Monday, October 04, 2010


New thread, new week.


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paula eagleholic said...

Happy Rainy Monday!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO in case you need an eagle fix.

NatureNut said...

Happy WeT Monday Thread!!!
Having hummer fix here! Little girl has been around all morning. I felt bad that it was old water in the feeder, so made a half batch. Put some in a bowl while I removed feeder. Little stinker came back looking & went to red salvia, but not the bowl. Everything's back up. Hope she returns!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thinking of Lynn and Diann. Good results are a must.

Rainy here and have been trying to do some reading for tomorrow. Have been interrupted by one thing or another most of the morning.

Lowreeda, haven't seen a hummer for several weeks. The fox has been around at night - barking.

Will try to catch up on comments and return later.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BWO

Mema Jo said...

Those are beautiful eagles at BWO...
That might have to be our eagle fix for the day. It is cold outside and wet also. It is a "Soup" day.

At lunch we all had Hot Chocolate!
Warmed us up!

I'm putting my feet up for a while.
Just want to get warm and cozy with my fleece spread.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Paula, Judie, and Loretta,

Just got back from Sis-in-law's house. Went to feed the bulldogs.
Gosh, it's glorious weather here--about 62 degrees, and drizzle to light rain. Feels SOOOOO nice and cool! This is wonderful! To think that exactly one week ago it was frying here at 113!!! Amazing.

Lynn, that was a good bear story--imagine--29 years old! She certainly lived a good life.

Shirley, I'm SO sorry you were stuck on the phone for so long! Gosh, don't you just HATE that?!
There ought to be a way to program
phone systems so that someone answers sooner than that! Aargh!

Have been saying prayers today for Lynn's scan, and now for Diann, too.
Hope both of you get excellent reports!

Lynne, hope I'm remembering correctly--is it you who needs to go to the dentist today? You certainly have my sympathy and prayers. I HATE dentists!

Judie, I think that it is SOOO cool that you have a resident fox! Hope he leaves your squirrels alone. Prayers for their protection! We never have had a fox here. They are amazing creatures, and so incredibly smart, too.

Well, I need to go get some laundry done, and clean up the kitchen. Will check back a bit later. Have a good afternoon, everyone! :o]

hedgie said...

Been back for awhile.....I was done almost before my scheduled scan time! Still raw, and being out and about makes me feel chilled to the bone.....I think I'll do what Jo's doing---snuggle up with a warm blankie and take a little nap!

Judie, wish you could get pics of your fox! Wanda would really love that!

Andy, glad you are having tolerable weahter. Jim, too!

Thanks for all good wishes and will be what it will be! Will know Th. if I'm still "clean"!

wvgal_dana said...

Back from trip about orthotics. Barry re-glued the arch piece. Felt so good.

Came back to Martinsburg got a grilled chicken sandwich at Wendy's was hot and good.

Then went to DMV, the Wal Mart Spring Mills to pick up perscriptions and now I'm home.

Left shoe felt funny took it off and the arch is not in place again!!!! grrrr He said he had a guy in the other day that it has been 2 yrs. on his temporary orthotics. Just needed a little change. WELL I WOULD LIKE TO BE THAT PERSON!!!! Put in a phone call....

wvgal_dana said...

Making purchases at dollar store---say's don't buy christmas light or extension cords if the cirlce with the UL seal is not in it and it must be on a ticket on the cord not the box.

Also they were talking about extended warranties: Although they seem to be a comfort to buyers, extended warranties aren't usually a reasonable purchase. In addition to the cost to insure the item, a buyer also has to pay for marketing costs, a commission to the salesperson, and an additional profit margin for the issuer. Only a small percentage of a consumer's money actually goes to the product's insurance.

wvgal_dana said...

On the Comcast page: Top Story

Verizon Plans Refunds
Company will refund those who were improperly charged for Web access and data usage.

Problem Dates Back Two Years
How Much Will You Be Refunded?

Lynne2 said...

wow Dana, how frustrating.

I had a painless and not too long visit with the dentist!

wvgal_dana said...

So you have your filling in now Lynne2. Hope it feels better.

I'm a little discouraged but it will all somehow for the best work out. I have to believe that.

Lynne2 said...

I think we may have set a new all time low temperature for this date. Will have to see what the official temp will be for the day at BWI airport.

hedgie said...

Dana, doesn't sound like Barry knows what he's doing!
I thought that Verizon thing applied to their cell phone service.
Have long known that "extended warranties" are pretty much worthless and a rip-off!

Lynne, enjoy a good chew of something yummy----in a couple of days!!!

Young man stopped in to test my water to make sure that the water softener I selected is appropriate for my water----it is! Super---no sales pitch to go to a more expensive system!

wvgal_dana said...

That is great Lynn-Hedgie.

I'm not sure if it is Barry or my feet. Something like this actually happened to me in Baltimore. Although they were not the temporaries. So finally they gave up and gave my money back.

hedgie said...

OMG-----snow tomorrow morning predicted in western MD Garrett Co., and Tucker Co., WV. Say it isn't sno---er, so.

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

I heard that word, Lynn - You better quickly head for the BEACH........

All I know is that it is really really cold outside this evening.....

wvgal_dana said...

Now they are saying diabetics should not use artificial sweetener's because they all are cause methanol toxicity.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn that is for Verizon Cell phones.

hedgie said...

Hadn't heard that one, Dana.

Jo, it really does feel much cooler than thermometer sayss, doesn't it? How was your luncheon?? Where did you meet?

hedgie said...

Thought so, refund for me! Never had their cell service.

wvgal_dana said...

Just think "When Europeans first settled in North America, there were an estimated 30 to 50million bison on the Great Plains-so many that their annual migrations over the centuries literally altered landscapes. Three hundred years later, barely athousand animals were left.

Mema Jo said...

We meet up in the west end of town at Always Rons.. There were only 8 of us today. Just got a message from one absent member that says she was fishing up in Canada...Lucky duck.

We only meet Oct and May... They run out of gossip. lol

I did learn that my one friend is having chemo but the word was she was feeling ok ...

Mema Jo said...

I am waiting for an eagle...........

Then I am going to CVS - need some

wvgal_dana said...

I am waiting on an eagle then I'm putting my feeties up.

NatureNut said...

Evening everyone.I agree, it is just too cold this evening! Guess we'll have to turn on the heat--peeuu!
Got some pictures of our little hummer this morning. Tried to take some outside, but ones thru window were better.Put 2 on blog. Hope it went far today!
Glad 2 of you at least have finished your med. appts. without too much trouble. We'll have to wait for Diann's report.
Dana, hope you get your arch support fixed!! That's so frustrating.
Gotta send little hummer to a few naturalist friends who say they are usually gone 9-19!!
Gotta eat, too----

Lynne2 said...

My goodness Dana, you are becoming our Information Queen on here!

I know they've said that in general, anyone trying to kick a sugar habit shouldn't use artificial sweetener because it can cause the same type of reaction in the system as sugar but I hadn't heard this other problem.

Jo Ellen, so glad you had a nice lunch today and prayers for your friend having chemo.

I'm waiting on an eagle and then heading for a hot's very chilly in this house!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta it is "not my arches". My foot is turning outward and forcing my knee to cave in.

Loretta what type of work does your daughter do that she travels so much?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne - glad your appointment went well with the Dentist.

Hi Loretta - love the picture of your juvie hummer.

Lib is running later then usual.

I need to get to CVS before it gets too late and TOO COLD.


wvgal_dana said...

Hay wait a minute I have paid for embalming. If using artificial sweetener's is the same thing. I want my money back from the Cemetery. LOL

magpie said...

Lynn glad things went smoothly during your testing,
and Lynne, same sentiment about your dental appointment

and Dana...all that work and running around and it STILL ain't right with the orthotic. WOOF !
Am so sorry to read of this.

Yes, chilly allrighty, and I didn't see or hear an Eagle this evening at NCTC

I test drove the heat today after changing the air filters....worked okay, smelled like it always does first time it fires up.....but it's OFF now

Lynne, wish I could share this heat with you, dear one....snuggle up with Puddles or Daisy or the cats ??

Best wishes for a good evening everyone...

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

I've been reading nutrition facts and ingredients and some health magazines and articles and am afraid to eat most things from the grocery store !

wvgal_dana said...

See what I mean even Margy is afraid to eat foods. Even regular foods from the store. Hay Margy maybe you and me or you and I had better stop reading about foods.

wvgal_dana said...

I am moving to Denver check out their temps. Nice and warm!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Denver tonight lo 47, tomorrow 81, Wednesday 74, Thursday 78

Us tronight lo 41, tomorrow 56, Wednesday 62, Thursday 71.

There is something WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Boy you aren't kidding Margy. SO much BAD food out there. I like to watch Dr Oz in the afternoon, and THe Doctors as well. They have a lot of really good information to pass along.

and yes, after showers Steve and I are planning on hitting the living room floor with the blanket and critters to watch some TV! We don't allow the dogs in the bed with us (although Daisy seems to think it's OK to be on the bed as long as no one catches her!)because there just isn't enough room for all of us. But we usually have a cat or 2 in bed!

Lynne2 said...

Boy you aren't kidding Margy. SO much BAD food out there. I like to watch Dr Oz in the afternoon, and THe Doctors as well. They have a lot of really good information to pass along.

and yes, after showers Steve and I are planning on hitting the living room floor with the blanket and critters to watch some TV! We don't allow the dogs in the bed with us (although Daisy seems to think it's OK to be on the bed as long as no one catches her!)because there just isn't enough room for all of us. But we usually have a cat or 2 in bed!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Sure is chilly out! Came home and put my sweats on!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, Denver usually has very nice weather..even in winter!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, where is Always Rons?

Lynne2 said...

I think this is a good night for some HOT CHOCOLATE!

I guess our eagles are going to be a no show this evening :(

Lynne2 said...

OK, I am off to the shower....

magpie said...

I have a nephew and niece and grand-nephew who recently moved to I'd like to know where Always Rons is too, so when Jo returns from CVS....
we'll find out!
Wow was just outside and now fingers too cold to type right !

Enjoy hearing the dogs and cats tales here ☺

Lolly said...

Hello Eagle Buds! We had a fantastic day. We took a long drive, stopping to do two great hikes. My knee started hurting on the second one. Next time I wear my knee brace. Was 44 this morning, but while hiking we only wore sweatshirts.

No moose today, but still glorious! I do think there was more color today. Need to download my camera and then post some pics. Will let you know when I have done that.

Tomorrow we are heading into Vermont. We are thinking maple syrup and cheese. LOL And Lynne, tells us not to forget Ben and Jerrys!

magpie said...

been reading the Eat This Not That books, also some borrowed Men's Health and Women's Health magazines, Prevention Magazine, and the more extreme Dr. Mercola newsletters....
trying to go, as a friend suggested, at least 80-20 -
behave 80% of the time, and slide a little the rest of the 20%.
Drinking Plenty of Water....
hard to keep it all straight
sometimes, for sure!

going to find the PJ's and fire up the heated blanket

Need to say Good Night NOW because I think sleep is not too far off for me

Good Warm Evening wishes to everyone....
Prayers for all our needs, and Prayers of Thanks given for gifts given and love shared

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

So, what is the temp there now. Here in the White Mts it is 51.

magpie said...

I do believe Megan hales from Vermont....sure she will enjoy your Vermont stories, Lolly and Jack
Sounds just great, each time you write about it

okay, G'Night

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! (((HUGS)))

Lolly said...

I did not know that!

Megan....where are you from?????

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lolly hope your knee does better with the brace. Sounds like you two are enjoying yourselves.

Margy nite and HUGS KEEP WARM GAL!

Lolly said...

Getting ready to load about 3 or 4 more pics to the New England blog.

Lolly said...

Have added a few pictures from today. Think now I am going to go bathe and get comfy!

hedgie said...

Nice pics, Loretta! Good luck to that youngster.

Just spent half-an-hour on phone with Jessica looking up her vocab words on a text book website.....she couldn't get online at home---darn Frontier.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly! Good to hear from you again.

Paula - I was in Hagerstown today. I didn't grow up in Frederick county - I am a Washington county gal.

I am going to hit the recliner to watch
"Lie To Me" I usually like to story plots not so much the actor.......


Mema Jo said...

I really can't say much for Frontier's service..... I bet Wanda also agrees with us Lynn!

hedgie said...

Always Ron's is on Dual Highway in Hagerstown, right Jo?
Haven't eaten there in years and years!
Hi to all coming in. And goodnight to those turning in.
Judie.....where are you gal?

paula eagleholic said...

I have been watching The Event...really good show...missed the first couple, going to go finish watching them.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Jo, didn't know that you were a Washington county gal!

paula eagleholic said...

I have been down the Dual, still don't know where it is, tho!

NatureNut said...

Gads, it is getting chilly. Guess we might have to turn on heat tonight.
Dana, sent you email. Sorry about your foot. I guess since you called your orthotic a support, thought you meant arch. duh
Gotta shampoo hair for AM work---BOO
Guess it will be a Park sweatshirt day---double BOO!! I like 65°-85°!!

Lolly said...

Have been on the phone with Laurel. It was 49 this morning at home. Wow!

Now I am going to read. Checking on the bears in the morning.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

I'm sorry - not ignoring you all.... I was watching a tv show.

The Always on the dual is no longer.
That was our hangout as teenagers and then a restaurant....

Always Rons is 29 Burhams Blvd..

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo---now I remember the distinction. Guess I never ate at Always Rons then!

Sounds like lots of cool temps nationwide. Brrrr.

Judie said...

Dana, you are really on a roll with the comedy tonight. You sure have given me a chuckle or two. I think you must be feeling okay in spite of all the problems with your shoe accessories.

Seems everyone is doing well so that is good reading.

Worked on some material for tomorrow to finish up serial homicide before the first exam.

You may skip my tale of woe if you wish. Had a difficult task tonight. Since I started having all the surgeries about two years ago, have had a lady come in half days once a week to clean. Finally had to face reality. She started out doing a really good job but has slacked off. Called tonight to tell her I do not need her any longer. Never had to terminate anyone before. I was uncomfortable. Interviewed a young man this afternoon who owns his own cleaning company and he will take care of the entire house every other Monday for less money. Will see how it works out but am optimistic.

Did not see any eagles today. Wish I had. Maybe tomorrow.

Lynn, glad the scan didn't take long.

Jo, glad you had a nice lunch out.

Goodnight, Margy.

Lolly, take it easy and do wear your knee brace.

Hi Paula.

Okay, everyone stay warm and toasty. I hear the sandperson calling telling me tomorrow is a work day. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, or just stumbling around in the dark.

Until tomorrow...

Mema Jo said...

I am going back the hallway...

Good Night To All
Stay warm tonight

Prayers for all being said

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

well, nothing of interest on TV so I decided to put the pictures/stories of Turkey Point on my blog finally. Also put some on from the weekend before outing.

Mema Jo said...

Ahoy, Lynne! Loved all you pics on your blog...... ♥

Lynne2 said...

LOL Jo....I'm watching for my sailor to return from the sea in that picture!

Lynne2 said...

so no word from Diann about her scan today. Hope all is OK.

Going to hit the hay. Prayers for all and have a good night!

hedgie said...

Still no Bear report......hope all is well.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah Judy, a difficult task I'm sure, but I don't blame you.

Great pics Lynne. Looks like some nice place to visit. Went over Gunpowder on the way to Conowingo.

hedgie said...

Time for me to say goodnight.

Judie, good luck with the guy housecleaner. I had one when I was going through chemo.....he did a less than satisfactory job!
Have a good day at school tomorrow.

See all of you fine, fowl friends tomorrow. Prayers and Peace.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna hit the hay, see ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...


floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew into nest.Very vocal this morning.

floralgirl said...

Eagle didn't stay long, probably just a few minutes. Flew up into tree.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Tuesday Morning in Eagle Land.

Megan glad you got to see our eagle is AM.

The branches below on the left look so green.

Need to go back and read comments from where I left last night.

hedgie said...

Good cloudy morning!
Bear report from late last night:

hedgie said...

Xing Xing's autopsy result--and a wonderful poem to Tai "from mama":
Panda report

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Judie are you trying to confuse me. If so it won't be hard.

Hedgie commented-her avatar.

You commented-Hedgie's avatar.

I did read the last Judie comment she was saying; "about finishing up serial homicide before the first exam and stumbling around in the dark". Humm some concern here.

Hope we hear from Judie soon!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Hedgie ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I watch "Lie to Me" also don't like the actor. Love the story plot too. For some reason he always reminds me of a "drunk".

Lolly said...

Good morning! Good nights sleep, slept without any waking up. Hikes do me in! ☺ 48 this morning. So far no rain at all on this trip. Blue sky and sunshine this morning, but fear it is coming tomorrow.

Have a great day! We will be heading out shortly!

wvgal_dana said...

Safe travels Lolly and love the pictures!!! ( :

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, walking does me in too. I shopped for 2 hours yesterday for groceries for us, GG and the church and slept like a baby!
Not as fun as hiking, but non-the-less, exercise:)
I'm enjoying your trip...thanks for sharing♥

Costume Lady said...

Lie to is hard to look at, I like handsome actors...makes the program more interesting;)
How's the orthodics this morning, Dana? Do you have to go to Winchester again? Wave to Denise and Karla while your there:)

Costume Lady said...

Need Judie to get on here and advise me to behave myself! I am about to commit homicide;(

hedgie said...

Dana...I'm confused....what about Judie and my avatar? I don't remember any comments about it recently....??????

Wanda, is tonight Soup Kitchen?

hedgie said...

Did you know........that black bears can run 30 MPH? Grizzlies, too.

Costume Lady said...

I know bears can run fast and climb trees, but, I didn't know that Moose could climb trees!...Lolly said she saw moose in the trees:) Tee Hee
Love you, Lolly:)

Yes, Lynn...Soup Kitchen 4-6pm. Gene is going in but I have to watch the shop. Having BBQ chichken legs and thighs, dressing (I just finished making it), Gene's bean soup, chocolate and white cake/chocolate frosting.

Mema Jo said...

Good Almost Afternoon - Kristen is here with me this morning.
Lie to me I didn't watch too much of the show - I've decided that the main actor does disgust me even if the story is good. Not watching anymore

Dana - Judie is working today (I think)
Yes, I noticed that Judie and Lynn's avatar are the same picture but Hedgie's Redskin Symbol has unique writing under it and Judie's is just the Redskin symbol!

Mema Jo said...

gd has received their Orders so it is official that they are coming home to Ft Bragg NC. Whoo Hoo!!!
They should be in MD to visit Dec 10-26.

Judie said...

Well, finished homicide this morning. Showed a video of an interview with a man who killed over 200 people. Will show another video on Thursday of an interview with Dennis Rader (BTK). Exam next Tuesday.

Don't know about the avatar. Will change mine to Halloween in a day or two.

Wanda, soup kitchen dinner should be very good. Hope you get lots of business tonight at the church and the shop. Um, why are you going to commit homicide? Hide the body in the woods and remember the food in prison is NOT tasty!

How's GG?

Didn't know about bear running speed but have no plan to verify -- sure I would lose the race and "It's me, bear" would likely not work.

Judie said...

Jo, I know you must be so excited about gd returning to U.S. and reasonably close by. Happy Days ahead and hope they can spend some time in Wild and Wonderful WV over the holidays.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Okay, hope this is a good new avatar. Boris insisted on joining the blog family.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time passed me by....
I need to catch up and get something to eat.....

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Well, on second thought, I am trying to change my avatar again. Have to get rid of Boris or Lynn won't read my comments.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Hope your are all keeping warm and dry. Brr...
This is too cold too fast for me.

Have to catch up now. bbl

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PA Nana said...

Sorry, my repeat. Having blog issues.

catching up .. bbl

Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all!

Decided time to change to a HallowEagle for Halloween!

Just finished round 1 of babysitting...round 2 coming up shortly.

Diann, how was your scan?

Judie, I like the Boris avatar! I found a spider web with a huge spider at Turkey Point this past weekend. On my has a STINKBUG all wrapped up for a snack!

hedgie said...

Lots of clunking/tapping at our cam.....????? Wonder what's going on?

Judie, thanks for getting rid of Boris on the Pumpkin! But you could have kept your Skins avatar! I'm still confused about Dana's comment. Don't remember that I said anything about yours unless it was a good comment when you first started using it!
BTW----Jo lives in MD, not WV!

Jo, so glad that the orders are official! And Ft. Bragg isn't TOO far form home!!

hedgie said...

Hornby cam work is underway--guy is preparing to go up to clean the camera, mount the new camera, trim branches. He is at the tree NOW,

Lynne2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Hornby Eagles Doug just announced that Dan (the tree climber) will be going up to the nest TODAY ... he will clean the camera, mount the new camera, trim branches. He is at the tree NOW, making preparations to go up. You can see the cam at WildEarth or at the link below where a large group of chatters have gathered.

was on Facebook!

Lynne2 said...

late with the news again and double posted besides!

Jo, when are the kids actually getting to Ft Bragg?

Judie said...

Lynne, pictures are great. Just be sure to warn Lynn about the spider or she'll freak.

All the better for Jo as NC is closer to MD. Somehow thought Jo was nearer to Martinsburg. Duh.

Okay, will be leaving for home in a few. Will visit later today.

hedgie said...

She's in Middletown which is just outside Frederick. Safe trip home, Judie! you have a trashcan?

Lynne2 said...

Found trashcan! Boy, I'm having all kinds of trouble posting today!

hedgie said...

Not hearing or seeing anything at Hornby yet.

hedgie said...

Voices now!

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon! Hope everyone is well. I posted a few photos from my last three trips out to BW:

Recent Photos

Judie said...

Terrific pictures, as usual, Bob. I especially like 18, 19, and 20. Thank you for sharing with us.

Judie said...

Off to find my humble abode. BBL

hedgie said...

Problems with cam buffering on Hornby link? Try this one: Hornby2
Watch out for screaming ad!

hedgie said...

I see Dan!

Lynne2 said...

grate pics Bob!

time to babysit again....see ya later!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I never said anything about you saying something about Judie's avatar. I just thought it was cute you two had posted and your avatar's were similar. Me being me was kidding Judie about "was she trying to confuse me, if so it would be easy to do". lol

wvgal_dana said...


movin said...





wE are way cooler than a couple of days ago. Some clouds, some light rain and we're having a high of 68°
today ... 20-25° down from a few days ago.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

This is a really slow process! Saw on chat at one point that someone said it was 107°.....they surely weren't talking about there at the nest!

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, now I see what you meant about the comments and avatars. Yes, there is a difference in them; as Jo said, mine has the writing---which says Washington Redskins Babe! That's me---a real babe, LOL!

hedgie said...

Bob, love your pics. Left you a comment!

It is really blowing here----and it is so chilly. Brrrr. :(

Water softener is installed! One less thing to worry about!

Judie said...

Hi Jim. Glad the weather is cooler over your way as it is here. Welcome relief.

Hi Dana. Don't listen to Lynn. We teamed up just to confuse you. LOL I changed my avatar to something halloween.

Had 5 minutes to check Hornby but nothing doing then. Will check again in a few. BBL

Judie said...

Ooooo, Lynn. Happy tub time!

hedgie said...
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hedgie said...

Guess I'm wrong.....they just brought up a new view...from same direction, but a bit different angle.......

hedgie said...
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hedgie said...

Well, chat is saying that they couldn't mount the new cam----no good place to put it. Guess the view is just a bit different cause they are showing close-up. Oh, well.....good try folks.
I'll shut up now.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Bob for the great pictures.
Couldn't choose if I had too. ( :

PA Nana said...

Hi again everyone. Had phone calls to answer. Geez, I can go weeks without a call and then the calls are continuous.

Had a call from my doc. CT scan did not show any immediate problem, but my bloodwork requires a visit to a specialist.

My pain specialist(?) did give me an injection 2 weeks ago without much relief.

Now "it's time to make the donuts." That just came to me as I typed. ☺ It's supper time.

It's Tuesday night and I'll be glued to the tv so everyone have a nice evening and prayers for all needs/wants.

Thanks to all for the pictures Bob, Lolly, Lynne, Loretta, etc. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Also the links for the bears and Hornby-thanks Lynn(e)*(?) I forgot which one of you posted it. Sorry. Someday I'll bring a pen & paper along with the notebook.

God bless!

P.S. Judie, glad you changed your avatar. I cringe at the sight of 8-legged creatures.

hedgie said...

Diann, so good that your CT report was negative! Hope bloodwork is as good! I still have two days before I'll know my results.
Hope the positioning didn't bother your shoulder yesterday.

Judie said...

Dinner: left overs is over. Darth off to a meeting.

Diann, so glad your CT results were good and will send a blood test prayer your way.

Couldn't stand the rejection of my blog family if I put a stupid spider on my avatar. Had to make a quick change. Owl for Jo.

Need to scan the newspaper so will do that and check the t.v. schedule. BBL

Mema Jo said...

It is 52° and going down. Dang cold with the wind chill!
Yes! Tonight is TV night. It should all be good.
Chilly weather like this does make me sleepy! Maybe Lolly does have a heating unit in the camper.
Like Diann said - everyone's pictures are fantastic. Bob, your eagles are so majestic looking as are the turtles. Those turtles are large!

Mema Jo said...

Diann prayers for excellent blood test results are being said.

I always have to have the SED blood test done - Due to your prayers I registered a 1 . I've never been a 1 before. Always a 4 and once even a 6...

So Diann I am hoping you come up a 1 !
Enjoy your TV evening.......

PA Nana said...

EAGLES IN THE NEST. One left before I could post. Darn error 503

PA Nana said...

All gone.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann so glad CT Scan results were good.

Praying that you results of the blood work comes out really good.

Mema Jo said...

I believe you Diann!
I didn't even have my live feed up.
They get a little earlier each evening.

Mema Jo said...

Over on FB - Our favorite Lady in Red
has posted her pic. I'll miss her at Open House this year. Anne Marie says
she had a grand time in Alaska.

Mema Jo said...

From the link above you could write on Mason's Guest Book on the 11th and
wish him a Happy Birthday.

Update of Mason

wvgal_dana said...

Praying for good results of Hedgie's-Lynn's CT Scan. When she goes to dr. on Thursday.

I am going to close down.

Something is just not right with Little Man. Don't know what it is...a feeling I'm getting. So I just want to be on the couch with him.

Nite all

Prayers for those that need them.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, missed our eagles, got home a little early and was out throwing the ball for the doggies. They are fed and back out again. Time to scare up something for dinner.

Costume Lady said...

I had a 'fair' day at the shop. Fun people! Had to close down and take GG to get her hair cut. Apologized and left tickets for a 10% discount...none taken, so I guess I didn't miss anyone:)
GG picked up some man's ipod and earphones and put them in her purse. Got a phone call when we got home and was asked to look in her purse, just in case she had inadvertently picked up Mr. So and
So's ipod. Sure enough, there they were! I asked her why she had those in her purse and she said she thought they were mine:)
Had to drive all the way back to beauty salon and return the stolen merchandise!;) She said "stupid man shouldn't have put them on the chair with her pocketbook"....actually, she put her pocketbook on the chair with HIS IPOD:):)

Costume Lady said...

Nice treat to have some majectic birds and turtles to look at, Bob!
I do believe you caught a Snowy Egret doing a poop shoot!:)

Mema Jo said...

I am about ready to head in for my NCIS
at 8pm. Then NCIS:LA (I wonder if Nat will return later in the series?)
Then my favorite Good Wife.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, got any interesting costumes this year?

Costume Lady said...

Need to hurry a 10 minute bath...TV night, almost here!!
The Good Wife, whew! really steamy last week!

Judie said...

Dana, sure hope Little Man is just having a change of weather adjustment. Time with you will be just what he needs.

Missed the eagles, of course.

Wanda, I have a suspicion that GG is trying to move into modern times. Maybe an iPod for her Christmas gift?

Off for some t.v. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Be patient with GG, Wanda - no matter what she does! The story is sorta funny (to us since we didn't have to return them).

paula eagleholic said...

Another set of excellent shots, Bob.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Judie...GG won't even LOOK at her computer anymore, so an ipod would be of no interest to her. I just think she is becoming a kleptomaniac;)
Jo, I pray every night for the Lord to help me to be patient and handle everything the way He would want me to. I would unravel if I ever lost my cool with my sweet Mama! TV...outta here.

hedgie said...

Jo, not to worry. RV's have excellent little furnaces!! We lived in ours (and a BIL's) for 10 mos., Oct.-Aug.) while our ponderosa was being built.....very snug and cozy---in more ways than one!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, poor GG---AND you! Doubt that she was embarrassed---just confused---but sorry that you had to go through all of that. :(

Dana, hope Little Man gets back to normal soon. I'm worried about Cinnamon, too. Her bad cervical discs are bothering her and she's been coughing a little. Glad she is going to the vet Fri. for her vacation......they can do x-rays and see where we stand.

Lolly said...

Yep, very snug and cozy here! LOL

Hi all! What a day! We ate our way across Vermont. LOL First we stopped and Maple Grove to buy maple syrup and maple candy. Then on to Cabot. There we bought cheese and more cheese. Jack grazed enough that he did not want lunch. Then it was on to Ben and Jerry's. We did the tour, the free samples, and then bought huge cones. Jack said, "Why, not, we're not ever coming here again."
LOL We ended out trip East at Burlington on the shore of Lake Champlain. Spent a short time there at the harbor and then headed home.

Tomorrow we really should hike some more, but it all depends on the weather.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, I didn't buy very many ladies costumes this year...mostley teens and Queen sizes. Queen costumes sell very well, here. Last year, I didn't do well at all with the size 7-12, so I have plenty of those left.
I'll have to think a bit to tell you what I think is interesting and not just the run of the mill costume. Do you like sexy, funny, scary...what?

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to find something different , Wanda. Although I have been thinking about an Indian, which isn't really different or original!

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all.
Just read through the comments,
glad to hear Diann's CT went okay, and best wishes with the bloodwork

Oh Wanda....kind of crazy little tale with the IPod and earphones...glad it worked out okay
hope to read that Soup Kitchen was a success

Jo - Yay about the German Gang...James's pen pal is back from Afghanistan and is stationed right now at Fort Bragg, his home territory

good luck with the new cleaning guy, Judie...hope he looks like Nu or Tom Selleck or someone equally handsome

Dana, prayers for Little Man, hope it is nothing serious, and
hope that Cinnie will be okay too, maybe just the sudden change in weather

magpie said...

I can't stay on long, but I have a very serious need for some Momster and Dadster Prayers.

My sister, Anne, in Annandale, age almost 69 - had a sudden onset of back pain, went to Fairfax Hospital Saturday, was found to have pneumonia and a staph infection. Condition has worsened in the last few days, at this hour she is having an MRI, possible she has suffered a serious stroke. She has has two minor strokes in the last year.
She is stepmother to 10, mother to 5 more, and grandmother to scores across the nation....
She is also my Godmother....
Please and thank you in advance....
we are one worried family right now. I wish it could be ME with the illness....I would take all her ailments in an instant....
God Bless You for your help....

NatureNut said...

Is it still Tuesday???I am so tired, have been dozing in the chair!
Today, when passing the little swamp, NO egrets, but lots of water. There were a couple egrets at Park. And best of all, our little friend who we haven't seen for awhile is back---Chippy, the chipmunk!!Busy gathering sunflower seeds & taking to his storage holes behind the bldg. He is so cute!
Lynne, love your pictures and story. What a wonderful trip!!
Gotta look at Bob's next!

Lolly, you were pretty close to my Aunt & Uncle's place--Ripton, VT, near Burlington.Beautiful country--my cousin's wedding was in Oct!! for the beautiful foliage. ☺

If I don't get back, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Margy, so very sorry to hear about your dear sister. Prayers going up this very minute and for as long as needed. Please do keep us posted. If you need to go down, give Judie a call.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, so sorry to read about your sister....prayers going up right away. Keep us posted, please.

Evening all....whew, kids can sure wear a person out!

SO, Judie, it's the "cleaning guy" now. Hmmm, I remember when they used be the "pool boys". LOL!!

hedgie said... you squirrels have cheek pouches like Chippies do?

Lolly said...

Margy, prayers for your sister. (((Hugs))) for you!

Yes, we are enjoying this beautiful part of our country. The landscape is so beautiful and everyone has decorated for fall and Halloween. Just love it! The drive today was just gorgeous!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, so sorry to hear about your sister, will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Lolly said...

Have added four new pictures from today. Going to go bathe now and get comfy.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Judie said...

Margy, I am truly sorry about your sister. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I am about 3 blocks from Fairfax hospital and live in Annandale. Prayers, of course.

Lolly, what a wonderful day for you two. Terrific places to visit as in B&J and Cabot cheese.

You all have to stop being so very clever. Cleaning guy is Brazilian (legal) and not hurtful to my eyes, thank you very much. Wishing now we had a pool or maybe a hot tub. Oh well, in my dreams.

Lynn, hoping Cinnamon will be better soon and tests done while you are gone will all be negative for any serious problems.

diowjsidow -- oops, face fell onto the keyboard. Need sleep so headed off to find the sandperson. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, for Lynn to enjoy the benefits of her water softener, to Jo headed back the hallway, to Andy coming in on west coast time, and all others who might stumble in.

Prayers for Margy's sister, Mason, Dana, Cinnamon and Little Man, and Karen.

Lynne2 said...

Just a random thought from my old brain....

anyone remember CBS Radio Mystery Theater? I used to LOVE to listen to that every night when I went to bed.

Which is where I'm going now. Prayers for all...especially Margy's sister and little Cinnamon.

NatureNut said...

Just read about Margy's sister. I am so sorry~~~many prayers for her and your family. ♥

magpie said...

Thank you so much, my friends....
I knew this was the place to come to for prayers and comfort and support...
Anne's husband is a doctor, she has a son, a doctor, four daughters and a daughter-in-law, nurses.....
the staff at Fairfax was apparently not thinking "stroke," and were treating the other conditions...but when she became more and more unresponsive...the thoughts have gotten much more grim. When I know more, I'll
post an update.
Judie, I know you are close, will surely keep that in mind....
Signing off here....
have phones and emails going on....
Good Sweet Night, Prayers for all of us and our families and friends,
God Bless Us, Every One

NatureNut said...

Lynn, I don't think squirrels have cheek pouches. We've watched Shorty & when he wants to go bury something, he tries to cram 1 or 2 peanuts in his mouth---no cheeks.
Chippy usually looks like someone with a toothache! Sometimes when he comes back out of a hole, he sits and rubs his cheeks w/paws to get any other seeds out. Usually does this over the hole, too!!!

Lolly said...

Coming back on to give

Bear Update

Again...nite all...time for serious prayers and then sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Lolly
I've been watching TV all evening

hedgie said...

I didn't think so, Loretta, but have seen some here that look like they are trying to stuff in leaves....but then give up. Strange.

Margy, did you go down today? Or are you going tomorrow?? My love and prayers go with you.

hedgie said...

Judie, don't think you need to seek the sandperson----he/she found you! Goodnight! Margy, hope morning brings you better news. Sleep as well as possible.
And night-night to you, too, Lolly and Jack!

Christie just called to let me know that she made it safely to Cambridge, MD----out-of-the-blue 2 day trip for work. She needs to report there first thing in the morning, so instead of leaving home at 4:30AM and fighting traffic, she decided to go this evening.

Mema Jo said...

Margy prayers for your sister and the rest of the family of which you are apart. Keep us posted on her condition.

Paula No eagle feathers allowed on the Indian costume.

Little Man and Cinnamon - stay well because your mommas worry about you.

I really like your pumpkins Judie & Lynne and I love your fall eagle Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Now is the time for the trip back the hallway.. I haven't turned any heat on

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all needs/wants

Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

p.s.-I have a tiny squirrel that won't leave the deck until he has stuffed with his front paws 2 peanuts into his mouth.

Mema Jo said...

Please pray for peace

Report: Taliban, Afghan government in talks to end war

hedgie said...

Will do, Jo. But for some reason (duh, wonder why?) these people seem to thrive on the very notion of war. I won't hold my breath that any of them will capitulate to any kind of cease-fire accord. Wish it wouldhappen,but.......history sure doesn't lend any credence. :(

Goodnight, dear friends. So glad I have you in my life.

Costume Lady said...

OMG, I didn't get to talk to Judie about my 'urge' to commit homocide!
Seems the lady she hit last month is suing GG for bodily injury. How can you get hurt sitting at a stop light

Costume Lady said...


PA Nana said...

Pleasant dreams everyone.

Margy you have my prayers for your sister, Anne, and her whole family. The momster prayer warrior group is the greatest. I'll vouche for them. I thank everyone for their prayers for me.

Lynn, good luck tomorrow. Prayers for a good report.

Jo & Wanda, wasn't the Good Wife tonight good?! Can't wait for next week's show. What did Kalinda find out?

Wanda, sorry about the episode with GG. She seems such a sweet lady that wouldn't deliberately do anything to hurt anyone. Hope I get to meet her some day.

Hope the momsters' doggies get well soon.

Gotta go and read email and check fb.
God bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dragged myself home from school. My College Algebra class started tonight, and we didn't get out until after 9:30. Class is the same time as my Practice 4 class, so had to go to school early today, get my transcription homework finished, go home for dinner, go back to school. Gonna be a tough 6 weeks till this new class is over!
Still taking care of the bulldogs, too--Hubby was on pup duty by himself tonight, though.

Fell asleep watching TV after dinner last night, and never made it back here!

Gosh, Margy, prayers and more prayers for your sister, Anne! So very sorry to hear that she's in the hospital! Prayers and ((Hugs)) for you, too!--and the rest of your family!

Prayers for Little Man, and for Cinnamon, too--hope it's nothing serious in both cases! Know what a worry it is, though. Our pets don't have the ability to talk and tell what's bothering them.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, sorry to hear that someone is suing GG! Can't imagine suing that sweet lady! Sure praying that all works out OK. Prayers for the Ipod situation, too.

Gosh, I'm really tired tonight--guess I'd better call it a night and try to get ahead a bit on sleep.
Late class tomorrow night and Thursday, too. Need all the reserve I can get! Am leaving the night light and the porch light on. Have said prayers for all situations, and for everyone here.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Will try not to be quite so "missing in action"! God bless, and goodnight. Love each and every one of you! :o]

floralgirl said...

Eagle just landed in the nest.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew out.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Margy, any word on Anne?

Wanda, now I understand about the homicide. Don't do it, of course. You can be sued for that. I'm sure we all know this is bogus. If the woman is claiming neck/back injury, maybe some surveillance. Your insurance company might want to do that. Keep us posted. Good reason to keep those car keys!

My goodness, no wonder I got confused the last time I visited McLean -- it must have been the palm trees and mountains.

Lynn, prayer for a good report.

Diann, when will you see the blood specialist?

My squirrels often look like Fu Manchu with a peanut protruding from each side. No pouches like Chipmonks.

Missed the eagles, again.

Speaking of critters, how are Cinnamon and Little Man this morning?

Andy, get rested and then prepare for school tonight.

Off in search of coffee and newspaper. Then have to finalize 50 exam questions.

Anyone heard from Shirley?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land.

Where is Shirley?

Margy prayers being said for Anne, you and family. I know the feeling of wanting to take the illness from her to yourself.
God's knows you would do that. He will be hearing our eagle prayers. Keep us posted if there is anything we can do.

Wanda God is granting your prayers for a mild tone with GG. We know how much you love her. Sorry for the trip. As one said to us the "stories are funny", well some of them.

Wanda control those urges "homicide:
ones. People are just sue crazy anyhow. Just let the insurance company handle it.

Andy that does sound like a rough 6 wks. Prayers for rest and health for you.

No squirrels just keep coming back taking one or two peanuts. Eat seed sometimes will carry a little back with them. Nothing like the Chipmuck. I love watching them lol
both cheeks stuffed almost bigger than their little faces. lol

Hedgie-Lynn prayers for Cinnamon. Hope it is nothing serious.

Little Man just couldn't get settled last night. I did go into Ed's room. Found the Steeler soft blanket he and Little Man always layed under on the couch. That seem to help him some. Still might have to have vet check him out. We'll see. Thank you all for the prayers for him and Cinnamon.

Jo sometimes I wonder if either want peace. I pray though.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Computer won't get on this morning, on iPhone. 55, 10 degrees warmer than home. Rain coming and then cold front. Going to hike before rain. Have a great day!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Wow Wanda, is GG getting sued personally or are the woman's car and health insurance companies going after her car insurance company for reimbursement? That's petty standard procedure. No insurance co. is going to want to foot costs for something that was someone else's fault. I actually got rear ended by someone while sitting at a red light years ago. The kid was only a couple of yards behind me, and also stopped, but for some reason he WENT, right into the back of my car. He didn't have time or space to get up any kind of speed to do any serious bumper barely had a dent in it. But 2 days later, I had really bad neck pain. Standard injury for that type of collision. My health insurance people went after his car insurance for reimbursement and I never did anything to instigate that action. And then his ins. co. called me a few days later and offered me $600 for a settlement, also something I never instigated.

I can't imagine this lady that GG hit has any real claim. Even so, the main thing is that it could have been a much worse scenario. I do wonder though, if they are investigating, will they contact the Dr who will then have to say that he has recommended that she not be driving. THAT could bode very badly if anything else, GOD FORBID, should happen in the future. I'll be praying!

Dana, I hope Little Man is feeling better today! And Lynnellen, I hope Cinny is feeling better as well...maybe she just strained herself on her cat escapade the other day.

Today I will be scrubbing out bird feeders. Fun fun.

wvgal_dana said...

I like all the cute avatars.

wvgal_dana said...

Please pray for a lady friend of mine that is having cataract surgery tomorrow 7AM.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends....

My prayers for all our needs here, Dana's friend with cataract surgery, pups with ailments, GG and all her situations, Andrea with a very tricky school schedule,
and each and every one of us at any given time for many different things.

Sure am glad that Megan saw an Eagle at THE nest this morning ☺

There are some morning people absent this morning...sure hoping that everyone is okay

Thanks again for your prayers for my sister. Her doctor son is sending emails out every few hours....
CT scan shows no new stroke activity, other tests show gallstones (explains the back pain I think), lung problems, diminished mental status, and sepsis (like blood poisoning through the system). Gallstones can wait, the other conditions are the biggest challenges right now.
We're all in a holding pattern...
I know already that the prayers and positive thoughts are helping, believe me

Best wishes for a good day, I think it is Wednesday....

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the update Margy and (((((HUGS))))

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 321   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...