Good morning Everyone. Guess I need to go and renew my license today.
Wanda best of everything with the issue of GG and her accident. Hope it gets ironed out by insurance co!
Margy I pray that your sister heals from all the prayers being said for her. I put Megan's eagle pic of 7am in our album. Megan can't get into the Yahoo for some reason. Where is Shirley?
GOOD MORNING... I was so sleepy last night, I was close to setting off my KEYBOARD AIRBAG, so I just skedaddle, hurriedly. All that walking down the Mall to take GG to Beauty Salon and then back again to return the HOT iPod, really did me in! I am beyond cortisone shots now, I cannot walk very far without my cane:( So all that walking was like doing a 5 mile run:) Meant to tell MARGY how sorry I am that her sister is so ill. I know it is heavy on her heart and am praying for some relief for her and her sister. So much can be done by doctors now to help Anne.
Cinnamon and Little Man are like Lynn and Dana's children and I know they worry just as much as if they were. GET WELL SOON, puppies!
GG's accident: Only 500.00 damage to her car and a scratched bumper of the lady whom she hit. A car pulled out in front of the lady from the bank parking lot and she slammed on her brakes...GG did also, but not in time. Mrs. Hurtsbad has hired an attorney and they want to know how much insurance GG, what does that tell you? After Gene had her car repaired and put it back in the garage, he took the battery cables off:) It will not run now (shhhhh)!
Morning all. Been busy with some business---house-hunting business, so the good kind!!! So relieved for the update about Anne, Margy. Momster prayers are so powerful!
Wanda, sure hoping that GG's insurance company is PROACTIVE about this ridiculous suit.
Did speak with our/GG's Insurance Co. and told them what GG told us had happened. She was so upset at the scene and didn't have in her hearing aids, so the Police Officer didn't get HER whole story. Regardless, the accident WAS her fault and she acknowledges that, but she's not too old to realize that woman is probably, most likely, not really hurt. Lady at Insurance Co. told me not to worry, that is what GG has insurance for:)
Sun is out in front of house, but not in back....go figure! Up to 54°. Need to vacuum today....and found out that I should clean out console of truck---full of junk! Drs. apptmt. tomorrow, post office to stop mail, spend a little time with Bill, and pick up a few groceries for trip. Fri. will be vet drop-off for Cinnie (no change in her condition), oil change and car wash! Have a few piles of stuff to start packing. Whew----I'm exhausted already!
PAULA...when you come on here, I have posted a few of the costumes that I have in stock, including the only Indian Princess that I have. I have many others, lots of Lady Pirates, Lady Vampires, Cleopatra, Lady Gangster, She Devil, etc. 20% discount to my friends:)
COSTUMES POSTED ON WANDA'S WISHES. GEEZE...I'll never get off of here. Need to relieve Capt. Father Gene;)
Oh, and yes, to Good was good last night and I, too am wondering what Kalinda has found out! I don't think I have ever seen an episode that I didn't like!
Christine in Germany 63 days and a wake up plus we have tickets reserved! Woo hoo! Will be in MD December 10th. Wow I can't believe how fast it is all happening!
Hedgie - don't forget to check air pressure in your tires. Best of everything tomorrow at the Docs. You want your emails turned off or would you want a daily digest?
Well Dana, I have to say that that is the most FUBAR thing I've ever seen. To miss a year and loose everything because the fire dept isn't OBLIGATED to show up if someone hasn't paid. What a load of crap. Wonder if he had insurance?
Yes, Lynne, and it will be the first real rain of the year, although we've recently had some light rain-heavy mist falls..enough to keep the geraniums going.
Having my favorite kind of weather today! It's raining here. Has been either misting or raining lightly, or absolutely pouring all day today. My patio plants are habby! So is my grass! So am I!
Margy, glad to hear that Anne is hanging in there. Prayers continue! Glad you're keeping us posted. ((HUGS))!!
Lynn, my guess is that Cinnamon just overdid it when chasing the cat. Prayers that nothing serious will turn up.
Dana, hope Little Man is feeling better, so you don't need to worry about him. Prayers continue for him, too. ((HUGS)) Still wishing that our furry friends could speak English and tell us what's wrong when they don't feel quite right!
Well, need to do some Algebra homework (!) and some English homework. Have a few bills to pay, too. Better get busy! Will try to check back later, before I go to school. Have a good afternoon, everyone! :o]
Starting to sprinkle here. Glad that you are getting rain, Jim and Andy! We are bookending the country, aren't we? I am thankful for the rain, but sure hope that it doesn't do it while we are at the beach!
Andy, Cinnie has 3 bad discs in her neck. Haven't had a flare-up in about 3 yrs. Vet wanted to send her for surgery down home in my old stomping grounds when it first happened (while I was going through chemo)---to the tune of $4000. Couldn't afford it then.....and now they say she's too old for surgery. It is what it is. Pain relief is the important thing. It was bothering her before the chase....which made it doubly amazing.
Good late afternoon. Almost have the exam finished. Need to proof read.
Dana, prayer for your friend's surgery and for successful restoring of eyesight.
Jo, enjoy your Alexis time. I assume you have been renewed.
Wanda, do make sure the insurance company investigates the woman's claim and cheers for Father Gene and the battery cables.
Lynn, sure hope you can visit us while visiting beach houses. I do so wish Cinnamon would improve. Little Man, also. Don't forget with all your travel arrangements to leave some tomato for Myrtle.
Jim, glad you have some gentle rain. Wish we could have a bit more around this part of the world.
Giant Anteater at NZ is due to give birth any day now! Had ultrasound exam done today!! Naba's lion cubs had their first exam yesterday---2 males, 1 female----8#!
waiting on an update from Fairfax/Annandale regarding my sister
Thanks again, can't say it enough, for all the prayers and well wishes regarding my sister Anne... long time family nickname is "Babo"... an older brother (he was 2 when she was born...)could not say Baby came out Babo....
Yea! For Capt Gene! Hurray for no battery cables. We will not tell!
Hi all! Rainy day here! We did get one hike in today, in light rain. Then we drove to the Simon Pearce Glass Factory. It was very interesting, very!, but passed up purchasing any. Very expensive!!!And, I really do not need any more decorative items. Presently we are holed up in our trailor, laudry drying at the office, and then we are preparing supper.
Remember the burp rags I made for Rhyan? Well, she was born today. Our best friends first grand child! Have talked with them and all is well and have seen pictures of Rhyan on fb. I love technology!
Praying that you get some encouraging news soon, Margy.
I'll be checking in periodically. Have free wireless in the rental, so as long as they give me the password, I should be good to go! Don't know how well I'll be able to keep up with all y'all, tho'!!
That's wonderful news, Lolly! Congrats to the new parents and gp's! Maybe just as well that you are having a down day---give that knee a rest. Of course, dampness might make it hurt, too. :(
Hi everyone. Waiting for the royal visit and it's suppertime... "and the livin' is easy."
Don't know why I'm recalling music lyrics when I type. Must have unleased something in the old noggin.
I think I realize what that white spot is on the web cam. Earlier in a little daylight it looked like Boris' snack. Maybe a stinkbug?
Lynn we're going to miss you but hope you have a great get-a-way.
Margy, prayers continue for your sister, Anne.
Jo, I feel your excitement. Yipee! Having had military kids you always miss them and can't wait for them to come home. HOpe the reunion is everything you expect.
Evening Everyone!I escaped from the Park Police!!!Man came to office today to fix our burgler alarm. Thought everything was OK. When I was leaving, I couldn't arm it---it kept saying "Not Ready--Motion!!!" Called Police--they said they would send out officer to secure bldg. and "they would hold me hostage" until police arrived!! DUH. Lady came out & couldn't do anything w/it either, so called in a report & we left!
Mema Jo, read about arrival of your Germany gang in Dec!!!! How special that is!
Wanda, hope trials and tribulations for GG will be over now that Father Gene has taken care of her ☺
Margy, continued prayers for your sister, you and family.
Best of health for all our little animal friends! When I came home, saw a dark kitty on deck railing!It ran away. Fubby had put crackers there for birds. Oh No, this time I won't put out kitty food!Hope it goes home. Gotta eat~~~~
LOL, Lowreeda, I set off the alarm leaving tonight...walked out the wrong door....didn't get it turned off in time...fortunately no cops, just a phone call from monitoring company.
Wanda, sorry to hear about the idiot from GG's accident. I agree, let the insurance company handle it. And the gall of that lawyer to call and ask how much insurance she had!
I just finished reading this long Monday blog. Prayers for Margy's sister.
They finally fixed my computer and told me I can't use Firefox anymore. Only IE. Can't use Google Chrome either. Not that there is anything wrong with them that I know of. I was told that the school's system only supports IE, so that is what I am supposed to use. I miss Firefox. It has been removed from my computer.
I will be shopping for my own laptop soon. Then I will be able to use Firefox.
Good to learn that GG's car has been disabled.
Last night was my last SAT class for this round. I really enjoyed those kids. They thanked me for scoring their essays. We had a nice discussion about writing.
I was so tired that I left the computer at school last night. I didn't have the energy to bring it home.
Kathryn is watching Survivor. I am about to fall asleep.
Lynn, my knee is fine. Wore the brace today but have not felt one twinge. Sorry for Wanda! Sounds like her knee is in bad shape. Sorry, Wanda!
We had a wonderful dinner, finished our laundry and wondering what to do tomorrow. One more day of rain and then it is supposed to clear up. We did see some beautiful countryside on our drive today.
He has left home before. He and Rus shared an apartment in Northern VA for awhile. He came back here when Rus got laid off and he couldn't afford the aparment alone.
Finished the exam. Lots of brain work needed to create 50 crime scenes. Tired.
Sounds as if all is well as can be. Congratulations to new mom, dad, and grandparents.
Shirley, glad to have you stop by. Was getting a bit worried. Nice that Will is going to have his own place, especially with all your new company. Very happy the SAT class went so well and that students were appreciate.
Don't watch Criminal Minds but have in the past. At least the terminology is used correctly.
Going to turn my light off in a few minutes. Will leave the night light on for others.
Peaceful sleep for all and prayers for Anne, Karen, Mrs. Riffe, and Kailey.
Had some nice sales in the shop today. We had to attend a mandatory seminar, put on by the Health Dept. this evening after we closed the shop. It was informative...learned a few new things. Very tiring
Off to slumberland...
I read the different costumes Wanda has that Paula might like. I can see her as an Indian Princess, or she's really Wonder Woman!! When our exhibit shop leader retired, the girls made a lifesize WW with her face on it!!! On 10-23, Park is hosting new annual event called American Indian Festival. Too bad it's same as Open House, 'cuz Paula could come as an Indian!! ☺
Jo, you bet I will. Was supposed to work that Sat., but got a sub!!! We're hoping our friends from PawPaw will visit NCTC & maybe have lunch w/us.They were last their when fellows younger brother graduated from the college---probably 40+ years ago!! BTW, yesterday I mentioned to Maint. Mgr. that we had hummer on Monday and he had 2!!(He is a real Am. Indian) So guess they're trickling South. Gonna check out some TV---the remote is all MINE!!!! If I konk out, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers to all ;>)
always nice to see folks here..,in the morning, through the day, and into the evening, and then, there's Andy and sometimes Diann and Jim overnight, and Lynne and Shirley when they can't sleep...
I tend to agree: Wonder Woman costume for Paula ☺
No new news for me regarding my sister....but I know your prayers are helping am waiting for the go-ahead (or the urgent call) to make a visit ...hope it's improvement that will be the go-visit signal
Sleep well...get your rest Prayers for all God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥
Paula.....did I miss something? I thought college kid graduated! Good night to all turning in. I won't be far behind. Need to read the bear report, and hope Margy has an update about Anne.
Good Night Everyone Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep Prayers for Margy's sister and for all in need of the Lord's healing hands. Sent Karen a card today to help lift her spirits. Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks Lynn, My Friend, for keeping me straight! ♥♥♥
Just dragged in from school. Got our tests back, and I got a 92. Really happy with that--this is the toughest exam, according to the teacher. Hope he's right!
Have had a really busy day today, and it's not over yet. Am waiting for the dryer to "holler" at me so I can go empty it and then throw the load of clean laundry in. Durn laundry keeps on multiplying, doesn't it?
Turned in my Practice 4 homework, so tomorrow I won't have to be to school until 5:45 for my 6-10:00 Algebra class. Gives me more time to do my Algebra homework. After tomorrow night, no more classes until next Tuesday! I'll be so relieved when this Algebra class is finished in 6 weeks. No telling what they'll schedule me for next, though. MTBR....
Haven't had time to read back on today's blog. Will just pray for everyone, with the certainty that God is able to sort it all out. Hope that those in need of healing are doing better tonight. Hope that those waiting for medical test results get GOOD news. Hope and pray that we all get a good night's rest and wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!
Shirley, good to see you back here tonight. Glad your SAT students were so nice.
Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. I'm making sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Still rainy here but sun is supposed to return tomorrow. We are here until Tuesday and then we are heading to Maine.
Wanda, the Raggedy Ann costume is my favorite! Think Paula would look great in it! Laurel had a Raggedy Ann costume. When Jacob was about 6 weeks old, I made him a Ragedy Andy costume, complete with wig. So funny! Have the cutest picture of Ragedy Ann holding Ragedy Andy.
Margy...last nights dinner was our Italian dish Involtini. (Veal Rollups) It is veal with procuitto, mozz and parmesan cheese and rolled up and cooked in a white wine reduction. With it we had a salad and pesto linguine. ☺
From Sharon's FB page: This month has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. It happens only once in 823 years. [Make the most of it you won't be here next time]
We had prepared the veal at home and it was in the freezer. The pesto (homemade) was in the freezer as well. An easy, but elegant meal on the road. We eat good!!!!
We have not decided what to do today. Maybe hit shops! Needs to be indoors and really do not want to drive much today. We did that yesterday. Have bought Joseph a hooded sweatshirt...need to find them for Jacob and Zackaroo!
Sometime when I hit the comments; like now and see 7:31AM last comment. I pull up another page to check to make sure everyone didn't go to a new thread. Although I know you always say. Just a looooonnnnnnngggggg time between comments.
Guess most went to fb.
Wonder when Hedgie's dr appt. is? Praying she hears GOOD results.
Mema Jo I keep thinking you are getting the best early Christmas present EVER!!!! ( :
Prayers that Margy hears good news about her sister Anne.
Little Man seems to be doing better since he has Daddy's Steeler Blanket. Although I truly think. It was the eagle prayers. Thank all of you for you prayers; I know they were what made him feel better.
Good late morning and I am headed out to The Wall for lunch with past co-workers. I be on as soon as I get back. Megan has some pics from this morning for me to post.
I am getting the run around about the check that I sent to help the horses rescued from Hidden Acres!!! grrrrrr First I'm told this, then I'm told something else. That check was specifically marked for "Horses Rescued from Hidden Acres". Now a nice Office from Animal Control is going to try and find out why I was told the checks and funds were sent there.
PLEASE double-team your prayers for Margy's sister Anne. Things are very grave. Lord, please bless Anne and her loving family at this difficult time. Amen.
Lord hear the prayers for Margy's sister Anne. Bless this family in their time of worry and tears. Bring comfort even though it is hard to feel comfort at a time like this. Put those BIG BIG ARMS you have around our sweet Angle Margy. Be with all her family at this time too.Amen
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 321 of 321Good morning Everyone. Guess I need to go and renew my license today.
Wanda best of everything with the issue of GG and her accident. Hope it gets ironed out by insurance co!
Margy I pray that your sister heals from all the prayers being said for her.
I put Megan's eagle pic of 7am in our album. Megan can't get into the Yahoo for some reason.
Where is Shirley?
I went back to earlier thread & glad I did to find out about Margy's sister.
Prayers will keep on for her.
I was so sleepy last night, I was close to setting off my KEYBOARD AIRBAG, so I just skedaddle, hurriedly. All that walking down the Mall to take GG to Beauty Salon and then back again to return the HOT iPod, really did me in! I am beyond cortisone shots now, I cannot walk very far without my cane:( So all that walking was like doing a 5 mile run:)
Meant to tell MARGY how sorry I am that her sister is so ill. I know it is heavy on her heart and am praying for some relief for her and her sister. So much can be done by doctors now to help Anne.
Cinnamon and Little Man are like Lynn and Dana's children and I know they worry just as much as if they were. GET WELL SOON, puppies!
GG's accident: Only 500.00 damage to her car and a scratched bumper of the lady whom she hit. A car pulled out in front of the lady from the bank parking lot and she slammed on her brakes...GG did also, but not in time.
Mrs. Hurtsbad has hired an attorney and they want to know how much insurance GG, what does that tell you?
After Gene had her car repaired and put it back in the garage, he took the battery cables off:) It will not run now (shhhhh)!
Wanda, you and Gene need to speak up to your insurance company so they aren't suckered in to this. Sometimes they won't fight for you!
Morning all. Been busy with some business---house-hunting business, so the good kind!!!
So relieved for the update about Anne, Margy. Momster prayers are so powerful!
Wanda, sure hoping that GG's insurance company is PROACTIVE about this ridiculous suit.
Did speak with our/GG's Insurance Co. and told them what GG told us had happened. She was so upset at the scene and didn't have in her hearing aids, so the Police Officer didn't get HER whole story. Regardless, the accident WAS her fault and she acknowledges that, but she's not too old to realize that woman is probably, most likely, not really hurt. Lady at Insurance Co. told me not to worry, that is what GG has insurance for:)
Sun is out in front of house, but not in back....go figure! Up to 54°. Need to vacuum today....and found out that I should clean out console of truck---full of junk!
Drs. apptmt. tomorrow, post office to stop mail, spend a little time with Bill, and pick up a few groceries for trip. Fri. will be vet drop-off for Cinnie (no change in her condition), oil change and car wash! Have a few piles of stuff to start packing. Whew----I'm exhausted already!
PAULA...when you come on here, I have posted a few of the costumes that I have in stock, including the only Indian Princess that I have. I have many others, lots of Lady Pirates, Lady Vampires, Cleopatra, Lady Gangster, She Devil, etc. 20% discount to my friends:)
GEEZE...I'll never get off of here. Need to relieve Capt. Father Gene;)
Oh, and yes, to Good was good last night and I, too am wondering what Kalinda has found out! I don't think I have ever seen an episode that I didn't like!
Christine in Germany 63 days and a wake up plus we have tickets reserved!
Woo hoo! Will be in MD December 10th. Wow I can't believe how fast it is all happening!
Best news of the day
Hedgie - don't forget to check air
pressure in your tires. Best of everything tomorrow at the Docs.
You want your emails turned off or would you want a daily digest?
what great news Jo! Will they be visiting here before going to Ft Bragg to settle in?
I will die of disappointment if she doesn't let Kalinda tell her what she found out! You know she will!!
Yes, Lynne - about 16 days worth of catch up time........
Headed for lunch food before it gets too far behind me...........
JO, Jiffy Lube will check air, as well as vacuum interior and do windows!!
A daily digest will be great, thanks!
Wanda, so glad that Gene disabled the car! Big relief.
Thanks for the update Margy. Prayers continuing for Anne, you and family.
Lynn can't believe you are going to the Beach. Hope you find what you all are looking for.
Mema Jo this is getting so exciting. I know you are just busting with joy. ( :
Wanda you put a costume on your facebook page and I put a comment there for Paula. That is the one she should get!@!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
This is truly sad he just forgot the 1 year paid other years!!!
Getting ready to head out to DMV
Wish me a speedy journey....... lol
God's Speed Mema Jo
Dark and threatening rain, lightening and thunder here in So Cal today... lowish 60°'s.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
Well Dana, I have to say that that is the most FUBAR thing I've ever seen. To miss a year and loose everything because the fire dept isn't OBLIGATED to show up if someone hasn't paid. What a load of crap. Wonder if he had insurance?
hey Jim! exciting weather for your parts today!
Yes, Lynne, and it will be the first real rain of the year, although we've recently had some light rain-heavy mist falls..enough to keep the geraniums going.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
In fact I just looked outside and it's doing a "slow-straight down" rain right now.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
more strange weather in AZ this morning....2 tornado touchdowns.
Hi, Lynne, Jim, and Dana,
Having my favorite kind of weather today! It's raining here. Has been either misting or raining lightly, or absolutely pouring all day today. My patio plants are habby! So is my grass! So am I!
Margy, glad to hear that Anne is hanging in there. Prayers continue!
Glad you're keeping us posted. ((HUGS))!!
Lynn, my guess is that Cinnamon just overdid it when chasing the cat. Prayers that nothing serious will turn up.
Dana, hope Little Man is feeling better, so you don't need to worry about him. Prayers continue for him, too. ((HUGS)) Still wishing that our furry friends could speak English and tell us what's wrong when they don't feel quite right!
Well, need to do some Algebra homework (!) and some English homework. Have a few bills to pay, too. Better get busy! Will try to check back later, before I go to school. Have a good afternoon, everyone! :o]
I'm Back! That was a quickie and the camera didn't break!
Now for a 'Feet Up' event........
It's Alexis' evening and I must build up my strength for 'dress up'.
Starting to sprinkle here.
Glad that you are getting rain, Jim and Andy! We are bookending the country, aren't we? I am thankful for the rain, but sure hope that it doesn't do it while we are at the beach!
Andy, Cinnie has 3 bad discs in her neck. Haven't had a flare-up in about 3 yrs. Vet wanted to send her for surgery down home in my old stomping grounds when it first happened (while I was going through chemo)---to the tune of $4000. Couldn't afford it then.....and now they say she's too old for surgery. It is what it is. Pain relief is the important thing. It was bothering her before the chase....which made it doubly amazing.
Jo, did they make you re-test in any way?
Good late afternoon. Almost have the exam finished. Need to proof read.
Dana, prayer for your friend's surgery and for successful restoring of eyesight.
Jo, enjoy your Alexis time. I assume you have been renewed.
Wanda, do make sure the insurance company investigates the woman's claim and cheers for Father Gene and the battery cables.
Lynn, sure hope you can visit us while visiting beach houses. I do so wish Cinnamon would improve. Little Man, also. Don't forget with all your travel arrangements to leave some tomato for Myrtle.
Jim, glad you have some gentle rain. Wish we could have a bit more around this part of the world.
Were supposed to get some rain today but NOT!
Giant Anteater at NZ is due to give birth any day now! Had ultrasound exam done today!!
Naba's lion cubs had their first exam yesterday---2 males, 1 female----8#!
House is cleaned. Some stuff is packed. I'm TIRED!
We are sure going to miss you...
will you posting on here while gone?
Good Afternoon Special Eagle Friends
xo ☺ ♥
oh little Carolina Wren is singing so sweetly nearby here ♪ ♪
two nice eagles side by side at BWO
just viewed Bob Q's pictures, so nice
waiting on an update from Fairfax/Annandale regarding my sister
Thanks again, can't say it enough, for all the prayers and well wishes regarding my sister Anne...
long time family nickname is "Babo"...
an older brother (he was 2 when she was born...)could not say
Baby came out Babo....
I hear a lot of movement on the cam....I think we may be getting an eagle visit shortly!
Yea! For Capt Gene! Hurray for no battery cables. We will not tell!
Hi all! Rainy day here! We did get one hike in today, in light rain. Then we drove to the Simon Pearce Glass Factory. It was very interesting, very!, but passed up purchasing any. Very expensive!!!And, I really do not need any more decorative items.
Presently we are holed up in our trailor, laudry drying at the office, and then we are preparing supper.
Remember the burp rags I made for Rhyan? Well, she was born today. Our best friends first grand child! Have talked with them and all is well and have seen pictures of Rhyan on fb. I love technology!
Praying that you get some encouraging news soon, Margy.
I'll be checking in periodically. Have free wireless in the rental, so as long as they give me the password, I should be good to go! Don't know how well I'll be able to keep up with all y'all, tho'!!
That's wonderful news, Lolly! Congrats to the new parents and gp's!
Maybe just as well that you are having a down day---give that knee a rest. Of course, dampness might make it hurt, too. :(
Hi everyone. Waiting for the royal visit and it's suppertime... "and the livin' is easy."
Don't know why I'm recalling music lyrics when I type. Must have unleased something in the old noggin.
I think I realize what that white spot is on the web cam. Earlier in a little daylight it looked like Boris' snack. Maybe a stinkbug?
Lynn we're going to miss you but hope you have a great get-a-way.
Margy, prayers continue for your sister, Anne.
Jo, I feel your excitement. Yipee!
Having had military kids you always miss them and can't wait for them to come home. HOpe the reunion is everything you expect.
Supper is ready and Jim's on his way home.
God bless,
Somebody is above the nest!
Wouldn't surprise me in the least if that is BORIS making all that noise....LOL!
Morse code? Tappity, tappity on cam housing....
Evening Everyone!I escaped from the Park Police!!!Man came to office today to fix our burgler alarm. Thought everything was OK. When I was leaving, I couldn't arm it---it kept saying "Not Ready--Motion!!!" Called Police--they said they would send out officer to secure bldg. and "they would hold me hostage" until police arrived!! DUH. Lady came out & couldn't do anything w/it either, so called in a report & we left!
Mema Jo, read about arrival of your Germany gang in Dec!!!! How special that is!
Wanda, hope trials and tribulations for GG will be over now that Father Gene has taken care of her ☺
Margy, continued prayers for your sister, you and family.
Best of health for all our little animal friends!
When I came home, saw a dark kitty on deck railing!It ran away. Fubby had put crackers there for birds. Oh No, this time I won't put out kitty food!Hope it goes home.
Gotta eat~~~~
OH Lord, we need a new thread, don't want to be stuck on Monday for the rest of the week!
Wanda, thanks for all the costume pictures!
LOL, Lowreeda, I set off the alarm leaving tonight...walked out the wrong door....didn't get it turned off in time...fortunately no cops, just a phone call from monitoring company.
Margy, hope your sis is doing better tonight.
Jo, glad the Germany gang will be home soon.
Wanda, sorry to hear about the idiot from GG's accident. I agree, let the insurance company handle it. And the gall of that lawyer to call and ask how much insurance she had!
Playdate is over - Alexis headed home.
I have a TV date at 9:00 for Criminal Minds........
heheheehe...Father Capt Gene's little plan is similar to another plan executed by NUNS in the Sound of Music!!!
Hello friends,
I just finished reading this long Monday blog. Prayers for Margy's sister.
They finally fixed my computer and told me I can't use Firefox anymore. Only IE. Can't use Google Chrome either. Not that there is anything wrong with them that I know of. I was told that the school's system only supports IE, so that is what I am supposed to use. I miss Firefox. It has been removed from my computer.
I will be shopping for my own laptop soon. Then I will be able to use Firefox.
Good to learn that GG's car has been disabled.
Last night was my last SAT class for this round. I really enjoyed those kids. They thanked me for scoring their essays. We had a nice discussion about writing.
I was so tired that I left the computer at school last night. I didn't have the energy to bring it home.
Kathryn is watching Survivor. I am about to fall asleep.
When Susan got sued for her accident, they asked how much insurance she had.
Loweeda, glad they did not hold you hostage!
Lynn, my knee is fine. Wore the brace today but have not felt one twinge. Sorry for Wanda! Sounds like her knee is in bad shape. Sorry, Wanda!
We had a wonderful dinner, finished our laundry and wondering what to do tomorrow. One more day of rain and then it is supposed to clear up. We did see some beautiful countryside on our drive today.
So apparently we did not get a visual visit, huh? Teasers!!
Baby girl just called...she was eating her dinner at a Panera in Easton, MD. Still needs to drive back to Cambridge to hotel.
Almost time for Criminal Minds, Jo!! Judie??? Do you watch it?
Will has found an apartment. He will be moving soon.
Hi Paula, Loretta, Shirley and Lolly! Hope everyone is having a nice evening.
Hi Lynn.
Good for Will!! Mixed feelings, Mom??
I believe that you said you're headed to the beach to check out houses. Sounds exciting.
Is his apartment nearby? Hope he's close enough to still help you out with harder chores.
Yum, Panera...had their potato soup on Monday!
Yes, I will miss him.
He has left home before. He and Rus shared an apartment in Northern VA for awhile. He came back here when Rus got laid off and he couldn't afford the aparment alone.
He wiil be close, but I will probably have to find someone to help with grass mowing. And then there is snow shoveling. We will see.
When I got home tonight, dinner was cooking. Kathryn has a different skill set.
I am going to head upstairs. I am exhausted. Yesterday was a long day. Good night and God bless.
Night Shirley!
Think I am going to read for a while. Maybe Jack wants the computer. I also need to call Laurel. The boys should be in bed now.
Lynn, are you leaving Friday?
Shirley and Lolly....leaving 6AM on Sat.!
Good evening, everyone.
Finished the exam. Lots of brain work needed to create 50 crime scenes. Tired.
Sounds as if all is well as can be. Congratulations to new mom, dad, and grandparents.
Shirley, glad to have you stop by. Was getting a bit worried. Nice that Will is going to have his own place, especially with all your new company. Very happy the SAT class went so well and that students were appreciate.
Don't watch Criminal Minds but have in the past. At least the terminology is used correctly.
Going to turn my light off in a few minutes. Will leave the night light on for others.
Peaceful sleep for all and prayers for Anne, Karen, Mrs. Riffe, and Kailey.
Raining here again--for past hour.
Goodnight, Judie. Rest your weary mind!
Holy Moses, that was one low flying plane over the sound is turned almost all the way down and I heard it loud and clear.
Heading for bed....prayers for all and goodnight!
Had some nice sales in the shop today.
We had to attend a mandatory seminar, put on by the Health Dept. this evening after we closed the shop. It was informative...learned a few new things. Very tiring
Off to slumberland...
Evening! Raining has been here also for about an hour. The skies gave us the warning - so many dark clouds.
I am going to join the others by going
back the hallway. Lunch at Panera's tomorrow with old work gang.
Back~~~had some NE clam chowder, watched some TV.
I read the different costumes Wanda has that Paula might like. I can see her as an Indian Princess, or she's really Wonder Woman!!
When our exhibit shop leader retired, the girls made a lifesize WW with her face on it!!!
On 10-23, Park is hosting new annual event called American Indian Festival. Too bad it's same as Open House, 'cuz Paula could come as an Indian!! ☺
Well Loretta you better not be down at the Park that weekend...........
You better be up in this neck of the woods............
Jo, you bet I will. Was supposed to work that Sat., but got a sub!!!
We're hoping our friends from PawPaw will visit NCTC & maybe have lunch w/us.They were last their when fellows younger brother graduated from the college---probably 40+ years ago!!
BTW, yesterday I mentioned to Maint. Mgr. that we had hummer on Monday and he had 2!!(He is a real Am. Indian) So guess they're trickling South.
Gonna check out some TV---the remote is all MINE!!!! If I konk out, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers to all ;>)
Raining here too, gently. Not sure if I'm gonna do the Indian or not, have a couple of other ideas, finally. Will have to think about them all.
Talked to college kid, he'll be home this weekend for a short visit. Had a long talk.
Gonna try and hit the hay early, it's been hard to get up this week.
Hugs to all ♥
Good Night Eagle Pals
Happy to hear you had some good sales, Wanda...
Wonder what Lolly and Jack had for dinner...
always nice to see folks here..,in the morning, through the day, and into the evening, and then, there's Andy and sometimes Diann and Jim overnight, and Lynne and Shirley when they can't sleep...
I tend to agree: Wonder Woman costume for Paula ☺
No new news for me regarding my sister....but I know your prayers are helping
am waiting for the go-ahead (or the urgent call) to make a visit ...hope it's improvement that will be the go-visit signal
Sleep well...get your rest
Prayers for all
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
Paula.....did I miss something? I thought college kid graduated!
Good night to all turning in. I won't be far behind. Need to read the bear report, and hope Margy has an update about Anne.
Oops, Jo....not Bears in your's your Susan's page!
Oh My Oh Me
Ready to hit those pillows.......
Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Prayers for Margy's sister and for all
in need of the Lord's healing hands.
Sent Karen a card today to help lift her spirits.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks Lynn, My Friend, for keeping me straight! ♥♥♥
Goodnight everyone.
God bless!
Hi, Everyone,
Just dragged in from school. Got our tests back, and I got a 92. Really happy with that--this is the toughest exam, according to the teacher. Hope he's right!
Have had a really busy day today, and it's not over yet. Am waiting for the dryer to "holler" at me so I can go empty it and then throw the load of clean laundry in. Durn laundry keeps on multiplying, doesn't it?
Turned in my Practice 4 homework, so tomorrow I won't have to be to school until 5:45 for my 6-10:00 Algebra class. Gives me more time to do my Algebra homework. After tomorrow night, no more classes until next Tuesday! I'll be so relieved when this Algebra class is finished in 6 weeks. No telling what they'll schedule me for next, though. MTBR....
Haven't had time to read back on today's blog. Will just pray for everyone, with the certainty that God is able to sort it all out. Hope that those in need of healing are doing better tonight. Hope that those waiting for medical test results get GOOD news. Hope and pray that we all get a good night's rest and wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!
Shirley, good to see you back here tonight. Glad your SAT students were so nice.
Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. I'm making sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
I can hear both eagles talking, one is up in the tree near camera mount.
Good morning! I will try to check in later. See you then.
They are really talking to each other now, still haven't seen one in the nest.
one just plopped into the nest from up in the tree.
the other eagle just flew in, both in nest.
Both still in nest, on opposite sides. Belle facing cam, Lib looking out the other side on edge of nest.
Think Lib just flew out.
It's a beautiful view, that Royal Pair
Sunrise is exploding in the East,you can tell there is sunshine at the Sycamore Palace
Hi Megan, Hi Shirley, Hi everyone else
Best wishes for a good day everyone....
Prayers all around
Belle just flew out.
Morning Eagle dudettes and dudes.
No nest action since I've been on. Glad Megan and Margy got to see our lovely birds.
Good morning!
Still rainy here but sun is supposed to return tomorrow. We are here until Tuesday and then we are heading to Maine.
Wanda, the Raggedy Ann costume is my favorite! Think Paula would look great in it! Laurel had a Raggedy Ann costume. When Jacob was about 6 weeks old, I made him a Ragedy Andy costume, complete with wig. So funny! Have the cutest picture of Ragedy Ann holding Ragedy Andy.
Margy...last nights dinner was our Italian dish Involtini. (Veal Rollups) It is veal with procuitto, mozz and parmesan cheese and rolled up and cooked in a white wine reduction. With it we had a salad and pesto linguine. ☺
From Sharon's FB page:
This month has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. It happens only once in 823 years. [Make the most of it you won't be here next time]
Interesting little tidbit!
We had prepared the veal at home and it was in the freezer. The pesto (homemade) was in the freezer as well. An easy, but elegant meal on the road. We eat good!!!!
Lynn, anxious to hear your medical report today! Thinking of you!♥
We have not decided what to do today. Maybe hit shops! Needs to be indoors and really do not want to drive much today. We did that yesterday. Have bought Joseph a hooded sweatshirt...need to find them for Jacob and Zackaroo!
Trailers have ceiling sky lights when not open. Last night we covered the one over our bed, we slept til 8:30!!!!!
Have finished my coffee. Time to eat my cereal and face the day!
Have a great day!
Good Eagle Morning Megan, Shirley and Margy.
So glad some seem our eagles this AM.
Sometime when I hit the comments; like now and see 7:31AM last comment. I pull up another page to check to make sure everyone didn't go to a new thread. Although I know you always say. Just a looooonnnnnnngggggg time between comments.
Guess most went to fb.
Wonder when Hedgie's dr appt. is? Praying she hears GOOD results.
Mema Jo I keep thinking you are getting the best early Christmas present EVER!!!! ( :
Prayers that Margy hears good news about her sister Anne.
Little Man seems to be doing better since he has Daddy's Steeler Blanket. Although I truly think. It was the eagle prayers.
Thank all of you for you prayers; I know they were what made him feel
Tee Hee I had my post all ready to go after Megan's and forgot to hit the post thingy. LOL
Just heard from Candy! We will be having dinner together next Weds. and she and Jim are still planning on coming to Open House!
My doctors' apptmt. is at 1. Thanks for concern and prayers!
It's not stillllllll Monday - is it?
Good late morning and I am headed out
to The Wall for lunch with past co-workers. I be on as soon as I get back. Megan has some pics from this morning for me to post.
I am getting the run around about the check that I sent to help the horses rescued from Hidden Acres!!! grrrrrr
First I'm told this, then I'm told something else. That check was specifically marked for "Horses Rescued from Hidden Acres". Now a nice Office from Animal Control is going to try and find out why I was told the checks and funds were sent there.
PLEASE double-team your prayers for Margy's sister Anne. Things are very grave. Lord, please bless Anne and her loving family at this difficult time. Amen.
Dana, sorry you are getting the run-around. Who did you talk to at AC?
First before Animal Control.
Lord hear the prayers for Margy's sister Anne. Bless this family in their time of worry and tears. Bring comfort even though it is hard to feel comfort at a time like this. Put those BIG BIG ARMS you have around our sweet Angle Margy. Be with all her family at this time too.Amen
Spoke to Officer Jones he is going to get 1st with his Supervisor.
Okay. BTW----I have gotten no response to my letter requesting a meeting w/ AC. F/U phone call has not been returned.
I hate to pay money to stop payment on that check. The money to stop payment good go to Days End!!! I am about to stop payment!!!!!!!!!
Heading out shortly. BBL.
Prayres going with you Hedgie-Lynn.
New thread for 'Thursday'
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