Friday, October 01, 2010


New thread.


movin said...


GooD MorninG, TGIF,

Great weekenD to you too.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good Morning, Jim! Just getting on to say good morning and then we are heading out. We are right here on Lake Erie. Can look out the window and see it. Tomorrow we should arrive in NH.

Have a great day everyone. Will try to get on when I can.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Friday Morning Jim ( :

I'm sure you called the others over.
Good Morning EVERYONE ( :

Very windy this morning with the sun out beautifully.

wvgal_dana said...

Good early morning to those that have commented and left; Megan, Hedgie and Margy. Have a wonderful day.

Dr. Hedgie-Lynn since he had me wear them some yesterday. I am starting today off with your day 2=2 hrs--1 hr then 1 hr. Thank you I sure hope your not going to send me a bill.

grannyblt said...

Morning all.

Lolly were you in OH or PA this morning? I live 5 miles from I80 and could have waved at you if that is the hiway you are traveling. LOL. It is supposed to be a beautiful day today for your trip east.
My brother in VA was really wet yesterday, guess all you MD folks got it too.
No action in the nest this morning that I have seen.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Grannyblt. Yes we did get a lot of rain. It was much needed around my area. Today looks like it will be a beautiful day. Right now it is very windy. As you can tell by the live feed.

Wonderful if lawn man put his mower away for the season. The grass could later use a mowing.

Loretta I will not say a word about what I know because half the time I can't remember what I do know. lol Zip is the word.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning! Hello Dana, Jim and Grannyblt! So happy that the sun is shinning today with a little air blowing. Hope weather holds for Lolly and Jack's travels.
I haven't read the earlier morning comments.

Lion Cub is on the move

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all! Well, despite dire warnings, we only got about another inch of rain overnight, for a storm total of 4 inches In fact, I was up at 1:30 and it had stopped by then and a lovely cool breeze was blowing from the north, and still is. Going to be a lovely day here! Once again, eastern areas got more than we did. Seems there is some other sort of wet system brewing for Sunday and the beging of the week. So, yes Lynne, we here in these parts got a MIGHTY soaking yesterday...and Good Morning to you!

I'm hoping that I can talk Steve into taking a ride up to Turkey Point in NE MD tomorrow for some raptor migration watching.

JIM!! WOW, up early again this morning!

Dana, hope the orthodic plan goes well!

Well, I guess it's true, the hummers are gone...haven't seen one this morning and I have been watching for them. However, my monarch caterpillars are still there, at least 2 of them. One is hanging in the "J" with water droplets hanging off of him and another is still munching away.

I'm off to run some errands, BBL

NatureNut said...

Good damp morning to everyone. Annapolis got 9"!!!
Lynne, last hummer I saw was Sat. at Park. At home, got pics of last hummer girl TH, a week ago. Have to get those together.
Dana, TY. I know nothing either!! LOL (If there's a problem in the spring, have charge card, will travel!!)
Have a great day, gotta run~~~~☺

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mema Jo and Lynne2.

Ahhh Mema Jo I sent around an email through the Eagle-Momster mailing list. I will admit "right here" for that email I was thinking of you. ( :

Oh thank you Mema Jo for the lion cub link (although I have it) made it quick to get too. Got to see a cub laying on another one. The one underneath tried to get up. lol It was funny cause "chubby" enjoyed laying on the soft spot he had an didn't want to move. Finally "chubby" got pushed off. he other cub got out. LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Well I am going to try to walk down and retreive the trash can. Better take cell phone with me. I might end up like a turtle that can't turn back over LMBO

Costume Lady said... be careful walking, until you get used to your new "FEETSIES":) Don't want to have to come there and turn you over! Tee Hee

Costume Lady said...


Open House is just 22 days away! If you plan to attend and haven't let Lynn~Hedgie know yet, you still have time to do so.
In order to give the Clarion a head count for dinner Friday and Saturday (Oct. 22 & 23), there will be a cut-off date of October
8 (next Friday). Our Friday "meet and greet" dinner will start at 7pm and is such a fun evening...good food, good friends and lots
of hugs and laughter! Our dinner on Saturday will start at 4:30pm. We have reserved The Tuscany room from 4:30 til 9pm. After
dinner, we will hold our Raffle, which is sooo much fun:)

There is not a cut-off date for donating prizes for the Raffle and Door prizes. We have some VERY nice Raffle prizes, one of which is the HAND MADE, 12" item, made by Lolly's 'Jack'...which is making it's way around the country with Lolly and Jack, as we speak:) If you wish to donate a prize and are not attending Open House, you can send the prize to me (Costume Lady). Let me know and I will send you my address. If you are donating a prize and haven't told us about it, please do so. You can email me or Lynn~Hedgie with your information and bring it with you to the EAGLE EXPRESS during Open House at NCTC.

If you haven't made up your mind, yet...COME...I can guarantee you will enjoy every minute of our two day festivities!
We hope to see and meet our new Momsters and Dadsters and are anxious to see our OLD FRIENDS, once again!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 I hope your one that is hanging like a J and your caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Thank you Wanda...I did make it back up the ramp. It is just such a "shock" when sitting and I stand. Have to hold on. lol I'll make it with Dr. Hedgie's instructions. ( : You are so caring Hugs Wanda.

wvgal_dana said...

Big hum on the live feed and it isn't a hummingbird either.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Not sure I think there is only one baby. It is preening itself. Fluffy feathers falling out as it preens.

Something VERY BIG standing beside it. You can't see all of it in the cam. Must be MOMMIE!! Little owl face is so cute.

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

That is a good Owl cam, Dana.

I am heading out
Will be back to let you know if
any leaves are turning up on the


wvgal_dana said...

oK Have now read on down and yes there are 2 owlets. This is Molly's 2nd clutch. The people that have this nest box and other nesting birds sound like very nice people.

Lolly said...

We are in NY and headed to VT for tonight. We were in Ohio last night and have passed through PA. Just patted "It"! :) "it" is traveling well! We have bright sun shine!

wvgal_dana said...

A good day for your travels Jack and Lolly. ( : Sure are making time.

wvgal_dana said...

Going for a panda nap


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Been trying to catch up on some house chores and now will begin to think of exam questions for the wannabe adults.

Wanda, sure hope the shop escaped any water. Any problems?

Paula, very nice pictures. Reminds me of growing up near the ocean.

Andy, hope you are feeling better this morning.

Dana, how are you feeling this morning? Take it easy with the new equipment.

Good morning, Grannyblt.

Hi Jim. Yep, TGIF!

Safe travels, Lolly.

Lynne, raptor watching would be fun and the weather is supposed to be cool. Hope the two caterpillars hatch and stay around until next year.

Sun in and out here but also very windy. Last gasp of the hurricane.

Going to check the owl cam. Thank you, Dana.


Costume Lady said...

Judie, no water damage or leaking in the shop. This shop is fairly new. Old shop sprung a leak many years ago and did a lot of nuisance damage (little bitty things here and there). Gene put on a new roof and a year later, we bought a larger shop and used the old one for storage.

hedgie said...

Good afternoon, Momsters and Dadsters! Sure is windy out there----takes my breath away---what little I have.
I went shopping for Carolyn's b-day which is Sunday. Splurged a bit at Wally World and got myself some new flatware. What I have is starting to show signs of dishwasher wear....figure it can go to the beach house (I am thinking ahead with what I hope is not misplaced optimism!). New is all washed and put away!

Dana, okay to make this Day 2 for orthotics. And no, no charge!!!

Lolly, can't believe how fast you all our making it east! Excellent time!

hedgie said...

Judie, know I have probably asked you before, but where did you grow up? I apparently have forgotten! I would think BEACH would have left a big impression on my feeble brain.

wvgal_dana said...

I just woke from my panda nap.

I had left the owl cam up and alrady am cracking up at those two. I love how they move their heads. Aslo how they place their heads to look at you.

I am wondering if those things flying around in their house is stinkbugs. If they are--owlets don't eat them!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I found a sound button. It was off. Wonder if this cam has sound??

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my heavens one owlet just moved its foot and I heard it. It does have sound!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I see flies now so they must not be stinkbugs-good don't want to see them on a cam.

hedgie said...

Finally reading paper, Dana----article on front page about Horse Fund!!! Did you see it??

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Was born and raised in Norfolk which, at that time, was only 15 minutes to the pre-resort Va. Beach. Could actually drive down Atlantic Ave and see the ocean. Loved Sandbridge area and Outer Banks. Loved to sit on the beach, VA Beach, in Fall and just watch waves and gulls. Gone are those days.

Need to check out the owl nest again and see if I can find the sound button. Thanks for letting us know, Dana. Really glad there are no stink bugs.

Been working on a crime assignment. Students are to pretend to be a forensic psychologist and can ask only two questions of a convicted serial killer. Then they have to pretend to be the killer and answer the two questions. Should be interesting reading.

Oh no! Weather person Ch. 4 says stink bugs will return now that rain has stopped. Gross and double gross!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Judie, Lynn, and Dana,

Have been panda napping most of the day. Happy to report that I don't have a fever any more!

Guess what--it rained here for a while! Brought the temperature down to about 72. Now, a couple of hours later, it's back up to 83. Parts of our county have gotten major thunderstorms, and large amounts of rain in a short time. Guess this is part of a low pressure system coming from Baja California. The news has even warned folks in areas where it's actively raining, to shut down their computers and stay off land-line phones! Guess people in sunny CA don't know what to do when it rains. There has been heavy lightning in some areas, so I hope it doesn't cause any brush fires.

Dana, hope you're doing well with the orthotics. Takes a little while to get used to them, but by then you'll feel weird without them!
Helped my knees and lower back a lot--kind of changes your whole alignment. Helped my balance, too.

Well, better run. Hate to, but need to finish the weekly shopping list and get showered. Going to Wal-Mart when Hubby gets home. Have a good late afternoon and evening, and I'll report back later.

Mema Jo said...

I just put my feet down- they were up!
The trees in the mountains have not yet turned...... well very few have started. I still love it that the leaves change color from the top down.

I am getting ready to choose somewhere for hubby and I to dine... nothing fancy just good food.

I'll be back in a while.........

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I did see that Hedgie-Lynn.

Thanks Judie for the encouragement. That would be great if it turned out they helped my back too.

Judie a lot of the good old times are gone. I am glad my daughter got to know what is was like going to the creek. Playing around in the water. We even had her at Back Creek when she was a baby. Her Aunt Janie loved holding her in deep water. My gal loved it would smack her hands on the water and get her Aunt Janie all wet lol

So I am sure VA Beach has changed since you use to go there Judie.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link
button for sound on the owl cam
is of course under picture towards the right you'll see and f (for facebook), t (for twitter), the word More
just to right of word More is a symbol that is the SOUND BUTTON put your cursor on it and click it takes it up and you then see the symbol looking more like a speaker.

hedgie said...

Cool beans, Judie, (as my aunt would say) to grow up in that area. Nothing ever stays the same, does it? Was your Dad in the Navy or work for the Navy? I remember spending a long weekend in VA Beach for a journalism conference when I was in HS----toured Fort Monroe----but have never "beached" there per se. When I was little it was the DE shore for us; as a teen, NJ and MD. But fell in love with OBX in '72 and that's all she wrote! Not bothered about any others!

Lolly said...

My tush hurts!

Lolly said...

One more hour, heading to Bennington, VT

wvgal_dana said...

One of the owlets is eating something. I think it was in the box. It just kept moving it around until it could get some. Can't tell what it is (for those that think they might get sick).

wvgal_dana said...

LOL One of the owlets is taking it feet like a cat that pooped and would use its feet to cover it up. Looks like it is cleaning a spot in the right back corner. Wings are out and the other owlet looks at it like "what the heck are you doing and your wing is over top my head!!! Remove it please!!!"

This is so so funny!!! I am hoping someone else is seeing this ...cracking me up.

Well it has a clean floor in the right back corner.

You could hear it scratching the floor.

wvgal_dana said...

It looks at the other owlet and then behind that owlet to its corner. Then looks back at the owlet like, "Well you can't clean your corner?" LOL

Judie said...

Ah, Dana, thanks for the sound button info. I'll go check it out after dinner. I am glad your daughter had some "creek" experience. Makes for wonderful memories.

Jo, think the leaves will be especially beauteous for Open House weekend?

Lynn, my father was a health inspector. Was in the Army during WWII but not a career. My mother worked for naval intelligence. I worked for Navy and Air Force intelligence agencies. Got married, college, teaching. Cannot in my scariest nightmare imagine going back into the rule-bound misery of govt work.

Okay, speaking of misery, I need to do some hunger prevention. Off to the kitchen.


hedgie said...

Interesting history you have, Judie!!! Would like to hear more sometime when we can sit and talk!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib, arranging a stick or two

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Judie, please double check and make sure your house and garage are totally locked up and secure!!! Burglar is entering homes at night while people are sleeping and then robbing!!!!! In Annandale now!

paula eagleholic said...

He just flew up into the tree, think Belle is up there ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening Paula and Paula's bennie eagle ( :

paula eagleholic said...

OK, got video, but no sound. Forgot to save the sound settings when I fixed it last time!

wvgal_dana said...

ROFLMBO I just heard the owlets talking. Man they are a riot!! Says little but sure was funny.

wvgal_dana said...

It was the one with less fuzz. That is also the one that cleaned out her corner earlier.

wvgal_dana said...

She looks like she is talking moving her beak but nothing is coming out. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

LOl, Eagle snuck back in while I was reading the blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Crunch crunch on the leaves and sticks

paula eagleholic said...


wvgal_dana said...

Yep flew back down out of tree. Did some moving of sticks and poof.

wvgal_dana said...

I put 3 pics in new album starts 10 1 10. I thought someone seen an eagle this AM. So I thought there would already be a picture in there but wasn't.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula are you still going to put your video up?

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Dana...glad you made it back up from the mailbox, lol

wvgal_dana said...

lol Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Dana, think I will...was nice viewing.

Judie said...

Dinner, in the form of a BLT, is over and now I can put my feet up ala Mema Jo.

We'll have a visit someday Lynn. Also, always check doors, windows, garage before sleep. Thanks for the reminder.

Feet going up and t.v. coming on. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Video is posted

hedgie said...

Starting to track my baby's flight home from MN. Take-off a bit delayed.....

My older baby starts her shift work tonight at MN at 911 Center.

wvgal_dana said...

Good video Paula and I fed the fish.

wvgal_dana said...

going to watch tv

I'll catch up tomorrow I hope.

Prayers for those that need them.

hedgie said...

Christie will be over Lake Michigan momentarily. Too bad it's dark. :(

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO we are going to Turkey Point tomorrow for some bird watching! Hope we see some good stuff and get pictures!

Prayers for safe travel for Christie!

I got a Freecycle bird bath today! It's cement, in 2 parts and has 2 lizards crawling up the sides and one in the top! My garden was missing a birdbath!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the video Paula, very nice!

Lynne2 said...

what airport is she flying into Lynnellen?

Costume Lady said...

That's a GREAT find, Lynne!
I have joined our local Freecycle, but haven't had the time to check it out. I have things and need things:)

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds nice, Lynne

Wanda how is GG tonight?

Lynne2 said...

Off to case I don't get back this evening, have a good one all!

Judie said...

Really nice video, Paula. Thank you so much.

Goodnight, Dana. Happy t.v. watching and pleasant dreams.

Safe travel Christy. Mom's waiting for ya. Wishing a quiet night for Carolyn.

Lynne2, enjoy Turkey Point tomorrow. Should have a great day for bird watching.

Hmmm, wonder where Jo and Mr. Mema Jo went for good food tonight. I don't think she's returned.

Back for some t.v.

hedgie said...

She's crossing mid-WV now....almost to VA....14 mins flight-time left!

hedgie said...

Dulles, Lynne!

Lolly said...

Well, we are here, just east of Bennington, VT. Traffic was bad in Troy,NY, and then we took a wrong turn. Arrived here the dark. Do not like that! But we are here and have had a yummy dinner. Tomorrow a short drive to Twin Mt., NH.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, GG was napping when I went to visit this afternoon. She woke up and said that she had a really good nap. I told her that no one was coming to Family Friday because of unforseen issues (Karla is at OBX, Denise and Brandon are tending to their pet Goose, Pun. Someone shot him 3 times). GG said, well that's OK, now I will have you all to myself...what a special thing for her to say:)

hedgie said...

On the ground!!

hedgie said...

Aw, Wanda, that's your sweet Momma!
Poor goose------what happened? Did they catch the creep? Is she going to be alright??

paula eagleholic said...

She's a sweetie, Wanda! Hope the goose is OK, what a horrible thing.

Lolly said...

Oh, poor goose! Dumb people, give em a gun and they think they are all powerful!

GG is so sweet.

Was going to call my sister, but do not have enough bars over my head. lol Can get on line, but forget the phone. Thanks AT&T!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I went to the OutBack. Very good service and the food was great.

I was watching CSI:NY

Selleck's show is on now......

Paula - I am really grateful for your
video. Lib will always start at the
egg well to do nestorations.


Lolly said...

Think I am going to relax and do some reading. Tonight has been an adventure...we are relaxing with G&T's.

"Maybe" I will be back later. I did post some pictures on fb. We were in bumper to bumper traffic in Troy, NY. I was able to take some pictures out of the car. Saw some beautiful fall color.

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down early

Wishing sound sleep and pleasant dreams

Good night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

The goose that was shot was one of many that Brandon hatched and has raised for many years. All of the geese that he has raised, fly away during the Fall and come back to him in the Spring. Pun has a deformed wing and cannot fly, so he just has the run of the yard and thinks Brandon is his dad:)
He took the goose to the Blue Ridge Wildlife Center (near Winchester). He was then anethestized and had the bullets removed and had his leg set (or whatever they do to a bird's leg). Vet thinks he will be OK and didn't charge anything! The facility is where Brandon interned while in College:) They are run strictly by donations.
No, the culpret has not been caught, but Brandon's dad is Winchester's Sheriff and I would think he will do everything possible to catch the idiot!

hedgie said...

Bear report is up:


hedgie said...

Just makes me so mad, Wanda. And I guess Pun was in his own yard, minding his own business? How DARE someone shoot into someone's yard? Hope sheriff dad DOES solve the case. Poor Pun....poor Brandon.

G'night Jo!

Lolly, enjoy that G&T! Haven't seen any pics pop up on FB yet....

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Lolly posted some lovely trees in full glory on facebook.

Yes, Pun was in his own fenced in yard:(

Costume Lady said...

Think it's time to call it a day or is it 'a night'?


hedgie said...

Okay, kids, watched Paula's good video and now heading for the tub. Been a long day!
Pleasant dreams. Prayers and peace.

Judie said...

Lynn, glad Christie is safely on the ground.

Jo, glad you two enjoyed dinner out.

Wanda, so nice that GG considers time with you to be special. Very sweet. So sorry about Pun. Will say a prayer for recovery. Tell Brandon he has a lot of supporters.

Lolly, welcome to the East coast world of crush hour traffic 24/7. Safe travels in the morning.

Judie said...

Am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in or those who arise in the dark and need to "see the light." Pleasant dreams.

magpie said...

Good Night and Sweet Dreams and Sweet Sleep Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Always love the GG comments, Wanda

good friend of mine, owns a cat..special cat...was bow and arrowed several times, came back home with arrow completely through and through still embedded..veterinarian took care of that and found three other entry and exit wounds....

teenager, known culprit...sheriff in another county has the's probably going to a prosecutor for 3 felony juvenile charges...

makes one heartsick to hear of these things, like the Pun story

magpie said...

missed most of the action most of the day
..took a little trip to Berkeley Springs after work...First Fridays there is a "Vintage Car" in the city park, Wow! lots of nice Rods...

glad to hear Christie is home-bound Lynn and probably actually THERE by now..and Welcome to Midnight 911's for Carolyn

good luck on the orthotics Dana...
they have many benefits

Turkey Point! I have been time during college at Univ of Delaware, summer of the most memorable outings of my younger days... Have Fun Steve and Lynne !

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Judie, Lynn, and Wanda,

Got back home about an hour ago. We are taking care of Sis-in-law's bulldogs again this weekend. They will be in Sedona, AZ--a very nice place to be!

It's cooler here tonight, and that's good, because it's still humid. Feels tolerable, though.

Really sorry to hear that some idiot shot Pun the goose in his own fenced yard! What the heck is wrong with some people?! Hope that when the sheriff catches the jerk he throws the book at him! Prayers for Pun's speedy recovery!

Paula, thanks for the excellent video--good to get my eagle fix!

Lynn, glad Christie's flight landed safely. Know only too well how you feel when the kids are flying.

Jo, glad that you and your Hubby had a nice dinner out tonight. I really like Outback too, but sometimes the service at the one out here is somewhat lacking. Food's always good, though.

Lolly, sorry you guys got caught in a traffic jam today. There are some nasty ones at times out here, too. "They" (whoever 'they' are) predict that in less than 10 years the average speed on any SoCal freeway will be 11 mph. Somebody needs to build monorails or something!

magpie said...

ISS hereabouts the next two mornings EARLY

Sat 5:26 am rise time, 5:28 am transit time, from SSE.....

Sun even better and not quite so early will post those times Sat night

Better skeedaddle, Saturday is my Friday, better catch some Z's.
Would love to comment to everyone, but I have run out of steam

Prayers....for every nook and cranny where they are needed

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hey there Ms B...sorry I just missed you...glad you are feeling better

'Night all

Hi Jim maybe you will pop on here soon....I usually am nowhere near the computer same time as you!

Ms Bookworm said...

Ooh-Hi, Margy!
Didn't see your comments until I posted my book!

Wow, your friend's poor cat! One of our cats (the one that accidentally spent a few minutes in the dryer) had a BB imbedded in her abdomen. When they x-rayed her to make sure she had no broken bones from the dryer trip, they found it.
Left it there, since it had apparently been there quite a while. She lived several years longer, and died a very old cat.
Still don't understand people's cruelty, though.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm about to poop out, too. Time for a little TV Land to unwind. Leaving the night light on (thanks, Judie!), and the porch light. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning

An Eagle just landed in the nest ☺

magpie said...

wow and two handsome/beautiful eagles at BWO - quite a big more daylight there

magpie said...

Well Hello there two at the Sycamore Palace

magpie said...

I think it was Liberty in the nest first then joined by Belle, then Liberty bailed and I think it was Belle still there
I was waiting on a better view
but whichever it was, the second one just left also

Costume Lady said...


grannyblt said...

Eagles in the nest just now for an early Saturday visit.

magpie said...

Hi Wanda - - maybe they will grab a breakfast snack and come back !

Costume Lady said...

Yes, that was Lib who bailed first and Belle kept looking around like she thought Lib would come back. She got tired of waiting and off she went. Breakfast for two along the shores of the Potomac, maybe:)

Costume Lady said...

Hi there, Lynne:)
Good to start the day off with the presence of our L & B, isn't it?

magpie said...

Hi there also grannyb Lynne....
and anyone up and about that I might be missing here

The first eagle in was rather long and I was thinking Belle at first....but I really still have a time of it unless they are in there together !

two pics in the E-M album...

I must go looms :(

Best wishes for a good day everyone


Costume Lady said...

You have a good day too, Margy♥

Costume Lady said...

Lib is back:)

Costume Lady said...

Nope, I think that was Belle...gone now.

Costume Lady said...

Hoping for a busy day in the shop today. Don't usually get busy until we put our "Open Sign" on the highway. Only allowed to have it there for 20 days. Might put it out early, this year!

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend:)

Lolly said...

Good morning! 39 this morning, a wee bit chilly. Love it! And the sun is brightly shining! Probably less than 4 hour drive this morning. The 8 or 9 days in one place. ☺ Jack cooked us a wonderful breakfast, so I am a "happy camper" this morn.

Wanda, have a successful costume season!

We are going to have an early dinner tonight (no lunch) and then go on a moose hunt. If I see one I will shoot it with my camera!!!☺

Lolly said...

Turning the computer over to Jack. Have a great weekend!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I am using my little notebook computer this morning. I think Hunter has decided it is his. He's been playing games on it.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you service error!!!!

Glad I saved what I wrote.

Good Morning in Eagle Land this sunny day.

Early am Sunday is suppose to be rain and it is suppose to rain all day.

I am catching up on the comments I missed while watching tv (well falling asleep in recliner). Mema Jo so far every one of Selleck's shows when they become a re-run
won' be a re-run for me. Darn I keep falling alseep.grrrr

I also missed seeing the owlet at night time. I might have gotten to see Mom or Dad another grrrr for falling asleep.

Glad the eagles were seen by many this AM.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly will look at pics on fb later. I think it is Margy that can't see them on fb.

SHOOTING OF A GOOSE!!!! How dare they!! Of course they picked the one that can't fly too poor Pun and Brandon. I wish their
punishment would be "to crawl around the yard picking up goose boop with their hands for months"!!!! Jail doesn't do
anything for dumb people like that.

Oh my Margy the poor cat. See a juvenile 3 felony charges. I'm sorry but what-ok that means he can't go in the service
(maybe get his head shoot off), will probably find a girl get her pregrant and live on welfare.

Lynne and Steve at Turkey Point watching
raptors fly. Oh how that sounds so nice.
Wonder if you have to walk up to a high
place or just drive up there?

stronghunter said...

Odd. I can see the library catalog on this computer, but I can't request any books. I do not know if it is because this computer doesn't have enough space to process it or what. I also see no avatars. But this is my freebie computer.

stronghunter said...

Okay, now I have the avatars.

Now, to try the library site and see if it will let me reserve some books.

hedgie said...

We have a new thread. Come on over!!!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...