Friday, October 08, 2010


TGIF thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon!
Thanks Steve and here is wishing you a carefree weekend!

I'll let the others know we have this
Red Friday thread.

movin said...


GooD A.M./P.M


GooD WeekenD

tO you aLL ..


A new thread, I see. Thanks much, Steve.

Definitely sunnier, warmer weather in So Cal today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I'm back. Now to get some laundry done and finish packing as much as possible. Some things just have to wait til morning, which will kbe an early one. Leaving here at 6AM---y-a-w-n!

hedgie said...

Margy just called. She is on her way for some grandson time. Situation is stable with her sister. It is pretty much a day by day thing. Some positives, but still a very serious situation. She thanks you all for your prayers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back for a while. Lynn, thanks for the update from Margy. I'm glad her sister's condition has stabilized somewhat. Prayers do continue here. Happy that Margy is getting some grandson time! Gosh, what would we do without our grandkids?!

Just wanted to let you know that I saw a juvenile Blackburnian Warbler on our feeder! Imagine my surprise!
Remember seeing one occasionally years ago, but this one showed up out of the blue! May be traveling through.

Well, gotta run to the bank. Need to re-program the pin number on my new ATM debit card. Will be back later, probably after dinner. Oh--did talk to my Sis-in-law. They had a good time in Sedona. Later, alligators! :o]

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! We have returned "home". Had a good day. Did a walk and a hike. Could not consider the first one a hike. Went to a great waterfall, but was easy to get there. Second one was an easy hike and a spectacular view. Saw a rainbow. Then we were headed to another hike and the rain returned. Dadgum it! So, we now have our hikes for tomorrow lined up!

Got some great pictures!

Thanks for the Margy update. Have had her and Anne on my mind all day, especially while hiking. It is just so beautiful, God's beautiful world! Color is just spectacular!

Lynn, (((hugs)) for you and your puppy! It was hard to leave Annie, but you do what you gotta do!

Judie said...

Hi Steve! Thanks for the Friday thread and Mema Jo for the call over.

Lynn, thank you for the update from Margy. Wishing and praying for continued stable condition.

Hi Jim. Enjoy the pleasant change in weather.

Lynn, I was watering outside and thought I heard this soft little whisper -- outer banks, outer banks, outer banks. Safe trip and enjoy. Cinnamon will be just fine. Um, not setting alarm to tel you to

Dana, I bet Little Man will love the warm pad to rest his bones. You are a good mama.

Lolly, glad you two had a nice day. One of the things most "easterners" enjoy is the change of seasons and color.

Going to Google to look up a Blackburnian Warbler. Never heard of such a critter.


movin said...

It's a beautiful little bird, I see, but it's not usually found out West here.

How lucky, Andrea.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi all!

WHEW busy day at Irvine's school field trip season!

Andy, I looked up that bird, and what I found doesn't look like your picture...BB Warbler Are you sure it isn't something similar?

Lynnelle, I'm sorry to hear that Cinny isn't doing well today. I know how hard it will be for you to have to leave her. Prayers that they will find a good resolution to her problem.

Well, it's very warm here again today and the STINKBUGS are back. UGH.

Judie, what fun to have an evening all to yourself! I'm still too much of a newlywed for that. Hope you have a very relaxing time!

Going to take Bad and Worse out for a walk. Worse was very busy while I was gone today. She felt it necessary to pick a video from the shelf and destroy it. Well, maybe it will still was my "Year Without a Santa Claus" favorite. Yesterday I came home to a completely ripped open large body pillow. Worse is soon going to find herself crated when we are gone...if Steve doesn't kill her first!

Judie said...

Andy, the warbler is beautiful but, as Jim said, it doesn't seem to live in your area of the world. Supposed to be more in wooded, conifer areas, I think.

Lynne, so sorry about the antics of Bad and Worse. Is the dog trainer still around? Sorry about the return of the stink bugs, and I really mean that.

Yes, after 27+ years this is my mini vacation for tonight, Sat., and Sun. Will try to accomplish a few things while Darth is out of the way.

Going to check the nest.

Lynne2 said...

so gross....don't know how I missed it on the way out, but after bring Horrible and Awful back from their brief walk to potty, I see a headless frog on the patio. Evidently, Freakshow in a Fur Jumpsuit was very busy today as well. WHY do I have pets???

Lynne2 said...

Has anyone been to see "Secretariat" yet? It has gotten mixed reviews from what I've read. Not really bad, but from mediocre to good.

movin said...

There's an eagle at BWO now.

Thanks for reminding me of "Secretariat." I had read about it being made a while back and forgot about it.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I'm going to shut down for a while now. Hope you all have a great weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hey that Blackburnian Warbler is the bird on the NCTC open house invitation on FB!

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear that Margy is having some grandson time.

Lolly all your pictures are beautiful Loved the rainbow once I spotted it!

Lynne2 said...

I hear clunking!

Lynne2 said...

Eagles talking!!! Cam shaking!

Lynne2 said...

quiet now

Lynne2 said...

more clunking

hedgie said...

I never heard of that bird, either, Andrea. Was thinking maybe it got blown off migration route, but maybe it's a similar species.

Lynne2 said...

eagle talking

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

We know you are up there!

Mema Jo said...

I have 3 more TV shows this evening..
Lucky lucky me!

Mema Jo said...

Special request from my dear friend Mary:
one of my friends in Aiken has a beautiful daughter about 20 yrs old and was training for olympics. She had pain in her knee and just diagnosed with bone cancer today. this is a very serious situation. I believe with all our prayers and healing energy to Meghan we can make a difference. I am believing in the highest outcome for this situation.
Please pray for the family - Ann, Sara and Paul.
Love to you all and thank you!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

prayers going up for Meghan, Jo. So young...

Mema Jo said...

I feel we have a no show tonight!
I did put on the E_M album Megan's morning pics along with Lynn's and mine.

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, so young. Prayers for Meghan and her family.

Lynne2 said...

I guess the eagle talk and clunking were just a tease for us tonight. CRUEL BIRDS!!! They know they have us wrapped around their talons!

Lynne2 said...

well, it's taking a bit of a chance, but I'm heading for an early and very hot shower. I think it's well enough past twilight now that are eagles are definitely a no show for this evening. BBL

NatureNut said...

Evening Eaglebuds. Knew I was probably too late for a sighting, but see the rascal didn't go in the nest, just did some clunking.

Prayers for Jo's friend's family and daughter. How awful.
Prayers for Margy's sister and all who need them.♥
Great to read Andy had a BB Warbler visit! We haven't seen any hummers, but at work---lots of stinkbugs!
Last night the spotlight came on twice. 2nd time I saw ole "rackety coon"!! Light went out before I got a pic. It looks bigger. Talk about BIG, Fubby has been telling me he's seen groundhog again. I know there's more that one, but this AM I saw in yard behind us a small HIPPO!!!!Never saw one that big!

Mema Jo said...

Going in to TV to catch some game shows
Temps going down again this evening.

Lynne2 said...

took my shower, killed 128 stinkbugs afterwards. GROSS. Feel like I need another shower. Many hiding in the curtains in the front room.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Prayers for Margy and her family. And for Ann, Sara, and Paul.
Also for Lynn's Cinny and Dana's Little Man.

Sorry your critters are acting up, Lynne.

It has been a wild week. At the end of the day, one of my fellow teachers came to tell me that a young lady for whom I had written a pass to guidance came to visit her classroom as a side trip.

It seems that she had disciplined the girl's sister for misbehaving in science class. Sister text messaged the young lady in my class who then requested a pass to guidance.

She burst into the science classroom and yelled at the teacher and caused a general fuss. Good grief! Needless to say, she and her sister are both in trouble now.

I am so happy it is Friday evening.

It's quiet here now. Dogs have been out. George is resting on the back of the sofa. As far as I can tell, the only thing that got chewed is a roll of Glad wrap that I discovered on my way out the door this morning. No headless frogs or chewed tapes that I can see.

I missed you all last night. I came home and went to bed at 8:30. I was that tired.

My SAT kids have their test tomorrow morning. I will think about them and wish them well. I will also thank my lucky stars that I do not have to go take a test early on a Saturday morning. And I am also thankful that I do not have to do algebra anymore.

Kid asked me a funny question the other day: "Why do you write in cursive?" He wanted to know if it was easier for me. Gee, maybe cursive writing is on its way out.

And, yes, he was serious. He is that kind of kid.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, I am sure my mother is chiding me from heaven for saying unkind things about algebra. Sorry, mom.

Actually, she knew for many years that algebra was not my favorite subject.

She was my algebra teacher. And, even though it wasn't my favorite, I did earn A's. I know very well that I really earned them. I worked very hard to do that. She knew my weaknesses better than any other teacher, and I had something to prove.

stronghunter said...

Some people thought I had it easy because she could help me with my homework. The truth is that she was usually sound asleep while I was working algebra problems.

stronghunter said...

And she told me that she felt uncomfortable stopping to speak with me when I was taking a test. She might stop to make a suggestion to someone else, but I was on my own. That was okay with me, too.

stronghunter said...

In some ways, it was nice to go away to college and become just one of the students.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to play checkers with Hunter. Kathryn had to go back out to get laundry detergent.

hedgie said...

Time for my two shows for the evening. Then to bed I go. Have to be up at 4:30!

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Into my first night of mini vacation. NICE!

Shirley, I heard a report this week about how young people need to learn about the old technology. Students were asked about how to use a rotary dial phone - didn't know they had to pick up the receiver to talk. Concern is that young people may find themselves without cell phone service, be in a difficult/dangerous situation and not know how to call 911. Many did not know numbers for parents, etc. because they use speed dial. Scary. The incident in the science room is just one more indicator that many young people today have not learned self-control. Also scary. Have fun with Hunter.

Lynne, please keep your stink bugs to Very large raccoon at the feeding station at dusk. Paid me no mind at all. Fearless.

Think I am going to have a glass of wine and watch some t.v. Will try to stay awake and return later.

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot. Lynn, have a safe and fun trip to OBX.

Judie said...

Jo, prayers of healing for Meghan and her family. Very sad diagnosis for someone so young.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the TGIF thread!

Trying to get some stuff done, wanted to make sure I got on here to wish Lynn safe travels to the beach and a great week. Good luck with the property hunting.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Margy's sister is stable.

Sorry for Jo's young friend, such a shame.

Thank goodness my dogs are past the chewing stage!

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Lynn, have a nice trip. Wish I could go with you.

I am wearing myself down designing tasks for my Block 4 class. I also have essays to grade for my honors kids. I had them write about writing. They fussed a little and then got to work. They will be eager to see their grades.

I also made the honors kids take notes on a Power Point presentation on Transcendentalism. Horrors! They will enjoy bragging/complaining about having to take so many notes.

I did not have the courage to give Block 4 a writing assignment on the same day. And God forbid that I would make them take notes on Transcendentalism. They are reading Of Mice and Men, though.

Another question asked of me in class this week: "What is a brothel?" (from a question on a test). They knew other words for that kind of place. I told them they'd added a new word to their vocabularies. We have been making a list of words that come up in class. Another one: "contentious." Something I told them they should not be.

hedgie said...

Glad you made it in our door tonight, Shirley.
LOL---wish I'd had your mom for algebra. Took me three tries to get it right!

hedgie said...

Just saw an article recently (?Parade, RD?) that cursive IS out.....very few kids use it even tho' it was taught. To me, cursive is much faster than printing. Go figure.

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for our animal companions, too.

paula eagleholic said...

I think cursive is faster as well!

Glad you could pop in, Shirley.

hedgie said...

Thanks for all well-wishes for my trip!
You realize, of course, that if we buy a house, there WILL be a momster party for however long anyone can come stay!!!

Lynne, those dogs must be driving you crazy! Woof, as Margy says.
I didn't find a single SB in the house today!! Whew---what a relief.

paula eagleholic said...

I think my kids print more often than use cursive.

hedgie said...

Lonely here without my puppy...:(

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go shake a leg...

(((hugs for you Margy and Dana and Lynn)))

stronghunter said...

Checkers game ended. Hunter is really a pretty good player. He says he is the best player in his class.

I didn't give him too much slack--some, yes, (I let him keep the 3 or 4 extra pieces he found in a box and added to his men--one right behind my king which he then took out.)

But I don't think he was used to so much competition and he got a bit frustrated and decided to quit. It is after 10:00. Grandmas don't really want to win by default that way.

hedgie said...

Sure wish Tom Selleck had more screen time on this show!

NatureNut said...

Got some stuff to do before bedtime for work in AM, so need to say Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Prayers for all~~~

stronghunter said...

The tough thing is when the kids tell me they can't read cursive. I do not want to send them through English 11 without knowing how to read cursive, but it is a skill they really should have learned in elementary school.

At first I was confused. They would say that they could not read my writing as if my penmanship was poor. The problem was that it was in cursive.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Loretta.

magpie said...

Good Evening Special Eagle Pals.
I know a few are on the pillows already....

Special prayers for Jo's friend Meghan and all her family....
cancer is relentless....may our prayers help to bring healing and comfort...

magpie said...

and I won't be able to go back right now and read all the comments from before I left town in a hurry, but I know there are some more prayer needs out there...
so you have mine, my prayers that is!

I appreciate everything everyone here has offered here to me in support and encouragement.....
and also, that Lynn could help me communicate with you from my messages to her. I am not a big text-message expert but it sure comes in handy sometimes !

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - that's exactly how I feel - Waste of a good handsome actor!

stronghunter said...

Wow! Momster party at the beach!! I can't wait, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I hope you checked behind wall hangings... I have had clusters of Stink Bugs behind pictures.........

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for Heghan - Cancer know no age!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that invitation Lynn.. I'll need lodging in North Carolina soon.

I will miss you for all the days you are gone Lynn. I wish you a safe trip, good house hunting and a great visit with Candy! ((hugs)) ♥

magpie said...

I have never, seen so many machines, tubes, gadgets and widgets attached to a person as I have observed with my sister.....

the word labryinth comes to mind

situation still grave, though Anne is more stable than a few days ago. Will the antibiotics be able to clobber the infection which is all throughout the spinal cord the great unknown, and then, to find out what kind of physical and neurological damage has occurred....will be the next challenge.

So sudden, all of it

God Bless You all, hug and hold onto all that you love....

I'm kind of tired right now
know that I care...about all of you...will try to catch up on the news here Saturday evening after work
Thanks again Hedgie for helping me speak through you to everyone...and Enjoy your Trip to the Outer Banks

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Bear report is over on FB or your Den Cam Updates. Lily and Hope still haven't decided on where their Den will be located.

I'm headed down the hallway

Take care everyone
Prayers for so many
Hugs for everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Goodness, it seems that I slept through a lot last night.

Will said that George sat on the kitchen counter and barfed. Then Flash started barking and peed on the floor and then again on the porch when Will let him out. It seems there was some yelling involved.

I slept through it all and so did Kathryn. I am usually a light sleeper. Kathryn has a fan in her room because she requires white noise to sleep.

Will also discovered that no one had locked the doors.

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Margy. Rest well.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, be careful not to take any Stink Bugs with you to the BUGLESS,OBX. Traveling mercies for you and Enjoy, Enjoy!

Margy...time spent with James, is just what the doctor ordered!:)

Had a nice evening with family at GG's. Too sleepy to look at pictures that I took.
Gene had a fair day at the shop:)
Never too busy that he needed my help.


stronghunter said...

Judie, I do have a phone (not rotary) that you have to lift the receiver to talk. We will make sure Hunter knows how to use it.

Judie said...

Margy, so kind of you to join us tonight with all you have going on. You must be exhausted physically and emotionally. Our prayers continue for you, Anne, and all the family.

Yes, apparently cursive writing is no longer a priority. All you need to know now is how to type.

Sure is interesting to read about how bears are so particular about their dens. Never would have thought.

Yikes! I think I just heard the sandperson slinking in the hallway. So, bedtime is here. I have much to accomplish tomorrow -- did I mention Darth is a hoarder?

Did Wanda check in today?

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, off to bed (goodnight, Lowreeda), or just stumbling around in the dark. Pleasant dreams for all.

hedgie said...

Okay, dear friends....time to pack this puter and turn in. Will check in sometime tomorrow evening! Prayers for all. Peace.

stronghunter said...

I got really frustrated with a rotary phone the last time I used one. We rented a house from friends when I had to move because of the divorce. The elderly woman who had lived there still had a rotary phone that was permanently attached to the wall. She was still renting it. We did have that changed. This was in 1993.

Judie said...

Shhhh! Hi Wanda. Glad you had a nice family night. Can't say more. Sandperson can hear me typing.

Good night Mrs. Calabash.

hedgie said...

Oh, good, Margy and Wanda and Loretta popped in, too. Margy, hope you sleep like a log----sure you need it.
Judie----are you throwing some of the hoard away?
Again----Night, night!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynn and Judie.

stronghunter said...

Ready to head upstairs myself. See you tomorrow sometime.

Oh, today is Rus's birthday.

stronghunter said...

My eldest child is now 40 years old.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, my friend that I went to the beach with...his Mom is a hoarder. I love her dearly, but when she goes, he will have one heck of a time cleaning out the house. I told him to get a dumpster, but make sure he looked throught the stuff good before he chucked it...never now what they have hidden in some of that stuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Taking a quick break before I finish the bathroom floor.

Glad you could stop in Margy, get some rest if you can.

stronghunter said...

Golly, Paula, it's a bit late to be doing floors.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get it done, Shirley. Michael and GF will be here tomorrow evening...I am heading to Colorfest tomorrow, and working on Sunday.

paula eagleholic said...

And Shirley, you are up late tonight!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking back in here to say howdy.

Wow, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY TO SHIRLEY'S RUS! Hope your day has been really special!

Lynn, have a wonderful time on your trip! Hope you can find just the perfect b____ house! And hope the vet can find just the right treatment for Cinny! Prayers for her continue here.

Dana, hope you and Little Man have a really GOOD night's sleep. Bet he feels really special with the heated bed. Praying that God will bless and heal him, too.

Margy, wish I were there so I could give you a HUGE bear hug!! You have been through so much, I know.
Prayers still going up for Anne, for you, and for your whole family!
Glad you got some grandson time today. Hope you can unwind enough to sleep soundly tonight. Prayers of thanks that Anne has stabilized, too!

Oh--the bird in my avatar is a female blackbird I met and befriended up at Lake Arrowhead, not the Blackburnian Warbler I saw today. Wasn't able to get to my camera quickly enough to capture that one. There are quite a few tall pine trees near us, up by the riverbed, and some at the nearby high school a few blocks away. Maybe they attracted the warbler, and it came in with our doves or sparrows and finches. It was a juvenile for sure. Looks exactly like the photo in my bird book. Come to think of it, maybe it was brought in by the new weather front. Sure it's just migrating. Have never had one stick around in past years. That reminds me--the Band-tailed Pigeons we have had all spring and summer are attracted to conifers too. There must be enough of them around to fit the bill for them.

Shirley, sorry you had such a crazy day at school. Hope the weekend makes up for it! Good thing you had some quality time with Hunter.
Interesting conversation about Algebra and cursive writing. My Algebra teacher apologized to us during the first class because although she was taught cursive writing, she was never taught to print, except in all caps! She is about my age, maybe a year or two older. To this day, she does not know how to print lower case letters. V-e-e-e-r-r-y interesting!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to go veg in front of the TV for a while. Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. I'm leaving the porch light on so nobody trips on the front steps. Prayers said for everyone, for SO many needs. Thanks given for prayers answered, too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love each and every one of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

There is an Eagle in the Nest....

Happy Birthday to our dear Norma !!

magpie said...

Make that Two Eagles in the Nest

magpie said...

Happy Travel Wishes, Lynn

and Best wishes to everyone on this day....
It's a beauty here in West Virginia

headed to work soon

xoxo ♥ (( hugs all around ))

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Norma!

stronghunter said...

On the unlocked doors last night at my house . . . What burgular would want to break into a house containing a barfing cat and a barking, peeing dog? He/she would probably trip over all of the boxes stored in the living room and flee before encountering all the critters.

stronghunter said...

Then there is the shock mat and baby gate in the hallway.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Things to do.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Our WiFi was down last night and could not get on. My phone could not pick up a signal either. Bad night. LOL I read and played computer games!

Lynn, hope to talk with you tonight!!!! Have a great time and looking forward to a Momster Party at the beach!

Margy, welcome back! Thought of you and Anne so much yesterday. Prayers still going up!

We are heading out for more hiking today!

Have a great day everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Well good morning and it's a beautiful one. Hope Lynn and friends were able to leave as early as planned - They should be very near their destination or already there. Hope they stopped for breakfast along the way! My thoughts are with her! Such a joyous feeling she must have since the dr's report!

Mema Jo said...

While I am thinking about our
Birthday Girl Norma I am going to pick up the phone and try to track her down! I am sooooo thankful she will be at Open House with all of us.

Mema Jo said...

At Last! A Way Out For Trapped Miners Joyful news today.
Chile's 33 trapped miners finally have a way out.

Judie said...

Good sort of late morning.

Belated happy birthday to Rus and Shirley!

Happy birthday, Norma. Enjoy.

Have been busy this morning. Began at 7:30am. Have to strike while the hoarder is gone. Have replaced some curtain rods, washed some bathroom curtains and rugs, and now on to the worst -- cleaning out his closet (rearranging) to make room for the boxes and stuff stored on the bedroom floor. Just hope I don't run out of steam but I am highly motivated.

It is a beautiful day here as well as in WV. Blue sky and bright sunshine.

Lynn must be well on her journey. Bet she is so excited.

Dana, how's Little Man this morning?

Shirley, I suspect you are quite right about any burglar trying to trespass through your new decor.

Back to work. Will check in later.

stronghunter said...

I would take a picture but you might send the hoarder police after me. Lots of empty boxes for Kathryn to move in and Will to move out.

Mostly booze boxes because Will works at the ABC store. Just added--all of the stuff Kathryn and Susan had put aside for a yard sale. The living room was the one tidy room I had preserved for my sanity and in case of unexpected guests. I cannot get in there now.

It was kind of formal and pretty. I am sure it will get better. This is a temporary situation. It has to be!

I shall return later. Good morning to everyone in the meantime.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

I failed Algebra I, twice. I have very nice writing dad didn't, and he made sure we did! No play till homework was legible!

Happy Birthday Norma!

Andy, sorry about assuming the pic in the avatar was the warbler...I clearly remember you telling us about that bird that you befriended now....OOOPS!

Lynne2 said...

Looks like Mits may have gotten spammed on FB....there is a post to each momster on there for some link to a diet of some sort, with a message from her saying how well it's worked. Doesn't sound like her.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne, Helen posted on FB: I have not a clue how that acai message has been sent out to all of you.

Lynne2 said...

now everyone has gotten another wall post from Helen about a funny video....something is wrong. Anyone know how to reach her? She should probably be told in case someone has hacked her FB account and password.

Lynne2 said...

I hope WE all don't get spammed for clicking the links...

Mema Jo said...

Lynne I just emailed Helen to alert her

Lynne2 said...

thanks Jo, something is clearly wrong! Did you get the second one yet?

Mema Jo said...

I got the 2nd one and also all of her friends that are my friends shows up on my Home Page... I marked all of them as SPAM but I don't know if they see it.
Lynne what should a person do in this case........ ?

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Sharon told Helen to change her password - Hope it works.........

Mema Jo said...

LUNCH TIME............ BBL

Lynne2 said...

Jo, just go to your Settings under Account and make sure your privacy settings are all set to Friends Only, and in Account settings, just review all of your application settings...all the apps you have used will be in a list, like every game you've played or card you've sent, etc. Make sure that they are edited for maximum privacy if you aren't using them, remove them. Megan also suggested to check out Sophos on FB in a post to Helen. That must be some sort of "watchdog" site.

Mema Jo said...

I think my FB is secure! Let me know if you get a weird message from me!

movin said...






C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Apparently, according to viewers, "Secretariat" is an "A" movie, even "A+" to some, for the whole family, even adults.

Professionals averaged a "B" rating, but they're often out of touch with us regular mortals.

I might even go see it. I love the Triple Crown, and Secretariat was the greatest of the wearers of the crown.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I did get a phone call through to our Birthday Momster Norma
She had been out to lunch and treated herself to a piece of Blackberry pie!
I gave her all our good wishes!

movin said...

WE: ravens are playing "touch and go" on the nest, but one of the eagles, probably the male, can be heard nearby.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo.





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


Went to pick up George's medications, then to Hunter's ball game. They won 22-0. They are still undefeated, the only undefeated team in the league. Hunter hasn't ever been on such a successful team before. It has been fun.

Now Hunter's off on a camping trip with his dad and Kathryn's gone to spend the night with some girlfriends from her high school days. Will and I are dog sitting. As soon as Kathryn left, Luna decided to roll in poop. Lovely! She is now on the front porch drying from her bath.

I will eventually let her back into the house. Meanwhile, it is naptime for Shirley.

See you later.

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break and get ready
to attend Mass - I'll keep us all in prayer.

Youngest son call and is heading home from Dry Run Road (Near Hedgesville)
Near a creek he saw 2 adult eagles
How lucky can you get!

I'll be back later..............

hedgie said...

Good evening, momsters and dadsters!! I am at the BEACH!
Have not read through comments yet...will after dinner. Hope all is well.

hedgie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Norma, even tho' she is never on the blog anymore!!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, how cool that your son saw the eagles on Dry Run. The road my ex was born on and where we bought our first house and lived for 15 yrs. runs inti it, and in-laws built on it when dad retired. It leads to Swinging Bridge, a nd someone told Margy they had seen one there!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Happy Birthday to our dearest Norma!

Sorry to hear about the hacked FB accounts! Some people have nothing to do better with their time!

Our nightlite just kicked on.

Had fun at Colorfest, didn't buy very much this year.

Waiting for Michael and Laura to get here, gonna cook some steaks on the grill.

My post never posted....wrote that an hour ago!
Oh, and I hate stinkbugs! Been picking them up and throwing into bucket of soapy water...had some holey screens, got them fixed.

PA Nana said...

Happy Birthday Norma!!

Lolly said...

New thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...