Wednesday, May 19, 2010


New thread.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. I left message on older thread for them.

I will re-try what I wrote over there. Seems my blue link didn't work.
Go to obituaries on left hand side click on that. Go to bottom of the list of people and click on More Obituaries Headlines. Jim is the 3rd one down May 17th. Just click on the blue and it will bring up the obituary.

wvgal_dana said...

Finish bringing over:
Good Morning Those In Eagleland

Thank you Glo I will be with you all at that time on Fri. in prayer.

Mits thanks for the links. I got to see the lion cub on tv it was a quick and I mean quick shot.

I have been having a terrible time trying to get on the blog. "Go away blogger cop".

Must go to town to mail contributions to Locust Grove Volunteer Fire and Fire in Honor of James "Jim" Wilson. He and Ed were very close. Ed's grandfather "POP" and "Mom" raised him. So Jim and his sister Judi and his brother Oran "Chip" (Chip) is from Long Gate, California. Me and Jim always teased each other. Those were my family within Ed's family that we would go to the Lake of the Woods. Shirley knows where it is. Funeral is tomorrow and he wanted to be buried by POP up in Cresaptown. He could have been buried in Arlington. He retired from the US Navy as Chief Petty Officer after 20 years of service. He was like Ed Jim was on oxygen. Last time we went to Lake of Woods. We took Ed's machine with us so we could just plug it in and not worry about bottles. It was so funny Jim and Eds tubing kept getting messed up. Jim was a character he said, "Oh let's just hook them together and we'll suck off the same line making it 10 instead of the 5. lol Chip is a nurse and he said when they were playing Penny Annie Poker "Pop" and Ed's Dad's favorite game, Chip said, "The only 2 winning around here are thoes 2 on oxygen. Someone pull the plugs." tee hee

Shirley I don't know if you know any of them listed in the obituary or not.

I have been enjoying Palmer this morning.

Thinking of Vicky and family and her brothers friends.

Prayers for all that need them. Plus praises for a lot of things God has done.

Mits said...

thanks for the call over, Dana:)

Ragdoll said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Thank you Dana for the call over.

Palmer is taking a nap. Last year was the first year I watch this nest or any nest at all. Sometimes when I check on Palmer I think in my mind There's Hidey. I'm losing my mind.

Ragdoll said...

Haven't seen Lolly on here today. I pray she and her family are okay. Someone said there was some bad weather going on in Texas.

Mema Jo said...

Last night Lolly said - Early appointment in the morning.

Thanks for the call over Dana..
I wish an alarm would go off on old threads once the new one comes up!

Happy Birthday Momster Karen
Hope you are having a great day

Mema Jo said...


Ragdoll said...

Work (students) calls again.
BBL ^..^

movin said...

% % % % % % % % %

Good Morning, aLL.

% % % % % % % % %

I was late to bed, up earlier, crapped out for a couple of hours; and here I am bright and bushy-tailed, looking out at the beautiful, sunny day on my balcony with all the geraniums in bloom.

I noticed there is an Osprey on the Finney-by-the-sea nest, and it is late, late evening... A new attempt to nest this late??

Finney-in-the-woods is doing spectacularly well.

I hope you are all doing well too.



glo said...

per Vicky They have found her brother . His body had crossed over the dam area and he was found in Michigan.

Mema Jo said...

Glo So very thankful for the body being found. Friday's memorial service will now have closure for everyone.
Thanks for getting the word out to us so quickly.
Prayers for all & lots of ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

South Bend Tribune news article link

movin said...

If you want to view some eagle chicks, check out the Channel Island nestcams.



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So grateful for Vicky and her family, they can finally put closure to this! Bless all their hearts!

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Happy birthday to Karen, Jo's Jennifer, and Paula's Bro.

Wanda, hope GG is having a better day today. Does sound like an anxiety attack. Wishing her, and you, a peaceful day.

Well, about Cold Case -- I sent a bunch of scripts but was told they are too "realistic" lol. So disappointed. Really like that one as well as Law & Order.

Was so tired last night fell asleep until this morning. Body is happy about my workout yesterday NOT! Percoset was tempting but settled for Aleve. Had to get my "do" did this morning -- lookin' good!

Four little Kestrels - really cute. Palmer was snoozing a few minutes ago. RTH babies are really growing up. Need to check the lion cub -- thank you for the link.

Dana, sorry about Jim. Hope the service is in keeping with the honor he deserves.

Sad but grateful for the recovery of Vicky's brothers.

Jim, so glad you are bright and bushy tailed but no need to mention sunshine -- jealous.

Okay, off to do some house chores -- just ironing -- nothing strenuous.

Mema Jo said...

Jim I was watching them yesterday and the 3 nests. I bet Dr Sharpe is quite proud of the area!

Judie said...

Oh, Lynn, glad you got the tree treated and hope it works. Also, glad you have your phone working.

Lynne, sure hope you're feeling better this today.

WV sUSAn said...

Hey Jim -- when you refer to Finney in the woods, is that Hailuoto?

Ragdoll said...

Glo and Mema Jo, Thank you for the info on Vickie's brother. It is so sad, but I believe it is best for the family to know then to not know. Now they can put closure to this loss of their loved one. Prayers for all hurting hearts.

Jim, Yeah, you found the sunshine. There is hope after all.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Paula brother, Jennifer and Jo.

Judie said...

Paula, congratulations on the house settlement. Know you are glad to have that over and that a new family will be able to make new memories there.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Yep, had an early morning hair appointment. Now I am beautiful. lol Barbara knows I do NOT like early appointments but that had to do. I like my mornings for reading the paper, coffee drinking, saying good mornint to you, and walking. Oh well, no walking today. After I got home I promptly went outside.

Chance of storms, but presently the sun is shining. Took our new car in to be wired and new brakes installed for the trailer. Getting ready for fall. Actually, hope we travel before then!! They better be nice to my car!

Lolly said...

Have not read back on the blog. Has anyone heard from Chrissy or Iris?

Wanda, so glad GG is having a better day.

hedgie said...

Jo, I watched 2 of the 3 shows....still need to watch NCIS: LA. I don't think that Alicia is going to stand by the jerk of a husband. As for Jethro....don't mysterious. I just hope he finds PEACE. Didn't realize that it had been 20 yrs. since his family was killed.

hedgie said...

I'm really bummed about Cold Case, but Ghost Whisperer not so much----like Mits or Lolly said,I thought it got too weird after Jim died.

Judie, I got beautiful today,too (not!) Don't feel so shaggy anyway, and roots aren't showing now! Take care of your poor legs---you should not have been on your knees scrubbing!

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, I find myself wanting to type Hidey sometimes, too. Think Paula said she does, too!

hedgie said...

sUSan, yes---Hailuto is what we refer to as Finney (land, woods) and Finland ferry is "naturit" site.

hedgie said...

So relieved for Vicky and family that her brothers' body was found. They needed that for closure. I just hope that his son was not there when they did.

I bet Dr. Sharpe is ecstatic over their luck this year!!! It's amazing.

Love the Andean bear names!!!

Lolly said...

Yes, so glad that Vicky's brother was found. What a tragedy! God be with that family and give them comfort and peace.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to head out for a while. Have 30 minutes or so before we leave to get the car.


hedgie said...

No word from Iris or Chrissy.....but see that Iris commented on FB a little while sent her a wall-to-wall request for update!!

hedgie said...

Okay, got an RSVP from Iris for the 12th (she'll be on her way to MI for a graduation), but at least she has successfully gotten computer use straightened out across the pond!

Mema Jo said...

I know that I just read in the comment about the Andean Bear Cubs getting their names but I for the life of me can't find who said it - thought it was Hedgie
Anyway..... Chaska, pronounced Chas'-kuh, for the female and Bernardo for the male!

hedgie said...

Glo, forgot to say how happy I am for you that your family is coming to visit!! Know you will have lots of fun and make more memories!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Birthday wishes for all those celebrating today.

Glad the primary elections are over and we get a short respite until they start for the general election in November.

Last night's tv was "edge of your seat" drama! Left me holding my breath and can't wait for next weeks episodes. Not literally.
Tonight is Law & Order SVU's season finale - should be a good one.

The sun today is playing hide and seek and now that it's near time to make supper it decides to shine.

My prayers going along with others for the needs/wants of our eagle buddies.

Mema Jo said...

I will see Criminal Minds and then
CSI:NY Hubby will probably watch the Law/Order on other tv.

Diann - I look forward to Tues TV shows
All 3 I watched were great....

I am off to Wally Mart to look for 2 small throw rugs for doorways. I need the kind you don't trip over & break your leg! Skid Free!

Hedgie - I'm sure you'll holler at us whenever Iris emails you. Just hope everything were super well!

Mema Jo said...

Keep an eye oh Palmer........

hedgie said...

Ta Da-----message from Iris!!

Here we go again, please post for me....this UK internet is dicey...

We had a fabulous visit!!! Chrissy cooked a wonderful meal and we hugged and hugged and chatted and chatted! It was such fun meeting Frank (who may or may not like "hominy grits" - he was too polite to say) but is a great guy. As you would expect with our wonderful Chrissy! They both have such a great sense of humor. Their son Matthew is a very talented young man - he makes the most amazing figures. I hope Chrissy can take a picture of one of them to show everyone

We had a lovely ride to "Beauly"(spelling) and even saw a steam train.

Unfortunately, since it took 2 1/2 hours to get there by train from London and the same to return we didn't have a whole big bunch of time together, but we made the most of what we had!!! Chrissy nearly got caught in the train doors as we said goodby!
I left the hotel in London at 8:30am, caught a bus, then the train, changed trains, changed trains again and there I was in Kidderminster! Doing things in reverse got a little out of hand as I got steered wrong a couple of times and it was 9:30pm before I got back to the hotel!!!! I went straight to bed - a lot of walking for these poor legs, but worth every moment!!!!

Took a few photos and will post them with Gillian's help on Facebook tomorrow on our way to Scotland. I might have to wait to post them on here - we'll see.

Love and Hugs to you all from Chrissy, Frank, Matthew and Me...

hedgie said...

Welll,,,,,,,this is a test....

hedgie said...

Very strange...I posted a message from Iris.....and it was here, and then it was gone...??????


Here we go again, please post for me....this UK internet is dicey...

We had a fabulous visit!!! Chrissy cooked a wonderful meal and we hugged and hugged and chatted and chatted! It was such fun meeting Frank (who may or may not like "hominy grits" - he was too polite to say) but is a great guy. As you would expect with our wonderful Chrissy! They both have such a great sense of humor. Their son Matthew is a very talented young man - he makes the most amazing figures. I hope Chrissy can take a picture of one of them to show everyone

We had a lovely ride to "Beauly"(spelling) and even saw a steam train.

Unfortunately, since it took 2 1/2 hours to get there by train from London and the same to return we didn't have a whole big bunch of time together, but we made the most of what we had!!! Chrissy nearly got caught in the train doors as we said goodby!
I left the hotel in London at 8:30am, caught a bus, then the train, changed trains, changed trains again and there I was in Kidderminster! Doing things in reverse got a little out of hand as I got steered wrong a couple of times and it was 9:30pm before I got back to the hotel!!!! I went straight to bed - a lot of walking for these poor legs, but worth every moment!!!!

Took a few photos and will post them with Gillian's help on Facebook tomorrow on our way to Scotland. I might have to wait to post them on here - we'll see.

Love and Hugs to you all from Chrissy, Frank, Matthew and Me...

Costume Lady said...

Went to GGs today and she was full of anxiety again, but not shaking like she was yesterday. I think that she knows now that she's not having a heart attack and is more able to handle the anxiety episodes. I'm going to give her her ant-anxiety pill first thing in the morning instead of mid-afternoon, and see how that works for her.
We went shopping for mastectomy bras and a prothesis today. I can't begin to tell you what a hoot that was. GG had been putting a "form" in both cups of her bra because she lost so much weight that the prosthesis was larger than her remaining breast...the "form" made her look even. Well, when the clerk went to measure her, she saw that she had 2 "forms" and said Oh, I didn't know you had a double mastectomy. GG said "yes I did" (she didn't). Then the clerk said "Oh, you had a partial removal of the other breast?...GG said "I must have, there's not much left":) I decided to let the clerk and GG talk that one out!
(I was outside the dressing room door, but could still hear what was going on)
She chose a pretty black lacy one, one flesh color and 2 white. I'm afraid the lace will scratch her fragile skin, but she LIKED it, so we got it. I actually enjoyed myself and I think she did too.


Costume Lady said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that one of the churches in Martinsburg donated $250 toward our Soup Kitchen. Is that special or what?
Makes me so happy! The money is great, but it truly is the THOUGHT!

hedgie said...

Iris will get pics up on FB as soon as she can.

Costume Lady said...

I guess it supper time in most of your homes, or Jeopardy! I'll hop back on here after shows are off for the night:)

Costume Lady said...

I posted 2 comments and neither one printed!:(
Long story shortened..GG and I went shopping today for new mastectomy bras and a prosthesis. She was so funny...I think we both enjoyed the day!

Judie said...

Hi all, literally fell asleep at the computer for 30 minutes. I really am heading to the pillows. Hope I can wake up for SUV finale.

Will try to BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

boy look at Palmer at the back of the nest standing on the edge at 1ish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Now flapping around in the middle

paula eagleholic said...

Well, the deed is done. Mom's house is sold. Everything went great.

Met the buyers for the very first time today....very very nice couple with a 15yo son. Talked a lot with them before we dug into the paperwork. Mom would be pleased knowing such a nice family moved into her house :)

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Karen!

And to Jo's daughter, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Glo for the update on Vicky's brother. I'm glad they found him and can put him to rest.

Sorry to hear about your friend Jim, Dana.

Glo, have a nice visit with your family.

Poor me, still having steak leftovers :)

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer is now plotzed in the bowl.

paula eagleholic said...

Really glad it didn't rain up here home early enough to mow the backyard...soo different than last week mowing in the rain!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent, Lib just arrived with fish! Palmer snagged it and is going to attempt to eat it, I guess....Parent just left!

Costume Lady said...

Something must be wrong with this one's been on here since 5:32 and I have recently posted three posts, but they didn't show up!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer just standing there, lol

Costume Lady said...

OK, that one worked, lets try that again.

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer peering off the right and down...chirping...come feed me??

Mema Jo said...

I thought I made a comment before I left for Wallymart but it isn't showing. So I am testing this one as I am getting ready to sit in front of the TV

hedgie said...

Whew! NCIS WILL be back in the fall!

Costume Lady said...

Fooled around with this blog for so long, I forgot what I wanted to say!

Might just say Good Night in case I can't get on again.

hedgie said...

I am getting really angry with the blogger cop. Everythhing I post is there....until I post again and it disappears.
For the third time, from Iris:

Here we go again, please post for me....this UK internet is dicey...

We had a fabulous visit!!! Chrissy cooked a wonderful meal and we hugged and hugged and chatted and chatted! It was such fun meeting Frank (who may or may not like "hominy grits" - he was too polite to say) but is a great guy. As you would expect with our wonderful Chrissy! They both have such a great sense of humor. Their son Matthew is a very talented young man - he makes the most amazing figures. I hope Chrissy can take a picture of one of them to show everyone

We had a lovely ride to "Beauly"(spelling) and even saw a steam train.

Unfortunately, since it took 2 1/2 hours to get there by train from London and the same to return we didn't have a whole big bunch of time together, but we made the most of what we had!!! Chrissy nearly got caught in the train doors as we said goodby!
I left the hotel in London at 8:30am, caught a bus, then the train, changed trains, changed trains again and there I was in Kidderminster! Doing things in reverse got a little out of hand as I got steered wrong a couple of times and it was 9:30pm before I got back to the hotel!!!! I went straight to bed - a lot of walking for these poor legs, but worth every moment!!!!

Took a few photos and will post them with Gillian's help on Facebook tomorrow on our way to Scotland. I might have to wait to post them on here - we'll see.

Love and Hugs to you all from Chrissy, Frank, Matthew and Me...

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, thanks for the link

Mits, thanks for the lion cub link and info

Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!

Yay, chicks for CT osprey!

Wanda, hope GG had a better day today!

Dana, hope the plugs help and your eyes are feeling better!

paula eagleholic said...

3rd time was the charm, Lynn.

What a great message from Iris!

hedgie said...

Will someone else please post something to break this jinx???

hedgie said...

Where is everyone?

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic accounting from Iris on her visit with Chrissy! Wow! I never ever thought for a moment we would have hugs with Chrissy! THANK YOU IRIS !

paula eagleholic said...

Bless you Palmer!

Mema Jo said...

You watching Criminal Minds -

Is he talking about our blog information

I am going MUM..............

hedgie said...

Posted some pics on my Lair. Take a peek, please!

NatureNut said...

Wow, Lynn, What a wonderful message frim Iris!!!
I thought I could get on here at work, but no such luck. Just got home~~~we are really busy because SOME people won't send their work orders in 'til the last minute or they can't find their stuff that needs updates!
Happy Birthday to All of today's celebrants.
Dana, Prayers for Jim's family and for Vicky and her family---will be observing on Friday.
A couple neat things happened around home~~~saw my first hummer this morning. I planted their red sage (salvia) over a week ago in a window box on deck railing. It is close to the tree where we put the feeder I need to hang. I have a several year old perrenial called armeria in big pot. Last year I thought it was gone---then a few leaves started to grow very late. I gave it Miracle Gro. It got leaves, but too late for flowers. About a month ago I gave it M. G.& today it had 3 pink flowers open!!!They are cup-shaped, about silver dollar size +.
Gonna watch Idol & then part 2---neat stuff at Chelsea office!! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, blogger is doing the same thing to me...posts are missing!

Lolly said...

That is so exciting. I am going to do that some day. I have wanted to go to I just have to go!

hedgie said...

Well, it is doing it again. Last two or three posts are gone. But at least the important one is there.

hedgie said...

I posted some pics on my Lair....please take a peek!

glo said...

Aha News from across the pond :-) Thanks Hedgie

hedgie said...

Repeating again---sorry if others ARE showing up for you all---Jo, Mits, et al: NCIS WILL be back in the fall!

hedgie said...

If anyone is here....reading this or posting....please email me and let me know that I'm not crazy, that the blogger cop IS...

hedgie said...

Maybe we all are only able to see our own posts. Maybe yours are disappearing, too. Anyway, I am giving up for tonight. COunt is seriously messed up, too. Go figure.
Hope all sleep well. Prayers going up.

glo said...

Well I posted this once and actually saw it on here but will say again Hedgie Thanks for posting the news form across the pond :-)

Lolly said...

See what you mean about your blogs disappearing. It has now happened to me!

Lolly said...

Watched AI, won't say who is going on for fear of spoiling it for someone, but it was what I expected.

Mema Jo said...

The home page is saying 80 comments

Only 36 on here

Blog is screwing up big time!

paula eagleholic said...

From CRC on FB

Take a look at the tracking map of Noah. She's in Virginia where lots of bald eagles congregate. She's got great instincts!

Mema Jo said...

Looks like we are missing 45 comments

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Oh my, such great fun to hear from Iris about the visit with Chrissy. So very, very happy they were able to enjoy some time together. Isn't it wonderful the "family" we have?

Darth has a dental appointment early tomorrow. Will be going with him just in case he is not alert enough to drive.

Need to turn my light out but will leave the night light on for others. Pleasant dreams for all. BB tomorrow afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....

So glad they found Vicky's brother, especially before the service. Prayers continue for the family.

WOW, how exciting to hear from Iris! I'm so glad she got to meet Chrissy and family and had such a good time! Thanks for the update Lynn. (and for the funny cartoon!!!)

We just took the 2 "former" tadpoles now Wood Frogs out to the woods and let them go....2 down, 100 to go. Sure would be easier if they all developed at the same rate!

Oriole fight in flight in the yard again today.

Well, we made all kinds of plans for the next few weekends based on our schedules, MIL, etc. and planned a 4 day camping trip for the only weekend possible in the near future, June 10-13 (missing the nest visit) but now....Steve's sister is in hospital. She is having some serious health issues and has had a battery of testing done, and will have another MRI tonight of her neck. Anyway, everything is now back in limbo because MIL is going to FLA to be with SIL, but not sure until tomorrow when all this will happen. Depends on all test results tomorrow. UGH!

Heading to bed, prayers for all and have a good night!

Mema Jo said...

Count on here is 43

Home page is 86

Hey! We're getting double our money's worth.

Mema Jo said...

Spidey didn't do a full covering tonight! Too cool I guess....

stronghunter said...

Stopping to say goodnight.

Jo, I have not been able to post anything to the Momsters for some time. I tried to post a link to a news story tonight, but I do not see a sign of it on the e-mail. I know I asked you to turn something off when I was having computer problems. Is it still turned off?

See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Blog is all messed up, don't know where all my posts went...

heading to bed

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

I was at bridge tonight.

A short story . . . My students wanted to know what I thought of those earrings that require the large holes in the earlobes--don't remember what they call them. I said that I thought one might regret having such earrings because you would be stuck with those large holes in your lobes. The kids thought that I should get earrings like that, and wanted to know what I thought about it. I told them that my birdwatching friends and my bridge club would be shocked. It did, as I knew it would, derail the earring conversation and start a birdwatching conversation. They were surprised that there are nature cameras that can be watched 24-7.

magpie said...

Thanks for the updates on Vicky's brother and the news links...this is so important to the family that Mr. Houck has been found

And thanks for the wonderful post about Iris's visit with Chrissy, Lynn

magpie said...

strange objects in the sky tonight, moon, stars, planets

where in the world have they been ??

magpie said...

intended to post much earlier and forgot I meant to do it:

Suzanne sent me all her extra copies of the newspaper with the NCTC article, so she was also a large part in helping Lynn and me get the articles sent around
I still have a few, have not gotten BEagle's address....and anyone else who might still want one

I'm going to post this again sometime Thursday also...

magpie said...

I guess my posts are showing

know there are a lot of things to comment on, health concerns, and good news...

just have to make it short and say:
I care! Prayers for the needs and Yays for the fun things


magpie said...

oh funny, NOT
now there are posts showing that I did not see when I first signed back up....later ones that is

magpie said...

starting the round of good weather prayers for the Saturday Nuptials Jo

magpie said...

I see, not so much spider web strands tonight, THAT is good news ☺

Costume Lady said...

It's wonderful to hear about the meeting of Chrissy and our dear Iris! Who'd a ever thunk a meeting with one of us and Chrissy would take place. WAY TO GO IRIS!


Lolly said...

This blog is funny! Everyone is loosing blogs! Then, I discovered they show up in a different place and a different time. Spooky!

Wanda, so glad you had a good day with GG. Saw a read your long comment that you lost.

Loved the bra shopping story. Brought back memories as I took my mother shopping for the same thing. You do know medicare pays for them????????

Lolly said...

I have another funny story. When Mother died Sharon and I had to choose her clothes for the funeral home. We did not know what to take in accessories, but we took a bra and two forms. She only wore one on one side, but was afraid she would need both. Well, they used both. I remember Sharon saying..."Well, they used both". We had to giggle. Mother always fussed with her fingernails and complained. Well, that last monthwhen she was so sick she did not mess with them and they grew beautifully. They gave her a beautiful manicure and a pale pink polish. She would have been so happy with her nails.

NatureNut said...

I'm late w/Rest of My Story. Had phone call from daughter & SIL in CA. Their biker trip yesterday continued at Sequoia (has largest tree)~~there wasn't much snow overnight!! Had rain and 40 going to Yosemite. She had about 8 layers of clothes on & said she looked like the Michelin Man!
Anyway, some birdies saved to day at Chelsea. Our resident Kingfisher zipped & chirped across the pond. He dove twice & must have caught a fish~~saw him perched & moving around on a dead tree in the water. Later, went out about 7PM & all these grey looking birds were flying and roosting~~had crests. They were Cedar Waxwings!!! Only the 3rd time I've seen any. Isn't nature grand~~~can make your day!

magpie said...

that's a touching story, Lolly...
as was Wanda's shopping tale earlier...
when my mother died, we chose a dress that she had made, and one that we all loved too....a "Liberty of London" print with white bric-a-brac...

glad you seemed to have dodged any bad weather bullets...

Better take the opportunity to say good night

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Bad weather missed us, OK got the weather and tornadoes again. We still have a chance of bad weather tomorrow afternoon. Going to mow in the morning if it not raining. So, in order to get up early, I am off towards bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Hey there Loretta...
I also saw Cedar Waxwings at Swinging Brige, last week, and have been hearing a scarlet tanager there but can't see it!
And, saw my first black-throated blue warbler ever, a few days ago

NatureNut said...

Gee, top of page says 104 Comments ☺

Love the bra stories! Yes, Medicare will pay for them if you go to a specialty store. I never got one there--depending on the underware, I've used shoulder pads!!

magpie said...

'Night Lol

Grandson James has a Baltimore Oriole in his yard (probably two I would guess)
and some towhees ☺
glad to read that Lynne2 saw Mr and Mrs Towhee at her feeders finally

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I got the Eagle Momsters' email and the link worked great.
I'll check out your status on Momsters.

Lolly said...

Thanks Margy, for your comments. After I posted that, I was not sure I have should have posted it. Did not want to offend anyone.
Wanda's story just reminded me of Momma.

magpie said...

also Loretta:
saw half a dozen Tiger Swallowtails and ONE Spicebush the other day, inhaling nutrients I guess from the creek shore rocks...
got some pics will post this week-end sometime

NatureNut said...

Margy, how great!!!I know you had in your wildflower pics, some wild geranium. For years I've had some growing that I bought at the store, but I can't remember what they were called. Do they have another name, do you know?

magpie said...

My sister in Mass. has pink lady's slippers, she is going to send me pictures!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - your access was No Emails
I have changed that to Daily Emails.

magpie said...

Possibly, Crane's Bill, Loretta, not quite sure but they are similar, acc to the Peterson Wildflower guide I just checked

NatureNut said...

Golly, I just remembered I forgot to take my evening pills!!!!
And of course since TH is my day off, a Drs appt!!!

Better get going~~Prayers for all & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Thx Margy, I knew it didn't have geranium on the label when I bought it, 'cuz I would have been real surprised!

magpie said...

well, we are mostly girls on here Lolly, and we are ARE family...and I don't think the guys would mind know, these things touch all our lives in one way or another

(( hugs ♥ ))

well, Good Night Again...see you Precious Pals on Thursday, which it almost IS
xoxox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going back the hallway

Hope Blogger Cop gets a good night's sleep and leaves us alone tomorrow.

Good Night All
Prayers of Praise being said
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

`I'm late, I"m late for a very important date' .... Wasn't that in a song from "Alice in Wonderland?"

ANyway, goodnight, pleasant dreams and blessings on all. Catch u tomorrow.
God bless!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Off to go with Darth for his tooth repair.

Just want to say I think I have a clue about the blog's mystery behavior -- its Boris -- he knows we don't like him.


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Palmer is taking an early morning sun bath

and there is a hatch at Loch of the Lowe's

Loch of the Lowe's Osprey, Scotland

hedgie said...

Good morning....SUNSHINE! ♪ ♫
Even saw the moon last night. About time!
And all seems well with the blog---seeing everything that was missing last evening!
Chuckled over all the mastectomy bra tales! Also was going to say that Medicare pays for 2 a year. Mom has been taking advantage of that deal now for 25 yrs.
So many cool nature sightings for all!
Shirley, your email and link came through did others replies. Hope Jo has it straightened out for you now.

hedgie said...

Wanda! Is this your letter to the editor in the paper??? Excellent!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just saw the biggest freaking bird I have ever seen in my life in my back yard (and I have seen eagles!!). I think it was a Northern Goshawk but I am not sure. It was as big around as a tree trunk (thought it was a tree trunk till if flew!!) and well over 2 feet tall!! WOW!!!!! Couldn't get a pic, darn it!

Here I was, roaming around the neighborhood in my gown carrying a camera trying to find where it flew to. I am gonna be that crazy neighbor everybody has!!!! Just thought about what that must have looked like to my neighbors! "There goes that crazy woman again with her camera!!" LOL!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Lost my manners in all the excitement! Hope everyone is having a good day! Prayers for Vicky and her family!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Is that Lib in the nest? Well, which ever parent it is, it just got a beating by Palmers wings. lol

Lolly said...

Parent was chowing away in the middle of the nest when Palmer decided to wingersize.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lol, there's barely room for even two in that nest!!!!

Sis....too bad you couldn't get a pic!!

Lolly said...

What letter to the editor did Wanda write?

Was going to head out early to mow, but we had a sprinkling, enough to get it too wet to mow. Will wait an hour. Lots of thunder since 5:30, but the heavy rain missed us.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Lynn! ☺♥ So jealous of the June 12 nest visit. Dreamed last night of our Oct. visit. Am I anxious, or what?!

Lolly said...

I checked the KOA book and it did not mention tent camping at Harper's Ferry. I will email out their telephone number if Susan wants to call them. Or she could google them and come up with their web site. Jack is on the computer right now.

Whoops there goes Palmer stretching his wings. Did not beat his parent this time.

Lolly said...

So anxious to see Iris' pictures of her visit with Chrissy. Sounds like they had a wonderful visit.

Lolly said...

Guess I am going to go eat a bite in hopes that we can mow soon. Best to get it done in the morning.

Have a great day everyone!

Parent is still chowing down in the middle of the nest and Palmer is settled down at 2.

hedgie said...

Birds are all singing and chirping away---they, too, are happy that the rain has stopped!

hedgie said...

Lolly, if it is our Wanda who wrote it, I'll post it if she wants---it was about illegal immigrants!

Don't forget to check my new pics!

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry about your SIL's health problems. If your plans fall through, it it never too late to join us on the 12th!

magpie said...

Checked your pictures Lynn...
nice photos, love the "shuttle."

Here is an idea for a flower planter...(on my avatar)
is on Winchester Ave in Mtsbg near the old Schmidt's Bakery outlet store

time to play in the dirt, going to work on my Megan Flowers

xo Have a good day

magpie said...

first time in a looong time there are NO ISS flyovers in our area for anytime soon
miss that old rascal !

magpie said...

forgot to mention

Geranium, in Greek, Geranium means "crane" - hence, the Crane's Bill alternate name
here is a nice link for it :
Wild Geranium

Judie said...

Back home with patient Darth. He has a really fat lip. He'll go back next week to have the stitches removed.

Checked the Osprey chick and actually got to see it. Wobbly but Isla is there doing what she does best.

Palmer is resting last I looked.

Now to begin some searching for DVD episodes for some crime-related material. Going to check out a Dr. Phil program on abusive mothers and an Oprah series on child molesters.

Wishing everyone a sunshiny day.

Oh, we have one of those "Sissy" types in our neighborhood but without a camera.

Sissy, would love to know what type of bird you saw.


magpie said...

Hi Judie Bye Judie
at least the Dentist is responsible for that fat lip!
hope your day is a good one, good luck in your search for DVD's looks like it could be a little dismal, the subject matter :(

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - decided to come on in before reading everything. Hope the count is being kept accurately today.

Love that sunshine out there!

Mema Jo said...

SISSY - Hope someone didn't get your pic! lol You better check out your local Bluefield paper!

hedgie said...

Judie, is there any way that if you find the shows online you can download it to puter and then onto a disc???

hedgie said...

That does make a cute planter, MArgy! Bright!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy. Tree is an oak.
I saw a really neat tip in Birds and Blooms....put a small bean/ sandbag over top edge of open car window to rest camera on to get steady shots! I need to try that. Not sure if my shuttle pic is blurred from my shaking or if because of wind maybe causing some movement of the lights.

WV sUSAn said...

I didn't see it posted, may be already, but they have the first hatching at Loch of the Lowes. Yippppeeeee The Lady,in all her aged glory, has once again brought yet another osprey into the world, with two more eggs in waiting. Loch Garten should have a hatch Friday or Saturday.

Costumelady -- glad that things went well w GG. I know how much she appreciates all you do!!!

WV sUSAn said...

And a big hello to all. Just on here a minute. Gas man on his way, plumber just left. Gas leak at my furnace. yikes Just about have it all worked out now. WHEW BBL

magpie said...

Chick is adorable Susan,
in view now
I was watching the egg "move on its own" this morning about 2 am our time was real excited to see the fuzz buzz
and right on schedule! thnk I saw a crack in one of the other eggs too on their close-up zooming

good morning more morning people

more dirt means more fun, (that's from Alfie of Thomas the Tank Engine) so back out I go

WV sUSAn said...

Oh, and one more thing. So excited to read note from Iris about her visit with Chrissy. I know they were both so thrilled to get to spend time together.
What a boost for Chrissy at a time when she needed it most.

Spreading the Eaglet Momster love!!!!

magpie said...

thanks for the picture taking tip, Lynn - I have some herbal sacks would fit the bill well !

WV sUSAn said...

Sissy -- Ill bet your neighbors wished they had a camera, too. OK, OK, I'm going now. hahaha

Mema Jo said...

Latest link for Mason Update

Mema Jo said...

Is the blog acting up again OR where did everyone go.

Just finished my email clean up!

Now I have pics from Germany to go through as a slide show. BBILW

NatureNut said...

Popping in for a sec~~~
TY, Margy for the flower link & info. Makes sense--ger. means crane!!! Mine are blue.
As most of us have noticed, Spring has sprung a little early this year-- just saw parent downy woodpecker giving suet to baby boy hanging on the branch!!! Think I've seen that before around Father's Day.

hedgie said...

sUSan, sent you an email on Yahoo mail!

Thanks for Mason update. One step at a time.....

Ragdoll said...

WOW!!!!!!Look at the wing span on Palmer.

OPPS.......Good Afternoon everybody.

Ragdoll said...

It must be hot at the nest. Palmer is panting.

Someone mentioned Hummingbirds. We put our feeders up beginning of May. They came right away. They usually arrive around the 10th to the 15th. Have to put three feeders up on three different sides of the house. It gives them a better chance to feed before being chased away by another hummer.

Ragdoll said...

I'm going to my grandsons baseball practice tonight. He has graduated for 2 yrs. of T-ball. Now he's on a league. He feels like a "BIG BOY" now. You have to love it.

magpie said...

Sounds great Ragdoll, sure he will be so proud to have you there ☺

Mema Jo said...

I am still watching for my hummer(s)
Flowers/feeders are out and waiting...
I think they visit my neighbor first..

Going to get some sunshine

magpie said...

intended to say Paula
best wishes on the closing of the house...a sentimental event, no doubt, sure there are lots of sweet memories there.
I peeked at Paula's Prints, and saw the beautiful poem you posted on Mother's Day, and the great picture of you and your Mother on YOUR graduation day, then went back and looked at a lot of the other neat photos you have posted.
Thinking of you ♥ (( hugs ))

magpie said...

nap time here, work time at 6 pm
If anyone would like some Forget-me-not seeds, originally from Massachusetts and now I guess hybird with West Virginia, let me know, mine are going to seed now

Best wishes, all
thanks ever so much for the dear friendship on here

magpie said...

Palmer is enjoying life in the sun for a change !

Ragdoll said...

I forgot to say---he is 6 1/2 years old.

magpie said...

Thanks for the Mason update
They refer to "Road Trips..."
would it not be Way Cool if they would make the
nest visit on June 12?

movin said...







Ragdoll said...

Have to finish up the work day. BBL - Have a nice rest of the afternoon.

hedgie said...

New thread-come on over!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...