Monday, June 14, 2010


Empty Nest Thread.


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Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I have made the request and hope Steve's IT goup can accommodate us

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Lynne, you are a walking encyclopedia...know anything about the condition in dogs? Nugz tested out of range as well, supposed to be retested soon...but no symptons of thyroid issues.

Lolly said...

Lynne, thanks for the cat info. Yes, the test revealed her problem, and we would never have known except for her paw getting infected. I gasped at the price of the injection. I will let Jack read what you sent. We used the pill injector and will probably do that.

magpie said...

Great photos by Loretta on the Nest Visit Album....Thanks Loretta~

Of course I see that empty nest

have a lot of posts to read,
got to "read all about it."
internet was down overnight

saw my first fawn with its mother this morning at Swinging Bridge, and those Red-Shouldered Hawks have definitely fledged, boy are they squawky!

Hello Eagle Pals

hedgie said...

Wow, Lynne you are really well-informed about animal medicine!! Such a shame that you can't get a job where you can use your knowledge!

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Norma, so glad you will be back with us soon by computer.

Nice to meet you, TammySue.

So cool Dana saw Palmer crash land and start over.

Jo, glad family is back home.

Live cam will not start for me.

Going to a viewing so will be back later tonight. Service and funeral at Quantico tomorrow.


Mema Jo said...

I really don't know if we have video. Our staff is stretched thin right now. I will look into it. Steve

I'm sure he'll do his best to find out for us. I realize what he means about stretching staff.

Mits said...

From Zoo Atlanta - June 14: "We had a very busy weekend at the Zoo Atlanta panda building. Lun Lun ovulated (finally), most likely late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. So, starting Sunday morning we did introductions between Lun Lun and Yang Yang to give them an opportunity to mate naturally. Since they did not mate, Zoo Atlan...ta’s veterinarian team, keepers, and curators, a Chinese colleague, and two American colleagues from other institutions stepped in to perform artificial insemination on Lun Lun. We were able to collect enough fresh semen from Yang Yang to perform two separate AI’s on Lun Lun. Now, we sit and wait to see if all our efforts will once again produce a cub." (Kate Roca - Carnivore Keeper III) ~Daniel

Lynne2 said...

Well Paula, in dogs it's always an underactive (hypo) thyroid. Cats are generally over active (hyper).

In dogs, it's so much easier. The medication is much less expensive, and rarely cause digestive upset. It's thyroxine which is what many humans take, a synthetic thyroid hormone. It's not caused by a tumor, just an underactive thyroid. And medicating dogs is SO much easier!
Usually hypothyroid dogs have issues with obesity and skin problems or hair loss. What cannot be seen is the problem low thyroid levels can cause for the heart. If Nugz wasn't too far off on the blood test, the vet may choose to wait if there are no symptoms, and retest in 6 months or a year. Once on meds, periodic testing will be needed to make sure the levels come up, and stay up to normal, usually a month after starting, and then every 6 months.

Mema Jo said...

I need to appolize to Pam by calling her TammySue and not just once but a couple of times. I started wondering about it not sounding right!

I think I used to sing a song called Tammy Sue!

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy, a nest of red shouldered hawks is very noisy!! That is what we had in our yard for three years, now they are in the neighbors....and I love it! I love to listen to them while working in the yard.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to step outside and see if I can stand the heat. It is 95, but if I put the water hose on my feet and stand in the shade maybe I can put up with it.


Mema Jo said...

Mits - she could have twins!

Mits said...

always that possibility Jo, but they always inseminate Mei Xiang twice too.

Mema Jo said...

Margy did you see any eagles around Swinging Bridge ?

Mema Jo said...

I still see that turtle shell in the nest at 5:00

NillaWafer said...

Went to the nest this afternoon called Sharon i sat along the road n listened for maybe her calling but heard nothing.. Checked trees n branches high n low.. Hope they are down along river fishing and Lib n Belle are showing her the ropes of catching a fish.. The guard is the 1 who lives there he didnt know she fledged said he was cutting grass this morning and didnt notice.. So i told him well you live her so i am appointing you the offical snow remover of the nest next They are keeping an eye out for the eagles.. Think Pamela is going over tonight so manybe she will have some luck or at least see Lib setting above the nest on his branch... Have great evening taking Jenny n Jazzy out to dinner...

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

My trainer for Daisy does lots of continuing education....she was up at U-Penn not long ago speaking with a vet there....interestingly, they have found that many, many dogs with behavior problems are hypothyroid. It's really amazing what those hormone imbalance can cause!

Yep, it is expensive. That's a ball park figure....some of our clinics, like AZ and DEL where $800. Given the economy, I have no doubt that payment arrangements can be made. I don't know in Texas of any place other than Texas A & M that does it. But there must be other places. They have to stay in hospital in a radiation ward til the levels come down for them to be safe to go home, anywhere from 3 to 7 days. It sounds much scarier a treatment than it really is. Exposure to humans is minimal. I wore a radiation detection badge, and spent a lot of time with the cats, and my badge never showed any exposure.

In using the medication, ask your vet if you can start her at a lower end dose and gradually work up over a few weeks to the recommended dose. That seems to help curb the tummy trouble. They make these things called "Pill Pockets" that you can get at most pet supply stores. You can hide the pills in those and give like a treat. Or if she likes liverwurst, you can make teeny little meatballs and hide the pills in those as well. Always best to give 2 without the pills first and sneak it in on the 3rd one! If she'll go for that, she might not need to be pilled and that would be easier for all of you! CAUTION....NEVER CRUSH THE PILL and mix into wet food. Like I said, it's very bitter and she may not eat the food. If that all fails, thank GOD for the Pill Popper do-hickey! Try to give her a special treat after you do that to make her feel better! Little by little, she'll be easier to pill. HOPEFULLY!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks for checking on our darlings Nilla! You are right, Palmer is probably getting a fishing lesson.

paula eagleholic said...

Exactly...that's what they said, and what we are should be a vet, Lynne.

magpie said...

So many interesting posts and links
thanks to everyone for all that

Thank you Paula for the video of the Toast to Deb...beautifully done....
nice to catch up on more nest visit things like the comments about Jo's great grandsons, sounds like they surely are "great."

Hope all cat and dog things work out okay

I have not seen the bald eagle at Swinging Bridge since the first time Jo

but, I did some Mud Turtles in the creek ☺ not the quite the same though

Black-eyed Susans are Out!
Or up, or blooming, whatever....
Pretty !

magpie said...

the turtle shell in the nest Saturday,by the way, got flipped over a few times when Palmer was flapping and hopping around the nest

magpie said...

did SEE mud turtles that is

and a turkey vulture slurping up something stringy off the pavement...yuck!

magpie said...

for Berkeley County folks or anyone traveling through, the wood art pallets are up along a few blocks in downtown Martinsburg on Queen Street...there are some very nice ones ! I think I photographed them all might post a few later on

Lynne2 said...

anyone seeing Mountain Laurel blooming yet?

magpie said...

best wishes for a good afternoon and evening....
hope all the difficult things work out

and, I hope we see "The Baby" this evening

I am so glad Megan could make it to the nest visit !

ttfn xo

magpie said...

not me Lynne but if I would do a little more time in the mountains, probably so...

Lolly said...

Yes, my Mountain Laurel bloomed months ago. ☺ Only giving you a hard time!

Lolly said...

My problem now is I have catapillars eating my Laurel. Jack sprayed but it did not seem to faze them. Have been picking them off. Grrrrr!

magpie said...

now I know that two years ago when I heard all these R-S hawks making such a racket, it was a brood of youngsters then too ! I came home that day and was able to identify the Hawk's call at home (from a computer program I have) , but never even thought about young ones then....

magpie said...

hope the live feed opens right up again for you and that there will be a very special young Eaglet in there ☺

Grateful thanks to all our Veterans and active Military and their families, on this Day of Days, Flag Day

xo be back later on

hedgie said...

Another storm in S'town??? Sounds like high winds. Just sprinkled here a wee bit. No wind.
Maybe it will blow Palmer back to the nest.

Lynne2 said...

are these your offenders Lolly?
Icky Caterpillars

Texas Mountain Laurel is really pretty!

Lolly said...

Yep, those are my icky catapillars! First time we have ever had them on my Laurel.(Tree...not my daughter!) LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lynne Don't think the mountain laurel is in bloom - Have not seen any along the roadsides in my travels.

Mema Jo said...

Rain drops here in the valley.

If Palmer is hiding safely in a pine tree - she isn't getting too

Mema Jo said...

Oh my Just looked out and it is
pouring big time.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Dana is home and that we soon hear from her.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner here - Pizza

Sun shinning while it is raining

Going for dinner but first look for
a rainbow!


stronghunter said...


Got home and am watching the news. We had a shower awhile ago. Actually, a hard rain.

I got to watch the fledge video from 2006. I am not sure who posted it. maybe Paula? I'm downright weary.

Going to doze for a little while. Read lots of papers today!!

paula eagleholic said...

Breezy at the nest.

I see the turtle shell still at 5 as well.

stronghunter said...

I hear thunder. May have to shut down for awhile.


BEagle said...

Hi everyone.

Just got home. This blog today is packed.

The flag prose was awesome.

The Channel Island forum post (I think it was Paula) had a pick of Palmer on there and a note. The forum with the NBG eaglet that was nearly drowned...That one.

I was in such a hurry to get to work this morning that I didn't take time to give Jim a big thank you for just being there and posting an approximate time of the flight Sometime Around 5:45 and I think a few of us just missed it..Shirley and


paula eagleholic said...

Glo posted the link to the Spunky fledge video.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula thank you for that beautiful piece for Flag Day. Just had to copy it so I can send it out to some.

Boy oh boy what a day. As I started for the dam to see if Liberty or Belle were fishing. A guy pulling a horse trailer ask if I knew where the Equestiatic Rescue was. Which I did not. I stop
at a place I felt would know and the lady did. Next was the race was on to find the guy and the horse trailer. Man did I learn a lot of back roads down in there.
Finally found him and he said when I ask the horse would be a good horse just for riding. It had been in racing.

I replayed over and over while down by the river and driving that awesome sight. Of a very large dark bird with finger like wings. I knew right away no vulture...I knew without a doubt it was Palmer.
I didn't even really with excitment get my car fully off the road on the turn because she wasn't heading to the nest. I could see that even without the bincoluars but I still used them.
I said, "Palmer if you don't go a little higher you are going to crash into the top of that pine tree. Sqlat! OMG I thought I'll have to get the guard to get help. Then really it was only seconds out came a wing then another. She spread them an flap away she flew. Though plainly I could see she wasn't heading towards the nest. She was not ready for home yet.
She was like a teenager driving a new fast car. LOL LMBO
No eagles or eaglet fishing or in trees.

So back to the nest I headed because I wanted to drive Rt 45 back to Martinsburg. No eagles or eaglet did I see this time.

Headed for Shepherdstown to take 45to Martinsburg. Sent a package off. Called my Mom to see if I could deliver something for her to eat. She had mowing problems and I didn't know it cause I had no signal when I tried to call her. So heading down Rt 45 I made contact with her. Found out about mowing problems and that she took a spill across concrete step and porch in back. She was ok ask for a 1.00 milkshake (very small but nice) from Arby's. So I took her that and stayed with her awhile.

I'll check her tomorrow because I think she is going to be sore. God must have been with her becaused where she landed she should have cracked a rib or a hip.

paula eagleholic said...

3 eaglets and an adult at NBG, one in the nest must have food

paula eagleholic said...

Oh they are fighting over it now

BEagle said...

OH and Sissy too!

I had to laugh at Judie's remark, for once, able to pull up the live cam and seeing an empty nest.
: D

sunny said...

Wow - it really was a fledge this time? I haven't had time to read all the comments, but does anyone remember that Spunky fledged on Flag Day?

BEagle said...

Hi Sunny.

There's a lot of mention of Spunky and Flag Day throughout the blog.

hedgie said...

Lynne, from pics I recently saw from when I was 7, the mountain laurel up at Blackwater Falls was in full bloom in July......

BEagle said...

The TH and the PH and the WE twins are all in view and just messin' around.

Haven't seen any wing work yet.

Little Phoe used to be a little blop in the cam view. Now she/he takes up almost the entire view.
It must be raining, Mom is trying to get Phoenix under her cover.

Mema Jo said...

Dana I am glad you are home
Nilla rode over to the nest also but didn't see any eagles...
She has a comment on here...

What a day for you!

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Sunny - Now just WHO did you say also fledged on Flag Day! roflmbo

We missed you Saturday so PLEASE
mark off Oct 23 as a MUST BE THERE
for Open House.

paula eagleholic said...

and thanks Nilla for checking out the nest today, too.

paula eagleholic said...

NE on the branch at NBG squealing away, they did close up, you can see his beak moving...they prey in the nest is a bird.

BEagle said...

Yea to Nilla.

It will take a while to get this blog "buzz" red.

hedgie said...

4 perches on my hummingbird feeder, and four hummers who fight over one perch! LOL!

BEagle said...

What just happened at NGB?

An adult arrived and it looked like the eaglet was ready for food. Is that the one that nearly drowned?

BEagle said...

The eaglet just branched. Now there's a crowd! : D

BEagle said...

Now NGB is back to one eaglet.
The crowd must have devoured the bird.


BEagle said...

....and left a little for the one still on the nest.

Hawg eagles!

BEagle said...

Still, no Palmer return. I missted seeing the adults come to the nest looking for Palmer. If Steve and them spotted her may he will let us know.

I sure hope they can do a video for the blog.

BEagle said...

Now trying to figure out what the upset is at the WE nest.

Two chick and an adult. They are really fussing. Then the other adult swoops in, picks up a fish that was on the nest and flies off into the sunset with it!


paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, Dana rode over to the nest and said she saw Palmer land in a pine tree and take off again. We will probably see her tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

NE seems to be doing fine, guess he was just exhausted, He took off within a couple of minutes of his release today.

BEagle said...

Oh wow. Dana saw her? Bravo Dana.

I know that once I started driving...I didn't want to stop.

I think there's a parallel in there somewhere. : )

NatureNut said...

Waaa, still MT nest. Hope Palmer comes home for nitey-nite. Don't think she's ever stood up all night! ☺
Well got grey & cloudy here, but probably rain is S of here. I may be watering tonight after all.
Positive Panda news---we may have another watch & wait!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch a tv show

I have my speakers turned up just in case I hear any wings flapping... BBILW

stronghunter said...

Awake from my doze.

Thanks, Glo, for the video of the fledge from 2006.

Wow, Dana, what an adventure.

wvgal_dana said...

Was just showing NE in nest and parent on limb at NBG. Then they panned and showed the canal. Moving all around with camera.

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe a panda cub to watch at Atlanta.

Prayers that the doggies and kitties on here become healthy again.

Lolly send those to Wanda she wants to hatch butterflys or are those you have not that kind?

Can't believe we will loose our "special tree climber Nu" :(

Well Wanda will go over and educate the person taking Nu's place. Although there will never be anyone like Nu.

BEagle said...

NN, I think it would have been hard to tell if Palmer stood up all night, what with spidey's handiwork all over the lens.


BEagle said...

Gosh the nest looks empty. HaHaHa.
It "IS" empty.

Lisa said...

Congrats on the eaglet fledge!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for a cub in Atlanta. That's our only hope for a US panda cub this year.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks so much Lisa! A new panda cub would be great! I am hoping for twins! lol
The Osprey chicks are growning and I can easily spot them in the nest now.
I take it you may be home from FL
It's great you have come here to see us proud Momsters/Dadsters!
Take care......

magpie said...

nice report Dana... very exciting...hope your Ma will be okay...her yard always looks so nice...lovely spot she has there on the corner...
also nice to hear from Nilla on her travels today too

magpie said...

no "baby" yet back at our nest, but "baby" moon is out straight West, with stunning Venus directly up from it...have a look if you can

magpie said...

I posted earlier, nice photos from the nest visit.
and that Zebra Swallowtail: spectacular !

hedgie said...

Dana, hope your mom doesn't suffer any ill effects from her fall. Glad you had an adventurous day. And Nilla, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Where are picturs from people that were at the nest Sat.and took pictures being posted?

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lisa.

Dana, sorry that your mother fell. I hope she is okay.

Thanks for all the animal health info, Lynn.

Hi, Judie. Glad you got at least a look at the nest, empty as it is. (I think I read that you did. Kind of worn out tonight. In no shape to read much right now.)

Would love to see a mother and a fawn, Margy.

Nice to hear from you, Nilla. Hope you will join us in October.

Good night. I am going upstairs because I need to get going early tomorrow. Last day with students.

magpie said...

Jo created a nest visit Momsters Photo just after the Conowingo album, which is just after our current June album
and there are some on the blog spots also

Good Night Shirley... xo ♥

Lynne2 said...

we just took the dogs out to run in the field....hundreds and hundreds of lightning bugs flying around! Puddles tried to eat on...she spit it back out on my lap. I don't think he's gonna make it.

Beautiful baby moon and's such a pretty night, and I heard my wood thrush singing!

Dana, how is your mom, have you checked back up on her?

Lynne2 said...

well Margy, isn't that chickory? I love when it blooms...we have long stretches of it growing on the sides of our road and it looks so pretty as you drive by!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Lynne2 just got off the phone us her. She seems ok but we will see what tomorrow brings. I always check on her daily anyhow. Although she is 84 yrs old she is in better health than me.

magpie said...

Yes it is Lynne...
I think it is a spectacular color, not that many blue wildflowers
speaking of wood thrushes, I heard one at Swinging Bridge today, seldome hear them out there
AND I have finally seen my first lightning bugs

glad you saw the Moon and Venus, gets more stunning as darkness advances but it won't be out too much longer

magpie said...

I bet Spidey is rather confused tonight...and terribly lonely !

hedgie said...

Don't forget...if you can stay up....Larry will be removing the loon egg at 11 CST, MN here in the east, 9 out west. Imagine he will turn the cam off afterwards. That will be that for this year.

magpie said...

and the chicory stays out forever it seems once it blooms...

magpie said...

thanks for that reminder Lynn because I would have forgotten !
At least I have internet tonight...there was some sort of eauipment maintenance overnight...I got home at midnight all set to check out the cam and it didn't come back on for me until after 0900---thought you might have been affected too but guess not ?

magpie said...

equipment that is
and make that 0800 but I tried to get to SB before the swimmers and partiers got there on a hot day so I could check on the hawks

hedgie said...

Margy, is your avatar the chicory? I had stuff that looked like that----not knowing what it was I just always called it a cornflower---don't know where I got that from. Does it lean more towards a purplish blue or true blue??

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, Wanda and I both have pics on our blogs...I gather Loretta has some on hers...I haven't had a chance to check hers yet...Hope your Mom feels OK tomorrow.

So no hope at San Diego for a cub? I haven't kept up on it.

Hi, Lisa! Bye, Lisa! Nice of you to stop by!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Larry's Loon Blog Info:
I will try to leave the camera on for a few days even after they leave the nest so that you can catch a glimpse of them now and then. But then this year comes to an end and we will look forward to next year and a whole new set of adventures.

It is midnight our time to see the removal of the egg - correct? This is going to be very sad... for Larry especially.

Mema Jo said...

Here I go again
Last comment not meant for Lynne but for you know who - the other
Lynn! lol

I am not typing like I am thinking.
I watched a little of Grease! Made me feel old for some reason when they did the 'Stroll'.

Mema Jo said...

Here I go again
Last comment not meant for Lynne but for you know who - the other
Lynn! lol

I am not typing like I am thinking.
I watched a little of Grease! Made me feel old for some reason when they did the 'Stroll'.

Mema Jo said...

If that blogger cop makes me stutter one more time..... He is going to get it big time!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed has been going for 21:50:15.......

hedgie said...

No problems here, Margy. I would assume that the problems you had were storm related. Heard that there was a good bit of damage in varying parts of town....we never got anything here yesterday.

BEagle said...

It may be a good idea to bring "strolling" music 10/23.

paula eagleholic said...

Loretta's pics are in the EM album, great pics of Palmer!

PammySue said...

Just got home.
I did not see any of the eagles flying around the NCTC about 6 o'clock. The nest appears empty now. Has anyone seen Palmer lately? Is it normal for them to not return to the nest the first night?

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo, thanks for setting me straight....straight!! Yep, Midnight!

Lynne2 said...

Our little bluebirds laid a second egg today!!! Wonder if they'll have 5 like they did the first time.



They do look pretty similar!

Mema Jo said...

Loon's nest is certianly getting Hazy looking.........

Margy you have mail.

hedgie said...

Just put a pic on my Lair...a friend found these killdeer eggs on his farm.
There is a nest just like it at one of the high schools in Jefferson County.

Judie said...

Nice to meet you, PammySue. Maybe it was nice to meet TammySue, also.

Peggy Sue by Everly Brothers.

Dana, thanks so much for the report on Palmer. What a terrific experience. Also, hope you Mom is okay.

No new update on Hope or Lily, yet tonight.

Chicory? Is that different from the food type?

Seems everyone has had a nice day. I hope so.

Will be back late tomorrow. Funeral service then burial.

Turning my light off. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, going back the hallway, headed for the tub, or whatever else you are doing. Hope Andy will set the alarm for us tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Pam it is very common for the eaglet not to return the first night - in fact it could be a day or two. Rest assured that wherever Palmer is - an adult would be with her. (I believe that)

She hasn't been back to the nest.
Nilla also reported that she didn't see any around the nest tree.

magpie said...

I think cornflower is more for the wild bachelor's buttons which are rather similar, comes both in pink and blue, and they are getting ready to bust out at SB also
chicory is only the blue, and yes, that is on my avatar
Pam: You will get lots of good answers to your question !

hedgie said...

Lynne, thanks---mine looks more like the chicory.

Lynne2 said...

wow Lynn, can't figure how your friend even saw those eggs...they sure do blend in with the ground!

BEagle said...

Oooh. Pretty blue flowers.

magpie said...

our answers are crossing...cornflower and chicory already clarified ! LOL

Good Night Judie
punch up that live cam in the morning and find Palmer in the nest for us ☺

Mema Jo said...

OH Thank You Judie! It is Peggy Sue!

BEagle said...

When I looked up fledge in the Wikipedia, they pictured a newly fledged bird resting on the ground.

It made me think that Palmer is probably doing a lot of that and Belle and Lib are watching.

Lynne2 said...

Better hit the shower and bed....tomorrow I will FINALLY put my pretty new plants in the ground! Supposed to be cooler and less humid, and I'm thinking it's never going to rain her again in what I now call the "Evaporation Zone". All around us again today but nothing here. We've had no real rain other than a 2 minute shower yesterday and once last week for about 5, in almost 3 weeks.

Good night all, prayers for everyone and be safe Palmer, wherever you are tonight!

PammySue said...

Thanks, Mema Jo.
I had Craig watching the camera some while I was away. As long as Palmer is OK, I'll be OK too. :)

NatureNut said...

Too dark now to really tell if anyone's in the nest---shadowy. Guess it's MT :>( Was out watering flower pots & it rained!!!! Not enough, I guess--have to try & do other half in AM.
I put my visit pics in Momsters album Jo made.

Gotta work on regular pics---have 1st of Mom w/fawn & foxy at Chelsea office & osprey cam pics from Park.

Mema Jo said...

I don't know yet if I am going to watch the Loon cam at midnight - the night light is on the nest now.
I just wish birds had an instinct as to whether an egg is a dud or not.
I know when the egg is removed that the loons will be free! Guess that is the most important thought about it all.

magpie said...

Have you ever seen the "Broken Wing" routine that killdeer parents do? To lead predators away from the nest, we have killdeer nests hre in this neighborhood, fraught with a few stray cats and crows but they seem to make it through ! At least, some of them seem to...
I've seen one killdeer nest in the stones before...
great picture, Lynn !

Mema Jo said...

Pam how was your program this evening?

magpie said...

strange little noise from the cam just now...
no I don't think Palmer, but some other night creature

Liked your Pictures very much, Loretta....

Lolly said...

Hi Pam! Looking forward to meeting you in Oct. Glad you met the group Sat.

Mema Jo said...

I looked at the killdeer eggs on your blog Lynn but I couldn't leave a comment - I'll try again later but before then I'll tell you that the pic is fantastic. I had to look to see those eggs amongst those rocks/pebbles.
Nature is something else.

Lynn Your frog was famished....

PammySue said...

Mema Jo, no big deal calling me TammySue. One of my dad's friends called me Tammy for years. He was hard of hearing and thought my family was saying Tammy instead of Pammy.
God knows I've been called worse. ;)

Lolly said...

I will be watching the Loon cam, but I only have to be awake until 11. ☺

magpie said...

that is one beautiful avatar, Pammy Sue...
glad you are not too far away from this area...that will come in handy for you !

going to leave room for others now been in a magpie mode...

Hope sleep is good for all
will be having the live cam up for awhile

God Bless Us, Every One
and especially Palmer tonight..
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Thx, Margy. I'm so glad we discovered Belle in the tree. I had seen a wing flap & saw a dark blob. Didn't know if a crow had landed, or what!
Our chicory is violet blue, too, like yours, Margy. Love that color~~~like tanzanite!I think Mountain Laurel is LOONG gone from these parts--seems it's out right after azaleas.

Lolly said...

Jack walked down to the mailbox the other day and discovered two birds on the ground. They just stayed there. Then one flew away..low, acting injured. Then Laurel drove up the driveway and the second one flew away normally but low. We did not think they were killdeer, but ground doves. We looked them up and that is what we came up with.

PammySue said...

Dana, I'm glad your Mom is OK. She is very lucky she did not break something.

NatureNut said...

Gotta do hair for work in AM. Had a nap this afternoon & still dopey!

Last time at park, I walked down a path that comes parallel w/the eagle nest. Walked down to the gully edge & anothe green leafy clump right in front of nest top!Guess we'll never know how many chicks were there this year.The camera guy said they would be able to install one now that we have highspeed, but the monkey wrench in the road is big management~~~BOO!

Mema Jo said...

PammySue - is that big snake out of his pen? Tell Craig I said Hello and it was good to meet him. (Still don't like snakes)

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...

I see there have been some questions about the blooming time for Mountain Laurel...blooms in late April. Wild Rhodendron blooms in the mountains around the first week in July. When we travel back to my relatives in Pa. in July, the mountains are absolutely beautiful with those blooms, some are nearly as big as trees!

Lolly said...

Moth flying around the cam. Maybe we will see Spidey come out and wrap up the moth. Lovely!

magpie said...

bungee jumping you described it last week! just saw that here too !

I might still be up for Loon cam....eyelids may disagree

Lolly said...

After our talk today about Mt. Laurel, I went out to mine. Picked 14 caterpillars off of it. Grrr! They have really done a job on it. It is not a big tree as it is so slow growing.

magpie said...

pretty much no question goes unanswered here! are a botanist extraordinaire
GG doing okay?

Lolly I saw movement and thought Spidey but I guess maybe that WAS a moth...when the Eagle's away the other critters will play

PammySue said...

Mema Jo, Mr. B (the snake) is all snuggled up in his cage.

Craig enjoyed meeting you guys too. He has never met a stranger and can talk to anyone, just like my Dad.

Costume Lady said...

I didn't have a chance to tell you about GG yesterday. When we got to her house after church, she was all gussied up with a pretty new blouse (she hasn't cared too much about her clothing, lately)and a touch of makeup. Gene asked her where she was going and she said "I thought maybe you would take me out to eat"! Who knew!
So, we went to Shoney's where she ate a wonderful breakfast and a dish of fresh fruit!
She was almost her old self all afternoon. But when she got tired, she nearly ran to bed:)
She said she slept well all night (and so did I;) )
She was still doing well today. Please, Lord, let this last!

Mema Jo said...

640 viewers signed in to the Loon Cam

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, did you get the newest photo of Hope? She is standing and they are saying how big she has gotten.

Costume Lady said...

Margy...your pretty yellow cups got misplaced and didn't get used:( We had sooo many bags of rolls and chips and desserts, fruits, cakes, that the Momsters brought, that everything was on top of everything else.

I can't begin to tell you all how wonderful those desserts were...EVERYTHING was wonderful!

magpie said...

That sounds very wonderful, Wanda...
joining my prayers with yours for your request to be granted

Lolly said...

No,Jo, I did not get it but should. Guess I will get it now. She is soooo cute! Poor baby alone in the woods!

Mema Jo said...

Just spoke to Jenny on Facebook.
She is stopping by tomorrow to see Kristen and me for lunch.
However, she was picking cherries and scared a tiny little fawn! At first she thought it was a red fox it was so

Mema Jo said...

I hope she is like Palmer and is high up in a tree - safe and sound!

Costume Lady said...

TAMMY mean, Pammy Sue, sorry we didn't get a chance to talk to you very much, Saturday.
It's hard to spread yourself around to 27 people in a few hours.
We seem to have more time to visit with each other at the Open House Dinner and the Friday night dinner is really the best time to get acquainted. Hope you plan to join us:)

hedgie said...

Loretta, pics in album are good, as are everyone elses. I don't find any on your guess I misunderstood about that! Sure would be cool if they could get a cam on your eagles!

Sweet dreams to all turning in.

Lolly said...

Have added yesterday's picture of Hope to the Hope blog. Still waiting for tonights update.

Wanda, that really sounds great about GG and I, too, will wisper a prayer that this continues.

magpie said...

Oh Wanda! Those cups were quite large for the cocktails...LOL !

but another time for sodas and such...thought it was cool there was a way to write names on 'em
not to worry !

hedgie said...

Thanks, Wanda...I was confusing Mt. Laurel with the rhododendron at Blackwater Falls!

hedgie said...

Pam, hope that Mr. B stays locked up tight!!! After that FL report, I would be doubly wary!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad GG had such a great day, Wanda. I hope it continues as well.

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad that GG is doing better. Pray that it lasts.

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic news concerning GG !
Somewhere there was a card for us all to sign for GG BUT it got lost with the yellow cups! Those beautiful yellow cups were very large - in a way I am glad we didn't have those for the Palmer toast.... They were not Margarita Cocktail size glasses. lol

We can use them at our next get together and remember Deb all over!

Mema Jo said...

755 viewers on Loon Cam.

You all may wish to go ahead and
sign in - you may need to refresh before midnight - not sure how long it
stays up. ..

PammySue said...

Wanda, I do plan on attending the Open House activities. :)

Craig and I had to leave early, so that didn't help. We were supposed to go to a wedding reception, but when we got to Martinsburg, my Mom called and said that my niece had been in a rollover accident and was at Winchester Medical Center.
She and her friend were run off the road by another car. Luckily, they were both basically OK--just some cuts, sprains, bruises . . .
It was still a very scary phone call, though.

Mema Jo said...

Not sure on the loon cam if it is rain drops or bugs.....

kickngbird said...

Got home late from work - a little sad to see the still empty nest but smiling as I think how great it was that Palmer waited for the visit before fledging!

I'm too far away to visit myself, but was there with you in spirit, and was so happy for all who did go in person that Palmer was there, and spent so much time peering down at you! And displaying those beautiful wings for you.

Timing is everything! So glad Palmer hadn't taken off before you got there.

And thanks so much for that wonderful eyewitness report!! That's so comforting to know the landing in the pine tree wasn't disastrous. Not elegant, but no harm done. You'll just get better and better, Palmer!

Lolly said...

Jo, I am thinking it must be rain drops. It is all going in the same direction....down.

Mema Jo said...

Link to Larry's Loon blog at 9:41pm &
disregard the date of June 13 that it is under

magpie said...

when(ever) I retire maybe I will start a limousine service and go around the country picking up Momsters and Dadsters for the nest visits and Open House...might have to win the lottery first...
will call it the Little Eagle Express
Hope someday you can be here ♥

magpie said...

hope all will be okay...your niece, was not the bride was she?

magpie said...

I was wondering, about Belle being on the lower branch...rather than the perch above...what do you think, would be the difference?

I doubt if I can watch both Loon cam and NCTC holler if something happens at our nest during that time, please ?

Mema Jo said...

Link to latest Hope update/pic

Mema Jo said...

Margy - Belle would find more shade below the nest - that is the only thing I can think of........

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, don't think any of us would have been able to drive home if we'd had Margaritas in the yellow cups!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jo, I agree. She was hanging out in the shade...she has been perched there before, I'm sure!

magpie said...

stunning osprey at Finland

magpie said...

2 bobbleheads visible Finney, guess the 3rd one is in there somewhere

Mema Jo said...

2 cups of grapes and 1 cup of nuts and some meal worms and formula... that little cub isn't going to stay little very long! She has a good life.
They say that Lily is very near Hope's area - I just wonder if they will ever meet again. Thank goodness for Lynn and Sue.......

kickngbird said...

That's very sweet, Magpie.


We have a wildlife rescue center not far from where we live, and I can get a "dose" of eagle whenever I need it because we have a bald eagle residing there permanently. Sometimes you just need to see a bald eagle, you know what I mean???

We have to travel a little farther to watch them fly free, but they ARE here in our state (Glo lives in the same state and she has captured some fabulous photos of them).

Mema Jo said...

I don't expect anything to happen at our nest anymore tonight. So I am turning the sound on the loon cam and off of our cam for now.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! My live feed cam has been on for
23 hours.........

Lolly said...

There is a bald eagle in the Fort Worth. However, it make me sad when I see him.

Mema Jo said...

WOWSIE! Look how many viewers are counted on the loon cam.........
almost 2000

Mema Jo said...

I hear the loon calling

Lolly said...

Dog barking on the Loon cam. Loon is looking around. Wonder if Larry has started that way.

hedgie said...

Wonder if Larry is on the water. She's acting very alert.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry the chat room is calling it a dog barking....... ?????

Funny sounding dog....

Lolly said...

Jo, where is the counter? I do not see one. Have looked before and wondered where people were getting the count.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Larry is barking so to distract the loon........ lol

hedgie said...

Over 1300 viewers now, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Move your cursor down to bottom of cam

It is really 1353 viewers

kickngbird said...

I know what you mean, Lolly.

I sometimes get mad when I think of what brought that eagle there. (Some doofus shot him and injured his wing.) But then I always comfort myself thinking of the wonderful people who rescued him, and the vet or vets who did surgery on him, and the vet techs and volunteers who've taken care of him, and all the people (I guess that would include me) who donate money to house him in a nice big place (and we're getting him an even bigger one!).

And I think about how many kids are learning to love eagles (and other wild birds and other animals) by seeing him and the really informative displays there. He's so loved well cared for, that even though he can't live a free-flying eagle life now, he eats good and never has to worry about his next meal, and may even be saving a lot of his kind by being right where he is.

And just being majestic and gorgeous and sometimes looking you right in the eye - you know you've been looked at when he looks you right in the eye!

hedgie said...

Down below the cam, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

I am still up, might as well watch the egg retrieval...

hedgie said...

Where the volume adjust thingy is.

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

That's a good perspective, KB

Mema Jo said...

5 minutes and counting

paula eagleholic said...

Now 1526 viewers

Lolly said...

Those are some good thoughts about the caged Eagle....and it is a large cage.

Still no counter and no blog. LOL Think I must be at a different site for the cam.

Jack is giving me a hard time about watching the Loon. He should just go to bed. LOL

Lolly said...

Nice to be in such wonderful, beautiful company. Group hug!!!!

Mema Jo said...

We can see the loon but Larry will need a flashlight..

paula eagleholic said...

(((hugs for Lolly)))

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...