the floor and Buddy knew that...he would sit there and wait until one did drop...played with it until there was nothing was left:) Glad you had a good night's rest.
Took GG on a short shopping trip to Penny's. She needed some knee high stockings. She was ready to take off in her car and go by herself! (car is disabled), she doesn't know that yet! She found what she was looking for and then we went back home. Tired her out and she was ready for a nap. She needs to get out more often, but she is not often willing to go.
May I brag just a little on my granddaughter, Jillian? I don't often mention her...her life is so busy, she holds down 3 jobs and is a volunteer with the Enders Berryville Fire Dept.
I commented about her being First Responder to a Family Friend, yesterday. Well, apparently she did a fine job with the little boy before she lost it and called her MOMMY:) FACEBOOK ACCOUNT:
Carman Levi Dodge I have a friend that volunteers at the Clarke County fire station and I am proud to know her, she helped save a little boys life this week. Jillian you are amazing,
Yesterday at 3:23pm via Mobile Web · Comment ·LikeUnlike
4 people like this..
Dwain Sturgill Damn right she is!
22 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Karla Wright Adams Yep yep!! I must say I am proud to be her momma!!
18 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Write a comment....
My heart is so full!
I am headed out the door to get Alexis for the evening.
Wanda - grandkids can make you very proud! It's like our second go around.
Yep, Jo...our hearts are more tender when the grandchildren come along:)
Very nice, Wanda! Know you are proud!
Well, carpet is cleaned.
Retiree Christmas Luncheon invitation is finished, and half of the envelopes are stuffed.
Glo's raffle items have been fixed for presentation.
Dinner is done. And I'm feeling tired!
I'm back with my ggd who will some day make me proud... well she already has a couple of times. She just asked me to take her to the store because her daddy's b-day is next month and she needs a card.
I really want to be #300.........
Well you ARE #300 Jo...you and Alexis...how cute, the birthday card story
Good Evening Eagle Pals....
Belle & Liberty gave us the slip tonight...
But there's always tomorrow...
Glad to hear you had a good night's sleep Lynn...
Moon tonight is straight out to the left of Jupiter....love the way the moon and the planets dance around each other
hoping that Faye finds the inspiration to be well and ease the burden on Laurel...
prayers continue for all that
saw those picture links on the BWO site, really neat...the juvenle bald eagle, and the pair bonding.
it's a must see
speaking of musts, time to tackle the debris field here, laundry and all kinds of things hollering for attention
Judie, hope you decide to read something else tonight for a bit, wish I could get one of my Birds & Blooms magazines to you ☺
Nice compliments for Jillian, Wanda, thanks for sharing those...
and glad that GG had a little outing with you today, lovely day to be outside
best wishes for a good evening, will be back around later on
Oh, Lynn, meant to tell you, James asked me to give you a double Hi Hello
evening all! busy day here. On my way to do disaster repair on the bathroom post Puddles bath.
Lynn, so glad you are feeling a little better today!
Just read on FB
Beverly Crisco Riffe Lord have mercy. Taking Tom's mom back to the hospital. They think it is her gallbladder. She has been having trouble for a while and they are going to try to treat it with antibiotics but anticipate that she may have to have surgery. Hate to ask, but more prayers please! Bless her heart. Will let ya'll know more when we do.
Thanks Lynne I hadn't seen that yet.
More prayers for Granny Riffe!
I see Lynne already let you all know what is going on. They are on their way to the hospital now. Lord, Lord, Lord!
Hang in there Bev!!!
thanks for the prayer alert, Lynne....for Granny Riffe...
hope the medicine treatment works...
What a week it's been for so many....UGH!!!!
(( hugs for you and all the family Sissy ♥ ♥ ♥ ))
Quick visit.
Wanda, glad GG had a little time out to shop. Also, very proud of Jillian and am so grateful for her volunteer work to help others. Please give her extra hugs next time you see her.
Lynn, still sad for you but am glad you have gotten some things accomplished today. Cyber hug until Friday.
Margy, yes, I am going to read something different tonight -- a crime novel! How different is that?
So sorry about Mrs. Riffe. I do wish her a speedy and complete recovery. Cannot imagine all she's been through the past few weeks.
Good evening! We had yet another fun day. First we went and toured the Nautilus, first nuclear sub. It was fascinating. Then we went to downtown Mystic, found a bench in the harbor to sit and eat our lunch. (cheese and apples). Saw Mystic Pizza!
Then we went to Stonington. Toured the old lighthouse and museum and then toured the Capt. Palmer house. Loved that! After that we came on home to a beautiful sunset. Watched the Rangers loose....blah!
We have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow. Heading to Harper's Ferry. Know where that is? LOL I was wanting to go to the nest but we probbly won't make it. But, we could go Friday before our 7:30 dinner.
Glad you posted what you did, Wanda, concerning Jillian. That is fantastic! You have every right to be very proud.
Prayers again for Tom's mother. Bless her heart!!!
You guessed it, Lynn. (concerning Laurel) Won't say anything more!
Have not talked with her this evening. Anxious to get a report.
Did send her pictures during the day. She loved the Mystic Pizza picture.
My playmate has gone home - had fun.
I got an email from June, Karen's friend, to whom I had sent a card- ...
Thank you so much Jo, I miss Karen so much but I know she's in a beautiful
place now and she's pain free!
Thanks again....take good care of you!
Check out Zoo's 4 lion cubs on
Cam 7 WF
It's 2:45 am in Africa and the 3 young owls are sound asleep - they lie flat down in the pot! Teeny did get fed a couple of times today.
Bear Report - Not Much News
I am heading into the TV
Criminal Minds
Judie are you watching??? or Reading???
What a shame abut Granny Riffe. Prayers going up.
Lolly, that's quite a long haul to make in one day!! I don't remember seeing Mystic Pizza----didn't know it REALLY existed!!
Your other adventures sound familiar....gee, it's been 25 yrs. ago!
Margy, double Hi Hello right back to James! What a cutie!
Early report----think Lynn and Sue are getting tired!! Hopefully they are getting to bed earlier!! I'm sure Mrs. Lynn appreciates that!
Time for Criminal Minds. BBL.
Checking in and seems like a lot of prayers are needed and some praises to GOD.
Lynn I'm so sorry about Cinnamon. My heart just ached for Lynn but I know God wanted Cinnamon home with Lynn. Lynn in Cinnamon's most
precious time of need you gave her closest of your love and helped her find her peace. I do keep you
in my prayers because it does take awhile after she took her walk to wait for you at Rainbow Bridge.
Prayers for Meghan and for Brookeann and both their families and friends.
Glad Jim's Cindy is doing better. Prayers also for Cody.
God please carry my prayers for all I have said I would pray for. In your MIGHTY HANDS may you receive all prayers from everyone.
Prayers that Faye will take responsibility for her food. Laurel is so special and needs rest and prayers.
Wow more prayers for Mrs.Riffe and family.
I don't know but God does what is going on with Mattie and HE has her in HIS CARE.
I am trying to re-arrange more of what has happened in my life right now. It is hard when you felt if anything happened later in life to your Mother's health. I would have gone in and stayed there and gotten someone to help me with her. This has NOT COME ABOUT -- HER HEALTH IS GOOD. Just something has happened to make me have to take a tearful hard step back. God knows for now that is all I can say. Other than I STILL LOVE HER SHE IS MY MOTHER...
Also the pool classes are messing my stenosis up badly. I need the type of class I did in Winchester. I went there today and sit in on the class taking notes of what we did. I want to try to go back up there Monday to do the same. As it is our other Instructor. Then maybe at the pool during the time you can so whatever you want to do. I can set up a therapy plan of exercise that I did in Winchester.
Lynn and Steve I am glad you are coming to Open House.
Just made some apple crisp and Jack and I had a sinful dessert with ice cream. Usually do NOT eat a dessert but bought this apple crisp mix at a cider mill. OMG! It was sooooo good!
Going to say good night now. Think we should get to bed and get an early start. Long haul tomorrow. Should be interesting though.
Night all! Sweet dreams!
Just gotta stop by and say Good Evening before my eyes close!!!
Worked late and we didn't see a ray of sun until about 4:30 PM! I wanted to get a pic of our lovely maple by the pond, but hope it will look better on Fri.
Prayers for Granny Riffe & hope others continue to improve.
Dana, sure hope you can get your helpful swim routine going soon!
Shirley, congrats to Hunter & his team!!! ☺
Lolly, can't believe you'll be in Harpers Ferry tomorrow!!!!!!
Andy, I'm sure you'll get an A for Algebra!!!!
For everyone hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Speaking of that, I watched baby owls last night--5 AM their time & larger chick on right was wingercizing to beat the band!!
Give a call when you hit WV....
Safe Journey
Whoops! I am back.
Will do, Jo!
Just talked with Laurel. Faye is no better. She is not eating and they are just having to ride her to get her to drink. She is not bathing! I told Laurel she is going to have to get assertive tomorrow and tell her to bathe!
Joey said he thinks she is depressed. Sounds like it.
Anyway, that is tonights report. "It" is ready to get on to WV! See you in 2 days!
Lolly, can't wait to see you and Jack and 'It'
evening all, just checking in before bed.
Forecast keeps getting better for Shepherdstown
Friday: Sunny, with a high near 60. West wind between 5 and 15 mph.
Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 37. West wind between 3 and 5 mph.
Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 72.
Saturday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 47.
Sunday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 73.
Let me know if anyone else wants GG Morning Glory seeds or milkweed seeds and I'll bring them along on Saturday.
Good night, prayers for all....so many needed.
Had a panda snooze after Criminal Minds. Heading for tub and then off to bed. Prayers for all in need. Good night my fine, fowl friends.
Good Night Lynne...I do want some seeds...morning glory please...
Sorry to have missed Dana when she was on...
sounds like a tough time for you right now Dana...sure hope you can be at Open House and put it all out of your mind for a little while (( hugs ))
by the way, it was NOT ME you passed on Lakeview Drive Saturday....there are a lot of white blazers around here !
'Night Lynn....
hope tonight's sleep is as good as last night's !
Well within less than 72 hours we will find out what Lolly and Jack's IT is...and also a few more "ITS"
Probably about time to say Good Night from this roost too...
Prayers, a big bunch of them...going up tonight, in the morning, during the day, and so and so on
Safe Travel Wishes Lolly & Jack...
enjoy the sights !
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Good night, Lynn. Peaceful sleep.
Lolly - don't you think Faye needs help mentally - seriously she is showing so many signs. Joey saying she is depressed and then not keeping up personal care such as grooming or bathing. Hope Joey realizes her needs are beyond what family members can give her and seeks help.
Good night everyone
Many Many prayers for all
Hugs for all........... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Today my daughter turned 29!!
I left on her cell my version
Of HAPPY BIRTHDAY she loved it.
She wanted for some reason an
orange cake with not sweet white
icing. She talked about she would
have to bake one sometime.Her boyfriend made great brownie points by finding a bakery
to bake one for him. She was SUPRISED!!! We talked again later tonight.
I thank all of you for the warming comments you have given me during this heart wrenching time with my Mother. I do feel your hugs and cares so much thank you.
Prayers for those that need them; God knows each and every one.
Praises to HIM who has answered needs and is helping in times of sorrow.
May God renew are strength.
Dana, hang in there Lady, it will all get better before long!
That is suppose to be
May God renew "our strength"......
Hi, Everyone,
I just dragged in from school a little while ago. Trying to catch up here. We stayed till the bitter end in my English class. Lots to cover, and an exam next Wednesday. Yikes!
Oh, golly! Prayers for Granny Riffe! Hope they're making her comfortable, and hope she doesn't need surgery again. Hang in there, Bev and Sharon and family!
Dana, it's great to "see" you here!
Have really missed you! Prayers for your situation with your Mom, and hopes that it will all work out well shortly. Hope you can get started on the water therapy that you did before that worked so well.
Prayers for that, too. ((HUGS))!!
Please wish Rochelle a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me.
Margy, I saw the moon on the way home from school, and it looked nice and spooky for the fast-approaching Halloween! Kept trying to hide behind a big fluffy cloud. As soon as I saw it, I thought of you!
Glad you're getting caught up on rest. Hope you sleep tight tonight. Thanks for the bear report.
A big high 5 to Jillian! What a great job you did with Cody! Wanda, no wonder you are so proud of her.
Prayers continue for everyone. Been a busy prayer week for our group, hasn't it? Good thing that God is able to handle it all.
Sounds like Lolly and Jack had a fun day today!
Boy, I'm getting pretty tired! I am not sure whether Judie turned on the night light. Didn't read back too far. Wonder if the sandperson sneaked up on her! Will turn on the porch light and the night light for those coming in late. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep soundly, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Sorry--my delete.
Something hiccupped and posted twice.
Good Morning Eagle Pals
Happy Birthday to Tom...our Eagle Dadster in Wild and Wonderful Bluefield , WV -
Hope there are special happy moments all the day through, Tom
xo ☺ ♥
a belated Happy Birthday to Rashada, Dana
Glad you were able to talk with her, and that she got that special favorite birthday cake
(( hugs to both of you ♥ ♥ ))
FROM OUR SISTER IN LAW THIS MORNING. They didn't take Granny to the ER last night. The nurses said it was the same as it has been. No inflammation or pain and the doctor said there was nothing they could do for her at this time except surgery and he did not recommend this as she is still recovering from the last surgery. She has had this gallbladder disease for years.
So that is a good thing! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Thanks for all the prayers!
Happy Birthday to a wonderful man today! Tom Riffe is double nickels--55!! Woohoo!
Good morning everyone! Two more days till we are headed your way! We will not make it to dinner Friday night. We won't be able to leave here till probably 4:30 or 4 and it is a 5 hour trip. See you Saturday morning though for sure!!!
Good news about Granny, Bev !
And yes, a wonderful day for a birthday for that man of yours !
Best wishes for a good day, folks....
got the nest up , watching, listening...hear crows and engines and beep beeps but....no eagles yet
Ok, now everyone sing.....On the road again.....! Just crossed the Thames!
WV... Here we come! See ya soon!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!
Morning all. Nobody in the nest now.
Hope you all have a wonderful gathering this weekend.
Prayers for all.
Add my son to the list of gall bladder--pancreas problems. They did exploratory surgery last week, but couldn't remove the gall bladder because of infection and adhesions and scarring from previous injuries. Pancreas is in bad shape too and he may have to have it removed too. He says that pancreatic pain is the very worst.
Ha Ha just read "John" warning who the heck is john should I even open this email but of course that last name kept hitting me. Then I remembered the discussion on blog. John for "Jack".
Jack no taking off of clothes, no loss of virginity, noeErotic lustfulness, or dry mouth although BIG MOUTH....maybe you have hit the nail with the hammer of what has become of the MOTHER I HAD: drinking Margaritas. Thanks it gave me a laugh...which Of course I am needing. ty Dadster Jack
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