Monday, June 14, 2010


Empty Nest Thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Fly High and Free Palmer on this
Flag Day

Mema Jo said...

From previous thread
movin said...
Well, I watched her flap her wings a bit in the general area of the launching pad ... but back from the edge. I didn't think she was too serious yet, so I started writing a comment. Wasn't very long before I looked back at the feed, and she was nowhere to be seen.
Hahaha. Missed it again. Had to be around 5:40 A.M. your time.

God bless the ventures of Palmer and God bless all our eagle lovers.
Jim C(°ٿ°)D

Mits said...

thanks for the call over Jo:)

Mits said...

a perfect day to fledge and fly....Flag Day....good luck Palmer

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Mits! Beautiful out there today... Get to the beach.....

Mema Jo said...

Visitor at BWE
They do come home for a while...

Mema Jo said...

Off to finish meds and get that 2nd cup of coffee...


Lolly said...

Wow!!!! Our Palmer fledged!!!! God's speed, Palmer! Keep your eyes to the might be our Palmer! Our little miracle is flying! What a year!

Mema Jo said...

Reply from Joseph and Anthony
OH Boy! the boys are so happy!!!!! Joseph wishes he could fly too!!!! Anthony hopes Palmer finds food while he's out of the nest!!
They had such a great time...Thank you for inviting them!!!
xoxoxox Jo and Anthony

Costume Lady said...


Fly high and actually do your best to “reach out and touch the face of God", PRECIOUS PALMER♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Suzanne so great to see you on here ( :

Good Morning in Eagle Land everyone.

Jim it looks like you are the closest wittness to Palmer fledging this AM. Another FLAG DAY FLEDGE. ( :

Ragdoll said...

Good Mornng Eagle Friends!

I see Palmer has fledged. She now can do things with her parents. You go girl!!! She pick the perfect day (FLAG DAY). Good Luck Palmer!!! Freedom for our Palmer.
Mom and Dad had a rough time bring you into this world. I bet they are flying with you with excitement.

I have mixed feelings. So happy whe has fledged, but miss seeing her in the nest.

If I remember correctly, Hidey would come back with parent/parents for feedings at the nest.

Two more days and I am out of school. Whoooooo!!!Whoooooo!

Costume Lady said...

I'm so glad the boys got to see Palmer while she was still in the nest! They will probably hang on to Saturday as one of the great experiences of their life:) I think we all fell in love with them:)

Ragdoll said...

OH Shoots!!!! I was so excited that I forgot.

Thank you Jo for the call over and thank you Steve for the new thread.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn1-Hedgie no exit 19 so maybe they are giving a reference point that it is before exit 20 Spring Mills. I knew I should have been ready early this AM. I kept thinking I have to go in town. Maybe I'll take back way to NCTC to see if anyone sitting in top of tree. Well I brought Little Man in. Don't think them bears want dog meat if they come this way.

wvgal_dana said...

Need some help here Woluld anyone know what I need to do. In my email when I click on the card Jo sent the cursor turns to a hand with a yellow star on it???????

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Wanda we did. They are so polite and mannerly. I loved it when you ask the one if he needed help at the cake. lol They are truly an example of how kids should be.

Mema Jo said...

Big doings at the lake tonight

Link to Larry's Loon (misdated July 13)

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Dana - I clicked on the eagle on the card and it opened .. I hope you can get it!

Thanks for all the compliments on the ggs! I feel the same way about them - Melissa Jo and Michael are doing a beautiful job in raising the children.
You'll see them at Open House!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning again!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now we get to wait for the "following the food in" times!

Costume Lady said...

How appropriate that Anthony would think of FOOD when told that Palmer had fledged! He is a little CHOW HOUND!:) He especially liked Lynn's egg salad:):)

hedgie said...

Law enforcement and DNR did not find or even see the bears. Guess they just kept on truckin'!!

Mits said...

just a quick update on the dates of when the FINNEY chicks hatched....

13.6.2010: Third chick hatched.
10.6.2010 Second chick hatched.
9.6.2010: First chick hatched, 8:52 PM

glo said...

More info on NE from Norfolk can be seen and read here

Costume Lady said...

Hey glad you and Thelma made it up to the Nest Visit and Mattie and Justin, too:)

hedgie said...

That happens to me all the time, Dana. Right click and then choose Open and it will open right up! Has to do with pop-up blockers, or something.
Yeah, I meant NEAR S.M. exit! Closest reference point.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the MT nest thread, Steve.

Thanks for the link, Glo. That poor bird was soaked...and exhausted for sure. Hope he feels like flying today.

Lolly said...

Wow, open the paper and there on the front page a rather large, cute picture of the orphaned Alaska bear cub. So, here is the link to follow. Below the picture you can click to the gallery and another click takes you to the article.

Orphaned cub in Alaska

Thought you would enjoy reading this.....since we do not have Palmer to watch.

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope that NU has a replacement as good as what he is! I see that turtle shell! Like Paula said that once they are pushed out of the nest there isn't any way to find them in all those weeds around the nest tree.
And too many ticks too!

Lolly said...

Did I just hear Palmer?

Mema Jo said...

Louis and Lynn, the bear guys, should meet up and compare notes.
Lolly you still going over one day and
see that cub?

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps Dana will ride by the nest OR
Perhaps Steve could take a look at the nest during lunch..

Think I will email Steve to see if the IT personnel could make a video of her take off.......

hedgie said...

Thanks for update links.
So 11 tonight it will be----MN eastern time, right? Better write myself a note!!
Hope the juvie at NBG has recovered from his dunk.

Lolly said...

Yes, Jack and I will go. This week is very busy but maybe next week. We'll see. I do want to see him while he is so little.

Mema Jo said...

Is MN 1 hr behind us???

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, think the loon cam tonight will be loaded with viewers!

Lolly said...

I think I am in the same time zone, which would be 1 hour behind you, but we better check.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a couple of pics of the eaglet rescue at NBG yesterday!

CHIL forum

Lolly said...

I have to go now. Going to a luncheon today and need to prepare a dish. The retired teachers have the last meeting for this year this morning. New retirees will be there.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sure glad that the mistake was made about the little bear cub. Maybe it's mother was too young to parent properly, like Lily. You will have to make a trip and get pics----sounds like a good place for an abandoned cub.

hedgie said...

It was really funny actually seeing other birds on our cam this morning---didn't see them in the nest but saw them fly into the lower branches and perch.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa from BWE replied to may email with

Mema Jo said...

I did email Steve about any film footage of the 'take off' that could be shared with us... Will let you
know his reply.

Costume Lady said...

PAULA posted a photo of a Milkweed while she was visiting NCTC last Sunday, I believe. I blew the photo up and saw a caterpillar and an egg on it. I have posted it on my WILD AND WONDERFUL blog. Take a peek:) I'm hoping to walk down our road today (before the mowers come and mow everything down) and find some caterpillars and eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

And here's a statement by Duane and some more photos

More Photos

Mema Jo said...

Time to pay bills... past time really


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Glo for the NE link for information. Wow ! that eaglet
would not have survived if that person hadn't seen it. Hope it can rest and get the alitidue to get to a branch.
How neat is that a juvie stops to rest at NBG. No fights. At least I
am hoping it didn't cause NE into
the canal.

Thanks Lynn1-Hedgie for the info I give that a try.

Lolly thank you for the link to that Alaska bear cub. Didn't like the reading if that place wouldn't take the cub they would have to enthanize it. Especially when nothing was wrong with it except under weight probably. So glad International Exotic Animal Sanctuary near Boyd in Wise County flew in and got the cub.

Yes got to be on for MN Loon cam tonight. Will that be 10pm EST or 11pm EST?

Thanks Paula for the Chil forum photos and the other photos of NE from Norfolk Bot. Gardens.

hedgie said...

Can't believe that hummers went through a whole cup of nectar since Sat. AM! Just had to refill, and they were waiting for me to finish!!

hedgie said...

DOuble-checked.....yes, Minnesota is 1 hr. behind us, so it will be MIDNIGHT for eastern time zone, real-time for Lolly and Glo, and 8 for our western folks.

hedgie said...

Nope, make that 9 for western folks. Right??

kickngbird said...

I will never forget the thrill of watching that egg being laid back in February, after the snow exposure had doomed the first 3 eggs - despite the amazing efforts of this pair of eagles that fascinate us so much.

As much as I selfishly want to keep watching Palmer, I hope those beautiful wings will soon be taking Palmer to see things that only eagles can see from heights that eagles can easily get to, with that great eyesight that eagles are known for!

Fly like an eagle, Palmer!

wvgal_dana said...

MIDMIGHT LYNN YOU'LL Have to call meLOL No I will set the alarm if I have to.

Lynn1-Hedgie are you using cup sugar to 4 cups water for the hummers??????

Will look for answer when I get back. Have package to mail, going bear hunting and going to turn in road see if I can see a parent high in the nest. Now if it is around where Paula found it Sat. then I won't be able I don't think to see it from turn in road. Lynn1_hedgie you might get a call.

Costume Lady said...

I just got a call from NORMA. She said that when she got home, her air conditioner was not working and it has been so HOT! Repairman are working on it now. She also has her computer being worked on. She said she didn't realize how much she missed us, until she met with us again Saturday. She said it was like "coming home"!
She told Lise that she is definitely going to the Open House, even if she has to stay in the Hotel:)

Loved the photos of the "Eagle Save"! Thank you, Paula & Glo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Parent in the nest with food. Will Palmer follow?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think with food!

kickngbird said...

First one parent arrived with fish, then another parent joined...

movin said...

Do you see the both parents in the nest with a mackerel...

Looks like an invite to Palmer to have a little breakfast to me.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Actually, it is a whale that was brought in! No Palmer yet but Belle is looking for her.

kickngbird said...

I think it was Lib (judging by size) that brought fish, then Belle soon followed

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, that was Lib that brought in the fish and Belle just arrived. No Palmer yet.

movin said...

I wonder if they are having trouble locating the baby bird or what.

They don't usually get the whole family together on the nest this soon.



kickngbird said...

Nobody touching the food -

FuzzleMT said...

Parents not looking up, but all around - where's Palmer - c'mon Palmer!!

glo said...

I sure would love to see or at least hear close by those Palmer calls about now.

movin said...

Both parents on Finney nest too, and all three chicks hatched as of yesterday. But I can't see any of them at the moment.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are both panting and looking. Wish Steve would go out and see if he can spot Palmer.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is watching something.

FuzzleMT said...

I wish Steve would also!!

FuzzleMT said...

I wish Steve would also!!

FuzzleMT said...

I wish Steve would also!!

kickngbird said...

They seem to be looking in the same direction

FuzzleMT said...

Wow I see I really want Steve to go out.

kickngbird said...

I'm hoping Palmer is in the tree but above them and they are trying to coax her down

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are both looking out toward the road. Maybe Palmer is in the tree right across.

kickngbird said...

I'm hearing something

hedgie said...

Lib and Belle in nest.

kickngbird said...

A little vocalization? Can't tell if it's near or far

Suzanne said...

Lib and Belle are in the house, both looking up occassionally. I'm guessing Palmer is on an upper branch and can't figure out how to get down. Belle even looks like she's eating to entice him!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is going to start eating. Sure would love to see that babe clumsily land in the nest.

kickngbird said...

I got the same impression, that picking at the food was meant to "pick a food fight" with the kid

kickngbird said...

Lib took off

movin said...

Hi, Suzanne! I don't think she's above in the tree....

And Lib just took off to look for her in the direction she fledged...



kickngbird said...

Belle keeps looking up

movin said...

Anybody for a nice mackerel breakfast??



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lib just flew down to the right of the tree.

glo said...

Next to actually getting a hatch this is the hardest part waiting for tht newly fledged to check back in wiht us. Come on Palmer we need this. Send Dana or MeMa Jo or the Captain, Wanda someone. Arghh good thing I don't live there. Remember the year we were ready to pitch tent on the ground Sharon.

movin said...

What was the name of Spunky's big sister?? Remember her wonderfully skillful landing where she maimed about all the eagles in the nest and knocked Lib off the other side??

She was like a guided missile landing.



paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the nest

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana, 4 parts water to 1 part sugar.

Suzanne said...

Hi Jim! Saw Lib flying under the nest, but Belle was looking up. Now she's looking all around, so maybe Palmer took off again. She looks so hot with her panting. Has anybody seen Palmer return to the nest since fledging? I sorta glanced back at comments, but didn't read them.

Suzanne said...

Jim first born was Big Boy (who was probably Big Girl), then Ms InBetween and then our baby Spunky!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ms. InBetween Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, that would have been Big Boy and Ms Inbetween

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I was just thinking the same thing Glo. This is the hard part now, waiting and watching. Nobody has seen Palmer Suz.

glo said...

The hum of the camera is loud when you are watching and waiting.

kickngbird said...

They were both looking up and toward 11 o'clock at first, but since Lib flew off it makes me wonder if Palmer flew off somewhere other than toward the nest and Lib went off after her. Belle has only glanced toward that 11 o'clock vicinity since Lib left, and now she's looking more in the direction of where he flew off to.

movin said...

Nobody has seen Palmer in the nest yet.. 8 hours now. But it's unusual they can't find the fledglings and feed them where they find them...



Suzanne said...

Dang. Thanks, Sharon. Been gone a long time, sure wish s/he'd check in!

Ragdoll said...

Just got back from meeting. See parents were both in nest. Now just Belle. Now my heart is pounding. Were is Palmer? Come on Palmer. Come it you dinner. PLEASE

movin said...

Yes!! It was Big Boy, and they were all together on the nest for a family feed a couple of weeks after Spunky fledged, and HERE COMES BIG BOY IN FOR CRASH LANDING!!



kickngbird said...

Maybe they've already fed Palmer today, at Palmer's location, whatever that was, and now they're just trying to get another meal in? Maybe if Palmer's not so hungry food isn't an effective lure?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still waiting patiently

Ragdoll said...

Well, I am at it again. No it but eat. Dan fingers.

Suzanne said...

8 hours, huh. Well this is nerve wracking! Course we do this every year, until they at least make the first checkin! Belle eating again. Maybe Palmer is close and can see her.

NatureNut said...

OMG!!!! Palmer is flying or perching!! So glad we got to see her before her farewell! God Bless her.
I've been watching cam & reading. Adult is in nest, "Where is Palmer?"We need a watcher at NCTC!! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer, you're out of luck. Belle digging in!

glo said...

Dex and I are going for a stroll. Need s little R&R here.

Debs said...

Nest has been empty all morning. Mom and Dad delivered some nice fish too and no sign of our special juvie.

Congrats on your new independence Spring....Soar High Soar Free and may food always be aplenty.

paula eagleholic said...

It's been a little over 6 hours

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Debs!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is not unusual for it to be a whole day or more before the fledgling returns to the nest.

NatureNut said...

Hi Suzanne! Good to see you again!!
Chirping on the cam~~~not eagle~~~maybe the mockingbird!And Belle crunching away. I wish I could drive right up there!!
Do the fledges watch parents to learn how to fish, or where to go for food, or is it instinct??? I thought early on the parents still bring food to nest for a family meal.

Mits said...

Hi Debs, glad you watched...I remember the name you picked but can't remember the group you are with:).

kickngbird said...

Belle ate - flew off

hedgie said...

Can't see turtle shell.....Belle must have tossed it over!

Suzanne said...

Hi NatureNut! Good to be here for a few. Heard chirping too, but wasn't an eagle. Guess what?! The pics I took just panning the woods Sat of the Pileated trying to find them, I did get one shot. Of a red head. Not nearly as good as yours, but enough to see the woodpecker. That was exciting.
Just wish Palmer would make an appearance. Now that s/he's flying, time for school to start. Lib and Belle do teach them how to fish and hunt, and don't know what else other than how to be an eagle. That will go on for a couple months, then s/he'll get ready to go off on his own.
Hi everybody, sorry if I didn't say that earlier.

movin said...

You're right, Paula. My math are atrocious before coffee.

It was about 5:40 when I saw Palmer last...getting close to 7 hours now.

I sure hope they have found her or will very soon. I doubt she could have gotten too far on no food this morning though.



Suzanne said...

Wonder if that is what Belle was eating making all that crunching noise? The turtle shell, I mean. Hi Lynn! Hi Mits.

Mema Jo said...

Dana just called and she is on the curve outside of NCTC and so excited. She has seen Palmer and saw her crash land into the pine tree and it only took her but a few seconds to stretch out her wings and she was off again. She is not hesded for the nest as you cam watchers know. She is flying Free.
Dana is headed for the Dam to see if she went down there.

Mits said...

hey Suzanne, so good to see you here:)....miss you big time!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzanne !!!! Isn't this exciting! Glad we saw her Saturday.

hedgie said...

Hello, Debs......have you been lurking? Glad you chimed in. Our eaglet is named Palmer.

paula eagleholic said...

Debs has been following our nest on the Hancock forum. They call Palmer "Spring"

NatureNut said...

Great, Suzanne, that you got your pileated. Mine's blurry, Duh, as most of them are. Wish I could have seen the oriole. Paula got wonderful pics of him.
I thought fledges would get some life lessons.Good that they will stay around their home base for awhile.
MT nest :>(

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, good for Dana! Sounds like Palmer is having too much fun to stop for food!

NatureNut said...

Duh, again. Just accidentally noticed Facts about Eagles below the Live Cam. Never scrolled down before....

Mits said...

Lily the Black Bear June 14, 2010 (10:52 AM CDT) Hope kept me waiting this morning. She 'appeared' at the feeding station 45 mins after I arrived. Sometimes she comes barreling in, other times she's stealthy and seems to simply materialize. Energized by the food, she quickly fell into play. As I was driving away, I caught sight of her climbing high into a red pine. -- SM

Mema Jo said...

Dana's phone call really made me feel good and have faith in nature.
I asked her when she saw Palmer crash land if she thought she was going to go rescue her -- In her mind she already decided she would go into the guard and get those at NCTC to do it! She is having a blast!

Mema Jo said...

I wonder how soon it will be before Sue gets the collar on Hope?

hedgie said...

Sounds like Dana is making a trek to the nest.
Jo, glad to hear that Norma made it home okay. I was concerned about her. Too bad about her AC---hope it's an immediate fix. And hope she gets that ol' puter up and running right!

movin said...

Well, at least we know Palmer's alright. Lib and Belle will handle it, and anyway, it's much earlier than most fledglings return to the nest.

Sounds like she probably couldn't aim it back to the nest yet anyway. Hahaha.



PammySue said...

How strange it is to see an empty nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I Am Your Flag

Traditionalists say I was born of a woman's hand -- fashioned from bits of colored cloth by a seamstress in a small house in Philadelphia, a year after the new country was born.

Historians are less certain of my origin. Yet, no one doubts my existence. I was created out of necessity to serve as the emblem of a people whose experiment in nationhood was as unique as the arrangement of my stars and stripes.

I have proved my adaptability to change. I've accommodated growth. I've stood up to time and troubles. I fluttered in the Fall air with General Washington and his loyal French allies at Yorktown. My fabric was shredded by cannonballs from British frigates in the War of 1812. I was carried in triumph by Andy Jackson at New Orleans. The British could see me clearly in the mists of "dawn's early light," waving from the standards at Fort McHenry.

I've witnessed turmoil and bitterness, even lost some of my glory in mid-century in a war between brothers, but I was restored as a nation's emblem at Appomattox.

I traveled West with the new frontier. I flew from the headlamps of the Iron Horse in Utah. I was with the prospectors at Sutter's Mill, with the cavalry against cattle rustlers, with the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill.

I crossed the Marne with the doughboys anxious to make the world safe for democracy. I was with brave GIs storming the beaches at Normandy. I was raised over a shell-pocked hilltop at Iwo Jima and I stood by the grim-faced negotiators at Panmunjom. I was on that last helicopter from Saigon and with the men and women of Operation Desert Storm.

I have been around in victory and defeat. I've seen pleasure and pain. I was raised over the rubble of the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon. I've been folded smartly by soldiers and handed to weeping widows. I've covered the coffins of those who've served country and community.

I also decorate bandstands and concert halls. I am saluted in parades, in schools and at ball parks.

I am part of political campaigns, high holidays and ice cream socials. I fly from skyscrapers and bungalows. I've been to the moon and the ocean floor.

I am everywhere my people are. I am saluted and, occasionally, scorned. I have been held with pride and I have been ridiculed, because I am everything my people are: proud, angry, happy, sad, vengeful, argumentative, ambitious, indifferent.

I was created to serve a people in struggle and a government in change. There are now more stars in my blue field than there were in the beginning and, if need be, there's room for more.

But, those red and white stripes remain as they've always remained: clearly visible through the struggle -- the symbol of the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

I am your past. I am your future. I am your flag.

hedgie said...

From Zoo Atlanta: "We are continuing to monitor Lun Lun closely. We expect ovulation to occur any day now. Dr. Dave Kersey, Assistant Professor at Western University of Health Sciences, arrived Wednesday and is at the Zoo running hormone assays daily. Dr. Kersey is an expert in giant panda endocrinology. He’s also an expert on Lun Lun...
Good luck to Lun and Zoo Atlanta!

Mits said...

good one, Paula, have not seen that one in a long time.

Mema Jo said...

That sure is appropriate Paula for our Flag Day.

Wanda - Thanks for the update with Norma.She really did feel at home again. Hopefully she will soon be back with us on the blog!

TammySue - It's called
MT (empty) Nest Syndrome

Mits said...

yep good luck to Atlanta:)

Suzanne said...

Hi Jo! Very exciting! I'm so glad Dana went to the nest and at least saw Palmer! Bet she is crash landing at the moment. Got to get those new wings coordinated! At least we know she's alright!

Also good news on Hope! That little gal is growing up very fast. Good for her!

Hope Atlanta is preggers. We need another Panda cub to watch and adore.

Love that, Paula! Fly her proudly.

Mema Jo said...

My live feed has been on for 13 hours. Hope the Broadband Cop doesn't come after me. I did leave it on throughout the night. I only wish there were a way to Rewind it.
I remember it could be done on the first live feed. Hope Steve gives us a favorable reply about a video from NCTC's live feed. Maybe they will put together this eagle season on a DVD and sell at Open House.

hedgie said...

Paula, that is a wonderful tribute. TY.

Mema Jo said...

BTW - daughter and family have safely returned from Italy. Haven't talked with her yet about the trip - she just called yesterday to let us know they were home.

Suzanne said...

Glad to hear they have returned safely, Jo!

PammySue said...

I changed my avatar in honor of Flag Day and Palmer's first flight.
Go Palmer!

Mema Jo said...

That is one cool avatar!

I am just eating lunch - really was in a nap mode when Dana called but it didn't take me too long to get with it as Dana was so excited!

This is a wonderful day!

Suzanne said...

Love the avatar, PammySue! Beautiful.

Heading out in a little bit. All have a good day.

Let's hope Palmer does come back to the nest. If nothing else, to sleep tonight! She will be very tired.

Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby is affected by this -
No Increase for Md. Pensions Next Month
For the first time since Maryland instituted annual cost-of-living adjustments for pensions were instituted in 1971, retirees and beneficiaries will not see an increase in their checks next month.
I am so glad our home is PIF

Mema Jo said...

See you Suzanne! Tomorrow I hope!
Safe journey home.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Suz, it is so good to have you on here. I have so missed you!

Ragdoll said...

Paula, How patriotic of you to put "I AM YOUR FLAG" on here for all of us. THANK YOU!

Mema Jo, So glad your family is home safe. I hope they had a wonderful time in Italy!!!

Lolly, How is Annie doing?

All who went to the nest visit. Thank You for the stories, videos and pictures.

I can't wait for October. Sooo looking forward to meeting all of you. I plan on being there. (With Hubby). Just need info on directions, motel, etc.

OKAY Palmer, Just show us your little face. Then you can go back to your fun.

PammySue said...

Are we going to be able to get a video of the fledge?

Mema Jo said...

Link to video for Flag Day

Mema Jo said...

TammySue No word yet from NCTC

Where is Margy????????

hedgie said...

Ragdoll Deb, click on my profile and then on Email Me and send me an email so that I have your address. Then I can give you info for Open House as well as add you to mailing list.

PammySue said...

I need to go take a shower and get ready, but I can't seem to do it. I keep checking the live feed camera. The nest is still empty.

I am actually going to Shepherdstown to hear one of my old professor's speak about the Federal Writers Project in West Virginia during the depression. It's at 7:00 at the Men's Club.

NatureNut said...

Wow, Pam~~if you're going to NCTC, take a look at the nest & trees near there, plz. Maybe you can give us a super report!!!☺ ☺ ☺

NatureNut said...

Guess you won't be on FWS property...

Mema Jo said...

TammySue - leave early and ride by NCTC and look to the skies. lol

I have always contacted you through
facebook....... Could you do the same thing Lynn is telling Deb to do about your personal email address?

Mema Jo said...

Dana will be on here as soon as she gets home I'm sure. More good reports I hope.

PammySue said...

Oh you can bet I'm going to leave early and ride over to NCTC!!!

I just wish I had a camera so I could take some pictures. All I have is my cell phone camera.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nilla is supposed to go by there this afternoon too.

movin said...

Looks like both eaglets on nest at BWE.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nilla is at NCTC looking at the nest tree and she sees no movement anywhere.

glo said...

Well we have 2 eagles now who chose Flag Day to take to the sky. Since we didn't get to see Palmer my guess is that it looked lots like this, and for a few you may never have actually seen this one. Remembering our Spunky and Rejoicing with our Palmer. And of course since the Bald Eagle is the symbol of our country we celebrate them all starting right here with all the eagles we enjoy from Shepherdstown and their thriving once again throughout our land.

Where the stars and stripes and the eagles fly

glo said...

HaHa Nilla has a way with those guards :-)

stronghunter said...

Hi, I keep peeking into see what is going on here. Got "Bessed" when I tried to see a You Tube video. (Bess is the watchdog who keeps us from going to forbidden sites.) I will have to check when I get home.

kickngbird said...

Paula - Reading "I Am Your Flag" I came across the part about Desert Storm and I decided I would proudly mention that my husband was one of those men who served under our flag there. And he wore an eagle on his shoulder, as he was in the 101st Airborne at that time. The "Screaming Eagle" is one of the most famous emblems in the military. I'd like to hear a screaming eagle right about now, but Palmer will be back when she's ready...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Glo she does. She stopped and appointed the one that lives right there the snow clearer for next year. Told him he has to climb up in the nest and clear out all snow next winter.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Watching that video takes me right back to that morning!

FuzzleMT said...

THANK YOU, MEMA JO!! It's very good to know someone saw her in flight and land however awkward and fly again. Flag Dag and Palmer flight day - HOW FITTING IS THAT!

FuzzleMT said...

and make sure you give DANA a BIG KISS AND HUG for the news!

glo said...

LOL Sharon. Did he agree to do it. Or he could just climb up ahead of time. We need like an awning to protect from Snow in winter and provide shade before the leaves come in. Got to slope the awning though for sure. :-)

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for posting the link to the 2006 eaglets... I have always kept that one in my favorites!

hedgie said...

Great video, Glo. Thanks!!! Sure hope someone at NCTC can find the exact moment and copy it.

Lynne2 said...

I'm baack. So good to see eveyone on here celebrating Palmer aka Spring (which is adorable considering she was the hope of spring after the winter disaster)

I wanted to share this video I found of Johnny Cash's Ragged Old Flag in honor of flag day.
Ragged Old Flag

Today is also the 324th anniversary of the US Army.

K'Bird, how cool your hubby served in the 101st......AIRBORNE!!! Mine served years ago in the 82nd.

Glad for the report from Dana! Hopefully Nilla will see Palmer as well. And Pam! Good to have you guys "on the case"!!

movin said...

Well, folks... I've got to take care of some business...

Talk later. C(°ٿ°)D


paula eagleholic said...

Thank you to Lynne and KB's hubbies for serving...

paula eagleholic said...

Someone on NBG chat claims Palmer fledged last night at 9:05....I don't think so!!!

paula eagleholic said...

And that Flag Day post is courtesy of Photographer friend, George :)

stronghunter said...

Rain at the nest.

glo said...

Palmer did not fledge last night. I think all of us on here especially yesterday know she was in the nest from the time of Steve's new thread forward. I saw her on the nest at 10:30pm my time when I headed to bed.

stronghunter said...

Don't think it was as early as 9:05, either. We can look at the comments to verify, but I think I saw her after that time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Raining at the nest.

glo said...

Well 10:30 my time would have been 11:30 nest time and she was there. Only reason i was up at 6 am my time was to try to catch and early morning fledge but she had beat me too it.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Home from the luncheon. Always great to see fellow teachers that are loving the retired life. Good friend just retired, so that is special.

So, Palmer has been spied by Dana. That is great. Now for her to get back to the nest to rest.

Also, need to get in a type the Bacon Pasta recipe and send it out.

Annie is doing great. She is off all meds now and back to her old self. However, the thyroid test did show that she needs to go on meds. Concerned about that as giving her pills is making her run from us, especially Jack as he is the one who has been giving her the pills. We have to take her back to the vet for her annual shots so we will start the meds at that time.

glo said...

UPDATE on Norfolk NE

NE flew very well....toward the nest, hooked left flew near the fountain, then around camera tree, flew again now on maintenance road high in a maple tree. Stephen, Reese, and Lisa were remaining at NBG to keep an eye on him.
by annsva at 2:29 PM

glo said...

and now this form Reese

This is NE on camera now in old camera tree. NC in nest tree and ND in current camera tree. All 3 accounted for.
by Reese at 3:18 PM

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The silence at the nest is different when you know the eaglet has fledged.

PammySue said...

Still looking at an empty nest.
I am about to leave Winchester for Shepherdstown. Maybe I will see parents and 'baby' flying around.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly,

I have good luck with a pill popper with George, at least most of the time. There are certain pills he will not take, and if we use the pill popper with them, he will run at the sight of the pill popper or at the sight of the person giving the pills. (And foam at the mouth. It's ugly.)I had to tell the vet that I can't have that, so he has to find pills George is willing to take.

So far, so good. (George has to take a pill twice daily, and it's important that we are able to give it to him.) Anyway, I recommend the pill popper. I also give the medication at mealtime when he wants to eat. He usually doesn't even stop purring when we give the pill.

Good luck with Annie. Maybe she will like the thyroid pills. Glad to learn that she is doing so much better.

hedgie said...

Lynne, how was work?
Forgot to say yesterday that I'm glad your SIL doesn't have Divec's. Transverse myelitis is probably the lesser of the two evils.

Thanks for that "replay" Paula. Haven't seen it in a long time.

Lolly, you can always try a little bit of butter on the pill---works most of the time for my daughters' cats.

hedgie said...

Good news on NBG juvie! Thanks for update, Glo!

Mema Jo said...

I saw Palmer at 4:00 am

I left the Live cam on through the night.. Would have made a comment at 4 am but I had left my glasses in the bedroom......

Mema Jo said...

KB -thanks for mentioning your husbands service! Very proud for you!

Mema Jo said...

Jim was on the live feed but stopped to comment on the blog and
missed her departure at
5:40 am

glo said...

LOL and from the NBG photographer turned rescuer this comment from the chat and posted on Maine forum is too good to not share.


you should have heard me cheering him on as he flew...i missed a few shots of him flying because I was yelling for him to go, go go!!!
by Duane at 4:09 PM

Gives me chills.

glo said...

Mema Jo . Since we have the time frame so well narrowed down I surely hope that Steve or someone will get the fledge for us. It is so special, not to take away from others but there are no words to say how much folks would love to see it. If they could trace back to ID that GHO we saw early in the season then we know they can trace back for the fledge. I hope I hope.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Wendy will be having many more tests to find out what's causing the Transverse Myelitis. Can't rule out MS. She's so frustrated, poor girl.

Work was, uh, ugly. I'm faced with an incredible dilemma of moral conflict. This lady, for all the good she is trying to do, and bless her intentions, is in so far over her head with these cats that it's pretty much a horrible and not getting any better situation. I'll email you the boring details later. I'm very conflicted about what the right thing to do is. She and these cats need a lot more help than I can provide.

Lolly, I missed the info about Annie's hyperthyroidism. The medication (Tapazole, or Methimazole is the generic) is an extremely bitter tasting pill. I am guessing it was diagnosed with the Free T4 which means she is very early stage. The pills can also cause tummy upset. Did your vet talk to you about RadioIodine treatment for her? This is caused by a benign tumor growing on her thyroid gland. The RI treatment is a single injection, under the skin like a vaccination, and it's curative in 97% of cats, higher if caught early as Annie has been, as it destroys the tumor, leaving healthy tissue in the thyroid alone. It's very, very safe. But it is pricey, around $1200. She'd never have to take the meds again. The cost would have to be weighed out against the cost of potential life time medication and blood work every 6 months, and the hardship involved with once or twice daily pilling. If you are interested in knowing more, let me know. I'm a walking encyclopedia on it, having worked for a few years as a client educator for a treatment center.

Lynne2 said...

Glo, well stated! I sure hope hope hope we have a video as well!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...